No offence Luke, and with all due honour and gallantry, but we are at time where hearsay should be shunned due to how profound the depth and scope of serpentine damned criminal deceit, disinformation, lies, misrepresentation, obfuscation, trickery etc the Antichrist rulers have much of the world in about all of this and more.
No offence Luke, and with all due honour and gallantry, but we are at time where hearsay should be shunned due to how profound the depth and scope of serpentine damned criminal deceit, disinformation, lies, misrepresentation, obfuscation, trickery etc the Antichrist rulers have much of the world in about all of this and more.
Fair point, it was more of a Tom Clancy novel idea. I did not mean for it to be construed as fact. However, I have heard at least a couple people mention the mutation in nature was not possible. Again, speculation and fantasy in this age should be well documented. I understand the bad guys plant that shit just to discredit us.
It's not speculation or fantasy. It has a real base in evolutionary science. This is a discussion of this hypothesis by a couple of evolutionary biologists:
It's a bit technical if you don't have a background in biological science, but still worth listening to.
"I think only an idiot can be an atheist. We must admit that there exists an incomprehensible power or force with limitless foresight and knowledge that started the whole universe going in the first place." - Christian Boehmer Anfinsen, Jr., 1972 Nobel Prize in Chemistry.
"Evolution *is the great cosmologic myth of the twentieth century.*" Dr. Michael Denton, Molecular Biochemist, Evolution: A Theory in Crisis.
Evolution is not factual operational science, it's several thousand year old pagan religion masquerading as operational science.
So sick and tired of the tremendous profound fraud of Darwinian Evolution Theory/"Scientific" Materialism. I'm well learned in this reality over many years, that evolution is actually several thousand year old pagan religion that Darwin encapsulated in a Victorian veneer of the aristocracy and of course of "favoured races" as his magnus opus was titled with. I became a convert to Creation Science (aka factual Scriptural creation science) a long while ago and to believe evolution theory is true when we are in a universe of Universal Entropy which begets Genetic Entropy, such folks are either serious liars selling themselves out to the Devil, or they are what simulated intelligence is in such areas.
Here's a video from a former atheist, who did jail time for attempted murder of his father with a hammer to the head, which he did in the name of how it's all about "survival of the fittest" as Darwin put forth, that ultra ethnic-superiority devil who called dark skinned people closer to apes than lighter skinned;
The moment an evolutionist opens their mouth, they refute their own world-view, see the above video to understand why, and if one still can't understand why, then that sure reveals that this is not about a evidence issue but a heart/pride issue.
Hi Mara here is a link from Dr Paul Cottrell. He has his PHD in Chaos theory. He is currently getting his medical doctorate. It is very complex and I have no idea how he has the specs of the virus but he's definitely a smart dude.
Thanks for that! I have a background in biological science, so really enjoy listening to real scientists expounding ideas based on actual data ( & have learned to skim over the bits that go over my head).
Lol Dr Paul gets in the weeds, way over my head. But something about his mathematics degree and his understanding from the outside of medical I appreciate. he's very similar to Kirsch.
If you choose to disbelieve evolution and its related natural sciences, that is your choice. Call us "idiot atheists" too, if it makes you feel good. But speaking as someone with a quite a bit of education, including in the sciences, I will stick with what nearly 200 years of biological science and confirming discoveries teaches is the truth. If anyone feels they can disprove the general theory of Darwin's evolution, of which mutation is only a part, I invite you to. Unlike religious dogma, science is never settled and must make room for revisions but requires proof of claims, verified by others. By all means, prove us wrong, write your paper and collect your Nobel Prize.
I suggest you listen to Mara's link the Darkhorse and my link from Paul Cottrell. I don't think any of those videos feature overly religious dogma. It is apparent you are very proud of your education and it probably outweighs my own. Maybe you can take it up with these folks.
I try to remember, all this wonderment of the world and creation of man didn't just evolve from almost NOTHING! Which means this power over the earth has the means to intervene if needed or desired. When you think of the entire universe, you know its way beyond our little minds.
I heard Dr. Malone and Steve Kirsch discuss this a bit. I think, after everything we've learned the past two years, nothing is too crazy to be taken off the table.
Thank you for considering my point. Yea Tom Clancy, he sure had some inside baseball information no doubt. My apologies if my way of articulating what i did caused you think i took what you stated as a fact, i was just more pointing out what i was about the high octane speculations / hearsay.
"However, I have heard at least a couple people mention the mutation in nature was not possible"
All the living creatures on earth created by God (which have DNA of course), by the laws of physics concerning Universal Entropy which begets Genetic Entropy, DNA is always mutating, I ask you kindly, here, take the almost 20 mins of time to consider this video even though you may have a different world-view [read the video description before watching, he's a former atheist turned Bible believer] since he is a Population Geneticist and was for a long time and you will learn much about mutations since mutations are scientifically *ALWAYS* a loss of information, not a gain, which is due to the laws of physics of Universal Entropy;
"Again, speculation and fantasy in this age should be well documented."
I do not deny that, we need a line between reality and fantasy, and sadly the elite have done better than ever in our day to intentionally blur that line so that they can deceive so much of the world so immensely and so deeply through such subtle and crafty trickery, to believe science fiction/fantasy/imagination/fable is fact and demonstrable, observable, repeatable, operational fact is science fiction/fantasy/imaginatation/fable.
"... I understand the bad guys plant that shit just to discredit us."
Oh yes, as one who has spent tens of thousands of hours studying and investigating these things, we are at an age where it can be called "Generation Confusion, Delusion, Illusion and Occlusion.
No offence Luke, and with all due honour and gallantry, but we are at time where hearsay should be shunned due to how profound the depth and scope of serpentine damned criminal deceit, disinformation, lies, misrepresentation, obfuscation, trickery etc the Antichrist rulers have much of the world in about all of this and more.
Fair point, it was more of a Tom Clancy novel idea. I did not mean for it to be construed as fact. However, I have heard at least a couple people mention the mutation in nature was not possible. Again, speculation and fantasy in this age should be well documented. I understand the bad guys plant that shit just to discredit us.
It's not speculation or fantasy. It has a real base in evolutionary science. This is a discussion of this hypothesis by a couple of evolutionary biologists:
It's a bit technical if you don't have a background in biological science, but still worth listening to.
"I think only an idiot can be an atheist. We must admit that there exists an incomprehensible power or force with limitless foresight and knowledge that started the whole universe going in the first place." - Christian Boehmer Anfinsen, Jr., 1972 Nobel Prize in Chemistry.
"Evolution *is the great cosmologic myth of the twentieth century.*" Dr. Michael Denton, Molecular Biochemist, Evolution: A Theory in Crisis.
Evolution is not factual operational science, it's several thousand year old pagan religion masquerading as operational science.
So sick and tired of the tremendous profound fraud of Darwinian Evolution Theory/"Scientific" Materialism. I'm well learned in this reality over many years, that evolution is actually several thousand year old pagan religion that Darwin encapsulated in a Victorian veneer of the aristocracy and of course of "favoured races" as his magnus opus was titled with. I became a convert to Creation Science (aka factual Scriptural creation science) a long while ago and to believe evolution theory is true when we are in a universe of Universal Entropy which begets Genetic Entropy, such folks are either serious liars selling themselves out to the Devil, or they are what simulated intelligence is in such areas.
Here's a video from a former atheist, who did jail time for attempted murder of his father with a hammer to the head, which he did in the name of how it's all about "survival of the fittest" as Darwin put forth, that ultra ethnic-superiority devil who called dark skinned people closer to apes than lighter skinned; - Argument from Reason
The moment an evolutionist opens their mouth, they refute their own world-view, see the above video to understand why, and if one still can't understand why, then that sure reveals that this is not about a evidence issue but a heart/pride issue.
Stupidity incarnate.
Hi Mara here is a link from Dr Paul Cottrell. He has his PHD in Chaos theory. He is currently getting his medical doctorate. It is very complex and I have no idea how he has the specs of the virus but he's definitely a smart dude.
Thanks for that! I have a background in biological science, so really enjoy listening to real scientists expounding ideas based on actual data ( & have learned to skim over the bits that go over my head).
Lol Dr Paul gets in the weeds, way over my head. But something about his mathematics degree and his understanding from the outside of medical I appreciate. he's very similar to Kirsch.
If you choose to disbelieve evolution and its related natural sciences, that is your choice. Call us "idiot atheists" too, if it makes you feel good. But speaking as someone with a quite a bit of education, including in the sciences, I will stick with what nearly 200 years of biological science and confirming discoveries teaches is the truth. If anyone feels they can disprove the general theory of Darwin's evolution, of which mutation is only a part, I invite you to. Unlike religious dogma, science is never settled and must make room for revisions but requires proof of claims, verified by others. By all means, prove us wrong, write your paper and collect your Nobel Prize.
I suggest you listen to Mara's link the Darkhorse and my link from Paul Cottrell. I don't think any of those videos feature overly religious dogma. It is apparent you are very proud of your education and it probably outweighs my own. Maybe you can take it up with these folks.
I try to remember, all this wonderment of the world and creation of man didn't just evolve from almost NOTHING! Which means this power over the earth has the means to intervene if needed or desired. When you think of the entire universe, you know its way beyond our little minds.
"Ever learning but never able to come to a knowledge of the truth." 2Tim3:7
I heard Dr. Malone and Steve Kirsch discuss this a bit. I think, after everything we've learned the past two years, nothing is too crazy to be taken off the table.
Thank you for considering my point. Yea Tom Clancy, he sure had some inside baseball information no doubt. My apologies if my way of articulating what i did caused you think i took what you stated as a fact, i was just more pointing out what i was about the high octane speculations / hearsay.
"However, I have heard at least a couple people mention the mutation in nature was not possible"
All the living creatures on earth created by God (which have DNA of course), by the laws of physics concerning Universal Entropy which begets Genetic Entropy, DNA is always mutating, I ask you kindly, here, take the almost 20 mins of time to consider this video even though you may have a different world-view [read the video description before watching, he's a former atheist turned Bible believer] since he is a Population Geneticist and was for a long time and you will learn much about mutations since mutations are scientifically *ALWAYS* a loss of information, not a gain, which is due to the laws of physics of Universal Entropy; - Dr John Sanford Genetic Entropy and the Mystery of the Genome
"Again, speculation and fantasy in this age should be well documented."
I do not deny that, we need a line between reality and fantasy, and sadly the elite have done better than ever in our day to intentionally blur that line so that they can deceive so much of the world so immensely and so deeply through such subtle and crafty trickery, to believe science fiction/fantasy/imagination/fable is fact and demonstrable, observable, repeatable, operational fact is science fiction/fantasy/imaginatation/fable.
"... I understand the bad guys plant that shit just to discredit us."
Oh yes, as one who has spent tens of thousands of hours studying and investigating these things, we are at an age where it can be called "Generation Confusion, Delusion, Illusion and Occlusion.
Also, can't rule anything out - these days