I am starting to think I need to file a First Amendment lawsuit over that insane bulletin from the Department of Homeland Security on Feb. 7.
In case you’ve forgotten, that report - a public declaration of the federal government’s official view of terrorism - called the top terrorist threat to the United States:
false or misleading narratives, which sow discord or undermine public trust in U.S. government institutions.
Their words, not mine.
Trying to “undermine public trust in U.S. government institutions” is now a terrorist act?
Then I’m a terrorist.
Especially since the bulletin specifically mentions COVID-19: there is widespread online proliferation of false or misleading narratives regarding unsubstantiated widespread election fraud and COVID-19.
There’s that word “misleading” again. As this White House has made clear, “misleading” facts are those that lead people to opinions of conclusions it doesn’t like.
No, no one has knocked on my door or threatened to arrest me.
But that does mean the government is not targeting me - along with other prominent Covid and vaccine skeptics. Per the bulletin, the Department of Homeland Security in 2021 expanded its evaluation of online activity as part of its efforts to assess and prevent acts of violence.
The government has other tools against people it classifies as terrorists too, including plenty of secret ones.
And remember, to be a terrorist under these terms, your speech simply has to “potentially inspire acts of violence.”
If this isn’t a government effort to discourage lawful speech, I don’t know what is. The question is whether it is so broad and dangerous that I can prove it will have a chilling and unconstitutional effect on me (and other people) even if I do not know I am being targeted. It feels like a form of prior restraint, all the worse for being so broad.
Will courts agree? There may be only one way to find out.
And quickly, if I do it. The Rocket Docket in the Eastern District of Virginia feels like the place.
If I decide to do this, I will look to raise money to back the suit. I don’t actually think it will be particularly expensive, but I would like as many small donations as possible, mainly to show how many people think equating speech with terrorism is a travesty and must stop.
I assume there will be money left over, potentially lots - it can go to some worthy free speech cause.
Of course they want to silence you Alex. Free speech - and thus free thought - must die if the great-reset is to win. There can be no room for free thinking and expression in that Brave New World of total control over the individual. They can’t very well allow people to point out that the emperor has no clothes, can they?
Both sides of this new war and the old pandemic are centrally controlled from a place that resides above the sovereignty of nations at the very top of the global power structure. As such:
This is all a part of the great-reset/global-enslavement plan. Think of the Hegelian Dialectic - the controllers creating a deliberate problem, to get a preplanned reaction, in order to implement a preplanned solution - as a slicing pendulum blade. Now think of the back and forth between the beats of the fabricated pandemic and the beats of the newly fabricated war as that blade cutting our freedom to shreds.
With each new crisis comes a new restriction and with each new restriciton our freedom shrinks a little and government grows a little.
This is the problem--reaction--solution Hagelian Dialectic working as designed, and all of the problems and solutions are a pantomime play - I cannot stress this enough: none of this is organic. And as a result, by the end we will all be slaves in a panopticon prison planet. ...Unless we stop them.
As David Cullum said: "I am what is known as a 'conspiracy theorist'. I believe that men and women of great power and money conspire. If you do not believe that, then you are what is known as 'an idiot'. If you believe stuff but fear the label, then you are what is known as a 'coward'".
The government has done an amazing job of discrediting itself these last few years, crescendoing perhaps with the response to the Ukraine crisis. In few places have I seen such stupidity.
The administration has believed for a good month or so that Russia would invade Ukraine. Did we ship them lethal weapons in advance? Help them to place explosives at all the likely points of physical invasion? Did Biden call Putin and tell him that we'd fire missiles into Red Square if they did it? Nope. Now (ONLY NOW) is Biden trying to pry $6 billion out of congress to send weapons to Ukraine. How the heck are we going to get any weapons there? Airspace is closed, and the Russians will soon control the entire border. So how's that going to work out?
It also doesn't seem to have occurred to them that Russia still could cut off all gas and oil exports. That would crash the global economy in a hurry, with Europe taking the first dive. Have they given Putin an exit route? Doesn't look like it.
And they claim that diplomacy failed. Yeah, Russian diplomacy. Would it have been so hard to tell Putin that we'd never take Ukraine into NATO? Apparently they're so corrupt we didn't want them anyway. How smart was it to let this war just erupt? They literally gave Putin a bit fat NOTHING. Was that smart? Doesn't look like it. Now they're talking about using nukes.
As for covid, we all know how stupid (and continuingly stupid) that one has been. How about all the calls to defund the police 18 months ago? How'd that one work out?
How about these leftist DAs who are letting Antifa types, and other violent offenders get off scot free, or nearly so?
The fact that they think that they haven't ALREADY become completely discredited points to the sheer depth of their stupidity.
We are truly governed by idiots. So sad for a once-great country.
Israel has significant gas reserves to pipe into Europe, and some Americans want to export boatloads of LNG to Europe. Funny coincidences these are, nicht wahr?
The reason that NATO rejected Russia is because NATO needs hobgoblins to motivate legislatures to appropriate huge amounts of money for "defense" from the treasuries. Russia fit the requirement of being a big, scary hobgoblin. The MIC rejoiced. So did money markets and debt underwriters, for much of the money being appropriated is borrowed. Libernuttians and copservatives continued spout their piffle about "free markets".
Check out The Duran on Rumble for helpful insights. Paul Craig Roberts is ok sometimes. So also is Jimmy Dore, a leftist who has drawn flak from truly evil people like Chunk Vinegar over at The Young Turks. Most of these guys aren't yet ready, tho, to believe that lies and skulduggery are intrinsic to this version of the USA, i.e. the Constitution's version. She is and has been "Great", but she was never good after 1789, when the new system's machinery was turned on. If you doubt me, consider the extreme irony of criminalizing rebellion and insurrection in a union which owes its very existence to sedition, armed insurrection, and secession.
Russia, China, and others may one year expel the USA and Canada from Asia. It'll be a declaration by the deed of a Putin-Xi Doctrine for Asia. We ought to prepare for this amusing outcome, esp. if our doing so makes this fantasy more likely to come true.
I think that everyone in Columbia needs a second political party whether or not they want it (and most do not). This is practically the same thing as saying that we need a new religion and an new ecclesia (sort of) to compete against the status quo and to advance the interests of the faithful at the expense of the liars and "our democracy". I'm not enthusiastic about Popes, tho, and hearing a Protestant minister preach makes me want to reach for my Sabre Red.
We're a hodgepodge of nations, now, so we could call it the Multinational Party in Columbia (sic). Lots of clueless Americans won't get it because they've never bothered to ask why our imperial capital is named District of Columbia.
When personal freedom becomes a dull but expected entitlement...that's when we are most ripe for the megalomaniac reapers and their unmitigated whirlwind.
Something that no longer seems worth fighting for can quite quickly be disappeared before one has time to pause and reassess what IS truly worth fighting for.
It certainly seems we are all fresh out of pauses.
The globalists are dividing, disuniting, distracting, and disorganizing their way to a one-world-government. And in that disorienting whirlwind too many are impulsively cashing in their priceless freedoms for tyranny masquerading as safety and security.
And they are executing these trades without pausing even for a moment to consider that this is actually a deal they are making with the devil.
"There's no earthly way of knowing / Which direction we are going / There's no knowing where we're rowing / Or which way the river's flowing / Is it raining? / Is it snowing? / Is a hurricane a-blowing? / Not a speck of light is showing / So the danger must be growing / Are the fires of hell a-glowing? / Is the grisly reaper mowing? / Yes, the danger must be growing / 'Cause the rowers keep on rowing / And they're certainly not showing / Any signs that they are slowing."-Willy Wonka
We the people are the only breaks on this ship [wreck?] and over half the people are asleep and/or comfortably numb while the helm is being commandeered by an ever more powerful not-so-creeping but full-blown in-your-face-light-of-day evil.
No wonder so many pharmaceuticals for 'depression' and 'ADHD' have been pushed to 'treat' a myriad of 'problems' from anxiety to tinnitus. Great way to keep a good portion of the populace psychologically 'medicated'.
But, silly me! A plethora of drugs to treat depression with multiple caveats er 'medical warnings' that it may cause suicidal thoughts is surely a 'a greater good thing™'.
That's neat that you mentioned the Willy Wonka boat ride to make your point. I edited my high school newspaper and used that poem as our Halloween Edition, "Feature Fright!".
When mayor of Chicago Rahm Emanuel (look into his "medical ethicist" brother to anyone reading this) famously said, "Never let a good crisis go to waste." He could have just as well said, "Never let the urgent nature of good crisis go to waste", because that 'urgency' is the secret sauce that allows .gov to ram through just about any emergency declaration or law they want while everyone else is distracted and worried sick with the crisis. (Problem Reaction Solution)
The enemy is at the gates! Quick, render unto Caeser all of your liberties!
To your point about the drugs, Angel, just about everyone I know is on some type of anti-depressant - and nearly all of them deny there is a problem with this plandemic.
So....I think you're onto something that could be a big part of this equation: perhaps drugged up people lose their some of their capacity to critically think, and so to them anyone is better at it seems like a 'crazy conspiracy theorist'... And to your point again, maybe they're not concerned about the boat we're all on reaching breakneck speed because they are emotionally numb.
Yes, YES...urgency is a great way to get into that icky/panicky off-kilter place [the 'find a happy place' thumb sucking corner]. And (of course), the fix is ALWAYS worse than the original problem (0bamacare 'tax').
So many adults are on anti-depressants now that it's truly spooky. Children too. I think it was around the early to mid 2000s that 'they' really started ramping up the whole 'attention deficit disorder' thing...especially for boys [vaccine injury much? A much too much!] not to mention the huuuuge spike in autism in boys (and girls too...). Then, there was the opioid 'epidemic' which I'm sure was once touted as 'safe & effective' before 'TEH SCIENCE' did jazz hands.
Which brings us back to...DOH [oh dear]! I wouldn't doubt that brain altering chemicals in the form of psychotropic medication have brought us the ever obedient and easily swooned into submission 'Serotonin Zombies'.
P.S. Ezekiel J. Emanuel wrote that before Biden was president I see (LMAO)!
Excellent reply, and excellent presentation of COVID hypnosis at your .com - have shared a lot! Hopefully it will wake up more people to the truth. We are definitely at a precipice.
Thank you very much for saying so Sara, and for sharing that article. I have noticed that a lot of people are finally starting to wake up, so we have a shot of turning the tide if we keep up that momentum.
I once told a Democrat i work with about how it's all out there in the open and he said he tried to look at it with an open mind 🤔. And because i don't run to get a govt backed shot that has never been tested i don't have an open mind. 🙄
I don't know who's more demented...Biden or Pelosi. It looked like Pelosi was having an orgasm last night @ SOTU. Leadership is truly rotting at the top.
That guy, and what we've seen in Canada recently... At some point, when it's painfully obvious how stupid some of these people are, there should be some mechanism to refund taxpayers their salaries and fire them into the sun.
I am suing Biden and Twitter for this reason. The American Freedom Law Center is suing them on behalf, more precisely. Same reason as you, but I was banned from Twitter (earlier than you) for quoting a university infectious disease professor on an infectious disease related topic, in a verifiable and still existing link to a mainstream news source. That was my tweet. Without my commentary. Permanently banned, after Biden instructed social media to commit this violation of the First Amendment.
I will be writing more about this lawsuit on my Substack within a few days.
Actually, I must admit that when I first saw your article title, Berenson vs Biden, I was really hoping for a moment that you meant that you would primary him. Now wouldn't that be delicious?
I don't agree with a lot of what Alex does but I'd feel a hell of a lot safer having him in the White House as president than Biden, Harris, Pelosi or any of the Dems currently serving that could become president should something happen precisely because despite our differences politically he still values Constitutional Rights & Protections, something the majority of eth modern Democrat party has abandoned in favor of power.
Some Dem should primary him! Republicans like me will try to impeached/convict him and Kamala out sometime in 2023, assuming we win super-big this Nov., but it will be a long-shot even if "we" have the numbers, given all the "putative moderates" in our party.
'social' media must be the top priority in 2023 ... they must be made NONPOLITICAL and the CEOs that enabled First Amendment violations must rotten in jail
It's not for me (I don't use most of them), it's matter of principal. We can't allow ANYONE to ignore the First Amendment. It's one of our most important laws in USA. The criminals that broke the law must be jailed so no one dare to do it again!
I also think they didn't like how quickly we built a following. All I ever did was provide provisional death info. Data that confirmed only the old and sick were affected. Until 2020 I never really used Twitter. I started using Twitter regularly in April. By November, I had over 20k followers. My only message was the age group of people dying compared to the number of people testing positive for SARS-CoV-2. 80-90% of positive tests were of the population less than 60 years old. Yet, well over 80% (some countries even higher depends on testing and reporting) of all deaths were of the population over 60.
Interesting. That was a major topic of mine also, and I also got banned by Twitter at 20,100 followers. I guess that threshold triggers the tyrant bots. Now Gigi Sohn will be voted on tomorrow in the Senate as "censorship czar." That really must not go through.
Not clear to me, a Canadian from Quebec, how we are ahead of the US on retaining our rights. And have you seen some of the anti-freedom bills coming up soon for votes in the current parliament?
Oh no, I’m not aware of these bills. I sure hope they don’t go anywhere. I am ashamed to be a Canadian right now. Also, Alex better hope that Biden doesn’t freeze his bank accounts and those of his contributors as was done here.
Thanks, your comment definitely makes sense to me now and I fully agree with you. Only one Federal party breathes and bleeds freedom in this country, and that's the much maligned and misunderstood People's Party.
you should do it. I was in a communist country in 1989, followed by the taxi driver into the museum and theatre, no food on shelves except luxuries for those in charge, no phone for outside calls even though we were westerners, guard monitoring in and out on each floor of the hotel, one or two TV stations that were official state stations, people who opposed, questioned anything were delegated out of circulation and examined for mental health seclusion. This arrogant absurdity to censor discussion and debate - does not stop.
You can in many cases. Like every time you buy something in person. Many online purchases accept checks. If inconvenient, it's a small sacrifice worth making for liberty.
A Whole Foods near me recently added self checkout. The machines have the capability of accepting cash…except they have it disabled and the employee told me she hasn’t heard it would be enabled. I pulled a bunch of cash from my bank because if I don’t have the cash, do I really have money on a whim?
Saw on MSM (It was an accident, I swear!) where a woman was arrested because she paid for everything with cash and that drew suspicion. However, before I changed the channel they started to state what she was actually suspected of, I didn't catch what it was and I don't know if it was national or local, but no matter what it put a chill through me.
I've paid cash most things local for decades. No problem. But it pays to beware. If some a-hole seller asks questions, cancel the sale & take your business elsewhere.
I carry more than enough for what I'm going to buy.
I don't do this, but some use postal money orders to lower traceability, though I imagine with facial recognition at the PO, they can or soon will be able to ID the buyer, and it may raise attention. And they're not free.
Another bonus paying cash: "woke" Visa & MC scumbags don't get a cut, sellers get 100% so it helps keep inflation down. Use checks for campaigns & charitable donations so they get 100%.
Never donate through "WinRed", owned by the corrupt establishment "R" party, controlled by Ronna Romney. "WinRed" uses 4% of your donation to elect corrupt neo"cons", RINOs et ilk. Your candidate only gets 96% less Visa's cut.
Many banks have "bill pay" or something like it where you go online to order checks. The bank even pays the postage, so you save 55 cents & hassle. I donate to "misinformation" & "disinformation" artists that way through "woke" Chase to rub their nose in it. I had significant funds there, but after finding out the "woke" crap they're doing, I keep the monthly avg bal down to just enough to avoid fees.
I have seriously considered moving all money to a credit union, going back to getting a live payroll check (no direct deposit) cancelling every scheduled bill auto-pay, etc and going back to filing taxes manually.
I believe small local banks and credit unions will be safer than any big bank. For now anyway. More of a feeling than any actual fact based information. On top of that, what does a big bank offer you today? Half a percent interest and service fees that more that gobble that up unless you keep an outrageous balance.
There's no organization that's stepped in to the void created when the ACLU ceased to really defend civil liberties?
No other organization? Sheesh.
I say go for, Alex. And I'll kick in some support. Just please don't set up a "go-fund-me." (I'll never work with those bastards ever again--not after the Canadian truckers.)
I don't know if anyone on this forum can answer this question, but is one of the reasons that younger people are having gender identity issues connected to all of the vaccines that they get as babies? If they can cause autism, why not gender identity issues? We know that Fauci and Gates have tried to sterilize women (in India and Africa I believe) without their consent through vaccines. And now we are seeing fertility issues with the covid shots. Another side effect or possibly intentional???
It's the latest teenage rebellion. Every generation seems to have some sort of self-destructive behavior among teenagers--designed to assert their independence while upsetting their parents.
Drugs in the 1960s. Later "goth" and "grunge." Eating disorders. And now? "Hey, Mom, Dad? I'm really a boy, my name is Brandon, and if you don't let me have a mastectomy, I'll kill myself. And my teachers say this is OK."
I suspect it has to do with toxic chemicals all around us. Some of them are known to be endocrine disruptors, which can interfere with normal fetal development. Biologists have noticed that other species are also having abnormal offspring.
That is actually a theory someone floated, since the vaxxes come from stem cell lines, and you do not know what sex those lines were, chances are, with 72 jabs in children's vax schedule now, they are getting both male and female lines. I know next to zero about the specific science of it so I'm keeping it vague; it was another commenter who publishes a newsletter, is where I saw this idea, and it stuck with me because, sure, the woke culture is not helping kids be comfortable in their own skin, I 100% agree with that, but what if...kids now are like, actually biologically confused?
There is a conservative version: it's called the American Center for Law & Justice (ACLJ). They have won a number of big and important lawsuits. https://aclj.org
I'm not the only one who caught that 'terrorists shouldn't be able to buy a gun' line.
We need to pass more gun control laws! WHY SHOULD ANYBODY ON A TERRORIST LIST BE ALLOWED TO BUY A GUN? By the way, have you heard that your friends and neighbors are considered terrorists? No? Great.
Data enthusiast. Twitter refugee. Reluctant member of the 'alternate' media. Proud "terrorist" undermining government institutions by truthfully pointing out their actions.
The ultimate goal is what was in communist east ... ONLY police/army have guns. So when they come for you, you obey and go to the prison camp without resistance
" . . . false or misleading narratives, which sow discord or undermine public trust in U.S. government institutions." If DHS took this seriously, they should be targeting the CDC.
It’s called “chilling” free speech and there are countless cases striking down government actions for exactly this behavior. Unfortunately, this is something the ACLU would have taken on before they became political pawns of the Democratic Party.
Yes. I am already being careful in my comments so that I do not become a target. However, that is the very reason we need to stand against this blatant attack on our free speech. Resistance is vital.
Am I the only one who keeps getting an error message ("something went wrong") that pops up when I try to like Alex's post or any comments? It started yesterday and I still can't like anything. Is anyone else experiencing this?
Yes. Many of us have been experiencing this for several weeks.
Here's a hack that often works:
Reply to the comment you want to "like" with a short comment, e.g. "like" or "agree."
After your reply shows up, click on the heart icon again, and there's a good chance that now it'll light up. You can delete your short post or just leave it there. (I usually delete it, assuming this works.)
Doing this usually makes it possible to also "like" other posts in the same distinct thread, I've found.
I am unable to use the link back to my comment (‘Server can’t be found’) if I am on my home Wifi (Xfinity). If I go cellular, the link works...what’s up with that....?
Sometimes I'm led to the single option to be a member. No way back. Answering with my mail address it responds "You already are!" and then discloses the veil and I can read and comment.
RIght! The total irony in the puppet talking about defending democracy in the Ukraine and protecting their borders and yet look what he and his puppeteers have done and plan to do with "we the people".
I am convinced that I am on a list somewhere simply because of who I follow on Substack. This Terrorism bulletin made my blood run cold. Someone needs to challenge this. I am in as a contributor if you decide to go forward.
Mine, too. It's so vague and Soviet. I wonder who writes these things, and where they're getting their legal advice, if they're even getting any. Imagine being a prosecutor and confronted with a defense attorney who shows this garbage to a jury.
Please do it! I spoke out at a school board meeting regarding the pornographic books that are available in school. I was clear about the contents being less than educational and the poor judgment of the Board to sexualize our kids. I read obscene passages to the Board that made everyone squirm. It was down right gross. I understand I was vilified on social media and called a book burner and banner. Furthermore, when I spoke with the superintendent I was told I was out of line for reading such obscene passages, the Board found them to be offensive. The next meeting I returned to report on my discussion and further my inquiry as to why these books are even called literature (with so many other great classics available). Guess who walked up near me when it was my turn to speak? The local police. They were there ready to do what? I didn't read any further passages, not because of the police, but because I was there to make a speech about the quality of education. So yes, FILE!! I'm the local "terrorist" in my community because I care about the quality of education my tax dollars are paying for. And I live in Cook County, Chicago, so you know I pay a whole lot!
Oh man, from a fellow Crook County resident, you are brave. Wish I could have been there to support you. I don’t have kids but for something like this I would show up. God love you.
The police are not the bastion of critical thinking. They are in that job because their alternatives are limited. There is no amount of money most people would accept to be a policeman and now we are attacking them for simply doing their jobs keeping dangerous criminals from committing violent acts. They could target peaceful citizens who are just pushing back against their bosses who pay their salaries. What could go wrong?
Perhaps if you apologize to Dr Malone and also admit Ivermectin is effective, then you would broaden your support base. For you to be ignorantly selective regarding IVM (see your ridiculous article on the Malaysian IVM trial results) and being a rabid ad-hominem mouthpiece against Dr Malone and IVM precludes my support.
Insulting your readers is unprofessional and unhelpful and pissed me off. An appology would be welcome even without accepting that IVM worked for myself and much of my family and friends. Even if the placebo effect was at work which I believe is possible telling your readers their stupid and calling an eminent Dr a quack is just wrong Alex.
Alex, you should take a look at the 2012 annual military defense act that was signed into law by Obama. Buried in it was language that allows the government to declare US citizens enemy combatants and be held without trial. The language goes on to define what they consider enemy combatants to be. I believe John McCain and Carl Levin (Michigan) were co-sponsors. I know LA Times covered it (that's where I read it), but I can't speak to other publications.
Yes, you are right. Obama signed that into law on December 31, 2011 (when most people were welcoming the New Year, rather than paying attention to political news.)
I just read the NY Times article about it, which intentionally obfuscates the issue you brought up, Terry.
However, I also read the comments section, which clarifies it. I'll post some of the better comments here.
Before I do so, I want to point out that many Americans - both Democrats and Republicans - were horrified by this law. Many decided then and there that they absolutely would not vote for Obama in the 2012 election, because he'd signed this into law.
I was among them. I voted for Ralph Nader in 2012, rather than for Obama, for whom I'd reluctantly voted in 2008. I thought he was an arrogant corporate shill, and I didn't trust him, but I thought the alternative (McCain) was worse. I even worked for Ralph Nader's campaign, such as it was, which was minimalist and ad hoc. Given his lack of funding and the nearly total mainstream media blackout against him, it's amazing Nader received as many votes as he did - which was about 700,000, if I remember correctly. At least that's what was reported. I don't trust anything the corporate media report now, nor did I then.
Read this story very carefully and take in the difficult information it contains. Our President objects to limitations on his power to detain, interrogate and prosecute WHOEVER, WHEREVER, WHENEVER. He believes in his right to send detainees, without charging them, to secret foreign prisons to be tortured if so desired. He wants to codify the abandonment of democratic principles, the violations of the Geneva Convention and the violations of the Constitution that began under Bush.
That is who he is. That is what he believes in. That is what he wants to allow ALL future Presidents to do. As a Democrat, it is now impossible for me to support him. I want him impeached.
The President should not compromise the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. This is what he did. He says he will not use the dictatorial powers it provides but what about those who follow him? I believed in him, now I see him as just one more major cog of the cabal that is destroying our country and our rights as a free people. He will not get my vote again. He is a traitor to his oath of office as are all those who voted to pass this bill.
Mario Savio famously said, "...There's a time when the operation of the machine becomes so odious—makes you so sick at heart—that you can't take part. You can't even passively take part. And you've got to put your bodies upon the gears and upon the wheels, upon the levers, upon all the apparatus, and you've got to make it stop. ..."
That's where I'm at with Republicans and Democrats. Much gets made of their toxic disagreements. It's the stuff they agree on that I find so frightening; unjust war, empire building, the drug war, Guantanamo Bay, torture, warrantless surveillance, voodoo economics and a long list of other ills.
I've spent 30 years in the service of this country and I've reached that point Savio talks about, I'm sick at heart, I can no longer pretend that the Democrats present a substantive alternative to the Republicans. They are two sides of the same rotten coin.
Pick your poison. The perfidiousness of Obama, or the pure perfidy of the Republicans. Obama's “the devil made me do it,” vs the evil incarnate. They all can't wait to destroy democracy. And these are our choices in a so-called election year. Good corporatist vs bad corporatist. But there is no good in any of it.
Big mistake. He has become everything he promised us he wouldn't. He has destroyed Due Process. He has greatly expanded the Endless War. He has greatly expanded the Surveillance State. He has widened government secrecy to a point that is could be considered an Iron Curtain. His detention of Bradley Manning is inexcusable in its inhumanity, trashing every concept of fairness embodied in the Geneva Conventions. I WILL NOT vote for him in 2012. I will support Ron Paul in the republican primaries and if he is not the nominee then I will not vote in the general election. The "lesser" of two evils is no solace or excuse.
It is hard to imagine that America will experience a darker day than today, the day we lost our right to habeas corpus. This was a right so important that it was stated by our founding fathers in Article 1 of the Constitution.
The right to Habeas Corpus is one of the most ancient and fundamental rights of free men, preceding but mentioned in the Magna Carta. So it is incredible that the low scum who represent us and the spineless president who is charged with protecting the rights of all the people have the audacity to suspend this most important of all rights with the stroke of a pen.
On the other hand, it is easy to understand why they want to do this. Once someone has been seized by the government, denied the right to counsel, possibly tortured, held for an indeterminate amount of time without charge, what civil court would proceed against them? Clearly the next step will be creation of a kangaroo secrete judge to try them as we now have a secrete kangaroo judge to issue warrants in accordance with the Patriot act.
This is a terrible thing that happened today but what is worse is the mild and disinterested fashion in which it has been reported by the American press and the lack of outrage by the people. We have given up this most fundamental right for the illusion of security but in fact we now have neither rights nor security.
Our Founding Fathers advisedly used the term "person" -- as opposed to "citizen" (used elsewhere in the Constitution to protect the rights of "citizens") -- when they drafted and adopted the Fifth Amendment due process clause, absolutely prohibiting our federal Government from denying any "person" life, liberty or property without "due process of law." The Fifth Amendment is not and never has been limited to protecting US citizens, so President Obama's purported concern for the rights of "citizens" does not meet the Fifth Amendment's requirement that all "persons" be accorded due process by our Government. And of course indefinite detention without any criminal charges or a trial cannot be considered "due process of law" under numerous Supreme Court interpretations of the Fifth Amendment. As a former professor of constitutional law, President Obama knows this just as well as do I (another former professor of constitutional law). President Obama is a disgrace to the legal profession and a traitor to the Constitution which he has taken a sworn oath to uphold and defend. He should resign immediately and seek private employment commensurate with his ethical values, such as selling used cars or fraudulent derivatives.
As a loyal supporter of President Obama since voting for him in the New Jersey Primary, and a proud veteran of our military, I am totally disheartened by the President’s capitulation in signing the current defense legislation. This Bill is a direct injection of autocratic architecture into our system of government. To allow our country’s military to arrest some US citizens on suspicion of some crimes, to hold them indefinitely, and to strip them of their right to a hearing in civilian court is not “defending the constitution”. I doubt that we will see the worst repercussions of these terrible provisions in the immediate future, but there is now a virus in our system of justice. Have none of the President’s advisers noticed that this is precisely the type of law that protestors throughout the Arab world rebelled against in the biggest global story of the year just ended? It is a sad day for our constitution, and a sad day for our country. Perhaps it was not surprising that the law was signed in the last dark hours of the year, when the nation’s citizenry were engaged in their year-end diversions. I cannot know how many votes the President has lost by this action. I can only count my own.
It is quite ironic that a country that fought wars in the 20th Century for freedom and democracy is slowly transforming itself into a state we fought against. Very soon a blog commentary like this will be considered terrorism against the state.
What's next? Special military prisons for American citizens (gulags)?
Yes, and they are called FEMA camps. And don't worry about the Supreme Court being involved because people "detained" in this manner may never come to trial, they will simply disappear at the President's whim.
One small stroke of a unitary executive pen, one giant leap backward for democracy. ACLU Director Anthony Romero calls this craven act the moment when Barack Obama gained the dubious distinction of becoming "forever remembered as the president who signed indefinite detention without charge or trial into law."
Obama's accompanying signing statement is disingenuous at best, cynical at worst. It was a cowardly New Year's Eve news dump. We are told to trust him unquestioningly because he is the good guy, the Democrat, who would never go against the Constitution and deny an American citizen due process. If he has thought at all about possible dangerous successors waiting in the wings to broaden the scope of this dangerous and muddy bill to accusing and "disappearing" peaceful domestic protesters, it was not enough to make him veto it. This should scare us all to death.
We finally know why the president chose not to prosecute the Bush war criminals. He shares many if not most of the same neocon values and is using the same fear factor to keep the populace cowed, "secure" and stripped of their basic rights.
And this is the man who dares ask us to help him fight a recalcitrant Congress? When it comes to enabling the Security State and the Military Industrial Complex, the two warring political factions never fail to jump into each other's arms to call a complicit truce.
One more reason to Occupy, as if we needed another reason.
Thanks, Terry. And thanks very much for bringing this up!
I think many, or perhaps most Americans have forgotten about this, or maybe they never even noticed it in the first place. Certainly the corporate / mainstream media downplayed its seriousness. I was well aware of it at the time.
My memory of the year I volunteered and voted for Nader was incorrect. It was 2008, not 2012. At least I correctly recalled who the Republican candidate had been at the time. If it'd been the 2012 election it would've been Mitt Romney, not McCain. My memory has been damaged by the Pfizer poison injections.
President Obama is not the man we hoped he would be. He is instead a traitor to the US Constitution. I will not vote for such a traitor. I will call for his imprisonment.
Many Americans are concerned about the recent amendment to the NDAA bill that was signed into law by President Obama. We should be. This assault on our rights is very difficult to read and understand. The difficulty probably has more to do with sloppy drafting than intentional misrepresentation. Anyway, I decided to do a sort of John Yoo interpretation of the thing and write it out in one paragraph of plain language. Here it is:
“Congress agrees with the President’s claim that he can order the forceable seizure, transportation and endless military imprisonment of any American citizen without legal proof and without access to the courts. The President’s chosen Americans can be imprisoned in the US or any other country or corporation the President chooses.”
I am a veteran and a retired judge. I know something but not everything about statutory interpretation. I have also been an advocate and know a little about how to play on that one-way street. For an American imprisoned under this act it really doesn’t matter what any real judge thinks about this law anyway because the imprisoned American has no access to the courts anyway. Kind of a snake eating its tail sort of thing. I’d really appreciate a persuasive rebuttal to my interpretation of this law written in plain language.
How does a Constitutional Law Professor not get the provisions of this law which are in direct conflict with the rights enumerated in the Constitution? This law abandons the right of habeas corpus, the fifth and sixth Amendments. The right of trial by jury of your peers, the right to face accusers in a court of law with legal council before being imprisoned, the concept that persons are considered innocent until proven guilty in a duly appointed court in the jurisdiction in which the crime occurred. These are basic rights to our democracy and should never be discarded by fear.
Further, the law allows our military to violate protections established by Posse Comitatus Act which prohibits the US military from being used as a civilian police force. All of these provisions are based on fear of a defeated enemy. Nothing could be more shameful for any politician to violate their oath of office than this egregious act. What is even more galling is that this law was not an appropriations bill and will not provide any funds to do any thing for the military. It merely authorized the Government to do the tasked defined.
Whether this President uses this law to corrupt the Constitution or not is not important. What is important is the barrier to dictatorship is now much closer than ever before. It may simply be a matter of time.
In the coming elections, we must weigh the acts of not just this President, but also of those in the Senate and House who drew this horrible amendment or allowed it to pass.
I, too, vowed that if Obama signed this Bill, I would not vote for him. And I am closely watching the actions of those representing me in Washington and my State Houses. We need to cleanse our government at all levels if we are ever to regain our freedoms - - And I am convinced it will be far more difficult to reclaim them than it was to first declare them.
I do not. It was a 2012 article (I believe November of that year). I read it at the time the military budget was up for renewal and required Obama sign it into law. I'll add, again, I read it first hand. I'm absolutely confident that occurred.
I felt almost like I was sitting in North Korea last night listening to the great leader tell lies, with our political class, sitting in wealth and luxury, cheering his lies, watched Pelosi clap and smirk like a drunk seal, while we’re out here trying to put food on the table, gas in our tanks and pay our taxes. Something needs to change or our country is done. Go for it Alex.
Actually, I believe NSA / Homeland Security / Any other 3 letter agency is probably monitoring the comments of your subscribers and many other substack.com publishers. I have seriously thought this for some time. Most likely a key word filter focused on some interpretation of threats of violence. So I guess when I said "Hang Fauci" the bells and alarms went off. Sorry, gotta run...couple guys in cheap suits at the door ....
Of course, this document/ policy is a blow to all freedom of speech and I am beyond offended. Sue! Class action suit with all offended citizens is also needed.
"When you tear out a man's tongue, you are not proving him a liar, you're only telling the world that you fear what he might say." ― George R.R. Martin, A
Wait for the Psychiatric hospitals to (TREAT) the crazy people with UNACEPTABLE views. Hmmmm that sure sounds familiar. Where in the heck have we seen this before? Oh well I'm sure glad history NEVER repeats itself. Dang tinfoil hat slipped off again.
I'm former USMC & big city law enforcement. I had a top secret clearance and honorably retired. I won dozens of cases for the defense in federal and state court. I was also judgment-proof (I owned nothing) in the hopes that I would make a poor target. I was wrong.
The Act was weakened by our lovely Supreme Court in 2016. A restrengthening bill is languishing in the Senate. ***PFIZER*** & other "healthcare" providers are pushing to kill it.
"Other groups opposing the legislation include the American Hospital Association, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, the Federation of American Hospitals, the National Association of Manufacturers, the Healthcare Leadership Council, the Pharmaceutical Research & Manufacturers of America and the American Bankers Association."
And it would be a much better cause than trying to gin up war with Russia, attacking Dr Malone, and claiming ivermectin doesn't work and the election wasn't stolen.
With all things in this new totalitarian government, you have to look deeper for motivations. This new policy is to both incentivize people to not question and give cover to the fact they are moving on entirely from C19 with no real explanation of what we gained. We all know that the liberal C19 responses were meant to break our society, cause economic strife, and allow the government to grab more power and curtail individual rights. Now they will insist we move forward and NO ONE is to review what happened before. It’s OVER. It is SETTLED. This is the purpose of silencing anyone who would analyze.
I'd like clarification. I've read that our Constitution is unique in that it does not allow the suspension of the Constitution and Bill of Rights in times of "emergency". Does this still hold true? Does that include times of war? Because the moves the government is taking is as if it has gone to war against the public, or at least the dissenting public. How is this supposed to work?
It holds true as a legal concept. But as a practical matter, most people tend to follow "rules" no matter how illogical or illegally imposed, and the rest follow the herd. What the Constitution does is give We the People a legal basis on which to oppose tyranny, even in the face of herd mentality. Our duty as citizens is to resist tyranny in order to invoke its protection.
"No, no one has knocked on my door or threatened to arrest me"
It's coming ... they do it in small incremental steps so most people don't realize it ... like in Australia and Canada most recently. And then you realize it when they charge you with a law you thought doesn't affect you
Of course they want to silence you Alex. Free speech - and thus free thought - must die if the great-reset is to win. There can be no room for free thinking and expression in that Brave New World of total control over the individual. They can’t very well allow people to point out that the emperor has no clothes, can they?
Both sides of this new war and the old pandemic are centrally controlled from a place that resides above the sovereignty of nations at the very top of the global power structure. As such:
This is all a part of the great-reset/global-enslavement plan. Think of the Hegelian Dialectic - the controllers creating a deliberate problem, to get a preplanned reaction, in order to implement a preplanned solution - as a slicing pendulum blade. Now think of the back and forth between the beats of the fabricated pandemic and the beats of the newly fabricated war as that blade cutting our freedom to shreds.
With each new crisis comes a new restriction and with each new restriciton our freedom shrinks a little and government grows a little.
This is the problem--reaction--solution Hagelian Dialectic working as designed, and all of the problems and solutions are a pantomime play - I cannot stress this enough: none of this is organic. And as a result, by the end we will all be slaves in a panopticon prison planet. ...Unless we stop them.
And stop them we must.
Pig “ The farmer wants to kill us ! “
Other pigs “ You’re crazy ! That’s insane !”
Reminds me of the Judas goat:
Judas goat: “That pig is a crazy conspiracy theorist—and only likeminded foolish conspiracy theorists believe a nutter like him.
This way please.”
As David Cullum said: "I am what is known as a 'conspiracy theorist'. I believe that men and women of great power and money conspire. If you do not believe that, then you are what is known as 'an idiot'. If you believe stuff but fear the label, then you are what is known as a 'coward'".
The government has done an amazing job of discrediting itself these last few years, crescendoing perhaps with the response to the Ukraine crisis. In few places have I seen such stupidity.
The administration has believed for a good month or so that Russia would invade Ukraine. Did we ship them lethal weapons in advance? Help them to place explosives at all the likely points of physical invasion? Did Biden call Putin and tell him that we'd fire missiles into Red Square if they did it? Nope. Now (ONLY NOW) is Biden trying to pry $6 billion out of congress to send weapons to Ukraine. How the heck are we going to get any weapons there? Airspace is closed, and the Russians will soon control the entire border. So how's that going to work out?
It also doesn't seem to have occurred to them that Russia still could cut off all gas and oil exports. That would crash the global economy in a hurry, with Europe taking the first dive. Have they given Putin an exit route? Doesn't look like it.
And they claim that diplomacy failed. Yeah, Russian diplomacy. Would it have been so hard to tell Putin that we'd never take Ukraine into NATO? Apparently they're so corrupt we didn't want them anyway. How smart was it to let this war just erupt? They literally gave Putin a bit fat NOTHING. Was that smart? Doesn't look like it. Now they're talking about using nukes.
As for covid, we all know how stupid (and continuingly stupid) that one has been. How about all the calls to defund the police 18 months ago? How'd that one work out?
How about these leftist DAs who are letting Antifa types, and other violent offenders get off scot free, or nearly so?
The fact that they think that they haven't ALREADY become completely discredited points to the sheer depth of their stupidity.
We are truly governed by idiots. So sad for a once-great country.
Israel has significant gas reserves to pipe into Europe, and some Americans want to export boatloads of LNG to Europe. Funny coincidences these are, nicht wahr?
The reason that NATO rejected Russia is because NATO needs hobgoblins to motivate legislatures to appropriate huge amounts of money for "defense" from the treasuries. Russia fit the requirement of being a big, scary hobgoblin. The MIC rejoiced. So did money markets and debt underwriters, for much of the money being appropriated is borrowed. Libernuttians and copservatives continued spout their piffle about "free markets".
Check out The Duran on Rumble for helpful insights. Paul Craig Roberts is ok sometimes. So also is Jimmy Dore, a leftist who has drawn flak from truly evil people like Chunk Vinegar over at The Young Turks. Most of these guys aren't yet ready, tho, to believe that lies and skulduggery are intrinsic to this version of the USA, i.e. the Constitution's version. She is and has been "Great", but she was never good after 1789, when the new system's machinery was turned on. If you doubt me, consider the extreme irony of criminalizing rebellion and insurrection in a union which owes its very existence to sedition, armed insurrection, and secession.
I don't disagree with you. For an interesting take, read Tom Luongo's last couple of essays. You can find him on ZeroHedge. Cheers.
Yep, Gold Goats & Guns.
Russia, China, and others may one year expel the USA and Canada from Asia. It'll be a declaration by the deed of a Putin-Xi Doctrine for Asia. We ought to prepare for this amusing outcome, esp. if our doing so makes this fantasy more likely to come true.
I think that everyone in Columbia needs a second political party whether or not they want it (and most do not). This is practically the same thing as saying that we need a new religion and an new ecclesia (sort of) to compete against the status quo and to advance the interests of the faithful at the expense of the liars and "our democracy". I'm not enthusiastic about Popes, tho, and hearing a Protestant minister preach makes me want to reach for my Sabre Red.
We're a hodgepodge of nations, now, so we could call it the Multinational Party in Columbia (sic). Lots of clueless Americans won't get it because they've never bothered to ask why our imperial capital is named District of Columbia.
Lots of Americans are extraordinarily ignorant about the wider world, and this is what lets the corrupt elite get away with so much. So sad.
The DAs let antifa and BLM rioters free while peaceful protesters from Jan 6th sit in jail without charge or trial.
Very well said. Your work is a treasure the world, fortiori
Thank you, that is very kind of you to say
So very [scarily] true.
When personal freedom becomes a dull but expected entitlement...that's when we are most ripe for the megalomaniac reapers and their unmitigated whirlwind.
Something that no longer seems worth fighting for can quite quickly be disappeared before one has time to pause and reassess what IS truly worth fighting for.
It certainly seems we are all fresh out of pauses.
Agree 100% Angel. Very good point!
The globalists are dividing, disuniting, distracting, and disorganizing their way to a one-world-government. And in that disorienting whirlwind too many are impulsively cashing in their priceless freedoms for tyranny masquerading as safety and security.
And they are executing these trades without pausing even for a moment to consider that this is actually a deal they are making with the devil.
Yes, at break-neck speed no less!
"There's no earthly way of knowing / Which direction we are going / There's no knowing where we're rowing / Or which way the river's flowing / Is it raining? / Is it snowing? / Is a hurricane a-blowing? / Not a speck of light is showing / So the danger must be growing / Are the fires of hell a-glowing? / Is the grisly reaper mowing? / Yes, the danger must be growing / 'Cause the rowers keep on rowing / And they're certainly not showing / Any signs that they are slowing."-Willy Wonka
We the people are the only breaks on this ship [wreck?] and over half the people are asleep and/or comfortably numb while the helm is being commandeered by an ever more powerful not-so-creeping but full-blown in-your-face-light-of-day evil.
No wonder so many pharmaceuticals for 'depression' and 'ADHD' have been pushed to 'treat' a myriad of 'problems' from anxiety to tinnitus. Great way to keep a good portion of the populace psychologically 'medicated'.
But, silly me! A plethora of drugs to treat depression with multiple caveats er 'medical warnings' that it may cause suicidal thoughts is surely a 'a greater good thing™'.
(oops...I rambled)!
That's neat that you mentioned the Willy Wonka boat ride to make your point. I edited my high school newspaper and used that poem as our Halloween Edition, "Feature Fright!".
When mayor of Chicago Rahm Emanuel (look into his "medical ethicist" brother to anyone reading this) famously said, "Never let a good crisis go to waste." He could have just as well said, "Never let the urgent nature of good crisis go to waste", because that 'urgency' is the secret sauce that allows .gov to ram through just about any emergency declaration or law they want while everyone else is distracted and worried sick with the crisis. (Problem Reaction Solution)
The enemy is at the gates! Quick, render unto Caeser all of your liberties!
To your point about the drugs, Angel, just about everyone I know is on some type of anti-depressant - and nearly all of them deny there is a problem with this plandemic.
So....I think you're onto something that could be a big part of this equation: perhaps drugged up people lose their some of their capacity to critically think, and so to them anyone is better at it seems like a 'crazy conspiracy theorist'... And to your point again, maybe they're not concerned about the boat we're all on reaching breakneck speed because they are emotionally numb.
Interesting, interesting. Thank you again
Wow...*Willy Wonka Fist bumps!*
Yes, YES...urgency is a great way to get into that icky/panicky off-kilter place [the 'find a happy place' thumb sucking corner]. And (of course), the fix is ALWAYS worse than the original problem (0bamacare 'tax').
So many adults are on anti-depressants now that it's truly spooky. Children too. I think it was around the early to mid 2000s that 'they' really started ramping up the whole 'attention deficit disorder' thing...especially for boys [vaccine injury much? A much too much!] not to mention the huuuuge spike in autism in boys (and girls too...). Then, there was the opioid 'epidemic' which I'm sure was once touted as 'safe & effective' before 'TEH SCIENCE' did jazz hands.
Which brings us back to...DOH [oh dear]! I wouldn't doubt that brain altering chemicals in the form of psychotropic medication have brought us the ever obedient and easily swooned into submission 'Serotonin Zombies'.
P.S. Ezekiel J. Emanuel wrote that before Biden was president I see (LMAO)!
I'm one of those few who are on antidepressants but DO have a problem with the plandemic.
I value my eternal soul.
If you aren’t on the demoniacs hit list you may want to examine this in view of the Bible.
Love hath no man than this…
"false or misleading narratives, which sow discord or undermine public trust in U.S. government institutions."
No one does it better than the Government itself !
Excellent reply, and excellent presentation of COVID hypnosis at your .com - have shared a lot! Hopefully it will wake up more people to the truth. We are definitely at a precipice.
Thank you very much for saying so Sara, and for sharing that article. I have noticed that a lot of people are finally starting to wake up, so we have a shot of turning the tide if we keep up that momentum.
Walk with those God has put in your path in the world to follow He who owns all souls.
Wut u sed!
I once told a Democrat i work with about how it's all out there in the open and he said he tried to look at it with an open mind 🤔. And because i don't run to get a govt backed shot that has never been tested i don't have an open mind. 🙄
Do it!
That’s outstanding. How eloquent, elegant, and profound Mr. Sharpton is.
Forever and ever, amen
I cried watching Steven Crowder's Sharpton.
I don't know who's more demented...Biden or Pelosi. It looked like Pelosi was having an orgasm last night @ SOTU. Leadership is truly rotting at the top.
Probably had new batteries installed.
Both part of the international
The demons surface with their mmm boo boos.
Check out those eyes.
They have the same father.
Do a DDG for The Presidio.
I believe it was 'peach 45. now it is 86 46.
Love it!
I’m grateful Guam didn’t capsize, even if I’ve ruptured my spleen laughing about that memory...🤣
That guy, and what we've seen in Canada recently... At some point, when it's painfully obvious how stupid some of these people are, there should be some mechanism to refund taxpayers their salaries and fire them into the sun.
Myself also!
I’ve sent that video literally 100’s of times.
These are our overlords!
WAIT share the video!!!!
I am suing Biden and Twitter for this reason. The American Freedom Law Center is suing them on behalf, more precisely. Same reason as you, but I was banned from Twitter (earlier than you) for quoting a university infectious disease professor on an infectious disease related topic, in a verifiable and still existing link to a mainstream news source. That was my tweet. Without my commentary. Permanently banned, after Biden instructed social media to commit this violation of the First Amendment.
I will be writing more about this lawsuit on my Substack within a few days.
Actually, I must admit that when I first saw your article title, Berenson vs Biden, I was really hoping for a moment that you meant that you would primary him. Now wouldn't that be delicious?
I don't agree with a lot of what Alex does but I'd feel a hell of a lot safer having him in the White House as president than Biden, Harris, Pelosi or any of the Dems currently serving that could become president should something happen precisely because despite our differences politically he still values Constitutional Rights & Protections, something the majority of eth modern Democrat party has abandoned in favor of power.
Personally, I want a president who can fearlessly engage with his/her critics. Not run from/avoid/censor them.
Some Dem should primary him! Republicans like me will try to impeached/convict him and Kamala out sometime in 2023, assuming we win super-big this Nov., but it will be a long-shot even if "we" have the numbers, given all the "putative moderates" in our party.
I thought the same!
I thought he was going to challenge Biden to a push up contest!
I think that might be considered an assassination attempt at Joe's age. =0)))
Delicious ? If it’s kosher no thanks.
'social' media must be the top priority in 2023 ... they must be made NONPOLITICAL and the CEOs that enabled First Amendment violations must rotten in jail
Just move to platforms like gab. There is no reason to stop twitter and facebook from killing themselves with political bias and censorship.
It's not for me (I don't use most of them), it's matter of principal. We can't allow ANYONE to ignore the First Amendment. It's one of our most important laws in USA. The criminals that broke the law must be jailed so no one dare to do it again!
I remember you and than I was booted off Twitter as well.
I guess we told a bit too much truth for their liking.
Yes, we did.
I also think they didn't like how quickly we built a following. All I ever did was provide provisional death info. Data that confirmed only the old and sick were affected. Until 2020 I never really used Twitter. I started using Twitter regularly in April. By November, I had over 20k followers. My only message was the age group of people dying compared to the number of people testing positive for SARS-CoV-2. 80-90% of positive tests were of the population less than 60 years old. Yet, well over 80% (some countries even higher depends on testing and reporting) of all deaths were of the population over 60.
Interesting. That was a major topic of mine also, and I also got banned by Twitter at 20,100 followers. I guess that threshold triggers the tyrant bots. Now Gigi Sohn will be voted on tomorrow in the Senate as "censorship czar." That really must not go through.
I follow you and love your articles!
Jordan Peterson stood up years ago and said no more. Canada is 5-10 years ahead of the madness here in the US.
Sue the shit out of them. You have my support and my wallet (albeit it’s pretty thin).
Not clear to me, a Canadian from Quebec, how we are ahead of the US on retaining our rights. And have you seen some of the anti-freedom bills coming up soon for votes in the current parliament?
Oh no, I’m not aware of these bills. I sure hope they don’t go anywhere. I am ashamed to be a Canadian right now. Also, Alex better hope that Biden doesn’t freeze his bank accounts and those of his contributors as was done here.
Sorry for not being clear.
Thanks, your comment definitely makes sense to me now and I fully agree with you. Only one Federal party breathes and bleeds freedom in this country, and that's the much maligned and misunderstood People's Party.
But Biden talked about “freedom” in his SOTU address…and he never lies 😂
Seeing him tonight at the MotherChurch!!!
you should do it. I was in a communist country in 1989, followed by the taxi driver into the museum and theatre, no food on shelves except luxuries for those in charge, no phone for outside calls even though we were westerners, guard monitoring in and out on each floor of the hotel, one or two TV stations that were official state stations, people who opposed, questioned anything were delegated out of circulation and examined for mental health seclusion. This arrogant absurdity to censor discussion and debate - does not stop.
Don't use gofundme.
You can in many cases. Like every time you buy something in person. Many online purchases accept checks. If inconvenient, it's a small sacrifice worth making for liberty.
A Whole Foods near me recently added self checkout. The machines have the capability of accepting cash…except they have it disabled and the employee told me she hasn’t heard it would be enabled. I pulled a bunch of cash from my bank because if I don’t have the cash, do I really have money on a whim?
Maybe email management that you'll start shopping there again soon as they enable it.
Saw on MSM (It was an accident, I swear!) where a woman was arrested because she paid for everything with cash and that drew suspicion. However, before I changed the channel they started to state what she was actually suspected of, I didn't catch what it was and I don't know if it was national or local, but no matter what it put a chill through me.
I've paid cash most things local for decades. No problem. But it pays to beware. If some a-hole seller asks questions, cancel the sale & take your business elsewhere.
Amen to that! I'd rather pay cash, as long as I have some on me. (I usually do.)
I carry more than enough for what I'm going to buy.
I don't do this, but some use postal money orders to lower traceability, though I imagine with facial recognition at the PO, they can or soon will be able to ID the buyer, and it may raise attention. And they're not free.
Another bonus paying cash: "woke" Visa & MC scumbags don't get a cut, sellers get 100% so it helps keep inflation down. Use checks for campaigns & charitable donations so they get 100%.
Never donate through "WinRed", owned by the corrupt establishment "R" party, controlled by Ronna Romney. "WinRed" uses 4% of your donation to elect corrupt neo"cons", RINOs et ilk. Your candidate only gets 96% less Visa's cut.
Many banks have "bill pay" or something like it where you go online to order checks. The bank even pays the postage, so you save 55 cents & hassle. I donate to "misinformation" & "disinformation" artists that way through "woke" Chase to rub their nose in it. I had significant funds there, but after finding out the "woke" crap they're doing, I keep the monthly avg bal down to just enough to avoid fees.
You're welcome. See edit on "bill pay" above.
I have seriously considered moving all money to a credit union, going back to getting a live payroll check (no direct deposit) cancelling every scheduled bill auto-pay, etc and going back to filing taxes manually.
I believe small local banks and credit unions will be safer than any big bank. For now anyway. More of a feeling than any actual fact based information. On top of that, what does a big bank offer you today? Half a percent interest and service fees that more that gobble that up unless you keep an outrageous balance.
cash Fridays, championed by Catherine Austin-Fits
There's no organization that's stepped in to the void created when the ACLU ceased to really defend civil liberties?
No other organization? Sheesh.
I say go for, Alex. And I'll kick in some support. Just please don't set up a "go-fund-me." (I'll never work with those bastards ever again--not after the Canadian truckers.)
RIP ACLU now owned by a billionaire with a lot of “personal issues” and a narrow agenda
Yep. Now advocating for "transgender" issues, among other nonsense.
(BTW, for the record, there are two sexes. "Transgender" is not a sex. It is a mental health condition.)
I don't know if anyone on this forum can answer this question, but is one of the reasons that younger people are having gender identity issues connected to all of the vaccines that they get as babies? If they can cause autism, why not gender identity issues? We know that Fauci and Gates have tried to sterilize women (in India and Africa I believe) without their consent through vaccines. And now we are seeing fertility issues with the covid shots. Another side effect or possibly intentional???
It's the latest teenage rebellion. Every generation seems to have some sort of self-destructive behavior among teenagers--designed to assert their independence while upsetting their parents.
Drugs in the 1960s. Later "goth" and "grunge." Eating disorders. And now? "Hey, Mom, Dad? I'm really a boy, my name is Brandon, and if you don't let me have a mastectomy, I'll kill myself. And my teachers say this is OK."
Plus it's fueled by social media.
I suspect it has to do with toxic chemicals all around us. Some of them are known to be endocrine disruptors, which can interfere with normal fetal development. Biologists have noticed that other species are also having abnormal offspring.
That is actually a theory someone floated, since the vaxxes come from stem cell lines, and you do not know what sex those lines were, chances are, with 72 jabs in children's vax schedule now, they are getting both male and female lines. I know next to zero about the specific science of it so I'm keeping it vague; it was another commenter who publishes a newsletter, is where I saw this idea, and it stuck with me because, sure, the woke culture is not helping kids be comfortable in their own skin, I 100% agree with that, but what if...kids now are like, actually biologically confused?
Yes! I've noticed that too!!
Androgynous people do exist from birth, but it is incredibly rare.
Yes, rare. But from what I understand, everyone regardless of physical characteristics of genitals, have either XX or XY chromosomes.
who owns it now? I've wondered what had happened!
born James. Now: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jennifer_Pritzker#Early_life
Thank you!
Explains a bucket load of mysteries
There is a conservative version: it's called the American Center for Law & Justice (ACLJ). They have won a number of big and important lawsuits. https://aclj.org
The ACLJ attempts to be the conservative answer to the ACLU.
correct, trying to “undermine public trust in U.S. government institutions” is now a terrorist act, just ask the parents vs school boards.
I wish you would file a suit. I don’t have much but I can send some support.
Forget donations; what you need is to have as many people duplicate your lawsuit in that judicial district so that it can become a class action.
I'll donate.
I'm not the only one who caught that 'terrorists shouldn't be able to buy a gun' line.
We need to pass more gun control laws! WHY SHOULD ANYBODY ON A TERRORIST LIST BE ALLOWED TO BUY A GUN? By the way, have you heard that your friends and neighbors are considered terrorists? No? Great.
Edit: I even added it to my bio!
Data enthusiast. Twitter refugee. Reluctant member of the 'alternate' media. Proud "terrorist" undermining government institutions by truthfully pointing out their actions.
And you can bet this includes angry soccer moms at school board meetings. No guns for you!
The ultimate goal is what was in communist east ... ONLY police/army have guns. So when they come for you, you obey and go to the prison camp without resistance
Australia gave up their guns
And now are easily put in concentration camps
I'll pitch in. I'm in Canada so let's see if that will get my bank accounts frozen by Herr Turdo.
Lol @ herr turdo
You mean Castreau
Supreme Chancellor Turdo? No, that's Schwab's title. You're right, Führer Turdo it is.
Do it.
" . . . false or misleading narratives, which sow discord or undermine public trust in U.S. government institutions." If DHS took this seriously, they should be targeting the CDC.
so true
And social media
This also means all of your subscribers are followers of a terrorist.
So our comments are Wrong Speech?
Or that WE are all terr0rists too! Silence! I KEEL YOU!
It’s called “chilling” free speech and there are countless cases striking down government actions for exactly this behavior. Unfortunately, this is something the ACLU would have taken on before they became political pawns of the Democratic Party.
The only one really fighting this gov't tyranny is Project Veritas. They are incredible.
Don’t forget “Judicial Watch”!!!
You are VERY Correct! They are actually, the best in my opinion.
and Center for American Liberty - Harmeet Dhillon
True. I actually donated to her group, then inadvertently dissed them by omitting....oh well. I'm getting old....
Has anyone else noticed liking comments on Substack has gotten a lot buggier, particularly for certain posts?
Yes. I am already being careful in my comments so that I do not become a target. However, that is the very reason we need to stand against this blatant attack on our free speech. Resistance is vital.
Am I the only one who keeps getting an error message ("something went wrong") that pops up when I try to like Alex's post or any comments? It started yesterday and I still can't like anything. Is anyone else experiencing this?
I just successfully "liked" your comment.
I can't like your comment
Yes, I have the same problem - I tried to like your comment, but a box comes up saying ‘Something went wrong’ and the like won’t register.
My like just went through. I have similar problems daily.
Yes. Many of us have been experiencing this for several weeks.
Here's a hack that often works:
Reply to the comment you want to "like" with a short comment, e.g. "like" or "agree."
After your reply shows up, click on the heart icon again, and there's a good chance that now it'll light up. You can delete your short post or just leave it there. (I usually delete it, assuming this works.)
Doing this usually makes it possible to also "like" other posts in the same distinct thread, I've found.
Substack growing pains
Yes, I think they are having server issues or buggy software or both.
Thanks so much for the hack! I'll try it.
That has worked for me but not always.
I got the same error message.
I am unable to use the link back to my comment (‘Server can’t be found’) if I am on my home Wifi (Xfinity). If I go cellular, the link works...what’s up with that....?
That happens to me daily also. I only use my home WiFi (Verizon) as my tablet not cellular.
Sometimes I'm led to the single option to be a member. No way back. Answering with my mail address it responds "You already are!" and then discloses the veil and I can read and comment.
Me too. Started a few days ago.
It happens to me when the thread is past the original comment but is inconsistent
Me too!
RIght! The total irony in the puppet talking about defending democracy in the Ukraine and protecting their borders and yet look what he and his puppeteers have done and plan to do with "we the people".
I am convinced that I am on a list somewhere simply because of who I follow on Substack. This Terrorism bulletin made my blood run cold. Someone needs to challenge this. I am in as a contributor if you decide to go forward.
Mine, too. It's so vague and Soviet. I wonder who writes these things, and where they're getting their legal advice, if they're even getting any. Imagine being a prosecutor and confronted with a defense attorney who shows this garbage to a jury.
I'm in.
Count on a small donation here!
Please do it! I spoke out at a school board meeting regarding the pornographic books that are available in school. I was clear about the contents being less than educational and the poor judgment of the Board to sexualize our kids. I read obscene passages to the Board that made everyone squirm. It was down right gross. I understand I was vilified on social media and called a book burner and banner. Furthermore, when I spoke with the superintendent I was told I was out of line for reading such obscene passages, the Board found them to be offensive. The next meeting I returned to report on my discussion and further my inquiry as to why these books are even called literature (with so many other great classics available). Guess who walked up near me when it was my turn to speak? The local police. They were there ready to do what? I didn't read any further passages, not because of the police, but because I was there to make a speech about the quality of education. So yes, FILE!! I'm the local "terrorist" in my community because I care about the quality of education my tax dollars are paying for. And I live in Cook County, Chicago, so you know I pay a whole lot!
Oh man, from a fellow Crook County resident, you are brave. Wish I could have been there to support you. I don’t have kids but for something like this I would show up. God love you.
Yet these are the same people who would put warning labels on books like "1984".
The police are not the bastion of critical thinking. They are in that job because their alternatives are limited. There is no amount of money most people would accept to be a policeman and now we are attacking them for simply doing their jobs keeping dangerous criminals from committing violent acts. They could target peaceful citizens who are just pushing back against their bosses who pay their salaries. What could go wrong?
I’ve got a small grassroots donation with your name on it
I’ll contribute. Threats like audits back in the Obama admin are also prior restraint
Perhaps if you apologize to Dr Malone and also admit Ivermectin is effective, then you would broaden your support base. For you to be ignorantly selective regarding IVM (see your ridiculous article on the Malaysian IVM trial results) and being a rabid ad-hominem mouthpiece against Dr Malone and IVM precludes my support.
Insulting your readers is unprofessional and unhelpful and pissed me off. An appology would be welcome even without accepting that IVM worked for myself and much of my family and friends. Even if the placebo effect was at work which I believe is possible telling your readers their stupid and calling an eminent Dr a quack is just wrong Alex.
Alex, you should take a look at the 2012 annual military defense act that was signed into law by Obama. Buried in it was language that allows the government to declare US citizens enemy combatants and be held without trial. The language goes on to define what they consider enemy combatants to be. I believe John McCain and Carl Levin (Michigan) were co-sponsors. I know LA Times covered it (that's where I read it), but I can't speak to other publications.
Yes, you are right. Obama signed that into law on December 31, 2011 (when most people were welcoming the New Year, rather than paying attention to political news.)
I just read the NY Times article about it, which intentionally obfuscates the issue you brought up, Terry.
However, I also read the comments section, which clarifies it. I'll post some of the better comments here.
Before I do so, I want to point out that many Americans - both Democrats and Republicans - were horrified by this law. Many decided then and there that they absolutely would not vote for Obama in the 2012 election, because he'd signed this into law.
I was among them. I voted for Ralph Nader in 2012, rather than for Obama, for whom I'd reluctantly voted in 2008. I thought he was an arrogant corporate shill, and I didn't trust him, but I thought the alternative (McCain) was worse. I even worked for Ralph Nader's campaign, such as it was, which was minimalist and ad hoc. Given his lack of funding and the nearly total mainstream media blackout against him, it's amazing Nader received as many votes as he did - which was about 700,000, if I remember correctly. At least that's what was reported. I don't trust anything the corporate media report now, nor did I then.
Read this story very carefully and take in the difficult information it contains. Our President objects to limitations on his power to detain, interrogate and prosecute WHOEVER, WHEREVER, WHENEVER. He believes in his right to send detainees, without charging them, to secret foreign prisons to be tortured if so desired. He wants to codify the abandonment of democratic principles, the violations of the Geneva Convention and the violations of the Constitution that began under Bush.
That is who he is. That is what he believes in. That is what he wants to allow ALL future Presidents to do. As a Democrat, it is now impossible for me to support him. I want him impeached.
The President should not compromise the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. This is what he did. He says he will not use the dictatorial powers it provides but what about those who follow him? I believed in him, now I see him as just one more major cog of the cabal that is destroying our country and our rights as a free people. He will not get my vote again. He is a traitor to his oath of office as are all those who voted to pass this bill.
This is our country's darkest hour.
So much for The Magna Carta...
It was fun while it lasted.
Mario Savio famously said, "...There's a time when the operation of the machine becomes so odious—makes you so sick at heart—that you can't take part. You can't even passively take part. And you've got to put your bodies upon the gears and upon the wheels, upon the levers, upon all the apparatus, and you've got to make it stop. ..."
That's where I'm at with Republicans and Democrats. Much gets made of their toxic disagreements. It's the stuff they agree on that I find so frightening; unjust war, empire building, the drug war, Guantanamo Bay, torture, warrantless surveillance, voodoo economics and a long list of other ills.
I've spent 30 years in the service of this country and I've reached that point Savio talks about, I'm sick at heart, I can no longer pretend that the Democrats present a substantive alternative to the Republicans. They are two sides of the same rotten coin.
Pick your poison. The perfidiousness of Obama, or the pure perfidy of the Republicans. Obama's “the devil made me do it,” vs the evil incarnate. They all can't wait to destroy democracy. And these are our choices in a so-called election year. Good corporatist vs bad corporatist. But there is no good in any of it.
Big mistake. He has become everything he promised us he wouldn't. He has destroyed Due Process. He has greatly expanded the Endless War. He has greatly expanded the Surveillance State. He has widened government secrecy to a point that is could be considered an Iron Curtain. His detention of Bradley Manning is inexcusable in its inhumanity, trashing every concept of fairness embodied in the Geneva Conventions. I WILL NOT vote for him in 2012. I will support Ron Paul in the republican primaries and if he is not the nominee then I will not vote in the general election. The "lesser" of two evils is no solace or excuse.
It is hard to imagine that America will experience a darker day than today, the day we lost our right to habeas corpus. This was a right so important that it was stated by our founding fathers in Article 1 of the Constitution.
The right to Habeas Corpus is one of the most ancient and fundamental rights of free men, preceding but mentioned in the Magna Carta. So it is incredible that the low scum who represent us and the spineless president who is charged with protecting the rights of all the people have the audacity to suspend this most important of all rights with the stroke of a pen.
On the other hand, it is easy to understand why they want to do this. Once someone has been seized by the government, denied the right to counsel, possibly tortured, held for an indeterminate amount of time without charge, what civil court would proceed against them? Clearly the next step will be creation of a kangaroo secrete judge to try them as we now have a secrete kangaroo judge to issue warrants in accordance with the Patriot act.
This is a terrible thing that happened today but what is worse is the mild and disinterested fashion in which it has been reported by the American press and the lack of outrage by the people. We have given up this most fundamental right for the illusion of security but in fact we now have neither rights nor security.
Our Founding Fathers advisedly used the term "person" -- as opposed to "citizen" (used elsewhere in the Constitution to protect the rights of "citizens") -- when they drafted and adopted the Fifth Amendment due process clause, absolutely prohibiting our federal Government from denying any "person" life, liberty or property without "due process of law." The Fifth Amendment is not and never has been limited to protecting US citizens, so President Obama's purported concern for the rights of "citizens" does not meet the Fifth Amendment's requirement that all "persons" be accorded due process by our Government. And of course indefinite detention without any criminal charges or a trial cannot be considered "due process of law" under numerous Supreme Court interpretations of the Fifth Amendment. As a former professor of constitutional law, President Obama knows this just as well as do I (another former professor of constitutional law). President Obama is a disgrace to the legal profession and a traitor to the Constitution which he has taken a sworn oath to uphold and defend. He should resign immediately and seek private employment commensurate with his ethical values, such as selling used cars or fraudulent derivatives.
As a loyal supporter of President Obama since voting for him in the New Jersey Primary, and a proud veteran of our military, I am totally disheartened by the President’s capitulation in signing the current defense legislation. This Bill is a direct injection of autocratic architecture into our system of government. To allow our country’s military to arrest some US citizens on suspicion of some crimes, to hold them indefinitely, and to strip them of their right to a hearing in civilian court is not “defending the constitution”. I doubt that we will see the worst repercussions of these terrible provisions in the immediate future, but there is now a virus in our system of justice. Have none of the President’s advisers noticed that this is precisely the type of law that protestors throughout the Arab world rebelled against in the biggest global story of the year just ended? It is a sad day for our constitution, and a sad day for our country. Perhaps it was not surprising that the law was signed in the last dark hours of the year, when the nation’s citizenry were engaged in their year-end diversions. I cannot know how many votes the President has lost by this action. I can only count my own.
It is quite ironic that a country that fought wars in the 20th Century for freedom and democracy is slowly transforming itself into a state we fought against. Very soon a blog commentary like this will be considered terrorism against the state.
What's next? Special military prisons for American citizens (gulags)?
Yes, and they are called FEMA camps. And don't worry about the Supreme Court being involved because people "detained" in this manner may never come to trial, they will simply disappear at the President's whim.
One small stroke of a unitary executive pen, one giant leap backward for democracy. ACLU Director Anthony Romero calls this craven act the moment when Barack Obama gained the dubious distinction of becoming "forever remembered as the president who signed indefinite detention without charge or trial into law."
Obama's accompanying signing statement is disingenuous at best, cynical at worst. It was a cowardly New Year's Eve news dump. We are told to trust him unquestioningly because he is the good guy, the Democrat, who would never go against the Constitution and deny an American citizen due process. If he has thought at all about possible dangerous successors waiting in the wings to broaden the scope of this dangerous and muddy bill to accusing and "disappearing" peaceful domestic protesters, it was not enough to make him veto it. This should scare us all to death.
We finally know why the president chose not to prosecute the Bush war criminals. He shares many if not most of the same neocon values and is using the same fear factor to keep the populace cowed, "secure" and stripped of their basic rights.
And this is the man who dares ask us to help him fight a recalcitrant Congress? When it comes to enabling the Security State and the Military Industrial Complex, the two warring political factions never fail to jump into each other's arms to call a complicit truce.
One more reason to Occupy, as if we needed another reason.
I'm glad you found the info. After reading your link I tried to find the LA Times article I initially read. Couldn't find it, but I did find a well written article by the Huffington Post on the bill. They even highlighted the two relevant sections on the bill. Here is the link. https://www.huffpost.com/entry/dear-americans-this-law-makes-it-possible-to-arrest_b_57c9b648e4b06c750dd9cd6f
Thanks, Terry. And thanks very much for bringing this up!
I think many, or perhaps most Americans have forgotten about this, or maybe they never even noticed it in the first place. Certainly the corporate / mainstream media downplayed its seriousness. I was well aware of it at the time.
Ha, interesting, my husband and I helped organize some events for Ralph Nader's campaign in Chicago back in 2008. :)
Thanks for posting your comment, Inconsolable!
My memory of the year I volunteered and voted for Nader was incorrect. It was 2008, not 2012. At least I correctly recalled who the Republican candidate had been at the time. If it'd been the 2012 election it would've been Mitt Romney, not McCain. My memory has been damaged by the Pfizer poison injections.
This law is outrageous and unconstitutional.
Welcome to marshal law!
President Obama is not the man we hoped he would be. He is instead a traitor to the US Constitution. I will not vote for such a traitor. I will call for his imprisonment.
Many Americans are concerned about the recent amendment to the NDAA bill that was signed into law by President Obama. We should be. This assault on our rights is very difficult to read and understand. The difficulty probably has more to do with sloppy drafting than intentional misrepresentation. Anyway, I decided to do a sort of John Yoo interpretation of the thing and write it out in one paragraph of plain language. Here it is:
“Congress agrees with the President’s claim that he can order the forceable seizure, transportation and endless military imprisonment of any American citizen without legal proof and without access to the courts. The President’s chosen Americans can be imprisoned in the US or any other country or corporation the President chooses.”
I am a veteran and a retired judge. I know something but not everything about statutory interpretation. I have also been an advocate and know a little about how to play on that one-way street. For an American imprisoned under this act it really doesn’t matter what any real judge thinks about this law anyway because the imprisoned American has no access to the courts anyway. Kind of a snake eating its tail sort of thing. I’d really appreciate a persuasive rebuttal to my interpretation of this law written in plain language.
How does a Constitutional Law Professor not get the provisions of this law which are in direct conflict with the rights enumerated in the Constitution? This law abandons the right of habeas corpus, the fifth and sixth Amendments. The right of trial by jury of your peers, the right to face accusers in a court of law with legal council before being imprisoned, the concept that persons are considered innocent until proven guilty in a duly appointed court in the jurisdiction in which the crime occurred. These are basic rights to our democracy and should never be discarded by fear.
Further, the law allows our military to violate protections established by Posse Comitatus Act which prohibits the US military from being used as a civilian police force. All of these provisions are based on fear of a defeated enemy. Nothing could be more shameful for any politician to violate their oath of office than this egregious act. What is even more galling is that this law was not an appropriations bill and will not provide any funds to do any thing for the military. It merely authorized the Government to do the tasked defined.
Whether this President uses this law to corrupt the Constitution or not is not important. What is important is the barrier to dictatorship is now much closer than ever before. It may simply be a matter of time.
In the coming elections, we must weigh the acts of not just this President, but also of those in the Senate and House who drew this horrible amendment or allowed it to pass.
I, too, vowed that if Obama signed this Bill, I would not vote for him. And I am closely watching the actions of those representing me in Washington and my State Houses. We need to cleanse our government at all levels if we are ever to regain our freedoms - - And I am convinced it will be far more difficult to reclaim them than it was to first declare them.
Confirms that Hanoi Songbird McCain was always a traitor!
One of a few Tokyo roses.
Did not know this since the LA Times is a worthless propaganda rag. Do you have a link to the docuement? Thanks
I do not. It was a 2012 article (I believe November of that year). I read it at the time the military budget was up for renewal and required Obama sign it into law. I'll add, again, I read it first hand. I'm absolutely confident that occurred.
I felt almost like I was sitting in North Korea last night listening to the great leader tell lies, with our political class, sitting in wealth and luxury, cheering his lies, watched Pelosi clap and smirk like a drunk seal, while we’re out here trying to put food on the table, gas in our tanks and pay our taxes. Something needs to change or our country is done. Go for it Alex.
Actually, I believe NSA / Homeland Security / Any other 3 letter agency is probably monitoring the comments of your subscribers and many other substack.com publishers. I have seriously thought this for some time. Most likely a key word filter focused on some interpretation of threats of violence. So I guess when I said "Hang Fauci" the bells and alarms went off. Sorry, gotta run...couple guys in cheap suits at the door ....
I'll donate.
People like Alex Berenson are at the vanguard of our first amendment rights. When he loses his, we lose ours.
We must keep speaking out and keep fighting.
Of course, this document/ policy is a blow to all freedom of speech and I am beyond offended. Sue! Class action suit with all offended citizens is also needed.
"When you tear out a man's tongue, you are not proving him a liar, you're only telling the world that you fear what he might say." ― George R.R. Martin, A
Wait for the Psychiatric hospitals to (TREAT) the crazy people with UNACEPTABLE views. Hmmmm that sure sounds familiar. Where in the heck have we seen this before? Oh well I'm sure glad history NEVER repeats itself. Dang tinfoil hat slipped off again.
I'm former USMC & big city law enforcement. I had a top secret clearance and honorably retired. I won dozens of cases for the defense in federal and state court. I was also judgment-proof (I owned nothing) in the hopes that I would make a poor target. I was wrong.
When your feral agencies want you, they will get you. Like Schumer said, "Six ways from Sunday". https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6nXGt6Jnabc
Good. In typical DemCom/RINO projection, Biden's M.O. fits his new definition of terrorist:
"false or misleading narratives which sow discord or undermine public trust in U.S. gvt institutions."
Also, could a whistleblower sue Biden & Homeland "Security" (or their contractors) under the Fraud Claims Act? See CHD article yesterday about it.
The Act was weakened by our lovely Supreme Court in 2016. A restrengthening bill is languishing in the Senate. ***PFIZER*** & other "healthcare" providers are pushing to kill it.
"Other groups opposing the legislation include the American Hospital Association, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, the Federation of American Hospitals, the National Association of Manufacturers, the Healthcare Leadership Council, the Pharmaceutical Research & Manufacturers of America and the American Bankers Association."
And it would be a much better cause than trying to gin up war with Russia, attacking Dr Malone, and claiming ivermectin doesn't work and the election wasn't stolen.
I would donate to your legal cause Alex. I may not always agree with you, but that was never the point. Keep up the good work.
With all things in this new totalitarian government, you have to look deeper for motivations. This new policy is to both incentivize people to not question and give cover to the fact they are moving on entirely from C19 with no real explanation of what we gained. We all know that the liberal C19 responses were meant to break our society, cause economic strife, and allow the government to grab more power and curtail individual rights. Now they will insist we move forward and NO ONE is to review what happened before. It’s OVER. It is SETTLED. This is the purpose of silencing anyone who would analyze.
I'd like clarification. I've read that our Constitution is unique in that it does not allow the suspension of the Constitution and Bill of Rights in times of "emergency". Does this still hold true? Does that include times of war? Because the moves the government is taking is as if it has gone to war against the public, or at least the dissenting public. How is this supposed to work?
It holds true as a legal concept. But as a practical matter, most people tend to follow "rules" no matter how illogical or illegally imposed, and the rest follow the herd. What the Constitution does is give We the People a legal basis on which to oppose tyranny, even in the face of herd mentality. Our duty as citizens is to resist tyranny in order to invoke its protection.
Would totally support you, and will if you decide to move forward, but with the current Supreme Court who knows what would happen.
I would support you doing this and would contribute some money.
"No, no one has knocked on my door or threatened to arrest me"
It's coming ... they do it in small incremental steps so most people don't realize it ... like in Australia and Canada most recently. And then you realize it when they charge you with a law you thought doesn't affect you
We are the radicals now.
Do it!
The phrase "“potentially inspire acts of violence" is of dubious constitutional viability
I’m with you !
I'm in. As donors, we can form a softball team in the gulag nicknamed "The Rocket Docket".
PS, I may be in a different gulag than most of the other donors, since I donated to the Canadian truckers.
PPS, Do you guys think the vaxxed and unvaxxed donors will be separated, for our true blood safety?
I only have two mites right now but I will give you all I have to fight this usurpation of power.
How can we trust a government that has lied about covid? We know they lied. We've seen the statistics.
You obviously trusted a US government that LIED about much more than Covid and did so for decades! Why question them now???
What ever happened to the land of the free and the home of the brave? The truth always wins
I’m fed up and Im in