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I assume this is reference to Biden rather than Putin. But just in case its not, I will tell you my perspective on both the covid-19 and Ukrainian things.

We all know Putin's an asshole. Vox Day seems to be revering him. But the rest of us understand his's a prick. But consider. Putin is an old school nationalist. He is not a "globalist" nor is he an ideological expansionist like the old Soviet Union was. This means he cares about what people do in Russia and Russia's back yard. He doesn't care about, for example, what Chileans do living in Chile.

On the other hand, you have this "globalist" faction lead by assholes like Bill Gates, George Soros, Klaus Schwab, and all of the other ilk of the WEF. These guys want to inject you with substances against your will and carry proof of such. They want to censor what you say on the internet. They want to regulate your bank account and what you spend your money on. They want regulate what you drive and where you can drive to, and how much and where you can fly to. They want to regulate what kind of house you live in and its size. Putin doesn't want to do any of these things to me.

So, tell me. Who is the bigger threat to my life and personal and economic freedom? Is it Putin? Or is it the Gates/Soros/Schwab WEF pricks? I say the latter, BY FAR.

It is worth considering that Putin is one of the few national leaders who is willing to stand up to these globalist pricks.

Does the expression "the enemy of my enemy is my friend" mean anything to you?

Do you see where I'm coming from here?

I'm thinking some of you need to pull your heads out and realize who the true enemy is.

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For the record, I think you are exactly right.

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I do too. Exactly

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Well said!

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But how do you account for Schwab's very open endorsement of Putin? Indeed, the names Trudeau and Putin are the first to come to his lips--first team, apparently, not just some guys on the bench. That Putin values certain aspects of culture, that he is also a Russian nationalist, does not in the least mean that he will fail to see the usefulness of the global subversion of the WEF and use it as long as it is useful -- until "useful idiot" no longer requires the adjective. Furthermore as a lifelong KGB guy, the motto of which was "Shield and Sword of the Party", I would not quickly separate him from historic USSR ambitions.

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