I knew all of this BEFORE my Pfully Pfizered wife contracted Covid in late September and passed it to me. These vaccines are neither SAFE nor EFFECTIVE. In a sane world they wouldn't even be available, much less compulsory. Until and unless people wake up and demand freedom, they'll continue to mandate us into totalitarianism.

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Similar experience. Wife is vaxxed but I’m not. Spent a recent vacation in a room next to a family that was sick and coughing. Within 3 days my wife was on her ass sick, zero symptoms for me. Finally after 4 more days, I got it from my vaxxed wife. Mild flu symptoms for a couple days and that was it. Enough with all this ridiculousness folks. Giving up your freedoms is never the right option, let alone for this boogeyman nonsense.

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I’m in my early 60s and not vaxxed (and never will be). Got COVID from a fully vaxxed co-worker in December. Shared a car on the way to the airport. Got sick but not too bad. Few days with sore throat and headache. Then a about a week with the famous cough (which hung around for about a month) and feeling like I had a hangover. I’m glad I did not get vaccinated.

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Mini pandemic of vaxxed at my office. Right now.

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Zinc, D3, Quercitin, high Vit C 4 (times/day).

You can buy them all on Amazon or Walmart

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Everyone should take vitamin D3 every single day. You should get your vitamin D3 levels checked with a blood test every year and you want to keep those levels between 50 to 70. Don’t let your doctor tell you differently! I take 5000 IUs 365 days a year and my levels are regularly between 60 and 70. I was fully exposed when my husband had the original Wuhan strain and again this past Christmas when my daughter had Delta. I never caught it. It’s also important to take vitamin K2 with D3.

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Excellent advice! I've been taking 5000 IU for 10 years daily!

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That’s what I did. Followed ‘Doctors without Borders’ protocol. Got covid, minor symptoms fir 2 days. No Vax, All Good👍🏼

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Start NOW!

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I already take a multivitamin with recommended amounts of C, D, Zinc, plus OJ and apples daily. Upped my exercise and sunshine, bought Quercetin/C/D/Zinc supplement, and taking 1/day unless I feel a cold coming on. Limits for Zinc and Quercetin seem to be around 40mg and 1000mg respectively, so I'd rather not be maxed out all the time.

Got the combo from Amazon, and persuaded the local pharmacist to stock Quercetin for its properties as a Zinc ionophore.

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Follow Patrick’s advice below!

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Same here. My teenage daughter and myself, both, unjabbed, got sick the same week as husband and adult son, both jabbed 2x.

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You may not have been sick with Covid. It was probably the spike virus they call a vaccine. It has been documented that family members and such can get the vaccine without being jabbed just by being in close contact.

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I live alone with 10 year old. I had 1 Pfizer, son got shooting pains in his legs.

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I recently talked with a lady whose 15 year old son had a heart attack within days of getting the vaccine.

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Can you explain your thought here? Where did you get this information?

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but they got their experimental gene therapy in the spring, many months ago

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we all got sick second week of January 2022, it was a doozie, way more than a cold. I had long covid for many months since Dec 2019 and that was very different. Mathey Crawford's substack mentions that the vaccinated attract Omi and the jabbed Delta: https://roundingtheearth.substack.com/p/the-omicron-hypothesis-part-4

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If vaccines are SO "safe and effective"...why the delay...SHOW US THE DATA !


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@misterbruce how old are you and hv you had Covid before?

I’m 45 and hv not had Covid before. Just was wondering.

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39, first timer. Wait, are you collecting this info on behalf of the government!?

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No. Myself! I’m sincerely curious Bc I hv never had it. lol


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You had it but didn't get sick. Don't worry, it's harmless for most people.

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Unless you've been off the planet in the last couple of years you probably already had covid but were asymptomatic. Depending on your health or the existence of immunity from previous corona virus infections the severity of covid can vary. I caught covid on a Friday and was back to work on Monday but spent a few days spitting up the remaining debris. I've had much worse colds or flues.

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Have lived a pretty normal life except when forced into the initial shutdown. Out and bout all the time, unmasked, unjabbed. Glad to have not been sick. No antibodies.

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No. I hv been tested multiple times and took a T cell test from lab Corp.


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Jan 27, 2022
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Try Dr. McCollough's Povidone-Iodine approach that may work for either COVID, flu, or colds: https://covid19.onedaymd.com/2021/12/dr-peter-mccullough-povidone-iodine.html

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Colds nomally take longer to manifest than 24 hours.

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My husband went to DR for cough and sore throat. Tested positive for Covid-19. DR said sorry, only thing I can give you sore throat med.

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Odds are that you already had COVID. Just asymptomatic.

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No. I hv taken several tests including T cell antibody. It’s negative. I hv never had it.

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Same here. Several antibody tests and paid out-of-pocket for the T Detect test. All came back negative even though my husband and daughter had it. However, I am taking ivermectin prophylactically. I think it’s working! 😁

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All those tests are time limited. The T cell test runs a bit longer but probably not much more than 9-12 months.

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Welcome to Schizer . You're now FREE:


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My story is exactly the same, fully jabbed wife injected jab free me.

No big deal, just a mild flu.

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Demand freedom?

What the F does that mean, I’ve been asking this question here as well as other places for years now, what the F did you have to experience to realize that your freedom independence autonomy and choice is beyond lost, it’s been ripped from your souls and then shoved it up your asses and you choke on it in the back of your throat.

Is that enough imagery for you…

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You do realize having to show a piece of paper to eat at a restaurant, go to a movie, travel inside your own damn country is not being free right?

Take this vaccine that doesn't work or you loose your job, lively hood, feeding your family is not being free right?

If you see it any other way than you should be in China, or north Korea 😉

Our fundamental rights as human beings is that we choose what we can and will not put into our bodies!

Cancer patients are allowed to deny themselves cancer treatment if they want to, but us healthy people can not choose to take an experimental drug?

That make sense to you? To mandate something onto someone they need to prove that the drug is going to stop infection and transmission, which this one clearly doesn't, so it's not informed consent.

Give your head a shake

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It never was informed consent by any stretch of the imagination!

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...stench of the imagination...

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And a poor man who has a congenital heart defect is being denied a heart transplant because is is unjabbed?

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Two years ago that would be in court for malpractice if not a felony of abandonment. Today, it is rewarded and cheered to the heavens by the people furthest from the sky…

Should Covid eventually dissipate, watch doctors and other healthcare professionals bitch to the ends of the earth how they are not respected…

Doctors, and teachers, they are zeros, not heroes…

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That one is too shelf crazy. Would you really put the vax in a man with a heart so unhealthy he's on the cusp of having it replaced?

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Cue Clark Griswald from the first Vacation movie, in the car after dumping Aunt Ednas body in the backyard: when asked what he thought about ending the trip, he snarked "I think you are all fucked in the heads!"

I genuinely await someone to blow the whistle that the following played out with facts: Fauci and his bureaucracy helped the Chinese create a bioweapon virus, it was unleashed and willingly spread by multiple countries, that those in power have never been given "vaccines", and now are ready to duplicate tyranny and despotism on the scales of Stain, Mao, Hitler, Pot, and people will go along with being brutally wiped out without a peep of fight.

So, to America at least, I think you are all fucked in the heads!...

The hilarity is, most of the elites who think they are safe, well, Lucas wrote the Sith as only 2 in place, so, who are those two precious valued leaders among the millions who thik they are going to live large on the bodies of billions?...

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Lose your job, not "loose." Sorry to be spelling police but it's utterly maddening to me that this particular error is so common amidst otherwise fine grammar and spelling.

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Really Karen. With all that’s going on you are worried about spelling and grammar.

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How bout among?

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among is better <<then>> amongst. then for than is my pet peeve. almost as bad as " axing " a question.

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Actually I have a problem with that one myself. I always have to stop for a few seconds to think it out, but I usually get it right. So I can sympathize with the poster.

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Ok Karen.

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I know my respect for the writer’s ideas diminishes when there are (numerous) errors of spelling, punctuation, and/or grammar.

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I now just chalk it up to the public education system and or the demon called autocorrect.

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Hold on - Canadian Truckers may be a game changer!🇨🇦 This gal from Ontario Canada is not giving up - please don’t either. Freedom Convoy 2022🇨🇦

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Also from Canada - Welland, ON. Fingers also crossed that this rally catches the attention of those whose plan is to continue to place anvil after anvil on our shoulders. Other countries are also counting on Canadian’s success in this endeavour.

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I’m sharing it on GETTR every chance I can

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Gratitude 🇨🇦💗

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Get on Gab too!!

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Welland Ontario too👋✌️🇨🇦💗 You are SO right! The world is watching! So much love coming at us💗

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I think you mean "Canadians' success," at least I hope there's more than just one.

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I think if all the truckers stood up to the mandates this could be over. I have so much hope for the freedom convoy. I went to the defeat the mandates in dc this past weekend and was disappointed more people were not there standing up for our rights

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It would help if they held rallies in DC at some time other than the middle of the blasted winter.

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in the middle of winter, only the truly dedicated indeed show up.

In summer, well, the antifa blm crowd show up and destroy everything.

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Great imagery. This is and has always been a God problem. Moral decay for generations to the point we are at now. The solution is a return to God and His righteousness. It’s all Romans chapter 1 stuff, suppressing the truth in unrighteousness.

“For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God to salvation for everyone who believes, for the Jew first and also for the Greek. For in it the righteousness of God is revealed from faith to faith; as it is written, “The just shall live by faith.” For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who suppress the truth in unrighteousness, because what may be known of God is manifest in them, for God has shown it to them. For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead, so that they are without excuse, because, although they knew God, they did not glorify Him as God, nor were thankful, but became futile in their thoughts, and their foolish hearts were darkened. Professing to be wise, they became fools, and changed the glory of the incorruptible God into an image made like corruptible man—and birds and four-footed animals and creeping things. Therefore God also gave them up to uncleanness, in the lusts of their hearts, to dishonor their bodies among themselves, who exchanged the truth of God for the lie, and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever. Amen. For this reason God gave them up to vile passions. For even their women exchanged the natural use for what is against nature. Likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust for one another, men with men committing what is shameful, and receiving in themselves the penalty of their error which was due. And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a debased mind, to do those things which are not fitting; being filled with all unrighteousness, sexual immorality, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, strife, deceit, evil-mindedness; they are whisperers, backbiters, haters of God, violent, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents, undiscerning, untrustworthy, unloving, unforgiving, unmerciful; who, knowing the righteous judgment of God, that those who practice such things are deserving of death, not only do the same but also approve of those who practice them.”

Romans 1:16-32 - https://www.biblegateway.com/passage?search=Romans%201:16-32&version=NKJV

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Amen. God gave us a wonderful immune system. Lets get back to Him and trust Him that our immune system will protect us. To do that, we need to take care of that immune system.

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Amen we should all wake everyday read this until it’s etched in our heart and locked in our minds.

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Yes, our freedoms have been crushed bit by bit. I couldn't agree with you more AND you are correct: demanding freedom is meaningless for it is to acknowledge someone else has the right to give and take it from you.

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I suggest you read the NYT bestselling book The Dawn of Everything, written by two anthropologists. When you are finished you will know what freedom is.

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Sorry Linda, I don't need to read someone else's point of view about freedom, I have lived it for decades up until 2016, when I saw what this country had to offer as choices in leadership, sociopaths of Democrats, or narcissists of Republicans...

I realized fully that we are ruled and crueled by personality disordered cretins, elected by personality disordered constituents, and George Carlin said it right in 1996: the politicians come from the American system, by the American public, and thus, it isn't the politicians who suck, but the public, and thus, the public sucks, fuck hope!

That should be the universal campaign slogan by all ruining, er, running for public office, the public sucks and fuck hope!!!

Many here would still vote for scum shrieking that, as long as they had the "right" letter after their names on the ballots!...

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You seem confused. Trump NEVER insulted voters. Of either party. He picked on those who attacked him. He always counter-punched.

He was protecting Americans. He took on China. Protected our Southern border. Defeated the caliphate. Eliminated Solemeini and Baghdadi. Lil Kim stopped firing missiles. Made the US a net exporter of gas. Got us out of the money pit Paris Accord. Ended the Iran Deal. First Step Act. Opportunity zones. Etc.

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And yet…

Didn’t tell Fauci to fuck off, it’s amazing how one mistake can totally undo many alleged successes…

Tell the American public how wonderful that choice was, the ones who have lost people especially to the vaccines Trump agreed to push a lot faster than they should have…

You can’t treat disease quickly, that’s why there is iatrogenic illness, look that up in your dictionary!

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When should he have fired Fauci, oh person with 20/20 hindsight? Fauci is STILL trusted by many today. He had all the university researchers on his side. Was sainted by the media. Please regale us with your after-the-fact genius!

We could TREAT the disease. And quickly. We could not prevent it without a vaccine. Trump knew the swamp was saying they would only open up the country if we had a vaccine. He is not a scientist. He had to trust his scientific advisors. I disagreed about rushing the vaccines, but understand why he pushed for it. His advisors failed him about their danger.

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Fauci is not an appointee, so he can not be fired by a President. The same people kvetching about Trump's alleged *dictatorial* intent are perversely the same ones enraged that he DIDN'T go all dictator-y. sheesh.

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Agree 100% .. Not firing Fauci was Trump’s biggest mistake. With all the effective treatments available that Fauci kept shutting down, it was evident to the truth movement Fauci was the biggest liar in the room. After reading RFK’s book, Fauci’s crimes are glaring going back to Aids. Has Trump said anything publicly about firing Fauci?

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True. Doreen.

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You are correct, power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Don't give up hope. There are some in Congress still fighting for truth and Justice. Not on the Democrats side and there still are many RINOs that need to go.

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Hey, why stop there, why not racist, misogynist, and white supremacist?!

And for the cherry on top of your septic sundae, call me human…

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I agree with you, and probably you and I will not live to see any freedom, but it is possible. One of the points of the book is that authoritarian structures are not built in to our nature or necessarily culture.

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Hope it was a valued read for you.

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America by summer:


I hope NYCity burns to the ground…

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It's already dead to me.

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The City that can never sleep…

For fear murder is coming…

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The next stolen election will change things, maybe.

The WEF disciples are represented on every political level.

Is it too late for a Third Red Scare?

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Biden is trying to start a war with Russia.

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So - give up or fight back. The choice is yours....!

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Gotta love people who polarize it. Give up, or flight back, or maybe, watch other people expect you to do all the grunt work while they sit back and then take credit for other peoples efforts?

Where the hell have you all been here as a group of commenters the last two years, just sitting on your asses pontificating and waxing poetic sites like this.

America’s gonna die, and you people contribute to it, there’s been no effort to truly hold evil to its accountability…

Gotta love the silence to our elderly being wiped out in nursing homes and kids being crushed mentally by wearing masks and being shrieked at… “no masks means killing grandmom and granddad…”

Textbook sociopathic strategy, get rid of the elderly and the young, the most dependent populations deserve the least amount of caring effort from evil bastards

Yeah…Project how the people like me have to do all the work…piss off…

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I'm not in America but I can for myself and family we are doing everything we can to fight back!

I'm in Canada which is probably worse than America at the moment and we do not listen to any of the mandates no masks from us, we attend as many protests as we can. Send my son to school every day with no mask yet always comes home with one!

Not sure what else to do!

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Genuinely sorry for your plight. I hear you…

But, strength in numbers at this point has to be beyond civil disobedience, and, I honestly don’t know what to suggest, that people can handle and accept.

The Left is beyond empowered to crush and kill without push back?……..

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Just don't do it!

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I have been fighting this battle for the last 25 years. More and more people are waking up to the reality that the government does not serve us - the People.

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We have only your ranting word that YOU *do all the work*. Sorry, seems to me that you are rather quick to laud yourself with a rather comical martyr complex while condemning others.

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Wtf are YOU doing?

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Numerous conversations recently with otherwise normal folk in which the premise "If I told you one year ago that a year from now...." 1) more folks would be dying fully vaccinated 2) and despite this unexpected turn of events many political leaders including POTUS pushing for mandates to vax......to a person they go silent and then bleet the non sensical talking points over...and over...and over.

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They can’t handle the truth. And may never.

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I 'm unvaxed and I caught Covid from my fully vaxed girlfriend two months ago. I took Ivermectin and was well in 2-3 days. Despite my GF being 18 years younger and healthier than me she was sick for 2-3 weeks with congestion and a nasty cough. She of course did not take Ivermectin or other treatment, opting to follow the CDC's advice (no treatment) instead.

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A new study out of Brazil with over 150,000 test subjects showed that Ivermectin reduced deaths by 70%. The vaccines should never have been approved.

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And yet, I’m still stomping out fires on Twitr about it being a “horse dewormer”. Just 1 hour ago. Have had that conversation with multiple people.

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robbing the craddle again

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Lol - she’s 49 years old. If you think that’s “robbing the cradle” then you need a reality check. 😉

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A key aspect was to get as many people to take it, before everyone became aware of the side-effects and ineffectiveness.

You'll hear vaccinated people say: oh, I believe you should have a choice etc.


Fauci, CDC and FDA lied about everything, for money and power...and possibly to kill and sterilize many of us.

They used the 'protect the vulnerable' on us.

Labeled and isolated the questioners.

Now we're force vaccinating CHILDREN. 6 deaths for every 1 saved from Covid.

It has to be pulled. There must be reckoning.

The real problem: we don't know how to turn it off.

The continual State-of-Emergency, where anything goes, is the problem.

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Biden reads Klaus Schwab's Mein Kampf (https://www.wef.org) every day.

Same for Trudox.

FDA and CDC are captured regulatory agencies that nobody should ever trust!


Don’t forget about your quarterly jab subscriptions to protect yourself from catching the upcoming iDelta variant (We apologize for running out of the alphabet letters for the new variants).

We care,

CEOs of Murderna and Schizer

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We had a similar situation. No shots, no sickness until my hubby caught the Rona from vaxxed people in a medical office. I caught it three days later, but already had IVM on hand and had started it when he got sick. I was only down for three days. His vitamin D was lower and he had more lung issues. BTW Phytocillin is a great help with lung recovery.

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Vaccines are safe and effective as proven by Murderna here:


and Schizer here:


Don’t forget about your quarterly jab subscriptions to protect yourself from catching the upcoming iDelta variant (We apologize for running out of the alphabet letters for the new variants).

We care,

CEOs of Murderna and Schizer

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It’s no conspiracy theory. It’s the vaccines. This entire orchestrated pandemic hoax was to get people so afraid that they would accept a vaccine that is untested and incredibly toxic. It is now reported that there is a 300% increase in cancer, 300% increase in miscarriage and a 1000% increase in neurological disease in our military since the vaccine requirement. In addition these are early findings. These horrific findings are going to build and build. The evidence is stacked up like cordwood all over the world. It’s time to stop tap dancing around these toxic mRNA vaccines.

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Still not understanding where are all the retired FDA people are...they should be jumping up and down and screaming their heads off about the slipshod shotgun EUA and how the vaccines have not been adequately tested. Drs Krause and Gruber, 30 year FDA vaccine veterans QUIT in protest when WH tried to strongarm them into greenlighting the boosters without ANY data. The "Expert Review" panels are a fucking sham, they also have been compromised. The entire review process is now breaking down to the point of meaningless. The only people who can really shine light on this are veterans of the FDA who can blow the whistle. I don't see them doing that, and it is alarming.

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Like the 95% honorable FBI agents Hannity keeps rambling on about…

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Makes you wonder what Hannity is hiding!

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More than any of us will ever know.

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If I hear that crap one more time! Infuriating!!

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The "retired" FDA people all work for Pharma in VERY highly paid positions. See what they do there? There IS NO regulatory agency. It's a sham, just as this entire "crisis" is.

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I suspect you're right. As Upton Sinclair said many years ago "It's difficult to get a man to understand something when his salary depends upon him not understanding it"

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They are waiting on the sidelines for a Good offer from Pfizer, Merck or Moderna (if it doesn't implode). It's a revolving door between Pharma and the Government. This is a Giant Mess. These people have no integrity. If they did, they would be on PBS...oh that right, that's run by the Government.

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HIgh up FDA employees retire to be pharma chairmen and consultants.

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A lot of former FDA and others are jumping up and down screaming their heads off. The mainstream media won't report it. That is why places like Substack are important to keep the truth alive.

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The amount of hubris, power, cruelty and sheer incompetence at the top of every federal agency is unspeakable. They silence, bully and coerce people into abandoning their base instinctual thoughts. The most recent reports of Fauci bribing the Tulane Professor and the Scripps Professor to shill for natural theory of the virus vs their original thoughts of lab engineered after receiving $7.5 million grants each is nauseating. And agreed, the media will never shrink from their Pfizer induced narrative.

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I hope it’s not because they fear blackmail from previous discretions.

Our whole govt is corrupt and will likely die as the smoke settles.

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Anything is possible tbh. I don’t think the government has the resources to smear ex Employees or whistleblowers but could in theory sabotage applications by their current private sector company resulting in their own discharge. Nothing seems to stick at FDA. No documentary, no bombshell report, nothing. If it is true that 75% of FDA operating budget comes from PDUFA and MDUFA fees by companies, then the cops are already bought and paid for. So expect sweep under the rug, rinse and repeat.

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Joe Thanos Biden: he and his leftist sociopathic MF’ers are not just inevitable, but insurmountable.

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You have to start at the bottom to destroy this evil. So grab your guns, get a militia group going, and burn the Demo/Socie/Nazi/Commie/Muzzie lairs to the ground. That includes the public schools and universities. The National Education Association (teachers for totalitarianism inc.) is inundating American youth with socialist/communist propaganda, relentlessly. Your children are the new Hitler Youth. Do it, or America dies. It's 50% dead already. For you folks in California, burning Hollywood to the ground would be a good place to start!

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