you should do it. I was in a communist country in 1989, followed by the taxi driver into the museum and theatre, no food on shelves except luxuries for those in charge, no phone for outside calls even though we were westerners, guard monitoring in and out on each floor of the hotel, one or two TV stations that were official state station…
you should do it. I was in a communist country in 1989, followed by the taxi driver into the museum and theatre, no food on shelves except luxuries for those in charge, no phone for outside calls even though we were westerners, guard monitoring in and out on each floor of the hotel, one or two TV stations that were official state stations, people who opposed, questioned anything were delegated out of circulation and examined for mental health seclusion. This arrogant absurdity to censor discussion and debate - does not stop.
you should do it. I was in a communist country in 1989, followed by the taxi driver into the museum and theatre, no food on shelves except luxuries for those in charge, no phone for outside calls even though we were westerners, guard monitoring in and out on each floor of the hotel, one or two TV stations that were official state stations, people who opposed, questioned anything were delegated out of circulation and examined for mental health seclusion. This arrogant absurdity to censor discussion and debate - does not stop.