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"Unreported Truths readers are frequently skeptical of the mainstream media - as am I, despite my former membership in it. But I have been happy to see that (at least based on your emails to me and comments on articles this week) you aren’t biting on this particular conspiracy theory.

If you are considering doing so, please don’t."


Whoa, whoa, whoa. Wait a second? Why can't we question the fact that Israel may have had some foreknowledge about the attack? Why is THIS question out of bounds?

Here's historical background on how the US knew about Peal Harbor, knew about 9/11, and how the British knew about the Lusitania.


"The moment is too serious to pretend that the Jewish government of Israel allowed 1,300 civilians, nearly all Jews, to be slaughtered in the cruelest of ways." ---- Is this not what we saw with the vaccine?

Are we saying that the US is capable of such an incident on it's own citizens, but other countries are not?

This is where I get confused. We look critically at other topics, but this topic...specifically this country, we ignore logic and instead, let emotion run

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And let's not forget that England knew of German bombings IN England, because they had cracked a German code and continuing to crack it was vital to surviving and hopefully winning the war. So England let her own people be killed in known bombing runs.

It happens. Sometimes it has to happen, for some greater good or lesser evil (or because of sheer incompetence).

Putting the subject off-limits to robust discussion is the complete OPPOSITE of why I pay indie journos in Substack.

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My man! Check out my Substack! I’m sure you’ll like what you find.

I’m consistently pushing the boundaries yet bringing logic from to a wide variety of topics.

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"So England let her own people be killed in known bombing runs."

There's a difference between knowing something will happen and actually having the ability to stop something from happening. Read Erik Larson's "The Splendid and the Vile"

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Some more questions. Technology makes life more complicated and is easily defeated by hackers and unconventional means. Rather than blame Netanyahu, why not hold those who put technology rather than humans in charge of security? Remind you of AI? According to the Bible the West bank belonged to Israel/Judea long before the Palestinians claimed ownership. So are Netanyahu and the right wingers taking back territory that belonged to them in the first place? Live free. Think outside the box!

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Bingo, it is not outside the box. It has been the Jews since God gave it to them! Denial of this is denial of God.

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The box is the position the mainstream media and the Administration and its Democratic supporters try to manipulate us into believing.

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My argument with this is that this is based on religion and in all fairness, what happens is that we have a religion vs religion warfare.

This goes back to Constantine and the Roman’s, which is why I don’t want to include that aspect, because if we do, we in a sense taint the religions -- because religion should never be used for political movements.

Unfortunately it does all the time. And I think we need to stop condone it. (Here’s a podcast I talk about religion as a weapon)


But regarding technology, Israel has more advanced technology than we here in the states. The chances of them not knowing isn’t impossible, but it’s highly unlikely as they are a world leader in the space

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It goes way back to Isaac VS Ishmael. If Abraham had been patient to wait on the promises of God this whole mess would’ve been eclipsed then. God told Ishmael that his descendants would live and die by the sword.

Ever since Mohammed hijacked the Hebrew Scriptures and claimed the inheritance given Isaac. Yes it is a holy war but then isn’t every aspect of life a spiritual battle?

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Look at this. Follow the money, just like covid.


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great point on the injections!

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I'm not sure that's what he meant. I think he WAS questioning whether Israel was tactically ready and wasn't paying attention to Hamas, but he is saying it is ridiculous to think that they planned it or wanted it. Though I am waiting for Part II to clarify that. The difference between ineptness and treachery. I don't believe he purposely got 1300 of his people killed. But that doesn't mean it wasn't a fail. He does seem to be criticizing Israel for making more and more settlements into Gaza which seemed to be part of the problem while at the same time not realizing how serious this threat was. Which I think is the comparison to all your other examples. Being inept is not a conspiracy theory.

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This is so typical of lefties living on the UWS and UES (and writing on substack). Let's blame Bibi and bureaucratic incompetence, or maybe the USA! Israel lives next to a small city-state ruled by a large group of homicidal/suicidal maniacs whose charter includes their desire to kill every Jew on the planet. All of this speculation is rooted in distrust of incompetent institutions. Get used to it, they don't seem to be getting any better.

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No, I'm not blaming Israel or USA. But since they live next to horrendous homicidal/suicidal maniacs, they better get better prepared.

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Everyone in Isreal has been saying this for years! “ Homicidal maniacs trying to kill us!” Yet they completely let their guard down on the 50th anniversary of the Yom Kippur war. What a coincidence !

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So that’s my point. Going back to the US and Roosevelt: on one hand, he was inept and Pearl Harbor accidentally occurred. On the other hand, he “let” it occur so he would have a reason to enter the war.

This isn’t conspiracy this is a factual aspect of the war and if we look at individuals who were prominent around this time, especially E. Bernays and the work he had done on propaganda, you begin to see how “ineptness” is a very valuable excuse.

From Roosevelt, to G. Bush, and many others, a lot of these leaders just happen to be “inept” and the wrong times.

Open to feedback though 😀

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Well, A.ex and I do not think "ineptness" occurred "on purpose." I think sometimes they underestimate the extent of the disasters and don't want to over-react to some information. But they don't see how their own actions (or even lackof preparation) might precipitate what happens. Still, if the Palestinians had a "side" or "point of view," they negated it with this terrorism. So I'll wait to see Part II here. Some of Alex's point seemed a bit contradictory or obfuscated in Part I. But I agree, Netanyahu didn't want 1300 people killed. It was a little less clear why Alex thinks he didn't want to take this action in the Gaza strip if he was developing more and more Israeli settlements in it. Or exactly how he thinks he failed, other than ineptness or lack of foresight.

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Geography strikes again! You have Gaza confused with the West Bank. There are no Israeli settlements in Gaza. And Hamas controls Gaza, not the West Bank.

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Yes, I already acknowledged that--I didn't read it right and mixed it up.

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More settlements into the West Bank, not Gaza. And thereby diverting military to the West Bank leaving the border with Gaza less protected. I think its a good point. I had questioned how it seemed under protected and the time it took for military reinforcements to respond.

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Oh, ok, I missed that!

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True. We have ineptitude at the helm here as well as treachery.

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I thought this podcast worked this topic of conspiracy with local knowledge, humility, and empathy. Brainstorming what is really going on is vital. Alex did not sufficiently support his assertion to avoid conspiracy theories. It is the OGA (see twitter files) that has associated conspiracy theory with pejoratives, and if the past ten years has taught us anything it is that they cannot be trusted. And may very well be planting their own conspiracy theories to throw truth seekers off their scent.


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Thank you for this! Efrat is who I recommend people to watch as well! Thanks for posting this!

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And look at this. Follow the money, just like covid. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R_ojjTGJz7w

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