That's neat that you mentioned the Willy Wonka boat ride to make your point. I edited my high school newspaper and used that poem as our Halloween Edition, "Feature Fright!".
When mayor of Chicago Rahm Emanuel (look into his "medical ethicist" brother to anyone reading this) famously said, "Never let a good crisis go to waste." He could h…
That's neat that you mentioned the Willy Wonka boat ride to make your point. I edited my high school newspaper and used that poem as our Halloween Edition, "Feature Fright!".
When mayor of Chicago Rahm Emanuel (look into his "medical ethicist" brother to anyone reading this) famously said, "Never let a good crisis go to waste." He could have just as well said, "Never let the urgent nature of good crisis go to waste", because that 'urgency' is the secret sauce that allows .gov to ram through just about any emergency declaration or law they want while everyone else is distracted and worried sick with the crisis. (Problem Reaction Solution)
The enemy is at the gates! Quick, render unto Caeser all of your liberties!
To your point about the drugs, Angel, just about everyone I know is on some type of anti-depressant - and nearly all of them deny there is a problem with this plandemic.
So....I think you're onto something that could be a big part of this equation: perhaps drugged up people lose their some of their capacity to critically think, and so to them anyone is better at it seems like a 'crazy conspiracy theorist'... And to your point again, maybe they're not concerned about the boat we're all on reaching breakneck speed because they are emotionally numb.
Yes, YES...urgency is a great way to get into that icky/panicky off-kilter place [the 'find a happy place' thumb sucking corner]. And (of course), the fix is ALWAYS worse than the original problem (0bamacare 'tax').
So many adults are on anti-depressants now that it's truly spooky. Children too. I think it was around the early to mid 2000s that 'they' really started ramping up the whole 'attention deficit disorder' thing...especially for boys [vaccine injury much? A much too much!] not to mention the huuuuge spike in autism in boys (and girls too...). Then, there was the opioid 'epidemic' which I'm sure was once touted as 'safe & effective' before 'TEH SCIENCE' did jazz hands.
Which brings us back to...DOH [oh dear]! I wouldn't doubt that brain altering chemicals in the form of psychotropic medication have brought us the ever obedient and easily swooned into submission 'Serotonin Zombies'.
P.S. Ezekiel J. Emanuel wrote that before Biden was president I see (LMAO)!
That's neat that you mentioned the Willy Wonka boat ride to make your point. I edited my high school newspaper and used that poem as our Halloween Edition, "Feature Fright!".
When mayor of Chicago Rahm Emanuel (look into his "medical ethicist" brother to anyone reading this) famously said, "Never let a good crisis go to waste." He could have just as well said, "Never let the urgent nature of good crisis go to waste", because that 'urgency' is the secret sauce that allows .gov to ram through just about any emergency declaration or law they want while everyone else is distracted and worried sick with the crisis. (Problem Reaction Solution)
The enemy is at the gates! Quick, render unto Caeser all of your liberties!
To your point about the drugs, Angel, just about everyone I know is on some type of anti-depressant - and nearly all of them deny there is a problem with this plandemic.
So....I think you're onto something that could be a big part of this equation: perhaps drugged up people lose their some of their capacity to critically think, and so to them anyone is better at it seems like a 'crazy conspiracy theorist'... And to your point again, maybe they're not concerned about the boat we're all on reaching breakneck speed because they are emotionally numb.
Interesting, interesting. Thank you again
Wow...*Willy Wonka Fist bumps!*
Yes, YES...urgency is a great way to get into that icky/panicky off-kilter place [the 'find a happy place' thumb sucking corner]. And (of course), the fix is ALWAYS worse than the original problem (0bamacare 'tax').
So many adults are on anti-depressants now that it's truly spooky. Children too. I think it was around the early to mid 2000s that 'they' really started ramping up the whole 'attention deficit disorder' thing...especially for boys [vaccine injury much? A much too much!] not to mention the huuuuge spike in autism in boys (and girls too...). Then, there was the opioid 'epidemic' which I'm sure was once touted as 'safe & effective' before 'TEH SCIENCE' did jazz hands.
Which brings us back to...DOH [oh dear]! I wouldn't doubt that brain altering chemicals in the form of psychotropic medication have brought us the ever obedient and easily swooned into submission 'Serotonin Zombies'.
P.S. Ezekiel J. Emanuel wrote that before Biden was president I see (LMAO)!
I'm one of those few who are on antidepressants but DO have a problem with the plandemic.