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I believe he is speaking about B!den

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Nope. He’s war mongering on the command of the very media he spent the last year calling lying propaganda machines………….

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Warmongering? He's speculating about a coup? If you guys hate Alex so much, why read and comment?

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No, he’s war mongering and propaganda.

We comment because we believe in free speech. Do you only comment when you agree? Or just disagree with other comments?

No one at the Kremlin wants western imperialism through further NATO expansion towards the Russian border. If Putin gets tossed it will be difference in opinion on strategy and winning, not the goal of keeping a buffer with the west.

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Expressed my frustration badly. I believe in free speech. I see no suggestion in his post of either war mongering or propaganda. I see his analysis of Putin's power - he has the goods on everyone. I see his speculation as to the motives and decision process of those in Russia who may now be questioning Putin's continuing usefulness. I doubt his analysis is correct, but it is an unusual take. I just cannot understand criticizing him for something he did not say. I see this every time certain of his readers object to his position. Oh, he's a lib, he's trying to get back with his old pals, etc. I'm just tired of it. I knew who Alex was from the beginning. So I expressed my frustration. Maybe it is you that don't believe in free speech.

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I disagree. He’s regurgitating talking points like “Putin is losing it” providing no actual facts.

You told me not to comment or read Alex if I disagree and now you’re saying I’m the one who has an issue with free speech?? 😂. Funny

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I'm laughing because you know she didn't tell you not to comment or read. I agree with Susan that we don't understand why people spend their time following accounts of folks whose opinions are opposite of their own. Perhaps you would prefer Twitter. It's full of trolls who revel in stirring up trouble and making people angry.

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We follow Alex because we agree with a LOT of what he's doing. MOST of it. But we don't agree with everything he says. Duh. And then we say so. Rocket science. It's a conversation, a debate. Alex is writing to promote a dialogue and that is what he's getting.

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😂😂😂😂😂. You promote an echo chamber - sounds like Twitter is where you belong.

I noticed no little badge next to your name - are you too cheap or broke to pay Alex as you get angry at those of us who do? And have a signed copy of his book to go with it.

Having my own brain I find it interesting to think for myself. Sometimes I agree with Alex. Sometimes I don’t. At least I’m willing to actually pay to see what he has to say. 😘

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I am a paid subscriber and I have no badge. I don't need no stinkin' badges (probably misquoted).

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And I bought his book. And his four pamphlets. And several of his John Wells novels.

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To deflate your tude, I'll gladly rebuke you because I am indeed a paid subscriber... one of the first. And why do you say I'm angry when you're the one insulting fellow readers?

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Mar 3, 2022
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Right. Anywhere there is a consensus is apparently where they are comfy. Everybody on here, I dare say supports Alex and PAYS to do it. That doesn't mean we don't get to call him when we disagree. We pay for that right and so far, it's a free country.

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Susan… This is not normal. Alex‘s post clearly struck a nerve with Russians. and they’ve infiltrated Alex’s sub stack. I know that sounds loony… But there are just too many really crazy comments in here. This person for instance isn’t even an American by birth. Their command of English is good but not really how an American would speak. This commentor is probably not even a mom but a big huge dude named Karel. Lol. 😊

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😂🤣😂🤣. Being anti-war makes one a “Russian” now??? 😂🤣😂🤣😂. And truck drivers are Nazis and Asian parents are really white supremacists too!!!!

Thanks for the laugh!!!

I do wish you luck in the front lines in Ukraine. Certainly you wouldn’t be calling for other Americans to die while you sit in your house pontificating about imaginary Russian bots? Right?

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The "science" didn't change. Just the politics.

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Thanks for the support. One can't say anything on Alex's substack without chaos ensuing. Glad to interact with someone sane.

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This reply was to Merrill Dodge. Why did Sub stack stack it here?

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Right. She told you not to talk.

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This may be in vain, but I did not tell him not to talk. I asked why he follows Alex if he disagrees with everything he says. That's all, folks.

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I’m a mom, as indicated in my name. Men can’t actually give birth. I am not a “he” biologically or otherwise…….

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No offense intended. Believe it or not, I read your title NCnom. Time for new glasses or a time out from tablet glare.

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OK Karen, sure.

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I'm not amused.

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This was to NCmom but Sub stack stacked it weirdly, as usual.

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Except the West is seizing all of the big players money and they have good reasons to turn on him but don’t count on it. Putin is too useful at this point doing Joe’s dirty work to take out Zelensky and the Ukrainians who gave Trump and Rudy Giuliani the dirt on Biden and the others who were demanding bribes and kickbacks and money laundering and anything else - human trafficking - from Ukraine. Biden had the Ukraine ‘portfoloio’ under Obama. He dangled NATO and EU membership and in exchange Biden sent in the CIA who recruited and trained NAZIs who along with George Soros orchestrated two coups in Ukraine and multiple coups world wide including in the US.

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Ukraine is Deep State playground!!

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This is such a twisted web. Biden certainly has motivation for Zelenskyy to die, but Putin has all the dirt too. I have no idea what will happen to Putin, or in this war, but I’m not exactly comfortable with what Putin would replaced with by those who still praise Stalin…….. which most Russians still do. Plus, the media isn’t trustworthy or credible anywhere right now and the loudest drum beats for war are coming from US politicians that get tricked by evident fake memes. 🤦‍♀️

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Russian guy used to work for me. We talked about Putin, he said Putin is very middle of the road, he balances the factions really well, there are way crazier people in the mix there. He said he's as good as your going to get. Of course Putin may have changed since he spoke about this in 2014 or so.

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I’ve heard that but honestly don’t know that I could access it, so I’m never sure what to think.

What I do know is this administration made almost no effort to avoid or bring down tension prior to the invasion they knew was a risk. It’s like they egged it on which is just odd. Brandon embraced energy policy that would allow Putin to finance a war. He refused to promise not to let Ukraine into NATO. The timing with the war mongering and collapse of the Covid regime feels just like the hyped up BLM “protests” in the summer of 2020. There is nothing the lunatic left won’t do, including stumble into a nuclear war, to hold power.

I in no way support this invasion, but there are the conflicting stories everywhere. The Ukrainian forces that said f-yourself turn out to be alive and well? But Putin has ordered indescriminate death? We are supposed to believe evil Putin wants to kill Ukrainians, yet the death toll is lower than with Covid each day in August here? That doesn’t add up. Evil Putin used a vacuum bomb, yet he’s warning about the physical infrastructure he’s going to target. I have no idea. Our media lies, Ukraine’s media lies, Russia’s media lies.

Evil Putin called Zelenskyy a Nazi, but it’s cool to call Trump with a Jewish child and grandchildren, truckers, and a conservative Jewish Canadian MPs, a Nazi?

This invasion by Putin actually looks very similar to our invasion of Iraq. Claim a “national security” risk, real or imagined, invade country to bring about regime change, get shocked the people of that country didn’t want to be invaded………….

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I agree with you both. @NCmom is reacting, in part, to some of his prior posts (I'm guessing) and @Susan G is rightfully saying that this particular post is not warmongering. This post is 100% wishful thinking and fantasy. 1 - that there is a coup plot in Russia and 2 - that the person who follows Putin is going to be better. The probem is that covid is over and Alex appears to be a 1 trick pony.

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Thanks Lisa. I have almost decided to read only and not comment as a large subset of Alex's readers seem intent on misinterpreting comments and turning Substack into Twitter. I never joined Twitter as I don't think Twitter posts are conversations.

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Yes, because we believe in free speech, great reply ! Comment only when you agree with all... another good point. That's what is bringing us down NOW. IF you are a democrat then you must agree with this, and this and this. If you are black, then you must also agree with this entire slate of points you are given, if you are female (does anyone know if they are any more ?) then you MUST believe this, and this and this..... HOW did all this happen, how did we LET it happen ? That if you are a registered member of a political party, if you are a certain gender, if you are a certain skin color, then "they" have a prepared list of everything you MUST espouse and support. What you believe about abortion, drug use, marriage, school attendance, immigration, divorce, health insurance, rent subsides, EVERYTHING is decided FOR you based on your skin color, or sex, or political party. It's outrageous, it's truly unbelievable, and yet... that's the way it is ! And when even the PRESIDENT backs that up as an absolute "Hey man, you AIN'T BLACK ...." if you don't this, and that, and that.... just crazy over the top outrageous. A "woman" in this country can not hold a belief that abortion should remain legal, and yet take a more conservative view of another issue, like drug legalization.... it's all a script and one can not take a "liberal" stance on one issue, and what might be viewed as a "conservative" view on another... and we call THAT DEMOCRACY ???

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You're whistling past a graveyard here. If Putin were a hero he'd attack communist China but no, easier to go after the breadbasket again just like his predecessor Stalin. And here we seem to want to believe that it's justified so we don't have to be afraid of a rampaging tyrant.

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Now go back and say that in 2003. We were tyrants. We destroyed a smaller country. It was easier to go after other country’s oil than take in Putin and China.

Putin wasn’t justified in invading Ukraine. We are no more justified in starting WW III. We are arrogant, but not morally superior.

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There’s only one explanation for your commentary… You’re a Putin fan boy.

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😂🤣😂🤣😂. So Putin fan boys have given birth to two Cuban-American kids?? Wow, you’re an idiot.

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I knew English was a second language for you… And you think Americans don’t know that Russia is huge in Cuba? your name is probably Karel.

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You think Cubans that escaped Castro’s hell are pro-Russia? What is your IQ 75? Or 70?

Believe it or not the United States is a nation of immigrants. Some of them came, I dunno, around the whole communist revolution in Cuba. They got married and had kids. Those people are now married to blonde hair blue eyed southern girls like me and we make really adorable kids.

What sticks through the generations? Well, turns out the opposition to authoritarian leftists and war mongers. Opposing WW III when the Ukrainian invasion could have been prevented isn’t a pro-Putin stance. It’s a pro human beings still living stance.

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You don’t know anything. I have blonde hair and blue eyes. I’m not the one who contributed the Cuban genes to my kids. Nice try though!!!! Keep it up….. really, calling someone with the name “mom” a fan boy showed your a super genius and all.

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Or a Putin paid bot.

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And as language is my strength and forte I notice yours seems to be English as a second language.

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Alex saw right through the corporate media on Covid. Currently, the corporate media is pushing the narrative that Putin has lost his mind and that Russia is losing the war. People here are frustrated that Alex may have fallen for this narrative and has not truly learned that the corporate media lies about everything through a combination of omission and propaganda. See Gell Mann.

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First Amendment

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Who said the word hate?

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I'm so done with this. Interpret my statements however you wish.

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they getting paid

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You clearly missed the point of this entire post. Alex is spelling out how an internal Russian revolt against Putin might be underway and that his inner circle could try to assassinate him.

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No, I’m not. This Putin has gone crazy and there is a coup is based on coordinated media narrative from places like Fox, WaPo, CNN. All at once they started saying this as the pound the drumbeat of war. It wasn’t an original idea or observation if Alex’s, and is in fact something Glenn Greenwald warned about eloquently 2 days before Alex wrote this post. In my anaylsis I am also considering other recent posts by Alex where, rather than questioning as he so eloquently did with Covid, the fog of war propaganda appears to be clouding his vision. While I have serious concerns about Greenwald’s lack of economic understanding, I have long found him to be one of the most informed voices on geopolitics and the surveillance state.


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Pepe Escobar is far more knowledgeable about geopolitics than Glenn.


There is no coup underway in Russia to remove Putin. That is pure MSM propaganda.

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I don’t know if it is or isn’t, but this unanimous rallying around a coup for Putin certainly expresses itself more like propaganda than genuine intelligence assessment (I’m not sure our “intelligence” agencies are even capable of that anymore).

Thanks for link!!! I’m going to read it now.

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That's all fine and good, but the term "warmongering" means you are trying to stir up or encourage war. How is talking about potential issues internally in Russia an attempt to convince anyone to go to war? Seriously asking your opinion since it seems to me like you're misunderstanding the term "warmongering".

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There were similar narratives about Saddam leading up to that war, so that raises my bs meter. It’s also a constant narrative from NYT, WaPo, Fox, CNN. All at once these narratives started, all in unison. It’s part of the match to war to label the opponent as incompetent. It justifies regime change to imply the country on the receiving end was thinking that anyway.

Our justification for invading Iraq is very similar to Putin’s justification for invading Ukraine……..

I don’t agree with Glen Greenwald on economics, but I have enormous respect for his insight on issues around geopolitics and political narratives.

If you have time read the sub he wrote on this very topic two days before Alex’s supposedly independent observation/ pontifications. Our media is owned by the military industrial complex. Zelenskyy locked up pro-Russian politicians and pro-Russian media before this. Russia too has a lying media. When everyone starts saying the same thing, at the same time, based on speculation rather than actual evidence, it’s highly indicative of narrative. No one was screaming to avoid this when it was avoidable, and now it’s the obsession with everyone “agreeing” on narratives, and pontificating, without evidence. People are demanding in unison we “do more” to help Ukraine even though they said nothing about avoiding this 3 weeks ago.

That’s how we end up stumbling into war…….. and it’s been less than 2 decades since we made up an excuse to go bully a smaller nation because we didn’t like the regime and Bush not only gained in popularity, but was re-elected despite pushback from citizens. What evidence is there it’s any different with Putin in Russia?


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Thanks. I'll give it a read.

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How so would he be war mongering? That doesn't even make sense. He's laying out a scenario about a mad mans actions.

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Based on conjecture and propaganda…… and right in line with the pounding of the war drums “Putin is losing it” and there might be a “coup” is often the drum beat leading to our intervention in foreign wars to promote the leadership change the US military industrial complex wants in those places…..

There are no leaked cables or other verifiable sources.

I have no idea what Putin was thinking or what his grip on power looks like, because most media here, Ukraine, and Russia is very biased and committed to a narrative. Alex doesn’t know either.


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Absolutely true. Except the meaning of warmongering is "encouraging or advocating aggression toward other countries or groups" I don't think Alex is doing this.

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I disagree on the war monger part ….. the Putin has lost his mind narrative is part of the pro-war narrative.

I hope Putin fails. But I’m not sure we really know the motivation or level of miscalculation. People are dying and that is a tragedy. That said, I’m not sure what would replace Putin and I think it’s dangerous to assume what’s in the works. Stalin is still praised in Russia despite killing an estimated 20 million - mostly Russians and Ukrainians. Just as Mao is still praised in China despite killing 45-65 million people through starvation.

More importantly, there were similar ramblings about Iraq before we sent troops in - the difference this time is Putin actually has nukes, and chemical weapons, and vacuum bombs……………

I’m also saying it from reading everything Alex publishes.

This article pre-dates Alex’s post and gives insight into the concern.


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Wat? Give one sentence where he is NOT evaluating what is happening regarding the Russians and he “mongers” for war. Just one.

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The entire thing is opinion. Start at line one with “the old man is losing it.” I see zero evidence, I see pontificating the same way professors at the Ivies pontificate about men giving birth.

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Lol… I guess you showed me!

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I would call it meddling. And not under any command.

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Nope. He's itching to risk other people's asses to go to war with Russia.

He should volunteer, fly over there and fight, fight, fight!

Anyway...Geez I wish we had one of them doomsday machines!

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Do not forget who is signing Joe's (aka "The Big Guy") checks - the Ukrainian crime cartel that is masquerading as a legitimate government and Emperor Xi of China. Everything that knocks Russia down a notch exalts the power position of Emperor Xi, who has planetary ambitions.

Never forget to follow the money.

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Right...good point...So much Biden family fingers and Obama in the Ukraine exposed in a big way past few years. Makes one wonder!

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I wondered the same on Biden crime family and Ukraine.

We have 3 madmen with the triggers

Of destroying the world.




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Don't forget, Hunter/Joe got even more money, in the form of a business loan, from China.

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Yes as well as Turkmenistan, Afghanistan, Pakistan India (TAPI) pipeline…..

Another Bur!$ma Deal.

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Yeah but why is China supporting the Russian invasion?

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Why is the puppet admin still buying 675,000 barrels daily STILL six days into Ukraine invasion of Russian oil and calling Putin a bad bad man? Lot's of why's here going on

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China manages Ukraine ?!!!!!!!

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I thought I heard that China was supporting Russia.

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He's referring to Putin, FFS.

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He's referring to Putin, FFS.

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