A six-tweet thread from a South African engineer sums up the apparent state of play: Omicron appears more contagious but far milder than earlier strains of Covid.
South African physicians and hospitals have leaned in this direction all along. But now we have close to three weeks of data and they are saying so with increasing certainty. The lag from symptoms to severe disease is about a week. If large numbers of patients were going to progress to hospitalization or intensive care, they almost surely would have done so by now.
Perhaps one more week and we will know for sure, but at this point it would be a stunning reversal if Omicron were NEARLY as dangerous as earlier strains. And the Omicron’s mildness is not because South Africa is highly vaccinated; only about 1 in 4 South Africans is fully vaccinated.
What has not yet been said - and will surely NOT be by the media - is that assuming this data holds, Omicron’s emergence should end any and all vaccination efforts with the mRNA or DNA/AAV vaccines. Their risk profile has been steadily worsening - one has yet coherently explained the synchronized rise in all-cause mortality in highly vaccinated countries. The Netherlands saw all-cause mortality 41 percent above normal (yes, 41 percent) in its most recent week of data. Only one of five of those deaths was Covid related.
Giving these vaccines for a virus that appears to be becoming a cold for most people is horrendously bad public policy. Especially since the vaccines don’t appear to work very well against Omicron in any case.
All that’s left now is to track the mess from the vaccines. Let’s hope it’s temporary.
I’m in the middle of The Real Anthony Fauci. I read it after Pandemia. I highly recommend it. Fauci needs to be in prison. I seriously believe you are correct
Phizer ceo has said everyone should have yearly prescription for the jab . All part of the plan pharma running healthcare not to cure no money in that ,just like cancer. Heart disease you name it. Malthusian thinking not enough resources so if that’s the true then it’s to many people.
According to RxList...Pfizer's Comirnaty( Clotshot) is only available by Prescription....It's Interesting how all the pieces come together if one is willing to look beyond their TV news.
Maybe this will change their mind first fauci then pharma. December 11, 2021 5:18 pm
Another criminal complaint has been filed against the Globalists who are responsible for mass murder and genocide through the COVID-19 scam and bioweapon injections. The Exposé in the UK reports that a complaint has been filed with the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court for "violations of the Nuremberg Code, crimes against humanity, war crimes and crimes of aggression perpetrated against the peoples of the UK." This case is in addition to the one that German Attorney Reiner Fuellmich will soon be conducting that is being referred to as "Nuremberg 2.0." We have also reported that criminal charges have been filed in a court of law in India against Billionaire Globalists Bill Gates and Adar Poonawalla. Many people want to write-off these criminal cases as insignificant, since the cases provide no means to execute a sentence against the criminals if they are found guilty. But make no mistake here, these cases are NOT insignificant. That's exactly what the Globalists hiding behind their massive wealth want you to believe. The reality is, however, that they fear these cases, because they will expose their evil deeds. In order to carry out the execution of any verdicts of guilt, we the people have to stop playing their games, and change our mindset. We cannot work within their system, because that system is rigged and completely controlled by them. What this does NOT mean, is that we have to resort to vigilantism and start working outside the law. That's how they will portray us if we take any actions to execute justice, especially if a court has already found them guilty.
So to be sure that I heard you right, you said we cannot win from within their system, but we should follow their laws, lest we be portrayed as 'baddies' in their media? How many nights did you spend pondering this brilliant treatise? How much cowering and shivering and hiding under covers that must have involved. Has anyone seen the videos coming out of Europe of crowds of 100,000+ people marching in the street? When any significant number of these people realize that they are within their rights to take that march right into their capitol buildings and tear their leaders limb from limb, this will be over in 10 minutes. But so long as they are told to 'follow the laws' the same legal framework that has been refined and weaponized against them to the point of robbing them of their livelihoods, bodily autonomy and free societies, they will get nothing but more of the same. And I don't think that could be any more obvious to anyone whose default position is anything other than total coward. You actually think the Hague is going to hear Fullmench's case? That may be factually accurate but is still impossibly stupid and doomed? Are you really this conditioned? While your life's savings were just diluted by 20% in the past year by your lawmakers repeatedly BREAKING THE LAW? We have spending limits and budget ceilings for a reason. To protect your wealth and the fiscal integrity of our nation. How casually they break these laws, sucking the value out of everything you've worked for just to enrich and empower themselves at your expense. WTF reality are you living in? Follow the law? That's what you got coward? Good luck with that 'revolution'. But please be quiet now. The grown ups are trying to save the world.
Apparently I wasn’t clear enough we are a nation of laws by way of the constitution that our so called leaders don’t respect or care about . As four cowering under covers who ever who are that’s only your self diagnosis.
I doubt you ever gave a thought about the past who people who fought for this country that you have the right to make a ass out of yourself . The Hague is a option if you read your history the same excuses used during the Nazi for their defense then is the same crap we’re hearing from the narrative crap the last two years and after WW11 when our government changed their strategy when conflicts occur by the use of police counter insurgency actions and the best one change their hearts and minds what a joke it’s about the money all the money. bet you weren’t alive in 1976 when inflation was 15% or more and interest rates were 22% . This situation is far worse interest rates will rise under the stupid thought of curbing hyperinflation .look a little deeper caused by greedy politicians.
Yes I have seen the European croweds of protest but none have laid on the line or made the sacrifice. Until that happens the tyrants will keep on pushing their agenda.
That goes for this country. You want real chaos make sure what your end game is and the government you want or our constitutional republic we have now I doubt you know what we have had for the last 250 plus years. And why it works. What’s being presented now as been tried before and has failed. I will sum it up this way I have seen what communist governments do to the people of those countries. As for what you said “WTF reality are you living in? Follow the law? Thats what you got coward” . I spent two tours in a war in the 60,s that had no our country had intention of winning . I suspect you weren’t around then but were raised by people who spit on us when we came home. For the first time in your live your little cushy live is now being threatened.
WHY ISN'T THIS HEADLINE NEWS? Testing on MINORITY. NY, IL, TN TURNED THEM DOWN, I'm sure there are more, but google deleted many articles. Duck is ok, but not as many turn up.
Are you familiar with the 50’s? era “Special Cancer Virus Program”? Scientists took monkey viruses, juiced them up & injected them into humans as part of a vaccine experiment. This is where RSV originated, & many of our modern day viruses like MERS were borne from these types of programs. An anon researcher who has dug into the archives (much of which has been scrubbed) was just on a YT livestream presenting his findings & it was absolutely riveting.
Technological progress is exponential. Too many people is not insoluble. It’s just a question of how to get their money on an ongoing basis without killing them now. The doomsday predictions may be overblown..
Tech. Being used is not to kill all just get to a manageable level with trans humanism modification of our immune system and genetics. It’s now booster booster booster.
History demonstrates that new technology are used first for destruction not all A Bomb being the time when millions lost their lives based on how many lives would it save . Same narrative we here today millions have died on experimental therapeutic but labeled a vaccine that doesn’t work as a vaccine
I think they’re just hoping their knowledge of gene manipulation catches up in time to save those who were mis-programmed from doom and to lock the rest into a series of upgrades much like for iPhones..
Here is the crazy thing read this in the Pfizer BioNTech CEO he has not taken the shot nor his family!! Because “everyone else is a priority” and he and his family are sacrificing the opportunity of the shot for the most vulnerable!!! https://www.rt.com/news/542946-biontech-ceo-personal-vaccination/
Do you see Queen E who is late 90's wearing a mask? Pelosi wears 1 for TV, as do many dems. Hollyweird too. I wear 1 at the doctors office, for my protection. No where else. Pfizer bought out Mylan, now my Fluid pill is gone, and I react to the rest of them on Tricare's Formulary. Even the Military has run out of their outdated stock pile. Name brand is Diazide, mine was a generic form. I have fluid around my Enlarged heart.
The way the comments work on this site, it appears my comment is now unrelated to the original posts, which may lead to misunderstanding. I can't find the original posts, but it was a comment meant to agree. I am sorry for your health troubles.
Congress votes for this crap. CongressCritters take donations from Pharma, and Big Business. If Big Business can buy a president or 2, they are just doing business. Started with McKinley. History channel has a expose on it, https://studygrowknowblog.com/2012/11/16/buying-a-president/
I just watched last night a talk given a year ago by Marian Turski, a 94 year old Holocaust survivor. Marian spoke about the similarities in policies between the rise of the Nazi’s and the vax policies. It’s chilling yet every time I speak about it (my grandfather survives five death camps!) I’m scolded for being extrem and especially from some of my Israeli connections that I should be ashamed of myself for making these comparisons. But I, not only don’t feel shame but obliged to speak out of what seems obvious—experiments of human bodies is not a new invention, not even Hitler’s and these vax have been marketed in the most genuine way to the mind that is imbued with fear and dependency.
Which is why the NUREMBERG TRIALS resulted in the NUREMBERG CODES, And many were hanged or shot. Same with the HELSINKIA CCORDS following the Thalidomide deformed babies, many were miscarried, some left in institutions to die, others parents kept. But to be sure there were no more incidents the Helsinki Accords were formed. There are also US CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS VIOLATIONS to consider. YOU CAN'T VACCINATE THE UNWILLING. WE APPROACH HITLER'S METHODS DAILY. We will be like Australia soon, the only thing stopping government is the 2nd Amendment. Which the Aussies don't have.
I live in Switzerland and I’m not sure if they have something similar to the 2nd amendment. Anyways, for the time being seems like Europe is still in Middle Ages state and the pressure grows by the day
The citizens must make changes to your governing documents that ensure the rights of people. One of our founders wanted to include in our Bill of Rights medical freedom for the people, but they did not include it. What foresight that man had!
Unfortunately swiss citizens are not knows for the independent, critical thinking. There was a referendum vote on Nov 25th whether to extend the government’s right to keep the COVID law and they won 65% of public’s voice. Right the day after the government made fast COVID tests valid for only 24hours (instead of 48 which translates to lots more money to power holders) and allowed resistant to not invite Intuit heir gates unvaccinated per their discretion. And some off course choose to take that power into their hands
We’re contemplating that for sure. If need be we’re ready to pack and move to England (where my husband is from). It’s not easy to to flee. But I’m also not keeping my head in the sand. We made our red lines clear so we can make a painful decision if need be
Honestly I feel your comment as an attack. I’m happy to be corrected if I’m wrong . The you time and nationalist comparison seem to me out of place and unnecessary.
I don’t have a weapon and don’t support this not in CH or in the US!
Thank you :) wow that’s a live lesson in perception 😂
Yes I’m aware of guns policy in the US and here and personally would feel much safer if citizens would be have access to gun. I think it’s sad that we feel so unsafe that we find solace in having a gun.
I’ve been in the army, as every Israeli citizen does, and learned to shoot a gun. It was such a strange experience. So far from what I would call natural. I had to do it and I did it in training then only once more in practice in my unit and it’s enough for me for life times. 😀
They gave it up 10 years ago or longer they believed what the government said and complied. 80 years we fought the world against tyranny on Atlantic and pacific shores we now are in fight on our own shore’s for freedom and liberty against our own government . What does our constitution say about that if you don’t know educate your ignorance
My dad was in boot camp when WW2 broke out. 5 major battles as 503rd Airborne under Gen. MacArthur, his last major battle was Corregidor... The Rock. He a Sgt. and a PFC climbed a telegraph pole to hoist our Flag, to give to the General. Another was then raised, 2 weeks later an official ceremony. On to Japan after. Bronze Star, Silver Stars. American of Italian decent, called Spic, Dago, Whop, hard to find jobs. BIL a country boy fought under Merrill. You'll find neither men in a history book just like thousands of other heroes. Yes do address your lack of knowledge. The Polterite like DUMB PEOPLE. EASY TO CONTROL.
We can see what we’re trained to see. So if our seeing is limited or narrowed in a certain way (that could be as simple as ‘fear the unknown and try to fix it no matter how ’) then such a mind will get triggered in an automatic behaviour to condemn or deny anything that doesn’t fit in with their view.
People have grown to depend on ‘authority figures’ too strongly and this dependency should not be taken lightly. It brings up the fear of being abandoned by your tribe. Again, without inner resources to deal with that those people will be prone to defend and justify any behaviour just to keep that source of security. I remember when I worked with kids in a boarding school who were taken out of the house due domestic violence and abuse, how much they looked forward to go back home. You’d think ‘how could this be possible ?!’ But it’s a good example to show how we can bend reality to a more favourable picture when we fear of losing those who were meant (and perceived )to be our protectors.
Also, since I’m a second generation of Holocaust survivors and grew up in israel I can tell you that there’s a lot of untreated trauma. Which leads to easily be triggered by fear and similar scenarios. The plot of vaccine is so well disguised. We don’t have camps - but lock down in our house. We don’t have capo - but panicked vaccinated people to be the extended arm of policies. We don’t have A Hitler - but pharmaceuticals which have been portrayed as a reliable authority for years. It’s not a centralised policy in the classical way but more dispersed between different authority figures. The scope is just so big that I can understand how (again without the inner resources of creative autonomous thinking and feeling) one can think “this can’t be true, it’s too evil”.
I’m happy we still have Holocaust survivors to speak up. In a “selfish” way I guess I’m happy my grandfather is not alive because I’m not sure he would have been able to cope with what’s happening. He’s never spoken about the horrors he experienced besides in a testimonial he gave in his 70’s. He was experimented on and suffered from many neurological problems. But being very close to him, I know he’s behind every move and word I share to help people wake up from the trans of fear.
Thank you! Your words are very kind and nourishing.
Recently I learned that Jung said that the 20th century’s task was to go into the darkness and to bring the wisdom from its depth. But the 21st century’s task is to use that wisdom. I truly hope we will do so ❤️
Come and join us on MeWe.com, there is a active Jewish support group who could use your help. You will find like minded people, very little Censorship mostly because someone got to far out of line. and the individual page creator reported it. No tracking.
Five death camps gives you the moral high ground, not that you need it, but the Israelis always shout "never forget," then yell at us when we "don't forget!"
The relation between Israeli Jews and the Holocaust is complex. It’s a traumatised relationship. Many people like who don’t support the government and its actions against the Arab community make also a note that never forget means we have to make sure we don’t become like that as well. But the gap between government and the people becomes wiser and wieder with the years. That’s why it’s important to heal trauma. It’s important to take action and come out of the shadows of war and hatred and the them-ing language. Imagine something like
What’s happening now still happening if at least 10% of the population had heard their trauma ? I’m sure we would have been in a different position
"...And here we start to get used to the idea that you can exclude someone. That you can stigmatise someone. That you can turn someone into an alien. Slowly, gradually, day by day, people begin to get used to it — victims, perpetrators, witnesses, those we call bystanders — all begin to get used to the idea that a minority that gave the world Einstein, Nelly Sachs, Heinrich Heine and the Mendelssohns is different, that these people can be pushed to the edges of society, that they are strangers, that they spread germs and start epidemics. These terrible, dangerous thoughts are the beginning of what happens next. From there, things gather pace. A ban on employing Jews..."
The parallels between Nazi Germany propaganda, Mengele, and the evils of the Nazi regime and today's American big Pharma and bureaucrats is.... almost exact.
I have a library of these books.. hard copies.. will pass on to the most responsible person in the next generation to share. Maybe it will save 1 person in the future
I was going to go with as many cases of gene therapy he profited from as needed. Either way, we need to send a very clear signal to these scumbags that this can NEVER happen again. Clearly Nuremberg was too lenient.
It is important to get the people who are actually behind this, and these are the people behind the FINANCIAL system. The same people who are printing trillions of dollars to devalue the USD, cause a global health and economic crisis and replace the USD with a one-world currency.
Anyone who's name appears in the media is a front man. It is absolutely necessary to get the people in the back.
Yes. Fauci is just a frontman. Gates is a bagholder. I have no doubt they are dispensable, and I think we have seen over the last few months attempts to show they can be thrown under the bus.
And I fear the global one-world currency will be a card first, followed by a chip in each person's body. And each person will only be allowed to buy with that card/chip if he/she has been approved by Big Brother. If not approved then no chance of buying.
People still look back at World War II as a stereotype of evil. When the present dust settles, it will be clear that what's happening today has no precedent. Compared to this, the man with the small moustache is going to look like a little funny guy.
Even though it's being filed on behalf of the UK, it's good to see they have named Bill & Melinda Gates as well as Fauci and Daszak.
From the article: "Within the complaint, the team argues that “based on the extensive claims and enclosed documentation, we charge those responsible for numerous violations of the Nuremberg Code, crimes against humanity, war crimes and crimes of aggression in the United Kingdom, but not limited to individuals in these countries”."
I'd like nothing better than to see this complaint get some traction.
Realistically, expecting any tangible, effective action out of the International Criminal Court is like expecting tangible, effective action from the UN or WHO.
Maybe the only court to end this if not then the people should end it. This court was set up for the very reasons what were facing today . Educational systems don’t teach this by design. Reason being this ignorant generation thinks it’s all new. History does repeat its self
I'll purchase it on Kindle. Thanks for the tip. I do wonder when he'll eventually be held to account for his participation in all of this.
Here in CA, you'd be amazed at how many ppl worship that guy. He can literally do no wrong despite his historical record / flip flops / participating in the making of Covid.
Yes, do read the book. It is only $2.99 on Kindle and a real eye opener. They worship Fauci because they watch CNN, MSNBC, and the rest of the liberal media who have Fauci on a pedestal and push his vaccine agenda with Covid fear -- numbers, hospitalizations, how many vaccinated, how many not vaccinated, deaths, and interview those who have not been vaccinated who are hospitalized and have them beg the unvaccinated to get vaccinated. NEVER do they interview the vaccinated who are hospitalized, those who have had bad reactions to the vaccines, or those who have lost family members due to vaccine reactions.
Yup that’s why they want pharma no evidence or what’s in the killer jab 75 years from now most will be dead . Information is now showing life expectancy is lower than ever before,. By design. The sot turn humans into trans humanism your genetics altered cannot go back. Those who have not taken the shot are smart but are a target for the shot police to invade. Look at Australia Austria just like Nazi Germans.
NYC too. "He seems like a nice man," someone said. Oh, maybe he makes mistakes but he means well. They have absolutely no clue. I mentioned Gain of Function and that person Googled and and said gain of function is just a right-wing conspiracy theory. As if it's not even a very real kind of research.
Tony Fauci, smooth? I'm not sure I agree with you. I'd say he's exceedingly deceptive, adept at lying, good at pulling the wool over peoples' eyes, etc. I agree with you that Obama is skillful with words, in his own way. That's one of the main reasons he was able to become president. He's articulate, though that's not the same thing as being honest!
If you actually listen to Tony Fauci, critically, he barely makes any sense at all. The only reason so many people think he's intelligent is that they're completely incapable of critical thinking. They're hard-core cult members. But they're so thoroughly brainwashed they think they're brilliant.
Oh he just makes mistakes but means well? Oh yea! blood of millions on his hands for over a few decades but "he means well!" Man does NYC need one of those Hollywood asteroid full destruction movies to happen with enough warning to the teeny weeny God-fearing moral decent population so they can get out of the more than ever ultra decadent/decayed poisonous sodom and gomorrah rotten apple.
OMG....yes. That has been the "general" response that I hear. What is fascinating is that "normal" ppl (that includes me) cannot fathom / understand / empathize how someone like a sociopath can operate without remorse. It's not human. It's what makes ppl like Fauci so dangerous.
Years ago, I had my first encounter with a sociopath -- he was a charming executive who reported to me. I read everything I could on how to manage sociopaths to navigate my own sanity.
And how they not think it's odd that he says HE is the science? And gives "the science" an A-plus when the vaccines have not worked as advertised?
And they don't care that every single thing he and Walensky have said is wrong (except in the beginning he said masks won't stop the spread but he recanted. He also said asymptomatic spread is not a big driver but then recanted that with no proof ). And he works seated under a huge portrait of himself!
"There were no positive tests amongst 1,174 close contacts of asymptomatic cases."
"In summary, all the 455 contacts were excluded from SARS-CoV-2 infection and we conclude that the infectivity of some asymptomatic SARS-CoV-2 carriers might be weak."
Weak? It showed no spread at all. I do think there is pre-symptomatic and low symptomatic spread.
Agree. I voted for Trump (twice) and will again if he's the nominee and stops pimping the shots, but I am and have always been excruciatingly aware of his flaws. When did blind allegiance to any human ever work out in the end?
Absolutely! The people I saw making excuses for Trump's failings (and there were some - it's important to acknowledge them) or simply refusing to see them really bothered me. It probably made many on the left hate and fear him more, just as the Obama-worshippers scared me so much.
I love that people here see through the COVID bullshit. But, I'm amazed few avoid acknowledging that this shitshow started under HIS watch. We need to all wake up to the realization that he is another elete driving totalitarianism. He is a fraud and a fake second only to FJB.
I and most of the other legitimate POTUS DJT supporters support him because we somehow escaped the last half-dozen decades of subverted public school 'education' controlled by Soros-inspired 'progressives', and learned *actual* American Civics and US History.
We recognize the admittedly flawed and somewhat ego-centric POTUS DJT as a person who recognizes the insidious decades-long creeping globalism-at-the-expense-of-US-Constitutional-Republic [AKA 'The Swamp] and its attendant destruction of our personal liberties guaranteed by that Constitution.
To paraphrase one of his advertisements - They are not after me. They are coming for YOU! I am just standing in their way.
THAT is the essence of why I and others support POTUS DJT. It is NOT 'Hero Worship' or 'Cult of Personality'.
By the majority of his actions - ignore the 'Tweets' and a few bad decisions based on his inability to always recognize 'insider threat enemies' like Fauci and others - he shows himself to be a supporter of the Constitutional Republic and my individual liberties against those who are dedicated to bringing about a Globalist Socialist Fascist overthrow of our sacred Republic.
Yes, his egoistic personality flaw will not allow him to admit he was bamboozled by his 'experts' like Fauci and Birx who convinced him that a safe 'vaccine' could be created and rolled out by skipping long-term effects assessments and monitoring that can take many many months - even years.
The closest he is coming to backpedaling on the 'Vaccine' S***-Storm is to insist - rightly so - that the injections must be voluntary; individual liberty once again factoring into his behavior and actions.
I hate to be personal, but if you believe that legitimate POTUS DJT is even close to being a fraud in the mold of fake POTUS FJB, then you are a . . . well let's just keep things civil and say we do not see eye-to-eye.
DJT is looking at fraud in his rear view mirror. Your response covers a lot of ground but the most obvious point you seem to be making is that DJT was cheated out of the election. So, let's start there.. Show me the proof for your thinking. Then perhaps I will coment on your other thoughts. Thanks for your reply.
I apparently failed to convey my main point by my incidental references to 'legitimate POTUS DJT' - and II have looked at the math and videos of middle-of-the-night absentee ballots being scanned multiple times and on and on. The fact that Trump won is not my point.
My point - that took up the vast majority of my admittedly verbose text - is that by the majority of his actions, the imperfect Trump shows himself to be a supporter of the Constitutional Republic and my individual liberties against those who are dedicated to bringing about a Globalist Socialist Fascist overthrow of our sacred Republic.
This is the opposite of the Biden administration approach.
Absolutely true.way to much hero worship. Athletes, actors , musicians, others.grown men talking about tom Brady like he is there dad or uncle or son its sick
There is a big difference between 'Hero Worship', including from the Obama acolytes, and legitimate POTUS DJT [or Donald John Trump] supporters.
I and most of the other POTUS DJT supporters support him because we somehow escaped the last half-dozen decades of subverted public school 'education' controlled by Soros-inspired 'progressives', and learned *actual* American Civics and US History.
We recognize in the admittedly flawed and somewhat ego-centric POTUS DJT a person who recognizes the insidious decades-long creeping globalism-at-the-expense-of-US-Constitutional-Republic [AKA 'The Swamp] and its attendant destruction of our personal liberties guaranteed by that Constitution.
To paraphrase one of his advertisements - They are not after me. They are coming for YOU! I am just standing in their way.
THAT is the essence of why I and others support POTUS DJT. It is NOT 'Hero Worship' or 'Cult of Personality'.
By his actions - ignore the 'Tweets' and a few bad decisions based on his inability to always recognize 'insider threats' like Fauci and others - he shows himself to be a supporter of the Constitutional Republic and my individual liberties against those who are dedicated to bringing about a Globalist Socialist Fascist overthrow of our sacred Republic.
That is NOT 'Hero Worship' . . . it is survival instinct.
I apologize - somehow my earlier response DID get 'reinserted' - not sure what happened. The below is what I intended and thought I posted.
I apparently failed to convey my main point by my incidental references to 'legitimate POTUS DJT' - and II have looked at the math and videos of middle-of-the-night absentee ballots being scanned multiple times and on and on. The fact that Trump won is not my point.
My point - that took up the vast majority of my admittedly verbose text - is that by the majority of his actions, the imperfect Trump shows himself to be a supporter of the Constitutional Republic and my individual liberties against those who are dedicated to bringing about a Globalist Socialist Fascist overthrow of our sacred Republic.
This is the opposite of the Biden administration approach.
Right - Just one point should do it. Mister Trump is on record as saying Vaccination against the fatality-rate-arguably-somewhat-worse-than-a-bad-seasonal-influenza COVID-19 should NOT be mandated by the government; the decision should be left to the individual.
The 'Biden Administration' that is on-board with global Fascist governments throughout most of the world [Australia and Austria most recent examples - see videos of protests] as evidenced by US government alliances with big pharma and medical licensing and hospital systems and media giants that suppress any 'unapproved' messaging [AKA propaganda] is doing just the opposite. [Do you need examples of the various Vaccine Mandates on businesses and government employees, or can you look them up?]
I seem to recall that DJT came out with the statement that "It's all ok and will pass. No big deal. Then he suddenly was all about vaccines... Warp Speed. Remember? You think he's inocent. You're wrong!
It’s gross. Obama started a cult of personality that had people so enthralled with his every word, like a god. I never understood it. It’s not just politicians either, idiot actors, musicians and athletes. People become obsessed with these people. It’s some kind of mental deficiency that is prevelant in weatern societies.
So, so true. These people are all flawed human beings, and they put their pants on one leg at a time just like you do. There's an inability to recognize flaws of certain people (Obama, certain musicians and athletes, as you said), and these are people none of us knows personally.
Agree, however, I tend to think there's a bit of laziness or lack of adult responsibility that goes along with unfettered "hope" and "belief." After all, if you put all your hopes and beliefs into someone else, you can get back to doing your own thing and point at that person when things go off the rails. I think a better approach is "Trust, but verify."
I'm in Toronto. These are not liberals, they are leftists, i think you know this if you live in Canada. Yes they are a cult, a super-cult, super sick super cult, and Toronto is a major stronghold, truly a northern Democratic city, and look at how all the Democrat cities in the USA are becoming utter diabolist chaos dung-holes.
Very sad. Love toronto I've noticed the libs all over there.people in a store listening to the equivalent of NPR .cant escape it like some dem ratholes here.guess I wont be in canada anytime soon.only bright side is saving money from not buying tix to see pens get killed by leafs
The leftists that I know (they are not liberals, not any more...they are radical leftists and should be referred to as such) are pretty much all incredibly shallow thinkers, superficial to the core. "Stage one thinkers", as Thomas Sowell would say. They keep themselves almost entirely in an echo chamber of the same ideas and do not associate with anyone who thinks differently as that would be too threatening and frightening. They get hysterical at opposing opinions or anything that does not fit the narrative they have been fed. They don't doubt the leftist dictates and therefore do not research anything at all on their own. Skepticism has been drummed out of their psyche at some point in the past. Rather that draw conclusions on their own, they wait to be "instructed" what and how to think by their leftist media and by the Dems they listen to, and it's all confirmed within their bubble. Their attitudes and behavior seem increasingly childish and pathetic to me. They have very stunted intellects.
I won't be visiting Toronto again, but damn, I'm going to miss the food culture. I love mussels / fries / beer --- Toronto has that on tap along with other fantastic eats. I will miss that the most.
Dung-holes…where the people who live and work there just step over, and around, the human feces allowed to be dropped on the once-normal streets. Complacency to this degradation is a mental illness.
Annette prior to the pandemic I was strongly considering moving to Canada, outside of Montreal. I enjoyed the food / culture / etiquitte. WTF happened? I'd visit several times / year across Toronto, Vancouver, and even the giant shopping mall in Edmonton.
Canada, no offense, along with Australia are now the last places on Earth I'd ever want to visit again. The madness is the norm. Reminds me of a Twilight Zone episode where a psychiatrist is in an infinite loop where he can't escape a town full of crazies. He drives out of the town only to find himself entering the town (over and over again). Eventually it dawns on him, "if everyone is crazy but me, that makes me the crazy one."
I saw that movie too. And I am scared. I keep thinking that at some point if I don't flee, I'll be trapped here living or dying under a communist regime. I have put an emergency plan together with preserves, dried foods, and other necessities in case the country collapses and there's no food to be bought or in case bread costs a hundred dollars a loaf. I have a bugout survival bag in the event that I have to leave. The thoughts that go through my head every day are such that I never thought I'd be thinking them.
It started when PM Justin Trudeau got into office in 2015 when he was apologizing to the world on behalf of Canadians for being white. And all he kept saying was "We're moving forward" but nobody knew what he meant. That progressive creep has been pushing his Reset plan all this time and it's progressively getting worse. They've brought critical race theory into our public schools just like in the USA. We have illegals streaming across the border at Roxham Road in Quebec and at the height of the pandemic he was angry that he had to close that crossing. Now it's going full blast. These people aren't being vetted and nobody knows if they have covid or if they're vaccinated. But all our front line workers are being fired over the vaccine mandate. The vaccine passport is implemented across all provinces. New Brunswick grocery stores are preventing the unvaccinated from shopping for food! It's gradually getting worse and worse. And the Conservative Party isn't putting up any opposition. Trudeau is stripping laws that carry mandatory minimums for gun crimes but he's coming after legal firearm owners. My only hope is that people start catching on to what Soros is doing with Trudeau in Canada and to what Soros funding DA's is doing to Americans. The USA needs to wipe out the Democrats in the 2022 primaries and take the presidency away from the Democrats in 2024. If the USA falls, the rest of us are done.
It's terrifying, and seemingly "normal" at the same time bc it's unfolding right before our eyes in plain view. Makes me wonder how long this general plan was in place. So many ppl have bought into what is happening, it's disheartening to see. I feel for you and all free-loving Canadians. CA is not far behind what is happening in Canada, but there are states like Florida that provide an escape.
I do hope he will be held to account for this super Dr. Menguele role in this profoundly wicked evil.
You are in California? Wow ok. With what you stated in in your second paragraph, it makes total sense, especially when you watch Mark Dice do videos "man on the street" interviews with where he lives in California [Disclaimer: I do not necessarily agree with all of Mark Dice believes.]
Yes I'm living in Calif. but am a New Yorker and went for a visit ... people are so brainwashed on both coasts. It's truly frightening. And they have this whole nonsensical thing they repeat about how they are safe to be around because they are vaccinated, and are in danger only from the unvaccinated. Any pointing out of logical fallacies with that or questioning any of the narrative provokes their fury. I was a lifelong Dem who finally saw through it last Spring, thank goodness! DeSantis rocks! (I will check out Mark Dice, don't know of him).
Kind of off subject, but I am very depressed tonight having just been politely disinvited today from my New York book group of 10 years because two unnamed members don’t feel safe in the room with me (no vax). What should I be thinking? Should I respond or just go away? They offered to put me on Zoom (offer declined!).
Lisa -- that sucks. I know it's hard not to take it personally, to be rejected by a group bc it just became personal. Taking the jab is a signal. It's like a membership card. It says a hell of a lot more about their values vs. your own. Really think about that. Is this a group that you want to keep associating yourself with? I know it sounds harsh, but really give that some thought.
In my personal experience, I have some close friends who no longer contact me for beers / dinners / lunches. At first I was upset, felt rejected by them. However, over time, I've come to realize where they stand on some important topics that do not overlap with my own values. Perhaps it's time to clean out the closet and evaluate what is important to you.
I will definitely need to give this some thought. It has a weird mean-girls vibe, leaving me feeling like an outsider. Very unpleasant. But now that you mention it, our values seem to be diverging pretty radically. Thanks.
Sorry to hear that Lisa. Don't take it personally. They are fools. You are too good for the group. Take advantage of the free time you have from not going, and meet new people. You are in more danger from them than they from you, yet you are willing to take the risk.
I had a vax Nazi guy assume I was vaxxed and give me a big hug! He hugged an unvaxxed!!! :D :D :D
You could offer to test but why even go. Or you could say you know it's difficult to read science but you wish they kept track of the studies coming out, because they're endangering themselves and others by thinking they can't spread the virus. Below are some links you can send them.
Of course it will make them angry but it's also doing them a favor, if they are that scared they shouldn't meet in person at all.
COVID-19: stigmatising the unvaccinated is not justified
"Historically, both the USA and Germany have engendered negative experiences by stigmatising parts of the population for their skin colour or religion. I call on high-level officials and scientists to stop the inappropriate stigmatisation of unvaccinated people, who include our patients, colleagues, and other fellow citizens, and to put extra effort into bringing society together."
Community transmission and viral load kinetics ...
Several years back I heard a palmist being interviewed on the late night program Coast to Coast. It typically interviews people who are "out there" and was often fascinating. The palmist, Vern Mahabal, said he predicted that people would be moving away from coasts and there would be a huge migration to the midwest. Having grown up in the midwest but living in New England at the time, and seeing the snobbishness/ignorance people had toward the middle of the country, I found Mahabal hard to believe. I couldn't image what might lead people to leave the ultrahip coasts. Now I understand. Mahabel said he could read relocations in people's hands... fascinating.
A longtime friend who is unfortunately a rabid leftie Dem just emailed a link to "prove" we are all wrong about Fauci. The link was to the Wikipedia page on Fauci. SIGH....how can you convince someone whose mind is cemented into just one way of thinking? It's impossible, some people are impervious to rational, critical thinking.
CMCM -- Wikipedia / MSM have created a "Matrix-like" information reality. A Reality distortion feed on perpetually looping to feed ppl what they already believe. Let me repeat that again. Ppl are more easily fooled if their worldview aligns with what they're receiving. It is instinctive, powerful, and almost impossible to break-thru. Knowing this, perhaps can help cope with how ppl can fall for what they hear / see despite substantially contradicting data.
Yes....I long ago learned about Wikipedia....from the founder of it himself, no less. Some things on it are fine, but anything controversial or even slightly political are "curated" and not necessarily factual. Unfortunately, a great many people like my friend believe it is 100% correct and there is no discussion to the contrary.
If you are on twitter, tweet about it, and send pictures of sections of the book that really expose Fauci, to all those who those who are his mindless emotion-driven zero-spirit-mental-rational zombies, especially the mainstream media types. This way others can see it, share it etc, so it assists in a growing army of missile attacks, information-truth bombs.
I have both Pandemia and Alex's booklets, Faucian Bargain, and Robert Kennedy Jr's Fauci book. Although I so far read a little of Pandemia, I find it hard to to read for longer periods of time to get through some of them. I buy them mostly to virtue signal to myself.
Was that in Santa Carla? I read or heard a while ago that the parking lot of a mall or a big box store in the Midwest was used after hours as a hangout for teens. The owners put speakers on the building and blasted Frank Sinatra music, and that kept them away.
I don't believe that only ONE man (or woman) can continually do, and hide what Fauci is being accused of. He probably has a support network of thousands who aid and abet what he has been doing. They ALL need to be made accountable.
I have heard that there did not seem to be a way for this variant/mutation to adapt naturally. Therefore it was released. Would be something if some good guys did it on purpose to up the heard immunity......just spinning my thoughts!!
No offence Luke, and with all due honour and gallantry, but we are at time where hearsay should be shunned due to how profound the depth and scope of serpentine damned criminal deceit, disinformation, lies, misrepresentation, obfuscation, trickery etc the Antichrist rulers have much of the world in about all of this and more.
Fair point, it was more of a Tom Clancy novel idea. I did not mean for it to be construed as fact. However, I have heard at least a couple people mention the mutation in nature was not possible. Again, speculation and fantasy in this age should be well documented. I understand the bad guys plant that shit just to discredit us.
It's not speculation or fantasy. It has a real base in evolutionary science. This is a discussion of this hypothesis by a couple of evolutionary biologists: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-hjFT8XCsH0
It's a bit technical if you don't have a background in biological science, but still worth listening to.
"I think only an idiot can be an atheist. We must admit that there exists an incomprehensible power or force with limitless foresight and knowledge that started the whole universe going in the first place." - Christian Boehmer Anfinsen, Jr., 1972 Nobel Prize in Chemistry.
"Evolution *is the great cosmologic myth of the twentieth century.*" Dr. Michael Denton, Molecular Biochemist, Evolution: A Theory in Crisis.
Evolution is not factual operational science, it's several thousand year old pagan religion masquerading as operational science.
So sick and tired of the tremendous profound fraud of Darwinian Evolution Theory/"Scientific" Materialism. I'm well learned in this reality over many years, that evolution is actually several thousand year old pagan religion that Darwin encapsulated in a Victorian veneer of the aristocracy and of course of "favoured races" as his magnus opus was titled with. I became a convert to Creation Science (aka factual Scriptural creation science) a long while ago and to believe evolution theory is true when we are in a universe of Universal Entropy which begets Genetic Entropy, such folks are either serious liars selling themselves out to the Devil, or they are what simulated intelligence is in such areas.
Here's a video from a former atheist, who did jail time for attempted murder of his father with a hammer to the head, which he did in the name of how it's all about "survival of the fittest" as Darwin put forth, that ultra ethnic-superiority devil who called dark skinned people closer to apes than lighter skinned;
The moment an evolutionist opens their mouth, they refute their own world-view, see the above video to understand why, and if one still can't understand why, then that sure reveals that this is not about a evidence issue but a heart/pride issue.
Hi Mara here is a link from Dr Paul Cottrell. He has his PHD in Chaos theory. He is currently getting his medical doctorate. It is very complex and I have no idea how he has the specs of the virus but he's definitely a smart dude.
Thanks for that! I have a background in biological science, so really enjoy listening to real scientists expounding ideas based on actual data ( & have learned to skim over the bits that go over my head).
Lol Dr Paul gets in the weeds, way over my head. But something about his mathematics degree and his understanding from the outside of medical I appreciate. he's very similar to Kirsch.
If you choose to disbelieve evolution and its related natural sciences, that is your choice. Call us "idiot atheists" too, if it makes you feel good. But speaking as someone with a quite a bit of education, including in the sciences, I will stick with what nearly 200 years of biological science and confirming discoveries teaches is the truth. If anyone feels they can disprove the general theory of Darwin's evolution, of which mutation is only a part, I invite you to. Unlike religious dogma, science is never settled and must make room for revisions but requires proof of claims, verified by others. By all means, prove us wrong, write your paper and collect your Nobel Prize.
I suggest you listen to Mara's link the Darkhorse and my link from Paul Cottrell. I don't think any of those videos feature overly religious dogma. It is apparent you are very proud of your education and it probably outweighs my own. Maybe you can take it up with these folks.
I try to remember, all this wonderment of the world and creation of man didn't just evolve from almost NOTHING! Which means this power over the earth has the means to intervene if needed or desired. When you think of the entire universe, you know its way beyond our little minds.
I heard Dr. Malone and Steve Kirsch discuss this a bit. I think, after everything we've learned the past two years, nothing is too crazy to be taken off the table.
Thank you for considering my point. Yea Tom Clancy, he sure had some inside baseball information no doubt. My apologies if my way of articulating what i did caused you think i took what you stated as a fact, i was just more pointing out what i was about the high octane speculations / hearsay.
"However, I have heard at least a couple people mention the mutation in nature was not possible"
All the living creatures on earth created by God (which have DNA of course), by the laws of physics concerning Universal Entropy which begets Genetic Entropy, DNA is always mutating, I ask you kindly, here, take the almost 20 mins of time to consider this video even though you may have a different world-view [read the video description before watching, he's a former atheist turned Bible believer] since he is a Population Geneticist and was for a long time and you will learn much about mutations since mutations are scientifically *ALWAYS* a loss of information, not a gain, which is due to the laws of physics of Universal Entropy;
"Again, speculation and fantasy in this age should be well documented."
I do not deny that, we need a line between reality and fantasy, and sadly the elite have done better than ever in our day to intentionally blur that line so that they can deceive so much of the world so immensely and so deeply through such subtle and crafty trickery, to believe science fiction/fantasy/imagination/fable is fact and demonstrable, observable, repeatable, operational fact is science fiction/fantasy/imaginatation/fable.
"... I understand the bad guys plant that shit just to discredit us."
Oh yes, as one who has spent tens of thousands of hours studying and investigating these things, we are at an age where it can be called "Generation Confusion, Delusion, Illusion and Occlusion.
A prominent substacker (forget who now...maybe Igor chukov) questioned the odds of the # of mutations appearing at once. There are benign explanations.. it could be a benign variant that's been flying under the radar all along. But the thought of a white hat researcher occurred to me at first, too. Anything is possible in this crazy world these days!
Yes, beware the next plandemic. Believe it when Gates says the next one will be much worse. He knows. As I wrote four hours ago based on Dr. John Campbell's analysis of the latest figures out of South Africa - this plandemic may be over, but the war is just beginning. https://thegoodcitizen.substack.com/p/the-pandemic-is-over-the-war-is-just/comments
Strongly recommend if you have not had Covid yet may wanna try and catch this strain if possible and if it is truly not dangerous. Just in case something much worse comes out later.
It's time for covid parties. Everyone this holiday should mingle with as many people as possible once the strain starts dominating their area. Sounds like it'll circle the globe fast.
People that can’t handle it needs repurposed drugs availed to them before hand. That’s what so wrong. It should be already in everyone’s pocket just in case.
Totally agree, got plenty of D3, Z, Quercetin, and Horesy Paste (horse noise lol). I don't care I know how to use it. If one good thing has come out of this Sharon its the fact that Ivermectin works on a lot of different ailments. I also try to get a lot of sun (FL) and stay in shape.
Good for you. Lol people love their horses so I don’t blame you. I had the people version prescribed weekly but after 6 month my insurance won’t allow it. It’s ok. I have HCQ and Alinia. Im mad and for good reason. Vax ruined my life 12 years ago. They are not what people think they are. Many have been hurt before this shit. Be healthy - then you’ll never need an injection of any shit. I’m ready for a war at this point. I have grandkids. I’ll go down but not fucking alone. I promise!!
So sorry to hear that. I have been traditionally vax’d and so is everyone I know. It wasn’t until I started listening to Del Bigtree that I realized the huge problem and manipulation in the industry. I used to think “anti vaxxers” were conspiracy kooks. But no worries there’s plenty of people that think I’m a kook to. I wasn’t too out of whack until last year then I started stocking up on certain items.
Still I believe these vaccines go above and beyond what we are accustomed to. This is a whole new level of evil. Usually vax’s and other medical trials are given to a subset of the population. But oh not now it’s humanity in it’s entirety in this experiment. It’s so hard for me to wrap my head around. Please take care!!
You probably already have immunity to coronavirus since it's the common cold/flu (which is what is in medical books before December 2019.) Look up "Dr. Rashid Buttar"... one of the first waves of doctors exposing this profound global fraud.
I caught Covid in October. It didn't knock me down hard, but I knew instantly it wasn't a cold, even before I lost my taste and smell. Something just felt alien about it. Personally, I do think it's manufactured and therefore somewhat different than the common cold.
I agree. My husband and I had it way back in March 2020, and our symptoms were not what was considered "typical" at the time so every doctor I contacted insisted that it definitely wasn't that, and wouldn't even test us. I just KNEW, though, because it was just so WEIRD. When I was finally able to get a T-cell test this year, my belief was confirmed. So much for professional expertise.
You gave me some advice earlier Discepolo and if you will indulge me allow me to share some with you. Telling people Covid is a cold and/or flu or does not actually exist, even if true scientifically, is not going to win hearts and minds. Too many people have experienced it since Delta arrived this summer. I am not saying that you are incorrect but understand the goal is to get people to think critically. You will turn others away if you take that approach. Focus on everything else including that Covid is a lab made bio weapon. Too many people have been sick or had friends/family that were. Just throwing it out there friend.
"You gave me some advice earlier Discepolo and if you will indulge me allow me to share some with you. Telling people Covid is a cold and/or flu or does not actually exist, even if true scientifically, is not going to win hearts and minds."
Thank you for your reply. I will begin with those as the Master teaches; those with the eyes to see and the ears to hear and the hearts to understand who seek the hardest and heaviest truths in this life, are they who will be won over. It will win the hearts and minds of those who are after the hardest and heaviest truths about the profound global mind-boggling, colossal, far reaching Big-Pharma/Big-Medical + Big-Gov + Bankster + Mainstream Media deception, fraud, mental/psychological warfare we are in as part of being dragged into "The Great Reset". Those whose hearts and minds are not won by such, are not obviously not ready for it yet, or want to live in a land of just enough truth that does not interfere with their Goldilocks lifestyle aka lukewarm aka vacillaters aka wavering ones aka fence sitters who want the best of both worlds for they do not have the moral fortitude to be either hot or cold for what truth really means, they want the truth they claim but can't handle the hardest and heaviest truths which only a minority in the world can handle hence why they are treated like outcasts and pariahs in society. Consensus does not determine truth, majority vote does not determine truth, consensus science does not determine truth, f you think it does, that is frightening. Should we vote on if murder is wrong in a society of criminals? But oh, most believe it is not wrong in such a society, so it must be true right? I strongly encourage you to read the following before replying;
"Too many people have experienced it since Delta arrived this summer."
Have experienced what? Severe influenza A or B which has all the exact symptoms? See Dr. Robert Malone, the main inventor of the mRNA technology of which he has his name on a few of the patents, who ever the last year if you watch his interviews, has become disillusioned with the very industry he worked in and loved at one point, and he will show you what DELTA and "ADE" (Antibody Dependent Enhancement) has to do with one another. I would also suggest in Jesus defined love that you check out my twitter profile @IesousDisciple to see the many evidences that puts into serious question the understudied position you have taken.
"I am not saying that you are incorrect but understand the goal is to get people to think critically."
Yes it is to get people to think critically. Your inference that what i am sharing is not causing people to think critically when to those who are well learned in what i'm sharing know full well i am thinking quite more critically than you are able to understand at this point regarding these so important matters and thus am showing others to think quite critically since there is quite the substantiated veracity to what i'm sharing as i'm instructed to by the sole Creator, seemingly you mistake me for not doing that. Here's more factual evidence that your inference (somewhat insulting inference) that what i'm sharing is not getting people to think critically when for you to make this statement is itself evidence of being guilty of not thinking critically, is without substance and hypocritical [no offence];
"... You will turn others away if you take that approach. "
Luke, you mistake me for a rookie in this area, it's understandable if you are a gamer especially. The hardest and heaviest truths are what they are hence why so few choose to carry it, and thus is what turns certain others away for they seek a convenient truth which shows they are not truly after the hardest and heaviest truths in life. I'm commanded by God/Jesus to not compromise truth (which He is the eternal absolute most sublime and transcendent foundation and fountainhead of), to not soften it up, to not sweeten/sugar coat it, to tell it like it is (since it is eternally dangerous to one's spirit and soul and eternally dangerous to other's spirits and souls), to be upfront/forthright/blunt/straightforward/plain"spoken"/ aka manifesting honesty and directness and being without evasion or compromise which is part of walking in truth, communicating in truth thus living in truth. So those who turn away with such an approach, show either they are not ready for it yet, or they are not truly after the hardest and heaviest truths and thus;
Galatians 1:10 - "For do I now persuade men, or God? or do I seek to please men? for if I yet pleased men, I should not be the servant of the Christ."
"..Focus on everything else including that Covid is a lab made bio weapon."
You should really watch the above video by Dr. David Martin before replying to this reply of mine, so you might learn why i will not focus on what you are telling me to focus on not just because of my twenty plus years of diligent, meticulous, deep-digging, competent critical analysis experiential knowledge of indagating the NWO agenda, but also since my probably 1000+ hours by now of studying scam-demic since it began which is part of the NWO agenda, is showing me it is actually yourself focusing on the wrong thing, and thus, you are actually the one not truly thinking as critically as you could be on these matters due to not being demonstrably as well-read on such matters/not being demonstrably as well-read on the scope and range and depth of such matters of such profound deception as others are which in turn is showing you do not discern you are in a house of mirrors and think it is me in the mirror when it is you fellow-truth seeker. I will no more focus on the profound lie that this is a lab made bio-weapon when clearly, there is mountains of compelling evidence that proves otherwise (that evidentially you have yet to consume and digest) which Dr. David Martin above in part lays out a compelling case for also. So because of my heuristic laborious, lucubrating, time-consuming, tiring, comparative analysis and investigation of competing narratives to discover where the hardest and heaviest truths lie which many won't touch because like Jesus teaches most are not after the hardest and heaviest truths since they love the world more than truth,i am not going to be one that promotes such a counter-disinformation narrative of the Wuhan leak theory narrative. Again, you mistake me for being understudied on such matters, i honourably and truly request you take the below wisdom in mind by William Paley before your next reply, by reviewing what i have presented so you may get up to speed as to why you are not as well informed on such matters as you believe you are.
“…Contempt prior to examination is an intellectual vice, from which the greatest faculties of mind are not free.” -William Paley, 1859 A.D.
"Too many people have been sick or had friends/family that were. Just throwing it out there friend."
Fellow truth seeker, if you spend the time to actually learn from doctors like Dr. Scott Jenson [35+ year Neurosurgeon, trained in infectious disease and more, who was a Minnesota Senator but lost that when he spoke out] who is specialised to know they are calling the flu "sars-cov-2" AND who further revealed the American Medical Association is forcing a great myriad of doctors in the USA to LIE on the death certificate to claim someone died of "sars-cov-2" when they did *not*, and if you took the time to learn who Dr. Kary Mullis is who *invented the RT-PCR technique/process, who won a Nobel Prize for it in 1993, which he himself NEVER called it a "test" in his work and interviews on video before he died in August 2019 where he made abundantly clear that his invention of the RTPCR was strictly to replicate DNA millions and billions of times for experimental purposes and that it was NEVER designed to diagnose for viral infections* [think about that long and hard], and if you took the time to learn who Dr. Ardis is and watch his material, you'd learn what those too many people have been sick with and why they are actually dying in hospitals which is *not* because of this phantom sars-cov-2. If this was a bio-weapon made in a lab, it sure has done a poor job of murdering the so many claimed to have died from it as the real data shows.
Further , if you actually investigate the factual data of deaths per year of supposed sars-cov-2, you will find the numbers are being profoundly ballooned and cooked to make it look like so so many more caught and/or died of this supposed sars-cov-2 than what actually happened and you will see this is *not* a pandemic whatsoever, but it sure is a plandemic and a panic-demic and a pandemic of incontestable mind-boggling, global, ineffable colossal spiritual and psychological mind-control warfare of utterly wickedly evil deception and lies which is all part of the rise of and realisation of the NWO / Antichrist kindgom.
I seriously implore you to really take the time to carefully, competently, critically and diligently investigate these things out with sound scrutiny before replying, and i ask you that in all due honour and ultimately in the name of who the eternal absolute most sublime transcendent foundation and fountainhead of truth is.
You are obviously a deep thinker and a great write. I respect that wholeheartedly. To keep it simple all I was saying is telling the masses that there is no Covid or is does not exist will probably not be a winning strategy if your goal is to indeed win them over. Again, you may be correct, I am not debating that with you.
I have never been very religious even though I was just accused of it by another writer. I have started to try and find God though lately. If all this evil exists there must be light......God Bless!!
Hey Luke, I appreciate how you respond. Just to give you hope, you do not have to look for God as his common grace is providing every good thing you enjoy. If you want to know God, try the Bible and the gospel of Mark. It gets to how God the Father through His Son, Jesus Christ confronted evil on earth so those who placed their complete trust in him by turning away from the evil in their own life, can have eternal life.
Hope you learn as I did at age 43 that we need to address your own less than moral excellence also known as sin first before looking at evil in others.
Agree with you on Power. It is human nature to resist relinquishing power. Makes me wonder what sort of "force" will be required to give up the all-powerful emergency use authorizations our leaders revel.
I used to love transformers, now i understand what it was all about, one of the zillions of elitist seeding agendas to allow us to accept their eventual unrestrained rule over us.
It is true that it is the nature of man to resist relinquishing power, but not all man seeks this when such man and wombman seek to serve their sole Creator above all rather than serve themselves which is the essence of diabolism/satanism. What sort of "force"will be required? For me, i believe this with my whole being for i know it to be inescapably true, God/Jesus will have to step in since only He can stop what His arch-nemesis has planned as the Book of Revelation lays out, since seeking a man-centred solution will ultimately fail hence why man ought to trust ultimately in the only imperfect being that exists where nothing happens on this earth and universe but by His decision. My God teaches to expose and resist evil every second of one's life and do all that one can by His instruction, to combat evil, and He will bless us with some victories of this immense spiritual, mental and physical battle if it be part of His will by seeking Him to fight for us, but ultimately only He can stop the powers that be in this war of life.
I’ll second that plus a tip I got for a friends who’s husband is leaving pharmaceutical company predicts smallpox is our way after New Year. They can’t let it alone. Profits too good and the power it gives isn’t something they are ready to cave in on just yet.
The C19 shots have caused harm in the short term and look like they will have weakened individuals and whole communities to the point where this may not be reversible. So I agree with you that we should remain very cautious about declaring victory over whatever C19 actually is. The shots have primed people for harm done from exposure to weaker viral threats. The high-vax-rate places are more vulneable, now, than the low-vax-rate places and the global experiment continues apace.
79.9% of US Omicron Infections are in the Jabbed ! CDC's weekly report....now let the spin begin! Apparently Omicron is very mild....like a common cold. More Jabs needed,of course!
Exactly, there probably working on something right now. Fugazi fraudci will be on cnn saying how dangerous it is and make sure to make family members to bring there vax cards to enter you're house on Christmas. Fauci 4 prison 22
Exactly. I have always suspected these variants are staged releases to placate then drop the hammer as needed. The real problem will be the last release which rolls over the vaxxed to prep for martial law, digital currency, no cash and gold / gun confiscation. All for our safety. The WEF has a plan and it does not include your health or well being. RESIST.
Thank you. I really appreciate what you wrote. I have a whole stack of similar comments from the CCP/PLA (most of them confirmed) in line with this.
Do you think he is genuine and is giving a warning or is this reverse propaganda? I am well aware that the US is completely untrustworthy but I also recognize that the CCP aren't exactly the nicest people on Earth either. I would greatly appreciate any insight you have.
Sure thing! For what it’s worth Bannon says Miles has been correct about a lot of things. Idk when this vid call occurred but a few months ago Miles said he was in contact w a CCP source who claimed Artemisinin (a wormwood extract) is the antidote to both virus & 1-2 jabs. He says there are 4 other antidotes to the virus, one of which is advanced nanoparticle tech being used by the CCP elites & Chinese athletes. Also that there were beneficial jabs & poisonous jabs which the Chinese gov used to take out “undesirables.” He was pretty specific in his findings & most of it made sense to me. I can’t say whether I trust him completely (his supposed mission is to take down the CCP) but so far he seems a force of good…his website is constantly updated: https://gnews.org/category/guo_us/
Yeah didn’t they say this exact same thing about delta?
I’ve been optimistic a few times during this. Double masking is jumping the shark! People will wake up. They didn’t. Same for breakthrough infections, the cdc admitting vaccines don’t stop prevention, second dose sickness, the IFR being so much lower than expected....none of it made a difference. The propaganda machine churned on. All that good news was buried and lies were believed.
I’m a naturally optimistic person so this isn’t like me but I just don’t see omicron ending this. The media will just lie again and people will believe it.
Everyone I know is getting boosters. I’ve never been this pessimistic in my life. I just don’t see how it’ll all end. I’ve spoken up, defied mandates, written letters, gone to protests and nothing has helped.
I probably need to sell my house and leave Oregon right? It’s so fucking sad. I’m from a working class family, lived in apartments my whole life, but I worked hard and saved and bought a sweet little house in a great neighborhood. I don’t want to leave, I love the mountains and the rivers and the forests, but I don’t know what else to do.
Fuck. Sorry. This is tmi I know. If someone out there feels realistically optimistic I’d love to hear it.
I can understand how you feel. Consider moving to Middle Tennessee. Tennessee is a free state. We moved from Northern CA seven years ago. If you don't live in Nashville, which is expensive, you can find some relatively cheap places. We live about an hour from Nashville in a rural but very nice town. Prices are going up here, but I think it's still reasonable. Lots of people moving here in the last year or so. We have lots of water...creeks, springs, and plenty of rain. My husband and I own 21 acres, with creeks on three sides, and a spring on one side. We just put in a greenhouse. I'm so happy we made the move.
My parents moved here ages ago and bought 40 acres, after I was grown. So when my husband and I were talking about getting out of California, we thought about Tennessee. My college room mate also lived here. I never imagined Covid, but we are very lucky we are here and not in CA now. You should check it out.
Vernon, I know what you mean. For a while there were moments almost every day that I thought "Ok, well THIS is it. No one can actually believe in the narrative after this [news story/chart/study]" but it does seem that there's a sunk cost thing happening with folks who believe the narrative. I don't know what it would take for them to pull out from it at this point.
Have you looked into the legal activist community? I actually just saw someone named "Vernon" on one of those TG channels. It takes a lot of work and study, but you can start to fight mandates and overreach at the local level. There are a lot of folks from Oregon on some of those channels.
I live in beautiful WI where it's normal everywhere but the socialist Republic of Madison where they still have a mask mandate. It's cold here in the winter but lovely 9 months out of the year. Up north is paradise. And you don't have to pay $500K for a decent home.
I have a friend in Oregon who has put her house up for sale and they are moving to NH in January. (Lived there for decades) Nowhere is perfect but there are a lot of freedom lovers there.
Tennessee has no state income tax, but we do have sales tax. Property tax is very low. Land still relatively cheap in many areas. We are an hour from Nashville, which is attracting big tech :( so property prices here are going up.
A likely scenario I hear is Fauci retiring as the House turns red in 2022. Dr Malone said recently the end game, if we can call it that, is when the R’s have enough House and Senate committees to “go after Fauci’s scalp.”
Perhaps…but hard to believe we won’t see a lot of avoidable drama in the meantime.
Wish you the best with your employment. I’m feeling lucky my employer has gone silent after promising a policy in mandates for months.
I’m in Oregon too, moved here a few yrs ago from NC. My family has always been into health & wellness (sis was twice vaxx injured as a child) so any imposition from the med mafia is a nightmare for us.
I take comfort in the fact that eastern OR hasn’t bought into the fear & neither have most ppl I know here. But a group text from college friends excitingly talking about jabbing their kids took me over the edge. One works at google, these are smart ppl but they obviously haven’t done a deep dive. Ok, I get it, most ppl don’t have time & still trust the “authorities”. I didn’t even know where to start w what I know. It’s scary stuff & it’s taken me a long time to process but I just don’t even know what to say to them anymore, it feels like we’re on opposite tracks & there’s no going back.
Then there are those who just intuitively knew something was awry- that’s a good tribe to be a part of but we’re scattered everywhere. Our Trump loving mechanic saw it coming & left for AZ 2 yrs ago bc he said ppl had gone crazy. We’re trying to unplug from the system as much as possible so if it ever feels too hostile there’s the option to leave. One thing I’ve noticed here is the slack mentality so I don’t see them getting too authoritarian. There are a few restaurants in PDX requiring proof of jab but that hasn’t caught on in the burbs. My hope is that the jab virtue signaling is just another trend that will wear off soon. But if moving ever starts feeling like the right thing Idaho & Montana are nearby & the nature there is also spectacular.
Your comment really resonated with me. I too have friends giving their kids the jab and it’s disturbing.
But just last night I found out my best friend was successful in getting her ex to back off vaccinating their seven year old son! That cheered me so much.
Yes, I have such a revulsion I feel physically sick just thinking about it, & my nephew in NY is in the next age group they’re targeting. My sis’s partner is very pro-vax & an all-around moron.
Even one child being spared really lifts my spirits, thanks for sharing!
Literally, my entire family (aside from hubby) is jabbed. We have a bunch of firefighters, teachers, my son works in an ER, my sisters all have comorbidities, etc. So far, I have been able to head off a few boosters and one kid jab by just asking them to wait until I can send them some scientific studies. I have been careful not to send a plethora all at once. I have also sent only the research studies, no articles or opinions. It seems to be helping to delay them to give them pause to reconsider. I'm hopeful. I understand the reasoning for my sisters jabs -- but not my young, fit, healthy family members.
I feel for you and share your sentiment. As an entrepreneur, I'm a very optimistic kinda person -- however, I too thought the madness would wake up more ppl to the madness. I have some extended family in Oregon and what a mess that state has become. I'm in CA, and what a mess this state has become (although the writing on the wall in this state has been in the making for quite some time, I've mostly been in denial). We made the decision to move seeing that we cannot control our environment but we can control where we go. It's a tragedy. It really is. Most of my immediate family is here, and we just had a new born so the making of the decision was difficult. My brother recently moved to Nevada and it's only slightly better than CA.
I'm in Las Vegas. I don't recommend it anymore. The only reason I've ever recommended it is the weather and the ability to live a normal existence out in the suburbs and unconnected to any of the state's more notorious businesses. Cost of living has always been reasonable as well. Contemplating moving south (Phoenix area) or east to Florida.
Yep I'm in Las Vegas also.its become pretty bad.still a mask mandate and a Newsome clone governor. I've also thought about az and Fla. Way to many Californians moved here.
I don't wear a mask. I keep one in my bag in case I run into one of those just-not-worth-it situations, but I don't put it on. At the door at Walmart, I wave it at the gal/guy, cruise by, and put it back in my purse. In Costco, I put it on at the door and as soon as I'm a few feet inside, I hang it off one ear for the duration. Smith's, Albertson's, Walgreen's, the gym, it never comes out of my bag. No one has said a word to me, though a few have looked like they'd like to. I'm absolutely disgusted by all the sheeple all over town masked up 24/7. Another reason I'd like to move on.
Lol the bee keeper or welding shield are my favorite always a good laugh.i walk in with the dumb thing on then take it off for probably 90 pct of time . I'm a sales rep in all those stores you mentioned so sometimes I've had to wear it.have had to be careful got kicked out of a few stores last yr.just time for this garbage to be over .
We got out of CA 5 years ago. Bought the house and property in Tennessee 7 years ago. Sometimes things work out. I have lots of friends in CA, but am making friends here in Middle Tennessee. You can wear a mask if you want here, and if you don't want you don't have to. No one says a thing. And the gov says medical decisions are between you and your doctor, not the government.
Also in Oregon, so I feel your pain. Vaxx mandate came down at work. If it actually happens, sounds like I have three or four months left of employment. Probably going to have to leave my home state sometime after that. Maybe a year later? As others have said, there are places in Oregon that are less ridiculous, but they are all still subject to Kate Brown and OSHA's whims, including a permanent mask mandate.
We've been pretty much back to normal here in Indiana for several months. In the past week, I've been to the office Christmas party (no masks, tests or social distancing), jury duty (no social distancing and nobody asked me to wear a mask), and live music (semi-outdoors with good ventilation). This is in Indy, a metro of almost a million people. My impression is that outside hospitals, universities and a few very blue areas, this is the norm in the Midwest and Appalachia.
Its a very hardtime to be optimistic. One thing that's helped me is to take a weekend trip. Go somewhere they have moved past the fear mongeringand recharge. Any free state or I'd you want to stay in Oregon try baker city. Mask use around 50 percent even with statewide mandate. Went to the other side of the state last week for the first time since 2019 and was as pessimistic as I've been since this started. You aren't alone, not even close. Hang in there bud
The difference is that Delta is clearly dangerous and only a fool would want to get it. Omicron seems tolerable in comparison. Not that I'm volunteering, mind you, but I've heard that women with German measles have deliberately given one another the disease so that when they got pregnant down the line they would be immune, and not infect their children in utero, which would be lethal in many cases.
I'm seeing a split in acquaintances over the boosters. Some are eager to get it and say it is like the flu shot. Others have said no way are they getting it. I understand Germany in the 30s and 40s so much better. I have been disappointed in how many people swallow propoganda like it's water and are willing to demonize others.
You're preaching to the choir. I tried pointing that out but could see they didn't want to hear it so backed off. I'm going with - your body your choice, just stay off of mine. I just read a book about having impossible conversations but so far I'm lousy at it so I'm going to continue to practice :-)
Right??? I'm stunned myself when I look at where I stand now versus a year ago and even more shocking two years ago. The book was recommended to me "How to have Impossible Conversations: A practical guide" by Peter Boghossian. What I've gotten from it is to build rapport and only ask questions - not tell them what is patently obvious to you. Like I said, I stink at it so far but hope to improve.
The conclusion that this will end tyranny is logical and based in science. It's ridiculous to think either logical or science have any power right now.
I doubt Fauci, the medical complex or the current administration will stop their push for everyone to be vaccinated If this was about health care and science they would never have started vaccinating children. There is another agenda, e.g. control of the masses through medical tyranny, that is driving this. It has take. These evil forces twenty years to li d this up, they are not going to let a little thing like truth or real observable scientific truth get in the way.
Yes. The oligarchs are in a race against the Awakening. Each day, more people become aware of the epic deceptions, and each day the chances of continuing the deceptions grow slimmer.
As the Awakening grows, the tyranny increase in response, which only increase the number of those who awaken.
They are trapped in a negative feedback loop now, one that inevitably spells their demise.
Yes they're definitely in a race against people awakening to the multiple deceptions and they're forced to go harder. Don't believe they expected the vaccines to fail so rapidly on both efficacy and safety (reckon they thought they'd have wrapped up their mission by the time failure arrived). So we have a chance. Please God let us not lose it.
Imagine that. The world economy destroyed, children marred forever, lost count of actual flu stats, vaccines have been changed forever and America has shown a great weakness to the world. Thanks China and Trump haters, was it really worth it? BTW you destroyed the democratic party for a longggg time.
Destroyed the democratic party? Um, no - they just stole a national election and are ramming everything down our throats, while emptying our pockets! I'd say everything is going according to plan, and it's past time for us to start revolting!
Now if only we could get half my family on team reality. They refuse to meet with us for Christmas since we won’t get our kid vaxxed. They are terrified of the omicron variant. At least it means we have less events this Christmas, lol. Thankfully the family we are closest with have been living life like normal since may 2020
I think I have the omicron variant right now. Anyway, I have a cold. No big deal. It's like any other cold. A mild fever, which I enjoy, because I'm often too cold, so this feels welcome, even luxurious, for me. Plus I feel sluggish, sleepy, and have a runny nose. I hope I do have it! I consider it healthy to get a cold once in a while. Keeps my immune system tuned up.
Way back when I was a kid, before there was any such thing as a vaccine for chicken pox, we used to have chicken pox parties enabling us to catch it and get it behind us forever with nothing more than a bit of short term inconvenience. Now it's your turn, Truthbird. Will you please throw an omicron party and invite me to attend while you're still contagious?!
I'd love to! By the way, I had chicken pox when I was a kid, too. That was no big deal. I had mumps, too. Ditto. My brother had the measles. Ditto. No one was terrified of any of these viruses back then (the 1960s.)
I had mumps, measels, chicken pox etc. I’m 54 and had that real shit until they mandate shots for me to get a masters degree. 48 fuckin hours later my life was ruined. I’m telling anyone and everyone. Please don’t believe these psychos. Vax are not the bomb. If your at risk that’s one thing. Most are not!!
I know of a couple of those cases. Turns out the Measles, Mumps and Pertussis editions by...2006? cause/caused serious shedding and can infect other children (haven't heard about the Rubella...), and 2006 is when they said those shots were only "good for" 6 months over at District Health. So, Pharma has gained some real-world data on the vaccination by proximity to dissemination concepts that are in the literature.
Yes. After I was injured. Mandated to get MMR and HepB to get a master degree. I learned so much cause I was suffering so much. Dr Meryl Nass taught me so much. She is very smart and has an honest medical opinion that everyone should listen to before injecting their children!! Our government and big pharma are just making me bet at our perils
And not only that. Measels would have been irradiated if we did nothing. Let it run it’s course. It’s a human disease (unlike Covid from a bat - that man manufactured). It would have gone like the Black Plague etc without a vax to keep it going
How do you know what you have? All the viruses have the same 10-15 symptoms. I do not believe it is possible to tell one from another....that has been medicine's long time running hoax.
There's definitely a cold going around so I'd test so you know. Got a cold that had identical symptoms to Omicron...but I tested myself a shit ton and it never came positive.
I've never had a test for covid and I don't intend to do so now! Besides, I don't trust any of the tests to be accurate. As far as I'm concerned, those tests are just theatre. And I honestly don't care if what I have is the omicron variant or just some garden-variety cold.
There aren't any tests with any accuracy, the Rapid test isn't accurate either. Two of the hallmarks of Covid-19 early on is a bad headache and a truly Profound loss of smell, it is unlike any other smell blunting by colds or flu. It is turning out the "Omicron" isn't a thing, Dr. Cowen's video explains, below. It's playing out well for the Pharma Barons that some 17,000 rather delayed reports of "cases" from September/October in S. Africa were conveniently dumped into the public stats concomitantly with the "Omicron" case report. This video is worth watching; I wish the Botswana doctor's chart notes were made available, but what the lab did with the sample... omigosh.
Colds are making a comeback. My husband and I are on the tail end of one and our boy in another town has one. We've all had Covid so we know it's just a cold (and dr hubs HAD to get tested.)
Truthbird, my experience, and collecting others' stories - you will now if you get the ccp fauXi gates virus. Especially the Profound loss of smell, headache starting out. I do understand what you are saying about some fever though, lol
I got the original version of covid in February 2020, including the loss of taste and smell. I was sick in bed for about a week, and I had noticeable post-viral fatigue for several weeks after that. It was like an atypical flu - a whole host of symptoms, which presented themselves one after another for a week.
Unfortunately, for terrible reasons I can't begin to describe here, I got vaxed (Pfizer) in March / April 2021, and became extremely sick after getting the second dose, I remained extremely sick for months, and I have lasting neurological damage from that horrific experience. The Pfizer poison injection adverse reaction was the worst sickness I've ever experienced in my entire life, by many orders of magnitude.
OMG, truthbird, I am so sorry. What a hell nightmare. Thank you for explaining. I see unknowing doctors telling their patients that with the "natural" immunity from the created virus, plus shots they then will have the best of both, but it doesn't work out that way. I know of two people who did the same; one of them a longtime friend who passed 3 weeks after the 2nd shot from abrupt organ failures - I had begged her, showed her the papers... but her kids prevailed.
To my surprise, because it was said there's nothing that can be done once jabbed, I'm seeing some people getting significant improvement from injuries, even from paralysis using IVM &/or HCQ protocols. FLCCC/AFLDS has a couple and consults if there is no one within reasonable distance of you. There are a couple doctors on my side of the state working on setting up specialty practice to take care of the injured.
I don't know how you recover from that. It would be really hard for me if my family shunned me. That's not yet happened. I'm kinda hoping my brother finds out I'm not vaxxed so he won't come, lol!
Looks like we are going to find out if the last two years has really been about public health and saving lives, or something else like maybe a new world order or something like that.
This is only when everyone becomes less obedient to the cause. If you dont get any Christmas presents this season or next is because Santa Claus will be having mulitlple adverse reactions.
Very possible. From most portraits of him, he is clearly elderly and morbidly obese. It's likely that he has multiple co-morbidities. Diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease. And living at the North Pole doesn't help with Vitamin D from the lack of sunlight. Christ! The examples we set for our children! Hey, that reminds me of another. I mean, really, is a carpenter so misguided that he manages to get himself nailed to wood, is that maximal irony or what? 🤡
Seeing CNN and the Liberal media is great at Making up False stories. Don Lemon 🍋 should find out when Fauci and Collins was on Jeffrey Toobin Epstein Airplane. How often and for how many weeks.
It was in the Netherlands before SA and the WEF had Omicrom listed on their web in July. It’s not from SA. They’re trying to play that cause their vax rate is low.
National institute for public health and environment found Omicrom in test samples in Netherlands in early November. Also the people who tested positive in SA were diplomats who were tested cause they flew into SA.
Keep u and your baby protected. FYI. Look up the HepB vax they’ll try to give your baby 24 hours after birth. There is no need for it. HepB is a sexual transmitted disease. No need for your baby!!
I'm thankful to have been a student midwife in a past life and know about this. I have a homebirth midwifery team who gives informed consent about everything. Now it's just convincing my husband that some of these things are unnecessary! 🙏💗
this data is why Pfizer has gone into overdrive last few days, lying their ass off that the 3rd shot, the 4th shot, the Nth shot is needed to control Omicron.
If this is the true state of the virus, then its progression might be following that of the 1918 flu. It lasted about two years, and we are at about that time in this one.
On the other hand, Geert Vanden Bosche predicts further variants arising from vaccine-induced mutations to the Omicron variant. He has been accurate so far in his predictions. Hopefully, he will be wrong this time.
I think his model doesn't take into account variants that are completely naive from the existing population, and vaccine immunity doesn't seem to be conferring much benefit for Omicron (despite reports to the contrary). It's just so mild in general that the spin is that the vaccine helps (though really....does it or is the variant just far less pathogenic to everyone?).
I think if Omicron didn't exist then his model is accurate (and a paper released this week showed that indeed vaccinated communities are breeding vaccine resistant strains of Delta). But we're essentially starting immunity all over again but with a weak ass variant.
So we'll all get real herd immunity. Thus the end of the pandemic.
Do you have a link to this paper? “and a paper released this week showed that indeed vaccinated communities are breeding vaccine resistant strains of Delta”
Real herd immunity from Omicron is an optimistic but plausible endpoint. If I understand correctly, that is how the 1918 pandemic wound down. It is yet to be seen if we follow that path. Dr. Vanden Bosche's concern was that if we target Omicron with a new vaccine, we could produce a variant that would not only evade all vaccines to date, but could evade previously gained natural immunity. He has stated that if such an event were to occur, the pandemic would restart as if from the beginning because we would be facing a novel virus never before seen by the human race. That would put the planet back to square one.
I do wonder what vectors the elite will use when it's apparent that this incredibly infectious variant has spread to everyone. The rate of infection in South Africa is incredible. It's spread so fast that it's likely the documented infection count dwarfs the actuals since the symptoms are so cold-like.
So with that same rate holding true globally I don't see how Omicron doesn't spread like wildfire in most of Europe and parts of the US. For us we're still spread out enough that I think transmission will linger for a while, but it will be apparent in Europe very quickly that it's not deadly.
Trutufully they can only have a new vaccine ready for Omicron by April at the earliest. By then it would have spread to the majority of cities, and there might not even be a demand for vaccines.
However, all of these truths are contingent on what people actually think...and whether governments can successfully continuing the fear pumped up. If they can then it doesn't really matter....
By every account, omicron causes mild cold symptoms and no death. Omicron is the attenuated (weakened, live) virus vaccine we've been waiting for. Omicron is the better vaccine for acquiring robust and durable natural immunity without much risk.
We should be watching for friends and extended family who catch omicron and immediately organize omicron parties to spread it quickly among everyone --- vaccinated and unvaccinated alike, especially children, if they have not yet recovered to acquire natural immunity.
Too analytical and public health oriented Alex. The power elite hasn't bothered with either of those things for 21 months, and a good majority of people still believe the propaganda. No way they are giving up now. It will take a fight to end the scamdemic.
Although this is good news, I wouldn't hold my breath. Despite any and all good news in the last 2 years, the official narrative has not changed: 1) that Covid is a deadly plague for ALL ages, 2) the RNA vaccines are the only salvation.
There are about 50% of the populace that are total stupid sheep. Like livestock, they will never stop unless the powers to be decide to change the official narrative.
How to stretch this plandemic to November 2024? That is the question plaguing the basement-dwelling globalist Great Rest social planners noting the plummeting "likes" for American Democrats and the growing probability that Americans will again be the country to turn the tide of a great war back to democracy, freedom and liberty.
I don't think many realize that we are fighting WW-III right now, and COVID has always been just another nuclear weapon where the fallout continues to dismantle humanity as it existed before.
I was at brunch with 9 other people today. Most, if not all, know that I have not gotten the not-a-vaccine. However, one of the more vocal of the group decided to spout off about everyone should be getting the not-a-vaccine and the boosters and are putting their lives in danger. Others agreed. I was at the other end of the table and stayed silent because we've had this discussion before and it's not worth trying to explain my reasoning. He especially just talks over me and shoots me down. If he tries again, maybe I'll ask him if he thinks his 300+ plus weight is healthy.
There are going to be some seriously disappointed people when this virus blows over and I'm not talking about just Falsi and his ilk.
You should bring up his weight. I'm sick of 400 lb people thinking because they are vaxxed they will survive covid while the person who eats right and has a average bmi will die.
Great information we would NEVER have access to if not for Alex Berenson. Sounds like Alex is a great candidate for a legitimate Nobel Peace Prize. Thank you Mr. Berenson!
This is great news, which can go either way (1) The whole charade collapses, life reverts to 'normal' but where is the jail capacity to lock up all the fear-porn merchants?, (2) The ruling elite double down on their incessant studipily as they have invested a lot in getting the vaxed their 'passports' - they still need 100% jabbed so they get the passports as it's a requirement for the Social Credit System. I sincerely hope it's Option (1)..........
Oh c'mon. You are being a conspiracy theorist. Remember, both the FBI and the CDC are going to investigate those 15 vials labelled "smallpox" found at the Merck Facility. Merck of course is largely controlled by Bill Gates.
And if you cannot trust Bill Gates, the CDC, and the FBI, whom can you trust?
Just listened to the Steve Kirsch interview wt Robert Malone and the topic of Omicron came up. There is a thought it may have been released by someone with good intentions.
I was hypothesizing that it could be a way for the elite to end the pandemic....but the media spin and government freak out suggests otherwise. They're if anything trying to hide information that it's far less deadly and only focusing on contagion (as if that's automatically a bad thing).
So I think this was a legit variant that's just been breeding for a long time in Africa but was undetected due to wide spread IVM use and lack of virus monitoring in large proportions of the continent. We only noticed it in South Africa due to testing, but it could have been spreading (and originated) in much poorer parts of the continent.
The elite didn't see it coming...no one did. They're freaking out BECAUSE if it spreads and people realize it's far less deadly then it's potentially game over for this scheme they've created. They can't create a vaccine fast enough before the majority of the population gets the virus, and people aren't tolerating lockdowns anymore.
And the media and the vaccine obsessed will say "SEE! The vaccine is working! Symptoms are mild in vaccinated individuals!".
I've had multiple friends and family who are vaccinated recently catch covid, go through the common symptoms and express "thanks to the vaccine, my symptoms aren't terrible and I'm not dying". I try to kindly remind them that this is how COVID was before the vaccines for the vast majority of people.
These people are nuts. It’s in US and in the vax more than anyone. It’s called ADE or the like. Why would anyone at this point keep jacking that shit in their body. Time to start a war if we are made to do that. I’m serious.
You know better. What is the recourse and how do we get the government, and big Pharma to admit that vaccines are causing higher than normal all-cause mortality?
This is a huge liability that people must be able to use against the corporate killers.
This SHOULD be the optimistic and feel good news that heralds us into the holiday season but I fear it will dwindle and go the way of other sound and logical data. I want to be hopeful. I really do but I have a crushing feeling that the Build Back Better Billionaires have other ideas. Too many freedoms have been taken away. Too many lives have been ruined. Too much control has been exerted and too much has gone unchallenged. A line has been crossed - globally. And you don’t come back from the same way you went in. My only question is where do we go from here and what lies behind the curtain?
So I just watched the Sex and the City reboot, which expressly is set in a post covid world, with my wife and when Mr.Big had a heart attack after riding his Peleton bike hard, guess what I thought of? Especially since they also have another character who mentions in passing that she is feeling out of it after her booster. Am I too hopefully that the writers were trying to communicate something lol?
41%?! Any way to find out what the 4 out of 5 deaths that weren’t attributed to COVID were? I’d be willing to bet a large portion of them are cardiac-related …
Since 85.5% of The Netherlands is considered “fully vaxxed” (at least by the current definition), the likelihood is high that the remaining 4 out of 5 (or even 5 out of 5) were predominantly vaxxed:
There is good news folks. The FDA said they will release their covid data in 75 years. So please go out and get the jabs. Make sure to your 5 year old vaxxed too. To help slow the spread. Just two more weeks. We’re all in this together. The government is looking out for our best interests.
Oddly enough, I had been saying this to friends and family last week. It was great news, less lethal more transmissible variant taking over in normal mutation replacing the last one.
It is not going to stop them trying to force the death jab though.
My littlest grandson just tested positive yesterday. Funny, he’s healthy than he’s been in last year cause of mask. He’s not sick at all. I’m his grandmother who he lives with. Totally against vax cause they injured me 12 years ago. I’m I’m good meds that I trust (we all know what I’m talking about). This shit needs to stop now and this above 50 lady will prove that once again.
Also, Omicron did NOT start in South Africa. It was in Scotland and Europe before SA did the work on it. Norway (oslo) has three super-spreader events all in vaccinated and say they can't control it. It got into Botswana courtesy of four fully vaccinated diplomats, and has spread to 57 countries courtesy of vaccinated people in airplanes.
One can only hope this is the end. But so far this is what I've seen from "experts" and "leaders" since Omicron made it's debut is literally this: "Omicron likely evades the vaccine, so get more vaccines!"
Not that it's the first nonsensical edict since this mess started, but they are increasingly and glaringly illogical, and people seem to still follow the Fauci. Er. "Science."
Anyone here quietly holding PFE, MRNA, AZN, JNJ, GILD, BNTX, and/or NVAX might think about selling NOW. The tertiary stocks: Adobe, Zoom, delivery services etc. will be fine. New spending and lifestyle patterns have emerged. The truth is - we don't need jabs. Hold the line my good friends.
A cynical person would say they fired all of the healthcare workers who wouldn’t get vaccinated To create the very scenario we now have, some overcrowded hospitals because doctors, nurses and other staff, last year’s heroes were quitting,
Rather than get jabbed for a disease they already had and for which they now have immunity.
Everyone has been grilled to believe in the shit. Del Bigtree is right. I favor DR Meryl Nass. Either way- they know what’s going on. RFK Jr is the bomb and many say he’s crazy. Well I was injured and because of that I’m now crazy too. I don’t care. I know the real deal. Lived it been there. Everyone needs to wake up and save the next generation from these psychopaths
We know Omicron is milder and can present like a cold. Do not doubt that Fauci/Collis/Gates will look to release another virus. Dems will never let Covid end in 2021 due to the midterms. They are evil.
i gotta admit. i've given in to despair. when john ioannidis said the ifr was roughly 0.25%, give or take, i genuinely thought ok we're done. everyone is gonna breathe a huge sigh of relief and come to their senses. alas, that was not to be. since then, we've had numerous studies on the failures of lockdown and school closures. dozens of crt on masks, showing how ineffective they are. it's like screaming into the wind. the powers that be don't care about data, or studies, or science. and a majority are still so controlled by them that they are willing to risk their own kids. so while i am grateful for the likes of kirsch and berenson and others, i am no longer optimistic we will ever leave this madness. the powers that be took too much money and power from this to give it up. perhaps the deepest reason why they will never give this up is they also just get off on jerking the rest of us around
Thank you Alex, please keep doing what you're doing. It is almost impossible to get these types of stories in Australia and our mandates just keep getting worse!
I wonder what the malignant troll that heads up the NIAID will come up with now. I’m pretty sure it will be well thought out and of course based on science.
Thank you for the post, Alex. In my heart, I really want this to be true. Rationally thinking though, I do not think this will be the end because it's not about Covid anymore. The bureaucrats and politicians are too far in the mess they created and they will never admit that they made a mistake. The only option for them is to keep going and "eliminate the control group" ...
In Austria people who refuse the vaccines will possibly get sentenced to jail eventually (if they do not pay the fines associated with the refusal). In Germany soon something very similar will play out as well. In Australia people are sent to Covid camps against their will (even if they test negative, but they were "exposed" to Covid). In Canada, unvaccinated people are not able to even travel by train, plane, or ship. They literally can not leave their own country (not even mentioning all domestic vaccine passport measurements).
I might be negative about this, but I do not see why governments suddenly would give back to people all their freedoms, and why politicians would give up their power of making any decisions they want without any opposition (emergency period). Once they stop, they will be accountable for all decisions they made which costed many many lives.. Are they going to take responsibility for that? I do not think so. They have blood on their hands. The only option left: keep going until they can..
Eventually the "machine will break" because it is not a sustainable way of governing, but until that a lot of worse things can go down.
Again, I truly hope that your prediction will play out. But I rather take these news with a grain of salt, so in case of tripping I do not hit myself too hard :) .
By the way, Pandemia is fantastic. Thank you very much for putting all the work and write such a well detailed and incredible book. I can only recommend it to everyone who hasn't bought it yet.
This is precisely why the UK has brought in new restrictions. They want to slow the spread of Omicron... Not to save lives, but to get as many people taking their boosters as possible, before they begin to realise they've been had.
Now I have to return all my rhinestone studded masks I bought my fellow Hall Monitors for non-denominational, Winter Solstice, outdoor, safe-distanced, Festivus.
Is omicron the eye of the storm?
I want to be optimistic, but the powermongering elite are not just going to let go of the control they have gained.
Beware the next lab leak.
I’m in the middle of The Real Anthony Fauci. I read it after Pandemia. I highly recommend it. Fauci needs to be in prison. I seriously believe you are correct
I agree with you 100%. People need to read both books! Fauci is the personification of evil.
Yup, and to think the Pfizer CEO says 3 more shots should do it!?!? WTF?
He already knows Omicron is the COVID killer. SARS-COV-2 is burning itself out....that's what viruses do!
Phizer ceo has said everyone should have yearly prescription for the jab . All part of the plan pharma running healthcare not to cure no money in that ,just like cancer. Heart disease you name it. Malthusian thinking not enough resources so if that’s the true then it’s to many people.
According to RxList...Pfizer's Comirnaty( Clotshot) is only available by Prescription....It's Interesting how all the pieces come together if one is willing to look beyond their TV news.
Maybe this will change their mind first fauci then pharma. December 11, 2021 5:18 pm
Another criminal complaint has been filed against the Globalists who are responsible for mass murder and genocide through the COVID-19 scam and bioweapon injections. The Exposé in the UK reports that a complaint has been filed with the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court for "violations of the Nuremberg Code, crimes against humanity, war crimes and crimes of aggression perpetrated against the peoples of the UK." This case is in addition to the one that German Attorney Reiner Fuellmich will soon be conducting that is being referred to as "Nuremberg 2.0." We have also reported that criminal charges have been filed in a court of law in India against Billionaire Globalists Bill Gates and Adar Poonawalla. Many people want to write-off these criminal cases as insignificant, since the cases provide no means to execute a sentence against the criminals if they are found guilty. But make no mistake here, these cases are NOT insignificant. That's exactly what the Globalists hiding behind their massive wealth want you to believe. The reality is, however, that they fear these cases, because they will expose their evil deeds. In order to carry out the execution of any verdicts of guilt, we the people have to stop playing their games, and change our mindset. We cannot work within their system, because that system is rigged and completely controlled by them. What this does NOT mean, is that we have to resort to vigilantism and start working outside the law. That's how they will portray us if we take any actions to execute justice, especially if a court has already found them guilty.
Actually, vigilantism is exactly what we need, in addition to fighting in the courts.
I'm American, and we tend to see things in a more belligerent way.
We can no longer trust the courts to ensure justice--and that's where vigilantism comes in.
We will take care of business one way or another.
So to be sure that I heard you right, you said we cannot win from within their system, but we should follow their laws, lest we be portrayed as 'baddies' in their media? How many nights did you spend pondering this brilliant treatise? How much cowering and shivering and hiding under covers that must have involved. Has anyone seen the videos coming out of Europe of crowds of 100,000+ people marching in the street? When any significant number of these people realize that they are within their rights to take that march right into their capitol buildings and tear their leaders limb from limb, this will be over in 10 minutes. But so long as they are told to 'follow the laws' the same legal framework that has been refined and weaponized against them to the point of robbing them of their livelihoods, bodily autonomy and free societies, they will get nothing but more of the same. And I don't think that could be any more obvious to anyone whose default position is anything other than total coward. You actually think the Hague is going to hear Fullmench's case? That may be factually accurate but is still impossibly stupid and doomed? Are you really this conditioned? While your life's savings were just diluted by 20% in the past year by your lawmakers repeatedly BREAKING THE LAW? We have spending limits and budget ceilings for a reason. To protect your wealth and the fiscal integrity of our nation. How casually they break these laws, sucking the value out of everything you've worked for just to enrich and empower themselves at your expense. WTF reality are you living in? Follow the law? That's what you got coward? Good luck with that 'revolution'. But please be quiet now. The grown ups are trying to save the world.
I'm with you, friend.
The courts are fine, and yes, those who can should pursue justice in the courts.
The rest of us? We have a stolen election and a fake virus to contend with, so it's time to take care of business.
No one steals our liberty without consequences.
Why do you think Biden stiffened, electrified the fence around the WH? They all live in fenced in mansions too, with armed guards we pay for.
Apparently I wasn’t clear enough we are a nation of laws by way of the constitution that our so called leaders don’t respect or care about . As four cowering under covers who ever who are that’s only your self diagnosis.
I doubt you ever gave a thought about the past who people who fought for this country that you have the right to make a ass out of yourself . The Hague is a option if you read your history the same excuses used during the Nazi for their defense then is the same crap we’re hearing from the narrative crap the last two years and after WW11 when our government changed their strategy when conflicts occur by the use of police counter insurgency actions and the best one change their hearts and minds what a joke it’s about the money all the money. bet you weren’t alive in 1976 when inflation was 15% or more and interest rates were 22% . This situation is far worse interest rates will rise under the stupid thought of curbing hyperinflation .look a little deeper caused by greedy politicians.
Yes I have seen the European croweds of protest but none have laid on the line or made the sacrifice. Until that happens the tyrants will keep on pushing their agenda.
That goes for this country. You want real chaos make sure what your end game is and the government you want or our constitutional republic we have now I doubt you know what we have had for the last 250 plus years. And why it works. What’s being presented now as been tried before and has failed. I will sum it up this way I have seen what communist governments do to the people of those countries. As for what you said “WTF reality are you living in? Follow the law? Thats what you got coward” . I spent two tours in a war in the 60,s that had no our country had intention of winning . I suspect you weren’t around then but were raised by people who spit on us when we came home. For the first time in your live your little cushy live is now being threatened.
WHY ISN'T THIS HEADLINE NEWS? Testing on MINORITY. NY, IL, TN TURNED THEM DOWN, I'm sure there are more, but google deleted many articles. Duck is ok, but not as many turn up.
Orphan Children
They’re still testing on orphan kids apparently- Dr. Davey Crocko has been covering this https://www.bitchute.com/channel/ZunifmFMmbyU/
The House That AIDS Built
Guinea Pig Kids https://www.lifesitenews.com/news/guinea-pig-kids-faucis-legacy-of-cruel-experiments-on-children-dead-babies-and-mass-graves/
2nd Source https://www.democracynow.org/2004/12/22/guinea_pig_kids_how_new_york
while I've not been able to tie this to Fauci it needs more digging
More children there is a link in the article where Geraldo did a story on it https://www.forbes.com/sites/leahrosenbaum/2020/06/12/willowbrook-scandal-hepatitis-experiments-hideous-truths-of-testing-vaccines-on-humans/?sh=1c659b98279c
This is the Beagle Puppy experiments https://beckernews.com/fauci-under-fire-for-cruel-experiments-on-sick-puppies-dogs-heads-locked-in-cages-with-flesh-eating-parasites-for-science-42657/
Monkeys https://100percentfedup.com/fauci-conducted-unreliable-painful-experiments-on-rhesus-monkeys-for-vaccines/
Are you familiar with the 50’s? era “Special Cancer Virus Program”? Scientists took monkey viruses, juiced them up & injected them into humans as part of a vaccine experiment. This is where RSV originated, & many of our modern day viruses like MERS were borne from these types of programs. An anon researcher who has dug into the archives (much of which has been scrubbed) was just on a YT livestream presenting his findings & it was absolutely riveting.
Starts at 21:00ish: https://youtu.be/A75vnk8M4IQ
Yell at someone who will hear you.
RFK JR touched on it in his book.
I don't even think Comirnaty is available in the US at all until 2022, and once all the clot shot death jabs are already used up.
No data source, just working on memory.
Waiting for kid jabs to be fully approved for blanket immunity for all.
And do a little research but not on censored google. He's making the rounds on Sunday TV. https://thedcpatriot.com/dr-fauci-suggests-that-americans-should-accept-christmas-season-lockdowns/
Faucet says get use to the jabs.
Technological progress is exponential. Too many people is not insoluble. It’s just a question of how to get their money on an ongoing basis without killing them now. The doomsday predictions may be overblown..
Tech. Being used is not to kill all just get to a manageable level with trans humanism modification of our immune system and genetics. It’s now booster booster booster.
History demonstrates that new technology are used first for destruction not all A Bomb being the time when millions lost their lives based on how many lives would it save . Same narrative we here today millions have died on experimental therapeutic but labeled a vaccine that doesn’t work as a vaccine
I think they’re just hoping their knowledge of gene manipulation catches up in time to save those who were mis-programmed from doom and to lock the rest into a series of upgrades much like for iPhones..
That’s the plan with this bio- weapon but they broke the law but it doesn’t matter. Here is one of many.
Here is the crazy thing read this in the Pfizer BioNTech CEO he has not taken the shot nor his family!! Because “everyone else is a priority” and he and his family are sacrificing the opportunity of the shot for the most vulnerable!!! https://www.rt.com/news/542946-biontech-ceo-personal-vaccination/
Funny, I can get the clot shot anywhere. The only priority in his mind is to keep his family and himself alive.
Bingo. The death jab for a fake virus. Such a deal.
Neither is the Gates family.
Joe and Gail: that's ALL we need to know.
Do you see Queen E who is late 90's wearing a mask? Pelosi wears 1 for TV, as do many dems. Hollyweird too. I wear 1 at the doctors office, for my protection. No where else. Pfizer bought out Mylan, now my Fluid pill is gone, and I react to the rest of them on Tricare's Formulary. Even the Military has run out of their outdated stock pile. Name brand is Diazide, mine was a generic form. I have fluid around my Enlarged heart.
The way the comments work on this site, it appears my comment is now unrelated to the original posts, which may lead to misunderstanding. I can't find the original posts, but it was a comment meant to agree. I am sorry for your health troubles.
He says he did eventually get the clot shot. Can't believe anything they say.
I heard that was back early on during the roll out… and he is now vaccinated. But who really knows?
Note that his great level of concern excludes forgoing the money.
Apparently it updates that eventually he got the shot.
and you believe him?
Really most know this so far not one person in government is even pushing hard for this to happen.
Congress votes for this crap. CongressCritters take donations from Pharma, and Big Business. If Big Business can buy a president or 2, they are just doing business. Started with McKinley. History channel has a expose on it, https://studygrowknowblog.com/2012/11/16/buying-a-president/
You got it’s all about the money and power
Evil needle
Evil in the needle
A virus is gonna virus. Not a great business plan that bets against natural selection and the usual progression of pandemic/epidemic diseases.
Mengele reborn.
I just watched last night a talk given a year ago by Marian Turski, a 94 year old Holocaust survivor. Marian spoke about the similarities in policies between the rise of the Nazi’s and the vax policies. It’s chilling yet every time I speak about it (my grandfather survives five death camps!) I’m scolded for being extrem and especially from some of my Israeli connections that I should be ashamed of myself for making these comparisons. But I, not only don’t feel shame but obliged to speak out of what seems obvious—experiments of human bodies is not a new invention, not even Hitler’s and these vax have been marketed in the most genuine way to the mind that is imbued with fear and dependency.
Which is why the NUREMBERG TRIALS resulted in the NUREMBERG CODES, And many were hanged or shot. Same with the HELSINKIA CCORDS following the Thalidomide deformed babies, many were miscarried, some left in institutions to die, others parents kept. But to be sure there were no more incidents the Helsinki Accords were formed. There are also US CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS VIOLATIONS to consider. YOU CAN'T VACCINATE THE UNWILLING. WE APPROACH HITLER'S METHODS DAILY. We will be like Australia soon, the only thing stopping government is the 2nd Amendment. Which the Aussies don't have.
I live in Switzerland and I’m not sure if they have something similar to the 2nd amendment. Anyways, for the time being seems like Europe is still in Middle Ages state and the pressure grows by the day
The citizens must make changes to your governing documents that ensure the rights of people. One of our founders wanted to include in our Bill of Rights medical freedom for the people, but they did not include it. What foresight that man had!
Unfortunately swiss citizens are not knows for the independent, critical thinking. There was a referendum vote on Nov 25th whether to extend the government’s right to keep the COVID law and they won 65% of public’s voice. Right the day after the government made fast COVID tests valid for only 24hours (instead of 48 which translates to lots more money to power holders) and allowed resistant to not invite Intuit heir gates unvaccinated per their discretion. And some off course choose to take that power into their hands
It's called INSTILLED FEAR. https://thescotfree.com/opinion/covid-19-the-weaponization-of-fear-and-the-loss-of-freedom/
Then it is time to get out while you still can.
We’re contemplating that for sure. If need be we’re ready to pack and move to England (where my husband is from). It’s not easy to to flee. But I’m also not keeping my head in the sand. We made our red lines clear so we can make a painful decision if need be
No neutral Socialist country. I've suggested in the past, that is were the USELESS NATIONS should be headquartered.
You don't have anything like our 2nd Amendment, but you do have a lot of weapons in private homes. Nice ones, too, H&K 91? Something like that.
Honestly I feel your comment as an attack. I’m happy to be corrected if I’m wrong . The you time and nationalist comparison seem to me out of place and unnecessary.
I don’t have a weapon and don’t support this not in CH or in the US!
Please forgive me, I meant to offer appreciation, hope, and strength.
Americans grow up with weapons, and I forget that other countries are different.
More weapons = more peace, in America.
Again, please forgive me.
Thank you :) wow that’s a live lesson in perception 😂
Yes I’m aware of guns policy in the US and here and personally would feel much safer if citizens would be have access to gun. I think it’s sad that we feel so unsafe that we find solace in having a gun.
I’ve been in the army, as every Israeli citizen does, and learned to shoot a gun. It was such a strange experience. So far from what I would call natural. I had to do it and I did it in training then only once more in practice in my unit and it’s enough for me for life times. 😀
They gave it up 10 years ago or longer they believed what the government said and complied. 80 years we fought the world against tyranny on Atlantic and pacific shores we now are in fight on our own shore’s for freedom and liberty against our own government . What does our constitution say about that if you don’t know educate your ignorance
My dad was in boot camp when WW2 broke out. 5 major battles as 503rd Airborne under Gen. MacArthur, his last major battle was Corregidor... The Rock. He a Sgt. and a PFC climbed a telegraph pole to hoist our Flag, to give to the General. Another was then raised, 2 weeks later an official ceremony. On to Japan after. Bronze Star, Silver Stars. American of Italian decent, called Spic, Dago, Whop, hard to find jobs. BIL a country boy fought under Merrill. You'll find neither men in a history book just like thousands of other heroes. Yes do address your lack of knowledge. The Polterite like DUMB PEOPLE. EASY TO CONTROL.
Here’s his talk if anyone’s interested
Powerful words.
I wonder what it is in the psyche of those who scold you? Your last three words I suspect, “fear and dependency”.
Thank you for your support!
We can see what we’re trained to see. So if our seeing is limited or narrowed in a certain way (that could be as simple as ‘fear the unknown and try to fix it no matter how ’) then such a mind will get triggered in an automatic behaviour to condemn or deny anything that doesn’t fit in with their view.
People have grown to depend on ‘authority figures’ too strongly and this dependency should not be taken lightly. It brings up the fear of being abandoned by your tribe. Again, without inner resources to deal with that those people will be prone to defend and justify any behaviour just to keep that source of security. I remember when I worked with kids in a boarding school who were taken out of the house due domestic violence and abuse, how much they looked forward to go back home. You’d think ‘how could this be possible ?!’ But it’s a good example to show how we can bend reality to a more favourable picture when we fear of losing those who were meant (and perceived )to be our protectors.
Also, since I’m a second generation of Holocaust survivors and grew up in israel I can tell you that there’s a lot of untreated trauma. Which leads to easily be triggered by fear and similar scenarios. The plot of vaccine is so well disguised. We don’t have camps - but lock down in our house. We don’t have capo - but panicked vaccinated people to be the extended arm of policies. We don’t have A Hitler - but pharmaceuticals which have been portrayed as a reliable authority for years. It’s not a centralised policy in the classical way but more dispersed between different authority figures. The scope is just so big that I can understand how (again without the inner resources of creative autonomous thinking and feeling) one can think “this can’t be true, it’s too evil”.
I’m happy we still have Holocaust survivors to speak up. In a “selfish” way I guess I’m happy my grandfather is not alive because I’m not sure he would have been able to cope with what’s happening. He’s never spoken about the horrors he experienced besides in a testimonial he gave in his 70’s. He was experimented on and suffered from many neurological problems. But being very close to him, I know he’s behind every move and word I share to help people wake up from the trans of fear.
Insightful comparisons!
Although the subject matter is dark, your writing style, your strength, and your hope, are full of light ☀️…thank you Shelly !
Thank you! Your words are very kind and nourishing.
Recently I learned that Jung said that the 20th century’s task was to go into the darkness and to bring the wisdom from its depth. But the 21st century’s task is to use that wisdom. I truly hope we will do so ❤️
Very true. Excellent points. Thank you for sharing, as the saying goes Knowledge is Power, and you have to be brave enough to use it.
Come and join us on MeWe.com, there is a active Jewish support group who could use your help. You will find like minded people, very little Censorship mostly because someone got to far out of line. and the individual page creator reported it. No tracking.
You have amazing experience and a lot of wisdom.
I think your courage to go against the tide will shine a light.
Thank you. I appreciate your support
Five death camps gives you the moral high ground, not that you need it, but the Israelis always shout "never forget," then yell at us when we "don't forget!"
The relation between Israeli Jews and the Holocaust is complex. It’s a traumatised relationship. Many people like who don’t support the government and its actions against the Arab community make also a note that never forget means we have to make sure we don’t become like that as well. But the gap between government and the people becomes wiser and wieder with the years. That’s why it’s important to heal trauma. It’s important to take action and come out of the shadows of war and hatred and the them-ing language. Imagine something like
What’s happening now still happening if at least 10% of the population had heard their trauma ? I’m sure we would have been in a different position
"...And here we start to get used to the idea that you can exclude someone. That you can stigmatise someone. That you can turn someone into an alien. Slowly, gradually, day by day, people begin to get used to it — victims, perpetrators, witnesses, those we call bystanders — all begin to get used to the idea that a minority that gave the world Einstein, Nelly Sachs, Heinrich Heine and the Mendelssohns is different, that these people can be pushed to the edges of society, that they are strangers, that they spread germs and start epidemics. These terrible, dangerous thoughts are the beginning of what happens next. From there, things gather pace. A ban on employing Jews..."
It was applied to the Irish, Italian's, Romney, Preppers, etc.
Winner, winner, chicken dinner!
The parallels between Nazi Germany propaganda, Mengele, and the evils of the Nazi regime and today's American big Pharma and bureaucrats is.... almost exact.
Well put, he is a brothel of demons, a biological container for Legion.
'a brothel of demons' just won my phrase of the year
Mine too!! I love Alex’s audience more than any other 🙌🏼🙌🏼
Both great books! Everyone should read both and pass them on!
I have a library of these books.. hard copies.. will pass on to the most responsible person in the next generation to share. Maybe it will save 1 person in the future
He is beyond evil, and needs to be tried for crimes against humanity.
I'll have to wait to read the books.
Sorry, but the guy needs to be tried and executed. He is a mass-murderer.
I prefer the puppy treatment with a live Bitchute feed my friend!!
I was going to go with as many cases of gene therapy he profited from as needed. Either way, we need to send a very clear signal to these scumbags that this can NEVER happen again. Clearly Nuremberg was too lenient.
It is important to get the people who are actually behind this, and these are the people behind the FINANCIAL system. The same people who are printing trillions of dollars to devalue the USD, cause a global health and economic crisis and replace the USD with a one-world currency.
Anyone who's name appears in the media is a front man. It is absolutely necessary to get the people in the back.
Yes. Fauci is just a frontman. Gates is a bagholder. I have no doubt they are dispensable, and I think we have seen over the last few months attempts to show they can be thrown under the bus.
Has everyone seen the video titled MONOPOLY WHO OWNS THE WORLD? If not watch it.
Good remark, I recommend it. Here's a link:
And I fear the global one-world currency will be a card first, followed by a chip in each person's body. And each person will only be allowed to buy with that card/chip if he/she has been approved by Big Brother. If not approved then no chance of buying.
Exactly on point evil is showing it’s face ,,,,,,what do you with evil kill it!
Maybe it was too lenient. Or maybe it’s because many people under 50 in the USA have no idea what the Nuremberg Trials were :(
People still look back at World War II as a stereotype of evil. When the present dust settles, it will be clear that what's happening today has no precedent. Compared to this, the man with the small moustache is going to look like a little funny guy.
Not sure how much credence to put on this, but is it start?
Even though it's being filed on behalf of the UK, it's good to see they have named Bill & Melinda Gates as well as Fauci and Daszak.
From the article: "Within the complaint, the team argues that “based on the extensive claims and enclosed documentation, we charge those responsible for numerous violations of the Nuremberg Code, crimes against humanity, war crimes and crimes of aggression in the United Kingdom, but not limited to individuals in these countries”."
Excellent! Thanks for posting.
I'd like nothing better than to see this complaint get some traction.
Realistically, expecting any tangible, effective action out of the International Criminal Court is like expecting tangible, effective action from the UN or WHO.
Maybe the only court to end this if not then the people should end it. This court was set up for the very reasons what were facing today . Educational systems don’t teach this by design. Reason being this ignorant generation thinks it’s all new. History does repeat its self
This well sure as help must be based on scientific something.
I belive that is the best course of action considering he wants to outright murder us.
Let's skip the trial. They're overrated anyway in cases like this.
We should give them a fair trial and then hang ‘em ;)
We need the moral high ground.
I'd say a life time sentence of waterboarding would work too! He's been all wet all along!
I'm not averse to sending him to Gitmo for a short "holiday". I hear Cuba is lovely at this time of year...
I agree - Gitmo's too good for him. Put him in the DC prison where they're holding the Jan. 6 prisoners...and let them go free!
I'll purchase it on Kindle. Thanks for the tip. I do wonder when he'll eventually be held to account for his participation in all of this.
Here in CA, you'd be amazed at how many ppl worship that guy. He can literally do no wrong despite his historical record / flip flops / participating in the making of Covid.
Yes, do read the book. It is only $2.99 on Kindle and a real eye opener. They worship Fauci because they watch CNN, MSNBC, and the rest of the liberal media who have Fauci on a pedestal and push his vaccine agenda with Covid fear -- numbers, hospitalizations, how many vaccinated, how many not vaccinated, deaths, and interview those who have not been vaccinated who are hospitalized and have them beg the unvaccinated to get vaccinated. NEVER do they interview the vaccinated who are hospitalized, those who have had bad reactions to the vaccines, or those who have lost family members due to vaccine reactions.
Or those who state openly that the regret getting the shot and wonder what side effects will show in the future.
Yup that’s why they want pharma no evidence or what’s in the killer jab 75 years from now most will be dead . Information is now showing life expectancy is lower than ever before,. By design. The sot turn humans into trans humanism your genetics altered cannot go back. Those who have not taken the shot are smart but are a target for the shot police to invade. Look at Australia Austria just like Nazi Germans.
Maybe just maybe a blue stae may have pulled their head into the light.
Well stated madam... sniper on point.
NYC too. "He seems like a nice man," someone said. Oh, maybe he makes mistakes but he means well. They have absolutely no clue. I mentioned Gain of Function and that person Googled and and said gain of function is just a right-wing conspiracy theory. As if it's not even a very real kind of research.
Charm & psychopathy often go hand in hand.
Exactly! Ted Bundy did not drag his female victims into his car. He used his good looks and charm to lure them in.
I agree, but in the garden gnome fauci's case I've never seen the least bit amount of charm. He's basically a walking version of a pile of shit.
I agree, but in the garden gnome fauci's case I've never seen the least bit amount of charm. He's basically a walking version of a pile of shit.
I disagree he's very smooth, like Obama.
Tony Fauci, smooth? I'm not sure I agree with you. I'd say he's exceedingly deceptive, adept at lying, good at pulling the wool over peoples' eyes, etc. I agree with you that Obama is skillful with words, in his own way. That's one of the main reasons he was able to become president. He's articulate, though that's not the same thing as being honest!
If you actually listen to Tony Fauci, critically, he barely makes any sense at all. The only reason so many people think he's intelligent is that they're completely incapable of critical thinking. They're hard-core cult members. But they're so thoroughly brainwashed they think they're brilliant.
Oh he just makes mistakes but means well? Oh yea! blood of millions on his hands for over a few decades but "he means well!" Man does NYC need one of those Hollywood asteroid full destruction movies to happen with enough warning to the teeny weeny God-fearing moral decent population so they can get out of the more than ever ultra decadent/decayed poisonous sodom and gomorrah rotten apple.
Exactly - Adolph seemed like a nice man and he meant well.
OMG....yes. That has been the "general" response that I hear. What is fascinating is that "normal" ppl (that includes me) cannot fathom / understand / empathize how someone like a sociopath can operate without remorse. It's not human. It's what makes ppl like Fauci so dangerous.
Years ago, I had my first encounter with a sociopath -- he was a charming executive who reported to me. I read everything I could on how to manage sociopaths to navigate my own sanity.
And how they not think it's odd that he says HE is the science? And gives "the science" an A-plus when the vaccines have not worked as advertised?
And they don't care that every single thing he and Walensky have said is wrong (except in the beginning he said masks won't stop the spread but he recanted. He also said asymptomatic spread is not a big driver but then recanted that with no proof ). And he works seated under a huge portrait of himself!
"There were no positive tests amongst 1,174 close contacts of asymptomatic cases."
"In summary, all the 455 contacts were excluded from SARS-CoV-2 infection and we conclude that the infectivity of some asymptomatic SARS-CoV-2 carriers might be weak."
Weak? It showed no spread at all. I do think there is pre-symptomatic and low symptomatic spread.
The propensity that the American people have for worshiping certain leaders is quite disturbing, and it's not relegated to just one political party.
Agree. I voted for Trump (twice) and will again if he's the nominee and stops pimping the shots, but I am and have always been excruciatingly aware of his flaws. When did blind allegiance to any human ever work out in the end?
Absolutely! The people I saw making excuses for Trump's failings (and there were some - it's important to acknowledge them) or simply refusing to see them really bothered me. It probably made many on the left hate and fear him more, just as the Obama-worshippers scared me so much.
I love that people here see through the COVID bullshit. But, I'm amazed few avoid acknowledging that this shitshow started under HIS watch. We need to all wake up to the realization that he is another elete driving totalitarianism. He is a fraud and a fake second only to FJB.
I and most of the other legitimate POTUS DJT supporters support him because we somehow escaped the last half-dozen decades of subverted public school 'education' controlled by Soros-inspired 'progressives', and learned *actual* American Civics and US History.
We recognize the admittedly flawed and somewhat ego-centric POTUS DJT as a person who recognizes the insidious decades-long creeping globalism-at-the-expense-of-US-Constitutional-Republic [AKA 'The Swamp] and its attendant destruction of our personal liberties guaranteed by that Constitution.
To paraphrase one of his advertisements - They are not after me. They are coming for YOU! I am just standing in their way.
THAT is the essence of why I and others support POTUS DJT. It is NOT 'Hero Worship' or 'Cult of Personality'.
By the majority of his actions - ignore the 'Tweets' and a few bad decisions based on his inability to always recognize 'insider threat enemies' like Fauci and others - he shows himself to be a supporter of the Constitutional Republic and my individual liberties against those who are dedicated to bringing about a Globalist Socialist Fascist overthrow of our sacred Republic.
Yes, his egoistic personality flaw will not allow him to admit he was bamboozled by his 'experts' like Fauci and Birx who convinced him that a safe 'vaccine' could be created and rolled out by skipping long-term effects assessments and monitoring that can take many many months - even years.
The closest he is coming to backpedaling on the 'Vaccine' S***-Storm is to insist - rightly so - that the injections must be voluntary; individual liberty once again factoring into his behavior and actions.
I hate to be personal, but if you believe that legitimate POTUS DJT is even close to being a fraud in the mold of fake POTUS FJB, then you are a . . . well let's just keep things civil and say we do not see eye-to-eye.
DJT is looking at fraud in his rear view mirror. Your response covers a lot of ground but the most obvious point you seem to be making is that DJT was cheated out of the election. So, let's start there.. Show me the proof for your thinking. Then perhaps I will coment on your other thoughts. Thanks for your reply.
I apparently failed to convey my main point by my incidental references to 'legitimate POTUS DJT' - and II have looked at the math and videos of middle-of-the-night absentee ballots being scanned multiple times and on and on. The fact that Trump won is not my point.
My point - that took up the vast majority of my admittedly verbose text - is that by the majority of his actions, the imperfect Trump shows himself to be a supporter of the Constitutional Republic and my individual liberties against those who are dedicated to bringing about a Globalist Socialist Fascist overthrow of our sacred Republic.
This is the opposite of the Biden administration approach.
End of point.
Absolutely true.way to much hero worship. Athletes, actors , musicians, others.grown men talking about tom Brady like he is there dad or uncle or son its sick
Way too much hero worship of the so-called experts, as well. Rush mockingly called them the “wizards of smart”.
Lol.for those of you in Rio linda.
There is a big difference between 'Hero Worship', including from the Obama acolytes, and legitimate POTUS DJT [or Donald John Trump] supporters.
I and most of the other POTUS DJT supporters support him because we somehow escaped the last half-dozen decades of subverted public school 'education' controlled by Soros-inspired 'progressives', and learned *actual* American Civics and US History.
We recognize in the admittedly flawed and somewhat ego-centric POTUS DJT a person who recognizes the insidious decades-long creeping globalism-at-the-expense-of-US-Constitutional-Republic [AKA 'The Swamp] and its attendant destruction of our personal liberties guaranteed by that Constitution.
To paraphrase one of his advertisements - They are not after me. They are coming for YOU! I am just standing in their way.
THAT is the essence of why I and others support POTUS DJT. It is NOT 'Hero Worship' or 'Cult of Personality'.
By his actions - ignore the 'Tweets' and a few bad decisions based on his inability to always recognize 'insider threats' like Fauci and others - he shows himself to be a supporter of the Constitutional Republic and my individual liberties against those who are dedicated to bringing about a Globalist Socialist Fascist overthrow of our sacred Republic.
That is NOT 'Hero Worship' . . . it is survival instinct.
Wow! The same response to my post... Buddy, are you a bot? Show us PROOF of your position!
I apologize - somehow my earlier response DID get 'reinserted' - not sure what happened. The below is what I intended and thought I posted.
I apparently failed to convey my main point by my incidental references to 'legitimate POTUS DJT' - and II have looked at the math and videos of middle-of-the-night absentee ballots being scanned multiple times and on and on. The fact that Trump won is not my point.
My point - that took up the vast majority of my admittedly verbose text - is that by the majority of his actions, the imperfect Trump shows himself to be a supporter of the Constitutional Republic and my individual liberties against those who are dedicated to bringing about a Globalist Socialist Fascist overthrow of our sacred Republic.
This is the opposite of the Biden administration approach.
End of point.
You seem to be saying that Trump is NOT a global Fascist. Prove it! Show me your proof that the election was compromised
And again, my argument here has nothing to do with the fact that the election was 'compromised'. I left that out - sorry.
Right - Just one point should do it. Mister Trump is on record as saying Vaccination against the fatality-rate-arguably-somewhat-worse-than-a-bad-seasonal-influenza COVID-19 should NOT be mandated by the government; the decision should be left to the individual.
The 'Biden Administration' that is on-board with global Fascist governments throughout most of the world [Australia and Austria most recent examples - see videos of protests] as evidenced by US government alliances with big pharma and medical licensing and hospital systems and media giants that suppress any 'unapproved' messaging [AKA propaganda] is doing just the opposite. [Do you need examples of the various Vaccine Mandates on businesses and government employees, or can you look them up?]
I seem to recall that DJT came out with the statement that "It's all ok and will pass. No big deal. Then he suddenly was all about vaccines... Warp Speed. Remember? You think he's inocent. You're wrong!
It’s gross. Obama started a cult of personality that had people so enthralled with his every word, like a god. I never understood it. It’s not just politicians either, idiot actors, musicians and athletes. People become obsessed with these people. It’s some kind of mental deficiency that is prevelant in weatern societies.
So, so true. These people are all flawed human beings, and they put their pants on one leg at a time just like you do. There's an inability to recognize flaws of certain people (Obama, certain musicians and athletes, as you said), and these are people none of us knows personally.
Idolatry is a human frailty and en mass is a powerful force to overcome.
Our human weakness and strength is "hope" and "belief" which can be short circuited by snake-tongued politicians / administrators / leaders.
Agree, however, I tend to think there's a bit of laziness or lack of adult responsibility that goes along with unfettered "hope" and "belief." After all, if you put all your hopes and beliefs into someone else, you can get back to doing your own thing and point at that person when things go off the rails. I think a better approach is "Trust, but verify."
I know! Liberal voters here in Canada are like a cult. These people are sick.
I'm in Toronto. These are not liberals, they are leftists, i think you know this if you live in Canada. Yes they are a cult, a super-cult, super sick super cult, and Toronto is a major stronghold, truly a northern Democratic city, and look at how all the Democrat cities in the USA are becoming utter diabolist chaos dung-holes.
The question I am asking, do I want to leave this country. I no longer trust the society. I legitimately think the people are crazy.
But where would you run to? This is a worldwide phenomenon
Very sad. Love toronto I've noticed the libs all over there.people in a store listening to the equivalent of NPR .cant escape it like some dem ratholes here.guess I wont be in canada anytime soon.only bright side is saving money from not buying tix to see pens get killed by leafs
The leftists that I know (they are not liberals, not any more...they are radical leftists and should be referred to as such) are pretty much all incredibly shallow thinkers, superficial to the core. "Stage one thinkers", as Thomas Sowell would say. They keep themselves almost entirely in an echo chamber of the same ideas and do not associate with anyone who thinks differently as that would be too threatening and frightening. They get hysterical at opposing opinions or anything that does not fit the narrative they have been fed. They don't doubt the leftist dictates and therefore do not research anything at all on their own. Skepticism has been drummed out of their psyche at some point in the past. Rather that draw conclusions on their own, they wait to be "instructed" what and how to think by their leftist media and by the Dems they listen to, and it's all confirmed within their bubble. Their attitudes and behavior seem increasingly childish and pathetic to me. They have very stunted intellects.
I won't be visiting Toronto again, but damn, I'm going to miss the food culture. I love mussels / fries / beer --- Toronto has that on tap along with other fantastic eats. I will miss that the most.
Dung-holes…where the people who live and work there just step over, and around, the human feces allowed to be dropped on the once-normal streets. Complacency to this degradation is a mental illness.
Annette prior to the pandemic I was strongly considering moving to Canada, outside of Montreal. I enjoyed the food / culture / etiquitte. WTF happened? I'd visit several times / year across Toronto, Vancouver, and even the giant shopping mall in Edmonton.
Canada, no offense, along with Australia are now the last places on Earth I'd ever want to visit again. The madness is the norm. Reminds me of a Twilight Zone episode where a psychiatrist is in an infinite loop where he can't escape a town full of crazies. He drives out of the town only to find himself entering the town (over and over again). Eventually it dawns on him, "if everyone is crazy but me, that makes me the crazy one."
I saw that movie too. And I am scared. I keep thinking that at some point if I don't flee, I'll be trapped here living or dying under a communist regime. I have put an emergency plan together with preserves, dried foods, and other necessities in case the country collapses and there's no food to be bought or in case bread costs a hundred dollars a loaf. I have a bugout survival bag in the event that I have to leave. The thoughts that go through my head every day are such that I never thought I'd be thinking them.
It started when PM Justin Trudeau got into office in 2015 when he was apologizing to the world on behalf of Canadians for being white. And all he kept saying was "We're moving forward" but nobody knew what he meant. That progressive creep has been pushing his Reset plan all this time and it's progressively getting worse. They've brought critical race theory into our public schools just like in the USA. We have illegals streaming across the border at Roxham Road in Quebec and at the height of the pandemic he was angry that he had to close that crossing. Now it's going full blast. These people aren't being vetted and nobody knows if they have covid or if they're vaccinated. But all our front line workers are being fired over the vaccine mandate. The vaccine passport is implemented across all provinces. New Brunswick grocery stores are preventing the unvaccinated from shopping for food! It's gradually getting worse and worse. And the Conservative Party isn't putting up any opposition. Trudeau is stripping laws that carry mandatory minimums for gun crimes but he's coming after legal firearm owners. My only hope is that people start catching on to what Soros is doing with Trudeau in Canada and to what Soros funding DA's is doing to Americans. The USA needs to wipe out the Democrats in the 2022 primaries and take the presidency away from the Democrats in 2024. If the USA falls, the rest of us are done.
It's terrifying, and seemingly "normal" at the same time bc it's unfolding right before our eyes in plain view. Makes me wonder how long this general plan was in place. So many ppl have bought into what is happening, it's disheartening to see. I feel for you and all free-loving Canadians. CA is not far behind what is happening in Canada, but there are states like Florida that provide an escape.
I do hope he will be held to account for this super Dr. Menguele role in this profoundly wicked evil.
You are in California? Wow ok. With what you stated in in your second paragraph, it makes total sense, especially when you watch Mark Dice do videos "man on the street" interviews with where he lives in California [Disclaimer: I do not necessarily agree with all of Mark Dice believes.]
Yes I'm living in Calif. but am a New Yorker and went for a visit ... people are so brainwashed on both coasts. It's truly frightening. And they have this whole nonsensical thing they repeat about how they are safe to be around because they are vaccinated, and are in danger only from the unvaccinated. Any pointing out of logical fallacies with that or questioning any of the narrative provokes their fury. I was a lifelong Dem who finally saw through it last Spring, thank goodness! DeSantis rocks! (I will check out Mark Dice, don't know of him).
Lifelong Dem here. Then Covid happened……
Lifelong Republican here. Now I’m a Democrat. Said nobody.
Kind of off subject, but I am very depressed tonight having just been politely disinvited today from my New York book group of 10 years because two unnamed members don’t feel safe in the room with me (no vax). What should I be thinking? Should I respond or just go away? They offered to put me on Zoom (offer declined!).
Lisa -- that sucks. I know it's hard not to take it personally, to be rejected by a group bc it just became personal. Taking the jab is a signal. It's like a membership card. It says a hell of a lot more about their values vs. your own. Really think about that. Is this a group that you want to keep associating yourself with? I know it sounds harsh, but really give that some thought.
In my personal experience, I have some close friends who no longer contact me for beers / dinners / lunches. At first I was upset, felt rejected by them. However, over time, I've come to realize where they stand on some important topics that do not overlap with my own values. Perhaps it's time to clean out the closet and evaluate what is important to you.
I will definitely need to give this some thought. It has a weird mean-girls vibe, leaving me feeling like an outsider. Very unpleasant. But now that you mention it, our values seem to be diverging pretty radically. Thanks.
I had a similar experience with my small book club of 7 women.
We zoom since the pandemic.
All but one of us is vaxed.
One of the members would rather
go back to meeting in person.
She doesn’t like zooming.
So the unvaxed person might
decide to leave the group.
We will vote on it!
Sorry to hear that Lisa. Don't take it personally. They are fools. You are too good for the group. Take advantage of the free time you have from not going, and meet new people. You are in more danger from them than they from you, yet you are willing to take the risk.
I had a vax Nazi guy assume I was vaxxed and give me a big hug! He hugged an unvaxxed!!! :D :D :D
You could offer to test but why even go. Or you could say you know it's difficult to read science but you wish they kept track of the studies coming out, because they're endangering themselves and others by thinking they can't spread the virus. Below are some links you can send them.
Of course it will make them angry but it's also doing them a favor, if they are that scared they shouldn't meet in person at all.
COVID-19: stigmatising the unvaccinated is not justified
"Historically, both the USA and Germany have engendered negative experiences by stigmatising parts of the population for their skin colour or religion. I call on high-level officials and scientists to stop the inappropriate stigmatisation of unvaccinated people, who include our patients, colleagues, and other fellow citizens, and to put extra effort into bringing society together."
Community transmission and viral load kinetics ...
The epidemiological relevance of the COVID-19-vaccinated population is increasing
Wow thanks a lot for this. It is very interesting and meaningful to me. Much gratitude!
To paraphrase an old Groucho Marx line: "Why would I want to belong to an organization that wouldn't have a member like me?"
Why not urge the book club to read Pandemia & The Real Dr. Fauci & have a group critique of the evidence presented in both books?
Several years back I heard a palmist being interviewed on the late night program Coast to Coast. It typically interviews people who are "out there" and was often fascinating. The palmist, Vern Mahabal, said he predicted that people would be moving away from coasts and there would be a huge migration to the midwest. Having grown up in the midwest but living in New England at the time, and seeing the snobbishness/ignorance people had toward the middle of the country, I found Mahabal hard to believe. I couldn't image what might lead people to leave the ultrahip coasts. Now I understand. Mahabel said he could read relocations in people's hands... fascinating.
A longtime friend who is unfortunately a rabid leftie Dem just emailed a link to "prove" we are all wrong about Fauci. The link was to the Wikipedia page on Fauci. SIGH....how can you convince someone whose mind is cemented into just one way of thinking? It's impossible, some people are impervious to rational, critical thinking.
CMCM -- Wikipedia / MSM have created a "Matrix-like" information reality. A Reality distortion feed on perpetually looping to feed ppl what they already believe. Let me repeat that again. Ppl are more easily fooled if their worldview aligns with what they're receiving. It is instinctive, powerful, and almost impossible to break-thru. Knowing this, perhaps can help cope with how ppl can fall for what they hear / see despite substantially contradicting data.
Yes....I long ago learned about Wikipedia....from the founder of it himself, no less. Some things on it are fine, but anything controversial or even slightly political are "curated" and not necessarily factual. Unfortunately, a great many people like my friend believe it is 100% correct and there is no discussion to the contrary.
They see the Quackwatch quack as authoritative, that’s enough for me …
send them this link from The Nation lol
You may not be able to change their mind. Critical thinking is not for everyone.
Send him/her Kennedy’s book
I intend to. Also Mercola's book, also Scott Atlas' book, and a few others!
Sad but true. Monopoly, who owns the world
Meanwhile, this one is free:
Same here in Washington state the west side east side not so much but some are just as stupid as the west side.
Dr. Peter Breggin also has one that ties Gates/Fauci/Daszak and has lots of citations to indict all of these jerks.
Glenn Beck does an indepth presentation on this... they're all scum.
Yes, also only $2.99 on kindle.
If you are on twitter, tweet about it, and send pictures of sections of the book that really expose Fauci, to all those who those who are his mindless emotion-driven zero-spirit-mental-rational zombies, especially the mainstream media types. This way others can see it, share it etc, so it assists in a growing army of missile attacks, information-truth bombs.
Correction: "...to all those who are his..." not "..to all those who those who are his..."
Same for Instagram.
Scott Atlas' book is very good as well ....
Yes I got that one too! Haven’t received it yet
Me too... waiting for it to be back in stock 🤞🙏🤞
I have both Pandemia and Alex's booklets, Faucian Bargain, and Robert Kennedy Jr's Fauci book. Although I so far read a little of Pandemia, I find it hard to to read for longer periods of time to get through some of them. I buy them mostly to virtue signal to myself.
My kids used to carry around books by conservative thinkers during HS and college…worked like garlic to ward off vampires
Was that in Santa Carla? I read or heard a while ago that the parking lot of a mall or a big box store in the Midwest was used after hours as a hangout for teens. The owners put speakers on the building and blasted Frank Sinatra music, and that kept them away.
lol Igor audio and book it’s easier up read them.
Who is Igor?
“Virtue signal to myself” 🤣🤣🤣
If I were Fauci, I would have armed body guards 24 by 7.
If I had a family member who died because they couldn’t get early treatment. It would be open season on that evil garden gnome.
"evil garden gnome"
Unfathomably based. :)
He does have bodyguards.
He doesn't wear a kevlar helmet though.
50-cal is a hell of a drug.
Maybe a Kevlar helmet as well.
Wait till you get to the Bill Gates part. Maybe they can share a cell.
Ditto and Amen
Add Robert Yoho's Butchered to complete your education.
I just started it and it’s already really good and I’m only at the beginning!
Fauci should be shot while he’s being hanged. Have yet to find time to read both Pandemia & The Real Anthony Fauci. Pepe Escobar review explosive all by itself: https://www.unz.com/pescobar/fauci-as-darth-vader-of-the-covid-wars/
I don't believe that only ONE man (or woman) can continually do, and hide what Fauci is being accused of. He probably has a support network of thousands who aid and abet what he has been doing. They ALL need to be made accountable.
I just finished it. Totally agree with your assessment, although I would include Gates and a handful of others.
Yes! Just purchased it… I can not believe the suffering one man has wrought on humanity
I have heard that there did not seem to be a way for this variant/mutation to adapt naturally. Therefore it was released. Would be something if some good guys did it on purpose to up the heard immunity......just spinning my thoughts!!
There is a creator or God who may have intervened too.
No offence Luke, and with all due honour and gallantry, but we are at time where hearsay should be shunned due to how profound the depth and scope of serpentine damned criminal deceit, disinformation, lies, misrepresentation, obfuscation, trickery etc the Antichrist rulers have much of the world in about all of this and more.
Fair point, it was more of a Tom Clancy novel idea. I did not mean for it to be construed as fact. However, I have heard at least a couple people mention the mutation in nature was not possible. Again, speculation and fantasy in this age should be well documented. I understand the bad guys plant that shit just to discredit us.
It's not speculation or fantasy. It has a real base in evolutionary science. This is a discussion of this hypothesis by a couple of evolutionary biologists: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-hjFT8XCsH0
It's a bit technical if you don't have a background in biological science, but still worth listening to.
"I think only an idiot can be an atheist. We must admit that there exists an incomprehensible power or force with limitless foresight and knowledge that started the whole universe going in the first place." - Christian Boehmer Anfinsen, Jr., 1972 Nobel Prize in Chemistry.
"Evolution *is the great cosmologic myth of the twentieth century.*" Dr. Michael Denton, Molecular Biochemist, Evolution: A Theory in Crisis.
Evolution is not factual operational science, it's several thousand year old pagan religion masquerading as operational science.
So sick and tired of the tremendous profound fraud of Darwinian Evolution Theory/"Scientific" Materialism. I'm well learned in this reality over many years, that evolution is actually several thousand year old pagan religion that Darwin encapsulated in a Victorian veneer of the aristocracy and of course of "favoured races" as his magnus opus was titled with. I became a convert to Creation Science (aka factual Scriptural creation science) a long while ago and to believe evolution theory is true when we are in a universe of Universal Entropy which begets Genetic Entropy, such folks are either serious liars selling themselves out to the Devil, or they are what simulated intelligence is in such areas.
Here's a video from a former atheist, who did jail time for attempted murder of his father with a hammer to the head, which he did in the name of how it's all about "survival of the fittest" as Darwin put forth, that ultra ethnic-superiority devil who called dark skinned people closer to apes than lighter skinned;
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HpnoFEgKUzY - Argument from Reason
The moment an evolutionist opens their mouth, they refute their own world-view, see the above video to understand why, and if one still can't understand why, then that sure reveals that this is not about a evidence issue but a heart/pride issue.
Stupidity incarnate.
Hi Mara here is a link from Dr Paul Cottrell. He has his PHD in Chaos theory. He is currently getting his medical doctorate. It is very complex and I have no idea how he has the specs of the virus but he's definitely a smart dude.
Thanks for that! I have a background in biological science, so really enjoy listening to real scientists expounding ideas based on actual data ( & have learned to skim over the bits that go over my head).
Lol Dr Paul gets in the weeds, way over my head. But something about his mathematics degree and his understanding from the outside of medical I appreciate. he's very similar to Kirsch.
If you choose to disbelieve evolution and its related natural sciences, that is your choice. Call us "idiot atheists" too, if it makes you feel good. But speaking as someone with a quite a bit of education, including in the sciences, I will stick with what nearly 200 years of biological science and confirming discoveries teaches is the truth. If anyone feels they can disprove the general theory of Darwin's evolution, of which mutation is only a part, I invite you to. Unlike religious dogma, science is never settled and must make room for revisions but requires proof of claims, verified by others. By all means, prove us wrong, write your paper and collect your Nobel Prize.
I suggest you listen to Mara's link the Darkhorse and my link from Paul Cottrell. I don't think any of those videos feature overly religious dogma. It is apparent you are very proud of your education and it probably outweighs my own. Maybe you can take it up with these folks.
I try to remember, all this wonderment of the world and creation of man didn't just evolve from almost NOTHING! Which means this power over the earth has the means to intervene if needed or desired. When you think of the entire universe, you know its way beyond our little minds.
"Ever learning but never able to come to a knowledge of the truth." 2Tim3:7
I heard Dr. Malone and Steve Kirsch discuss this a bit. I think, after everything we've learned the past two years, nothing is too crazy to be taken off the table.
Thank you for considering my point. Yea Tom Clancy, he sure had some inside baseball information no doubt. My apologies if my way of articulating what i did caused you think i took what you stated as a fact, i was just more pointing out what i was about the high octane speculations / hearsay.
"However, I have heard at least a couple people mention the mutation in nature was not possible"
All the living creatures on earth created by God (which have DNA of course), by the laws of physics concerning Universal Entropy which begets Genetic Entropy, DNA is always mutating, I ask you kindly, here, take the almost 20 mins of time to consider this video even though you may have a different world-view [read the video description before watching, he's a former atheist turned Bible believer] since he is a Population Geneticist and was for a long time and you will learn much about mutations since mutations are scientifically *ALWAYS* a loss of information, not a gain, which is due to the laws of physics of Universal Entropy;
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E0oxApooaYc - Dr John Sanford Genetic Entropy and the Mystery of the Genome
"Again, speculation and fantasy in this age should be well documented."
I do not deny that, we need a line between reality and fantasy, and sadly the elite have done better than ever in our day to intentionally blur that line so that they can deceive so much of the world so immensely and so deeply through such subtle and crafty trickery, to believe science fiction/fantasy/imagination/fable is fact and demonstrable, observable, repeatable, operational fact is science fiction/fantasy/imaginatation/fable.
"... I understand the bad guys plant that shit just to discredit us."
Oh yes, as one who has spent tens of thousands of hours studying and investigating these things, we are at an age where it can be called "Generation Confusion, Delusion, Illusion and Occlusion.
Also, can't rule anything out - these days
A prominent substacker (forget who now...maybe Igor chukov) questioned the odds of the # of mutations appearing at once. There are benign explanations.. it could be a benign variant that's been flying under the radar all along. But the thought of a white hat researcher occurred to me at first, too. Anything is possible in this crazy world these days!
Yes, I follow Igor. He’s a good dude.
Ya there has got to some good guys in there somewhere right.
Ya gotta hope!!
Yes, it’s so different from the other varieties! “As if it had been in a freezer and then released.” Said by someone who knows.
Yes, beware the next plandemic. Believe it when Gates says the next one will be much worse. He knows. As I wrote four hours ago based on Dr. John Campbell's analysis of the latest figures out of South Africa - this plandemic may be over, but the war is just beginning. https://thegoodcitizen.substack.com/p/the-pandemic-is-over-the-war-is-just/comments
Strongly recommend if you have not had Covid yet may wanna try and catch this strain if possible and if it is truly not dangerous. Just in case something much worse comes out later.
It's time for covid parties. Everyone this holiday should mingle with as many people as possible once the strain starts dominating their area. Sounds like it'll circle the globe fast.
My grandson is positive now. He lives with his unvax grand mom. So we are a step in front of you. Haha
People that can’t handle it needs repurposed drugs availed to them before hand. That’s what so wrong. It should be already in everyone’s pocket just in case.
Totally agree, got plenty of D3, Z, Quercetin, and Horesy Paste (horse noise lol). I don't care I know how to use it. If one good thing has come out of this Sharon its the fact that Ivermectin works on a lot of different ailments. I also try to get a lot of sun (FL) and stay in shape.
Good for you. Lol people love their horses so I don’t blame you. I had the people version prescribed weekly but after 6 month my insurance won’t allow it. It’s ok. I have HCQ and Alinia. Im mad and for good reason. Vax ruined my life 12 years ago. They are not what people think they are. Many have been hurt before this shit. Be healthy - then you’ll never need an injection of any shit. I’m ready for a war at this point. I have grandkids. I’ll go down but not fucking alone. I promise!!
So sorry to hear that. I have been traditionally vax’d and so is everyone I know. It wasn’t until I started listening to Del Bigtree that I realized the huge problem and manipulation in the industry. I used to think “anti vaxxers” were conspiracy kooks. But no worries there’s plenty of people that think I’m a kook to. I wasn’t too out of whack until last year then I started stocking up on certain items.
Still I believe these vaccines go above and beyond what we are accustomed to. This is a whole new level of evil. Usually vax’s and other medical trials are given to a subset of the population. But oh not now it’s humanity in it’s entirety in this experiment. It’s so hard for me to wrap my head around. Please take care!!
You too!! You’ll be fine as long as you keep away from that injection and your lucky to be in Florida. Take care!!!
You probably already have immunity to coronavirus since it's the common cold/flu (which is what is in medical books before December 2019.) Look up "Dr. Rashid Buttar"... one of the first waves of doctors exposing this profound global fraud.
I caught Covid in October. It didn't knock me down hard, but I knew instantly it wasn't a cold, even before I lost my taste and smell. Something just felt alien about it. Personally, I do think it's manufactured and therefore somewhat different than the common cold.
I agree. My husband and I had it way back in March 2020, and our symptoms were not what was considered "typical" at the time so every doctor I contacted insisted that it definitely wasn't that, and wouldn't even test us. I just KNEW, though, because it was just so WEIRD. When I was finally able to get a T-cell test this year, my belief was confirmed. So much for professional expertise.
Yep, just something about it that's hard to put into words.
You gave me some advice earlier Discepolo and if you will indulge me allow me to share some with you. Telling people Covid is a cold and/or flu or does not actually exist, even if true scientifically, is not going to win hearts and minds. Too many people have experienced it since Delta arrived this summer. I am not saying that you are incorrect but understand the goal is to get people to think critically. You will turn others away if you take that approach. Focus on everything else including that Covid is a lab made bio weapon. Too many people have been sick or had friends/family that were. Just throwing it out there friend.
"You gave me some advice earlier Discepolo and if you will indulge me allow me to share some with you. Telling people Covid is a cold and/or flu or does not actually exist, even if true scientifically, is not going to win hearts and minds."
Thank you for your reply. I will begin with those as the Master teaches; those with the eyes to see and the ears to hear and the hearts to understand who seek the hardest and heaviest truths in this life, are they who will be won over. It will win the hearts and minds of those who are after the hardest and heaviest truths about the profound global mind-boggling, colossal, far reaching Big-Pharma/Big-Medical + Big-Gov + Bankster + Mainstream Media deception, fraud, mental/psychological warfare we are in as part of being dragged into "The Great Reset". Those whose hearts and minds are not won by such, are not obviously not ready for it yet, or want to live in a land of just enough truth that does not interfere with their Goldilocks lifestyle aka lukewarm aka vacillaters aka wavering ones aka fence sitters who want the best of both worlds for they do not have the moral fortitude to be either hot or cold for what truth really means, they want the truth they claim but can't handle the hardest and heaviest truths which only a minority in the world can handle hence why they are treated like outcasts and pariahs in society. Consensus does not determine truth, majority vote does not determine truth, consensus science does not determine truth, f you think it does, that is frightening. Should we vote on if murder is wrong in a society of criminals? But oh, most believe it is not wrong in such a society, so it must be true right? I strongly encourage you to read the following before replying;
"Too many people have experienced it since Delta arrived this summer."
Have experienced what? Severe influenza A or B which has all the exact symptoms? See Dr. Robert Malone, the main inventor of the mRNA technology of which he has his name on a few of the patents, who ever the last year if you watch his interviews, has become disillusioned with the very industry he worked in and loved at one point, and he will show you what DELTA and "ADE" (Antibody Dependent Enhancement) has to do with one another. I would also suggest in Jesus defined love that you check out my twitter profile @IesousDisciple to see the many evidences that puts into serious question the understudied position you have taken.
"I am not saying that you are incorrect but understand the goal is to get people to think critically."
Yes it is to get people to think critically. Your inference that what i am sharing is not causing people to think critically when to those who are well learned in what i'm sharing know full well i am thinking quite more critically than you are able to understand at this point regarding these so important matters and thus am showing others to think quite critically since there is quite the substantiated veracity to what i'm sharing as i'm instructed to by the sole Creator, seemingly you mistake me for not doing that. Here's more factual evidence that your inference (somewhat insulting inference) that what i'm sharing is not getting people to think critically when for you to make this statement is itself evidence of being guilty of not thinking critically, is without substance and hypocritical [no offence];
"... You will turn others away if you take that approach. "
Luke, you mistake me for a rookie in this area, it's understandable if you are a gamer especially. The hardest and heaviest truths are what they are hence why so few choose to carry it, and thus is what turns certain others away for they seek a convenient truth which shows they are not truly after the hardest and heaviest truths in life. I'm commanded by God/Jesus to not compromise truth (which He is the eternal absolute most sublime and transcendent foundation and fountainhead of), to not soften it up, to not sweeten/sugar coat it, to tell it like it is (since it is eternally dangerous to one's spirit and soul and eternally dangerous to other's spirits and souls), to be upfront/forthright/blunt/straightforward/plain"spoken"/ aka manifesting honesty and directness and being without evasion or compromise which is part of walking in truth, communicating in truth thus living in truth. So those who turn away with such an approach, show either they are not ready for it yet, or they are not truly after the hardest and heaviest truths and thus;
Galatians 1:10 - "For do I now persuade men, or God? or do I seek to please men? for if I yet pleased men, I should not be the servant of the Christ."
"..Focus on everything else including that Covid is a lab made bio weapon."
You should really watch the above video by Dr. David Martin before replying to this reply of mine, so you might learn why i will not focus on what you are telling me to focus on not just because of my twenty plus years of diligent, meticulous, deep-digging, competent critical analysis experiential knowledge of indagating the NWO agenda, but also since my probably 1000+ hours by now of studying scam-demic since it began which is part of the NWO agenda, is showing me it is actually yourself focusing on the wrong thing, and thus, you are actually the one not truly thinking as critically as you could be on these matters due to not being demonstrably as well-read on such matters/not being demonstrably as well-read on the scope and range and depth of such matters of such profound deception as others are which in turn is showing you do not discern you are in a house of mirrors and think it is me in the mirror when it is you fellow-truth seeker. I will no more focus on the profound lie that this is a lab made bio-weapon when clearly, there is mountains of compelling evidence that proves otherwise (that evidentially you have yet to consume and digest) which Dr. David Martin above in part lays out a compelling case for also. So because of my heuristic laborious, lucubrating, time-consuming, tiring, comparative analysis and investigation of competing narratives to discover where the hardest and heaviest truths lie which many won't touch because like Jesus teaches most are not after the hardest and heaviest truths since they love the world more than truth,i am not going to be one that promotes such a counter-disinformation narrative of the Wuhan leak theory narrative. Again, you mistake me for being understudied on such matters, i honourably and truly request you take the below wisdom in mind by William Paley before your next reply, by reviewing what i have presented so you may get up to speed as to why you are not as well informed on such matters as you believe you are.
“…Contempt prior to examination is an intellectual vice, from which the greatest faculties of mind are not free.” -William Paley, 1859 A.D.
"Too many people have been sick or had friends/family that were. Just throwing it out there friend."
Fellow truth seeker, if you spend the time to actually learn from doctors like Dr. Scott Jenson [35+ year Neurosurgeon, trained in infectious disease and more, who was a Minnesota Senator but lost that when he spoke out] who is specialised to know they are calling the flu "sars-cov-2" AND who further revealed the American Medical Association is forcing a great myriad of doctors in the USA to LIE on the death certificate to claim someone died of "sars-cov-2" when they did *not*, and if you took the time to learn who Dr. Kary Mullis is who *invented the RT-PCR technique/process, who won a Nobel Prize for it in 1993, which he himself NEVER called it a "test" in his work and interviews on video before he died in August 2019 where he made abundantly clear that his invention of the RTPCR was strictly to replicate DNA millions and billions of times for experimental purposes and that it was NEVER designed to diagnose for viral infections* [think about that long and hard], and if you took the time to learn who Dr. Ardis is and watch his material, you'd learn what those too many people have been sick with and why they are actually dying in hospitals which is *not* because of this phantom sars-cov-2. If this was a bio-weapon made in a lab, it sure has done a poor job of murdering the so many claimed to have died from it as the real data shows.
Further , if you actually investigate the factual data of deaths per year of supposed sars-cov-2, you will find the numbers are being profoundly ballooned and cooked to make it look like so so many more caught and/or died of this supposed sars-cov-2 than what actually happened and you will see this is *not* a pandemic whatsoever, but it sure is a plandemic and a panic-demic and a pandemic of incontestable mind-boggling, global, ineffable colossal spiritual and psychological mind-control warfare of utterly wickedly evil deception and lies which is all part of the rise of and realisation of the NWO / Antichrist kindgom.
I seriously implore you to really take the time to carefully, competently, critically and diligently investigate these things out with sound scrutiny before replying, and i ask you that in all due honour and ultimately in the name of who the eternal absolute most sublime transcendent foundation and fountainhead of truth is.
In His Spirit and Truth always.
You are obviously a deep thinker and a great write. I respect that wholeheartedly. To keep it simple all I was saying is telling the masses that there is no Covid or is does not exist will probably not be a winning strategy if your goal is to indeed win them over. Again, you may be correct, I am not debating that with you.
I have never been very religious even though I was just accused of it by another writer. I have started to try and find God though lately. If all this evil exists there must be light......God Bless!!
Hey Luke, I appreciate how you respond. Just to give you hope, you do not have to look for God as his common grace is providing every good thing you enjoy. If you want to know God, try the Bible and the gospel of Mark. It gets to how God the Father through His Son, Jesus Christ confronted evil on earth so those who placed their complete trust in him by turning away from the evil in their own life, can have eternal life.
Hope you learn as I did at age 43 that we need to address your own less than moral excellence also known as sin first before looking at evil in others.
Merry Christmas
Check out Epstein and friends. This goes back into transhumance bullshit and they’re all involved
They'll do anything to keep the cash flowing. Especially for all of those research grants supporting the future use of MRNA technology.
Omicron is a badass Transformers-sounding name.
Agree with you on Power. It is human nature to resist relinquishing power. Makes me wonder what sort of "force" will be required to give up the all-powerful emergency use authorizations our leaders revel.
I used to love transformers, now i understand what it was all about, one of the zillions of elitist seeding agendas to allow us to accept their eventual unrestrained rule over us.
It is true that it is the nature of man to resist relinquishing power, but not all man seeks this when such man and wombman seek to serve their sole Creator above all rather than serve themselves which is the essence of diabolism/satanism. What sort of "force"will be required? For me, i believe this with my whole being for i know it to be inescapably true, God/Jesus will have to step in since only He can stop what His arch-nemesis has planned as the Book of Revelation lays out, since seeking a man-centred solution will ultimately fail hence why man ought to trust ultimately in the only imperfect being that exists where nothing happens on this earth and universe but by His decision. My God teaches to expose and resist evil every second of one's life and do all that one can by His instruction, to combat evil, and He will bless us with some victories of this immense spiritual, mental and physical battle if it be part of His will by seeking Him to fight for us, but ultimately only He can stop the powers that be in this war of life.
It will be the Olympic variant released on the athletes in Chyna.
My friends daughter plays hockey in Italy. They were 2 wins from going. She felt bad for her daughter but was so happy. She was afraid of just this
I’ll second that plus a tip I got for a friends who’s husband is leaving pharmaceutical company predicts smallpox is our way after New Year. They can’t let it alone. Profits too good and the power it gives isn’t something they are ready to cave in on just yet.
Aren’t we all vaccinated for smallpox? With an ACTUAL vaccine?
No, the smallpox vaccine program to my knowledge ended in 1972 as it had been eradicated. So… you can see where this might be going!
well I’m good
The C19 shots have caused harm in the short term and look like they will have weakened individuals and whole communities to the point where this may not be reversible. So I agree with you that we should remain very cautious about declaring victory over whatever C19 actually is. The shots have primed people for harm done from exposure to weaker viral threats. The high-vax-rate places are more vulneable, now, than the low-vax-rate places and the global experiment continues apace.
Yes, we were not wary enough prior to all this. Years worth of elite pandemic planning went unnoticed.
If the vaxx-related adverse events and deaths are not enough fallout to reduce world population, then they have another ace up their sleeve.
We are not dealing with normal human beings. They are psychopaths. Evil.
As Kurt Russell's character MacReady says at the end of The Thing; "Why don't we just wait here a while....and see what happens."
I sure hope that the mutterings of Smallpox and Marburg aren't the next phase for these psychopaths.
I know!
Just wake up and let whatever storms might come to pass without losing your mind.
79.9% of US Omicron Infections are in the Jabbed ! CDC's weekly report....now let the spin begin! Apparently Omicron is very mild....like a common cold. More Jabs needed,of course!
Yup. Pure hysteria. As my Mom used to say, "Panicky Annies, all of you!"
Dr.goebbels fauci will be out today or tomorrow to spew the propaganda on this.
Exactly, there probably working on something right now. Fugazi fraudci will be on cnn saying how dangerous it is and make sure to make family members to bring there vax cards to enter you're house on Christmas. Fauci 4 prison 22
I just stated in part the same thing, in a longer way.
Omicron is a suspected lab leak from Durban, it's a direct descendant of wild-type covid, and may be an attempt to dial back the fuckery. Per Geert Vanden Bosche, Omicron may give the vaxxed another chance: https://www.voiceforscienceandsolidarity.org/scientific-blog/like-a-virgin-untouched-forever
Exactly. I have always suspected these variants are staged releases to placate then drop the hammer as needed. The real problem will be the last release which rolls over the vaxxed to prep for martial law, digital currency, no cash and gold / gun confiscation. All for our safety. The WEF has a plan and it does not include your health or well being. RESIST.
"Beware the next lab leak."
No kidding.
That’s Miles Guo, he’s an exiled anti-CCP billionaire friend of Steve Bannon
Thank you. I really appreciate what you wrote. I have a whole stack of similar comments from the CCP/PLA (most of them confirmed) in line with this.
Do you think he is genuine and is giving a warning or is this reverse propaganda? I am well aware that the US is completely untrustworthy but I also recognize that the CCP aren't exactly the nicest people on Earth either. I would greatly appreciate any insight you have.
Sure thing! For what it’s worth Bannon says Miles has been correct about a lot of things. Idk when this vid call occurred but a few months ago Miles said he was in contact w a CCP source who claimed Artemisinin (a wormwood extract) is the antidote to both virus & 1-2 jabs. He says there are 4 other antidotes to the virus, one of which is advanced nanoparticle tech being used by the CCP elites & Chinese athletes. Also that there were beneficial jabs & poisonous jabs which the Chinese gov used to take out “undesirables.” He was pretty specific in his findings & most of it made sense to me. I can’t say whether I trust him completely (his supposed mission is to take down the CCP) but so far he seems a force of good…his website is constantly updated: https://gnews.org/category/guo_us/
Yeah didn’t they say this exact same thing about delta?
I’ve been optimistic a few times during this. Double masking is jumping the shark! People will wake up. They didn’t. Same for breakthrough infections, the cdc admitting vaccines don’t stop prevention, second dose sickness, the IFR being so much lower than expected....none of it made a difference. The propaganda machine churned on. All that good news was buried and lies were believed.
I’m a naturally optimistic person so this isn’t like me but I just don’t see omicron ending this. The media will just lie again and people will believe it.
Everyone I know is getting boosters. I’ve never been this pessimistic in my life. I just don’t see how it’ll all end. I’ve spoken up, defied mandates, written letters, gone to protests and nothing has helped.
I probably need to sell my house and leave Oregon right? It’s so fucking sad. I’m from a working class family, lived in apartments my whole life, but I worked hard and saved and bought a sweet little house in a great neighborhood. I don’t want to leave, I love the mountains and the rivers and the forests, but I don’t know what else to do.
Fuck. Sorry. This is tmi I know. If someone out there feels realistically optimistic I’d love to hear it.
I can understand how you feel. Consider moving to Middle Tennessee. Tennessee is a free state. We moved from Northern CA seven years ago. If you don't live in Nashville, which is expensive, you can find some relatively cheap places. We live about an hour from Nashville in a rural but very nice town. Prices are going up here, but I think it's still reasonable. Lots of people moving here in the last year or so. We have lots of water...creeks, springs, and plenty of rain. My husband and I own 21 acres, with creeks on three sides, and a spring on one side. We just put in a greenhouse. I'm so happy we made the move.
that sounds perfect. you are very lucky!!
Yes, never imagined Covid, so it was just lucky that we settle here.
Wow. That sounds idyllic. I'm happy for you!
Good idea! I love Tennessee.
My parents moved here ages ago and bought 40 acres, after I was grown. So when my husband and I were talking about getting out of California, we thought about Tennessee. My college room mate also lived here. I never imagined Covid, but we are very lucky we are here and not in CA now. You should check it out.
Vernon, I know what you mean. For a while there were moments almost every day that I thought "Ok, well THIS is it. No one can actually believe in the narrative after this [news story/chart/study]" but it does seem that there's a sunk cost thing happening with folks who believe the narrative. I don't know what it would take for them to pull out from it at this point.
Have you looked into the legal activist community? I actually just saw someone named "Vernon" on one of those TG channels. It takes a lot of work and study, but you can start to fight mandates and overreach at the local level. There are a lot of folks from Oregon on some of those channels.
I am in some of those groups! It’s been helpful. Just feeling so pessimism today. Thanks for reminding me that there are lots of us out there
I live in beautiful WI where it's normal everywhere but the socialist Republic of Madison where they still have a mask mandate. It's cold here in the winter but lovely 9 months out of the year. Up north is paradise. And you don't have to pay $500K for a decent home.
My boyfriend is from there and I do love it! We visited last Christmas and had a great time.
It’s a little cold for me haha. I’m originally from Florida!
But your state is gorgeous. I’ll be there this summer. Looking forward to it.
Don’t live there but I visit often. Oh, and my bike was born there!
TREK! My daughter worked there for a bit. We have some amazing back roads where you can ride for miles and not have a car pass you.
Sounds beautiful! No mask mandate here either, and the gov says your health is between you and your doctor.
I have a friend in Oregon who has put her house up for sale and they are moving to NH in January. (Lived there for decades) Nowhere is perfect but there are a lot of freedom lovers there.
Tennessee has no state income tax, but we do have sales tax. Property tax is very low. Land still relatively cheap in many areas. We are an hour from Nashville, which is attracting big tech :( so property prices here are going up.
The Dems have achieved most of their Scamdemic goals. They can claim now that the vaxxes saved humanity and suckers will believe them.
Game almost over.
Well don’t you think it’s a bit like the kid with their grubby paw in the cookie jar? They are just about caught… let’s hope.
Sure hope you are right Mark.
A likely scenario I hear is Fauci retiring as the House turns red in 2022. Dr Malone said recently the end game, if we can call it that, is when the R’s have enough House and Senate committees to “go after Fauci’s scalp.”
Perhaps…but hard to believe we won’t see a lot of avoidable drama in the meantime.
Wish you the best with your employment. I’m feeling lucky my employer has gone silent after promising a policy in mandates for months.
I’m in Oregon too, moved here a few yrs ago from NC. My family has always been into health & wellness (sis was twice vaxx injured as a child) so any imposition from the med mafia is a nightmare for us.
I take comfort in the fact that eastern OR hasn’t bought into the fear & neither have most ppl I know here. But a group text from college friends excitingly talking about jabbing their kids took me over the edge. One works at google, these are smart ppl but they obviously haven’t done a deep dive. Ok, I get it, most ppl don’t have time & still trust the “authorities”. I didn’t even know where to start w what I know. It’s scary stuff & it’s taken me a long time to process but I just don’t even know what to say to them anymore, it feels like we’re on opposite tracks & there’s no going back.
Then there are those who just intuitively knew something was awry- that’s a good tribe to be a part of but we’re scattered everywhere. Our Trump loving mechanic saw it coming & left for AZ 2 yrs ago bc he said ppl had gone crazy. We’re trying to unplug from the system as much as possible so if it ever feels too hostile there’s the option to leave. One thing I’ve noticed here is the slack mentality so I don’t see them getting too authoritarian. There are a few restaurants in PDX requiring proof of jab but that hasn’t caught on in the burbs. My hope is that the jab virtue signaling is just another trend that will wear off soon. But if moving ever starts feeling like the right thing Idaho & Montana are nearby & the nature there is also spectacular.
Your comment really resonated with me. I too have friends giving their kids the jab and it’s disturbing.
But just last night I found out my best friend was successful in getting her ex to back off vaccinating their seven year old son! That cheered me so much.
Yes, I have such a revulsion I feel physically sick just thinking about it, & my nephew in NY is in the next age group they’re targeting. My sis’s partner is very pro-vax & an all-around moron.
Even one child being spared really lifts my spirits, thanks for sharing!
Literally, my entire family (aside from hubby) is jabbed. We have a bunch of firefighters, teachers, my son works in an ER, my sisters all have comorbidities, etc. So far, I have been able to head off a few boosters and one kid jab by just asking them to wait until I can send them some scientific studies. I have been careful not to send a plethora all at once. I have also sent only the research studies, no articles or opinions. It seems to be helping to delay them to give them pause to reconsider. I'm hopeful. I understand the reasoning for my sisters jabs -- but not my young, fit, healthy family members.
I feel for you and share your sentiment. As an entrepreneur, I'm a very optimistic kinda person -- however, I too thought the madness would wake up more ppl to the madness. I have some extended family in Oregon and what a mess that state has become. I'm in CA, and what a mess this state has become (although the writing on the wall in this state has been in the making for quite some time, I've mostly been in denial). We made the decision to move seeing that we cannot control our environment but we can control where we go. It's a tragedy. It really is. Most of my immediate family is here, and we just had a new born so the making of the decision was difficult. My brother recently moved to Nevada and it's only slightly better than CA.
I'm in Las Vegas. I don't recommend it anymore. The only reason I've ever recommended it is the weather and the ability to live a normal existence out in the suburbs and unconnected to any of the state's more notorious businesses. Cost of living has always been reasonable as well. Contemplating moving south (Phoenix area) or east to Florida.
Yep I'm in Las Vegas also.its become pretty bad.still a mask mandate and a Newsome clone governor. I've also thought about az and Fla. Way to many Californians moved here.
I don't wear a mask. I keep one in my bag in case I run into one of those just-not-worth-it situations, but I don't put it on. At the door at Walmart, I wave it at the gal/guy, cruise by, and put it back in my purse. In Costco, I put it on at the door and as soon as I'm a few feet inside, I hang it off one ear for the duration. Smith's, Albertson's, Walgreen's, the gym, it never comes out of my bag. No one has said a word to me, though a few have looked like they'd like to. I'm absolutely disgusted by all the sheeple all over town masked up 24/7. Another reason I'd like to move on.
Lol the bee keeper or welding shield are my favorite always a good laugh.i walk in with the dumb thing on then take it off for probably 90 pct of time . I'm a sales rep in all those stores you mentioned so sometimes I've had to wear it.have had to be careful got kicked out of a few stores last yr.just time for this garbage to be over .
Brilliant 😆
My brother moved to Vegas and now has some second thoughts on why he did.
We got out of CA 5 years ago. Bought the house and property in Tennessee 7 years ago. Sometimes things work out. I have lots of friends in CA, but am making friends here in Middle Tennessee. You can wear a mask if you want here, and if you don't want you don't have to. No one says a thing. And the gov says medical decisions are between you and your doctor, not the government.
I’m so sorry you had to move but sounds like a positive step!
Also in Oregon, so I feel your pain. Vaxx mandate came down at work. If it actually happens, sounds like I have three or four months left of employment. Probably going to have to leave my home state sometime after that. Maybe a year later? As others have said, there are places in Oregon that are less ridiculous, but they are all still subject to Kate Brown and OSHA's whims, including a permanent mask mandate.
Good luck to you!
The permanent mask mandate is madness! You can submit a comment until Jan 20 I think. Look it up and speak up! We have to make our voices heard
We've been pretty much back to normal here in Indiana for several months. In the past week, I've been to the office Christmas party (no masks, tests or social distancing), jury duty (no social distancing and nobody asked me to wear a mask), and live music (semi-outdoors with good ventilation). This is in Indy, a metro of almost a million people. My impression is that outside hospitals, universities and a few very blue areas, this is the norm in the Midwest and Appalachia.
Canadian here. We are fucked entirely.
Its a very hardtime to be optimistic. One thing that's helped me is to take a weekend trip. Go somewhere they have moved past the fear mongeringand recharge. Any free state or I'd you want to stay in Oregon try baker city. Mask use around 50 percent even with statewide mandate. Went to the other side of the state last week for the first time since 2019 and was as pessimistic as I've been since this started. You aren't alone, not even close. Hang in there bud
*free state or if
South Dakota is nice, too. And retirees pay no state income tax.
I lived in Rapid City, South Dakota for a few years. It was beautiful, but for a Florida native, a tad cold.
The difference is that Delta is clearly dangerous and only a fool would want to get it. Omicron seems tolerable in comparison. Not that I'm volunteering, mind you, but I've heard that women with German measles have deliberately given one another the disease so that when they got pregnant down the line they would be immune, and not infect their children in utero, which would be lethal in many cases.
I'm seeing a split in acquaintances over the boosters. Some are eager to get it and say it is like the flu shot. Others have said no way are they getting it. I understand Germany in the 30s and 40s so much better. I have been disappointed in how many people swallow propoganda like it's water and are willing to demonize others.
Who gets three flu shots in twelve months???
You're preaching to the choir. I tried pointing that out but could see they didn't want to hear it so backed off. I'm going with - your body your choice, just stay off of mine. I just read a book about having impossible conversations but so far I'm lousy at it so I'm going to continue to practice :-)
Hmmm. What’s the title of that book? Mass formation has infected many in my life also….and how the hell did I end up in this choir?
Right??? I'm stunned myself when I look at where I stand now versus a year ago and even more shocking two years ago. The book was recommended to me "How to have Impossible Conversations: A practical guide" by Peter Boghossian. What I've gotten from it is to build rapport and only ask questions - not tell them what is patently obvious to you. Like I said, I stink at it so far but hope to improve.
Yes…Dr. Mike Yeadon, the former Pfizer PhD, says as much. Effectively, asking, “What is wrong with all this?”
Even if the COVID scam ends, places like Oregon are lost for
a myriad of other reasons. I'd leave for greener pastures now.
The conclusion that this will end tyranny is logical and based in science. It's ridiculous to think either logical or science have any power right now.
One sneeze in Australia led to a national manhunt. Covid can not go away because it's not real.
Native american saying: you can't wake someone who is pretending to be asleep
I wouldn't hold my breath. They are in overdrive trying to keep the narrative going.
The war is just beginning. So many doors of tyranny have now opened for the managerial elites and the people behind the curtain they really work for.
Indeed, my thought too. a. They know this, b. They don't give a flying fu-ngus
I doubt Fauci, the medical complex or the current administration will stop their push for everyone to be vaccinated If this was about health care and science they would never have started vaccinating children. There is another agenda, e.g. control of the masses through medical tyranny, that is driving this. It has take. These evil forces twenty years to li d this up, they are not going to let a little thing like truth or real observable scientific truth get in the way.
They have to vax the control group to hide what they've done.
That's the game plan now. They're running out of time and panicking. That's why the tyranny is accelerating.
Yes. The oligarchs are in a race against the Awakening. Each day, more people become aware of the epic deceptions, and each day the chances of continuing the deceptions grow slimmer.
As the Awakening grows, the tyranny increase in response, which only increase the number of those who awaken.
They are trapped in a negative feedback loop now, one that inevitably spells their demise.
Yes they're definitely in a race against people awakening to the multiple deceptions and they're forced to go harder. Don't believe they expected the vaccines to fail so rapidly on both efficacy and safety (reckon they thought they'd have wrapped up their mission by the time failure arrived). So we have a chance. Please God let us not lose it.
I agree with you. I am hopeful this wakes people up en masse. Fingers crossed!! It's the only thing that can stop this absurdity.
Must mock the Mania.
Imagine that. The world economy destroyed, children marred forever, lost count of actual flu stats, vaccines have been changed forever and America has shown a great weakness to the world. Thanks China and Trump haters, was it really worth it? BTW you destroyed the democratic party for a longggg time.
all those things done of purpose
Here’s hoping you’re right on the last point…
Don't get exposed to rabies. This has forever destroyed vaccines.
Destroyed the democratic party? Um, no - they just stole a national election and are ramming everything down our throats, while emptying our pockets! I'd say everything is going according to plan, and it's past time for us to start revolting!
Great news.
Now if only we could get half my family on team reality. They refuse to meet with us for Christmas since we won’t get our kid vaxxed. They are terrified of the omicron variant. At least it means we have less events this Christmas, lol. Thankfully the family we are closest with have been living life like normal since may 2020
I think I have the omicron variant right now. Anyway, I have a cold. No big deal. It's like any other cold. A mild fever, which I enjoy, because I'm often too cold, so this feels welcome, even luxurious, for me. Plus I feel sluggish, sleepy, and have a runny nose. I hope I do have it! I consider it healthy to get a cold once in a while. Keeps my immune system tuned up.
Way back when I was a kid, before there was any such thing as a vaccine for chicken pox, we used to have chicken pox parties enabling us to catch it and get it behind us forever with nothing more than a bit of short term inconvenience. Now it's your turn, Truthbird. Will you please throw an omicron party and invite me to attend while you're still contagious?!
I'd love to! By the way, I had chicken pox when I was a kid, too. That was no big deal. I had mumps, too. Ditto. My brother had the measles. Ditto. No one was terrified of any of these viruses back then (the 1960s.)
I had mumps, measels, chicken pox etc. I’m 54 and had that real shit until they mandate shots for me to get a masters degree. 48 fuckin hours later my life was ruined. I’m telling anyone and everyone. Please don’t believe these psychos. Vax are not the bomb. If your at risk that’s one thing. Most are not!!
The mumps are bad for boys, my cousin's hubs is sterile because of a bad case of the mumps.
They might be sterile because of the vax too. Mumps is a vax that has the real virus in it.
I know of a couple of those cases. Turns out the Measles, Mumps and Pertussis editions by...2006? cause/caused serious shedding and can infect other children (haven't heard about the Rubella...), and 2006 is when they said those shots were only "good for" 6 months over at District Health. So, Pharma has gained some real-world data on the vaccination by proximity to dissemination concepts that are in the literature.
Yes. After I was injured. Mandated to get MMR and HepB to get a master degree. I learned so much cause I was suffering so much. Dr Meryl Nass taught me so much. She is very smart and has an honest medical opinion that everyone should listen to before injecting their children!! Our government and big pharma are just making me bet at our perils
And not only that. Measels would have been irradiated if we did nothing. Let it run it’s course. It’s a human disease (unlike Covid from a bat - that man manufactured). It would have gone like the Black Plague etc without a vax to keep it going
Turns out it's good for you to get covid. New research:
How do you know what you have? All the viruses have the same 10-15 symptoms. I do not believe it is possible to tell one from another....that has been medicine's long time running hoax.
Lol enjoying the fever
You an optimist!!
There's definitely a cold going around so I'd test so you know. Got a cold that had identical symptoms to Omicron...but I tested myself a shit ton and it never came positive.
I've never had a test for covid and I don't intend to do so now! Besides, I don't trust any of the tests to be accurate. As far as I'm concerned, those tests are just theatre. And I honestly don't care if what I have is the omicron variant or just some garden-variety cold.
There aren't any tests with any accuracy, the Rapid test isn't accurate either. Two of the hallmarks of Covid-19 early on is a bad headache and a truly Profound loss of smell, it is unlike any other smell blunting by colds or flu. It is turning out the "Omicron" isn't a thing, Dr. Cowen's video explains, below. It's playing out well for the Pharma Barons that some 17,000 rather delayed reports of "cases" from September/October in S. Africa were conveniently dumped into the public stats concomitantly with the "Omicron" case report. This video is worth watching; I wish the Botswana doctor's chart notes were made available, but what the lab did with the sample... omigosh.
Colds are making a comeback. My husband and I are on the tail end of one and our boy in another town has one. We've all had Covid so we know it's just a cold (and dr hubs HAD to get tested.)
Truthbird, my experience, and collecting others' stories - you will now if you get the ccp fauXi gates virus. Especially the Profound loss of smell, headache starting out. I do understand what you are saying about some fever though, lol
I got the original version of covid in February 2020, including the loss of taste and smell. I was sick in bed for about a week, and I had noticeable post-viral fatigue for several weeks after that. It was like an atypical flu - a whole host of symptoms, which presented themselves one after another for a week.
Unfortunately, for terrible reasons I can't begin to describe here, I got vaxed (Pfizer) in March / April 2021, and became extremely sick after getting the second dose, I remained extremely sick for months, and I have lasting neurological damage from that horrific experience. The Pfizer poison injection adverse reaction was the worst sickness I've ever experienced in my entire life, by many orders of magnitude.
Well if it's any consolation, your story is affirming to me as to why I should never get jabbed as a Covid survivor. May you soon recover. So sorry.
OMG, truthbird, I am so sorry. What a hell nightmare. Thank you for explaining. I see unknowing doctors telling their patients that with the "natural" immunity from the created virus, plus shots they then will have the best of both, but it doesn't work out that way. I know of two people who did the same; one of them a longtime friend who passed 3 weeks after the 2nd shot from abrupt organ failures - I had begged her, showed her the papers... but her kids prevailed.
To my surprise, because it was said there's nothing that can be done once jabbed, I'm seeing some people getting significant improvement from injuries, even from paralysis using IVM &/or HCQ protocols. FLCCC/AFLDS has a couple and consults if there is no one within reasonable distance of you. There are a couple doctors on my side of the state working on setting up specialty practice to take care of the injured.
I’m so sorry. I was injured by vax (not Covid). I wish I had known you so I could have protected you from this stupid shit. I’m so sorry.
Me too. Thanks for the sympathy. I'm sorry you, too, were vax-injured.
We all have to find our tribe and continue living . Let the rest triple , quadruple vaxx and wear double masks . Their loss
I don't know how you recover from that. It would be really hard for me if my family shunned me. That's not yet happened. I'm kinda hoping my brother finds out I'm not vaxxed so he won't come, lol!
Look at the money you save on gifts!
Oh God, Tessa VB, I am so sorry about that half!
Let them keep their arsenic.
$78 billion more to flatten the curve.
Nice one. So true
FRS balance sheet increase was 100x that.
Looks like we are going to find out if the last two years has really been about public health and saving lives, or something else like maybe a new world order or something like that.
This is only when everyone becomes less obedient to the cause. If you dont get any Christmas presents this season or next is because Santa Claus will be having mulitlple adverse reactions.
Very possible. From most portraits of him, he is clearly elderly and morbidly obese. It's likely that he has multiple co-morbidities. Diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease. And living at the North Pole doesn't help with Vitamin D from the lack of sunlight. Christ! The examples we set for our children! Hey, that reminds me of another. I mean, really, is a carpenter so misguided that he manages to get himself nailed to wood, is that maximal irony or what? 🤡
I want nothing to do with the Branch Covidian jabberdoo murderers. They can keep their arsenic-laden presents.
Don't you dear tell Uncle Joe he will be Naming his next camp after you.
Scamdemic from Day 1.
Look up the connections of Epstein. It gets real scary. Planned a while ago by creepy rich people
Seeing CNN and the Liberal media is great at Making up False stories. Don Lemon 🍋 should find out when Fauci and Collins was on Jeffrey Toobin Epstein Airplane. How often and for how many weeks.
"Omicron appears more contagious but far milder than earlier strains of Covid."
This is what evolutionary theory would predict. Only a science denier would deny it!
The virus will evolve to kill less people so it can spread further and survive.
Dr. John Campbell declared the pandemic effectively over 8 hours ago while analyzing the latest data out of South Africa. He gets a bit misty eyed. https://thegoodcitizen.substack.com/p/the-pandemic-is-over-the-war-is-just/comments
It was in the Netherlands before SA and the WEF had Omicrom listed on their web in July. It’s not from SA. They’re trying to play that cause their vax rate is low.
National institute for public health and environment found Omicrom in test samples in Netherlands in early November. Also the people who tested positive in SA were diplomats who were tested cause they flew into SA.
And they were all fully jabbed. Interesting.
And give Om-infected durable, robust immunity from all the other Midterm Variants.
Dr. Malone said as much today on WarRoom:Pandemic.
In other words, the virus is gonna virus….
I want so badly for this to be true. I'm 9 weeks pregnant at age 38 with my first child, and in a larger body and unjabbed. This would be a blessing.
Be positive, be happy and take care of yourself. May you have a great year ahead.
Keep u and your baby protected. FYI. Look up the HepB vax they’ll try to give your baby 24 hours after birth. There is no need for it. HepB is a sexual transmitted disease. No need for your baby!!
I'm thankful to have been a student midwife in a past life and know about this. I have a homebirth midwifery team who gives informed consent about everything. Now it's just convincing my husband that some of these things are unnecessary! 🙏💗
Your body, your choice.
💕💕💕to you and your child💕💕💕
Good luck, Kate. Stay well and stay strong!
Alec Baldwin has killed more people than Omicron
I've been living my life like it's 2019 since March 2020.
Me too! I smelled a rat on day 1, I gave them 15 days and than I took back my life! The mass psychosis has been fascinating to watch.
way to go if the ghouls let you where you are. you must be in Florida or somewhere like that
I am!
Most of us don't have that luxury, not as fascinating from our end and it will migrate to you soon enough
I’m not the least bit concerned.
I’m not the least bit concerned.
this data is why Pfizer has gone into overdrive last few days, lying their ass off that the 3rd shot, the 4th shot, the Nth shot is needed to control Omicron.
The psychopaths won't stop. They all need a life sentence.
If this is the true state of the virus, then its progression might be following that of the 1918 flu. It lasted about two years, and we are at about that time in this one.
On the other hand, Geert Vanden Bosche predicts further variants arising from vaccine-induced mutations to the Omicron variant. He has been accurate so far in his predictions. Hopefully, he will be wrong this time.
In other words don’t pop the cork just yet.
I think his model doesn't take into account variants that are completely naive from the existing population, and vaccine immunity doesn't seem to be conferring much benefit for Omicron (despite reports to the contrary). It's just so mild in general that the spin is that the vaccine helps (though really....does it or is the variant just far less pathogenic to everyone?).
I think if Omicron didn't exist then his model is accurate (and a paper released this week showed that indeed vaccinated communities are breeding vaccine resistant strains of Delta). But we're essentially starting immunity all over again but with a weak ass variant.
So we'll all get real herd immunity. Thus the end of the pandemic.
Do you have a link to this paper? “and a paper released this week showed that indeed vaccinated communities are breeding vaccine resistant strains of Delta”
Real herd immunity from Omicron is an optimistic but plausible endpoint. If I understand correctly, that is how the 1918 pandemic wound down. It is yet to be seen if we follow that path. Dr. Vanden Bosche's concern was that if we target Omicron with a new vaccine, we could produce a variant that would not only evade all vaccines to date, but could evade previously gained natural immunity. He has stated that if such an event were to occur, the pandemic would restart as if from the beginning because we would be facing a novel virus never before seen by the human race. That would put the planet back to square one.
I do wonder what vectors the elite will use when it's apparent that this incredibly infectious variant has spread to everyone. The rate of infection in South Africa is incredible. It's spread so fast that it's likely the documented infection count dwarfs the actuals since the symptoms are so cold-like.
So with that same rate holding true globally I don't see how Omicron doesn't spread like wildfire in most of Europe and parts of the US. For us we're still spread out enough that I think transmission will linger for a while, but it will be apparent in Europe very quickly that it's not deadly.
Trutufully they can only have a new vaccine ready for Omicron by April at the earliest. By then it would have spread to the majority of cities, and there might not even be a demand for vaccines.
However, all of these truths are contingent on what people actually think...and whether governments can successfully continuing the fear pumped up. If they can then it doesn't really matter....
By every account, omicron causes mild cold symptoms and no death. Omicron is the attenuated (weakened, live) virus vaccine we've been waiting for. Omicron is the better vaccine for acquiring robust and durable natural immunity without much risk.
We should be watching for friends and extended family who catch omicron and immediately organize omicron parties to spread it quickly among everyone --- vaccinated and unvaccinated alike, especially children, if they have not yet recovered to acquire natural immunity.
Yes, exactly.
Too analytical and public health oriented Alex. The power elite hasn't bothered with either of those things for 21 months, and a good majority of people still believe the propaganda. No way they are giving up now. It will take a fight to end the scamdemic.
Although this is good news, I wouldn't hold my breath. Despite any and all good news in the last 2 years, the official narrative has not changed: 1) that Covid is a deadly plague for ALL ages, 2) the RNA vaccines are the only salvation.
There are about 50% of the populace that are total stupid sheep. Like livestock, they will never stop unless the powers to be decide to change the official narrative.
You're right about the 50%.
Must mock the Mania.
How to stretch this plandemic to November 2024? That is the question plaguing the basement-dwelling globalist Great Rest social planners noting the plummeting "likes" for American Democrats and the growing probability that Americans will again be the country to turn the tide of a great war back to democracy, freedom and liberty.
I don't think many realize that we are fighting WW-III right now, and COVID has always been just another nuclear weapon where the fallout continues to dismantle humanity as it existed before.
I was at brunch with 9 other people today. Most, if not all, know that I have not gotten the not-a-vaccine. However, one of the more vocal of the group decided to spout off about everyone should be getting the not-a-vaccine and the boosters and are putting their lives in danger. Others agreed. I was at the other end of the table and stayed silent because we've had this discussion before and it's not worth trying to explain my reasoning. He especially just talks over me and shoots me down. If he tries again, maybe I'll ask him if he thinks his 300+ plus weight is healthy.
There are going to be some seriously disappointed people when this virus blows over and I'm not talking about just Falsi and his ilk.
You should bring up his weight. I'm sick of 400 lb people thinking because they are vaxxed they will survive covid while the person who eats right and has a average bmi will die.
Stop being such a wimp.
Great information we would NEVER have access to if not for Alex Berenson. Sounds like Alex is a great candidate for a legitimate Nobel Peace Prize. Thank you Mr. Berenson!
This is great news, which can go either way (1) The whole charade collapses, life reverts to 'normal' but where is the jail capacity to lock up all the fear-porn merchants?, (2) The ruling elite double down on their incessant studipily as they have invested a lot in getting the vaxed their 'passports' - they still need 100% jabbed so they get the passports as it's a requirement for the Social Credit System. I sincerely hope it's Option (1)..........
Don't patronize any merchant demanding a bioweapon passport.
2) is my biggest fear...and if their charade does collapse, they'll just release something truly deadly.
Oh c'mon. You are being a conspiracy theorist. Remember, both the FBI and the CDC are going to investigate those 15 vials labelled "smallpox" found at the Merck Facility. Merck of course is largely controlled by Bill Gates.
And if you cannot trust Bill Gates, the CDC, and the FBI, whom can you trust?
Ditto, fingers crossed for #1
Just listened to the Steve Kirsch interview wt Robert Malone and the topic of Omicron came up. There is a thought it may have been released by someone with good intentions.
I was hypothesizing that it could be a way for the elite to end the pandemic....but the media spin and government freak out suggests otherwise. They're if anything trying to hide information that it's far less deadly and only focusing on contagion (as if that's automatically a bad thing).
So I think this was a legit variant that's just been breeding for a long time in Africa but was undetected due to wide spread IVM use and lack of virus monitoring in large proportions of the continent. We only noticed it in South Africa due to testing, but it could have been spreading (and originated) in much poorer parts of the continent.
The elite didn't see it coming...no one did. They're freaking out BECAUSE if it spreads and people realize it's far less deadly then it's potentially game over for this scheme they've created. They can't create a vaccine fast enough before the majority of the population gets the virus, and people aren't tolerating lockdowns anymore.
And the media and the vaccine obsessed will say "SEE! The vaccine is working! Symptoms are mild in vaccinated individuals!".
I've had multiple friends and family who are vaccinated recently catch covid, go through the common symptoms and express "thanks to the vaccine, my symptoms aren't terrible and I'm not dying". I try to kindly remind them that this is how COVID was before the vaccines for the vast majority of people.
These people are nuts. It’s in US and in the vax more than anyone. It’s called ADE or the like. Why would anyone at this point keep jacking that shit in their body. Time to start a war if we are made to do that. I’m serious.
You know better. What is the recourse and how do we get the government, and big Pharma to admit that vaccines are causing higher than normal all-cause mortality?
This is a huge liability that people must be able to use against the corporate killers.
No liability for Big Pharma, only profits. 100% risk falls on the useful dupes.
This SHOULD be the optimistic and feel good news that heralds us into the holiday season but I fear it will dwindle and go the way of other sound and logical data. I want to be hopeful. I really do but I have a crushing feeling that the Build Back Better Billionaires have other ideas. Too many freedoms have been taken away. Too many lives have been ruined. Too much control has been exerted and too much has gone unchallenged. A line has been crossed - globally. And you don’t come back from the same way you went in. My only question is where do we go from here and what lies behind the curtain?
Violence is never the answer
Violent revolt.
So I just watched the Sex and the City reboot, which expressly is set in a post covid world, with my wife and when Mr.Big had a heart attack after riding his Peleton bike hard, guess what I thought of? Especially since they also have another character who mentions in passing that she is feeling out of it after her booster. Am I too hopefully that the writers were trying to communicate something lol?
41%?! Any way to find out what the 4 out of 5 deaths that weren’t attributed to COVID were? I’d be willing to bet a large portion of them are cardiac-related …
and strokes.
You'd probably win that bet, since in normal times heart and circulatory disorders are a major cause of death, in the rich nations at least.
Right—but these are abnormal times, so this is 41% above the ordinary run-of-the-mill mortalities …
Really. As usual this is a slanted story sure to never mention the 80%, were they vaxed??
Since 85.5% of The Netherlands is considered “fully vaxxed” (at least by the current definition), the likelihood is high that the remaining 4 out of 5 (or even 5 out of 5) were predominantly vaxxed:
The Survival Rate is still way to high you must get your booster shot at all costs. Regardless of the outcome. Have a very Merry communist Christmas.
There is good news folks. The FDA said they will release their covid data in 75 years. So please go out and get the jabs. Make sure to your 5 year old vaxxed too. To help slow the spread. Just two more weeks. We’re all in this together. The government is looking out for our best interests.
Oddly enough, I had been saying this to friends and family last week. It was great news, less lethal more transmissible variant taking over in normal mutation replacing the last one.
It is not going to stop them trying to force the death jab though.
My littlest grandson just tested positive yesterday. Funny, he’s healthy than he’s been in last year cause of mask. He’s not sick at all. I’m his grandmother who he lives with. Totally against vax cause they injured me 12 years ago. I’m I’m good meds that I trust (we all know what I’m talking about). This shit needs to stop now and this above 50 lady will prove that once again.
Also, Omicron did NOT start in South Africa. It was in Scotland and Europe before SA did the work on it. Norway (oslo) has three super-spreader events all in vaccinated and say they can't control it. It got into Botswana courtesy of four fully vaccinated diplomats, and has spread to 57 countries courtesy of vaccinated people in airplanes.
And... I smell a rat.
One can only hope this is the end. But so far this is what I've seen from "experts" and "leaders" since Omicron made it's debut is literally this: "Omicron likely evades the vaccine, so get more vaccines!"
Not that it's the first nonsensical edict since this mess started, but they are increasingly and glaringly illogical, and people seem to still follow the Fauci. Er. "Science."
The Japanese do not play nice with respect to vaccines. They're very safety conscious with this stuff.
Anyone here quietly holding PFE, MRNA, AZN, JNJ, GILD, BNTX, and/or NVAX might think about selling NOW. The tertiary stocks: Adobe, Zoom, delivery services etc. will be fine. New spending and lifestyle patterns have emerged. The truth is - we don't need jabs. Hold the line my good friends.
A cynical person would say they fired all of the healthcare workers who wouldn’t get vaccinated To create the very scenario we now have, some overcrowded hospitals because doctors, nurses and other staff, last year’s heroes were quitting,
Rather than get jabbed for a disease they already had and for which they now have immunity.
Oh yeah - if I've learned anything the past 2 years it's that global health authorities will respond appropriately to conditions on the ground.
Good one
Worldwide Tyranny has fallen short of victory thus the vaccines will not end. The answer to ending USA tyranny is the TENTH ADMENDMENT.
The convention of states will result in another con. Soros has already undermined this option.
Everyone has been grilled to believe in the shit. Del Bigtree is right. I favor DR Meryl Nass. Either way- they know what’s going on. RFK Jr is the bomb and many say he’s crazy. Well I was injured and because of that I’m now crazy too. I don’t care. I know the real deal. Lived it been there. Everyone needs to wake up and save the next generation from these psychopaths
We know Omicron is milder and can present like a cold. Do not doubt that Fauci/Collis/Gates will look to release another virus. Dems will never let Covid end in 2021 due to the midterms. They are evil.
i gotta admit. i've given in to despair. when john ioannidis said the ifr was roughly 0.25%, give or take, i genuinely thought ok we're done. everyone is gonna breathe a huge sigh of relief and come to their senses. alas, that was not to be. since then, we've had numerous studies on the failures of lockdown and school closures. dozens of crt on masks, showing how ineffective they are. it's like screaming into the wind. the powers that be don't care about data, or studies, or science. and a majority are still so controlled by them that they are willing to risk their own kids. so while i am grateful for the likes of kirsch and berenson and others, i am no longer optimistic we will ever leave this madness. the powers that be took too much money and power from this to give it up. perhaps the deepest reason why they will never give this up is they also just get off on jerking the rest of us around
Exactly! I'm actually kind of baffled that Alex believes this will change anything... for the better.
Thank you Alex, please keep doing what you're doing. It is almost impossible to get these types of stories in Australia and our mandates just keep getting worse!
This could be an unmitigated disaster for the world…the world of big pharma, that is!
I wonder what the malignant troll that heads up the NIAID will come up with now. I’m pretty sure it will be well thought out and of course based on science.
Dang just got my 2022 Pfizer calender with monthly booster shots all filled in.
Thank you for the post, Alex. In my heart, I really want this to be true. Rationally thinking though, I do not think this will be the end because it's not about Covid anymore. The bureaucrats and politicians are too far in the mess they created and they will never admit that they made a mistake. The only option for them is to keep going and "eliminate the control group" ...
In Austria people who refuse the vaccines will possibly get sentenced to jail eventually (if they do not pay the fines associated with the refusal). In Germany soon something very similar will play out as well. In Australia people are sent to Covid camps against their will (even if they test negative, but they were "exposed" to Covid). In Canada, unvaccinated people are not able to even travel by train, plane, or ship. They literally can not leave their own country (not even mentioning all domestic vaccine passport measurements).
I might be negative about this, but I do not see why governments suddenly would give back to people all their freedoms, and why politicians would give up their power of making any decisions they want without any opposition (emergency period). Once they stop, they will be accountable for all decisions they made which costed many many lives.. Are they going to take responsibility for that? I do not think so. They have blood on their hands. The only option left: keep going until they can..
Eventually the "machine will break" because it is not a sustainable way of governing, but until that a lot of worse things can go down.
Again, I truly hope that your prediction will play out. But I rather take these news with a grain of salt, so in case of tripping I do not hit myself too hard :) .
By the way, Pandemia is fantastic. Thank you very much for putting all the work and write such a well detailed and incredible book. I can only recommend it to everyone who hasn't bought it yet.
This is precisely why the UK has brought in new restrictions. They want to slow the spread of Omicron... Not to save lives, but to get as many people taking their boosters as possible, before they begin to realise they've been had.
Alex, this is good tangible information that most people can understand. Thanks for posting. We should share this wide and re-share it often.
Now I have to return all my rhinestone studded masks I bought my fellow Hall Monitors for non-denominational, Winter Solstice, outdoor, safe-distanced, Festivus.
(Or however the hell you spell it.)