"Unreported Truths readers are frequently skeptical of the mainstream media - as am I, despite my former membership in it. But I have been happy to see that (at least based on your emails to me and comments on articles this week) you aren’t biting on this particular conspiracy theory.

If you are considering doing so, please don’t."


Whoa, whoa, whoa. Wait a second? Why can't we question the fact that Israel may have had some foreknowledge about the attack? Why is THIS question out of bounds?

Here's historical background on how the US knew about Peal Harbor, knew about 9/11, and how the British knew about the Lusitania.


"The moment is too serious to pretend that the Jewish government of Israel allowed 1,300 civilians, nearly all Jews, to be slaughtered in the cruelest of ways." ---- Is this not what we saw with the vaccine?

Are we saying that the US is capable of such an incident on it's own citizens, but other countries are not?

This is where I get confused. We look critically at other topics, but this topic...specifically this country, we ignore logic and instead, let emotion run

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And let's not forget that England knew of German bombings IN England, because they had cracked a German code and continuing to crack it was vital to surviving and hopefully winning the war. So England let her own people be killed in known bombing runs.

It happens. Sometimes it has to happen, for some greater good or lesser evil (or because of sheer incompetence).

Putting the subject off-limits to robust discussion is the complete OPPOSITE of why I pay indie journos in Substack.

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My man! Check out my Substack! I’m sure you’ll like what you find.

I’m consistently pushing the boundaries yet bringing logic from to a wide variety of topics.

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"So England let her own people be killed in known bombing runs."

There's a difference between knowing something will happen and actually having the ability to stop something from happening. Read Erik Larson's "The Splendid and the Vile"

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Some more questions. Technology makes life more complicated and is easily defeated by hackers and unconventional means. Rather than blame Netanyahu, why not hold those who put technology rather than humans in charge of security? Remind you of AI? According to the Bible the West bank belonged to Israel/Judea long before the Palestinians claimed ownership. So are Netanyahu and the right wingers taking back territory that belonged to them in the first place? Live free. Think outside the box!

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Bingo, it is not outside the box. It has been the Jews since God gave it to them! Denial of this is denial of God.

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The box is the position the mainstream media and the Administration and its Democratic supporters try to manipulate us into believing.

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My argument with this is that this is based on religion and in all fairness, what happens is that we have a religion vs religion warfare.

This goes back to Constantine and the Roman’s, which is why I don’t want to include that aspect, because if we do, we in a sense taint the religions -- because religion should never be used for political movements.

Unfortunately it does all the time. And I think we need to stop condone it. (Here’s a podcast I talk about religion as a weapon)


But regarding technology, Israel has more advanced technology than we here in the states. The chances of them not knowing isn’t impossible, but it’s highly unlikely as they are a world leader in the space

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It goes way back to Isaac VS Ishmael. If Abraham had been patient to wait on the promises of God this whole mess would’ve been eclipsed then. God told Ishmael that his descendants would live and die by the sword.

Ever since Mohammed hijacked the Hebrew Scriptures and claimed the inheritance given Isaac. Yes it is a holy war but then isn’t every aspect of life a spiritual battle?

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Look at this. Follow the money, just like covid.


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great point on the injections!

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I'm not sure that's what he meant. I think he WAS questioning whether Israel was tactically ready and wasn't paying attention to Hamas, but he is saying it is ridiculous to think that they planned it or wanted it. Though I am waiting for Part II to clarify that. The difference between ineptness and treachery. I don't believe he purposely got 1300 of his people killed. But that doesn't mean it wasn't a fail. He does seem to be criticizing Israel for making more and more settlements into Gaza which seemed to be part of the problem while at the same time not realizing how serious this threat was. Which I think is the comparison to all your other examples. Being inept is not a conspiracy theory.

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This is so typical of lefties living on the UWS and UES (and writing on substack). Let's blame Bibi and bureaucratic incompetence, or maybe the USA! Israel lives next to a small city-state ruled by a large group of homicidal/suicidal maniacs whose charter includes their desire to kill every Jew on the planet. All of this speculation is rooted in distrust of incompetent institutions. Get used to it, they don't seem to be getting any better.

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No, I'm not blaming Israel or USA. But since they live next to horrendous homicidal/suicidal maniacs, they better get better prepared.

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Everyone in Isreal has been saying this for years! “ Homicidal maniacs trying to kill us!” Yet they completely let their guard down on the 50th anniversary of the Yom Kippur war. What a coincidence !

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So that’s my point. Going back to the US and Roosevelt: on one hand, he was inept and Pearl Harbor accidentally occurred. On the other hand, he “let” it occur so he would have a reason to enter the war.

This isn’t conspiracy this is a factual aspect of the war and if we look at individuals who were prominent around this time, especially E. Bernays and the work he had done on propaganda, you begin to see how “ineptness” is a very valuable excuse.

From Roosevelt, to G. Bush, and many others, a lot of these leaders just happen to be “inept” and the wrong times.

Open to feedback though 😀

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Well, A.ex and I do not think "ineptness" occurred "on purpose." I think sometimes they underestimate the extent of the disasters and don't want to over-react to some information. But they don't see how their own actions (or even lackof preparation) might precipitate what happens. Still, if the Palestinians had a "side" or "point of view," they negated it with this terrorism. So I'll wait to see Part II here. Some of Alex's point seemed a bit contradictory or obfuscated in Part I. But I agree, Netanyahu didn't want 1300 people killed. It was a little less clear why Alex thinks he didn't want to take this action in the Gaza strip if he was developing more and more Israeli settlements in it. Or exactly how he thinks he failed, other than ineptness or lack of foresight.

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Geography strikes again! You have Gaza confused with the West Bank. There are no Israeli settlements in Gaza. And Hamas controls Gaza, not the West Bank.

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Yes, I already acknowledged that--I didn't read it right and mixed it up.

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More settlements into the West Bank, not Gaza. And thereby diverting military to the West Bank leaving the border with Gaza less protected. I think its a good point. I had questioned how it seemed under protected and the time it took for military reinforcements to respond.

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Oh, ok, I missed that!

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True. We have ineptitude at the helm here as well as treachery.

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I thought this podcast worked this topic of conspiracy with local knowledge, humility, and empathy. Brainstorming what is really going on is vital. Alex did not sufficiently support his assertion to avoid conspiracy theories. It is the OGA (see twitter files) that has associated conspiracy theory with pejoratives, and if the past ten years has taught us anything it is that they cannot be trusted. And may very well be planting their own conspiracy theories to throw truth seekers off their scent.


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Thank you for this! Efrat is who I recommend people to watch as well! Thanks for posting this!

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And look at this. Follow the money, just like covid. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R_ojjTGJz7w

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I disagree on the settlements being the motivation. None of these groups care how much land Israel gives them unless it’s the whole of the country - and then their aspirations will move beyond it. Leaving Gaza and then allowing hundreds of millions of aid in to fund terrorists who want to kill all Jews created the situation. But ultimately this was inevitable. The only thing these people fear is strength from opponents. Hamas said they spent 2 years planning this. They just want to kill Jews. I’m not even Jewish and this is plain. ISiS wasn’t going to stop. The Christians being slaughtered by Jihadist all over Africa aren’t being slaughtered because of land. Stop assuming these people think like us. They don’t. It’s really stupid to keep convincing yourself of this. Certainly the settlements are a fair political debate, but being Jews drives those who hate Jews. They say so plainly. And frequently. They act accordingly. They aren’t secretly live and let live westerners. They want to murder all the Apostates. That’s everyone who isn’t them. The only thing that keeps them from this goal is money, power, and brains.

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Alex is enaging in 'if only' wishful thinking. If only they hadn't (fill in the blank) then the Arabs would leave them alone. Thought experiment. All Isrealis move into Gaza, All Gazan's move into Israel. Israel turns little strip of land into prosperous paradise. Would the Arabs leave them alone?

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The truth is, if all Jews left Israel and gave the entire country to the Palestinians, it wouldn't take long for them to turn into into a shithole just like Gaza. Almost all of the Arab countries detest Palestinians and at best, consider them a nuisance and want nothing to do with them. Not a single Arab country wants to take in Palestinian refugees. How come no one has noticed this fact? The other countries would just like them to go away.

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“The other countries would just like them to go away…”

and would probably like nothing better than to have Israel do ‘the dirty work’ though they couldn’t say so publicly.

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great experiment! with a pretty obvious outcome.

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so well said!

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Money and Integrity take different roads and are rarely found together.

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Spot on! Exactly this!

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“Hamas said they spent 2 years planning this…”

perhaps but I am not convinced that those plans alone were the reason for its success, though that is what we are being asked to believe.

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I don’t have any first hand knowledge and I don’t always see incompetence. I’ve been accused of being a conspiracy theorist for 3 years now (though my record of being correct is holding up well). Israel is so interconnected it’s hard to imagine someone turning a blind eye to slaughter of their own family. Israel’s agencies are just as left leaning and distracted as ours. The FBI is so preoccupied with parents and anyone moderately conservative they’d miss a lot of stuff. Politics, on both sides, drives a lot there. It doesn’t make it ok, but intent matters and I don’t see intent here. I see being more concerned about ideological nonsense then these agencies doing their damn jobs.

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The first casualty of war is truth. Hamas’ mission for 30 years has not been to create a Palestinian state. It has been to exterminate Jews.

The United States took advantage of 9/11 to blame Iraq and its “Weapons of Mass Destruction” which then justified the 2003 “Shock and Awe” campaign to bring down Sadam Hussein. This led to the “War on Terror” which led to the formation of ever more sophisticated terrorist organizations like ISIS which led to more justification for war and then more terror and now, what do we have?

Hamas. And the potential for a “war to end all wars". Not the hopeful way World War One was described, but a war where the human race obliterates itself. It isn’t anything to be proud of that our greatest achievement as a species is the ability to destroy everything on the planet.

WORLD AT WAR https://khmezek.substack.com/p/world-at-war

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To me it is unbelievable that the American and Israeli intelligence agencies failed on this level. I just can't swallow that, I'm sorry. I don't even want to think about what this means because it is horrible.

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I cannot speak to Israel but the US Intel community has been tasked with White Supremacy as its number one threat.

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Look what America did with the cover up on funding gain of function in Wuhan as well as other labs around the world intentionally and never admitting to IT

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Egypt is adamant they warned Israel too. I want to know more about that. If true, which it seems it is, why were the warnings not taken seriously?

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They also said they had no specifics. The goal of Hamas is to kill people - especially Jews. It was shocking ISIS was as “successful” as they were, but it’s arrogant to think that was “allowed.” Sooner or later we’ll funded and highly motivated Hamas was going to butcher as many Jews as they could. It’s shocking and sad and terrifying, but it was also enevitable.

Arab countries have evicted Palestinians by the hundreds of thousands because they bring their ideology destabilize countries. The culture is to support and promote terrorism. Kuwait evicted hundreds of thousands during the first gulf war (not us, Kuwait). Jordan has sent a couple hundred thousand back. Egypt doesn’t even want them in vacant abandoned areas of Sinai. It’s heartbreaking for the truly innocent, but the “they had to know” feels like victim blaming. Don’t get me wrong - I would never put it passed the CIA to fund the murder of tens of thousands of Americans. Israel is different because it’s tiny and close knit. They failed by being pulled into complacency, but I don’t think a secret cabal did this.

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Supposing for a moment that your analysis is spot on, I guess it is time for us to quit being so complacent about Canada which seems to have been sold off at auction to the CCP.

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While I’m not concerned about Canada because their hateful lunatics are weird weaklings, I think as a country, and almost in all western culture, we have gotten far too complacent. All cultures were not created equal and a barbaric or totalitarian one is going to destroy ours if we don’t wake up. We live in lala land worried about “my truth” rather than consequences of reality. That’s never gone well for a society in all known history.

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Preach, NC Mom!

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Exactly. As many have observed, there is simply no way US and Israeli intelligence could have missed this! Efret Fenigson’s posts (former IDF security) are worth a look.

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And many of US were making that very point up front. The most secure country on the planet with an alliance with USA and BOTH had no CLUE?

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They may have been too woke to pay attention. And think WMDs, 9/11 etc

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Woke ain't awake!

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Alex, is missing a critical point here: we had Netanyahu, then Bennett, then Lapid and then only got Netanyahu back recently. To blame Netanyahu and "The Right" is disingenuous. For the last 3-4 years a large percentage of Israel's voters have decided they didn't want him, they wanted "The Left": weak on defense, strong on wokeness.

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Alex just took a new tact at 'blaming' the victims. There is no doubt there is wrongdoing on both sides. But one side is a messy democracy and the other side is still fighting the crusades.

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Alex's position sounds like a leftist Democrat trying to deflect the blame away from the terrorist appeasement policies of the Democrat Administration. My late sister used to work for a Jewish boss who could not understand why 2/3rds of his U. S. Jewish community voted and contributed strongly to the Democrats. I think it is time for the U. S. Jewish community to wake up to their participation in their countrymen's devastation. Actions have consequences.

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It is not about the land. Hamas and Abbas say it. READ, LISTEN.

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Did you see her interview with Bret Weinstein? It was very illuminating.

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I agree it's unbelievable. I have my own 'conspiracy' theory. I think our state department has been infiltrated by Iran and Israel was fed bad intelligence. We already know about Mally failing to get security clearance but he was 'negotiating' with Iran. https://nypost.com/2023/10/12/ex-iran-envoy-rob-malley-compromised-classified-information-rep-michael-mccaul-says/ He apparently was even kicked out by Obama et al. I don't think the Biden puppet government did it 'on purpose'. But perhaps in their effort to undo all things Trump, all that was left was the Abraham accords. Ooops!

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I like your theory, but it assumes the Mossad didn't know or that they blindly trust the Americans. From what I've heard, the Israelis are very good on their own right.

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I struggle with that as well. What I don't know is how dependent Israel is on certain parts of their info gathering portfolio.

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I find your repeated comments about Netanyahu being conservative or religious to be inappropriate. I see where you are going with this, but you rarley make this distinction in other articles.

I fail to remember you calling Joe Biden a liberal with every bad decision? Joe Biden the liberal mask mandate? Nope. Joe Biden the liberal vaxx mandates? Nope. It's only with conservatives or the religious right that you decide to add your extra bias in there.

You can disagree with Netanyahu- but you don't have to continually repeat he's a conservative.

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I also felt this distinction immediately. As if Netanyahu is this crazy whack job extreme conservative. Alex needs to keep the politics out of it, but he can’t help himself. If Netanyahu is right wing more power to him. Conservatives obviously have more common sense than those nut job left wingers like Alex. Make sense? 😉

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As I understand the “conspiracy” it is driven by international monied interests and about igniting largest Mideast war in history (not about Israel’s marginal gain).

The potential war profits are astronomical with an added bonus of increased monitoring and surveillance of citizens everywhere to “keep them safe.”

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Seem's so plausible considering what WEF and CCP has been pushing in a 2030 agenda. WAR is tantamount to achieving the agenda outcomes. Ukraine is not enough

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Yes and just when the big money is drying up for Ukraine...

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My suggestion was that Israel secure its territory and quarantine Gaza, may some strategic strikes but limiting civilian casualties as much as they could while still being effective. Let the Hamas and their supporters show who they are, they did, and keep going forward with the saudi deal.

I do not think there is a two state solution anywhere in the near future but maybe the isolation of the Palestinians both morally and economically as Israel normalized would point the way to a lng term solution.

Now we are back to "an eye for an eye" and moral equivalence.

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I read, and it could be wrong, that after Hamas was voted in they killed the Palestinians in Gaza that had voted for the other party. If that's true, then everyone there supports Hamas.

ETA: There have been no more elections in Gaza since.

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I have read that there are no secret ballots in Gaza. Vote for the other party or parties at your own risk. Similar to Iraq in 2002 when Saddam Hussein got 100% of the vote, and 2021 when Syria's Assad got 95.1% of the vote.

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yes - I do not have enough info but I understand it is similar. I would say that Hamas is so brutal it would be hard to say if they had any support.

You can discount their supporters in here and in Europe who have wisely chosen not to live under Hamas.

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Hamas is of the ilk that believes they re doing Allah's work, and furthermore, they will be rewarded for every infidel they kill.

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the true believers -the real leadership is quite comfortable in Doha and their families are safe. They aint raising any suicide bombers.

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A "message" from Yoram Erez, commander of the Kerem Shalom Battalion

Look at what Yoram Erez, commander of the Kerem Shalom Battalion, who knows the area in detail, wrote.

Something here doesn't add up to me!!! This is a mystery that I can't find an answer to since yesterday?

I happen to know how things work in Gaza and on the border. I was the commander of the Kerem Shalom sector (Rafih), I was in charge of the Kissuf sector, I know the perimeter fence very well, I know how the army works there. I was in the Shatti refugee camp in Gaza, I was in charge of the Jibaliya refugee camp, I would make ambushes on the fence and deep in the area. I met Gazans, ate and breathed Gaza.

The obstacle is built so that even a fox cannot pass it:

Set alerts according to 3 levels of pressure. She must alert when she is cut. There are 24/7 forces that are responsible for arriving within a few minutes, if not seconds, to the point where there is an alert in the fence. Every day do at least one penetration practice. Each subdivision has a standby squad whose role is to increase the force in an emergency situation. Observations scattered along the border cover every inch of it. The female observers are champions in identification. They don't miss. They detect movement even before it even approaches the obstacle - day and night. At problematic points (dead areas) they place a tank with observation and detection capabilities, and a terrifying firepower. In some cases snipers are deployed in the field.

Every day before dawn there is a "dawn alert" procedure. At this hour all the forces are awake (in this case also the hour when hundreds of terrorists entered Israel). The night shift alternates with the day shift. The commander of each force inspects the axis to make sure there were no infiltrations during the night.

Trackers that move on the axis know how to recognize traces. They know who crossed the fence, how much and even when.

Each scenario has a clear procedure. For example, a procedure for infiltrating terrorists, a procedure for taking hostages. Everything is written in blood and has been proving itself for years There are several other layers of security that this is not the place to talk about. In short, we are talking about an obstacle that proves itself for years and years.

So how the hell does a bulldozer move towards the fence without anyone reacting to it?

How did the bulldozer manage to sabotage the fence for a long hour and open access to Israel without anyone reacting to it?

How did hundreds of terrorists and civilians cross the barrier without anyone on our side lifting a finger?

How did terrorists arrive on foot and in vehicles, armed from head to toe, to dozens of Israeli settlements, without any reaction from our side?

How did hundreds of terrorists stay in Israeli territory for long hours, shoot hundreds of Israelis, loot property, without there being even a single reaction on our side?

How did it happen that hundreds of terrorists kidnapped dozens of Israelis, woke women, children, babies, old people from their deaths, surprised soldiers, officers when they were not ready, and kidnapped them to Gaza, without anyone stopping them?

How is it that one bullet was not fired?

How did all this happen under our noses?

Where did an entire division go?

Where did 3 brigades go?

Who swallowed 9 battalions?

What happened to 36 companies?

Where did an entire regular infantry brigade go that usually outnumbers the elite?

Where were all the reserve battalions that augment the regular army?

Where did thousands of soldiers go???

Someone here needs to provide explanations!

And someone needs to apologize to the 5,000 Israelis who were killed, wounded, or kidnapped.

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Please cancel my subscription

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"Unreported Truths readers are frequently skeptical of the mainstream media - as am I, despite my former membership in it. But I have been happy to see that (at least based on your emails to me and comments on articles this week) you aren’t biting on this particular conspiracy theory."

It's not a conspiracy theory to hold our governments accountable and especially criticize the shit out of them for failing. These are also not minor failures, like an employee stepping away from machinery and it breaks down. Millions have died for war over the generations, and every aspect of all government involvements, including them possibly having knowledge of pre-emptive strikes beforehand; along with people like Gates, Soros, Rothschilds, Rockefellers are not off limits either. Human nature has shown me it's susceptible to being bought off with wealth, and easy to take a back seat due to threats instead of being courageous and standing up to dark forces around us. The people in governments are human beings too, they are not off limits and immune from being questioned. Why do you think the CIA invented 'conspiracy theorist' and Wilhelm Marr 'anti semitic'? To shut people up, to not dare question them, it is no different then the current pedophilic cluster B left in the western worlds who scream racism, homophobe, transphobe at every turn. It is meant to stifle others and retain their power and control. In no way by questioning and pondering deep corruption in the Israeli government; much like our US and 9/11, are we not sympathizing with the lives lost and forever changed. I think I can speak for everyone who theorizes and questions, we just want to get the truth and not see more needless wars. We want to dismantle those powers enriching themselves off the millions lost during their neocon wars. I'll go as far to say that had world leaders displayed ethical principles instead of corruption and graft; compromise instead of ego and greed; a desire for peace instead of endless wars, you wouldn't see many people questioning. And yes people do indeed make mistakes, but in my opinion there has to be many variables at once simultaneously pushed in direction by higher ups for any 'surprise attack' to go seemingly unchecked. Military response to 9/11 comes to mind. All the 'surprise attacks' over the generations look awfully familiar in how they responded when the attacks were taking place: there was little if any at all. How and why?

Just my opinion

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Also, these same governments coerced, lied, bullied, threatened innocent people, ruined their life liberty and pursuit of happiness in order to force them into taking experimental jabs. Just who in the heck would trust any of them after seeing such abuses of power? Would they also not dither into ruining lives by other means? Look no further then the WHO treaty.


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Sorry Alex. You have not explained WHY the idea that the IDF's failure could have been intentional is a conspiracy theory and not a conspiracy. There is no proof that it was a conspiracy. There is also no proof that it wasn't a conspiracy.

We are all trying to connect the dots like you are. I understand that you are triggered by the possibility, but that isn't evidence.

I respect your opinion, but it is only another opinion. There is no certainty here. Not for anyone.

When examined on a larger stage, there is some incentive for Israel to allow a ghastly attack by Hamas to occur. Do you think the attack by Hamas makes a war with Iran more or less likely? If it is more, then there is an incentive. If there is an incentive, there is a possibility. Claiming moral outrage doesn't make it go away.

"To claim Israel encouraged or somehow wanted Saturday’s attack is to dishonor these dead"

Please explain why that is. We are talking about innocent people who were senselessly slain and we are trying to get to the bottom of this to honor them. Shutting down inquiry using some kind of moral justification is actually dishonorable IMO.

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This very closely aligns with a comment I just posted above. I would note that the Naked Emperor SubStack raised some of those questions Alex does not like. For instance, why was this festival moved closer toward the border with Gaza just two days before the attack? Also the fact that this event was something of an international gathering seems significant to me if the goal was to stir up international outrage to trigger more trouble. Although I must say, it mainly seemed to reveal the moral bankruptcy of those hard leftists who seem gleeful that terrorist-fanatics were successful in attacking civilians.

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The image of the charred baby remains has been reported to be an AI generated fake.

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Take my word for it, I'm here and there's nothing fake about the burned babies, nor the decapitated babies, nor the gang raped young women who were then killed and mutilated. Sub humans is far too tame for these Amaleks.

At any rate, I didn't have to read past the heading. Yes, it's still too early. As someone who would know, this has a looong ways yet to go, but there WILL be very hard and difficult questions when the dust finally settles. Just as the commission that was formed after the '73 war to answer questions as to how that disaster was allowed to happen brought with it the end to careers, Golda Meir the best known example, so too will the answers to those difficult questions that are coming, in their proper time, bring with them dramatic repercussions.

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I am not saying it hasn't happened, or that the overall attack wasn't despicable, just that there is persuasive evidence on Twitter that this particular image is a fake.

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hard to tell - the pixelation is AI so therefor without being completely graphic, we do not know

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Yep, keep drinking the cool aid.

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Thanks for this feedback from somebody who knows the savagery of these beasts

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It gets even worse. There is a horrible, HORRIBLE story about a man taken hostage by Hamas. The man was really hungry and kept asking for food, so finally the Hamas terrorist asked the man, "well would you like a sandwich?"

Naturally the man nodded eagerly for the food.

Then the Hamas terrorist said "how about a knuckle sandwich?", and then he punched the man in the mouth.

Pray for Israel.

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Not proven. Many X posters ran it through different programs that detect AI images, some said it was, some said it wasn't. The same program gave different results. Take the pics as truth, at least for now.

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Seeing more and more of this MSM re-direct in narrative the past 24 hours. Its what they DO!

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See reports from Amir Tsarfati--you have been fooled...don’t be gullible!


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Well we know, without a doubt, that building 7 was imploded and did not collapse due to fire because it’s impossible for modern steel and concrete buildings to collapse due to fire.

Because this is obvious to any engineer, we then know that the US government and the media covered up the real event on 9/11. This means they wanted this to happen to go to war.

Well if the US is capable of killing 3000 innocent civilians, why isn’t Israel?

They just killed millions with gain of function viruses and vaccines that didn’t prevent infection and transmission.

And worse, they are still requiring vaccines for children in California.

The lies just aren’t working anymore.

Do you genuinely believe THIS time they’re telling the truth? How naive.

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I was thinking that where one stands on 9/11 probably corresponds to what that person thinks the governments of other Western democracies are capable of. It took the never ending cover-up of JFK’s assassination and Covid lies to get me to re-consider the 9/11 narrative and the Oklahoma bombing — which, by the way, included babies and toddlers. Well, except those of the govt agents who didn’t show up for work that day, coincidentally.

I rather think that, like our former head of the CDC Rochelle W, Alex is giving us the story “he wants to be true.”

For my part I think whatever is afoot somehow the vast oil and gas reserves in Iran is the prize being sought. Since the end of WW2 it’s been all about guns & energy.

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We listened to all of your obsessions with COVID


Israel’s intelligence agencies hate Bibi

They fucked up

Too busy making sure the Israeli lawyers have ultimate power

Wake up and smell the -ucking coffee

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Gosh, the likely photoshopped pictures of the dead babies reminds me of the nearly identical stories advanced by Bush & the CIA about the dead infants blamed on Saddam in Kuwait 20+ years ago.

Making humans emotional is great propaganda technique. The more emotional they are the less rational they become. Goebbels knew that well

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I doubt Bibi or his admin staged or took a deliberate path to encouraging this latest attack. I think he will ultimately pay a political price for it.

I don’t agree with the whole Palestinian “crisis”. There are no Palestinians. They are Arabs and since the name Arab doesn’t evoke much sympathy on the global stage, they magically became “Palestinian”. Palestine itself is a name the Roman’s invented when trying to colonize the area. Jordan itself didn’t exist before the British tried to “fix” things by creating a nation state for both Jews and Arabs, both occupying the region. There have ALWAYS been Jews living in the area. After the sacking of Jerusalem in roughly 90CE, only Sephardic Jews and Arabs stayed. Most travelled north into Europe. After enduring countless pogroms the ashkenazi Jews started to return to the land that wasn’t formally reestablished as a nation until 1958. The Zionist movement began in the early 1900’s and gained steam following WWII. Imma go with God on this one. They have biblical claim to Jerusalem, the West Bank and the Gaza Strip.

After WWII, the Arabs still living in this misnomer Palestine were not given sanctuary in any surrounding predominantly Muslim nation. Even as Jordan was established for them, they weren’t allowed in.

Seems like a setup from the beginning. Indeed it seems to give perpetual rationale for crying foul, intermittent attack and international turmoil.

The Jews in Israel don’t necessarily have a problem with Muslim people cohabitating. They don’t mind the endless stream of Christian pilgrims. They aren’t crazy about the growing number of young Israelis who have embraced Yeshua as messiah. There are now upwards of 7,000.

Once Muslims occupy a territory they claim it for Mohammed . It’s the Muslims who have a problem with anyone else living there. I’m not saying all Muslims would agree or that they are bad people per se but it is a part of their doctrine.

No other nation places an extra tax upon ppl of different faiths but in Muslim countries they do. They also think sharia law should supplant the laws of any nation they inhabit. Mostly for their own ppl but it is incumbent upon the Muslim ppl to establish all the earth for Allah, who they claim is the same God that the Hebrew Scriptures describes. There are forty names God gives himself in the Hebrew Scriptures and not one is Allah. Allah goes back to ancient times and was the name of a moon deity worshipped by the Sephardic descendants of Ishmael. Notice the symbol of Islam is a crescent moon.

I’m not knocking Muslim ppl as I have met some very kind and generous Muslims. It’s just that I don’t get the blind eye that doesn’t see the disparity here.

The Israelis know all too well that Islamists want them wiped off the face of the earth. Every opportunity that they’ve been given to accept a peace deal has been met with obstinacy and rejection. If the “Palestinians” in Gaza, the Golan heights or Jerusalem aren’t sympathetic to hamas or hezbollah, why don’t they expel them?

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May I copy your quote? You explained this so well

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This is an oblique comment to Alex's latest column (as it's just too sad overall - as is entire wretched situation.) I majored in history. Hope many are aware of how many nations' boundaries changed after WWI and WWII, plus this: Around 6.5 million Muslims moved from India to West Pakistan and 4.7 million Hindus and Sikhs moved from West Pakistan to India. It was the largest mass migration in human history -from wiki. So. There are 57 Muslim countries. Why oh why haven't all? 20? 10? ONE (Jordan - strangely - doesn't anymore . . .) of these offered to take in the "Palestinians"? Is there anywhere else on earth that has 3 generations of 'refugees'? But we all know why - so these angry, radical, murderous people can be used as expendable pawns against tiny Israel. (For more info: prageru.com - several 5 minute videos on this never-ending issue.)

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Real simple, they use them for political gain. Just like democrats use minorities here in the former USA.

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