As David Cullum said: "I am what is known as a 'conspiracy theorist'. I believe that men and women of great power and money conspire. If you do not believe that, then you are what is known as 'an idiot'. If you believe stuff but fear the label, then you are what is known as a 'coward'".
The government has done an amazing job of discrediting itself these last few years, crescendoing perhaps with the response to the Ukraine crisis. In few places have I seen such stupidity.
The administration has believed for a good month or so that Russia would invade Ukraine. Did we ship them lethal weapons in advance? Help them to place explosives at all the likely points of physical invasion? Did Biden call Putin and tell him that we'd fire missiles into Red Square if they did it? Nope. Now (ONLY NOW) is Biden trying to pry $6 billion out of congress to send weapons to Ukraine. How the heck are we going to get any weapons there? Airspace is closed, and the Russians will soon control the entire border. So how's that going to work out?
It also doesn't seem to have occurred to them that Russia still could cut off all gas and oil exports. That would crash the global economy in a hurry, with Europe taking the first dive. Have they given Putin an exit route? Doesn't look like it.
And they claim that diplomacy failed. Yeah, Russian diplomacy. Would it have been so hard to tell Putin that we'd never take Ukraine into NATO? Apparently they're so corrupt we didn't want them anyway. How smart was it to let this war just erupt? They literally gave Putin a bit fat NOTHING. Was that smart? Doesn't look like it. Now they're talking about using nukes.
As for covid, we all know how stupid (and continuingly stupid) that one has been. How about all the calls to defund the police 18 months ago? How'd that one work out?
How about these leftist DAs who are letting Antifa types, and other violent offenders get off scot free, or nearly so?
The fact that they think that they haven't ALREADY become completely discredited points to the sheer depth of their stupidity.
We are truly governed by idiots. So sad for a once-great country.
Israel has significant gas reserves to pipe into Europe, and some Americans want to export boatloads of LNG to Europe. Funny coincidences these are, nicht wahr?
The reason that NATO rejected Russia is because NATO needs hobgoblins to motivate legislatures to appropriate huge amounts of money for "defense" from the treasuries. Russia fit the requirement of being a big, scary hobgoblin. The MIC rejoiced. So did money markets and debt underwriters, for much of the money being appropriated is borrowed. Libernuttians and copservatives continued spout their piffle about "free markets".
Check out The Duran on Rumble for helpful insights. Paul Craig Roberts is ok sometimes. So also is Jimmy Dore, a leftist who has drawn flak from truly evil people like Chunk Vinegar over at The Young Turks. Most of these guys aren't yet ready, tho, to believe that lies and skulduggery are intrinsic to this version of the USA, i.e. the Constitution's version. She is and has been "Great", but she was never good after 1789, when the new system's machinery was turned on. If you doubt me, consider the extreme irony of criminalizing rebellion and insurrection in a union which owes its very existence to sedition, armed insurrection, and secession.
Russia, China, and others may one year expel the USA and Canada from Asia. It'll be a declaration by the deed of a Putin-Xi Doctrine for Asia. We ought to prepare for this amusing outcome, esp. if our doing so makes this fantasy more likely to come true.
I think that everyone in Columbia needs a second political party whether or not they want it (and most do not). This is practically the same thing as saying that we need a new religion and an new ecclesia (sort of) to compete against the status quo and to advance the interests of the faithful at the expense of the liars and "our democracy". I'm not enthusiastic about Popes, tho, and hearing a Protestant minister preach makes me want to reach for my Sabre Red.
We're a hodgepodge of nations, now, so we could call it the Multinational Party in Columbia (sic). Lots of clueless Americans won't get it because they've never bothered to ask why our imperial capital is named District of Columbia.
Reminds me of the Judas goat:
Judas goat: “That pig is a crazy conspiracy theorist—and only likeminded foolish conspiracy theorists believe a nutter like him.
This way please.”
As David Cullum said: "I am what is known as a 'conspiracy theorist'. I believe that men and women of great power and money conspire. If you do not believe that, then you are what is known as 'an idiot'. If you believe stuff but fear the label, then you are what is known as a 'coward'".
The government has done an amazing job of discrediting itself these last few years, crescendoing perhaps with the response to the Ukraine crisis. In few places have I seen such stupidity.
The administration has believed for a good month or so that Russia would invade Ukraine. Did we ship them lethal weapons in advance? Help them to place explosives at all the likely points of physical invasion? Did Biden call Putin and tell him that we'd fire missiles into Red Square if they did it? Nope. Now (ONLY NOW) is Biden trying to pry $6 billion out of congress to send weapons to Ukraine. How the heck are we going to get any weapons there? Airspace is closed, and the Russians will soon control the entire border. So how's that going to work out?
It also doesn't seem to have occurred to them that Russia still could cut off all gas and oil exports. That would crash the global economy in a hurry, with Europe taking the first dive. Have they given Putin an exit route? Doesn't look like it.
And they claim that diplomacy failed. Yeah, Russian diplomacy. Would it have been so hard to tell Putin that we'd never take Ukraine into NATO? Apparently they're so corrupt we didn't want them anyway. How smart was it to let this war just erupt? They literally gave Putin a bit fat NOTHING. Was that smart? Doesn't look like it. Now they're talking about using nukes.
As for covid, we all know how stupid (and continuingly stupid) that one has been. How about all the calls to defund the police 18 months ago? How'd that one work out?
How about these leftist DAs who are letting Antifa types, and other violent offenders get off scot free, or nearly so?
The fact that they think that they haven't ALREADY become completely discredited points to the sheer depth of their stupidity.
We are truly governed by idiots. So sad for a once-great country.
Israel has significant gas reserves to pipe into Europe, and some Americans want to export boatloads of LNG to Europe. Funny coincidences these are, nicht wahr?
The reason that NATO rejected Russia is because NATO needs hobgoblins to motivate legislatures to appropriate huge amounts of money for "defense" from the treasuries. Russia fit the requirement of being a big, scary hobgoblin. The MIC rejoiced. So did money markets and debt underwriters, for much of the money being appropriated is borrowed. Libernuttians and copservatives continued spout their piffle about "free markets".
Check out The Duran on Rumble for helpful insights. Paul Craig Roberts is ok sometimes. So also is Jimmy Dore, a leftist who has drawn flak from truly evil people like Chunk Vinegar over at The Young Turks. Most of these guys aren't yet ready, tho, to believe that lies and skulduggery are intrinsic to this version of the USA, i.e. the Constitution's version. She is and has been "Great", but she was never good after 1789, when the new system's machinery was turned on. If you doubt me, consider the extreme irony of criminalizing rebellion and insurrection in a union which owes its very existence to sedition, armed insurrection, and secession.
I don't disagree with you. For an interesting take, read Tom Luongo's last couple of essays. You can find him on ZeroHedge. Cheers.
Yep, Gold Goats & Guns.
Russia, China, and others may one year expel the USA and Canada from Asia. It'll be a declaration by the deed of a Putin-Xi Doctrine for Asia. We ought to prepare for this amusing outcome, esp. if our doing so makes this fantasy more likely to come true.
I think that everyone in Columbia needs a second political party whether or not they want it (and most do not). This is practically the same thing as saying that we need a new religion and an new ecclesia (sort of) to compete against the status quo and to advance the interests of the faithful at the expense of the liars and "our democracy". I'm not enthusiastic about Popes, tho, and hearing a Protestant minister preach makes me want to reach for my Sabre Red.
We're a hodgepodge of nations, now, so we could call it the Multinational Party in Columbia (sic). Lots of clueless Americans won't get it because they've never bothered to ask why our imperial capital is named District of Columbia.
Lots of Americans are extraordinarily ignorant about the wider world, and this is what lets the corrupt elite get away with so much. So sad.
The DAs let antifa and BLM rioters free while peaceful protesters from Jan 6th sit in jail without charge or trial.