My wife is a medical professional licensed by the state and lost her job. She cannot get a job due to these mandates. SARS-COV-2 and the mRNA shots are not dead. Once people can support their families without the mandate for these shots to be an issue, they are not dead.
My wife is a medical professional licensed by the state and lost her job. She cannot get a job due to these mandates. SARS-COV-2 and the mRNA shots are not dead. Once people can support their families without the mandate for these shots to be an issue, they are not dead.
In the US? Are states allowed to mandate? Its why Biden only threatened a mandate to scare people. An actual mandate would have been legally challenged. Your wife should consult an attorney. I’m sorry for you and your wife. The vaccines are not effective and COVID like all viruses is weakening. Pharma is going to continue with the fear mongering , now “naming” every strain of influenza that arrives on the scene...for which they will have a vaccine. People are going to end up with weakened immune systems.
That is frightening. My cousin in Mass has every booster available.... just had her third case of COVID. The brainwashing is insidious. I hope your wife and people in the same situation are able to be compensated for losing their job under false premises.
My wife is a medical professional licensed by the state and lost her job. She cannot get a job due to these mandates. SARS-COV-2 and the mRNA shots are not dead. Once people can support their families without the mandate for these shots to be an issue, they are not dead.
In the US? Are states allowed to mandate? Its why Biden only threatened a mandate to scare people. An actual mandate would have been legally challenged. Your wife should consult an attorney. I’m sorry for you and your wife. The vaccines are not effective and COVID like all viruses is weakening. Pharma is going to continue with the fear mongering , now “naming” every strain of influenza that arrives on the scene...for which they will have a vaccine. People are going to end up with weakened immune systems.
Yes, in the US. New England.
That is frightening. My cousin in Mass has every booster available.... just had her third case of COVID. The brainwashing is insidious. I hope your wife and people in the same situation are able to be compensated for losing their job under false premises.
Should probably move to Florida. We're free here.
But don't come here and blue it up.