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Based on conjecture and propaganda…… and right in line with the pounding of the war drums “Putin is losing it” and there might be a “coup” is often the drum beat leading to our intervention in foreign wars to promote the leadership change the US military industrial complex wants in those places…..

There are no leaked cables or other verifiable sources.

I have no idea what Putin was thinking or what his grip on power looks like, because most media here, Ukraine, and Russia is very biased and committed to a narrative. Alex doesn’t know either.


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Absolutely true. Except the meaning of warmongering is "encouraging or advocating aggression toward other countries or groups" I don't think Alex is doing this.

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I disagree on the war monger part ….. the Putin has lost his mind narrative is part of the pro-war narrative.

I hope Putin fails. But I’m not sure we really know the motivation or level of miscalculation. People are dying and that is a tragedy. That said, I’m not sure what would replace Putin and I think it’s dangerous to assume what’s in the works. Stalin is still praised in Russia despite killing an estimated 20 million - mostly Russians and Ukrainians. Just as Mao is still praised in China despite killing 45-65 million people through starvation.

More importantly, there were similar ramblings about Iraq before we sent troops in - the difference this time is Putin actually has nukes, and chemical weapons, and vacuum bombs……………

I’m also saying it from reading everything Alex publishes.

This article pre-dates Alex’s post and gives insight into the concern.


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