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As a Russian speaking from

Eastern Ukraine I can tell you that my Russian speaking friends in many cities are sitting in basements and metro hiding from the occupiers, running out of food. A family with three children was killed by a rocket today in Kharkiv. You are eating up Putin propaganda, you understand nothing about the culture and Putin’s strategy. This massacre is on you too.

This nonsense is ridiculous. People are fighting tanks with bare hands, they have no medical supplies. Why are they not jumping for joy greeting the groups?

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No one disagrees the pain and horror that people are experiencing -- on both sides. I'd guess there are Russian soldiers who wanted no part of this, as well as many Russians.

That said, if the Ukraine had no standing army to defend itself, to demand that males between 18 and 60 (are they all combat-ready? Hrrrm ... doubt that) stay and fight to be (likely) slaughtered ... I don't know. There is propaganda on both sides; such is the nature of war.

It seems there is much going on from the West, and I suspect multiple "games" are afoot. The obvious question to me is why was the go-to position from the West to ratchet this up immediately, rather than try to shut it down? Yes, there is a tremendous amount of responsibility on the West. All horrible, and all was preventable. Installing an incompetent or corrupt (or both) government in the U.S. yields results. And whether the U.S. administration is incompetent or corrupt, the end result is the same. Failure. Like any other Third World country.

I'm just glad I'm old. The future doesn't look good ...

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The future is hope of you know Jesus Christ. That is the one assured hope.

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Thanks for putting into words some of what I'm feeling.

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Thanks, Olga. I am truly sorry for their plight. But it’s safe to say that many Russians in the Donbas are opposed to the Ukrainian government. If was not true they wouldn’t have declared independence from Ukraine. I’m certainly not excusing Putin’s actions though. I did refer to him as a ruthless dictator in my article.

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this "massacre" has nothing to do with us. neither do the ones in africa right now. neither do the ones probably happening in outer space.

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