And the tragedy of this is that many of us will never trust public health agencies ever again. If only enough of those people had been brave enough to oppose the vaccines and lockdowns. If only there was an open and rational discussion about this. Unfortunately too many were afraid for their jobs and their short term reputation. Ma…
And the tragedy of this is that many of us will never trust public health agencies ever again. If only enough of those people had been brave enough to oppose the vaccines and lockdowns. If only there was an open and rational discussion about this. Unfortunately too many were afraid for their jobs and their short term reputation. Making public health policy on the fly as a reaction to mainstream media fear mongering is unforgivable.
It was all narcissistic virtue signaling. Very contagious, obviously! Yet it shows the carnal side of man that is repulsive to God. Do whatever you have to to get that cursed spirit of self righeousness off of you and REPENT! Humble yourself or you will be humbled. Pride goeth before a fall,,, is a simple life lesson.
So true. I didn't realize how evil people could be until they thought they were facing an existential threat. Maybe now they know they WEREN'T facing an existential threat, they'll do a little soul searching.
NO! the ones in my life are still coming up with BS excuses and made up mumbo jumbo to cover for their ignorance. Anything to avoid admitting being wrong! (humility is the way to God, not arrogance and 'know-it-all attitude). We all have self-delusions, but daily repenting is the only way.
I have seen a bit of evidence that at least some of the sheep are now feeling rather sheepish about having been scammed by this whole thing. But no way are they going to admit they were bamboozled.
Nobody likes being scammed and very few will admit having been scammed. I'm not brilliant but I'm like a hunting dog when it comes to detecting bullshit.
And the tragedy of this is that many of us will never trust public health agencies ever again. If only enough of those people had been brave enough to oppose the vaccines and lockdowns. If only there was an open and rational discussion about this. Unfortunately too many were afraid for their jobs and their short term reputation. Making public health policy on the fly as a reaction to mainstream media fear mongering is unforgivable.
It was all narcissistic virtue signaling. Very contagious, obviously! Yet it shows the carnal side of man that is repulsive to God. Do whatever you have to to get that cursed spirit of self righeousness off of you and REPENT! Humble yourself or you will be humbled. Pride goeth before a fall,,, is a simple life lesson.
So true. I didn't realize how evil people could be until they thought they were facing an existential threat. Maybe now they know they WEREN'T facing an existential threat, they'll do a little soul searching.
We all need to be reminded sometimes.
NO! the ones in my life are still coming up with BS excuses and made up mumbo jumbo to cover for their ignorance. Anything to avoid admitting being wrong! (humility is the way to God, not arrogance and 'know-it-all attitude). We all have self-delusions, but daily repenting is the only way.
I have seen a bit of evidence that at least some of the sheep are now feeling rather sheepish about having been scammed by this whole thing. But no way are they going to admit they were bamboozled.
Nobody likes being scammed and very few will admit having been scammed. I'm not brilliant but I'm like a hunting dog when it comes to detecting bullshit.
There never will be a discussion about it either.