The CDC changed Death Certificate reporting requirements in May of 2020; all traditional primary causes were moved to "cause" B, and Covid-19 was moved to "Cause" A ,even if it was not a contributing factor, but detected by the fraudulent PCR test. Most "covid deaths" from the beginning were died "with" , and not "caused by" , but were mislabeled due to CDC regulations.
Took some time before austerities admitted that nearly all half multiple comorbidities including old age. But they often scared us with a story about an apparently healthy 23 yo dying perhaps not pointing out the medical intervention might have been the reason. But we still don't know why some do get quite ill and others are completely immune (and were so without any CoV vaccine).
I remember Scott Jenson the MN MD who exposed this in like early May 2020. He was slammed and ostracized for it. He BLEW it up in how this was being corrupted
There's scam on top of scam, never-ending scams. Nobody remembers how to just report the truth or the real data. RFK, Jr. spelled it all out in his book on The Real Anthony Fauci.
This is an excellent review of RFK Jr's book, The Real Anthony Fauci. For anyone who has not yet read the book itself, I highly reccommend that you read this review.
I read the book and it was the hardest book that I have ever read due to the crooked, underhanded and self serving nature of fauci. (small f intended) I remember him from the AIDS epidemic and he had that all messed up, all talk, no facts, all showboat. He needs to go to jail for his genocidal decrees for what he did.
Definitely the hardest book I have ever read. The dogs, the orphaned children (the little girl that fought back!), is impossible to understand how he can be fine with what he has done!
It was a great book! They have actually made it into a movie that's coming out very soon. After that, I hope the "Fauch" will move to a different country, far far away.
The New York Times, CNN, and MSNBC would agree with you about Berenson. Fauci and the CDC would also agree with you that Berenson is a fraud. Be careful who you agree with, particularly if you aren't going to bother reading all of the evidence. If you're the kind of person who believes everything you read on social media, mainstream media, our president, or the CDC, then Berenson isn't for you. For instance, in the article you posted it says, Berenson "suggested European excess mortality in 2022 was mostly due to mRNA vaccines; in reality, it was almost entirely due to omicron waves and heat waves." Who said excess European mortality in '22 was due to omicron and heat waves and why should I believe that person over Alex Berenson? This is similar to people saying Trump was a lying about voter integrity because an election commissioner said the election was "the most secure in history." You're basically saying Berenson is a fraud because someone else said something Alex said wasn't true and we should trust the other person and not Alex. You're exactly the type of person who is so gullible to believe that masks work, we need to lockdown, and everyone needs to get vaccinated because Biden said, "this is a pandemic of the unvaccinated." So how about this; that article you posted, it's fraudulent... Why? Because I said so. Continue reading Berenson because I've proven the article you referenced to be false.
He's a truth teller. It's the rest of our "Healthcare" system that a fraud. If you think I'm some kind of brainwashed idiot, I am a pharmacist who does her own research. Perhaps you should try it once.
Thank you for your consideration but most of us in here are a bit weird in that we like to find out things for ourselves and not be told what to think by others.
You sound ignorant with statements like that. You sound like the morons without twitter accounts,who were outraged by what the President said on twitter. Did someone write this for you?
Did you actually read the article? It gives a numbered list to posts by Alex with links to his posts. It then has a brief sentence or two with no links that says he was wrong. Huh? Additionally I am not sure the author(s?) understood the posts to which they were referring and mischaracterize some of Alex's points. Near the end they say he is providing points of view that cannot be proven. Ok, but the response did not disprove them either. I do not always agree with Alex, but he is pretty meticulous about providing his data and making clear when he is making a supposition. Also, just like with President Trump, some of his posts are firmly tongue in cheek.
And you feel it's your duty to inform us. Out of the kindness of your heart. Those of us who have followed Berenson for a long time fully appreciate his work. We understand he is human and subject to bias, as we all are. We actually can follow him and disagree about some of his viewpoints and blind spots. We often express ourselves here on his stack.
A blanket statement citing a less than credible report doesn't add to the discussion. So exactly why do you (and others) often try to dismiss Berenson with a blanket statement. Which parts of Berenson's work do you object to?
That's exactly right. They needed high death numbers from fictional covid cases. That's why there were so many nursing home deaths immediately. Were euthanasia drugs involved to pump up the numbers? To get so many bodies into funeral homes at the same time without autopsies? News stations used fear on orders from the government to get this fake pandemic going. All to sell a deadly vax, make tons of money, reduce the population, and mainly, take away our civil and constitution rights. Time will tell what else they are planning. War, famine? So many food facilities are being fire bombed. It won't be good for anyone but the rulers and the oligarchs.
and to think in all of that which has occurred and most of it intentional not ONE person has remotely paid the price or been held to account. Not ONE! The crimes against humanity and especially against the children has been blatant and yet not ONE. Such a disgrace...
Just HOW is that not considered a bribe of "incentivize" on such a crisis. Its obscene what has been allowed to occur with ZERO accountability ANYwhere to be seen!
And here's a great article from 7/20 from RFK Jr.'s CHD site that discusses the change in depth. The article covers a lot of ground, so scroll down to the section headlined: "Why Did the CDC Decide to Create Unique Reporting Rules for COVID-19 When Successful Reporting Rules Already Existed?":
I credit this CDC doc and RFK's article for starting my own process of thinking, "Whoa, wait a minute. This doesn't pass the smell test." Anyone with even a scattering of brain activity who read the details of this change could come to NO other conclusion than that it was specifically designed to boost the numbers of COVID "cases" and deaths (that weren't really either) to make it seem far worse than it actually was. What other possible explanation is there? I'm all ears.
Well there are also people that could have a scattering of brain activity, like most of my family, but have been completely brainwashed by the media and just can NOT see past the number of deaths. That's all they see and all they want to see. Normally they're smart people. But not when it comes to covid. It's baffling and incredibly frustrating. My son had a cold last week -- met up with my sister and she immediately asked if we tested him. NO! It's a freaken cold!
Thank you for this! The power of sharing such links (& others, like the highwire) is not to be underestimated. Most people haven't heard anything diverging from the narrative in 2 & 1/2 years. It takes effort. I STILL hear media (MSM) hastily dismissing RFK as an "anti-vaxxer"...
And that's only PART of it... PCR is also part of it (false positives generated by jacking up number of cycles), and the convenient definition of "fully vaccinated" (leaving many vaccinees, after one or two shots, to be classified as "UNVACCINATED"! 😡)
There may be more factors that are eluding my recall...
The death count was the one I remember being used on more than one occasion to shut down any debate on how all the mitigation measures were infinitely worse than the virus. “If we save just one life…” disgraced (for playing grab-ass with his staff, not for being directly responsible for the deaths of thousands of nursing home residents exposed to COVID on his orders) former governor of New York Andrew Cuomo. Really, one life saved warranted the rest of the population unable to pursue life, liberty and happiness? Really?
The emails went out to all doctors in March of 2020.
By May of 2020 the medical literature was reporting their concern as to why the number of deaths attributed to heart attack, stroke and pneumonia were dropping in direct proportion to the rise in cases and deaths attributed to CV. All cause mortality was not rising, which should have been the case if this alleged virus were indeed a pandemic of bubonic plague proportions.
Don't forget they offered bonus money for covid deaths. Regardless of how they died. Fauci created covid to push the vaccine (the real poison). Got filthy rich. CDC,NIH,WHO and every major drug manufacturer are totally corrupt and need a reckoning. I no longer trust my doctors (VA) after they removed everyone who refused the poison. Evil as Hell!
Oh I haven't forgotten and I fully agree with you. But I really fear that they will all get away with all of it. Unless the media starts telling the truth no one will accept it.
It amazes me how I, as a retired, but still licensed, MD who practiced 45 years without a single lawsuit could scream about all of this and be rejected by my own family and friends (people who always called me for advice) would not believe me because the folks on CNN and the government told them it was safe and effective. Now that the truth is beginning to show its face not one person has apologized for implying that I did not know what I was talking about when I tried to wearn them.
I don't believe so BUT don't forget that this is not a diagnostic test for medical diseases and even if it were most doctors are not highly knowledgable about the techniques for doing tests. The best use for the PCR test is to magnify DNA samples at crime scenes to obtain sufficient quantity to ID perps or rule out suspects.
Kerry Mullis, the inventor of PCR gave this analogy:
If I take a pile of billiard balls and place them into a sac and then pour apple juice onto the balls then close the sac and you place a Q tip into the opening (and still cannot see the contents of the sac); then you run a PCR for apple DNA. The test will be positive. Does that mean that you have a sac of apples?
This is the same thing with the Covid PCR, it identifies "fragments of CV DNA" and NOT viral particles. If the person is well it has no meaning! It is like me telling someone with normal skin that "this test states that you have chicken pox." But you can see that is not true and should ignore the stupid test. The difference is that people can see the disease but in respiratory diseases you cannot really see it so are fooled more easily.
Great question, Mark. I actually asked officials at the ADPH if they could provide the cycle thresholds for the tests they were reporting. I actually got an "answer," which was 4 paragraphs of scientific gobble-dee-gook that didn't answer my question. At one point I thought they would definitely change the PCR cycles once large numbers of vaccinated people kept coming down with Covid. My thought was they couldn't let that data stand ... so they'd change the test. Boy, that assumption/prediction was completely wrong. Still, I don't KNOW if they did change the cycle thresholds or not. I think I am also the only person in the world who wonders if they manipulated the antibody tests, which also have somewhat arbitrary "cutoff" values. I think the PCR tests were manipulated to produce more "cases" and, at least in the early days of the pandemic, the antibody tests were manipulated to conceal evidence of "early spread."
& they wonder why we don't trust anything from anybody in govt
The CDC changed Death Certificate reporting requirements in May of 2020; all traditional primary causes were moved to "cause" B, and Covid-19 was moved to "Cause" A ,even if it was not a contributing factor, but detected by the fraudulent PCR test. Most "covid deaths" from the beginning were died "with" , and not "caused by" , but were mislabeled due to CDC regulations.
Precisely. This is public knowledge and is absolutely nothing new.
This has been happening the ENTIRE TIME.
"public" yet ignored by the vast majority. The blue pill is mighty strong.
Took some time before austerities admitted that nearly all half multiple comorbidities including old age. But they often scared us with a story about an apparently healthy 23 yo dying perhaps not pointing out the medical intervention might have been the reason. But we still don't know why some do get quite ill and others are completely immune (and were so without any CoV vaccine).
I remember Scott Jenson the MN MD who exposed this in like early May 2020. He was slammed and ostracized for it. He BLEW it up in how this was being corrupted
There's scam on top of scam, never-ending scams. Nobody remembers how to just report the truth or the real data. RFK, Jr. spelled it all out in his book on The Real Anthony Fauci.
This is an excellent review of RFK Jr's book, The Real Anthony Fauci. For anyone who has not yet read the book itself, I highly reccommend that you read this review.
I have the book. I feel if I read it it will make me already mad even more pissed off knowing he is Still free
You should read it anyway. There are names and stories of other evildoers you'll recognize. This corruption runs deep.
Thanks for that nice recommendation, Truthbird.
I read the book and it was the hardest book that I have ever read due to the crooked, underhanded and self serving nature of fauci. (small f intended) I remember him from the AIDS epidemic and he had that all messed up, all talk, no facts, all showboat. He needs to go to jail for his genocidal decrees for what he did.
Definitely the hardest book I have ever read. The dogs, the orphaned children (the little girl that fought back!), is impossible to understand how he can be fine with what he has done!
He is fine because he is a narcissist and they have no empathy.
Everyone is just an object to him nothing more, use it then bin it.
It was a great book! They have actually made it into a movie that's coming out very soon. After that, I hope the "Fauch" will move to a different country, far far away.
I can't wait to see the documentary. I hope it's well done. I'm sure it will be.
It must be good. The producer said that this would be the film that would end his career.
The Chicoms sure could use him to further their germ warfare activities.
Even after he is no longer able to provide funding?
You mean the ones in the White House?
Then why are you wasting your time reading his work?
The New York Times, CNN, and MSNBC would agree with you about Berenson. Fauci and the CDC would also agree with you that Berenson is a fraud. Be careful who you agree with, particularly if you aren't going to bother reading all of the evidence. If you're the kind of person who believes everything you read on social media, mainstream media, our president, or the CDC, then Berenson isn't for you. For instance, in the article you posted it says, Berenson "suggested European excess mortality in 2022 was mostly due to mRNA vaccines; in reality, it was almost entirely due to omicron waves and heat waves." Who said excess European mortality in '22 was due to omicron and heat waves and why should I believe that person over Alex Berenson? This is similar to people saying Trump was a lying about voter integrity because an election commissioner said the election was "the most secure in history." You're basically saying Berenson is a fraud because someone else said something Alex said wasn't true and we should trust the other person and not Alex. You're exactly the type of person who is so gullible to believe that masks work, we need to lockdown, and everyone needs to get vaccinated because Biden said, "this is a pandemic of the unvaccinated." So how about this; that article you posted, it's fraudulent... Why? Because I said so. Continue reading Berenson because I've proven the article you referenced to be false.
He's a truth teller. It's the rest of our "Healthcare" system that a fraud. If you think I'm some kind of brainwashed idiot, I am a pharmacist who does her own research. Perhaps you should try it once.
Did you fill any prescriptions for Ivermectin?
I am retired, though I maintain my license. I wouldn't work though because they would make me get the "vaccine".
Thank you for your consideration but most of us in here are a bit weird in that we like to find out things for ourselves and not be told what to think by others.
Thanks again.
You sound ignorant with statements like that. You sound like the morons without twitter accounts,who were outraged by what the President said on twitter. Did someone write this for you?
Trump was just responding to those attacking him. On the other hand, he did so many wonderful things for our country. I think he still is.
Are you talking to me? I didn't say anything about what Trump said on Twitter.
Did you actually read the article? It gives a numbered list to posts by Alex with links to his posts. It then has a brief sentence or two with no links that says he was wrong. Huh? Additionally I am not sure the author(s?) understood the posts to which they were referring and mischaracterize some of Alex's points. Near the end they say he is providing points of view that cannot be proven. Ok, but the response did not disprove them either. I do not always agree with Alex, but he is pretty meticulous about providing his data and making clear when he is making a supposition. Also, just like with President Trump, some of his posts are firmly tongue in cheek.
I am so sick of trolls. They need to go back under their bridges.
And you feel it's your duty to inform us. Out of the kindness of your heart. Those of us who have followed Berenson for a long time fully appreciate his work. We understand he is human and subject to bias, as we all are. We actually can follow him and disagree about some of his viewpoints and blind spots. We often express ourselves here on his stack.
A blanket statement citing a less than credible report doesn't add to the discussion. So exactly why do you (and others) often try to dismiss Berenson with a blanket statement. Which parts of Berenson's work do you object to?
That's exactly right. They needed high death numbers from fictional covid cases. That's why there were so many nursing home deaths immediately. Were euthanasia drugs involved to pump up the numbers? To get so many bodies into funeral homes at the same time without autopsies? News stations used fear on orders from the government to get this fake pandemic going. All to sell a deadly vax, make tons of money, reduce the population, and mainly, take away our civil and constitution rights. Time will tell what else they are planning. War, famine? So many food facilities are being fire bombed. It won't be good for anyone but the rulers and the oligarchs.
and to think in all of that which has occurred and most of it intentional not ONE person has remotely paid the price or been held to account. Not ONE! The crimes against humanity and especially against the children has been blatant and yet not ONE. Such a disgrace...
Many people have paid the pricve but sadly they weren't the ones that owed the debt.
I forgot to mention, influencing an election.
They are pumping up covid because they get paid for calling every death covid.
Just HOW is that not considered a bribe of "incentivize" on such a crisis. Its obscene what has been allowed to occur with ZERO accountability ANYwhere to be seen!
Here's the actual notification of that change. It actually still exists and clicks through:
And here's a great article from 7/20 from RFK Jr.'s CHD site that discusses the change in depth. The article covers a lot of ground, so scroll down to the section headlined: "Why Did the CDC Decide to Create Unique Reporting Rules for COVID-19 When Successful Reporting Rules Already Existed?":
I credit this CDC doc and RFK's article for starting my own process of thinking, "Whoa, wait a minute. This doesn't pass the smell test." Anyone with even a scattering of brain activity who read the details of this change could come to NO other conclusion than that it was specifically designed to boost the numbers of COVID "cases" and deaths (that weren't really either) to make it seem far worse than it actually was. What other possible explanation is there? I'm all ears.
Well there are also people that could have a scattering of brain activity, like most of my family, but have been completely brainwashed by the media and just can NOT see past the number of deaths. That's all they see and all they want to see. Normally they're smart people. But not when it comes to covid. It's baffling and incredibly frustrating. My son had a cold last week -- met up with my sister and she immediately asked if we tested him. NO! It's a freaken cold!
Test her to see if she have any brains. Also for THC content.
Thank you for this! The power of sharing such links (& others, like the highwire) is not to be underestimated. Most people haven't heard anything diverging from the narrative in 2 & 1/2 years. It takes effort. I STILL hear media (MSM) hastily dismissing RFK as an "anti-vaxxer"...
Exactly. Biggest accounting fraud in history.
100% intentional
And that's only PART of it... PCR is also part of it (false positives generated by jacking up number of cycles), and the convenient definition of "fully vaccinated" (leaving many vaccinees, after one or two shots, to be classified as "UNVACCINATED"! 😡)
There may be more factors that are eluding my recall...
The death count was the one I remember being used on more than one occasion to shut down any debate on how all the mitigation measures were infinitely worse than the virus. “If we save just one life…” disgraced (for playing grab-ass with his staff, not for being directly responsible for the deaths of thousands of nursing home residents exposed to COVID on his orders) former governor of New York Andrew Cuomo. Really, one life saved warranted the rest of the population unable to pursue life, liberty and happiness? Really?
The emails went out to all doctors in March of 2020.
By May of 2020 the medical literature was reporting their concern as to why the number of deaths attributed to heart attack, stroke and pneumonia were dropping in direct proportion to the rise in cases and deaths attributed to CV. All cause mortality was not rising, which should have been the case if this alleged virus were indeed a pandemic of bubonic plague proportions.
all FLU cases disappeared as well
And when was the last time you heard anyone say "I have a cold."
Amazing isn't it that Covid 19 cured the flu the common cold, heart attacks, strokes and cancers?
right...amazingly orchestrated and intentional agenda
Yeah it's all like Dr. No, Goldfinger, or some other Bond villain come to life.
Yes, you're referring to "Alert #2", but the bogus PCR result isn't even required, if Covid is SUSPECTED!!
That is why the number of deaths never rose during the time they claimed we were in an civilization ending epidemic. Total hoax from the start.
Don't forget they offered bonus money for covid deaths. Regardless of how they died. Fauci created covid to push the vaccine (the real poison). Got filthy rich. CDC,NIH,WHO and every major drug manufacturer are totally corrupt and need a reckoning. I no longer trust my doctors (VA) after they removed everyone who refused the poison. Evil as Hell!
Oh I haven't forgotten and I fully agree with you. But I really fear that they will all get away with all of it. Unless the media starts telling the truth no one will accept it.
It amazes me how I, as a retired, but still licensed, MD who practiced 45 years without a single lawsuit could scream about all of this and be rejected by my own family and friends (people who always called me for advice) would not believe me because the folks on CNN and the government told them it was safe and effective. Now that the truth is beginning to show its face not one person has apologized for implying that I did not know what I was talking about when I tried to wearn them.
I get all my medical advice from Boris and the BBC so trustworthy!!
/s (just in case anyone is not sure)
Are 40 cycle PCR tests still widely used?
I don't believe so BUT don't forget that this is not a diagnostic test for medical diseases and even if it were most doctors are not highly knowledgable about the techniques for doing tests. The best use for the PCR test is to magnify DNA samples at crime scenes to obtain sufficient quantity to ID perps or rule out suspects.
Kerry Mullis, the inventor of PCR gave this analogy:
If I take a pile of billiard balls and place them into a sac and then pour apple juice onto the balls then close the sac and you place a Q tip into the opening (and still cannot see the contents of the sac); then you run a PCR for apple DNA. The test will be positive. Does that mean that you have a sac of apples?
This is the same thing with the Covid PCR, it identifies "fragments of CV DNA" and NOT viral particles. If the person is well it has no meaning! It is like me telling someone with normal skin that "this test states that you have chicken pox." But you can see that is not true and should ignore the stupid test. The difference is that people can see the disease but in respiratory diseases you cannot really see it so are fooled more easily.
Also you might have had chicken pox and be well clear of it and not infectious but the test says ALERT ALERT chicken poxer!!
Great question, Mark. I actually asked officials at the ADPH if they could provide the cycle thresholds for the tests they were reporting. I actually got an "answer," which was 4 paragraphs of scientific gobble-dee-gook that didn't answer my question. At one point I thought they would definitely change the PCR cycles once large numbers of vaccinated people kept coming down with Covid. My thought was they couldn't let that data stand ... so they'd change the test. Boy, that assumption/prediction was completely wrong. Still, I don't KNOW if they did change the cycle thresholds or not. I think I am also the only person in the world who wonders if they manipulated the antibody tests, which also have somewhat arbitrary "cutoff" values. I think the PCR tests were manipulated to produce more "cases" and, at least in the early days of the pandemic, the antibody tests were manipulated to conceal evidence of "early spread."
That's the problem;
They were all in on trusting the government.
They're on tilt.
They were paid to trust the goverment no deeper than that.
The next strain?
Covid FU.2
Or the medical establishment. Their fall from grace has been epic. If you have an honest doctor, feel fortunate, there are so few of them left.