It was a great book! They have actually made it into a movie that's coming out very soon. After that, I hope the "Fauch" will move to a different country, far far away.
It was a great book! They have actually made it into a movie that's coming out very soon. After that, I hope the "Fauch" will move to a different country, far far away.
It was a great book! They have actually made it into a movie that's coming out very soon. After that, I hope the "Fauch" will move to a different country, far far away.
I can't wait to see the documentary. I hope it's well done. I'm sure it will be.
It must be good. The producer said that this would be the film that would end his career.
The Chicoms sure could use him to further their germ warfare activities.
Even after he is no longer able to provide funding?
You mean the ones in the White House?