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Still not understanding where are all the retired FDA people are...they should be jumping up and down and screaming their heads off about the slipshod shotgun EUA and how the vaccines have not been adequately tested. Drs Krause and Gruber, 30 year FDA vaccine veterans QUIT in protest when WH tried to strongarm them into greenlighting the boosters without ANY data. The "Expert Review" panels are a fucking sham, they also have been compromised. The entire review process is now breaking down to the point of meaningless. The only people who can really shine light on this are veterans of the FDA who can blow the whistle. I don't see them doing that, and it is alarming.

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Like the 95% honorable FBI agents Hannity keeps rambling on about…

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Makes you wonder what Hannity is hiding!

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More than any of us will ever know.

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If I hear that crap one more time! Infuriating!!

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The "retired" FDA people all work for Pharma in VERY highly paid positions. See what they do there? There IS NO regulatory agency. It's a sham, just as this entire "crisis" is.

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I suspect you're right. As Upton Sinclair said many years ago "It's difficult to get a man to understand something when his salary depends upon him not understanding it"

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They are waiting on the sidelines for a Good offer from Pfizer, Merck or Moderna (if it doesn't implode). It's a revolving door between Pharma and the Government. This is a Giant Mess. These people have no integrity. If they did, they would be on PBS...oh that right, that's run by the Government.

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HIgh up FDA employees retire to be pharma chairmen and consultants.

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A lot of former FDA and others are jumping up and down screaming their heads off. The mainstream media won't report it. That is why places like Substack are important to keep the truth alive.

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The amount of hubris, power, cruelty and sheer incompetence at the top of every federal agency is unspeakable. They silence, bully and coerce people into abandoning their base instinctual thoughts. The most recent reports of Fauci bribing the Tulane Professor and the Scripps Professor to shill for natural theory of the virus vs their original thoughts of lab engineered after receiving $7.5 million grants each is nauseating. And agreed, the media will never shrink from their Pfizer induced narrative.

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I hope it’s not because they fear blackmail from previous discretions.

Our whole govt is corrupt and will likely die as the smoke settles.

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Anything is possible tbh. I don’t think the government has the resources to smear ex Employees or whistleblowers but could in theory sabotage applications by their current private sector company resulting in their own discharge. Nothing seems to stick at FDA. No documentary, no bombshell report, nothing. If it is true that 75% of FDA operating budget comes from PDUFA and MDUFA fees by companies, then the cops are already bought and paid for. So expect sweep under the rug, rinse and repeat.

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