The fact the Times is publishing this story at all might be the most interesting part; it’s been obvious since at least last summer that the CDC is hiding the raw numbers.
Remember, they used to release actual counts of the deaths of vaccinated people from Covid, but they stopped in October, once even their nonsensical “fully vaccinated” definition couldn’t hide what was happening to the numbers.
I wrote about that back in November (The Pandemic’s Wrongest Man!):
So why is the Times only calling the CDC about this now?
Because even the dumbest bluechecks are starting to see the gig is up.
The lies are so transparent at this point that if you still can’t see through them then you’re practically an NPC as far as I'm concerned. That’s not a dig at democrats at all, it’s a dig at anyone still fooled by this con this late in the game.
The FDA has been hiding massive Pfizer COVID vaccine damage & death since as early as Feb of 2021:
The CEO of Pfizer and the EU Commission Chief are in love, so together they've decided that mandating blanket injections and vax passports is what's good for Europeans:
The near universal global ban on Ivermectin and HCQ, the lockdowns, the six feet, the masking, the mandates, and most importantly of all _the vax passports_ were strategies all orchestrated and enforced from a place that resides above the sovereignty of nations at the very top of the global power structure.
That practically every nation on the planet all moved in lockstep to adopt these strategies simultaneously while using eerily similar language to explain the reasoning for them - and all for a cold virus with a survivability rating of 99.85% - should tell you in big G.L.A.R.I.N.G. letters that the nations themselves and the politicians that run them are merely the puppets of a higher authority. Here's one:
The dumbing down of the American Citizen through the Indoctrination Camps called Public Schools played a huge part in this debacle. Critical Thinking Skills were Lost. The Dept. of Education, I mean Indoctrination, didn't exist until 1980, It's been downhill ever since.
But even people in their 30s thru their 80s have lost their ability to reason these past few years. I think it's been the push to elevate feelings above all else that has made them submit their reason to the whims of emotion.
Right. Even if something is considered to be good or kind or nice to do that does not mean the federal government should do it. Compassion is the worst possible reasoning for any federal government activity. Because once intentions become self-justifying then freedom is subject to someone else's too-powerful-to-resist compassion. I always remember Kathy Bates' character in the movie Misery when I think of compassionate government. She loved James Caan's character so much that she had to hobble him to demonstrate her love. Terrifying. And we are seeing it play out now in most of the western world.
Warning - this can be disturbing. Especially the very last sentence.
Interesting! Yes, as bad as it is for an individual to operate by emotion, it's catastrophic when the government does. In fact, I still remember Kofi Annan mentioning love many years back. It was the first time I'd heard any leader bring that into a discussion about policy and my antennae went up. They need to govern with reason. For one thing, it's easy to see when reason is wrong, but people's emotions just are and aren't "wrong" per se. In our unrestrained society, emotions and the thoughts coming from them can be all over the map and yet the person is convinced the decision is a great one. Case in point is the identify-your-own-bathroom situation which serves very, very few and is potentially disturbing to many.
My nephew told me a few years ago (at age 17) that we don't need nations. Based on that nothing would surprise me. It's the adults going along with it that have me speechless.
Lost their ability to reason? The public schools consider reason mean defining a syllogism. Examining the validity of the propositions isn't required. Don't even get me started about situational ethics.
No wonder doctors are pressing people to take anti-depressants. I have two friends who said the pressure was quite intense and they aren't at all depressed.
Yup--this has been in the works for 50 years now. This is their big chance to destroy and remake the US into a CCP style internment camp. You think they are going to back off of their totalitarianism? Only radical means will make them move.
They absolutely do👍 Just want to say also: the Elite will do absolutely anything- ie what the world just saw happen in Ottawa Canada ( govt brought in UN troops & used brutal force on its OWN citizens); to keep the world/country- everyone from seeing that a Spiritual Awakening has begun. It’s happening. THIS fact is extremely frightening for the Elite/WEF/Totalitarian Facets. This 🇨🇦 hopes Canada has kicked off the Spiritual Revolution for the world. Everyone must see it’s true power. This type of “freedom” is undefeatable…& they know it!!!!!✌️🇨🇦💗
🇨🇦Here. If Canada is any example… Nope they WILL NOT back off their totalitarianism🆘. Radical means have been taken here. The ROAD to freedom will be long. I suspect everyone on this page is ready for an “ultra marathon”? Relentless pressure on the System required & strategic planning… gotta say I am running on fumes. Time to recharge.✌️💗🇨🇦 Surreal here in Canada🤢
Instead of teaching kids the basics, public schools waste time on classes that are useless. WSJ this weekend reported on a new book about a fellow named Chase who was in president Lincoln's cabinet. What struck me was that the man had graduated college at 18 and was pursuing a law career. What are our 18 year old's doing.
Yes indeed. The anti-feminist feminist, Janice Flamingo pointed out that every college and university in North America are nothing but indoctrination centers for social justice. That has simply moved downward to the lowest levels of education who can't think critically and they have truly become the latest useful idiots for the globalist elitists led by Klaus Schwab and his cadre of veiled Stalinists. If that weren't enough, we have the indoctrination of the gender insane whose ultimate aim is to have sexual access to our children. The powers that be are doing everthing to assault their childhood innocence with pornographic "literature" to get them to dispense with any inhibitions as early as possible. Then the adults can swoop in once they manage to enact laws that lower the age of consent making every child fair game for every adult. It's all so sinister.
We have lost our moral compass and common sense… the ability to THINK CRITICALLY had been squashed by the educational system, beginning in the universities and morphing down into primary and secondary education. Teachers no longer think parents have the right to say what is taught to their children. The one good thing Covid did was to expose parents to what was going on when the classroom became the home computer.
Dostoevsky said "If God is dead then everything is permitted", which of course means a slow slide to nihilism. That's where we have arrived. You can't get a wokester to say what they are for, just what they are against, which is everything. The nihilist philosophy eats everything including itself, it has munched through all of our institutions and our relations. Very evil people have noted their chance to gain total power and money from this, by substituting the state for God. For the family. For the individual. They put group identity above individual identity, make us all divide into groups (Black Lives Matter!), and then simply watch the carnage unfold. I'm wondering whether the societies where God did not die, like Thailand and Russia, will recover first.
True that! I have made those exact statements for over two years. I know I’m on the list of subversives and domestic terrorist, as are most of us in this blog.
This is an excellent read and still relevant today. There have been several printings. First published in 1984. “NEA, Trojan Horse in American Education.”
I agree with M. Tritorch. The Constitution is a piece of paper containing ideals and a blueprint to " . . . and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity . . .". Elected and appointed officials swear an oath to The Constitution. Legislators, Jurists, and Executive Branch (elected and appointed) personnel have violated that oath repeatedly and We the People have failed to remove them from office and reduce the power of that office. It's on us, not The Constitution.
We need to take all of the so called "elites" into custody for crimes against humanity, try them, and properly execute them by firing squad. Remember Trump brought that form of execution back. We also need to take any assets they have left as restitution for their crimes and so their families can't continue the carnage.
And as a whole, communities across the country have been bribed into going along through "federal matching funds." It affects everything from education to highway projects. If you want the federal money to offset paying for it locally, you hand over control and "quality control" to the feds. That was NOT in the Constitution, but our "representatives" have allowed to let it get out of control.
Money is THE leverage for the "reset". Police and military and doctors and hospitals -virtually everyone - getting that govt check acquiesce to the propaganda (and spread it) or risk loss of their matching funds, Medicare, pension or payroll check.
That will stop once we get rid of every last democrat in congress. The Senate has control of the purse strings and can defund stuff that goes against the constitution. That is why election day 2022 is very important. Don't let them fudge the vote counting in your area.
Unfortunately 2022 / 2024 are a loss a foregone conclusion NO legitimate conservative candidate will win unless Dominion Voting Systems owned by the CCP is destroyed. Face this. Deal with this NOW!
In the beginning of this republic those that came to serve as representatives of the people came to DC from all walks of life, to serve and represent the people who sent them there. After a period of time, they returned to their former lives and were replaced with others wanting to serve. It was never meant to be a lifetime career in which to be bought off by special interests and amass huge amounts of money….and power. It is disgusting what we have allowed to happen in this country… and we are reaping the whirlwind. God help us all.
My only exception is calling these early representatives “Founding Fathers.”
We have but One Father here on earth with all Righteousness and Authority in the Form of Our Lord and Savior Christ Jesus I AM.
Better to use “founders”
Caveat the Illuminati Masons followed their father as they were deists — People such as Jefferson and Franklin.
Washington later recanted as a Baptist minister managed to turn Washington away from error of his contemporaries — the Illuminati. — as witness by their correspondence of unholiness.
The change of heart by our first official president can be witnessed by Washington’s Farewell Address.
imagine his horror would be so pronounced floating on the ceiling of the Capitol and the abhorrent obelisk memorial!
Just today be discerning of the controlled opposition’s rhetoric vx actions.
As a local home system’s motto on our talk radio wisely observes — trust in GOD all others monitor!
See /// Founding \\\ Fathers quotes that mention God,
All the institutions have abandoned their obligations and the courts - OMG - when the courts fail countries come apart. Putting countries back together they try and get the courts up and running after dealing with food and medicine and shelter. There has been some proper stuff in the courts, but our USSCt is in a strange bubble apparently only watching CNN... Bizarre and the overreaching
And the Courts are only going to keep falling, as the ABA is revising curriculum for law schools, so down the road, we’ll only be getting more people indoctrinated into justifying the unequal application of the law.
Equity is important. Until we have as many Asian girls in prison as violent meth head thieves our laws are not equitable. So, the options are to imprison more Asian girls on made up crimes or to not prosecute actual criminals. We are doing a bit of both in the name of Equity.
All the institutions have abandoned their obligations and the courts - OMG - when the courts fail countries come apart. Putting countries back together they try and get the courts up and running after dealing with food and medicine and shelter. There has been some proper stuff in the courts, but our USSCt is in a strange bubble apparently only watching CNN... Bizarre and the overreaching
Thank you! I have been saying this for the last 20 years or so. I am ashamed that I was asleep for so long. I can only hope that it is not too late. The Constitution cannot protect people if they don't know what it says and what their rights are. We have allowed the government to subjugate us for a very long time, starting with the New Deal and Social Security, and continuing with more and more promises of lives of ease, courtesy the beneficent hand of an entity that has nothing of its own to give - only what it takes by force from the subjugated.
The US Constitution Amendments 1-5 are basically the Golden Rule i.e., we should act thru reciprocation. About 80%, the silent majority, act this way. The remaining 20% act as if they deserve preferential treatment. A group which feels entitled to rule and take from those who produce. The worst are sociopaths with a lot of followers who can't make a living doing anything else.
Fully agree tritorch! The Constitution was not designed to be your protector, but to give you the power to exercise your freedom (which is written into the Bill Of Rights). I arrived to Free America 30+ year ago because you stood for personal freedom and mine were stomped down in many ways. If you ever had your personal freedom infringed upon, it becomes so much more valuable.
America is unique. I feel so many Americans take for granted their freedom (via the Constitution and Bill of Rights). You don't appreciate the unique position you have. Your Rights take my breath away. Americans don't understand the power of the Constitution and Bill of Rights. I don't want you to lose that People Power.
I watched them steal the NC Governorship in 2016 and the KY Governorship in 2019...unseating two competent first-term Repubs. I lived in each state when those happened and it definitely did not add-up as the state legislatures and other high offices went Repub. The MSM phony talking points were lined-up ahead of time for "why" the two Govs lost and most people bought it.
Then, don't get me started on 2018, where the steals were legion and national. Congressional and Senate seats and they almost got away with the GA and FL Governorships that year.
***Americans are SERIOUSLY ASLEEP about election fraud.***
Now they're trying in North Carolina to keep a young wheelchair-bound Republican off the ballot claiming he was part of the "insurrection"--this is their tactic now and that's why they call the protest an insurrection.
A wise man once told me "It's not the best, but it's the best we've got". He brought me back a replica 30 years ago. I still treasure that scroll. You don't appreciate Freedom until it is in the rear view mirror.
Exactly. The Constitution is still just fine. Our corrupt government officials have stopped keeping their oath to follow it. That's exactly why Franklin, when asked what form of government the United States would be, said, "A Republic ma'am, if you can keep it."
I believe sir/mam that a severe price will be paid for the lack of vigilance and self discipline. "From time to time the tree of liberty must be refreshed with the blood of Patriots and tyrants."
Decaf. I don' think Rogan is bought or a shill. I just don't see it or feel it. Hope to God my read is right. Who can you trust? There are plenty and probably know their names. What we don't have yet, is a winning hand from anyone in Government. I wonder why there are no hearings or anyone pushing for the House Oversight Committee even mentioning conducting a hearing regarding Fauci, or the FDA, CDC, NIH. Congress people don't give a shit about the people, just about them. Wish we could send pitchforks through the mail with arms attached.
It seems it comes down to a gut feeling. My gut feeling was that I didn't like his basic views, but that was based on very little viewing of him in action.
As I've been saying, "We need a Revolution, just not the ones we've seen playing out so far..." That being said I am impressed with the way the Canadian Truckers have built a coalition of citizens to air their views without the violence and looting seen here in the US......
I read your comment and just have no clue what you’re trying to say.
The violence and looting was never about “revolution“ that is focused on doing what is right responsible and appropriate for the public.
Maybe you can clarify your intent, but, at the end of the day, sociopathy will not be defeated by being pleasant kind and respectful.
And yet, people here until proven otherwise aren’t willing to make hard and painful acts of genuine conviction for a cause, and I am not advocating people risk dying, but, it ain’t going to happen by being cowards on your knees.
Your statement: "The violence and looting was never about “revolution“ that is focused on doing what is right responsible and appropriate for the public." is precisely the point of my comment....I originally wrote "pathetic acting out disguised as a pseudo revolution" as it is technically revolting but with no purpose other than the selfinterest and ego of those participating rather than a higher cause.
Franklin has been falsely portrayed as both Jewish and antisemitic (although his writings did influence Jewish thought), and your poisonous, pusillanimously perpetuated charge is the most outlandish.
The drive that turned out country from the United States of America Constitutional Republic was during USS Grant Administration.
The Illuminati Rothschild and other devil seed families bailed the USA of crushing debt. In exchange we became the United States Corporation. We were hired to prosecute war we our treasure and blood. Wars are not accidents.
Not yet we aren't. Nice that you have so much faith in the American people. Often we approach the precipice and then pull ourselves out. Besides that, my God is bigger than what ails us. Keep the faith.
Yes, he does and, although I voted for him, he reeks of controlled opposition.
There was little swamp drainage (most of FBI leadership did get canned but replaced with other slimeballs) and only a couple of pissant indictments happened while he was POTUS. He's playing his intended role and I wish people would stop thinking of him like a savior.
Disagree with those sentiments, vehemently! Mr. Trump had his one chance to lead this country and serve it, faithfully. He sure served us! If he was re-elected by some calamitous mischance and the easiest way forward for him was to trade in our "individual Rights and Freedoms", why neighbor, he'd be on it in a hot second!
the Constitution gave you the power to fight for your (Bill Of ) Rights. Do you understand you Americans are unique? Literally no other country/democracy/nation has FREEDOM written into their constitutions.. You don't understand the gift you were given. This from a Euro gal....
The constitution is only real if the courts protect and uphold it which is crumbling fast.
The selective law enforcement we’ve seen and the corruption of our DOJ/FBI colluding with our corrupt media are precisely what Moro did in Brazil and Maduro does in Venezuela.
When the SCOTUS refused to take up the massive 2020 election fraud, thats when The US lost its chance to survive. It's going to have to be gorilla warfare from here on in.
Guerrilla warfare is a form of irregular warfare in which small groups of combatants, such as paramilitary personnel, armed civilians, or irregulars, use military tactics including ambushes, sabotage, raids, petty warfare, hit-and-run tactics, and mobility, to fight a larger and less-mobile traditional military.
Chimpanzees conduct organized warfare. It closely resembles the kind of warfare that some indigenous Amazonian tribes conduct. It involves deliberate, organized, nighttime raids on neighboring groups of chimpanzees, and it includes what we'd call "war crimes" - gratuitous violence. Chimpanzees don't just kill their perceived enemies, they go out of their way to torture and dismember them. They indulge in orgies of cruelty and horrific violence. The males also rape females, and not just females of different "tribes" or groups. They rape members of their own group. The females struggle to get away, protest, and scream, but the males are stronger, and get their way.
Bonobos, the relatively recently discovered, or at least identified, species of chimps are distinct from the more well-known chimps, are morphologically different in subtle ways which are not easily visible to human beings, and are not into warfare, rape, torture, etc. They've been known to kill their own kind, too, but only very rarely. Bonobos are into promiscuous sex. They "make love, not war." Hence their nickname "hippie chimps."
Words evolve. Phrases evolve. Languages evolve. The meaning of "guerilla warfare" will evolve. I believe it's been evolving for decades, and will continue to do so.
Mr. Bush used the unfortunate situation of a family whose daughter, Terri Schiavo, lay hospitalized in an irreversible vegetative state as his main wedge issue in the 2000 election.
The lies are so transparent at this point that if you still can’t see through them then you’re practically an NPC as far as I'm concerned. That’s not a dig at democrats at all, it’s a dig at anyone still fooled by this con this late in the game.
The FDA has been hiding massive Pfizer COVID vaccine damage & death since as early as Feb of 2021: [image]
So of course the FDA needs another 55 years in order to release the rest of this data: [image]
The CEO of Pfizer and the EU Commission Chief are in love, so together they've decided that mandating blanket injections and vax passports is what's good for Europeans: [image]
The near universal global ban on Ivermectin and HCQ, the lockdowns, the six feet, the masking, the mandates, and most importantly of all _the vax passports_ were strategies all orchestrated and enforced from a place that resides above the sovereignty of nations at the very top of the global power structure.
That practically every nation on the planet all moved in lockstep to adopt these strategies simultaneously while using eerily similar language to explain the reasoning for them - and all for a cold virus with a survivability rating of 99.85% - should tell you in big G.L.A.R.I.N.G. letters that the nations themselves and the politicians that run them are merely the puppets of a higher authority. Here's one: [video 1min]
And finally, here is Maajid Nawaz detailing this globalists' con to Joe Rogan - leaving him speachless: [video 2min]
The constitution was supposed to protect us from this and it failed miserably.
The Constitution didn't fail us, we failed us. We are the watchdogs of our government and we have not been barking for quite a long time:
Those that expect to remain ignorant and free - expect what never was and will never be. -Benjamin Franklin
The dumbing down of the American Citizen through the Indoctrination Camps called Public Schools played a huge part in this debacle. Critical Thinking Skills were Lost. The Dept. of Education, I mean Indoctrination, didn't exist until 1980, It's been downhill ever since.
But even people in their 30s thru their 80s have lost their ability to reason these past few years. I think it's been the push to elevate feelings above all else that has made them submit their reason to the whims of emotion.
Right. Even if something is considered to be good or kind or nice to do that does not mean the federal government should do it. Compassion is the worst possible reasoning for any federal government activity. Because once intentions become self-justifying then freedom is subject to someone else's too-powerful-to-resist compassion. I always remember Kathy Bates' character in the movie Misery when I think of compassionate government. She loved James Caan's character so much that she had to hobble him to demonstrate her love. Terrifying. And we are seeing it play out now in most of the western world.
Warning - this can be disturbing. Especially the very last sentence.
Interesting! Yes, as bad as it is for an individual to operate by emotion, it's catastrophic when the government does. In fact, I still remember Kofi Annan mentioning love many years back. It was the first time I'd heard any leader bring that into a discussion about policy and my antennae went up. They need to govern with reason. For one thing, it's easy to see when reason is wrong, but people's emotions just are and aren't "wrong" per se. In our unrestrained society, emotions and the thoughts coming from them can be all over the map and yet the person is convinced the decision is a great one. Case in point is the identify-your-own-bathroom situation which serves very, very few and is potentially disturbing to many.
👍. Cuz the little 💕doesn’t work.
If you walked into a 4th year liberal arts college class and asked them what the Bill of Rights is/contains, I’d defy you to get a response.
My nephew told me a few years ago (at age 17) that we don't need nations. Based on that nothing would surprise me. It's the adults going along with it that have me speechless.
True. PC news coverage sold the Scamdemic to gullible people.
so many who said: "question authority-resist the man" are now in authority & "the man" so stop questioning & resisting
And if we point this out we're the bad guy.
Lost their ability to reason? The public schools consider reason mean defining a syllogism. Examining the validity of the propositions isn't required. Don't even get me started about situational ethics.
No wonder doctors are pressing people to take anti-depressants. I have two friends who said the pressure was quite intense and they aren't at all depressed.
Yup--this has been in the works for 50 years now. This is their big chance to destroy and remake the US into a CCP style internment camp. You think they are going to back off of their totalitarianism? Only radical means will make them move.
The west has been jealous of China and their iron fist. The elite love their power, money, and brutality.
They absolutely do👍 Just want to say also: the Elite will do absolutely anything- ie what the world just saw happen in Ottawa Canada ( govt brought in UN troops & used brutal force on its OWN citizens); to keep the world/country- everyone from seeing that a Spiritual Awakening has begun. It’s happening. THIS fact is extremely frightening for the Elite/WEF/Totalitarian Facets. This 🇨🇦 hopes Canada has kicked off the Spiritual Revolution for the world. Everyone must see it’s true power. This type of “freedom” is undefeatable…& they know it!!!!!✌️🇨🇦💗
🇨🇦Here. If Canada is any example… Nope they WILL NOT back off their totalitarianism🆘. Radical means have been taken here. The ROAD to freedom will be long. I suspect everyone on this page is ready for an “ultra marathon”? Relentless pressure on the System required & strategic planning… gotta say I am running on fumes. Time to recharge.✌️💗🇨🇦 Surreal here in Canada🤢
Instead of teaching kids the basics, public schools waste time on classes that are useless. WSJ this weekend reported on a new book about a fellow named Chase who was in president Lincoln's cabinet. What struck me was that the man had graduated college at 18 and was pursuing a law career. What are our 18 year old's doing.
Video games to dull their thinking.
Parents allowing their children to be mesmerized by fantasy.
Public education began using the Bible as its primer. Children could read it before entering school.
19 yr old grand son works, and then spends time with his firl friend, beyond that nothing. While I know he's not dumb, he is LAZY.
Yes indeed. The anti-feminist feminist, Janice Flamingo pointed out that every college and university in North America are nothing but indoctrination centers for social justice. That has simply moved downward to the lowest levels of education who can't think critically and they have truly become the latest useful idiots for the globalist elitists led by Klaus Schwab and his cadre of veiled Stalinists. If that weren't enough, we have the indoctrination of the gender insane whose ultimate aim is to have sexual access to our children. The powers that be are doing everthing to assault their childhood innocence with pornographic "literature" to get them to dispense with any inhibitions as early as possible. Then the adults can swoop in once they manage to enact laws that lower the age of consent making every child fair game for every adult. It's all so sinister.
We have lost our moral compass and common sense… the ability to THINK CRITICALLY had been squashed by the educational system, beginning in the universities and morphing down into primary and secondary education. Teachers no longer think parents have the right to say what is taught to their children. The one good thing Covid did was to expose parents to what was going on when the classroom became the home computer.
Dostoevsky said "If God is dead then everything is permitted", which of course means a slow slide to nihilism. That's where we have arrived. You can't get a wokester to say what they are for, just what they are against, which is everything. The nihilist philosophy eats everything including itself, it has munched through all of our institutions and our relations. Very evil people have noted their chance to gain total power and money from this, by substituting the state for God. For the family. For the individual. They put group identity above individual identity, make us all divide into groups (Black Lives Matter!), and then simply watch the carnage unfold. I'm wondering whether the societies where God did not die, like Thailand and Russia, will recover first.
Atlas Shrugged
True that! I have made those exact statements for over two years. I know I’m on the list of subversives and domestic terrorist, as are most of us in this blog.
Yes we are on their list for elimination. LH.
John 17
NEA was created under carter about 1980-US was top in education; now about 40-maybe we should defund NEA?
This is an excellent read and still relevant today. There have been several printings. First published in 1984. “NEA, Trojan Horse in American Education.”
I agree with M. Tritorch. The Constitution is a piece of paper containing ideals and a blueprint to " . . . and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity . . .". Elected and appointed officials swear an oath to The Constitution. Legislators, Jurists, and Executive Branch (elected and appointed) personnel have violated that oath repeatedly and We the People have failed to remove them from office and reduce the power of that office. It's on us, not The Constitution.
All these 'leaders' have been bought off or threatened with their lives. We are in for the fight of our lives.
We need to take all of the so called "elites" into custody for crimes against humanity, try them, and properly execute them by firing squad. Remember Trump brought that form of execution back. We also need to take any assets they have left as restitution for their crimes and so their families can't continue the carnage.
Coulda woulda shoudda
TH our only standard bearer is I AM. The only ONE we can trust.
And as a whole, communities across the country have been bribed into going along through "federal matching funds." It affects everything from education to highway projects. If you want the federal money to offset paying for it locally, you hand over control and "quality control" to the feds. That was NOT in the Constitution, but our "representatives" have allowed to let it get out of control.
Money is THE leverage for the "reset". Police and military and doctors and hospitals -virtually everyone - getting that govt check acquiesce to the propaganda (and spread it) or risk loss of their matching funds, Medicare, pension or payroll check.
Great summation
We have allowed ourselves to make man’s government our god
That will stop once we get rid of every last democrat in congress. The Senate has control of the purse strings and can defund stuff that goes against the constitution. That is why election day 2022 is very important. Don't let them fudge the vote counting in your area.
Unfortunately 2022 / 2024 are a loss a foregone conclusion NO legitimate conservative candidate will win unless Dominion Voting Systems owned by the CCP is destroyed. Face this. Deal with this NOW!
In the beginning of this republic those that came to serve as representatives of the people came to DC from all walks of life, to serve and represent the people who sent them there. After a period of time, they returned to their former lives and were replaced with others wanting to serve. It was never meant to be a lifetime career in which to be bought off by special interests and amass huge amounts of money….and power. It is disgusting what we have allowed to happen in this country… and we are reaping the whirlwind. God help us all.
MR well stated!
My only exception is calling these early representatives “Founding Fathers.”
We have but One Father here on earth with all Righteousness and Authority in the Form of Our Lord and Savior Christ Jesus I AM.
Better to use “founders”
Caveat the Illuminati Masons followed their father as they were deists — People such as Jefferson and Franklin.
Washington later recanted as a Baptist minister managed to turn Washington away from error of his contemporaries — the Illuminati. — as witness by their correspondence of unholiness.
The change of heart by our first official president can be witnessed by Washington’s Farewell Address.
imagine his horror would be so pronounced floating on the ceiling of the Capitol and the abhorrent obelisk memorial!
Just today be discerning of the controlled opposition’s rhetoric vx actions.
As a local home system’s motto on our talk radio wisely observes — trust in GOD all others monitor!
See /// Founding \\\ Fathers quotes that mention God,
All the institutions have abandoned their obligations and the courts - OMG - when the courts fail countries come apart. Putting countries back together they try and get the courts up and running after dealing with food and medicine and shelter. There has been some proper stuff in the courts, but our USSCt is in a strange bubble apparently only watching CNN... Bizarre and the overreaching
And the Courts are only going to keep falling, as the ABA is revising curriculum for law schools, so down the road, we’ll only be getting more people indoctrinated into justifying the unequal application of the law.
Equity is important. Until we have as many Asian girls in prison as violent meth head thieves our laws are not equitable. So, the options are to imprison more Asian girls on made up crimes or to not prosecute actual criminals. We are doing a bit of both in the name of Equity.
The MSN is the worst enemy of the American people today.
The supposed protectors of the Constitution, the Supreme Court has become another political hack/ideological agency. Nothing more.
All the institutions have abandoned their obligations and the courts - OMG - when the courts fail countries come apart. Putting countries back together they try and get the courts up and running after dealing with food and medicine and shelter. There has been some proper stuff in the courts, but our USSCt is in a strange bubble apparently only watching CNN... Bizarre and the overreaching
Thank you! I have been saying this for the last 20 years or so. I am ashamed that I was asleep for so long. I can only hope that it is not too late. The Constitution cannot protect people if they don't know what it says and what their rights are. We have allowed the government to subjugate us for a very long time, starting with the New Deal and Social Security, and continuing with more and more promises of lives of ease, courtesy the beneficent hand of an entity that has nothing of its own to give - only what it takes by force from the subjugated.
The US Constitution Amendments 1-5 are basically the Golden Rule i.e., we should act thru reciprocation. About 80%, the silent majority, act this way. The remaining 20% act as if they deserve preferential treatment. A group which feels entitled to rule and take from those who produce. The worst are sociopaths with a lot of followers who can't make a living doing anything else.
The Ten Commandments are on the face of the Supreme Court. A shame our country as a whole ignore them.
10 Commandments = Golden Rule(more or less)
Hillsdale College is sending a free pocket copy of the Constitution as well as the Declaration of Independence to anyone who requests one.
Fully agree tritorch! The Constitution was not designed to be your protector, but to give you the power to exercise your freedom (which is written into the Bill Of Rights). I arrived to Free America 30+ year ago because you stood for personal freedom and mine were stomped down in many ways. If you ever had your personal freedom infringed upon, it becomes so much more valuable.
Thank you Sunshine.
"An injustice on a person somewhere is an injustice on people everywhere." -Martin Luther King Jr. (paraphrased)
America is unique. I feel so many Americans take for granted their freedom (via the Constitution and Bill of Rights). You don't appreciate the unique position you have. Your Rights take my breath away. Americans don't understand the power of the Constitution and Bill of Rights. I don't want you to lose that People Power.
One of my favorite bookmarks
Canadian Free Press
We must learn what is truly occurring, bark louder and vote.
I must again rightly assert we will have no conservative winners unless Dominion Voting System of the CCP is demonished
You forgot the big steal in 2020? They already have a plan to not lose any seats in November.
It's far more than just Nov 2020 elections!
I watched them steal the NC Governorship in 2016 and the KY Governorship in 2019...unseating two competent first-term Repubs. I lived in each state when those happened and it definitely did not add-up as the state legislatures and other high offices went Repub. The MSM phony talking points were lined-up ahead of time for "why" the two Govs lost and most people bought it.
Then, don't get me started on 2018, where the steals were legion and national. Congressional and Senate seats and they almost got away with the GA and FL Governorships that year.
***Americans are SERIOUSLY ASLEEP about election fraud.***
Now they're trying in North Carolina to keep a young wheelchair-bound Republican off the ballot claiming he was part of the "insurrection"--this is their tactic now and that's why they call the protest an insurrection.
Yes it’s called Dominion Voting Systems and their owners CCP
Blue check off 2022 / 2024
I've been barking at and voting against these bastards since 1973. Fat lot of good it's done.
A wise man once told me "It's not the best, but it's the best we've got". He brought me back a replica 30 years ago. I still treasure that scroll. You don't appreciate Freedom until it is in the rear view mirror.
Exactly. The Constitution is still just fine. Our corrupt government officials have stopped keeping their oath to follow it. That's exactly why Franklin, when asked what form of government the United States would be, said, "A Republic ma'am, if you can keep it."
I believe sir/mam that a severe price will be paid for the lack of vigilance and self discipline. "From time to time the tree of liberty must be refreshed with the blood of Patriots and tyrants."
Thomas Jefferson
That time is now.
What's your take on Rogan? The comments to the video you posted call him a shill. Who can one trust at this point?
I'm rather busy at the moment decaf so I will answer you later in the evening it that is acceptable.
Thanks for letting me know. Take your time. No rush at all.
Decaf. I don' think Rogan is bought or a shill. I just don't see it or feel it. Hope to God my read is right. Who can you trust? There are plenty and probably know their names. What we don't have yet, is a winning hand from anyone in Government. I wonder why there are no hearings or anyone pushing for the House Oversight Committee even mentioning conducting a hearing regarding Fauci, or the FDA, CDC, NIH. Congress people don't give a shit about the people, just about them. Wish we could send pitchforks through the mail with arms attached.
Rogans bought and paid for.
Whaddya know. How do we know? (As in what I should be looking out for with people?)
Rogan is a shill. That's my gut feeling/intuition which has always served me well.
It seems it comes down to a gut feeling. My gut feeling was that I didn't like his basic views, but that was based on very little viewing of him in action.
Well said.
As I've been saying, "We need a Revolution, just not the ones we've seen playing out so far..." That being said I am impressed with the way the Canadian Truckers have built a coalition of citizens to air their views without the violence and looting seen here in the US......
I read your comment and just have no clue what you’re trying to say.
The violence and looting was never about “revolution“ that is focused on doing what is right responsible and appropriate for the public.
Maybe you can clarify your intent, but, at the end of the day, sociopathy will not be defeated by being pleasant kind and respectful.
And yet, people here until proven otherwise aren’t willing to make hard and painful acts of genuine conviction for a cause, and I am not advocating people risk dying, but, it ain’t going to happen by being cowards on your knees.
Your statement: "The violence and looting was never about “revolution“ that is focused on doing what is right responsible and appropriate for the public." is precisely the point of my comment....I originally wrote "pathetic acting out disguised as a pseudo revolution" as it is technically revolting but with no purpose other than the selfinterest and ego of those participating rather than a higher cause.
Thank you for your clarification, sorry I missed your prior comment that you followed up on.
And yet, all that violence destruction and death has gone unaddressed by people in power and control.
History shows, when you acquiesce to hate and lust for power, it just lets these “people” walk on more dead bodies…
I've been barking! So much so my dog collar is broken!
“Vanity, my favorite sin”…
Satan, from The Devil’s Advocate
Yeah, we excel at that these days, eh?
Canada just found out, didn’t it?
Benjamin Franklin was quite a poet.
And satanic pedophile
Franklin has been falsely portrayed as both Jewish and antisemitic (although his writings did influence Jewish thought), and your poisonous, pusillanimously perpetuated charge is the most outlandish.
Sorry Clark
Look up Franklin and the Hellfire Club.
Satanic with murderous perversion.
The Intelligence State has been ruling America for 40 years…
…the stolen election was required to prevent the house of cards from collapsing under President Trump’s scrutiny
Humanity needs President Trump re-elected in 2024, or all individual Rights and Freedoms will be lost…
The drive that turned out country from the United States of America Constitutional Republic was during USS Grant Administration.
The Illuminati Rothschild and other devil seed families bailed the USA of crushing debt. In exchange we became the United States Corporation. We were hired to prosecute war we our treasure and blood. Wars are not accidents.
True but given a peek at Trump’s wrecking ball they will never allow him to get near the presidency again. Sadly, we are a a banana republic now.
Not yet we aren't. Nice that you have so much faith in the American people. Often we approach the precipice and then pull ourselves out. Besides that, my God is bigger than what ails us. Keep the faith.
I do not have faith in the American people. I do have faith in GOD. His Plan stands.
Yes, he does and, although I voted for him, he reeks of controlled opposition.
There was little swamp drainage (most of FBI leadership did get canned but replaced with other slimeballs) and only a couple of pissant indictments happened while he was POTUS. He's playing his intended role and I wish people would stop thinking of him like a savior.
Disagree with those sentiments, vehemently! Mr. Trump had his one chance to lead this country and serve it, faithfully. He sure served us! If he was re-elected by some calamitous mischance and the easiest way forward for him was to trade in our "individual Rights and Freedoms", why neighbor, he'd be on it in a hot second!
Sometimes your strawman is just straw…
…and your leaders the Masters of men
the Constitution gave you the power to fight for your (Bill Of ) Rights. Do you understand you Americans are unique? Literally no other country/democracy/nation has FREEDOM written into their constitutions.. You don't understand the gift you were given. This from a Euro gal....
The constitution is only real if the courts protect and uphold it which is crumbling fast.
The selective law enforcement we’ve seen and the corruption of our DOJ/FBI colluding with our corrupt media are precisely what Moro did in Brazil and Maduro does in Venezuela.
When the SCOTUS refused to take up the massive 2020 election fraud, thats when The US lost its chance to survive. It's going to have to be gorilla warfare from here on in.
Old, fed up, and itchin' for it !!
Guerrilla warfare is a form of irregular warfare in which small groups of combatants, such as paramilitary personnel, armed civilians, or irregulars, use military tactics including ambushes, sabotage, raids, petty warfare, hit-and-run tactics, and mobility, to fight a larger and less-mobile traditional military.
What everyone is itching to say: We are the only primate which conducts organized warfare of any kind.
Chimpanzees conduct organized warfare. It closely resembles the kind of warfare that some indigenous Amazonian tribes conduct. It involves deliberate, organized, nighttime raids on neighboring groups of chimpanzees, and it includes what we'd call "war crimes" - gratuitous violence. Chimpanzees don't just kill their perceived enemies, they go out of their way to torture and dismember them. They indulge in orgies of cruelty and horrific violence. The males also rape females, and not just females of different "tribes" or groups. They rape members of their own group. The females struggle to get away, protest, and scream, but the males are stronger, and get their way.
Bonobos, the relatively recently discovered, or at least identified, species of chimps are distinct from the more well-known chimps, are morphologically different in subtle ways which are not easily visible to human beings, and are not into warfare, rape, torture, etc. They've been known to kill their own kind, too, but only very rarely. Bonobos are into promiscuous sex. They "make love, not war." Hence their nickname "hippie chimps."
They don't call it "bonobo warfare".
Words evolve. Phrases evolve. Languages evolve. The meaning of "guerilla warfare" will evolve. I believe it's been evolving for decades, and will continue to do so.
Oh yeah, I remember. That’s the year the democrats objected to certification of the election which is sedition right?
Pretty sure that SCOTUS decided the 2000 had finally ended…
…nothing stolen (China sell outs started with Nixon)
Mr. Bush used the unfortunate situation of a family whose daughter, Terri Schiavo, lay hospitalized in an irreversible vegetative state as his main wedge issue in the 2000 election.
Same thing Obummer said once upon a time.