Unless you've been off the planet in the last couple of years you probably already had covid but were asymptomatic. Depending on your health or the existence of immunity from previous corona virus infections the severity of covid can vary. I caught covid on a Friday and was back to work on Monday but spent a few days spitting up the remaining debris. I've had much worse colds or flues.
Have lived a pretty normal life except when forced into the initial shutdown. Out and bout all the time, unmasked, unjabbed. Glad to have not been sick. No antibodies.
Same here. Several antibody tests and paid out-of-pocket for the T Detect test. All came back negative even though my husband and daughter had it. However, I am taking ivermectin prophylactically. I think it’s working! 😁
@misterbruce how old are you and hv you had Covid before?
I’m 45 and hv not had Covid before. Just was wondering.
39, first timer. Wait, are you collecting this info on behalf of the government!?
No. Myself! I’m sincerely curious Bc I hv never had it. lol
You had it but didn't get sick. Don't worry, it's harmless for most people.
Unless you've been off the planet in the last couple of years you probably already had covid but were asymptomatic. Depending on your health or the existence of immunity from previous corona virus infections the severity of covid can vary. I caught covid on a Friday and was back to work on Monday but spent a few days spitting up the remaining debris. I've had much worse colds or flues.
Have lived a pretty normal life except when forced into the initial shutdown. Out and bout all the time, unmasked, unjabbed. Glad to have not been sick. No antibodies.
No. I hv been tested multiple times and took a T cell test from lab Corp.
Try Dr. McCollough's Povidone-Iodine approach that may work for either COVID, flu, or colds: https://covid19.onedaymd.com/2021/12/dr-peter-mccullough-povidone-iodine.html
Colds nomally take longer to manifest than 24 hours.
My husband went to DR for cough and sore throat. Tested positive for Covid-19. DR said sorry, only thing I can give you sore throat med.
Odds are that you already had COVID. Just asymptomatic.
No. I hv taken several tests including T cell antibody. It’s negative. I hv never had it.
Same here. Several antibody tests and paid out-of-pocket for the T Detect test. All came back negative even though my husband and daughter had it. However, I am taking ivermectin prophylactically. I think it’s working! 😁
All those tests are time limited. The T cell test runs a bit longer but probably not much more than 9-12 months.