The dumbing down of the American Citizen through the Indoctrination Camps called Public Schools played a huge part in this debacle. Critical Thinking Skills were Lost. The Dept. of Education, I mean Indoctrination, didn't exist until 1980, It's been downhill ever since.
The dumbing down of the American Citizen through the Indoctrination Camps called Public Schools played a huge part in this debacle. Critical Thinking Skills were Lost. The Dept. of Education, I mean Indoctrination, didn't exist until 1980, It's been downhill ever since.
But even people in their 30s thru their 80s have lost their ability to reason these past few years. I think it's been the push to elevate feelings above all else that has made them submit their reason to the whims of emotion.
Right. Even if something is considered to be good or kind or nice to do that does not mean the federal government should do it. Compassion is the worst possible reasoning for any federal government activity. Because once intentions become self-justifying then freedom is subject to someone else's too-powerful-to-resist compassion. I always remember Kathy Bates' character in the movie Misery when I think of compassionate government. She loved James Caan's character so much that she had to hobble him to demonstrate her love. Terrifying. And we are seeing it play out now in most of the western world.
Warning - this can be disturbing. Especially the very last sentence.
Interesting! Yes, as bad as it is for an individual to operate by emotion, it's catastrophic when the government does. In fact, I still remember Kofi Annan mentioning love many years back. It was the first time I'd heard any leader bring that into a discussion about policy and my antennae went up. They need to govern with reason. For one thing, it's easy to see when reason is wrong, but people's emotions just are and aren't "wrong" per se. In our unrestrained society, emotions and the thoughts coming from them can be all over the map and yet the person is convinced the decision is a great one. Case in point is the identify-your-own-bathroom situation which serves very, very few and is potentially disturbing to many.
My nephew told me a few years ago (at age 17) that we don't need nations. Based on that nothing would surprise me. It's the adults going along with it that have me speechless.
Lost their ability to reason? The public schools consider reason mean defining a syllogism. Examining the validity of the propositions isn't required. Don't even get me started about situational ethics.
No wonder doctors are pressing people to take anti-depressants. I have two friends who said the pressure was quite intense and they aren't at all depressed.
If my 4 yr old granddaughter were in school, they'd be screaming for ADHD meds to be started, she never been taught to or expect to sit still. I sure couldn't get her to. Plus schools get extra money if they label kids 'as special needs.'
I take few meds, an occassional dose of Benadryl makes you sleepy works better than sleeping pills, Phenergan does too. That I take for the Vertigo nausea. But they are both as 'needed'. Not daily meds. You'd be surprised at the number of mind numbing meds people take, and few look up side effects. Since I a reaction queen, I look up any new script.
Yup--this has been in the works for 50 years now. This is their big chance to destroy and remake the US into a CCP style internment camp. You think they are going to back off of their totalitarianism? Only radical means will make them move.
They absolutely do👍 Just want to say also: the Elite will do absolutely anything- ie what the world just saw happen in Ottawa Canada ( govt brought in UN troops & used brutal force on its OWN citizens); to keep the world/country- everyone from seeing that a Spiritual Awakening has begun. It’s happening. THIS fact is extremely frightening for the Elite/WEF/Totalitarian Facets. This 🇨🇦 hopes Canada has kicked off the Spiritual Revolution for the world. Everyone must see it’s true power. This type of “freedom” is undefeatable…& they know it!!!!!✌️🇨🇦💗
🇨🇦Here. If Canada is any example… Nope they WILL NOT back off their totalitarianism🆘. Radical means have been taken here. The ROAD to freedom will be long. I suspect everyone on this page is ready for an “ultra marathon”? Relentless pressure on the System required & strategic planning… gotta say I am running on fumes. Time to recharge.✌️💗🇨🇦 Surreal here in Canada🤢
Instead of teaching kids the basics, public schools waste time on classes that are useless. WSJ this weekend reported on a new book about a fellow named Chase who was in president Lincoln's cabinet. What struck me was that the man had graduated college at 18 and was pursuing a law career. What are our 18 year old's doing.
Yes indeed. The anti-feminist feminist, Janice Flamingo pointed out that every college and university in North America are nothing but indoctrination centers for social justice. That has simply moved downward to the lowest levels of education who can't think critically and they have truly become the latest useful idiots for the globalist elitists led by Klaus Schwab and his cadre of veiled Stalinists. If that weren't enough, we have the indoctrination of the gender insane whose ultimate aim is to have sexual access to our children. The powers that be are doing everthing to assault their childhood innocence with pornographic "literature" to get them to dispense with any inhibitions as early as possible. Then the adults can swoop in once they manage to enact laws that lower the age of consent making every child fair game for every adult. It's all so sinister.
We have lost our moral compass and common sense… the ability to THINK CRITICALLY had been squashed by the educational system, beginning in the universities and morphing down into primary and secondary education. Teachers no longer think parents have the right to say what is taught to their children. The one good thing Covid did was to expose parents to what was going on when the classroom became the home computer.
Dostoevsky said "If God is dead then everything is permitted", which of course means a slow slide to nihilism. That's where we have arrived. You can't get a wokester to say what they are for, just what they are against, which is everything. The nihilist philosophy eats everything including itself, it has munched through all of our institutions and our relations. Very evil people have noted their chance to gain total power and money from this, by substituting the state for God. For the family. For the individual. They put group identity above individual identity, make us all divide into groups (Black Lives Matter!), and then simply watch the carnage unfold. I'm wondering whether the societies where God did not die, like Thailand and Russia, will recover first.
True that! I have made those exact statements for over two years. I know I’m on the list of subversives and domestic terrorist, as are most of us in this blog.
This is an excellent read and still relevant today. There have been several printings. First published in 1984. “NEA, Trojan Horse in American Education.”
The dumbing down of the American Citizen through the Indoctrination Camps called Public Schools played a huge part in this debacle. Critical Thinking Skills were Lost. The Dept. of Education, I mean Indoctrination, didn't exist until 1980, It's been downhill ever since.
But even people in their 30s thru their 80s have lost their ability to reason these past few years. I think it's been the push to elevate feelings above all else that has made them submit their reason to the whims of emotion.
Right. Even if something is considered to be good or kind or nice to do that does not mean the federal government should do it. Compassion is the worst possible reasoning for any federal government activity. Because once intentions become self-justifying then freedom is subject to someone else's too-powerful-to-resist compassion. I always remember Kathy Bates' character in the movie Misery when I think of compassionate government. She loved James Caan's character so much that she had to hobble him to demonstrate her love. Terrifying. And we are seeing it play out now in most of the western world.
Warning - this can be disturbing. Especially the very last sentence.
Interesting! Yes, as bad as it is for an individual to operate by emotion, it's catastrophic when the government does. In fact, I still remember Kofi Annan mentioning love many years back. It was the first time I'd heard any leader bring that into a discussion about policy and my antennae went up. They need to govern with reason. For one thing, it's easy to see when reason is wrong, but people's emotions just are and aren't "wrong" per se. In our unrestrained society, emotions and the thoughts coming from them can be all over the map and yet the person is convinced the decision is a great one. Case in point is the identify-your-own-bathroom situation which serves very, very few and is potentially disturbing to many.
👍. Cuz the little 💕doesn’t work.
If you walked into a 4th year liberal arts college class and asked them what the Bill of Rights is/contains, I’d defy you to get a response.
My nephew told me a few years ago (at age 17) that we don't need nations. Based on that nothing would surprise me. It's the adults going along with it that have me speechless.
True. PC news coverage sold the Scamdemic to gullible people.
so many who said: "question authority-resist the man" are now in authority & "the man" so stop questioning & resisting
And if we point this out we're the bad guy.
Lost their ability to reason? The public schools consider reason mean defining a syllogism. Examining the validity of the propositions isn't required. Don't even get me started about situational ethics.
No wonder doctors are pressing people to take anti-depressants. I have two friends who said the pressure was quite intense and they aren't at all depressed.
If my 4 yr old granddaughter were in school, they'd be screaming for ADHD meds to be started, she never been taught to or expect to sit still. I sure couldn't get her to. Plus schools get extra money if they label kids 'as special needs.'
I take few meds, an occassional dose of Benadryl makes you sleepy works better than sleeping pills, Phenergan does too. That I take for the Vertigo nausea. But they are both as 'needed'. Not daily meds. You'd be surprised at the number of mind numbing meds people take, and few look up side effects. Since I a reaction queen, I look up any new script.
Those doctors sure like those lifetime prescriptions. It seems you make them work for you, instead of letting them work you.
I read this the other day. Thank you! I get his newsletter.
Yup--this has been in the works for 50 years now. This is their big chance to destroy and remake the US into a CCP style internment camp. You think they are going to back off of their totalitarianism? Only radical means will make them move.
The west has been jealous of China and their iron fist. The elite love their power, money, and brutality.
They absolutely do👍 Just want to say also: the Elite will do absolutely anything- ie what the world just saw happen in Ottawa Canada ( govt brought in UN troops & used brutal force on its OWN citizens); to keep the world/country- everyone from seeing that a Spiritual Awakening has begun. It’s happening. THIS fact is extremely frightening for the Elite/WEF/Totalitarian Facets. This 🇨🇦 hopes Canada has kicked off the Spiritual Revolution for the world. Everyone must see it’s true power. This type of “freedom” is undefeatable…& they know it!!!!!✌️🇨🇦💗
🇨🇦Here. If Canada is any example… Nope they WILL NOT back off their totalitarianism🆘. Radical means have been taken here. The ROAD to freedom will be long. I suspect everyone on this page is ready for an “ultra marathon”? Relentless pressure on the System required & strategic planning… gotta say I am running on fumes. Time to recharge.✌️💗🇨🇦 Surreal here in Canada🤢
Instead of teaching kids the basics, public schools waste time on classes that are useless. WSJ this weekend reported on a new book about a fellow named Chase who was in president Lincoln's cabinet. What struck me was that the man had graduated college at 18 and was pursuing a law career. What are our 18 year old's doing.
Video games to dull their thinking.
Parents allowing their children to be mesmerized by fantasy.
Public education began using the Bible as its primer. Children could read it before entering school.
19 yr old grand son works, and then spends time with his firl friend, beyond that nothing. While I know he's not dumb, he is LAZY.
Yes indeed. The anti-feminist feminist, Janice Flamingo pointed out that every college and university in North America are nothing but indoctrination centers for social justice. That has simply moved downward to the lowest levels of education who can't think critically and they have truly become the latest useful idiots for the globalist elitists led by Klaus Schwab and his cadre of veiled Stalinists. If that weren't enough, we have the indoctrination of the gender insane whose ultimate aim is to have sexual access to our children. The powers that be are doing everthing to assault their childhood innocence with pornographic "literature" to get them to dispense with any inhibitions as early as possible. Then the adults can swoop in once they manage to enact laws that lower the age of consent making every child fair game for every adult. It's all so sinister.
We have lost our moral compass and common sense… the ability to THINK CRITICALLY had been squashed by the educational system, beginning in the universities and morphing down into primary and secondary education. Teachers no longer think parents have the right to say what is taught to their children. The one good thing Covid did was to expose parents to what was going on when the classroom became the home computer.
Dostoevsky said "If God is dead then everything is permitted", which of course means a slow slide to nihilism. That's where we have arrived. You can't get a wokester to say what they are for, just what they are against, which is everything. The nihilist philosophy eats everything including itself, it has munched through all of our institutions and our relations. Very evil people have noted their chance to gain total power and money from this, by substituting the state for God. For the family. For the individual. They put group identity above individual identity, make us all divide into groups (Black Lives Matter!), and then simply watch the carnage unfold. I'm wondering whether the societies where God did not die, like Thailand and Russia, will recover first.
YES Yes people harken to this post! Well said AY! Heed!
Atlas Shrugged
True that! I have made those exact statements for over two years. I know I’m on the list of subversives and domestic terrorist, as are most of us in this blog.
Yes we are on their list for elimination. LH.
John 17
NEA was created under carter about 1980-US was top in education; now about 40-maybe we should defund NEA?
This is an excellent read and still relevant today. There have been several printings. First published in 1984. “NEA, Trojan Horse in American Education.”