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I disagree on the settlements being the motivation. None of these groups care how much land Israel gives them unless it’s the whole of the country - and then their aspirations will move beyond it. Leaving Gaza and then allowing hundreds of millions of aid in to fund terrorists who want to kill all Jews created the situation. But ultimately this was inevitable. The only thing these people fear is strength from opponents. Hamas said they spent 2 years planning this. They just want to kill Jews. I’m not even Jewish and this is plain. ISiS wasn’t going to stop. The Christians being slaughtered by Jihadist all over Africa aren’t being slaughtered because of land. Stop assuming these people think like us. They don’t. It’s really stupid to keep convincing yourself of this. Certainly the settlements are a fair political debate, but being Jews drives those who hate Jews. They say so plainly. And frequently. They act accordingly. They aren’t secretly live and let live westerners. They want to murder all the Apostates. That’s everyone who isn’t them. The only thing that keeps them from this goal is money, power, and brains.

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Alex is enaging in 'if only' wishful thinking. If only they hadn't (fill in the blank) then the Arabs would leave them alone. Thought experiment. All Isrealis move into Gaza, All Gazan's move into Israel. Israel turns little strip of land into prosperous paradise. Would the Arabs leave them alone?

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The truth is, if all Jews left Israel and gave the entire country to the Palestinians, it wouldn't take long for them to turn into into a shithole just like Gaza. Almost all of the Arab countries detest Palestinians and at best, consider them a nuisance and want nothing to do with them. Not a single Arab country wants to take in Palestinian refugees. How come no one has noticed this fact? The other countries would just like them to go away.

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“The other countries would just like them to go away…”

and would probably like nothing better than to have Israel do ‘the dirty work’ though they couldn’t say so publicly.

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great experiment! with a pretty obvious outcome.

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so well said!

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Money and Integrity take different roads and are rarely found together.

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Spot on! Exactly this!

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“Hamas said they spent 2 years planning this…”

perhaps but I am not convinced that those plans alone were the reason for its success, though that is what we are being asked to believe.

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I don’t have any first hand knowledge and I don’t always see incompetence. I’ve been accused of being a conspiracy theorist for 3 years now (though my record of being correct is holding up well). Israel is so interconnected it’s hard to imagine someone turning a blind eye to slaughter of their own family. Israel’s agencies are just as left leaning and distracted as ours. The FBI is so preoccupied with parents and anyone moderately conservative they’d miss a lot of stuff. Politics, on both sides, drives a lot there. It doesn’t make it ok, but intent matters and I don’t see intent here. I see being more concerned about ideological nonsense then these agencies doing their damn jobs.

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The first casualty of war is truth. Hamas’ mission for 30 years has not been to create a Palestinian state. It has been to exterminate Jews.

The United States took advantage of 9/11 to blame Iraq and its “Weapons of Mass Destruction” which then justified the 2003 “Shock and Awe” campaign to bring down Sadam Hussein. This led to the “War on Terror” which led to the formation of ever more sophisticated terrorist organizations like ISIS which led to more justification for war and then more terror and now, what do we have?

Hamas. And the potential for a “war to end all wars". Not the hopeful way World War One was described, but a war where the human race obliterates itself. It isn’t anything to be proud of that our greatest achievement as a species is the ability to destroy everything on the planet.

WORLD AT WAR https://khmezek.substack.com/p/world-at-war

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