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I am suing Biden and Twitter for this reason. The American Freedom Law Center is suing them on behalf, more precisely. Same reason as you, but I was banned from Twitter (earlier than you) for quoting a university infectious disease professor on an infectious disease related topic, in a verifiable and still existing link to a mainstream news source. That was my tweet. Without my commentary. Permanently banned, after Biden instructed social media to commit this violation of the First Amendment.

I will be writing more about this lawsuit on my Substack within a few days.

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Actually, I must admit that when I first saw your article title, Berenson vs Biden, I was really hoping for a moment that you meant that you would primary him. Now wouldn't that be delicious?

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I don't agree with a lot of what Alex does but I'd feel a hell of a lot safer having him in the White House as president than Biden, Harris, Pelosi or any of the Dems currently serving that could become president should something happen precisely because despite our differences politically he still values Constitutional Rights & Protections, something the majority of eth modern Democrat party has abandoned in favor of power.

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Personally, I want a president who can fearlessly engage with his/her critics. Not run from/avoid/censor them.

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Some Dem should primary him! Republicans like me will try to impeached/convict him and Kamala out sometime in 2023, assuming we win super-big this Nov., but it will be a long-shot even if "we" have the numbers, given all the "putative moderates" in our party.

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I thought the same!

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I thought he was going to challenge Biden to a push up contest!

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I think that might be considered an assassination attempt at Joe's age. =0)))

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Delicious ? If it’s kosher no thanks.

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'social' media must be the top priority in 2023 ... they must be made NONPOLITICAL and the CEOs that enabled First Amendment violations must rotten in jail

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Just move to platforms like gab. There is no reason to stop twitter and facebook from killing themselves with political bias and censorship.

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It's not for me (I don't use most of them), it's matter of principal. We can't allow ANYONE to ignore the First Amendment. It's one of our most important laws in USA. The criminals that broke the law must be jailed so no one dare to do it again!

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I remember you and than I was booted off Twitter as well.

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I guess we told a bit too much truth for their liking.

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Yes, we did.

I also think they didn't like how quickly we built a following. All I ever did was provide provisional death info. Data that confirmed only the old and sick were affected. Until 2020 I never really used Twitter. I started using Twitter regularly in April. By November, I had over 20k followers. My only message was the age group of people dying compared to the number of people testing positive for SARS-CoV-2. 80-90% of positive tests were of the population less than 60 years old. Yet, well over 80% (some countries even higher depends on testing and reporting) of all deaths were of the population over 60.

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Interesting. That was a major topic of mine also, and I also got banned by Twitter at 20,100 followers. I guess that threshold triggers the tyrant bots. Now Gigi Sohn will be voted on tomorrow in the Senate as "censorship czar." That really must not go through.

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I follow you and love your articles!

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