There's no organization that's stepped in to the void created when the ACLU ceased to really defend civil liberties?
No other organization? Sheesh.
I say go for, Alex. And I'll kick in some support. Just please don't set up a "go-fund-me." (I'll never work with those bastards ever again--not after the Canadian truckers.)
There's no organization that's stepped in to the void created when the ACLU ceased to really defend civil liberties?
No other organization? Sheesh.
I say go for, Alex. And I'll kick in some support. Just please don't set up a "go-fund-me." (I'll never work with those bastards ever again--not after the Canadian truckers.)
I don't know if anyone on this forum can answer this question, but is one of the reasons that younger people are having gender identity issues connected to all of the vaccines that they get as babies? If they can cause autism, why not gender identity issues? We know that Fauci and Gates have tried to sterilize women (in India and Africa I believe) without their consent through vaccines. And now we are seeing fertility issues with the covid shots. Another side effect or possibly intentional???
It's the latest teenage rebellion. Every generation seems to have some sort of self-destructive behavior among teenagers--designed to assert their independence while upsetting their parents.
Drugs in the 1960s. Later "goth" and "grunge." Eating disorders. And now? "Hey, Mom, Dad? I'm really a boy, my name is Brandon, and if you don't let me have a mastectomy, I'll kill myself. And my teachers say this is OK."
I suspect it has to do with toxic chemicals all around us. Some of them are known to be endocrine disruptors, which can interfere with normal fetal development. Biologists have noticed that other species are also having abnormal offspring.
That is actually a theory someone floated, since the vaxxes come from stem cell lines, and you do not know what sex those lines were, chances are, with 72 jabs in children's vax schedule now, they are getting both male and female lines. I know next to zero about the specific science of it so I'm keeping it vague; it was another commenter who publishes a newsletter, is where I saw this idea, and it stuck with me because, sure, the woke culture is not helping kids be comfortable in their own skin, I 100% agree with that, but what now are like, actually biologically confused?
There is a conservative version: it's called the American Center for Law & Justice (ACLJ). They have won a number of big and important lawsuits.
There's no organization that's stepped in to the void created when the ACLU ceased to really defend civil liberties?
No other organization? Sheesh.
I say go for, Alex. And I'll kick in some support. Just please don't set up a "go-fund-me." (I'll never work with those bastards ever again--not after the Canadian truckers.)
RIP ACLU now owned by a billionaire with a lot of “personal issues” and a narrow agenda
Yep. Now advocating for "transgender" issues, among other nonsense.
(BTW, for the record, there are two sexes. "Transgender" is not a sex. It is a mental health condition.)
I don't know if anyone on this forum can answer this question, but is one of the reasons that younger people are having gender identity issues connected to all of the vaccines that they get as babies? If they can cause autism, why not gender identity issues? We know that Fauci and Gates have tried to sterilize women (in India and Africa I believe) without their consent through vaccines. And now we are seeing fertility issues with the covid shots. Another side effect or possibly intentional???
It's the latest teenage rebellion. Every generation seems to have some sort of self-destructive behavior among teenagers--designed to assert their independence while upsetting their parents.
Drugs in the 1960s. Later "goth" and "grunge." Eating disorders. And now? "Hey, Mom, Dad? I'm really a boy, my name is Brandon, and if you don't let me have a mastectomy, I'll kill myself. And my teachers say this is OK."
Plus it's fueled by social media.
I suspect it has to do with toxic chemicals all around us. Some of them are known to be endocrine disruptors, which can interfere with normal fetal development. Biologists have noticed that other species are also having abnormal offspring.
That is actually a theory someone floated, since the vaxxes come from stem cell lines, and you do not know what sex those lines were, chances are, with 72 jabs in children's vax schedule now, they are getting both male and female lines. I know next to zero about the specific science of it so I'm keeping it vague; it was another commenter who publishes a newsletter, is where I saw this idea, and it stuck with me because, sure, the woke culture is not helping kids be comfortable in their own skin, I 100% agree with that, but what now are like, actually biologically confused?
Yes! I've noticed that too!!
Androgynous people do exist from birth, but it is incredibly rare.
Yes, rare. But from what I understand, everyone regardless of physical characteristics of genitals, have either XX or XY chromosomes.
who owns it now? I've wondered what had happened!
born James. Now:
Thank you!
Explains a bucket load of mysteries
There is a conservative version: it's called the American Center for Law & Justice (ACLJ). They have won a number of big and important lawsuits.
The ACLJ attempts to be the conservative answer to the ACLU.