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What a disaster. All the destruction wrought by public health “experts” yet the average age of Covid death was higher than life expectancy. What buffoons we have in public health.

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They are actually your enemy now and cannot be trusted. I was at the obgyn two weeks ago. She’s passing out flyers in her waiting room that say, among other things,

“There is a limited amount of safety data available on COVID-19 vaccines during pregnancy at this time, but what experts know so far is reassuring”

Breastfeeding: YES-go for it!

Trying to get pregnant: YES-go for it!

The physicians at ______ all recommend getting vaccinated during pregnancy. IT IS AN EXPERIMENTAL “VACCINE” WITH NO SAFETY DATA. NO!!!!

As Dr. McCullough had stated, these doctors are in a “trance”.

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Find a new ob/ gyn Renee ... run away !

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Believe me, I know! I was at her mercy because I had a huge cancerous tumor in August. I had to spend 3 days in the hospital and I was scared to death…of the hospital! I trust NO doctors anymore. It’s a really frightening place to be. I did an Advanced Directive and had it notarized (not that they care or would abide by it): NO vaccines NO ventilators NO transfusions NO REMDESIVIR…I’d rather die than have these Dr. Frankenstein’s experiment on me. I know too much now.

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Thank you! And may God The Father guide you and protect you!

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Just wow. You rock, Renee! Your fortitude alone should heal you. 👍🏼

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You are a precious soul of God! Never forget THAT! All God’s love and blessings to you!

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You can expect to hear, "I don't know what caused your miscarriage, but it definitely wasn't the vaccine. Your baby died suddenly of a stroke caused by a blood clot."

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They see the $$$ only. People as objects to profit from, not seeing ppl as loving beings able to give and receive love. They are heartless narcissistic money driven empty shell of ppl like fauxci and most politicians. No truth in them. But when they self destruct....they do it in a big way! Just look at Hunter Brandon and Paul Pelosi ! The shit is gonna come out sideways, just give it time. You do not get to hide it forever.

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Time? How much time?

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You’ll be amazed at how God, Truth and Goodness work. For strength I read PSALM 91. This is what protected me before I was “let go” at my job.

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ohh, you lost your job? That's awful. It's because they took God out of everything that everybody's gone bad. I pray for our country every day that He will right everything.

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"... The physicians at ______ all recommend getting vaccinated during pregnancy. IT IS AN EXPERIMENTAL “VACCINE” WITH NO SAFETY DATA. NO!!!! ..."

♫ ♪ when you see the sign that points one way ♪ ♫

♫ ♪ Just walk away, Renee ♬

Cue The Left Banke:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6uqBTzfcIk4 ♪ ♫

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Good one !! … but run don’t walk..👀

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I’ve always loved that song! Thank you! 💜

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Medical zombie trance

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NOOOOO is right!!!!🤬

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It’s a Pfinancially induced trance.

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I don’t understand how a human being can do this to another. And we wonder how Nazi Germany happened. I see now how it happened.

And what I’ve learned through reading, is that eugenics was going on in America before it hit Germany. Talk about an eye opener! I don’t know where “it” begins or ends.

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Remember that even with he case of Germany none of this happens overnight. It took years for teh Nazi's to get from criticizing any group of persons to a full blown managed genocide of an ethic group. We don't see it that way because it was so long ago and so when we're taught history its a condensed fast forward version. This is important because these horrible acts and violations committed by governments against it's citizens always is done incrementally. Those behind it will make small reasonable sounding incremental steps to move the line of teh social norm until it's where they wanted it to be and they often are will to take the time to do this. They count on humans feeling guilty if they ever refuse toc compromise because the one who isn't willing to compromise is made out to be the villain. Thus they incrementally compromise us from string point to desired end point over time.

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Also keep ion mind many are being coerced themselves as the licensing institutions have been weaponized against professionals. If your a doctor and you challenge the narrative expect an investigation and possible loss of license to practice medicine. If you work in a job that does not require a license like doctors and lawyers have to have then it's a lot easier to say push back because if you lost your job you can go elsewhere but these guys can't if they loose their license. I'm not saying what they are doing is right but offering up some additional info on why so many are seemingly going along with this BS; why do few are resisting. This weaponizing of licensure is everywhere now. It's why licensing should be optional. Let the "buyer be ware". Make it so someone who has no license is required by law to let you know but let the consumer decide if they want to deal with someone who is licensed or not.

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I would have to draw the line at something that is literally killing people. I will never trust another doctor ever again.

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And a valid line that is. Thankfully I'm one of the states in teh US that still believes in Rights and freedoms (Texas) so my doctor(s) aren't towing the narrative (not pushing the vaccine) there only doing what is required to keep operating like telling you about teh vaccine (just once) if you haven't gotten it yet, testing your temperature, masking although here recently that's changed it's now more locally managed. For example in Dallas you still have to mask in medical facilities and if you haven't volunteered to be a lab rat for the covid gene therapy drug being marketed as a vaccine you have to get a covid test with documentation (so no home test allowed) from the facility you got the test at before you can enter Baylor hospital in downtown Dallas all b/c the city is run by a control freak Democrat and the test must be within teh last 48 hours of your visit. In the outer sub-urban areas you don't have to mask or do anything else anymore. One of my specialist docs even t9lld me I could remove teh mask after I was out of teh waiting area and in a room to see him. He was no fan of thr mask but at the time (3 months ago) masking was required in the city he's at.

I haven't seen every comment so maybe you already mentioned it but have you been jabbed yet or were you able to avoid it?

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My bf and I both lost our jobs. I was forced to retire after 23 years as a deputy sheriff, and him after 17 years as a deputy sheriff. How the city treated its’ employees is despicable. God is what got me through this (and everything else). God is where I got my strength to say NO! And the GRACE.

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Glad u live there , I thought of moving there, but Austin poor Austin .. I used to go to Barton Springs in medical school.

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Like every state , even Florida, we have some crappy urban centers b/c there run by Democrats. Dallas has it's downsides too. Once you get out of these large cities though it's like going from night to day. I moved here from North Carolina 15 years ago and it was the best move I ever made. One would have to offer me a large sum of $$ to move back to NC. The only alternative state I would consider is Florida and possibly Arizona and or Tennessee but of those Florida is the only place I'd give any serious thought to. I don't know it is in those states but TX takes great pride in supporting the 2nd amendment. Even in my small suburban town we have 2 gun stores as well as Walmart selling firearms and one of those stores has a a training range (inside and outside) and provides lessons. It's a real sweet setup, nice to go into a store an no one freaks out about guns being around. Now it may not be the same way in teh large urban crap holes here but it is outside of those.

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That’s good to know thanks

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Some of us have religious exemptions and I only see the aftermath as a ob laborist.

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So you got them to honor your religious exemption? From what I've read people are having difficulty with both public and private entities honoring the religious exemption. Those in teh military have had to take the military to court to get it to honor their religious exemptions. I think at least 1 case won but not sure which branch it was. In any event it's just startling to see how many brain dead NOPC's we have in America, people still promoting the jab when they're not person who would in any way benefit from the vaccines use by others. I get why the Feds and Pharma execs are pushing it, for $$$, but why in the hell people are still promoting it is bizarre.

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And the tragedy of this is that many of us will never trust public health agencies ever again. If only enough of those people had been brave enough to oppose the vaccines and lockdowns. If only there was an open and rational discussion about this. Unfortunately too many were afraid for their jobs and their short term reputation. Making public health policy on the fly as a reaction to mainstream media fear mongering is unforgivable.

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It was all narcissistic virtue signaling. Very contagious, obviously! Yet it shows the carnal side of man that is repulsive to God. Do whatever you have to to get that cursed spirit of self righeousness off of you and REPENT! Humble yourself or you will be humbled. Pride goeth before a fall,,, is a simple life lesson.

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So true. I didn't realize how evil people could be until they thought they were facing an existential threat. Maybe now they know they WEREN'T facing an existential threat, they'll do a little soul searching.

We all need to be reminded sometimes.

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NO! the ones in my life are still coming up with BS excuses and made up mumbo jumbo to cover for their ignorance. Anything to avoid admitting being wrong! (humility is the way to God, not arrogance and 'know-it-all attitude). We all have self-delusions, but daily repenting is the only way.

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I have seen a bit of evidence that at least some of the sheep are now feeling rather sheepish about having been scammed by this whole thing. But no way are they going to admit they were bamboozled.

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Nobody likes being scammed and very few will admit having been scammed. I'm not brilliant but I'm like a hunting dog when it comes to detecting bullshit.

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There never will be a discussion about it either.

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This is the BEST explanation of horrible, sickening scandalous, murderous PANDEMIA crime of the century which should be shared widely: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=npBqHcpswMo. It's over 3 hours long but worth listening to every minute.

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The morons are those who believed their BS.

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I wouldn't call everyone who believed them morons. At the beginning we had no reason to not take the government serious. Now anyone who is still promoting the jab today is either not real smart, highly educated and well programmed & conditioned (ie college grads) or NPC's who were programmed via the indoctrination provided by teh public education system K-12.

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What I learned in elementary school was enough to tell me that what they were telling us to do would have no effect on stopping a virus. High school and life taught me that government is not to be trusted. Additionally, medical officials world wide just taking everything the CCP fed them about covid and its treatment should have set off the loudest of loud alarms that our governments were not to be listened to.

At the very beginning I stated to a now former friend that the virus did not scare me but that what would be done because of it terrified me. My worst fears have long been surpassed. This has happened because not enough people cared enough to stop and think about what was being fed them. These are the folks, every single person I know personally in Japan, that screamed at me for “not taking covid seriously”. Yes, they are morons. Worse, actually.

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And Fuck-i will be revered and loved for YEARS until this narcissistic Sociopathic weasel/ diseased motherfucker dies!

And hundreds of millions of cowering kneeling losers deserve to watch his canonization as St Fuck-hole!

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Nov 23, 2022
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My MIL's senior group at church lost 21 people in 2020 - none of them from covid. Forced isolation on the elderly is inhumane.

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