So true. I didn't realize how evil people could be until they thought they were facing an existential threat. Maybe now they know they WEREN'T facing an existential threat, they'll do a little soul searching.
So true. I didn't realize how evil people could be until they thought they were facing an existential threat. Maybe now they know they WEREN'T facing an existential threat, they'll do a little soul searching.
NO! the ones in my life are still coming up with BS excuses and made up mumbo jumbo to cover for their ignorance. Anything to avoid admitting being wrong! (humility is the way to God, not arrogance and 'know-it-all attitude). We all have self-delusions, but daily repenting is the only way.
So true. I didn't realize how evil people could be until they thought they were facing an existential threat. Maybe now they know they WEREN'T facing an existential threat, they'll do a little soul searching.
We all need to be reminded sometimes.
NO! the ones in my life are still coming up with BS excuses and made up mumbo jumbo to cover for their ignorance. Anything to avoid admitting being wrong! (humility is the way to God, not arrogance and 'know-it-all attitude). We all have self-delusions, but daily repenting is the only way.