my sister was administrator over a very nice assisted living in central tx....she began January 2020! She is a high degreed Nurse, loves the elderly and It was a nightmare. She worked weeks without a break b/c all the employees quit or had to be bribed to work(thanks to the govt handouts that ruined already low integrity). She cooked, cleaned, did night watch, emergency call and had to deal with all of the complaining families and threatened law suits when visitation shut down. She is hugely pro-vax and of course brainwashed from years in medical field and husband MD. But she did her damndest to make life the best she could for 'her people", sadly she was absolutely worn out and left that field after 18 months. When your own government is fighting it's citizens EVERY DAY and doing everything in its power to fuck up life for peace loving ppl, it is time for 100% PUSH BACK!
I lost hope when our elderly were abandoned, left to die, and NO ONE advocate they be appropriately mourned and spoken for…
I work with the public, and again, candor and honesty, does the majority of citizens really care for the stability and integrity of their communities?
my sister was administrator over a very nice assisted living in central tx....she began January 2020! She is a high degreed Nurse, loves the elderly and It was a nightmare. She worked weeks without a break b/c all the employees quit or had to be bribed to work(thanks to the govt handouts that ruined already low integrity). She cooked, cleaned, did night watch, emergency call and had to deal with all of the complaining families and threatened law suits when visitation shut down. She is hugely pro-vax and of course brainwashed from years in medical field and husband MD. But she did her damndest to make life the best she could for 'her people", sadly she was absolutely worn out and left that field after 18 months. When your own government is fighting it's citizens EVERY DAY and doing everything in its power to fuck up life for peace loving ppl, it is time for 100% PUSH BACK!