Not play along...get pulled into....Zelenskyy, a WEF young leader, has been pushing all the right buttons. This is about surrounding and isolating Putin on the world stage. The NWO does not want any Nationalists. Xi is next.
That’s exactly the common thread, isolating Putin on the world stage. Xi would be next. No wonder kids are taught nations are bad (my nephew told me this when he was 17 a few years ago), and migration is pushed throughout the West with zero assimilation, and Sarkozy called for forced miscegenation, and anti-Trump “nationalism is bad” hype was trumpeted everywhere. This Putin thing felt staged from the beginning.
Either coz his war is real and actually upsetting them, or to cover their tracks coz it's an inside job to bring forward Klaus' Great Reset, and Putin's doing his part of the job by disrupting the global energy supply and bring the chaos needed.
Quite possibly also a coup, but it's definitely showing Xi what the joined forces of the US and EU can achieve in terms of really pooling their financial markets / SWIFT / sanctions / cultural lobbying / media propaganda / travel restrictions / barring of sea passages / banning exported goods on the shop shelves etc counter-attacks, and how quickly they're all pulling together and throwing billions at the threat. It's a huge muscle flexing scare show of how strong the Western block under the US still is (after showing during the plandemic how quickly they can react to the threat of a live bioweapon, a challenge China won hands-down thanks to its ultra-totalitarian restrictions early on), and how much the West could hurt China without entering an actual military operation.
The US' supremacy is threatened, and Russia and China have been improving their cooperation, as have the BRICS as a whole (the media are keeping stumm on it but India and Brazil aren't supporting the sanctions against Russia either, as aren't many other large countries). If the whole war scenario isn't "simply" just fulfilling Schwab's Great Reset roadmap of soon-to-come blackouts, energy crises and all that in the wake of this new Euro conflict, then it's at least a very impressive "dry war" test run to behold for Xi.
Your premise is that the US somehow wishes to oppose China, how did you arrive at that conclusion, in light of the copious evidence to the contrary? The US have gleefully hollowed out the US manufacturing base to China, completely ignored their multi-trillion dollar Wuhan industrial bio accident, and declined to use US financial market power in any way against their economy (which is entirely dollar based, since their currency the yuan is not convertible internationally, so the US could shut them down overnight). US ignores the murder of Tibetans, horrific human rights abuses against the Falun Gong including organ harvesting and forced abortions, repression the Uighurs, and the abuse of the freedom fighters of Hong Kong and its subsequent annexation by China. But somehow the brave EU and the brave and resolved US...are somehow oppose *China*? Here's my question: do you also do stand-up?
Luckily there is public data available that helps us out here. Chinese stopped buying US Treasuries in 2014, along with most other central banks. After 2014 the main buyers that kept the lights on in the US were huge private buyers, Japanese insurers, German multinationals. But that has now changed, and the main countries now buying the mountains of US debt being manufactured by the financial suicide bombing regime in the White House has shifted to Ireland, Lichtenstein, and The Cayman Islands. That means instead of steady, solvent, patient, long term investors, US keeps its lights on today at the whim of hedge fund managers. Whose job it is to turn on a dime. At this point in the cycle the smart move is to sell paper and buy stuff: oil, copper, wheat, soybeans, gold, farmland. Not pieces of paper. Might I suggest lead, and canned food too.
Just to pile on: the objective for all of this by the insane ideologues running Biden was to skyrocket the price of oil and gas so the "investments" in their Green Scam pals companies look like they make any economic sense at all. $2-300 oil will do that, and believe me they will get it. The Germans, already paying triple the average world cost for electricity because they did Green first, will need to close even more factories down, another bonus for China. China gets Russian oil at a discount, in exchange for wheat. The US gets a permanently lower standard of living, and food riots, but Obama and his pals will already have squirreled away the profits in The Cayman Islands. #Winning!
The Let's Poison Them For Their Health! scam had run its course so they're pivoting to The War On The Weather! scam. But at least there are no more rude Tweets, amiright?
China is in itself compromised, as this debt is part of its balance sheet. For one.
The other thing is, just like Ukraine is doing right now, the US can easily demand to have its foreign debt cancelled. It holds the reserve currency. It *is* - to large extent - the financial markets. It *is* the rating agencies.
Debt to it is just virtual now. I don't think this is what it's about at all. It's about what you got. The US has got a lot: of aircraft carriers. Fighter jets. It stores much of the world's gold. Germany's, for example. The Germans requested recently to be able to do a stocktake of its gold stored in the US, and to probably take some back. The US has refused. People don't think Germany will ever get it back. Or whether it in fact still even exists over there.
That is the kind of situation we're talking about here. When you talk about "China shutting the US down", look at what "the West" is doing to Russia on the markets atm. None of this is inflicted by China. This is the power of "the West".
A few facts to help you out. China has +/- 20,000 tons of gold, versus 8300 tons for the US. Germany repatriated most of their gold from NY, yes the original answer was "no you can't see the numbered bars you own" but that got sorted. And always ask "cui bono"? China have played The West and the Western system like a fiddle. At the start of the GFC they printed mountains of money, then invested it all in productive assets: ports, highways, bridges, airports, factories. The US by contrast printed mountains of money and used it all up for consumption. You may have noticed a little industrial bio accident in a place called Wuhan that has gone entirely unexamined and unpunished. So indeed, "none of this is inflicted by China", but China are the huge beneficiary. Just like the current occupants of The White House want. Did you miss the part where the son of the current occupant landed in Beijing on Air Force Two, and left two days later with shares in a multi-billion dollar Chinese fund? Shares that he still owns? See the problem is: Hunter kept everything: voice messages, text messages, videos, emails, PDFs of signed agreements, and bank wire transfer receipts. When he says "I'm investing with the spy chief of China" he's not lying, and all efforts to debunk the contents of the laptop have failed. As the Chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee stated QUOTE: "these raise extreme criminal, counter-espionage, and money laundering concerns relating to Joe, James, Mary, and Hunter Biden". So cui bono from all this? China, of course. And the Biden Crime Syndicate.
You do make me laugh. What's the point of your absurd belittling arrogance, is your self-assurance that low? I'm happy to have informed conversations on any topic with you and am confident I'll hold up better in terms of breadth of general knowledge and political insight. Some of the things you are outlining I never disputed, nor were they even part of our discussion, yet you posit them as if I had actively denied them prior.
Laughable childish argumentation skills, I suggest you stop projecting inferiority past your PC keyboard from whichever small town place you happen to be stuck in.
Sure, as you say the U.S. has the "'ratings agencies" (that rated Lehman AAA one month before implosion), "debt is virtual these days anyway" (more MMT rubbish I assume), the U.S. has aircraft carriers (that Putin's hypersonic missiles can sink in 60 seconds, why do you think they don't dare put one anywhere near The Black Sea), and "none of this is inflicted by China", lol, and none of it is opposed by China either. Or India. Or Brazil. Or Mexico. "Inflicted" is a curious word choice: in your worldview The Cuban Missile Crisis was probably "inflicted" by the U.S. Putin could no more tolerate missiles right on his border than the US could tolerate Russian missiles across the border in Canada, in Mexico, or in Cuba. Happy to debate the substance with you.
It's actually a coup against Putin by the NWO WEF,and guess what ....Xi is next.
Do you really think that Vlad is such a fool to play along with NWO-WEF?
Not play along...get pulled into....Zelenskyy, a WEF young leader, has been pushing all the right buttons. This is about surrounding and isolating Putin on the world stage. The NWO does not want any Nationalists. Xi is next.
This would be his sixth time being pushed. Previous five were Chechnya, Georgia, Crimea, Syria, Kazakhstan. Such a Russian pushover doll!
That’s exactly the common thread, isolating Putin on the world stage. Xi would be next. No wonder kids are taught nations are bad (my nephew told me this when he was 17 a few years ago), and migration is pushed throughout the West with zero assimilation, and Sarkozy called for forced miscegenation, and anti-Trump “nationalism is bad” hype was trumpeted everywhere. This Putin thing felt staged from the beginning.
Twist you believe the NWO WEF takes down Xi too?
More like the other way around. Bill Gates probably had Xi in his mouth more than he can count.
This reminds me of fan fiction.
Not a fool, but yes. play along until they are no longer needed. The useful idiot is, well, useful.
Putin is a young leader in the WEF.
They just took down his WEF young leaders page... Which is unusual.
Either coz his war is real and actually upsetting them, or to cover their tracks coz it's an inside job to bring forward Klaus' Great Reset, and Putin's doing his part of the job by disrupting the global energy supply and bring the chaos needed.
There you go.! The next wave.
That was my thoughts on it as well.
Yes, because it was there yesterday. Here it is
This is the page they removed*/
Wow. Amazing.
I didn't see Zelenskyy either
That is indeed very odd..
Could be just a cover, a bit of misdirection.
And a Freemason i.e. satanist. Biden, Putin and Trump have the same boss.
Probably the youngest.
All I see is news and intrigue from Earth, never much intergalactic news. There's a big universe out there, why are we so Earthcentric?
Quite possibly also a coup, but it's definitely showing Xi what the joined forces of the US and EU can achieve in terms of really pooling their financial markets / SWIFT / sanctions / cultural lobbying / media propaganda / travel restrictions / barring of sea passages / banning exported goods on the shop shelves etc counter-attacks, and how quickly they're all pulling together and throwing billions at the threat. It's a huge muscle flexing scare show of how strong the Western block under the US still is (after showing during the plandemic how quickly they can react to the threat of a live bioweapon, a challenge China won hands-down thanks to its ultra-totalitarian restrictions early on), and how much the West could hurt China without entering an actual military operation.
The US' supremacy is threatened, and Russia and China have been improving their cooperation, as have the BRICS as a whole (the media are keeping stumm on it but India and Brazil aren't supporting the sanctions against Russia either, as aren't many other large countries). If the whole war scenario isn't "simply" just fulfilling Schwab's Great Reset roadmap of soon-to-come blackouts, energy crises and all that in the wake of this new Euro conflict, then it's at least a very impressive "dry war" test run to behold for Xi.
Your premise is that the US somehow wishes to oppose China, how did you arrive at that conclusion, in light of the copious evidence to the contrary? The US have gleefully hollowed out the US manufacturing base to China, completely ignored their multi-trillion dollar Wuhan industrial bio accident, and declined to use US financial market power in any way against their economy (which is entirely dollar based, since their currency the yuan is not convertible internationally, so the US could shut them down overnight). US ignores the murder of Tibetans, horrific human rights abuses against the Falun Gong including organ harvesting and forced abortions, repression the Uighurs, and the abuse of the freedom fighters of Hong Kong and its subsequent annexation by China. But somehow the brave EU and the brave and resolved US...are somehow oppose *China*? Here's my question: do you also do stand-up?
So true on USA gov wants to bring down China. NOT!
On the other hand, China could shut the US down tomorrow as it owns all the US debt
Luckily there is public data available that helps us out here. Chinese stopped buying US Treasuries in 2014, along with most other central banks. After 2014 the main buyers that kept the lights on in the US were huge private buyers, Japanese insurers, German multinationals. But that has now changed, and the main countries now buying the mountains of US debt being manufactured by the financial suicide bombing regime in the White House has shifted to Ireland, Lichtenstein, and The Cayman Islands. That means instead of steady, solvent, patient, long term investors, US keeps its lights on today at the whim of hedge fund managers. Whose job it is to turn on a dime. At this point in the cycle the smart move is to sell paper and buy stuff: oil, copper, wheat, soybeans, gold, farmland. Not pieces of paper. Might I suggest lead, and canned food too.
Just to pile on: the objective for all of this by the insane ideologues running Biden was to skyrocket the price of oil and gas so the "investments" in their Green Scam pals companies look like they make any economic sense at all. $2-300 oil will do that, and believe me they will get it. The Germans, already paying triple the average world cost for electricity because they did Green first, will need to close even more factories down, another bonus for China. China gets Russian oil at a discount, in exchange for wheat. The US gets a permanently lower standard of living, and food riots, but Obama and his pals will already have squirreled away the profits in The Cayman Islands. #Winning!
The Let's Poison Them For Their Health! scam had run its course so they're pivoting to The War On The Weather! scam. But at least there are no more rude Tweets, amiright?
China is in itself compromised, as this debt is part of its balance sheet. For one.
The other thing is, just like Ukraine is doing right now, the US can easily demand to have its foreign debt cancelled. It holds the reserve currency. It *is* - to large extent - the financial markets. It *is* the rating agencies.
Debt to it is just virtual now. I don't think this is what it's about at all. It's about what you got. The US has got a lot: of aircraft carriers. Fighter jets. It stores much of the world's gold. Germany's, for example. The Germans requested recently to be able to do a stocktake of its gold stored in the US, and to probably take some back. The US has refused. People don't think Germany will ever get it back. Or whether it in fact still even exists over there.
That is the kind of situation we're talking about here. When you talk about "China shutting the US down", look at what "the West" is doing to Russia on the markets atm. None of this is inflicted by China. This is the power of "the West".
A few facts to help you out. China has +/- 20,000 tons of gold, versus 8300 tons for the US. Germany repatriated most of their gold from NY, yes the original answer was "no you can't see the numbered bars you own" but that got sorted. And always ask "cui bono"? China have played The West and the Western system like a fiddle. At the start of the GFC they printed mountains of money, then invested it all in productive assets: ports, highways, bridges, airports, factories. The US by contrast printed mountains of money and used it all up for consumption. You may have noticed a little industrial bio accident in a place called Wuhan that has gone entirely unexamined and unpunished. So indeed, "none of this is inflicted by China", but China are the huge beneficiary. Just like the current occupants of The White House want. Did you miss the part where the son of the current occupant landed in Beijing on Air Force Two, and left two days later with shares in a multi-billion dollar Chinese fund? Shares that he still owns? See the problem is: Hunter kept everything: voice messages, text messages, videos, emails, PDFs of signed agreements, and bank wire transfer receipts. When he says "I'm investing with the spy chief of China" he's not lying, and all efforts to debunk the contents of the laptop have failed. As the Chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee stated QUOTE: "these raise extreme criminal, counter-espionage, and money laundering concerns relating to Joe, James, Mary, and Hunter Biden". So cui bono from all this? China, of course. And the Biden Crime Syndicate.
You do make me laugh. What's the point of your absurd belittling arrogance, is your self-assurance that low? I'm happy to have informed conversations on any topic with you and am confident I'll hold up better in terms of breadth of general knowledge and political insight. Some of the things you are outlining I never disputed, nor were they even part of our discussion, yet you posit them as if I had actively denied them prior.
Laughable childish argumentation skills, I suggest you stop projecting inferiority past your PC keyboard from whichever small town place you happen to be stuck in.
Sure, as you say the U.S. has the "'ratings agencies" (that rated Lehman AAA one month before implosion), "debt is virtual these days anyway" (more MMT rubbish I assume), the U.S. has aircraft carriers (that Putin's hypersonic missiles can sink in 60 seconds, why do you think they don't dare put one anywhere near The Black Sea), and "none of this is inflicted by China", lol, and none of it is opposed by China either. Or India. Or Brazil. Or Mexico. "Inflicted" is a curious word choice: in your worldview The Cuban Missile Crisis was probably "inflicted" by the U.S. Putin could no more tolerate missiles right on his border than the US could tolerate Russian missiles across the border in Canada, in Mexico, or in Cuba. Happy to debate the substance with you.