I think his model doesn't take into account variants that are completely naive from the existing population, and vaccine immunity doesn't seem to be conferring much benefit for Omicron (despite reports to the contrary). It's just so mild in general that the spin is that the vaccine helps (though really....does it or is the variant just f…
I think his model doesn't take into account variants that are completely naive from the existing population, and vaccine immunity doesn't seem to be conferring much benefit for Omicron (despite reports to the contrary). It's just so mild in general that the spin is that the vaccine helps (though really....does it or is the variant just far less pathogenic to everyone?).
I think if Omicron didn't exist then his model is accurate (and a paper released this week showed that indeed vaccinated communities are breeding vaccine resistant strains of Delta). But we're essentially starting immunity all over again but with a weak ass variant.
So we'll all get real herd immunity. Thus the end of the pandemic.
Do you have a link to this paper? “and a paper released this week showed that indeed vaccinated communities are breeding vaccine resistant strains of Delta”
Real herd immunity from Omicron is an optimistic but plausible endpoint. If I understand correctly, that is how the 1918 pandemic wound down. It is yet to be seen if we follow that path. Dr. Vanden Bosche's concern was that if we target Omicron with a new vaccine, we could produce a variant that would not only evade all vaccines to date, but could evade previously gained natural immunity. He has stated that if such an event were to occur, the pandemic would restart as if from the beginning because we would be facing a novel virus never before seen by the human race. That would put the planet back to square one.
I do wonder what vectors the elite will use when it's apparent that this incredibly infectious variant has spread to everyone. The rate of infection in South Africa is incredible. It's spread so fast that it's likely the documented infection count dwarfs the actuals since the symptoms are so cold-like.
So with that same rate holding true globally I don't see how Omicron doesn't spread like wildfire in most of Europe and parts of the US. For us we're still spread out enough that I think transmission will linger for a while, but it will be apparent in Europe very quickly that it's not deadly.
Trutufully they can only have a new vaccine ready for Omicron by April at the earliest. By then it would have spread to the majority of cities, and there might not even be a demand for vaccines.
However, all of these truths are contingent on what people actually think...and whether governments can successfully continuing the fear pumped up. If they can then it doesn't really matter....
I think his model doesn't take into account variants that are completely naive from the existing population, and vaccine immunity doesn't seem to be conferring much benefit for Omicron (despite reports to the contrary). It's just so mild in general that the spin is that the vaccine helps (though really....does it or is the variant just far less pathogenic to everyone?).
I think if Omicron didn't exist then his model is accurate (and a paper released this week showed that indeed vaccinated communities are breeding vaccine resistant strains of Delta). But we're essentially starting immunity all over again but with a weak ass variant.
So we'll all get real herd immunity. Thus the end of the pandemic.
Do you have a link to this paper? “and a paper released this week showed that indeed vaccinated communities are breeding vaccine resistant strains of Delta”
Real herd immunity from Omicron is an optimistic but plausible endpoint. If I understand correctly, that is how the 1918 pandemic wound down. It is yet to be seen if we follow that path. Dr. Vanden Bosche's concern was that if we target Omicron with a new vaccine, we could produce a variant that would not only evade all vaccines to date, but could evade previously gained natural immunity. He has stated that if such an event were to occur, the pandemic would restart as if from the beginning because we would be facing a novel virus never before seen by the human race. That would put the planet back to square one.
I do wonder what vectors the elite will use when it's apparent that this incredibly infectious variant has spread to everyone. The rate of infection in South Africa is incredible. It's spread so fast that it's likely the documented infection count dwarfs the actuals since the symptoms are so cold-like.
So with that same rate holding true globally I don't see how Omicron doesn't spread like wildfire in most of Europe and parts of the US. For us we're still spread out enough that I think transmission will linger for a while, but it will be apparent in Europe very quickly that it's not deadly.
Trutufully they can only have a new vaccine ready for Omicron by April at the earliest. By then it would have spread to the majority of cities, and there might not even be a demand for vaccines.
However, all of these truths are contingent on what people actually think...and whether governments can successfully continuing the fear pumped up. If they can then it doesn't really matter....