Being a bit harsh on Joe here, Alex.

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Hahahaha, I honestly thought he was talking about Biden at first!! Looks like Alex is loosing it himself.

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I believe he is speaking about B!den

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Nope. He’s war mongering on the command of the very media he spent the last year calling lying propaganda machines………….

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Warmongering? He's speculating about a coup? If you guys hate Alex so much, why read and comment?

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No, he’s war mongering and propaganda.

We comment because we believe in free speech. Do you only comment when you agree? Or just disagree with other comments?

No one at the Kremlin wants western imperialism through further NATO expansion towards the Russian border. If Putin gets tossed it will be difference in opinion on strategy and winning, not the goal of keeping a buffer with the west.

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Expressed my frustration badly. I believe in free speech. I see no suggestion in his post of either war mongering or propaganda. I see his analysis of Putin's power - he has the goods on everyone. I see his speculation as to the motives and decision process of those in Russia who may now be questioning Putin's continuing usefulness. I doubt his analysis is correct, but it is an unusual take. I just cannot understand criticizing him for something he did not say. I see this every time certain of his readers object to his position. Oh, he's a lib, he's trying to get back with his old pals, etc. I'm just tired of it. I knew who Alex was from the beginning. So I expressed my frustration. Maybe it is you that don't believe in free speech.

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Except the West is seizing all of the big players money and they have good reasons to turn on him but don’t count on it. Putin is too useful at this point doing Joe’s dirty work to take out Zelensky and the Ukrainians who gave Trump and Rudy Giuliani the dirt on Biden and the others who were demanding bribes and kickbacks and money laundering and anything else - human trafficking - from Ukraine. Biden had the Ukraine ‘portfoloio’ under Obama. He dangled NATO and EU membership and in exchange Biden sent in the CIA who recruited and trained NAZIs who along with George Soros orchestrated two coups in Ukraine and multiple coups world wide including in the US.

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I agree with you both. @NCmom is reacting, in part, to some of his prior posts (I'm guessing) and @Susan G is rightfully saying that this particular post is not warmongering. This post is 100% wishful thinking and fantasy. 1 - that there is a coup plot in Russia and 2 - that the person who follows Putin is going to be better. The probem is that covid is over and Alex appears to be a 1 trick pony.

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Yes, because we believe in free speech, great reply ! Comment only when you agree with all... another good point. That's what is bringing us down NOW. IF you are a democrat then you must agree with this, and this and this. If you are black, then you must also agree with this entire slate of points you are given, if you are female (does anyone know if they are any more ?) then you MUST believe this, and this and this..... HOW did all this happen, how did we LET it happen ? That if you are a registered member of a political party, if you are a certain gender, if you are a certain skin color, then "they" have a prepared list of everything you MUST espouse and support. What you believe about abortion, drug use, marriage, school attendance, immigration, divorce, health insurance, rent subsides, EVERYTHING is decided FOR you based on your skin color, or sex, or political party. It's outrageous, it's truly unbelievable, and yet... that's the way it is ! And when even the PRESIDENT backs that up as an absolute "Hey man, you AIN'T BLACK ...." if you don't this, and that, and that.... just crazy over the top outrageous. A "woman" in this country can not hold a belief that abortion should remain legal, and yet take a more conservative view of another issue, like drug legalization.... it's all a script and one can not take a "liberal" stance on one issue, and what might be viewed as a "conservative" view on another... and we call THAT DEMOCRACY ???

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You're whistling past a graveyard here. If Putin were a hero he'd attack communist China but no, easier to go after the breadbasket again just like his predecessor Stalin. And here we seem to want to believe that it's justified so we don't have to be afraid of a rampaging tyrant.

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There’s only one explanation for your commentary… You’re a Putin fan boy.

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Alex saw right through the corporate media on Covid. Currently, the corporate media is pushing the narrative that Putin has lost his mind and that Russia is losing the war. People here are frustrated that Alex may have fallen for this narrative and has not truly learned that the corporate media lies about everything through a combination of omission and propaganda. See Gell Mann.

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First Amendment

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Who said the word hate?

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I'm so done with this. Interpret my statements however you wish.

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they getting paid

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You clearly missed the point of this entire post. Alex is spelling out how an internal Russian revolt against Putin might be underway and that his inner circle could try to assassinate him.

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No, I’m not. This Putin has gone crazy and there is a coup is based on coordinated media narrative from places like Fox, WaPo, CNN. All at once they started saying this as the pound the drumbeat of war. It wasn’t an original idea or observation if Alex’s, and is in fact something Glenn Greenwald warned about eloquently 2 days before Alex wrote this post. In my anaylsis I am also considering other recent posts by Alex where, rather than questioning as he so eloquently did with Covid, the fog of war propaganda appears to be clouding his vision. While I have serious concerns about Greenwald’s lack of economic understanding, I have long found him to be one of the most informed voices on geopolitics and the surveillance state.


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Pepe Escobar is far more knowledgeable about geopolitics than Glenn.


There is no coup underway in Russia to remove Putin. That is pure MSM propaganda.

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That's all fine and good, but the term "warmongering" means you are trying to stir up or encourage war. How is talking about potential issues internally in Russia an attempt to convince anyone to go to war? Seriously asking your opinion since it seems to me like you're misunderstanding the term "warmongering".

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How so would he be war mongering? That doesn't even make sense. He's laying out a scenario about a mad mans actions.

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Based on conjecture and propaganda…… and right in line with the pounding of the war drums “Putin is losing it” and there might be a “coup” is often the drum beat leading to our intervention in foreign wars to promote the leadership change the US military industrial complex wants in those places…..

There are no leaked cables or other verifiable sources.

I have no idea what Putin was thinking or what his grip on power looks like, because most media here, Ukraine, and Russia is very biased and committed to a narrative. Alex doesn’t know either.


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Absolutely true. Except the meaning of warmongering is "encouraging or advocating aggression toward other countries or groups" I don't think Alex is doing this.

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Wat? Give one sentence where he is NOT evaluating what is happening regarding the Russians and he “mongers” for war. Just one.

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The entire thing is opinion. Start at line one with “the old man is losing it.” I see zero evidence, I see pontificating the same way professors at the Ivies pontificate about men giving birth.

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Lol… I guess you showed me!

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I would call it meddling. And not under any command.

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Nope. He's itching to risk other people's asses to go to war with Russia.

He should volunteer, fly over there and fight, fight, fight!

Anyway...Geez I wish we had one of them doomsday machines!

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Do not forget who is signing Joe's (aka "The Big Guy") checks - the Ukrainian crime cartel that is masquerading as a legitimate government and Emperor Xi of China. Everything that knocks Russia down a notch exalts the power position of Emperor Xi, who has planetary ambitions.

Never forget to follow the money.

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Right...good point...So much Biden family fingers and Obama in the Ukraine exposed in a big way past few years. Makes one wonder!

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I wondered the same on Biden crime family and Ukraine.

We have 3 madmen with the triggers

Of destroying the world.




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Don't forget, Hunter/Joe got even more money, in the form of a business loan, from China.

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Yes as well as Turkmenistan, Afghanistan, Pakistan India (TAPI) pipeline…..

Another Bur!$ma Deal.

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Yeah but why is China supporting the Russian invasion?

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Why is the puppet admin still buying 675,000 barrels daily STILL six days into Ukraine invasion of Russian oil and calling Putin a bad bad man? Lot's of why's here going on

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China manages Ukraine ?!!!!!!!

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I thought I heard that China was supporting Russia.

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He's referring to Putin, FFS.

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He's referring to Putin, FFS.

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It's actually a coup against Putin by the NWO WEF,and guess what ....Xi is next.

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Do you really think that Vlad is such a fool to play along with NWO-WEF?

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Not play along...get pulled into....Zelenskyy, a WEF young leader, has been pushing all the right buttons. This is about surrounding and isolating Putin on the world stage. The NWO does not want any Nationalists. Xi is next.

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This would be his sixth time being pushed. Previous five were Chechnya, Georgia, Crimea, Syria, Kazakhstan. Such a Russian pushover doll!

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That’s exactly the common thread, isolating Putin on the world stage. Xi would be next. No wonder kids are taught nations are bad (my nephew told me this when he was 17 a few years ago), and migration is pushed throughout the West with zero assimilation, and Sarkozy called for forced miscegenation, and anti-Trump “nationalism is bad” hype was trumpeted everywhere. This Putin thing felt staged from the beginning.

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Twist you believe the NWO WEF takes down Xi too?

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More like the other way around. Bill Gates probably had Xi in his mouth more than he can count.

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This reminds me of fan fiction.

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Not a fool, but yes. play along until they are no longer needed. The useful idiot is, well, useful.

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Putin is a young leader in the WEF.

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They just took down his WEF young leaders page... Which is unusual.

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Either coz his war is real and actually upsetting them, or to cover their tracks coz it's an inside job to bring forward Klaus' Great Reset, and Putin's doing his part of the job by disrupting the global energy supply and bring the chaos needed.

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There you go.! The next wave.

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That was my thoughts on it as well.

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Yes, because it was there yesterday.

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That is indeed very odd..

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Could be just a cover, a bit of misdirection.

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And a Freemason i.e. satanist. Biden, Putin and Trump have the same boss.

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Probably the youngest.

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All I see is news and intrigue from Earth, never much intergalactic news. There's a big universe out there, why are we so Earthcentric?

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Quite possibly also a coup, but it's definitely showing Xi what the joined forces of the US and EU can achieve in terms of really pooling their financial markets / SWIFT / sanctions / cultural lobbying / media propaganda / travel restrictions / barring of sea passages / banning exported goods on the shop shelves etc counter-attacks, and how quickly they're all pulling together and throwing billions at the threat. It's a huge muscle flexing scare show of how strong the Western block under the US still is (after showing during the plandemic how quickly they can react to the threat of a live bioweapon, a challenge China won hands-down thanks to its ultra-totalitarian restrictions early on), and how much the West could hurt China without entering an actual military operation.

The US' supremacy is threatened, and Russia and China have been improving their cooperation, as have the BRICS as a whole (the media are keeping stumm on it but India and Brazil aren't supporting the sanctions against Russia either, as aren't many other large countries). If the whole war scenario isn't "simply" just fulfilling Schwab's Great Reset roadmap of soon-to-come blackouts, energy crises and all that in the wake of this new Euro conflict, then it's at least a very impressive "dry war" test run to behold for Xi.

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Your premise is that the US somehow wishes to oppose China, how did you arrive at that conclusion, in light of the copious evidence to the contrary? The US have gleefully hollowed out the US manufacturing base to China, completely ignored their multi-trillion dollar Wuhan industrial bio accident, and declined to use US financial market power in any way against their economy (which is entirely dollar based, since their currency the yuan is not convertible internationally, so the US could shut them down overnight). US ignores the murder of Tibetans, horrific human rights abuses against the Falun Gong including organ harvesting and forced abortions, repression the Uighurs, and the abuse of the freedom fighters of Hong Kong and its subsequent annexation by China. But somehow the brave EU and the brave and resolved US...are somehow uniting...to oppose *China*? Here's my question: do you also do stand-up?

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So true on USA gov wants to bring down China. NOT!

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On the other hand, China could shut the US down tomorrow as it owns all the US debt

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Luckily there is public data available that helps us out here. Chinese stopped buying US Treasuries in 2014, along with most other central banks. After 2014 the main buyers that kept the lights on in the US were huge private buyers, Japanese insurers, German multinationals. But that has now changed, and the main countries now buying the mountains of US debt being manufactured by the financial suicide bombing regime in the White House has shifted to Ireland, Lichtenstein, and The Cayman Islands. That means instead of steady, solvent, patient, long term investors, US keeps its lights on today at the whim of hedge fund managers. Whose job it is to turn on a dime. At this point in the cycle the smart move is to sell paper and buy stuff: oil, copper, wheat, soybeans, gold, farmland. Not pieces of paper. Might I suggest lead, and canned food too.

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China is in itself compromised, as this debt is part of its balance sheet. For one.

The other thing is, just like Ukraine is doing right now, the US can easily demand to have its foreign debt cancelled. It holds the reserve currency. It *is* - to large extent - the financial markets. It *is* the rating agencies.

Debt to it is just virtual now. I don't think this is what it's about at all. It's about what you got. The US has got a lot: of aircraft carriers. Fighter jets. It stores much of the world's gold. Germany's, for example. The Germans requested recently to be able to do a stocktake of its gold stored in the US, and to probably take some back. The US has refused. People don't think Germany will ever get it back. Or whether it in fact still even exists over there.

That is the kind of situation we're talking about here. When you talk about "China shutting the US down", look at what "the West" is doing to Russia on the markets atm. None of this is inflicted by China. This is the power of "the West".

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Struck me the same... and it may be true ! Harris could plot with HRC to oust JB via "advanced senility" meme. Harris for say, 5-10 million, fully cooperates. Ascends to Oval office. chooses HRC as VP, then agrees to step aside (Harris knows she is in over her head.) So, its president HRC by mid-terms. As Tom Clancy noted, "Difference between fiction and reality is that fiction has to make sense."

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JFC I was just thinking today, welp, it could be worse. Hildabeast could be in the WH. Stop. Stop right there.

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The Clinton Foundation received over 10 million from Ukrainian oligarchs before the coup in 2014. Really makes you think, hey?

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Yup. And just look where Biden and Hunter did their dirty corrupt business. In Ukraine. Surprise, eh - and now that same Biden is going to war about this exact country. Must all be just about humanity, democracy and suffering Ukrainians - as most of my fellow compatriots in my country seem to believe, putting Ukraine flag stickers on their social media profiles, and wringing their hands, crying the US (and the EU) shall "help the poor suffering Ukraine".

Couldn't make it up.

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Scary stuff but I’ve picturing the same scenario over and over for several months. Would President HRC put Putin in his place with her brilliant military mind and extreme courage?

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At that juncture I’d refer to the recently updated FEMA guidance on nuclear attack preparedness, put a mask on, and social distance from my neighbors as we watch the mushroom clouds ascend…

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well, she has killer moves

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I'm replying with my own post because Alex is erasing my posts:

Let me explain it to you in a way you can understand, Alex. Your neighbor has bought his teenage boys hand guns. They're feeling pretty macho these days setting up a practice range in their yard, and they don't appreciate your complaints.

Did I tell you that dad is on the city council, at its head, and in a position to do favors for the other neighbors whose kids are also gathering at the shooting range in your neighbor's backyard. What'chu gonna do, Alex, start a war?

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You studied witchery I see so can you make your self vanish until you grow some mature brain cells.

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You know about as much on witches as you do politics. what is this game the woke play? I never understand what they hope to gain from it. degrading someone only indicates the person is a threat to you. You have a need to obliterate them. At the rate you people keep doing this there will be no one you approve of

I've posted some info, apparently you feel threatened by it. Take a deep breath, the anxiety will go away.

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I thought he was erasing my stuff before but it isn't that. Substack seems to have delays or temporarily hides stuff. It's odd.

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No that's not true. It's not happening with other sites on Substack and it's not happening with the thursday get-together. I am not the one who posted that same message over and over and over again. I tried to explain that in another posting, twice, it was blocked. At this point with the personal negative responses I got because of ti, I'd say it's time to move on. Alex is not respecting his audience's multiple points of view and it's becoming a battlefield here, so au revoir, folks

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He's referring to Putin, FFS.

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RHC would have to be confirmed as VP by both houses of Congress. Joe's puppet master(s) may have a plan to dispose of Joe when the time is right, but I doubt HRC figures in it.

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He's referring to Putin, FFS.

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Why did anyone think he was referring to Biden? Second sentence clued me in.

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I figured right away he wasn't writing about Brandon. Who in their right mind would do anything to put that Giggling Dipshit in the Oval Office?

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good point. Now lets remember that they put the two most unpopular candidates in the oval office. So I'm going out on a limb and say that right -minded people don't have a vote anymore if we cant control the counting of Votes.

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Which is why we need paper ballots.

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Counted by hand in each precinct, starting the day of the election.

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Everything has started when they put him in the Oval Office.

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Alex acts more like a shill for Jill.... Is it so hard for Brennan to take the pukeistic CIA out of Ukraine. And NO NUKES on Russia border. Might as well let Europe handle this too.

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I'm replying with my own post because Alex is erasing my posts:

Let me explain it to you in a way you can understand, Alex. Your neighbor has bought his teenage boys hand guns. They're feeling pretty macho these days setting up a practice range in their yard, and they don't appreciate your complaints.

Did I tell you that dad is on the city council, at its head, and in a position to do favors for the other neighbors whose kids are also gathering at the shooting range in your neighbor's backyard. What'chu gonna do, Alex, start a war?

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How ignorant and untrue

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So many nuts on here now…

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Oh great and mighty one, how so?

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You do realize this thread has nothing to do with kids and shooting ranges don't you. No one cares about your personal vendettas against Alex, grow up lady.

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I see you studied with witches in your spiritual quest so I respectfully have a sincere request. Can you wave your wand and make yourself disappear and while your working on that add a few mature brain cells for yourself too.

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It’s talking about both Putin and Biden it’s actually rather ingenious

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"Loosing" it? As opposed to "tighting" in?

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I think he's talking about Putin. You know, former head of KGB, orchestrating assassinations of politically inconvenient people in Russia and elsewhere.

Yeah Biden is a demented old fool but that doesn't make Putin our friend.

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me too

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Alex spent the last 2 years screaming about lying media and propaganda. He knows, or should know, we don’t have an honest media, Ukraine doesn’t have an honest media, Russia doesn’t have an honest media. And yet, it’s like it never occurs to him he’s getting lied to by all 3 right now. 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️

Two of the 3 have completely real nuclear weapons.

If anyone, including Alex, actually gave a flying rats 💩 about Ukraine this was completely avoidable. From promising no NATO rather than being unclear to having an energy independent US which Biden crushed.

Alex - you know how you felt about all the masked Covidians??? You’re acting like one but with nukes! Stop it.

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Correct! why is everyone buying into what the media says now? After lying about covid, vaccines, etc I have absolutely no trust in what they are saying now.

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Glenn Greenwald had an excellent Sub stack on this subject, and this post doesn't have a paywall. Reading it reminded me of the dangers in media reports and helped me get my head back on straight. I'm tech deficient so can't provide the direct link.

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Thanks for the link. Please read it, then re-read the comments section. Full of propaganda too.

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I meant re-read this sub stacks comments, which tonite is filled with propaganda. With that said, questioning US involvement in Ukraine does not make one a traitor or Putin lover.

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spot on. can't believe the media on any side. media liars

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Alex got some things right on vaccines but also published some poor quality commentary without correction or retraction. He makes a lot of mistakes, never looks back, and now he has fallen for this Putin nonsense. Just another member of the agitariat?


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I agree. On Covid and this. I love the cat. I also wish more people would read Glen Greenwald. His understanding of economics id lacking. His understanding of our military industrial complex, media propaganda, and the growing surveillance state is exceptional.


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A Leftist not understanding economics? Surely you jest? /s

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That is a frequent problem. 😂

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He's referring to Putin, FFS.

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One can never be to harsh on ole joe.

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The only problem here is, it was the "old man" Joe in Sochi with the 10 year old

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Hunter, most likely.

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Or Natalie..

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I needed this laugh as I await the lies to come out tonight about how great we are doing since we got rid of the orange man. Not that I will watch. Have to admit I thought it was Joe but considered it could be Nancy identifying as a man.....so many oldies to choose from!

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Nancy spent the whole speech trying to keep her dentures in her mouth! It was painful to watch.

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It was so damn noticeable that I started watching her mouth.

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🤣🤣🤣 is that what she was doing?

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It’s about the generals that are below Putin, having to look like they’re doing his bidding but wondering if the time has come to overthrow him. It’s an interesting perspective. Would be great if someone put the guy (Putin) out if his misery

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but I'm worried that this is actually the WEF doing an end run around us.

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Seems you are another one of the few who actually understood what Alex was saying. Disappointing. Perhaps this is an indication that people don’t think enough before commenting? Or inherent biases? A lot of interesting off topic comments coming out! Would be ironic if the corrupt senile old guy got a large audience for his mumblings tonight because people tune in to see how badly he messes up!

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He just said "lower your costs, not wages". Nuff said.

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Eh? We understood perfectly what Alex was saying and that's why he's getting hammered in the comments for his childish view of the war in Ukraine.

Perhaps if Alex also followed independent dissident channels on telegram he would understand the true scope of the Russian success so far in demilitarizing Ukraine.

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You and few others. Initially most did not understand he was presenting a different possible perspective on the Russian side. Not necessarily one that he believed, but potentially one that offered hope for a de-escalation. Doubt he was intending any disrespect towards the Ukraine side.

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He's a misery to the Russian people

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I'm replying with my own post because Alex is erasing my posts:

Let me explain it to you in a way you can understand, Alex. Your neighbor has bought his teenage boys hand guns. They're feeling pretty macho these days setting up a practice range in their yard, and they don't appreciate your complaints.

Did I tell you that dad is on the city council, at its head, and in a position to do favors for the other neighbors whose kids are also gathering at the shooting range in your neighbor's backyard. What'chu gonna do, Alex, start a war?

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He’s not erasing them. You have posted this comment now at least 3 times.

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This person is certifiable. Check out her Substack (if you're really bored.)

If this lunatic-troll is really one of Alex's neighbors, he has bigger problems than pissed off commenters on his Substack.

And there isn't a full moon tonight.

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It's a virus, no?

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Ah, the woke!

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Pretty sure she means that he's erasing it when she posts it as a comment by itself, but posting it as a reply to others' comments seems to slip it thru.

I believe it, because my own comments disagreeing with his stance on Russia -Ukraine have also gone the way of the dodo.

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Thanks, that's exactly what's happening

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Yes, he has erased several of them before I caught on and posted a bunch of them. Here's a guy who's in fed court against twitter because they blocked him doing the same to others

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This is the worst OCD flare-up I've ever seen

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Have been trying to upvote comments, and tho I'm a paying subscriber, I can't. So, "upvote".

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Me too. A Substack issue, I think.

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me too. sometimes it works, most times it does not.

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Joe is not angry. He is sleepy. Vlad is angry.

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He's referring to Putin, FFS. Not Biden.

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Not possible, I fear, to be too hard on Joe. I think you'd be stunned if you knew all the appalling things he has actually done.

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Like more than 50 years of abusing hard drugs and alcohol and now is is a candidate for a new job as being his last in line after David Frum a food taster for Putin.

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He deserves it. Look at what he's done. Are you awake

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I think Uncle Joey is being interviewed for Putin new food Tester behind David Frum.

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State of shambles

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Orange woman bad. Who? Psucki of course

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I'm replying with my own post because Alex is erasing my posts:

Let me explain it to you in a way you can understand, Alex. Your neighbor has bought his teenage boys hand guns. They're feeling pretty macho these days setting up a practice range in their yard, and they don't appreciate your complaints.

Did I tell you that dad is on the city council, at its head, and in a position to do favors for the other neighbors whose kids are also gathering at the shooting range in your neighbor's backyard. What'chu gonna do, Alex, start a war?

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Damn, cut and paste much?

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You were all in for Biden before the election…..Orange Man Bad. Finally admitting you were still a NY leftist and were wrong? You need to remember this moment.

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Beat me to it.

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It’s Putin

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If I wanted fiction posts I would just buy your novels. There's only one "Old Man" with zero grip on the oligarchic empire he putatively leads and it isn't Putin.

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Throwing in that bit about Putin controlling his underlings through sex trafficking blackmail was especially rich given everything we know about our own unaccountable elites' ties to Jeffrey Epstein, Jimmy Savile, and the like.

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Watching Berenson relive his early days of being a covid hysteric like all of the rest of them is kind of hilarious. PAAANNNIIICCCCC…. Will be interesting to watch if he comes around on how much he’s being lied to about Russia and Kiev like he realized how much he was being lied too about covid

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Berenson thinks in American, according to American time frames (2 yrs, 4 yrs, 8ys, but no longer), with American notions about warfare (smash and destroy civilian infrastructure, killing hundreds of thousands). Now Berenson thinks that the game is checkers, but Russians love chess. Putin, on the other hand was never much of a chess player. He preferred Judo.

The trap for NATO and the Pernicious Empire has been baited and set. The best units have been held in reserve.


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Yes I hope they finally catch V!ctor!a NULAND...


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America knows the power of Oligarchs (Soros, Gates, Zuckerberg, Tech....) Well if you took away their yachts, private planes, froze their money everywhere but the frozen, barley inhabitable, Russia, my guess is they are not going to be as supportive of their BULLY, MURDERING LEADER!! They are Putin's "people".

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I'm replying with my own post because Alex is erasing my posts:

Let me explain it to you in a way you can understand, Alex. Your neighbor has bought his teenage boys hand guns. They're feeling pretty macho these days setting up a practice range in their yard, and they don't appreciate your complaints.

Did I tell you that dad is on the city council, at its head, and in a position to do favors for the other neighbors whose kids are also gathering at the shooting range in your neighbor's backyard. What'chu gonna do, Alex, start a war?

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Article VII of the Constitution of the USA pretends to state the law on "Ratification" and 'Establishment" before each of these. The precious preamble contradicts the blunt historical truth that fewer than 1/2 of "the People" did any ordaining or establishing, and MANY of the people resisted the pseudfederalists' coup d'etat.

Empire of Lies, indeed.

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Why would Putin want to show weakness and trap nato?

Maybe he appears weak because he knows he could just level the place and so why send in so many troops?

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Maybe most of his generals have been chess players and understand the concept of the sacrifice.

He needs to beware of a fool's mate and similar mistakes, though.

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I'm replying with my own post because Alex is erasing my posts:

Let me explain it to you in a way you can understand, Alex. Your neighbor has bought his teenage boys hand guns. They're feeling pretty macho these days setting up a practice range in their yard, and they don't appreciate your complaints.

Did I tell you that dad is on the city council, at its head, and in a position to do favors for the other neighbors whose kids are also gathering at the shooting range in your neighbor's backyard. What'chu gonna do, Alex, start a war?

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I think that we've covered this ground together already.

P.S. Check out Sarvastivada, an ancient school now defunct as far as I know. The Sarvastivadins taught that the past, present, and future stand together as a unity. It seems that their school stumbled and collapsed when it could not account for freedom of will, or at least a multitude of many different futures for any given set of spatiotemporal coordinates (x, y, z, t). This problem has been overcome. Cosmological presentism [sic] will fall.


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This person is just a troll. This is the 7th time at least this comment has been posted.

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Judo -- where you let the opponent's own strength (or imagined strength) defeat him. The control of leverage.

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Here's just one possible scenario: First a few anomalies and then consequence (#3 below): 1) In any real war one of the first objectives is to cut off the enemy’s communications and silence his propaganda. Putin has done neither, and he certainly has the capability. Hence, it is logical to assume that he WANTS all the pleas for help and Western involvement to continue. Why? We have to answer that satisfactorily. 2) Supremely rational, old Klaus Schwab, Putin’s long time admirer, is also encouraging the West to aid Ukraine against Putin. Are we to believe that now at the ripe old age of 187 he has had a change of heart, that he now renounces the former quasi protegé? Possible… but 3) And now the SWIFT action cutting Russia off from the central banks will also mean that said banks are going to be holding empty bags that used to contain Russian payment on debt. Without that cash they will force their governments to print yet more phony money and thereby replenish bank coffers while jump-starting global inflation that is already on a rampage. The world financial collapse (see Melissa Ciummei and Catherine Austin Fitts) awaiting just such a nudge would cause bedlam domestically, rendering ANY international military actions out of the question. The total chaos in our countries would mean that Putin could not only absorb Ukraine at his leisure, and whatever else he might be eying, and also that Xi could indulge Chinese ambitions with a free hand. Oh, yes. And then we definitely would be ready for the Great Financial Reset… beneath the benevolent smile of Klaus.

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I'm not so sure that Putin could silence the West's propaganda monster. It's like a gigantic hydra. Probably it would require a power like BlackRock.

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Well the first two aren’t pressing….the third refers to banks collapsing. If a bank collapses - do they really force the governments to print money or is there an opportunity to buy up the assets for cheap?

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Yeah I get it….you step to the side and the opponent falls on his face. How would that actually work?

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Trap for NATO? I thought it was the other way around. Please explain. And who are the best units?

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I'm replying with my own post because Alex is erasing my posts:

Let me explain it to you in a way you can understand, Alex. Your neighbor has bought his teenage boys hand guns. They're feeling pretty macho these days setting up a practice range in their yard, and they don't appreciate your complaints.

Did I tell you that dad is on the city council, at its head, and in a position to do favors for the other neighbors whose kids are also gathering at the shooting range in your neighbor's backyard. What'chu gonna do, Alex, start a war?

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If he erased them, he didn’t erase enough of them since this is about the 5th post of yours I read. All exactly the same.

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Cat, did you really "read" the nonsensical rants, or just mean you took notice and moved on.

I’m with the previous poster - some people need to be carefully monitored to ensure they’re taking their meds.

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I read the first post, and then saw that there were several more identical posts, all claiming that Alex was erasing them. The metaphor was a little hard to follow, but I got the gist of it.

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have you misplaced your medication?

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what do you imply is a lie about Russia

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Read my comment above... we should know better than to form a hypothesis or theory based on exhibits which are completely unverifiable & merely reported by the same lying-ass media who Alex has made it his life's work to expose as said liars and propagandists.

""Send the wrong units forward first.""?

""Make sure they are undersupplied."" ?

""Nuclear threat will scare the West.""?

""What should have been easy becomes difficult.""?

every single one of those are merely talking points by the Twitterati and talking head nemesi of all people of good will and sound mind.

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Exactly. The very same people that assured me that mRNA vaccines are supper duper safe and effective (based on nothing) now want to assure me that Putin is out of his mind (again based on nothing).

Mr. Berenson has been very, very good and sifting through medical and pharmaceutical data. However, I think that he needs to get a lot more into post-Soviet history to better understand Putin's mindset.

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You are on the money. I can just see Toobin and Brennan in a circle jerk telling CNN that Putin is crazy. Oh America I hardly know ye.

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My issue is why are all the globalists who started all this crap now lining up against Putin. I don’t trust Putin, but something doesn’t smell right here. Just like when the leftist media fawned all over GWB when he died like he was a saint or something.

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Could be fear, but maybe part of the plan. Their cold-blooded cynicism can not be overestimated.

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He is talking about Biden isn’t he?

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I wasn't sure at first. But, when I read "tell him that the nuclear threat will scare the West", I concluded not.

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Jay, well said! I'm happily surprised that most comments seem sensible - it's Alex whose out in left field on this

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I wouldn't say he's left field, he's just totally relapsed to his old self swallowing the mainstream narrative.

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What is the mainstream narrative? That the invasion is struggling and below expectations? You think that was the plan all along?

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I'm replying with my own post because Alex is erasing my posts:

Let me explain it to you in a way you can understand, Alex. Your neighbor has bought his teenage boys hand guns. They're feeling pretty macho these days setting up a practice range in their yard, and they don't appreciate your complaints.

Did I tell you that dad is on the city council, at its head, and in a position to do favors for the other neighbors whose kids are also gathering at the shooting range in your neighbor's backyard. What'chu gonna do, Alex, start a war?

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But a 100 year modern history informs nothing about the workings of the Kremlin.? It is all fiction while we're in the middle of trying to make sense of what is happening.

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Not fair at all. Have you scene the footage of the community citizen center in Kyiv blown to bits today? No one is panicking, just informing. Putin has accelerated his desire to take Ukraine by killing as many as possible. I was worried from the get-go, the mumblings of the weakest POTUS in history, would somehow "back into" a war with the "MadMan across the water".

And about COVID, wow, read the 400 pages the Judge released about the Pfister vac. today! Course, MOST common sence, certainly parents, KNOW all about that how many lies and recklessness with our lives. READ! Not FB & twitter....

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Putin is doing everything he can to liberate the people of Ukraine from western tyranny. Let us pray for his swift and total success.

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Putin took the bait....It's actually a coup against Putin by the NWO WEF,and guess what ....Xi is next.

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Screw you.

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Thank you

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you Don't actually know if that's true or not

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Mar 1, 2022
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Methinks we have a screwball/troll here.

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She's KGB

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OK! That was LOL!


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Am I the only one that's confused by all of this??

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NO. I'm totally lost. I'm not proud. And what about the repeated posts by Ms. LSP? why??

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It's actually a coup against Putin by the NWO WEF,and guess what ....Xi is next.

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Or, all four of those entities are still as unified as ever. Out of our inability to see the following frames of this film, we shouldn't take our ignorance for knowledge.

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Alex, the entire Covid19 drama was exaggerated if not downright faked by a supranational group who’s identity we can only guess at, but at minimum in involves global Uber capital, heads of the largest foundations & corporations, big media, pharma, medical systems etc.

The non pharmaceutical interventions were all know to be ineffective before they were imposed tyrannically. Mass testing by PCR was the main driver of COVID cases & deaths, as few people know that there are scores of respiratory viruses capable of causing similar symptoms to Covid19. Lies about asymptomatic transmission justified masks, mass testing, lockdowns etc. The deliberately toxic c19 vaccines introduced us to mandatory digital ID, which is the perpetrators first goal.

It will be accomplished by a second, faked crisis & once done, the perpetrators will collapse the global financial system & install only cashless digital money in the form of central bank digital currencies.

Everyone will then be under totalitarian control when the no exit.


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Excellent summary. I surely hope the compliant sheep wake up because this is all about to get real.

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Yes. You nailed it. People forget that those standing with Ukraine were and are part of the NWO conspiracy. Everything is to distract. Haven’t heard about the horror going on in New Zealand and Australia have you? Remember those truckers coming across the US? What about those Americans involved on 1/6 still sitting in jail?? Everything is to distract. Everything.

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Exactly. Zelenskyy is a party of Davos pussy just like Trudeau, Macron, etc... This stuff about his bravery leading his men for "Democracy" is another lie to convince the masses we aren't having our freedoms removed. Nothing too crazy will come of this as Putin is already getting rich because of the Wests ridiculous energy policies.

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Great to see you here, Mike. Your contribution to the Planet Lockdown vids was an eye opener early on. It's heartbreaking how few veritable experts are out in the open standing up for what they believe, and against this rise of global totalitarianism and population control in its various current "(Un-)Great Reset" forms. Thanks so much for being one of them.

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absolutely! Why does everyone buy this shit?

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That is a wonderful synopsis Dr Yeadon, but unfortunately Berenson is too special to actually read the comments under his posts. I do appreciate that you always do!

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Ha ha!

Though I’d value Alex reading this, it’s really not aimed at him but rather his extensive readership.

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I quoted you to in a reply to you a few days ago, not realizing you were the who I was referring to. I was amused when I realized it.

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I agree your commentary is pretty much spot on. HOWEVER, we are not going to stop this digital ID or currency. Dust off your bibles and read the book of Revelation. The "Mark" is coming and so is the world authoritarian (AntiChrist). We can prepare for it but we will not stop it. Disregard this as "from a fanatical right wing Christian" at your own peril. Seek the Lord Jesus Christ while He may yet be found. I pray you will.

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I'm replying with my own post because Alex is erasing my posts:

Let me explain it to you in a way you can understand, Alex. Your neighbor has bought his teenage boys hand guns. They're feeling pretty macho these days setting up a practice range in their yard, and they don't appreciate your complaints.

Did I tell you that dad is on the city council, at its head, and in a position to do favors for the other neighbors whose kids are also gathering at the shooting range in your neighbor's backyard. What'chu gonna do, Alex, start a war?

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I'm done with this bat-shit crazy site for the night. No idea what is the truth and what's not...OMG...

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Spot on sir. I said the same thing somewhere on this thread. Here it is - the propaganda is in full force.


We need to fight back. Buy Cryptos and use cash not credit cards, use cash from your wallet. A bit more work but we have to do it.

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Mar 2, 2022
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Ok, that’s a truly shocking story. I mean, her critical thinking skills are already not functioning. Who would risk damaging their health for a trip through one country that has that requirement?

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Damn Alex, you hit it on the nose. I can’t wait for someone in Washington to get rid of pedo Joe, cackling Kamala, China loving Pelosi, etc. and put a real American back into power.

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Because citizens were too scared by a virus to do the job themselves?

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You won’t want to have what is behind the proverbial curtain.

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He's referring to Putin, FFS. Not Biden.

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Yes we know, which is why we are making fun of him!

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There's a whole lot more to this than an old, bitter Putin. The media would have you believe that this war started last week with his invasion into Ukraine. But this war actually started eight years ago. More than 13,000 have been killed prior to this invasion. Here's the truth about the Russo-Ukrainian War:


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As a Russian speaking from

Eastern Ukraine I can tell you that my Russian speaking friends in many cities are sitting in basements and metro hiding from the occupiers, running out of food. A family with three children was killed by a rocket today in Kharkiv. You are eating up Putin propaganda, you understand nothing about the culture and Putin’s strategy. This massacre is on you too.

This nonsense is ridiculous. People are fighting tanks with bare hands, they have no medical supplies. Why are they not jumping for joy greeting the groups?

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No one disagrees the pain and horror that people are experiencing -- on both sides. I'd guess there are Russian soldiers who wanted no part of this, as well as many Russians.

That said, if the Ukraine had no standing army to defend itself, to demand that males between 18 and 60 (are they all combat-ready? Hrrrm ... doubt that) stay and fight to be (likely) slaughtered ... I don't know. There is propaganda on both sides; such is the nature of war.

It seems there is much going on from the West, and I suspect multiple "games" are afoot. The obvious question to me is why was the go-to position from the West to ratchet this up immediately, rather than try to shut it down? Yes, there is a tremendous amount of responsibility on the West. All horrible, and all was preventable. Installing an incompetent or corrupt (or both) government in the U.S. yields results. And whether the U.S. administration is incompetent or corrupt, the end result is the same. Failure. Like any other Third World country.

I'm just glad I'm old. The future doesn't look good ...

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The future is hope of you know Jesus Christ. That is the one assured hope.

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Thanks for putting into words some of what I'm feeling.

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Thanks, Olga. I am truly sorry for their plight. But it’s safe to say that many Russians in the Donbas are opposed to the Ukrainian government. If was not true they wouldn’t have declared independence from Ukraine. I’m certainly not excusing Putin’s actions though. I did refer to him as a ruthless dictator in my article.

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this "massacre" has nothing to do with us. neither do the ones in africa right now. neither do the ones probably happening in outer space.

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No excuse for Berenson to pretend he doesn’t know about this. He’s just being a damn liar. And isn’t he Jewish? You’d think he’d be on the side of the Anti-Nazis, not supporting the real old school Nazis with the swastikas tattooed on their shaved heads and killing people.

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What does being Jewish have to do with anything?! Nothing except to spew anti-Semitism.

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Dude you have not been paying attention. There are actual Nazis in Ukraine slaughtering Russians in Ukraine. For 8 years. These aww genuine bonafide Nazis with Swastika flags and all the trimmings. Use DuckDuckGo to look it up. Look up Azov battalion Ukraine. Jewish power brokers like Zuckerburg and now folks like Berenson have been hiding this. I just got banned from FB today again for showing pictures of these guys. Putin in his statement (you should read it if you’re actually capable of reading) makes it clear he wants to de-Nazify Ukraine. Because they’ve been slaughtering thousands of Russians. Using the Ukrainian military. Shelling, bombing, you name it. There are truly vomit inducing photos and videos of all this, aggressively censored by the West. Check it out. If you want to learn the truth of what’s going on instead of letting yourself get gripped by the hysteria promulgated by the US. And idiot toadies like Berenson here.

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Oh, please give me a break. Neo-Nazis exist in many countries. Look at Canada. Look at US. In case anyone mistakes me, I'm being sarcastic. Crying Nazi is classic. Slaughtering thousands. I am sure that great humanitarian, Vladimir Putin, is only concerned with saving lives. Oh, and mistreatment of ethnic minorities, sound familiar. What a crock of crap, from all sides.

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And clearly you haven’t even read what Putin has said about all this before the invasion and clearly you are also UTTERLY UNAWARE of the thousands of Russians in Ukraine who have been viciously murdered the last eight years. Just because CNN and the CIA and the NYT don’t want you to know about it Doesn’t mean it didn’t happen. Or did you believe the “anthrax” lies and the WMD lies about Iraq. Maybe you’re only 11 years old.

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Give me a break. Clearly you are completely ignorant of this because you live in the US where his has been heavily censored. Has it never we occurred to you that your perceptions in the US are almost 100% controlled by the media? Please tell me when, in the last, oh, 20 years, the media hasn’t lied to us about the Big Important things. It’s not hard to look this up, just don’t use google. Use a search engine that’s not connected to, and controlled by, the spook/military/complex. Google changed its name to Alphabet for a reason (and as an inside joke they must laugh about every day).


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I don't consider Ukrainians committing genocide of the Russians as a crock of crap.

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I refer to overheated rhetoric without proof on both sides as a "crock of crap".

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Mar 2, 2022
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I'm slipping. Trudeau said truckers were Nazis. Crying Nazi to distract.

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I'm replying with my own post because Alex is erasing my posts:

Let me explain it to you in a way you can understand, Alex. Your neighbor has bought his teenage boys hand guns. They're feeling pretty macho these days setting up a practice range in their yard, and they don't appreciate your complaints.

Did I tell you that dad is on the city council, at its head, and in a position to do favors for the other neighbors whose kids are also gathering at the shooting range in your neighbor's backyard. What'chu gonna do, Alex, start a war?

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Ok we heard you the first seven times you posted this. Ok.

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I'm replying with my own post because Alex is erasing my posts:

Let me explain it to you in a way you can understand, Alex. Your neighbor has bought his teenage boys hand guns. They're feeling pretty macho these days setting up a practice range in their yard, and they don't appreciate your complaints.

Did I tell you that dad is on the city council, at its head, and in a position to do favors for the other neighbors whose kids are also gathering at the shooting range in your neighbor's backyard. What'chu gonna do, Alex, start a war?

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Could you say that again? I wasn't paying attention the first 100 times.

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Great article. Thank you. I’m hearing things like this more and more.

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Alex, You should stick to Covid related posts. Or, if you are going to get into the Ukraine mess, do the same level of factual analysis that you do elsewhere, Start by understanding the MInsk Accords.

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No kidding! disappointed in Alex .

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We have to go back and fight because on the rats are running away.

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I suggested the same when Alex has just started getting into Ukraine-Russia stuff. But doesn't seems like he listens or reads these comments. I urged him to continue to be a true journalist and look into these things from a pragmatic journalistic point. Research! Even from these comments - people are waking up and posting what it really all is. The "brave" Ukraine is a myth just like the mRNA shots efficacy - it's all just a big media noise. And people who show how they're concerns just now about a war are a product of the media which didn't lift a finger about the killings in Eastern Ukraine back in 2014. It's a good mark, though, to see who's just the media follower and who is capable of critical thinking.

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I am a Russian from Eastern Ukraine!! I am on 10 live chats from occupied cities. My Russian speaking friends are Bering murder. You are all a bunch of Putin eating conspiracists. The tragedy is unfathomable! In what crazy universe you can defend this?? You have no clue and you don’t even bother to research or learn. Shame on you all

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Mar 2, 2022
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That is so uncalled for. Someday someone will say (and with your logic, justifiably) "You corrupt Americans were warned."

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I'm replying with my own post because Alex is erasing my posts:

Let me explain it to you in a way you can understand, Alex. Your neighbor has bought his teenage boys hand guns. They're feeling pretty macho these days setting up a practice range in their yard, and they don't appreciate your complaints.

Did I tell you that dad is on the city council, at its head, and in a position to do favors for the other neighbors whose kids are also gathering at the shooting range in your neighbor's backyard. What'chu gonna do, Alex, start a war?

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Good grief woman! How many times did you post this? He didn’t. I’ve read it numerous times. Get over yourself.

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O'Biden saw the politics of Covid going south in a hurry 6 months ago so they prepared their pivot, he's currently facing the worst polling numbers ever faced by a US president, even Nixon leaving in the helicopter was more popular. Now since politics in the West Wing/Obama/Beyonce camp is nothing but messaging and ideology, with no concern whatsoever about whether you might, I dunno, plunge America into an inflationary depression, or *trigger World War III*, the exact same crew that delivered for you in Kabul 6 months ago got to work on their happy hunting ground, the Ukraine. Ah yes, the country ranked 154 out of 158 for corruption, where the leader not only jails journalists and closes TV stations but also jails his political opponents. That beacon of democracy where Joe, James, Mary, and of course Hunter Biden have been stealing your recycled tax dollars hand and foot for years, OF COURSE they and the WEF and the likes of George Soros want that grift to continue forever. Add in the sons of Nancy Pelosi, John Kerry, and Mitt Romney, ALL of whom are on the payroll of Ukrainian gas oligarchs, and oops add in the unindicted destroyer of evidence under subpoena whose initials are H.C. who tapped your tax money in Ukraine into her "foundation". But you, Alex, are lining up against the leader of a country that has had enough of the cesspit next door, and oh by the way standing up because 13,000 people have been killed in the disputed regions on his border over the last 8 years? I have an idea: why not negotiate a special deal with Pfizer, you agree to go large and loud on how great their poison is and how you were WRONG SO WRONG to question it. You can get a check from Pfizer and Moderna in one hand, and a check from Raytheon and Halliburton in the other. #Winning!


Take a look at your own pivot from "Oh Shit Covid Is Gonna End The World!" to "Oh Shit It's Nothing But A Scam That Enriches Billionaires!".

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Well said, but hidden by MSM. As I have gotten older, I have certainly learned things are “Never” what they seem.

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I think he is talking about Biden, not putin

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Um...so "the ghost of Stalin whispers to him every night" so he "authorized this insane invasion"...um...actually refers to Biden? Interesting

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I'm replying with my own post because Alex is erasing my posts:

Let me explain it to you in a way you can understand, Alex. Your neighbor has bought his teenage boys hand guns. They're feeling pretty macho these days setting up a practice range in their yard, and they don't appreciate your complaints.

Did I tell you that dad is on the city council, at its head, and in a position to do favors for the other neighbors whose kids are also gathering at the shooting range in your neighbor's backyard. What'chu gonna do, Alex, start a war?

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Hon. You had a point to make, and you made it. If you make the same point 8 times, it's not having the effect you may think. It's having the opposite effect.

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Two years ago you were one of the few public voices that refused to be stampeded into hysteria. Stay on brand, stay objective. The maskers have now swapped their face diapers for the Ukrainian flag for their virtue signal of choice.

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You could sell Ukraine flag face masks as a joke, but they'd snap them up without a shred of irony, and wear them proudly on their Sunday jog.

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I thought this was about dear leader uncle joe Brandon. If you think his mental faculties are better than putins, you should get your head checked.

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Putin isn’t crazy. He’s upset about the talk about Ukraine joining NATO or the EU, that his puppet President was toppled in 2014 by Obama and now has a Soros funded president, that the US is politically embedded and monetarily in the Ukraine political/business sector and that the US built 15 Wuhan style biolabs. If Russia did all of the above to Mexico, we’d attack Mexico too at one point. Still doesn’t make Putin a good person- he’s a bad guy. But if you tease a cobra enough you better be expecting the sting of the bite when it finally comes. This was predictable and thoroughly preventable if we had better foreign policy.

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Except this foreign policy is really all part of the plan to destroy democracy, freedom and capitalism in the US.

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Exactly. Klaus Schwab fiddles while the rest of the world teeters on the edge of an abyss. You just know the Idiot-in-Chief was installed, NOT elected.

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i don't know what's happening in the ukraine at all because everything i read turns out to be a lie, 2 days later

plus i don't care

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That video of the downed Russian tie fighter was a total fake!

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It's all fake. Look up the photo of the elderly woman with a bloodied face and white bandage that was on the cover of The Sun and The Guardian and many other places... it's from a building gas explosion in Germany in 2018.

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They treat us like we’re stupid and they may be right. Haven’t we been manipulated enough for the last two years to question anything the corporate media shills tries to feed us? I’m like Thomas above, I don’t care.

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I’ve been so thoroughly scared these last 5 years reading about the NWO’s rubbish plans that I don’t have many working nerves left. I’m not far from being calm at this point, even if I’m getting there backwards.

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It’s all so reminiscent of the beginning of Covid with all the faked over filling ERs and ICUs and piles of body bags. They have forgotten the internet is available for all

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Yes, the hysteria and uniformity of opinion is just the same.

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They didn’t bother to have someone write up a new script.

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No need They knew we'd buy it again.

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How did you figure that out? Memory?

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I'm replying with my own post because Alex is erasing my posts:

Let me explain it to you in a way you can understand, Alex. Your neighbor has bought his teenage boys hand guns. They're feeling pretty macho these days setting up a practice range in their yard, and they don't appreciate your complaints.

Did I tell you that dad is on the city council, at its head, and in a position to do favors for the other neighbors whose kids are also gathering at the shooting range in your neighbor's backyard. What'chu gonna do, Alex, start a war?

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Agreed. It's all lies built on lies, and at the bottom of it is a lot of meddling on the part of the US for years but now it's just a conveniently timed diversion.

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I'm replying with my own post because Alex is erasing my posts:

Let me explain it to you in a way you can understand, Alex. Your neighbor has bought his teenage boys hand guns. They're feeling pretty macho these days setting up a practice range in their yard, and they don't appreciate your complaints.

Did I tell you that dad is on the city council, at its head, and in a position to do favors for the other neighbors whose kids are also gathering at the shooting range in your neighbor's backyard. What'chu gonna do, Alex, start a war?

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Alex, can you delete her?

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Time to cut back on the booze a bit, maybe.

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Something is way off with this “invasion”. Propaganda coming from all sides. A Russian caravan that was small, then doubled in size and STILL hasn’t made it to Kiev (yes, I meant Kiev)? This is March of 2020 all over again. Nothing is what they’re telling us it is. I don’t trust the “media”. This isn’t what we’re meant to believe. They’ve discarded the COVID card because it no longer works. Now, there’s a new “war” that will destabilize the world even further and help to usher in the New World Order.

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And with the West's SWIFT proposals and the ensuing central banks deprived of Russian debt payments,the resulting inflationary surge could be the final push over the cliff of our phony fiat currency. If that happens (as predicted by Melissa Ciummei & Catherine Austin Fitts), the domestic turmoil will (among other consequences) clear the way for the Great Financial Reset. And then Putin will be revealed to have merely played his part in the WEF scheme, while at the same time being able to gobble up any real estate in the neighborhood. The same land acquisition freedom will be available to Xi.

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Assuming you are referencing Vlad herein (can never be certain with your writings), I think it is a possibility that a coup is what is in motion here. Having said that, a journalist of your standing and expertise missing what's behind the curtain and getting distracted by the colourful bouncing ball is dismaying, Alex. There is such a larger picture here, not the least of which is that Zalensky is little more than an imperialist puppet of the west inside of an exploitable populace and nation that has been exploited for decades and decades. #1 Rule, Alex, and you know this; The Detective's Credo.... #FollowTheMoney

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You nailed it!

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Bleep. By the title I thought you meant Biden

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The coup already happened, when election fraud put Biden in office.

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Gosh, give it a rest, you cannot keep your head in the sand forever! From Pence to Trump-appointed judges to half of Fox's Newscasters do not believe the election was fraudulent. For every instance of claimed left wing fraud found untrue, one instance comes out of right wing fraud to be true. Neutral experts say yes, there was, and always is, a little on each side, but agree that this was one of the best elections, nothing. As we have seen with Covid, nowadays you have to read across the spectrum, from loony Q to leftist rabble to see where the shit comes from and where the truth might lie as it settles. What you can't get over, so must deny, is that someone you hate so much (not really cuddly old Joe - the average lefty) is your supreme leader. Now you know how the left felt with the world embarrassment of Trump.

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Give it a rest? We do not have a legitimate government. This will be sorted out before the midterms.

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FFS your ignorance is off the charts! List the 2020 election fraud cases where eyewitness testimony was actually heard in court. When you realize that there are pretty much zero (Maybe there was one small scale one in Wisconsin.), tell us all about how many court cases where no witnesses are ever allowed.

Then come back and explain why so many "election officials" and democrats all over are going to court to prevent ballots and other voting records from even being looked at. Wake the fuck up and see it just like the CDC hiding data for many months, and Pfizer wanting to hide data for 75 fucking years.

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Exactly (from corrupted Wisconsin).

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Which is why Biden is fighting so hard to release results of the machines. Just like Nixon fought so hard to release the tapes.

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So you give zero credence to the bio labs that are in Ukraine?

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Indeed. I have to wonder why so many are falling for the narrative now, after witnessing the media lying first-hand. The idea that this invasion was unprovoked, or some kind of monstrous action, is patently absurd to anyone who has taken the time to dig a little beneath the surface of the lies.

Unfortunately, Putin is on the forced/coerced vax bandwagon, has been for a while. Wonder if it's him, or his officials, who oppose the Resetters, or if one or the other supports rather than opposes... It's all too convoluted.

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I'm replying with my own post because Alex is erasing my posts:

Let me explain it to you in a way you can understand, Alex. Your neighbor has bought his teenage boys hand guns. They're feeling pretty macho these days setting up a practice range in their yard, and they don't appreciate your complaints.

Did I tell you that dad is on the city council, at its head, and in a position to do favors for the other neighbors whose kids are also gathering at the shooting range in your neighbor's backyard. What'chu gonna do, Alex, start a war?

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Yes, I agree. I asked the simple question. The tough questions are many. The link is good for those that are unaware of the real story.


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and this, from Mearsheimer a right-wing prof at UofChicago, *6 years ago*

"Why is Ukraine the West's Fault?"


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And how was it proboked

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And then there's this Fox interview, which of course had the Colonel subsequently admonished:


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Here's an independent researcher's webpage covering the killings at Maidan in 2014. Check out the articles and videos


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Wow, always took Gowdy as a sensible guy. When you say the Col. was admonished, what happened?

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I assume this is reference to Biden rather than Putin. But just in case its not, I will tell you my perspective on both the covid-19 and Ukrainian things.

We all know Putin's an asshole. Vox Day seems to be revering him. But the rest of us understand his's a prick. But consider. Putin is an old school nationalist. He is not a "globalist" nor is he an ideological expansionist like the old Soviet Union was. This means he cares about what people do in Russia and Russia's back yard. He doesn't care about, for example, what Chileans do living in Chile.

On the other hand, you have this "globalist" faction lead by assholes like Bill Gates, George Soros, Klaus Schwab, and all of the other ilk of the WEF. These guys want to inject you with substances against your will and carry proof of such. They want to censor what you say on the internet. They want to regulate your bank account and what you spend your money on. They want regulate what you drive and where you can drive to, and how much and where you can fly to. They want to regulate what kind of house you live in and its size. Putin doesn't want to do any of these things to me.

So, tell me. Who is the bigger threat to my life and personal and economic freedom? Is it Putin? Or is it the Gates/Soros/Schwab WEF pricks? I say the latter, BY FAR.

It is worth considering that Putin is one of the few national leaders who is willing to stand up to these globalist pricks.

Does the expression "the enemy of my enemy is my friend" mean anything to you?

Do you see where I'm coming from here?

I'm thinking some of you need to pull your heads out and realize who the true enemy is.

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For the record, I think you are exactly right.

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I do too. Exactly

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Well said!

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But how do you account for Schwab's very open endorsement of Putin? Indeed, the names Trudeau and Putin are the first to come to his lips--first team, apparently, not just some guys on the bench. That Putin values certain aspects of culture, that he is also a Russian nationalist, does not in the least mean that he will fail to see the usefulness of the global subversion of the WEF and use it as long as it is useful -- until "useful idiot" no longer requires the adjective. Furthermore as a lifelong KGB guy, the motto of which was "Shield and Sword of the Party", I would not quickly separate him from historic USSR ambitions.

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Comments say it all here. This community is (wisely) not buying the MSM narrative regarding Russia and Ukraine. Putin is certainly not a great guy, but how many things in life are as simple and *completely* good vs. evil the way this is being portrayed?

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Ummmm did you fall and hit your head? You are leaning in hard to the narrative from the Ministry of Propoganda with this one.

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Nonsense. Look at NATO expansion lies and Uncle Joe's 10% cut in Crack Hunter's deals with Ukraine gasco's and tell me there is not something fishy going on.

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Isn't Putin a WEF Young Leader? Hard to be in the club and at war with the club.

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Actually he is not. He is held up by Schwab as such but upon closer examination, he only ever engaged in talks with Schwab years ago and was not a student nor graduate. This is simply old-fashioned "marketing" by the WEF Chief Henchman.

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"Old-fashioned Marketing"? Schwab is a smarter salesman than that: "Hi, this is Jack the Ripper, and he's a real good guy." No, no, no. So Putin doesn't have the necessary paperwork? But his name comes first, along with Trudeau's, from Klaus' lips when he is asked about disciples. Obviously the older man is very happy with his Russian connection. Just sayin'.

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There are a few opinions on that one. Apparently Putin wasn't the right age to qualify at the time when he was in talks about this, so he never actually entered or completed the program but had been considered. Some say Schwab was simply bragging on occasion about having had Putin "under him" as well. along with everybody else (Merkel, Trudeau, Macron, Zuck, Gates, Bezos, Lagarde, von der Leyen, Brown, Blair, u name them). Either way, Putin was a guest at the WEF just like Xi has been many times. Another opinion goes that he went there to collect intelligence, as these were his post-KGB days, and that his loyalty had never been with Davos and the WEF.

The holy grail of the whole NWO/Great Reset roadmap "vision", however, would be - as I have been wondering myself - how the f**k they were going to have everything escalate the way they're supposed to, if one believes in how it's meant to play out. Meaning: soon-to-come blackouts, severe disruption of financial markets, banks, shortage of all kinds of consumer goods and food due to imploding transport links, chaos, further energy shortages, etc. We saw tiny signs of all of that during the height of the plandemic which now appears to become replaced by this war situation. Seeing that the variants simply aren't really scaring anyone anymore, they need a new global scare to escalate towards the next level.

This war could bring all that - the huge sanctions, potentially "years" of ongoing conflict as already "predicted" by plenty of system stooge politicians and analysts. So plenty of time to take us to Schwab's 2030. As the virus ran its course and wasn't deadly enough, and as they probably couldn't fabricate a new one right away without looking like total gangsters, a war with Russia opens a whole new world of opportunities.

So, under that light, Putin may well be "in on it" by escalating a conflict he realistically will know he can't win easily or without throwing Russia and parts of the world economy into turmoil. So it may all be set up, which might explain a few other oddities around this "crisis" that may be manufactured. Xi is already far ahead with implementation, as China already has the social credit scores and 360° citizen control. Putin (or whoever succeeds him) will benefit from those totalitarian new instruments as well, so he may also choose to go along with Schwab's agenda 2030 and gift it to the EU, US and his part of Asia by participating. Without losing face at home or the public becoming suspicious, a drawn-out semi-fake war, bringing the world economy to its knees after COVID, and raising all sorts of new security measures (border controls, better IDs, perhaps more terrorism once again etc), would do the job and complete the next chapter of that nasty Great Reset.

So yeah, maybe a Dear Young Leader after all.

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Interesting insights ... thanks.

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As someone with populist tendencies, I was hoping Putin wasn't in the club, even if he may have had the opportunity. Unless you buy the Western spin that he's become a mad man (which I don't) the invasion seems completely out of character & reckless. Makes me wonder about that club...

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I've thought exactly this... that Putin has accepted some back office winnings and will go along with the script. Cue the new 'financial safety' slogans... you know, for our safety.

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Yeah. If you believe in the "Great Reset" roadmaps with what seem all to be damn scary prospects, it became clear quickly enough Covid wasn't cutting it. So how else would they run down the whole world this way, if not through a huge war? So there we go.

Even if Putin wasn't in on it, then all the provocation and NATO buildup on Russia's border sure was enough to set the bear off, that's for sure. So Klaus & Co. would've gotten their catastrophy either way.

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Im kinda down with this thinking ..

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Right-o. And Tulsi Gabbard was a member of the CFR.

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Tulsi is a YGL too, oh and Dan Crenshaw (R-TX). Chameleons

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Tulsi is showing up in a lot of interviews lately, and Tucker Carlson just announced a new one-hour interview with her on Fox Nation (I haven't watched it yet). I imagine Tucker won't say anything, but I wish just one person would ask her directly about the WEF connections.

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Along with Alicia Garza, BLM 1/3 cofounder.

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I wasn't aware of that one. I knew James Zogby was a member, which proves that simply being a member means little, since Zogby has been an outspoken critic of US Mideast policy. My point was that IF Putin was EVER in YGL, it means little. It could just be information gathering, as I believe was Tulsi's membership in CFR. However, having so many heads of state and important ministers graduates of YGL is very significant.

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A distinction in what you state: Anyone who enlists is already evincing a statist perspective; we can see something fundamental of their assumptions. This is more important than where they may stand on any particular issue. They can be on any side of it. True, there are always degrees of alignment. But let us not confuse the "information gathering" explanation with going to the library to check out the card catalogue or, in our time, doing a google search of topics. It leads us to ask, "What drew them in in the first place?" And as for Putin, the significant fact is not how he saw himself, but how the ringleader viewed (or views) him; And the record makes that crystal clear.

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Now that's funny!

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Assuming Slugdaddy was making a joke ... :)

That's the way I took it. Think Putin is a bit old to have been in the WEF Young Leader club.

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Follow me. The Old Man grew tired of the lies NATO has been telling for 15 years regarding NATO expansion. He decides enough is enough and decides to invade a corrupt country where the Biden's and other western bureaucrats are stealing money as fact as they can.

Now either NATO deals with him or he just takes Ukraine and everything that goes with it. Their huge oil and gas supplies. Their steel making capabilities (one of the largest in the world) and many other things. Ukraine could be a rich country if the Bidens and other western bureaucrats weren't robbing them blind.

Once Putin has these things he can then charge what he wants.

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I think this is closest to reality.

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Hey, Alex. Volunteer. Hop on a flight. Put your own ass on the line, not just everyone else's.

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I don't get that you disbelieve the MSM on most things covid, but when it comes to Geopolitics you seem to have swallowed the propaganda hook,line and sinker.

If you're interested I can send you links to numerous (even US military/diplomats) people calling bullshit on the whole Putin "aggression" claim.

Maybe he's been backed into a corner with a Nato country on his doorsteps talking about nuking up again?? Maybe he's under pressure from Russian citizens to protect the Russians in the Donbass republics that are being shelled mercilessly by Nazi's that the West backs...

Wasn't he promised after the collapse of the USSR that Nato wouldn't move "one inch to the east" ??

Maybe the West is the aggressor here ??

But we'd know that from watching TV wouldn't we, if that were the case.

I for one don't support the Azor Battalion's Ukronazi's or NATO or US aggression

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Gell-Mann amnesia?

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Did Dick Cheney hijack this blog?

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Maybe Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger, Mr. Ghost of Kiev

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And Judith Miller

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You can do better than this, Alex. The timing of the invasion vis a vis the announcements of Covid being virtually over is too obvious for words. You are not doing your due diligence here. Something is going on and it ain't the way you lay it out.

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With all due respect Alex, you’re out of your depth on this topic, much like I am with certain ones.

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I gotta admit, at first I thought this was about Biden. It is about Putin, right? Cause all you gotta do is change a couple of nouns and it's Biden.

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Are you f***ing serious? Am I missing something here?

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Nope you're not missing anything. He's having a schizo moment, trusting the same lying-ass media he's made it his latest endeavor to expose.

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I hope it's a schizo moment. Can't believe Alex could believe all the obvious baloney being published while other opinions are being censored. Irony doesn't do it justice.

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Putin is less of a threat to me than my own corrupt illegitimate criminal tyrannical government and the three letter agencies they use like the stazi.

They censor me from speaking on topics not in line with the state sponsored narrative. Right Alex?

They investigate anyone questioning what's being taught to their children and dare to hold school boards accountable.

They want to force me to take something experimental that I don't need nor want.

They wasn't to force me to present papers proving I've complied with that forced medical procedure.

They call me racist and white supremacist because I don't hold the same political views as they while at the same time they claim to be for diversity.

They arrest and hold political prisoners denying them due process.

They force banks to provide account holder information without a proper search warrant in order to use ATM records to track movements of these individuals.

Putin hasn't done any of those things to me.

So tell me again who threatens me and my family's freedoms and livelihoods.

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Yes, this. 👆

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Notice how they are minimizing Covid and getting everyone to hate Russia in its place. We are all being played Alex. You of all people should know better.

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I don't hate Russia. I hate Putin. I don't hate America, I hate Biden. I don't hate Canada, I hate Trudeau.

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Maybe you should read some of Putin's public comments about the west and our descent into post modern madness.

You might not hate him as much when you do.

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I share some of his stated cultural beliefs (who knows what he really believes; and furthermore, his chief motivation seems to be that of a self-aggrandizing, ruthless dictator. So, in that sense, I don't care what he says he believes. My grandfather admired some things about thug-Mussolini, but he didn't go back there. We can lament the sicknesses of our age justifiably but shouldn't feel any fellowship with tyrants who will say anything, but never stop doing evil when it suits them. Putin isn't going to breathe fresh life into the West.

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I truly hate Putin as he is a dictator. I do understand that Ukraine is not black and white; that Putin feels threatened by the West (and for good reason based upon empty promises and assurances); and that US shares responsibility for Putin's actions. His comments about the post modern mess maybe be incisive, even true. He is a tyrant.

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I don't understand why people are running with this "Putin is insane or sickly" narrative. He seems in control of his facilities. I mean, he chose the perfect time to make a move.

Anyway, I feel badly for the innocent civilians who will suffer due to geopolitical machinations, but that's exactly what this is. It's not personal and what he's doing is no different than what the US does every year we bomb a small, resource-rich country or install an American-friendly "democracy."

At this point, I'm sick of the over the top propaganda.

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Please stick to COVID.

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I've unsubscribed Alex. No hard feelings but this isn't what I signed up for. I subscribed to your newsletter for two months and gave you money even though I am not swimming in it at the moment because I believed in your work but I don't think you're quite as astute with geopolitics as you are with the pandemic.

What we need are level heads right now who can inject some sanity to the latest mass hysteria event instead you're feeding it.

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Coup already happened. Bidenburo is the result.

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The coup started 10 minutes after Trump won the 2016 election. There was NO way he was going to be allowed win the 2020 election. Remember the CIA assassinated JFK in 1963--and they have their fingerprints all over this as well. Now how does Uncle Joe suspend the 2022 elections? Martial law?

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So the USA, bombing the crap out of brown people for the last 20 years barely registered a raised eyebrow, but now we have gone all righteous, woke and humanitarian over a conflict that has been brewing for 8 years after the CIA lead coup in 2014. Russia did not want missiles pointed directly at them on its border & has been pleading with the parties involved to give the country security guarantees. The US and Ukraine told Putin to go pound sand and Putin finally called their bluff...and here we are. Another useless war where everyone loses except the bankers.

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Alex you're losing it. Putin, though, is quite sharp. Seriously. You are regurgitating CIA propaganda that is broadcast on CNN.

This is simple. The US weaponized right wing Ukrainians and put them in charge of Ukraine. They've been killing Russians (the separatists) on Russia's border for 8 years and they've been screwing with Russia more and more. Zelensky was a nut and he started to even talk about building nuke weapons but the Neo-Nazis and right wing extremists in that gov, in the military and the command of the military are far worse.

Russia eliminated America's weapon that was on her border. Putin will be viewed as a hero and his popularity will increase. It has already.

Putin and Russian leadership have spoken about a necessity to decouple from "the west" for some time and a need to turn to the east. They've spoken about steps they've taken to do so. The sanctions might hurt but the Russians believed (i think correctly) that those were coming no matter what they did. Its been painfully obvious that the dems are obsessed with destroying Russia and Europe is a bunch of russophobic, US controlled lemmings. I wouldn't be surprised if the greater economic pain and regime changes that happen are in the EU. Russia has prepared for 20 years.

The military campaign is well orchestrated and rather effective (don't believe the US news). They'll put in a puppet regime, get rid of the Nazis, balkanize the place and leave, though they'll likely keep a small force of peacekeepers there.

I recommend reading or at least reading about Zbigniew Brzezinski's "The Grand Chessboard" as it seems to be the blueprint for US foreign policy towards Russia and Central Asia.

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Russia has the ability to wipe German industry off the grid by shutting off the gas. By acting like poodles for the empire, the entire EU has nobody to blame but themselves. Despite being vilified by the Western world, Putin does NOT want to rebuild the Soviet Union, he simply wants reasonable security guarantees for the Country. He was backed into a corner with no room left to negotiate with the US and Ukraine & has fully committed. The military operation will stop once Ukraine is de-nazified and demilitarized. Hopefully, there are still reasonable diplomats left in the world that can bring about a solution to prevent more bloodshed and strife before it gets to the point where we all become vaporized. I'm sorry, this is another colossal failure of US foreign policy. I wish the US would start building up its OWN crumbling bridges, rather than blowing up others.

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Everybody break out your Ponsonby's 'Falsehood in war time' now! I don't care for Putin (though he does give some mean anti-woke speeches) but I'm so sick of the West's war-fear-mongering crap.

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I couldn't agree more. I don't know if we'll be calling it fearmongering in a month or so. Joe said absolutely no vaccine mandates and look what happened. No troops may have the same result.

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Add to that Rosie the Riveter the fact he adamantly said NO when asked if Americans should worry about nuclear war. His track record always shows the opposite. I was not worried until he said NO......

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Good point. Especially after his seemingly campaign speech tonight I lost more hope. I don't think Putin will do it, but who knows.

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How about this…

1. After the past 2 years, We know to question everyone in the media because they lie and obfuscate.

2. We know Burisma paid Hunter millions to sit on its board, even though he has no experience in oil and gas. Money for access to Hunter’s Old Man. That’s what we know. I’m sure there’s more…

So… what if Biden decided it was time for those who bought Hunter to go. What if Putin knew this. What if Biden and Putin conspired to take out Ukraine because of what they had on the Bidens?

Just a thought or two. It was a long ride into the city this morning…

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I've thought for a long time that surely Putin and a great many in Ukraine were well versed in Biden's corruption over the years, and that they could either expose him or blackmail him in some way. It's not even a stretch to wonder about this. China too, now that I think about it.

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Wow! That's really from out of left field. Hadn't considered that scenario.

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Lol- I know. It was a long drive this morning. 🤷🏼‍♀️ But not out of the realm of possibilities, right?

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Makes as much sense as any other explanation.

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Very possible. Why would Mr. Biden gift Nordstream II to Putin right off the bat. What did we get in return for that move?

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Cancelling our pipeline and restoring Nordstream II seems blatantly obvious as a pre-planned action. Very few people seem to be questioning this, which seems odd.

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Yep. Instead if us supplying our own crude and selling off the surplus to Europe, we are now sending Putin 75 million a day. Whose war is this?

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Well, what hasn't Biden done to hurt America and, consequently, to empower our adversaries? Nordstream was the only pipeline he liked.

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Nothing has been pumped through it yet. He lifted the sanctions, allowed Russia to waste more time and money completing it, ... Now Germany is holding up the process and not letting it go online. But yeah, something is fishy as hell !!

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Alex what I don't get is that the same bureaucrats that sold us the Scamdemic lies are the same ones selling the Russia lies. I mean, the exact same.

Why can you see through their lies regarding covid but can't see through their lies here?

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To say I'm disappointed by your take on this new fear and control tactic is something of an understatement. 🙄

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don't you have 55k pages of pfizer docs to go thru? (genuinely asking...did the dump happen?)

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Oligarch: A very rich business leader with a great deal of political influence.

Don't we have a lot of those here in the U.S.?

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Bezos. Gates. Buffett. Soros to name a few.

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Too many to count, actually!

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Wishful thinking. The Ukraine is pwned and the cavalry is not coming.

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EXACTLY!!!!! Dates back to the Clintons and even further.

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Do you believe that the same set of governments and media organizations that have been lying about everything COVID related for the past 2 years are telling the truth about foreign policy?

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They literally LIE about everything. They're worse than Tommy Flanagan FFS. And these 'fact checkers'. Spanky and Buckwheat would do a better job.

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No, not one word. Not even their names!

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I think 98% of what we're hearing now is propaganda. Of course, the basic facts are being reported correctly; like Russian troops invaded Ukraine. Every other pronouncement to me is suspect. Facts spun favorably at the very least, outright lies at the worst; e.g. the "ghost of Kiev."

Anyway, ya know who we're not hearing a lot out of? The Russians. Maybe that means things are going poorly? Maybe that means things are going as planned? Only the Russians know that and they apparently ain't saying.

It will all come out in the wash eventually. We just need to keep our distance until it does.

Quite frankly, what I think we're witnessing is a clash between two competing evils. On the one side you've got Putin and his oligarchs. On the other side you've got the CIA/MI6/Globalist/WEF cabal and their oligarchs. In the middle you've got millions of innocent Ukrainians in danger of getting killed to advance some 0.1 percenter's preferred views on such momentous issues as whether or not they have a gay pride parade in Maidan Square.

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I hear Ginger Goebbels who is soon to leave the White House press Secretary role, is thinking of going to start being press secretary for Putin, I think it’s a lateral move, but for her, she just needs a change of scenery…

At least all the press in Russia is in Putin’s back pocket.

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Did you see the picture of her in Russia with the pink Russian hat.

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Mar 2, 2022
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2014 when she was at State during Obama administration.

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You should check out Intel Slava telegram channel among others.

The Russian offensive is proving successful so far in slowly but surely taking over the entire east of Ukraine.

Hey I could be watching propoganda but it's worth following to see what they are claiming.

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It's a Rorschach test. Do you see Biden or do you see Putin? 😀

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Just stick to Covid Alex. Love ya, but damn…

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You talkin bout Putin? Biden?? All those other over 75 year old F’s in Congress???

Or, our failed democracy????

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Nancy. (Him/Her/They/Whatever)

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