And you feel it's your duty to inform us. Out of the kindness of your heart. Those of us who have followed Berenson for a long time fully appreciate his work. We understand he is human and subject to bias, as we all are. We actually can follow him and disagree about some of his viewpoints and blind spots. We often express ourselves …
And you feel it's your duty to inform us. Out of the kindness of your heart. Those of us who have followed Berenson for a long time fully appreciate his work. We understand he is human and subject to bias, as we all are. We actually can follow him and disagree about some of his viewpoints and blind spots. We often express ourselves here on his stack.
A blanket statement citing a less than credible report doesn't add to the discussion. So exactly why do you (and others) often try to dismiss Berenson with a blanket statement. Which parts of Berenson's work do you object to?
And you feel it's your duty to inform us. Out of the kindness of your heart. Those of us who have followed Berenson for a long time fully appreciate his work. We understand he is human and subject to bias, as we all are. We actually can follow him and disagree about some of his viewpoints and blind spots. We often express ourselves here on his stack.
A blanket statement citing a less than credible report doesn't add to the discussion. So exactly why do you (and others) often try to dismiss Berenson with a blanket statement. Which parts of Berenson's work do you object to?