With a masters degree in public health, 25 yrs experience in clinical setting, plus work as a lowly tech in a neuroscience lab before my grad studies, this smelled fishy to me after just three weeks. By April 2020 I knew more was afoot than govt and “scientists” were saying. You did not have to be too clever to notice this. I’ve never b…
With a masters degree in public health, 25 yrs experience in clinical setting, plus work as a lowly tech in a neuroscience lab before my grad studies, this smelled fishy to me after just three weeks. By April 2020 I knew more was afoot than govt and “scientists” were saying. You did not have to be too clever to notice this. I’ve never been jabbed and never had covid or any colds at all so far. I haven’t lived under a rock. I was back at air travel by May 2020 at first blush and made 3-4 trips/year since. But… Extended family and many friends think I’m the crazy one. They’ve been poked over and over and banned me from gathering bc I’m not vxd and was lenient on masks. At this point I am estranged from at least one sibling bc of it and a few friends.
So far among them there have been: 2 deaths from heart attacks; 2 other non fatal heart attacks; one cancer death, due to a relapse after remission; one brand new onset of pancreatic cancer requiring two surgeries; one sudden fainting spell that resulted in two broken bones; 2 new cases of neuropathy. And… all of them have had covid at least once, as well as repeat episodes of hard colds or RSV “it’s ok it’s not covid” 🙄.
I don’t get how doctors don’t see it.
I’m a registered dietitian. Not an MD. This made it easier for me to not be afraid, knowing the host defense side and the nutrition pieces of immune response. I work in functional medicine. It’s about the host not the virus. All thru this I’ve gotten IVs of high dose C, kept my D levels at 60-80, and got IV zinc too. Clean whole food, no processed crap, sugar, loads of veg. It’s not rocket science. But it sure does sell to keep people fearful and misinformed, let them to believe your magic 💉is their only hope.
All those people I know who keep getting sick and dying? They still think I’m nuts. They don’t wonder why I’m still healthy. I was a sitting duck too, with a history of immune suppression and repeat pneumonia. I still so far have been well - very thankful.
It’s just so much easier to believe that someone else has a magic thing to make this go away.
With a masters degree in public health, 25 yrs experience in clinical setting, plus work as a lowly tech in a neuroscience lab before my grad studies, this smelled fishy to me after just three weeks. By April 2020 I knew more was afoot than govt and “scientists” were saying. You did not have to be too clever to notice this. I’ve never been jabbed and never had covid or any colds at all so far. I haven’t lived under a rock. I was back at air travel by May 2020 at first blush and made 3-4 trips/year since. But… Extended family and many friends think I’m the crazy one. They’ve been poked over and over and banned me from gathering bc I’m not vxd and was lenient on masks. At this point I am estranged from at least one sibling bc of it and a few friends.
So far among them there have been: 2 deaths from heart attacks; 2 other non fatal heart attacks; one cancer death, due to a relapse after remission; one brand new onset of pancreatic cancer requiring two surgeries; one sudden fainting spell that resulted in two broken bones; 2 new cases of neuropathy. And… all of them have had covid at least once, as well as repeat episodes of hard colds or RSV “it’s ok it’s not covid” 🙄.
I don’t get how doctors don’t see it.
I’m a registered dietitian. Not an MD. This made it easier for me to not be afraid, knowing the host defense side and the nutrition pieces of immune response. I work in functional medicine. It’s about the host not the virus. All thru this I’ve gotten IVs of high dose C, kept my D levels at 60-80, and got IV zinc too. Clean whole food, no processed crap, sugar, loads of veg. It’s not rocket science. But it sure does sell to keep people fearful and misinformed, let them to believe your magic 💉is their only hope.
All those people I know who keep getting sick and dying? They still think I’m nuts. They don’t wonder why I’m still healthy. I was a sitting duck too, with a history of immune suppression and repeat pneumonia. I still so far have been well - very thankful.
It’s just so much easier to believe that someone else has a magic thing to make this go away.