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Watching Berenson relive his early days of being a covid hysteric like all of the rest of them is kind of hilarious. PAAANNNIIICCCCC…. Will be interesting to watch if he comes around on how much he’s being lied to about Russia and Kiev like he realized how much he was being lied too about covid

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Berenson thinks in American, according to American time frames (2 yrs, 4 yrs, 8ys, but no longer), with American notions about warfare (smash and destroy civilian infrastructure, killing hundreds of thousands). Now Berenson thinks that the game is checkers, but Russians love chess. Putin, on the other hand was never much of a chess player. He preferred Judo.

The trap for NATO and the Pernicious Empire has been baited and set. The best units have been held in reserve.


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Yes I hope they finally catch V!ctor!a NULAND...


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America knows the power of Oligarchs (Soros, Gates, Zuckerberg, Tech....) Well if you took away their yachts, private planes, froze their money everywhere but the frozen, barley inhabitable, Russia, my guess is they are not going to be as supportive of their BULLY, MURDERING LEADER!! They are Putin's "people".

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I'm replying with my own post because Alex is erasing my posts:

Let me explain it to you in a way you can understand, Alex. Your neighbor has bought his teenage boys hand guns. They're feeling pretty macho these days setting up a practice range in their yard, and they don't appreciate your complaints.

Did I tell you that dad is on the city council, at its head, and in a position to do favors for the other neighbors whose kids are also gathering at the shooting range in your neighbor's backyard. What'chu gonna do, Alex, start a war?

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Article VII of the Constitution of the USA pretends to state the law on "Ratification" and 'Establishment" before each of these. The precious preamble contradicts the blunt historical truth that fewer than 1/2 of "the People" did any ordaining or establishing, and MANY of the people resisted the pseudfederalists' coup d'etat.

Empire of Lies, indeed.

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Why would Putin want to show weakness and trap nato?

Maybe he appears weak because he knows he could just level the place and so why send in so many troops?

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Maybe most of his generals have been chess players and understand the concept of the sacrifice.

He needs to beware of a fool's mate and similar mistakes, though.

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I'm replying with my own post because Alex is erasing my posts:

Let me explain it to you in a way you can understand, Alex. Your neighbor has bought his teenage boys hand guns. They're feeling pretty macho these days setting up a practice range in their yard, and they don't appreciate your complaints.

Did I tell you that dad is on the city council, at its head, and in a position to do favors for the other neighbors whose kids are also gathering at the shooting range in your neighbor's backyard. What'chu gonna do, Alex, start a war?

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I think that we've covered this ground together already.

P.S. Check out Sarvastivada, an ancient school now defunct as far as I know. The Sarvastivadins taught that the past, present, and future stand together as a unity. It seems that their school stumbled and collapsed when it could not account for freedom of will, or at least a multitude of many different futures for any given set of spatiotemporal coordinates (x, y, z, t). This problem has been overcome. Cosmological presentism [sic] will fall.


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This person is just a troll. This is the 7th time at least this comment has been posted.

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Judo -- where you let the opponent's own strength (or imagined strength) defeat him. The control of leverage.

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Here's just one possible scenario: First a few anomalies and then consequence (#3 below): 1) In any real war one of the first objectives is to cut off the enemy’s communications and silence his propaganda. Putin has done neither, and he certainly has the capability. Hence, it is logical to assume that he WANTS all the pleas for help and Western involvement to continue. Why? We have to answer that satisfactorily. 2) Supremely rational, old Klaus Schwab, Putin’s long time admirer, is also encouraging the West to aid Ukraine against Putin. Are we to believe that now at the ripe old age of 187 he has had a change of heart, that he now renounces the former quasi protegé? Possible… but 3) And now the SWIFT action cutting Russia off from the central banks will also mean that said banks are going to be holding empty bags that used to contain Russian payment on debt. Without that cash they will force their governments to print yet more phony money and thereby replenish bank coffers while jump-starting global inflation that is already on a rampage. The world financial collapse (see Melissa Ciummei and Catherine Austin Fitts) awaiting just such a nudge would cause bedlam domestically, rendering ANY international military actions out of the question. The total chaos in our countries would mean that Putin could not only absorb Ukraine at his leisure, and whatever else he might be eying, and also that Xi could indulge Chinese ambitions with a free hand. Oh, yes. And then we definitely would be ready for the Great Financial Reset… beneath the benevolent smile of Klaus.

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I'm not so sure that Putin could silence the West's propaganda monster. It's like a gigantic hydra. Probably it would require a power like BlackRock.

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Well the first two aren’t pressing….the third refers to banks collapsing. If a bank collapses - do they really force the governments to print money or is there an opportunity to buy up the assets for cheap?

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Yeah I get it….you step to the side and the opponent falls on his face. How would that actually work?

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Trap for NATO? I thought it was the other way around. Please explain. And who are the best units?

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I'm replying with my own post because Alex is erasing my posts:

Let me explain it to you in a way you can understand, Alex. Your neighbor has bought his teenage boys hand guns. They're feeling pretty macho these days setting up a practice range in their yard, and they don't appreciate your complaints.

Did I tell you that dad is on the city council, at its head, and in a position to do favors for the other neighbors whose kids are also gathering at the shooting range in your neighbor's backyard. What'chu gonna do, Alex, start a war?

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If he erased them, he didn’t erase enough of them since this is about the 5th post of yours I read. All exactly the same.

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Cat, did you really "read" the nonsensical rants, or just mean you took notice and moved on.

I’m with the previous poster - some people need to be carefully monitored to ensure they’re taking their meds.

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I read the first post, and then saw that there were several more identical posts, all claiming that Alex was erasing them. The metaphor was a little hard to follow, but I got the gist of it.

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have you misplaced your medication?

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what do you imply is a lie about Russia

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Read my comment above... we should know better than to form a hypothesis or theory based on exhibits which are completely unverifiable & merely reported by the same lying-ass media who Alex has made it his life's work to expose as said liars and propagandists.

""Send the wrong units forward first.""?

""Make sure they are undersupplied."" ?

""Nuclear threat will scare the West.""?

""What should have been easy becomes difficult.""?

every single one of those are merely talking points by the Twitterati and talking head nemesi of all people of good will and sound mind.

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Exactly. The very same people that assured me that mRNA vaccines are supper duper safe and effective (based on nothing) now want to assure me that Putin is out of his mind (again based on nothing).

Mr. Berenson has been very, very good and sifting through medical and pharmaceutical data. However, I think that he needs to get a lot more into post-Soviet history to better understand Putin's mindset.

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You are on the money. I can just see Toobin and Brennan in a circle jerk telling CNN that Putin is crazy. Oh America I hardly know ye.

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My issue is why are all the globalists who started all this crap now lining up against Putin. I don’t trust Putin, but something doesn’t smell right here. Just like when the leftist media fawned all over GWB when he died like he was a saint or something.

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Could be fear, but maybe part of the plan. Their cold-blooded cynicism can not be overestimated.

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He is talking about Biden isn’t he?

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I wasn't sure at first. But, when I read "tell him that the nuclear threat will scare the West", I concluded not.

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Jay, well said! I'm happily surprised that most comments seem sensible - it's Alex whose out in left field on this

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I wouldn't say he's left field, he's just totally relapsed to his old self swallowing the mainstream narrative.

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What is the mainstream narrative? That the invasion is struggling and below expectations? You think that was the plan all along?

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I'm replying with my own post because Alex is erasing my posts:

Let me explain it to you in a way you can understand, Alex. Your neighbor has bought his teenage boys hand guns. They're feeling pretty macho these days setting up a practice range in their yard, and they don't appreciate your complaints.

Did I tell you that dad is on the city council, at its head, and in a position to do favors for the other neighbors whose kids are also gathering at the shooting range in your neighbor's backyard. What'chu gonna do, Alex, start a war?

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But a 100 year modern history informs nothing about the workings of the Kremlin.? It is all fiction while we're in the middle of trying to make sense of what is happening.

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Not fair at all. Have you scene the footage of the community citizen center in Kyiv blown to bits today? No one is panicking, just informing. Putin has accelerated his desire to take Ukraine by killing as many as possible. I was worried from the get-go, the mumblings of the weakest POTUS in history, would somehow "back into" a war with the "MadMan across the water".

And about COVID, wow, read the 400 pages the Judge released about the Pfister vac. today! Course, MOST common sence, certainly parents, KNOW all about that how many lies and recklessness with our lives. READ! Not FB & twitter....

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Putin is doing everything he can to liberate the people of Ukraine from western tyranny. Let us pray for his swift and total success.

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Putin took the bait....It's actually a coup against Putin by the NWO WEF,and guess what ....Xi is next.

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Screw you.

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Thank you

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you Don't actually know if that's true or not

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Mar 1, 2022
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Methinks we have a screwball/troll here.

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She's KGB

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OK! That was LOL!


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Am I the only one that's confused by all of this??

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NO. I'm totally lost. I'm not proud. And what about the repeated posts by Ms. LSP? why??

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Yes, the repeated posts...very strange. I honestly don't know what the hell to think right now...

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LSP may be loony tunes. Just sayin'

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Ya think? LOL!

(Thanks QuaranTina!)

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hmmm now my comment was repeated. Looks like a technical problem.

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I don't see your posts repeated, Amy. Just the screwball's posts.

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thanks. As soon as I posted a comment, it doubled. But now it's down to only one. Time to get off the computer I think!!

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I hear you--and feel your pain.

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erm, Alex . . . might want to check into this . . .

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It's actually a coup against Putin by the NWO WEF,and guess what ....Xi is next.

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Or, all four of those entities are still as unified as ever. Out of our inability to see the following frames of this film, we shouldn't take our ignorance for knowledge.

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