Sorry Linda, I don't need to read someone else's point of view about freedom, I have lived it for decades up until 2016, when I saw what this country had to offer as choices in leadership, sociopaths of Democrats, or narcissists of Republicans...
I realized fully that we are ruled and crueled by personality disordered cretins, elected by …
Sorry Linda, I don't need to read someone else's point of view about freedom, I have lived it for decades up until 2016, when I saw what this country had to offer as choices in leadership, sociopaths of Democrats, or narcissists of Republicans...
I realized fully that we are ruled and crueled by personality disordered cretins, elected by personality disordered constituents, and George Carlin said it right in 1996: the politicians come from the American system, by the American public, and thus, it isn't the politicians who suck, but the public, and thus, the public sucks, fuck hope!
That should be the universal campaign slogan by all ruining, er, running for public office, the public sucks and fuck hope!!!
Many here would still vote for scum shrieking that, as long as they had the "right" letter after their names on the ballots!...
You seem confused. Trump NEVER insulted voters. Of either party. He picked on those who attacked him. He always counter-punched.
He was protecting Americans. He took on China. Protected our Southern border. Defeated the caliphate. Eliminated Solemeini and Baghdadi. Lil Kim stopped firing missiles. Made the US a net exporter of gas. Got us out of the money pit Paris Accord. Ended the Iran Deal. First Step Act. Opportunity zones. Etc.
Didn’t tell Fauci to fuck off, it’s amazing how one mistake can totally undo many alleged successes…
Tell the American public how wonderful that choice was, the ones who have lost people especially to the vaccines Trump agreed to push a lot faster than they should have…
You can’t treat disease quickly, that’s why there is iatrogenic illness, look that up in your dictionary!
When should he have fired Fauci, oh person with 20/20 hindsight? Fauci is STILL trusted by many today. He had all the university researchers on his side. Was sainted by the media. Please regale us with your after-the-fact genius!
We could TREAT the disease. And quickly. We could not prevent it without a vaccine. Trump knew the swamp was saying they would only open up the country if we had a vaccine. He is not a scientist. He had to trust his scientific advisors. I disagreed about rushing the vaccines, but understand why he pushed for it. His advisors failed him about their danger.
Which is the lie about masks you refer to? Masks don't work, have never worked, over a century of peer-reviewed, controlled, random scientific research on masks before 2020, including mask use and mandates during the Spanish Flu of 1918 says they don't work. And what Fauci first said about masks not being needed, "people fidget, touch their faces more" was the truth. So I count his first big lie the one saying he lied about masks not working to save them for hospital workers. Which, yes, is when he should have been fired. Immediately.
This article was written in April 2020, I searched “Fauci’s Crimes” in DuckDuckGo and it was the first article. Fauci should have been given 0 credibility on Trumps Covid task force.
April 2020 - I was listening to the Highwire at this point and learning about all the great treatments for Covid then to hear Fauci shoot them down.
Pre 2020- Fauci’s science was fk’d he said it was unethical to use a placebo control group for vaccines because they were so safe and effective (how do you know they’re safe and effective without a placebo control)? This was pre-Covid. Fauci was on my radar for Big Pharma Fraudsters, then saw him shoot down treatments case closed. Watch the Highwire w/ Del Bigtree
Sorry, Doreen. Trump owns the Fauci problem and the vaccines about which he still brags but not the mandate madness. Trump called Fauci America’s point guard for heaven’s sake. Trump’s instinct for therapeutics was correct but he gave into Tony Vaccine. Sorry, but I don’t buy that the swamp wouldn’t open up the country. Having said this, if the 2 man race is a rerun, he will get my vote.
What is hilarious as well as hideous are you Trump defenders who see no wrong with him, just as disgusting and despicable as Biden supporters.
“D” & “R”, that is all you see on ballots in November…
And those like me who want representation not resentment by these failed uncaring rulers, realize 120 million voters are fucking clueless and stupid in the end…
my sister was administrator over a very nice assisted living in central tx....she began January 2020! She is a high degreed Nurse, loves the elderly and It was a nightmare. She worked weeks without a break b/c all the employees quit or had to be bribed to work(thanks to the govt handouts that ruined already low integrity). She cooked, cleaned, did night watch, emergency call and had to deal with all of the complaining families and threatened law suits when visitation shut down. She is hugely pro-vax and of course brainwashed from years in medical field and husband MD. But she did her damndest to make life the best she could for 'her people", sadly she was absolutely worn out and left that field after 18 months. When your own government is fighting it's citizens EVERY DAY and doing everything in its power to fuck up life for peace loving ppl, it is time for 100% PUSH BACK!
Trump could have done a little checking on Fauci and found out how he handled HIV and never used him. Trump could have paid attention to Scott Atlas’ description of Fauci and Birx.
Doreen is correct. Running a whole county takes lots of people and Trump's biggest problem was that he relied on experts that were part of the swamp. If Trump were to win the presidency a second time, I expect that he will come in and clean house. Who knew that the FBI, DOJ, etc. were so corrupt.
This video talks about the Chinese vaccine starting at approximately 59.0. It was apparently a conventional vaccine and it’s construction could have started in 2018 based upon the "BID". This type of vaccine has a history of a short development time of five months. This alone is an important fact and the process has a good safety record. I believe the conventional method of construction requires the dead COVID-19 virus for creation. However the conventional method for vaccine construction has been shown to be ineffective in the treatment of people with HIV. which is very important in this case.
"Reference the “Johnson and Johnson’s highly anticipated HIV vaccine failed to demonstrate adequate protection in a clinical trial involving more than 2,600 young women in sub-Saharan Africa.”
So why was Moderna working on the mRNA vaccine in 2018, because this "genome modifier" was expected to take a year to complete. Recalling that it needed a COVID-19 spike in its construction with an unknown safety record. While maintaining the ability to deliver a HIV pathogen. O'yes, the Arbutus patents are still owned by Arbutus.
Arbutus’ U.S. Patent No. 9,364,435 (IPR2018-00739 filed March 5, 2018: claims 1-6, 9, 12, 14, and 15 found unpatentable),
Arbutus’ U.S Patent No. 8,058,069 (IPR2019-00554 filed January 9, 2019: no challenged claims found unpatentable),
Given the above information, the mRNA vaccine that carried the "Spike Protein' with the HIV pathogen would not have been ready for use until March of 2019 given it's development time.
So why was China being asked to "Bid" on a COVID-19 vaccine since it would not work on a HIV pathogen in 2018. Because it was never intended to. The original COVID-19 was a flu type virus. The vaccine (a.k.a, "genome modifier") is a pathogen carrier and delivery system.
Run FROM office, who would honestly, attentively, responsibly want to answer to 200 million + citizens who can’t effectively consistently advocate for themselves?!
Besides, let’s have a brutal moment of candor, people these days clamor for a scapegoat, yet, amazing all the mirrors in their homes are blocked when accountability is due.
Misread the way you wrote of disagreeing of vaccines, yes, I erred,…
When do you hear someone in power or authority say that?!
President, no F’ing way I would EVER want that job.
Fauci is not an appointee, so he can not be fired by a President. The same people kvetching about Trump's alleged *dictatorial* intent are perversely the same ones enraged that he DIDN'T go all dictator-y. sheesh.
Why would he be overlooked when he is the head of Infectious Diseases??? He's got his position locked in, and the country's health directives are essentially at his whim. I understand what you are asking though...this is what happens when a *deep state* bureaucracy seizes control. Who is left? Dr Birx? That nimrod Surgeon General who showed us how to fold cloth into masks?
Agree 100% .. Not firing Fauci was Trump’s biggest mistake. With all the effective treatments available that Fauci kept shutting down, it was evident to the truth movement Fauci was the biggest liar in the room. After reading RFK’s book, Fauci’s crimes are glaring going back to Aids. Has Trump said anything publicly about firing Fauci?
Trump...nor Biden, for that matter...can fire him. As a Federal agency hire, as opposed to an appointee, it is not in the purview of the President's authority to fire him. That said, Fauci is a monster, and does gall that USA can not be rid of him.
You are correct, power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Don't give up hope. There are some in Congress still fighting for truth and Justice. Not on the Democrats side and there still are many RINOs that need to go.
I agree with you, and probably you and I will not live to see any freedom, but it is possible. One of the points of the book is that authoritarian structures are not built in to our nature or necessarily culture.
Sorry Linda, I don't need to read someone else's point of view about freedom, I have lived it for decades up until 2016, when I saw what this country had to offer as choices in leadership, sociopaths of Democrats, or narcissists of Republicans...
I realized fully that we are ruled and crueled by personality disordered cretins, elected by personality disordered constituents, and George Carlin said it right in 1996: the politicians come from the American system, by the American public, and thus, it isn't the politicians who suck, but the public, and thus, the public sucks, fuck hope!
That should be the universal campaign slogan by all ruining, er, running for public office, the public sucks and fuck hope!!!
Many here would still vote for scum shrieking that, as long as they had the "right" letter after their names on the ballots!...
You seem confused. Trump NEVER insulted voters. Of either party. He picked on those who attacked him. He always counter-punched.
He was protecting Americans. He took on China. Protected our Southern border. Defeated the caliphate. Eliminated Solemeini and Baghdadi. Lil Kim stopped firing missiles. Made the US a net exporter of gas. Got us out of the money pit Paris Accord. Ended the Iran Deal. First Step Act. Opportunity zones. Etc.
And yet…
Didn’t tell Fauci to fuck off, it’s amazing how one mistake can totally undo many alleged successes…
Tell the American public how wonderful that choice was, the ones who have lost people especially to the vaccines Trump agreed to push a lot faster than they should have…
You can’t treat disease quickly, that’s why there is iatrogenic illness, look that up in your dictionary!
When should he have fired Fauci, oh person with 20/20 hindsight? Fauci is STILL trusted by many today. He had all the university researchers on his side. Was sainted by the media. Please regale us with your after-the-fact genius!
We could TREAT the disease. And quickly. We could not prevent it without a vaccine. Trump knew the swamp was saying they would only open up the country if we had a vaccine. He is not a scientist. He had to trust his scientific advisors. I disagreed about rushing the vaccines, but understand why he pushed for it. His advisors failed him about their danger.
When Fauci lied about telling the truth about masks he should have been retired. Immediately.
Which is the lie about masks you refer to? Masks don't work, have never worked, over a century of peer-reviewed, controlled, random scientific research on masks before 2020, including mask use and mandates during the Spanish Flu of 1918 says they don't work. And what Fauci first said about masks not being needed, "people fidget, touch their faces more" was the truth. So I count his first big lie the one saying he lied about masks not working to save them for hospital workers. Which, yes, is when he should have been fired. Immediately.
This article was written in April 2020, I searched “Fauci’s Crimes” in DuckDuckGo and it was the first article. Fauci should have been given 0 credibility on Trumps Covid task force.
April 2020 - I was listening to the Highwire at this point and learning about all the great treatments for Covid then to hear Fauci shoot them down.
Pre 2020- Fauci’s science was fk’d he said it was unethical to use a placebo control group for vaccines because they were so safe and effective (how do you know they’re safe and effective without a placebo control)? This was pre-Covid. Fauci was on my radar for Big Pharma Fraudsters, then saw him shoot down treatments case closed. Watch the Highwire w/ Del Bigtree
Sorry, Doreen. Trump owns the Fauci problem and the vaccines about which he still brags but not the mandate madness. Trump called Fauci America’s point guard for heaven’s sake. Trump’s instinct for therapeutics was correct but he gave into Tony Vaccine. Sorry, but I don’t buy that the swamp wouldn’t open up the country. Having said this, if the 2 man race is a rerun, he will get my vote.
You can believe whatever you want. It is next to impossible to fire a federal worker. Fauci, as others noted, was not an appointee.
And Trump put Pence in charge. Pence should have been advising against Fauci. Was he?
And we can’t treat it WITH a vaccine!
What is hilarious as well as hideous are you Trump defenders who see no wrong with him, just as disgusting and despicable as Biden supporters.
“D” & “R”, that is all you see on ballots in November…
And those like me who want representation not resentment by these failed uncaring rulers, realize 120 million voters are fucking clueless and stupid in the end…
The public sucks, F hope.
I'm with you on the disgust and frustration, but..if you let it cause you to lose hope then you can't be helped.
I lost hope when our elderly were abandoned, left to die, and NO ONE advocate they be appropriately mourned and spoken for…
I work with the public, and again, candor and honesty, does the majority of citizens really care for the stability and integrity of their communities?
my sister was administrator over a very nice assisted living in central tx....she began January 2020! She is a high degreed Nurse, loves the elderly and It was a nightmare. She worked weeks without a break b/c all the employees quit or had to be bribed to work(thanks to the govt handouts that ruined already low integrity). She cooked, cleaned, did night watch, emergency call and had to deal with all of the complaining families and threatened law suits when visitation shut down. She is hugely pro-vax and of course brainwashed from years in medical field and husband MD. But she did her damndest to make life the best she could for 'her people", sadly she was absolutely worn out and left that field after 18 months. When your own government is fighting it's citizens EVERY DAY and doing everything in its power to fuck up life for peace loving ppl, it is time for 100% PUSH BACK!
you seem to be leaving out the sovereignty of God who is in control despite your vision. Mere man is not in control thank God.
Good luck getting on a ballot. $$$$
But I said I disagreed with him about rushing the vaccine. Did you not read that?
But, nice deflection. When would you have fired Fauci?
People like you find fault in everyone. But do nothing. Why don’t you tun for office and show us how it is done?
I would have fired Fauci after he screwed up the HIV/AIDS fiasco years ago.
Trump could have done a little checking on Fauci and found out how he handled HIV and never used him. Trump could have paid attention to Scott Atlas’ description of Fauci and Birx.
Doreen is correct. Running a whole county takes lots of people and Trump's biggest problem was that he relied on experts that were part of the swamp. If Trump were to win the presidency a second time, I expect that he will come in and clean house. Who knew that the FBI, DOJ, etc. were so corrupt.
And that is why the Swamp does NOT want him re-elected and exactly why I do.
Just my opinion
"genome modifier" = vaccine
"flu" = covid
You don't create a Binary Delivery System without it being planned. (flu + "genome modifier").
Dr John Campbell and Dr Robert Clancy (highly cited immunologist)
This video talks about the Chinese vaccine starting at approximately 59.0. It was apparently a conventional vaccine and it’s construction could have started in 2018 based upon the "BID". This type of vaccine has a history of a short development time of five months. This alone is an important fact and the process has a good safety record. I believe the conventional method of construction requires the dead COVID-19 virus for creation. However the conventional method for vaccine construction has been shown to be ineffective in the treatment of people with HIV. which is very important in this case.
"Reference the “Johnson and Johnson’s highly anticipated HIV vaccine failed to demonstrate adequate protection in a clinical trial involving more than 2,600 young women in sub-Saharan Africa.”"
So why was Moderna working on the mRNA vaccine in 2018, because this "genome modifier" was expected to take a year to complete. Recalling that it needed a COVID-19 spike in its construction with an unknown safety record. While maintaining the ability to deliver a HIV pathogen. O'yes, the Arbutus patents are still owned by Arbutus.
Arbutus’ U.S. Patent No. 9,364,435 (IPR2018-00739 filed March 5, 2018: claims 1-6, 9, 12, 14, and 15 found unpatentable),
Arbutus’ U.S Patent No. 8,058,069 (IPR2019-00554 filed January 9, 2019: no challenged claims found unpatentable),
Given the above information, the mRNA vaccine that carried the "Spike Protein' with the HIV pathogen would not have been ready for use until March of 2019 given it's development time.
So why was China being asked to "Bid" on a COVID-19 vaccine since it would not work on a HIV pathogen in 2018. Because it was never intended to. The original COVID-19 was a flu type virus. The vaccine (a.k.a, "genome modifier") is a pathogen carrier and delivery system.
Along with everything Trump was doing? He has to rely upon advisors. What were they advising?
Trump did start distrusting Fauci. But, it was after that evil man did most of his damage.
Run FROM office, who would honestly, attentively, responsibly want to answer to 200 million + citizens who can’t effectively consistently advocate for themselves?!
Besides, let’s have a brutal moment of candor, people these days clamor for a scapegoat, yet, amazing all the mirrors in their homes are blocked when accountability is due.
Misread the way you wrote of disagreeing of vaccines, yes, I erred,…
When do you hear someone in power or authority say that?!
President, no F’ing way I would EVER want that job.
Trump apologized about the p*ssy comment.
Great! Then Biden can apologize for mandates and all will be well.
False equivalent.
Fauci is not an appointee, so he can not be fired by a President. The same people kvetching about Trump's alleged *dictatorial* intent are perversely the same ones enraged that he DIDN'T go all dictator-y. sheesh.
Do you think maybe he could not have been brought to the forefront?
Why would he be overlooked when he is the head of Infectious Diseases??? He's got his position locked in, and the country's health directives are essentially at his whim. I understand what you are asking though...this is what happens when a *deep state* bureaucracy seizes control. Who is left? Dr Birx? That nimrod Surgeon General who showed us how to fold cloth into masks?
Agree 100% .. Not firing Fauci was Trump’s biggest mistake. With all the effective treatments available that Fauci kept shutting down, it was evident to the truth movement Fauci was the biggest liar in the room. After reading RFK’s book, Fauci’s crimes are glaring going back to Aids. Has Trump said anything publicly about firing Fauci?
Trump...nor Biden, for that matter...can fire him. As a Federal agency hire, as opposed to an appointee, it is not in the purview of the President's authority to fire him. That said, Fauci is a monster, and does gall that USA can not be rid of him.
True. Doreen.
You are correct, power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Don't give up hope. There are some in Congress still fighting for truth and Justice. Not on the Democrats side and there still are many RINOs that need to go.
Hey, why stop there, why not racist, misogynist, and white supremacist?!
And for the cherry on top of your septic sundae, call me human…
I agree with you, and probably you and I will not live to see any freedom, but it is possible. One of the points of the book is that authoritarian structures are not built in to our nature or necessarily culture.
Hope it was a valued read for you.