The amount of anger I have at the establishment cannot be articulated.

This is because even I, a non-scientist, saw through the crap back in 2020, told everyone to calm down and was mocked and silenced and even distrusted by those close to me.

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Many us share the same boat. I, as well, am not a scientist. I am however an engineer by background and none of the simple math being presented by governments from the beginning made any sense. A senseless endeavor by those with no sense and ulterior motives. A true crime against humanity, in my view.

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Seriously, I think so many people assumed that this was something only 'Scientists' could opine on, but anyone with a sense of curiosity could see through the bullshit. The data was there,

Understanding statistics does help.

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Plus they censored and ridiculed the scientists who questioned the narrative. John Ioannidis from Stanford conducted seroprevalence studies that indicated the virus wasn’t so lethal. Martin Kuldorf, Suneptra Gupta, and Jay Battacharya of Harvard Yale and Stanford wrote the Barrington Declaration. Many doctors have treated patients with off label therapeutics and warned about the jabs, but they’re censored and some are having their medical licenses revoked.

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Exactly. A travesty from day one. The GBP signatories should be celebrated as heroes; instead they’re either vilified or ignored.

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This idea that you need to be some kind of "expert" to see the obvious is a truly dangerous idea.

I had a career in finance/investing, and in the early days, I was downloading and analyzing case and death data myself. It was obvious that masks weren't doing anything. And other, even more ridiculous measures were just that: ridiculous. There was a time early in the pandemic when you couldn't bring your own grocery bags into the Cambridge, MA Trader Joe's. What are the odds that the bag is infected, but the holder is not? And how exactly would that bag exhale on someone? Pure ridiculousness.

And even today, Fauci is going out in a blaze of vaccine-recommendations. I don't think the elites realize just how much damage they've done to their long-term credibility, how difficult it will be to get back (assuming they ever start to try), and what the long-term consequences might be.

I went from mostly trusting our institutions to not trusting them at all.


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This idea that only the experts can know the truth is so flawed it has its own logical fallacy, appeal to authority. And still the media and various institutions of influence continue to say we must trust the experts. They do this because for those in power its cheaper to buy off a hand full of experts than to try and get the masses to believe a lie.

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Although late to the party on this posting, I have to add that I couldn't agree more. Dr. Scott Atlas's ongoing lament was "the data was there". He repeatedly made the point that our, well Birx's & Fauci's, response to this virus was NOT data driven. He tried to bring a real sense of science and data driven medicine to the Covid response but the deep state was having none of that from this interloper intruding into their bailiwick. The deep state drove him out and we were all the worse off for it.

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What did it for me was IHME model. As someone who does health data analytics, I followed their model every day from the start. The projections were alarming. But one day, in early April 2020, I opened it up and the projected death toll was a 1/3rd of the day before. Now I get assumptions change, but that was pretty dramatic. Worse, Dr. Birx stated that was one of the models they followed closely for recommendations. At that point, I assumed they had no idea what they were doing.

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The trick as you apparently discovered is trying to find accurate data and to a great extent the books were cooked by our own government. While I clearly don't agree with Berenson on many things I started looking at the data that he was presenting early on and looked for collaboration from other sources. I knew that I was on the right track when many of those sources started to be shut down and silenced. The good things about time is that truth regarding any matter cannot be put in the dark forever and we are now seeing the floodgates open based on the diligent efforts by others. I applaud them all.

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You don't need any data when dealing with the government or any private sector regulated by government to see when somethings not right precisely because you cant trust their data. What you can trust is that humans act in their own self interests and for pharmaceutical executives that means selling their products regardless of effectiveness or risk and minimizing liability. For government that means acquiring what's needed to get reelected to stay in power so you have more years to monetize your position via political favors.

When playing poker you dont play the cards, you play the player. Same is how you deal with the Federal Government leaders and employees. You know the majority are not going to act ethically so watch what they do, how they respond. The initial red flags for covid for everyone should have been how hard they marketed covid fear to the public. There's no way we could have known initially that they were lying about its lethality but within 2-4 weeks it should have been obvious to most that what they were selling us was not matching up with our own experiences. It was 6 months before I indirectly knew anyone who got covid. The way they were marketing it everyone should have directly known several people who got covid within the first 30 days.

Its not as if pre covid our Federal government had a reputation for being truthful and reliable so why did so many just believe the government without questioning it?

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When I observed the model was always predicting things that never happened and that they had data to refine the model but it remained wrong, my faith ended. Whatever assumptions were embedded were clearly wrong. Did they ever improve?

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Yes, a little bit of digging and looking at the numbers/data coupled with reflection will tell anyone the truth about the great lie that was imposed upon the general populace even as they smiled and told us to trust the science...the evil so-and-so's. They will burn in hell.

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I hope so,

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World wide holocaust!😢😡

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This is me too as but a simple engineer. We live in a world of provable mathematics and observations. I figured this thing out super fast and was absolutely shunned and ridiculed for it. All I was from those closest to me was a “you were right”

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Most government math doesn't make sense and hasn't in a long time because they can't report honest numbers, they have to fudge it so as to keep the public blind of just how bad a job Gove does of pretty much everything. If they reported accurate inflation numbers people would have been infuriated long ago. For inflation they report dummy numbers which become official numbers used by anything depending on them like companies that pay employees cost of living wage increases annually. A few months after the Feds revise the numbers to a more accurate vue but by that time the damage is done. That's just 1 example of how these Federal level bastards screw the people.

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Yup, fortunately my wife is even more paranoid and conspiratorial than me, which in this instance served us well as a family being as this was a massive scam.

Fortunately the sort of people who would go for this are ones you dont want in your life anyway.

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I agree my husband was a covidiot, wore a mask and was going to get vaccinated until many of his customers told him of their side effects from mild to severe and several have dropped dead, blood clots and heart attacks, i thank the lord he saw through the madness even though I wasn’t getting through initially

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good for you. That must have been difficult to live together for a time.

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Oh it was as he was in deep with covid. He told me have the jab it’s our way out. Worse a mask that caused an ulcer inside his nose. Used to shout at my older son for not wearing a mask that he was putting both of us at risk, I didn’t wear a mask either. I went online to make his vaccine appointment but thank the good lord that there were no appointments. He’s a taxi driver so had thousands of customers in and out of his taxi for over 2 years before he caught covid. It was his customers telling him of their side effects. We did have a friend in December 2020 who went to hospital with covid as he was struggling to breathe. He’s a fit healthy guy, slim, runs a gym so I think that had an impact. Hid friend came out of hospital but he’s had all the jabs and his view is the jabs have got us out of the pandemic and people shouldn’t have had a choice. He’s now too far gone. Thankfully husband is awake to what’s going on, and he said he’s angry with himself for being fooled.

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I've been following the CDC data since March of 2020. The number of covid deaths and the number of pneumonia deaths are roughly the same, even by age cohort. Here's the data: https://data.cdc.gov/NCHS/Provisional-COVID-19-Deaths-by-Sex-and-Age/9bhg-hcku/data

Covid is about as harmful as the regular ol' pneumonia. Even in March of 2020, the covid deaths vs the pneumonia deaths were roughly the same. Despite the massive overcounting and financial incentives given by the CARES act to call everything a covid death, covid has never been any riskier than pneumonia.

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For the under 18 cohort, COVID was less deadly that three of he last five flu seasons. That data came out in the second quarter of 2020 and we still shut down schools. That's when I knew we were in trouble.

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My partner is a pastor and has done numerous memorials of ppl who died after taking the jab. It’s heartbreaking.

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It really is and young people dying way before their time. I hope those that have done feel the fury of their maker

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The plandemic certainly helped separate the wheat from the chaff, the trouble makers for government Authoritarians from the compliant

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saved his life for sure. So many people are now dying from the shots, it is just incredible some still go for boosters. You must really have a death wish !

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I haven't had the shots and most people I associate with have had them. They continue to do fairly well, although they do seem to get more cold-like symptoms and "allergies" than before. But none of them have had any really bad results. Therefore, they don't believe the idea that people are dying from the shots. A relative in PA died after 5 months probably as a result of the shots, a person I worked with died in his sleep on a plane back from France, and a friend in Costa Rica also died probably as a result of the shots. Several younger people have died but my shot and boosted friends think it's just normal. They all seem to be doing well.

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The odds of adverse reactions to the jab is high enough to warrant the drug being banned ( when compared to previously banned vaccines that produced adverse reactions ) but not so high that they can't keep lying about it, pretending like it's a few and very rare. Pharma has to get the vaccine added to the childhood recommended vaccines list so they can secure absolute protection from any and all liability. This is why they're pushing it so hard on kids. Even though they have protection from liability now that can fall away if it's shown in a court that they failed to live up to their side of the contract and the recent admission tgat they had not tested the drug to see if it did provide immunity could do that. If they can get it on the childhood vaccines recommend list that will supercede the contract at least in the US where pharma faces the grestest risk of lawsuits

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U need 2 show them the " Died Suddenly" video. SimulationCommander linked to it a couple days ago in this comments section - AA pilot story

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same here. A few had nasty side effects, having flu like symptoms and miss work for a couple days. And at least 2 had the virus after having the shots. I know one elderly man die 3 days after, be he was 96. Luckily so far no one had more than that. An uncle had a very light stroke. I don't know if he got boosters, but he did get 2 shots early on. Hard to tell. Let us hope for the best. I read that the vials were very different, so it might be they are not all as bad !

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My wife has an appointment for her 4th shot. Madness.

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Did you smack him into reality?

You should have…

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Yes and some of them run HOA Boards, now suddenly they are gone. The bullies took the jab. I haven't stopped crying for weeks ! 🤗🤭🤣🙄

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Beware of the person who wants to be on an HOA Board and especially those who actively campaign for it! There’s often an ulterior motive besides the power trip. I missed a meeting and was nominated and voted in as HOA President without my knowledge. When I reminded my “friends” I told them I didn’t want the job, they said, “And that’s exactly why we wanted you”.

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You are fortunatate as you two are on the same page. My hubby is more of the 'I trust the science' & 'I've always had vaccines and there's never been issue'. Sigh....it's been a difficult few years as I'm the 'No friggin' way am I taking that shot' kinda gal.

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Similar — only in my case hubby thinks: “I trust my doctor and my wife has always had WebMD tendencies” … honestly he’s the type that is too busy (doing good in this world) to spend time doing his own research. It’s been really hard on me to have this issue come between us, as we are a very like-minded pair on most important issues.

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thats rough, we already didnt take vaccines

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Keep the faith, he’ll turn at some point

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Sadly, that is the entirety of my wife’s family, including her and our young son.

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You keep wondering when they’re going to wake up

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And yet, how much marginalizing and ostracizing have real Americans really done to force these Demoncraps from our neighborhoods, communities, and American society in large?

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Yes!! So true.

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Just keep going. Keep speaking the truth and keep calm while you're doing it. If anybody tries to shout you down or insult you, don't take the bait.

One thing I've learned is that it is very hard to change a person's mind about something that they have strong feelings about.

People have the choice of believing that they've been told the truth and that their government was always just doing the right thing or they can believe the opposite. That's too difficult of a bridge for many to cross. It's very disturbing to find out that you've been lied to for so long over something so important.

Some will say things like, "I just can't believe that my government would do this". It isn't that they don't believe you as much as they don't WANT to believe you. It takes time. People have to come to their own realizations. Eventually the truth always wins out.

It's important also to recognize that there have been many useful idiots pushing the narrative. Many don't know that they've been duped and they are unwitting participants of the machinery of lies.

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the ppl who were easily taken advantage of are easily incited and stirred up for any "victim mentality" Cause....like BLM, LGBTQ, Covid Vaxxines to protect grandma, Global Warming, Hate and bullying, My Gay Son....etc... Anyone who can be revved up to these made up Causes simply to incite fear and division will be taken advantage of over and over again! You MUST stay humble and not take the bait! It is all designed to pull you away from God as your provider and make you think that you must DO SOMETHING to get your needs met outside of God....ergo believing in pharma/fauxci/vaxxines instead of your God given healthy immune system.

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Agree. I emailed the newest film, “Died Suddenly” to a few people who have just faded from my life over the past two years. I figured we can seal the deal with a farewell film.

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I doubt they'll watch. I thought it was far more effective than the real Dr. Fauci, which has, much to my dismay, turned into a supermarket of stuff they want to sell.

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I recommended the film to an MD. Now, I'm sorry I did. I think there are many things in the film that are questionable, though most of it is accurate. Unfortunately, the questionable things will allow the establishment to dismiss the whole film.

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Yes I try. If you Google dr john Campbell he’s a uk retired psychiatrist nurse, medical educator. I’ve not been listening to him since the start but the last few months he’s been looking at data and he’s awake and he’s covered many things about vaccine injuries and excess deaths. I know you’d tried to persuade him he would not have believed you. It’s come to him via his own learning and realisation which you can see from his face has been difficult and he’s angry. Take a look at today’s. He’s got a big following just like Russell brand and avoids the key words that get you banned. I agree it’s hard to swallow that pill that harm is being done to us purposely.

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Hmm. How much is purposeful? It is hard to say. I’d say that XI’s release of C19 outside China was a decision. Conscious.

I’d say some are aware. May God forgive them. Or maybe this is God’s way to get us to take back our freedom.

To not trust the elites (by the way, I was raised in the bosom of the elites, so I see from a different angle than some).

Many duped themselves. Many were duped by others...some “go along to get along” and they trusted the authorities.

How much was purposeful?

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It was absolutely purposeful. I believe they most likely released it in Wuhan for cover. Unthinkable to most of us, but I remember how many millions Mao killed during the Great Leap Forward or how many kulak farmers Stalin killed by starvation in Ukraine, and Pol Pot’s Killing Fields in Cambodia. History shows us that Communists are utterly ruthless and savage. The CCP wouldn’t flinch at sacrificing the people of Wuhan if allowed them to strike at America and the world with a devastating biological attack with out any significant repercussions.

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Many Tens of millions of moronic minions who vote “D” or “R” after getting off the toilet to then shit on society.

The public sucks, F hope- George Carlin 1996.

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I sympathize with your feeling.

But do not give up hope.

Things were never that good. They are not that bad, everything considered.

The world has always needed to be improved.

And it is beautiful. And it will improve.

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Me too. I was banned on SM and quit FB all together.

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I had to quit FB altogether because I didn’t wanna see how dumb some of my friends were.

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Yeah i had to make accts where I was only friends with shitposters

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Haha...me as well. I could not stand to read the posts anymore..so I left gladly..do not miss it at all. It has been over a year.

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Yeah, the worst was all the moms trying to out-do themselves with how judgmental and preachy they were. All those idiots making cloth masks to donate....how ridiculous that was.

Otoh, I think they were the ones most pissed off afterwards when they realize what they needlessly put their kids through.

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In my experience, those same virtue signalling moms are also unquestioningly for the US support of Zelinsky and the Ukraine no matter the cost, either in dollars or in the threat of nuclear weapons. Someone on this blog challenged me because I said the Ukraine conflict is not as simple as "Putin bad, Zelinsky good" and suggested he should delve a bit deeper into the history of Russia/Ukraine/NATO before he made any pronouncements.

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I would’ve agreed with you on that prior to Putins February invasion. The damage he has purposefully wrought on the civilian population is unacceptable behavior in a civilized world. Nothing excuses it. Ukraine wanting to exercise it’s sovereignty and choose to align with Europe is only a threat to Russia if you include the threat to Putins ambitions of territorial conquest and power. The die is cast and we must support Ukraine if only to teach aggressors like Putin and Xi that the costs are too high.

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How do you know Putin has "ambitions of territorial conquest and power"? Perhaps because the media told you so. You are basing opinions on false information -- which makes your conclusion false, too.

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I have to smile a bit at your certainty of this while you condemn the same people who pushed the covid narrative for their mendacity. I know from experience there is little point in engaging you in any discussion. Your mind is firmly made up and no evidence to the contrary will sway you. But I can't help myself.

I do not say Putin Good. But I do say

Zelensky Bad. If you know any history, you know the terror he and his Azov battalion wrought on the ethnic Russians in the Donbass and Luhansk. Do you think the US is blameless in the invasions we've launched killing millions or the invasions we've supported - Syria, Yemen, Libya, Iraq, Vietnam, Panama, Honduras, etc.? No, all those wrongs don't make a right, but I think there is a biblical quote which I'll cite "First take the beam from your own eye and then you will see clearly to take the speck out of your brother's eye." I am neither religious nor wont to quote the bible, but this seemed appropriate. Also the Czechs were very supportive of the "poor" Ukranians. Now that they've been invaded by the "poor" Ukranian refugees and they have to appease Russia to get some heat this winter, they don't show so much support. This proxy war is not about any altruistic fervor on the part of the US. It's about regime change. That isn't going to happen without nuclear annihilation. Yes, everyone caught in the middle of the war is to be pitied and the deaths mourned, but, as I said, it is not a simple black and white discussion, argument, action, what have you. Presenting it as such is disingenuous, not to mention dangerous. Enough people who actually control such things may become convinced they can get away with a "limited nuclear war."

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yes, I have not been on FB since May 2020.

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I had to stop using normie facebook because it was too depressing and then all my soks were always banned for a while lol

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Yep, I was banned on FB, Twitter, and Yahoo. Most of my comments are muted on YouTube too. If social media companies were really smart, they'd realize that they are basically pissing off half the country. Isn't the social media business about "getting eyeballs"? My eyeballs go to Rumble and Bitchute as the mainstream companies have really rubbed me the wrong way. I'm also pissed at Disney too and they can suck an egg for all I care. Watching FB stock drop precipitously gives me great pleasure. Seeing Twitter get shaken up is good too.

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This is the culmination of evil forces that have taken over medicine since I started almost 40 years ago. It started as “managed care” which morphed into medicine was more about making money than patient care and wellbeing. Then strictly business and finally that business almost completely controlled by the pharmaceutical industry and medical equipment manufacturers. Add evil politicians, bureaucrats, medicocrats, complicit MSM and Big Tech, and evil billionaires such as Gates, mix it all together with some Mass Formation Psychosis and you get the biggest crime against humanity of all time.

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tven, "the amount of anger I have at the establishment cannot be articulated." That's where artillery comes in handy.

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Same level of frustration….especially since in WA King Inslee still has mandates in place and just ended emergency powers. I will never forget the shame put on those of us who believed in our natural immunity. What we did to kids will be a stain on our history and the madness continues. I am not sure we are clear yet since the elites were not sent packing and we are more divided than ever. For us, never again! Not one mandate and very little trust for the medical community and education….never have trusted government. Let’s hope for wisdom out of conservatives moving forward. And always…Let’s Go Brandon and his whole establishment. 🇺🇸

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i also live in WA and absolutely hate Inslee, but the "emergency" ended Nov 1, FINALLY

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I know when it ended as I am still on an exemption and watch that fool closely. My point is that in camparison, it might as well have been yesterday!!! He will put them back in as soon as they give him permission. I work in the arena around education and they hung their hat on monkeypox and now on RSV. They own that worthless person who calls himself a leader. I wish all of America sat in my meetings, you would all be shocked and disgusted!! Let’s Go Brandon and Inslee!! 🇺🇸

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You should still trust the medical community as most practicing physicians didn't agree with Fauci and the draconian measures taken. It's the public health clinicians you shouldn't trust.

Most public health doctors go into that career because they can't make it in the private sector.

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I wish you were right but we have 2 family members practicing in Texas who called everyone stupid who did not take the jab. One ER and one family practice. I have had multiple conversations with different doctors I have seen since 2020 and they are all speaking the same talking points, even telling me to get jabbed when I stood up for my natural immunity. Sorry but they have lost their credibility. Medical schools are indoctrinating as much as everyone else now and "do no harm" is in the back seat to go along with the popular liberal rhetoric.

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Yeah, my favorite IM doctor, both as a personal physician and member of my medical staff, came down hard on the other side. In fact I quit FB after he started posting some very passionate opinions about people like me (he didn't call me out personally) and I decided it was time to stay below the radar.

Every position I ever took, starting in April of 2020 has been proven correct, but I'm shocked at how many people still hold on to the science fiction.

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I don't really know if any of us know what is in the minds of "most" doctors but as a doctor myself and someone who knows a lot of doctors I can say that most of the doctors that I have come across are drinking the Kool Aide. One who lives on my block said that she believes that all those who refuse to get the shot should be forcibly held down and given the shot.

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Me too

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One upside: when I meet people with similar thoughts and experience like you there is a deep intelligent connection. It is rare but wonderful.

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You're correct, though we are few.

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Nov 27, 2022
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I can't say I ever liked Trump. I like Biden, et al even less. The left cannot give Trump up. I don't know if no one has ever read that quote about there being "no bad publicity." If that's the case, they give him plenty of it. I don't trust any of them however.

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Truly kind

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Perfectly put.

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It can for me in the following words, if they were carried out; “Drummers! Beat the LONG ROLL!”.

I too saw the BS early. Told all I could, the virus does not worry me but what they will do because of it does. And, like you, I was mocked and silenced. Still am.

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Same. Certain people treated me as if I was encouraging animal abuse or child abuse.

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Same here.

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I also wrote a letter to the editor of our local Texas newspaper in early May of 2020 where I predicted the lockdowns would decimate our country, and it would take decades to recover “if we lasted that long.” Sadly, especially for our children and grandchildren, we won’t. It is what the Democrats, and the entire Culture of Death, have lead our country to. They are too stupid to realize that most of them won’t survive either.

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Did I make a comment to suggest otherwise??

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My story as well. Although I was a data analyst technician and therefore was accustomed to analyzing data.

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Me too.

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What a disaster. All the destruction wrought by public health “experts” yet the average age of Covid death was higher than life expectancy. What buffoons we have in public health.

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They are actually your enemy now and cannot be trusted. I was at the obgyn two weeks ago. She’s passing out flyers in her waiting room that say, among other things,

“There is a limited amount of safety data available on COVID-19 vaccines during pregnancy at this time, but what experts know so far is reassuring”

Breastfeeding: YES-go for it!

Trying to get pregnant: YES-go for it!

The physicians at ______ all recommend getting vaccinated during pregnancy. IT IS AN EXPERIMENTAL “VACCINE” WITH NO SAFETY DATA. NO!!!!

As Dr. McCullough had stated, these doctors are in a “trance”.

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Find a new ob/ gyn Renee ... run away !

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Believe me, I know! I was at her mercy because I had a huge cancerous tumor in August. I had to spend 3 days in the hospital and I was scared to death…of the hospital! I trust NO doctors anymore. It’s a really frightening place to be. I did an Advanced Directive and had it notarized (not that they care or would abide by it): NO vaccines NO ventilators NO transfusions NO REMDESIVIR…I’d rather die than have these Dr. Frankenstein’s experiment on me. I know too much now.

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Thank you! And may God The Father guide you and protect you!

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You as well

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Just wow. You rock, Renee! Your fortitude alone should heal you. 👍🏼

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You are a precious soul of God! Never forget THAT! All God’s love and blessings to you!

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You can expect to hear, "I don't know what caused your miscarriage, but it definitely wasn't the vaccine. Your baby died suddenly of a stroke caused by a blood clot."

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They see the $$$ only. People as objects to profit from, not seeing ppl as loving beings able to give and receive love. They are heartless narcissistic money driven empty shell of ppl like fauxci and most politicians. No truth in them. But when they self destruct....they do it in a big way! Just look at Hunter Brandon and Paul Pelosi ! The shit is gonna come out sideways, just give it time. You do not get to hide it forever.

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Time? How much time?

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You’ll be amazed at how God, Truth and Goodness work. For strength I read PSALM 91. This is what protected me before I was “let go” at my job.

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ohh, you lost your job? That's awful. It's because they took God out of everything that everybody's gone bad. I pray for our country every day that He will right everything.

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"... The physicians at ______ all recommend getting vaccinated during pregnancy. IT IS AN EXPERIMENTAL “VACCINE” WITH NO SAFETY DATA. NO!!!! ..."

♫ ♪ when you see the sign that points one way ♪ ♫

♫ ♪ Just walk away, Renee ♬

Cue The Left Banke:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6uqBTzfcIk4 ♪ ♫

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Good one !! … but run don’t walk..👀

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I’ve always loved that song! Thank you! 💜

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Nooooo Renee M.

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Medical zombie trance

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NOOOOO is right!!!!🤬

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