It was absolutely purposeful. I believe they most likely released it in Wuhan for cover. Unthinkable to most of us, but I remember how many millions Mao killed during the Great Leap Forward or how many kulak farmers Stalin killed by starvation in Ukraine, and Pol Pot’s Killing Fields in Cambodia. History shows us that Communists are …
It was absolutely purposeful. I believe they most likely released it in Wuhan for cover. Unthinkable to most of us, but I remember how many millions Mao killed during the Great Leap Forward or how many kulak farmers Stalin killed by starvation in Ukraine, and Pol Pot’s Killing Fields in Cambodia. History shows us that Communists are utterly ruthless and savage. The CCP wouldn’t flinch at sacrificing the people of Wuhan if allowed them to strike at America and the world with a devastating biological attack with out any significant repercussions.
It was absolutely purposeful. I believe they most likely released it in Wuhan for cover. Unthinkable to most of us, but I remember how many millions Mao killed during the Great Leap Forward or how many kulak farmers Stalin killed by starvation in Ukraine, and Pol Pot’s Killing Fields in Cambodia. History shows us that Communists are utterly ruthless and savage. The CCP wouldn’t flinch at sacrificing the people of Wuhan if allowed them to strike at America and the world with a devastating biological attack with out any significant repercussions.