7,244 died of COVID the week ending 10/30. Of that number, 4720 were over 65…….but 99% of people over 65 are vaccinated.

If it’s a pandemic of the unvaccinated, how are 65% of the deaths coming from a cohort that is 99% vaccinated?

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I'm 67. I had Covid in August 2021. I took Vitamin D, Zinc, Quercetin, NAC, and other vitamins. I was pretty sick but no where near needing medical intervention. Proud to be in the 1%. No jab for me!

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I'm 71 and have been doing I-mectin, zinc, D, quercetin, melatonin for two years thanks to Docs Kory and Marik @FLCCC.net, and am starting with black seed oil and honey, and food grade hydrogen peroxide gargle/nebulizing.

Thanks, Fauci. NOT!!

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More people should be taking vitamins and taking care of themselves. Opposed to a simple solution of deadly shots that have long-term Ramifications.

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Thanks for the reminder--I'd forgotten to take my vitamins this morning.

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How about this great promise? "Because thou hast made the LORD, which is my refuge, even the most High, thy habitation; There shall no evil befall thee, neither shall any plague come nigh thy dwelling." Psalm 91:9-10

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Did you mean,Foulchi, David? Doesn’t that spelling come closer to the reality of the man?

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"Feces" will do.

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how much ivermectin do you take every day.? once a week. What do you think is the best way to dose it.

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Go here: https://covid19criticalcare.com/

Go under the Ivermectin heading, then to How to Get Ivermectin. There is a list of doctors who prescribe it, either in person, by phone or online.

Go under the Protocols heading, to the I-MASK+ Prevention & Early Outpatient Treatment Protocol information - there you will find specific dose recommendations for IVM and other meds and supplements. There is also a protocol for severe illness in hospital, and one for recovery. It's very thorough information, written by doctors who have successfully used these treatment protocols.

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I have it and I actually took it when I was sick with covid. I gave it to my 17 yo son who also had covid . My wife ( who got both pfizer jabs) got covid also, but she didnt want to take the IVM. I just wondering what dose is rec as ongoing prophylaxis.

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What was the difference, if any, of COVID's impact on each family member? Interested if IVM helped you and your son and of your wife did ok with just the vaccinebl. Thank you.

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Your can do all this without Ivermectin…with the Quercetin, Zinc, Vitamin C & NAC protocols! As a prophylactic regimen to keep yourself healthy…also a clean, sugar free, low carb, plant based diet with the occasional beef, chicken & fish as a protein source to strengthen your immune system. It’s all the processed & refined food diets that is what is killing people and causing the obesity crisis!

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I did this but the prescription was $170.00! I can't afford that so I am SOL!

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Look at my above post…there’s a way to handle it prophylactically with supplements!

Quercitin, Zinc, Vitamin C, Vitamin D3 & NAC.

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Thanks so much for this link, LissaKay! You rock!

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Thank you!

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FLCCC protocol (V.18 updated Oct 2021) I-Mask I/v/r (taken w/after food):

PREVENTION: 0.2 mg/kg/dose x2/week for as long as risk is elevated.

POST EXPOSURE: 0.4 mg/kg one dose today, repeat after 48 hrs.

EARLY TREATMENT: 0.4-0.6 mg/kg 1 dose/day x 5 days or till recovered.

It's not just I/v/r though. Staying or getting healthy requires a multipronged approach that includes supplements etc. FLCCC is also not opposed to vaccines but, as we all know here, vaccines do not prevent infection, spread, or death and for anyone at this point to think vaccines alone will control this is proof of the depth of their indoctrination, or their stupidity, or both. So go to their website, sign up for updates in case they get blocked, and check out the full protocol for prevention and treatment and when to take the lower or upper dose range etc.

I print out their protocol to have on hand and update my printout as they update their protocol. When you are sick you don't want to be figuring stuff out. Be prepared. Have everything on hand. Know in advance what you are going to do if you get sick and how to do it.

I got a nebulizer and food-grade hydrogen peroxide before the media got around to demonizing it and also got prescribed i/v/r when I had symptoms that a PCR "proved" wasn't cov.

After multiple tests showed symptoms were neg I stopped testing and would just nebulize at first symptom coz H2O2 is anti-microbial so the practical approach in my non-medical opinion is to just use my Covid protocol since none of it has any real risk and I just did not want to be sick or spread ANYTHING. The nebulizing really helped. With Covid, timing is critical: got to neb early to nip it in the viral-replication bud stage.

I also use colloidal silver, my go-to for years ag any viral/bacterial infection symptoms and it's always helped.

Latest symptoms that felt viral I decided to test run my stash of I/v/r @ 12mg/dose (I'm between 50 and 55 kg), 1 dose/day x 3 days. Wanted to ensure I did not have that rare negative reaction to it. The last thing you need if you actually have covid is a negative reaction to the med you're taking to treat the covid. Since whatever I had felt like the beginnings of a viral infection and I/V/R is antiviral chances are it was going to help regardless of the exact viral strain. If nothing else, I'll have fewer parasites. LOL. I'm happy to report zero negative reaction and an incredibly impressive neutralizing of all symptoms within HOURS! Best antiviral med I've ever taken!

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Excellent information, Maria! Thank you.

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So happy to pass on the info of the great docs at FLCCC! With the mad censorships going on we really rely on each other to share what works. Stay well, and if tested, recover well!

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Why does FLCCC recommend use of Remdesivir (page 9 on the Guide to the Management of COVID-19)? But then mentions it being harmful in other sections. I thought it was bad, period.

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Good question! I had no idea they recommended Remdesevir since I have never paid attention to in-hospital treatments which are outside of my control. Could it be a failure to update their protocol, a misunderstanding, or an attempt to pick their battles? I think this is a good question to direct to the FLCCC.

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Awaiting David Otness' replay, as I have the same questions.

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Follow what LissaK wrote above; on the FLCCC website there are guidelines to calculate your weight-based dose, then recommendations for number of doses for prophylaxis, early exposure, and longer treatment/long covid

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FLCCC protocol (V.18 updated Oct 2021) I-Mask I/v/r (taken w/after food):

PREVENTION: 0.2 mg/kg/dose x2/week for as long as risk is elevated.

POST EXPOSURE: 0.4 mg/kg one dose today, repeat after 48 hrs.

EARLY TREATMENT: 0.4-0.6 mg/kg 1 dose/day x 5 days or till recovered.

It's not just I/v/r though. Staying or getting healthy requires a multipronged approach that includes supplements etc. FLCCC is also not opposed to vaccines but, as we all know here, vaccines do not prevent infection, spread, or death and for anyone at this point to think vaccines alone will control this is proof of the depth of their indoctrination, or their stupidity, or both. So go to their website, sign up for updates in case they get blocked, and check out the full protocol for prevention and treatment and when to take the lower or upper dose range etc.

I print out their protocol to have on hand and update my printout as they update their protocol. When you are sick you don't want to be figuring stuff out. Be prepared. Have everything on hand. Know in advance what you are going to do if you get sick and how to do it.

I got a nebulizer and food-grade hydrogen peroxide before the media got around to demonizing it and also got prescribed i/v/r when I had symptoms that a PCR "proved" wasn't cov.

After multiple tests showed symptoms were neg I stopped testing and would just nebulize at first symptom coz H2O2 is anti-microbial so the practical approach in my non-medical opinion is to just use my Covid protocol since none of it has any real risk and I just did not want to be sick or spread ANYTHING. The nebulizing really helped. With Covid, timing is critical: got to neb early to nip it in the viral-replication bud stage.

I also use colloidal silver, my go-to for years ag any viral/bacterial infection symptoms and it's always helped.

Latest symptoms that felt viral I decided to test run my stash of I/v/r @ 12mg/dose (I'm between 50 and 55 kg), 1 dose/day x 3 days. Wanted to ensure I did not have that rare negative reaction to it. The last thing you need if you actually have covid is a negative reaction to the med you're taking to treat the covid. Since whatever I had felt like the beginnings of a viral infection and I/V/R is antiviral chances are it was going to help regardless of the exact viral strain. If nothing else, I'll have fewer parasites. LOL. I'm happy to report zero negative reaction and an incredibly impressive neutralizing of all symptoms within HOURS! Best antiviral med I've ever taken!

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Thanks for this--and good for your results.

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Oh, sorry. I've been away. The amount taken is dependent on one's body weight, expressed in per kilogram of weight. Do follow Lissa and cmpalmer's directions.

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The nebulizing with the The saline/food grade hydrogen peroxide is very good as a prophylactic treatment…especially if your are prone to respiratory issues! Years ago my primary care doc prescribed that course of treatment when I had the beginnings of the flu…also I did an IV Infusion of Vitamin C & the Hydrogen Peroxide at his office…two of those treatments knocked out whatever I had in a couple If days! (I too am in your age demographic and take all the supplements you mentioned. I have not had a case of flu in over 14 years! Only a sniffle here and there and I blow that out pronto! I also have an auto immune disease of the thyroid…and am never sick!)

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I've heard only good outcomes for the HP nebulizing and the antioxidant IVs

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I can testify as to their efficacy and the outcomes they provide!

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I shared my positive experiences w it on my FB, friends only setting, unaware the media had already started their negative brandishing. A concerned friend warned me of its dangers with a link to a Pubmed article. I actually follow links to studies, wanting to know all sides, not being wedded to any position but the truth. Would you believe the pulmonologist authors concluded that their hypothesis that their asthmatic patient's lungs may have been damaged by 5 years of nebulizing H2O2 (which they discovered incidentally and wondered if THIS was the culprit) could not be validated by any other published cases of H2O2 causing damage via nebulizing? I believe there's been a century of use this way and they acknowledge they can find not another incidence of damage reported in a published study. I'm sure there are some: there's no accounting for the carelessness of irresponsible use or exceptions. But please, there's a ton of accounting of pharmaceutical harm that's never caused the kind of scaremongering headlines around nebulizing H2O2. So sick of the panic reflex that is so effective at eliminating access to useful protocols. Thanks for the positive share. That's been my experience. As my husband says, too much salt will kill you too.

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You go (keep on keepin' on!) grrrrl!

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My wife and I had it in Feb 2021 - mild symptoms each and she is Type 2 and some other issues. She did not need to call her doctor. Each of us lost both taste and smell (really strange) but all good now - both of us. Sorry, but this thing has an extremely high survivability rate and low incidence of hospital involvement. What is with the obscene drumbeat to vaccinate? And another little nugget - all of the big-3 "vaccines" only exist because cell-lines derived from abortions were utilized in the research. NO - not saying there are actual cells in the liquids (one of which has 24% of its volume as Not Listed), but that without the murder of babies - even decades ago - they could not have concocted this filth.

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Hey! I’m 70, my moms 94… were doing fine- in the 1% !! Yayyy lol

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The JJ vax is brewed in big vats containing cells derived from dead babies. Before it's packaged and then shipped the cells are "removed". There have to be stray cells/human proteins in the finished product. The other two brands claim merely to use fetal cells in preliminary testing but that's enough for me to say NO.

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My take on your situation - and I intend you no offense in saying this! - is that if you were nowhere needing medical intervention, you were not all that sick. Why are so many Americans so absolutely terrified of being down and out for several days, or even perhaps a few weeks, with some sort of infection? It's natural, it's part of life, it's to be expected, that we will all be sick once in a while! There is indeed such a thing as being very sick, but having a respiratory virus, or even a really bad cold (with fever, malaise, achy muscles, weakness, etc.) generally doesn't qualify.

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I think it’s because of the fear and lack of education—all of the nonstop emphasis on deaths from Covid and ventilators, etc and no emphasis on the vast majority of people being “sick with cold symptoms” and getting better. The narrative has always been skewed that most people are dying from Covid, because you never hear much about the people who are having mild cases. Or when you do hear of a mild case, it’s presented as an outlier case and that person must have been “lucky” to get a mild case because “so many people are succumbing to this virus”. The media is unbelievably guilty of this skewed portrayal. Prior to Covid, how often, really, did anyone talk about their “cold”? And how sick they were? Well maybe a little , here and there how the cough lingered, etc. but now? Cold symptoms are assumed to be Covid unless you get a “Covid test” that’s negative. But those Covid tests, they’re not accurate right? So I could still have Covid...? All of the other viral infections that are around us and have been around us, no longer have an identity...When you get ill now, people wonder and assume it’s Covid. We never tested for routine viral infections before this...!? it helps emphasize how bad Covid must be...And don’t forget the average person doesn’t have a working knowledge of viruses, cross contamination, immunology, etc. So, illness=Covid=death, so everyone freaks out that their illness is a death sentence. It all makes perfect sense to me how we got here...😞

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Very true. I was telling my co-worker, the one who thinks Ivermectin is "horse paste," about another co-worker we both knew who died of an "infection" after being in the hospital since March. She immediately assumed that co-worker died of Covid. I said no, that co-worker's brother posted on FB and said she died of "septic shock," and Covid does not cause "septic shock." Just because somebody is hospitalized for a lengthy period of time and dies does NOT equate to having Covid.

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They've been calling sepsis deaths 'covid19' also since the get-go.

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I had not heard that. Thank you for the clarification! I still don't think my other co-worker going into septic shock had anything to do with Covid in her particular case, however.

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Part of the problem is that the media and the left, but I repeat myself, characterize getting covid as a moral failure. You didn't behave! You didn't do what we asked you to do! You're not caring about others! I think many more loud voices on the left HAVE had this, but they won't own up to it.

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I agree! It's the Western way-- the institutionalization of medicine and the pushing of doctors as gods who do no wrong (hopefully we have shed THAT belief) has resulted in take a pill " medicine. The lack of personal responsibility in our health and many other areas-- child care, education etc. corresponds to the corporatization of every aspect of our functioning in todays society. And we wonder why this Plandemic has been successful?

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I'm not American, 44yo, with a 9- and a 2-year-old little boy and feel equally panicky about getting sick. I had a stupid cold recently and was fretting about having covid and dying, leaving my kids motherless. It's ridiculous, especially considering I'm one of the more "awake" people but yet..

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Make sure to stock up on all the vitamins and supplements listed in the FLCCC website (vit D3-K2, C, Quercetin, Zinc, NAC, vit A, etc.) And make sure that your vit D level (blood lab) is between 60-80), and you'll be fine.

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I'm fretting about my family and friends who got the vaxx dying from it, though I tell myself no, that won't happen, I just read too many Substacks ... I worry about the elderly ones getting Covid as well, but the vax could be a ticking time bomb. No one knows anything, yet the push to boost and reboost.

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I'll tell you what I've concluded after two years of reading about covid: the very best thing you can do is stomp on it fast and don't let the virus get dug in. That's what the ivermectin is good for that first day of symptoms such as fever. Covid is survivable but still a filthy bioweapon engineered to hurt people. Nothing to play around with

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Dec 6, 2021
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The truth is that we know a tremendous amount about SARS-CoV-2, COVID, (the disease that SARS-CoV-2 causes) the covid poison injections (aka "vaccines,") etc.!

Your post sounds as though you are captive to the overwhelming, all-pervasive government official narrative. Everything that you see and hear on the entire mainstream / corporate media (which includes NPR and PBS) regarding covid is nothing but blatant lies and propaganda. I realize that it's difficult to even begin to comprehend this, if you've been accustomed to accepting that what they say is true for your entire life.

I suggest you read Robert F. Kennedy Jr.'s recently published book: The Real Anthony Fauci.

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Did you read my post? I said I was worried about people dying from the vax and that we know nothing about the vax. I said I was also worried about my elderly relatives getting Covid (they are also obese--one is in her 90s--giving her a 94% chance of survival). But they are in a low-Covid area and don't go out much. I do not fall into what you describe at all, lol, quite the opposite, I'm sure we agree on all or most points. I'm already reading that book, thanks.

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Exactly. People have gotten sick like this in the past, and all they have said when they got better was, "Hey, there's a really nasty flu bug going around this year, I had it and was in bed for several days." They don't act like, "Oh no, we're all gonna DIE!"

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Because the Fear Porn worked. Also why not take preventative safe meds and vitamins to improve natural immunity and hopefully prevent a serious illness? I hope we can at least agree that Civic can be serious, if not life threatening, to the elderly (me) and those with co-morbidities.

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Hey Buffy, I'm 67, unvaxxed, beat covid in September 2021! We must've caught the same wave of Delta. I used horse paste, Zpak, zinc, D3, C and quercetin. I think the horse paste and Zpak were very helpful. I'll never take those shots.

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How much?

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I take that stuff every day. And the horse paste once a week. Worked so far.

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How much?

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For the horse paste? I use the dosage recommendations on the flccc.net website. For my weight it works out to about six or seven doses per tube.

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Good for

You. I take the same regimen everyday. Had Covid once at age 54. Very mild

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We’ve had it and survived but my daughters are still being required to take “it” to keep their jobs at Nike.

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Heh! I'm over 65, not shot. So glad I finally made it into the 1%!

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Typical elitist one percenter rubbing it in our faces.


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Hey I've waited 68 years to finally be in the top 1% of something, I think I should be able to crow about it.

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You earned it! And it's the only 1%er group I admire!

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Hey I'm over 65, had covid, recovered, no shot and doing great. I'm part of the 1% also!!!

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me, too!!

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Me also. I wasn’t even that sick. In fact I packed boxes because we were getting ready to move!

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Good job Mary, I see how you feel I’m 64 stay strong👍

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I'm 74, live in the free state of Florida, and will never get this Vax or any other Vax.

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Don't look now---but vaccines don't work.

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None of them do-- regardless of what people say about Polio or Typhoid or Small Pox. Try basic hygiene/water supply betterment, see what was going on in the times these illnesses presented. Very interesting. It is not caused by one thing and never "cured" by one thing.

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I’m 69, I live in FL. Even if I lived in a blue state, no way will I ever take that poison.

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We know someone who lost their firstborn son at 29. No health issues - non-drinker and non-smoker. Two weeks after second shot - collapsed at work and never regained full conciousness. Never opened eyes again and only could squeeze parents' hands a few times and then they had to turn the machines off. Listed as "Cardiac Failure". He was an organ donor but they only took the eyes. The other normally used organs were all deemed "Unsuitable" and they were noted to have "failed".

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Did the parents file a VAERS report? Or the attending physician who pronounced him dead?

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Interesting that they only took the eyes-- tells you everything.

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Terribly sad.

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That is utterly heart rending. Our unvaxxed eldest son is presently recuperating from covid, spending his quarantine at home with us (we have natural immunity). The thought of losing him to these disgusting shots is unbearable. He's climbing out fast with horse paste and vitamins.

May God console the parents of that man.

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How much "horse paste?"

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Blue state residents here, no to the shot! My whole family says NO!!!!

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And if its a pandemic then the first that should be vaccinated are the illegal imminents and refugees pouring into the country. If its a pandemic why is it selective forced vaccination with the WH CDC FDA WHO NIH Congress Pfizer J&J Moderna all exempt. Do they carry exemption cards when traveling or entering restaurants? Its outrageous

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“Illegal imminents”. Priceless!

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Well it is “ imminent “ that they are illegal.

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Meant immigrants

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Well, I’d call it a perfect Freudian slip

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Yep! A Freudian slip is when you say one thing and mean your mother...

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LOL! Love that! I'm going to try to remember that one.

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Does anyone have an updated list of who is exempt. Like above?

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A co-worker of mine who is paranoid about All Things Covid told me that her sister-in-law "was taking that horse paste, you know the stuff that's for horses and cats and dogs? Well, she fainted and they found out she had Covid, and the next day her husband died of Covid, and now she has to live the rest of her life with the knowledge that she killed her husband because she was taking horse paste and not getting the vaccine." How do you even REASON with people who think terrible things like that? I told her that there is an Ivermectin for PEOPLE that won the Nobel Prize for Medicine in 2015 and that her sister-in-law was not responsible for anyone's death. How sad.

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“Well, she fainted and they found out she had Covid, and the next day her husband died of Covid”


You don’t reason with that person. You have to understand that person is lying and they are lying about a serious issue right to your face.

Only a total scumbag would do that and the person you are describing is a total scumbag. You have to recognize that.

20% of the population is always pure evil. That’s how the Nazis happened. Under normal circumstances you only find out who is horrible when something specific happens and you realize

“That person betrayed me.”

Thankfully, COVID is exposing all of the reprehensible people all at once. It’s a great screening mechanism.

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You don't have to reason...just start asking them questions...so was her husband taking the horse paste? :P Does she know that ivm is on the NIH list as a covid treatment? Just gotta have fun w/ people like that.


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Or that the person is an idiot.

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You know, I think each of us is responsible for our own ignorance. Period. Sounds like your co worker has her work cut out for her.

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Humble ppl with integrity know that every day is a gift and that living with gratitude is the only way that works, you must protect that gift with time away from the crazies. Ppl strangled with fear of death and fear of everything will cut you to the bone and drain your spirit if allowed. It's biblical and Jesus modeled it for us to understand. Someone gave me the example of a drowning victim, they'll take you under and drown you if you don't know how to approach it.

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The "horse paste" is exactly the same medication that is used by humans, only the dosage is different because horses are large than people.

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I've taken the horse paste numerous times and the dog form(because the damned pharmacies caused a price spike on the cheap human form!)...until I realized I wasn't gonna die from covid and to quit drinking the koolaid of fear.

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I told her that. She still wants to believe it's just a "dewormer for animals and I don't trust it."

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Not enough info (in the US) to make this conclusion. In the 65+ cohort, approx 200K are unvaccinated. If you believe Fraudci, the deaths could easily come from this group. If think it's important that, even if intuitively we know that the vax is not preventing deaths (at least, not nearly as effectively as Fraudci claims), we don't misuse the stats (intentionally or otherwise) in the same way that NIH and CDC (intentionally) do. Having said that, it's worth noting that Rochelle Walensky has admitted (on TV) that the CDC's calculations of % deaths attributed to the unvax'd includes all deaths starting 1/1/21 when no one was vax'd. If you include Jan - Mar (when only a fraction of the population was fully vax'd), it will clearly show that the majority of deaths were unvax'd....figures lie and liars figure...

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Interesting occurrence with some close friends of mine: they came back from a family Thanksgiving and 8 of the 12 at the gathering caught the good ‘ol fashioned Delta Coof (congestion, no taste, exhausted). They told me all of the 8 were vaxxed. I don’t know about the 4 who they say are ok, and it would be rude of me to ask.

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“In the 65+ cohort, approx 200K are unvaccinated. If you believe Fraudci, the deaths could easily come from this group.”


LOL no. 4300 deaths *per week* could not come from a group of 200k. The entire cohort would be dead in 10 months.

You’re basically saying that without the vaccine the entire 65+ population “could easily” be wiped out by COVID in less than a year.

That’s potentially the most insane thing I’ve read on the internet.

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I didn't say that at all. I simply said that there's isn't enough accurate info in the US (unlike the UK's weekly PHE report) to draw useful conclusions about which cohort is contributing to the mortality rate. There's plenty of debate as to whether even the deaths attributed to COVID is accurate. So, before we start calling each insane, can we just have civil conversation around the facts? When people start using words like "insane", it reminds me of the rants from woketards who can't handle any dissenting opinions...

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Bottom line is that OUR statistics contradicting THEIR statistics doesn’t prove they are lying.

But when THEIR statistics contradict THEIR assertions then it proves they are lying.

I understand you are very sensitive to people using their statistics.

It was pretty clear that I was not using their statistics as a basis for an empirical assessment. I was using their statistics to prove they are lying.

Do you get it now?

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So your claim of “misusing statistics” was aimed at the ‘4700 per week COVID deaths in the over 65 group’ number that I cited, correct?

You think that number is fake then?

(4300 was a typo it’s 4700 per the CDC)

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I'd have to confirm, but I believe Italy recently revised their estimates of the first wave from 120K(?) down to...sth like 4k. And the CDC has been accused of manipulating COVID death rates all along. Not sure I would use the word "fake" but maybe "highly manipulated". Rochelle Walensky has admitted on TV that the aggregate number of unvaccinated deaths includes the entire year (2021). I guess my point here is that any stats for the US (regardless of your POV) are really suspect - we just don't have transparent data. But the UK does (at least for the moment). The weekly PHE analysis does indeed show that, in the 50+ cohort, a disproportionate number of hospitalized patients are fully vax'd. But even then, the counter-argument I always get is that of course there are so many vax'd patients - there are so many vax'd people.

Re "mis-use', what I'm trying to suggest is that those of us on this of the argument need to be squeaky clean with irrefutable analysis - it's just too easy for the woke to dismiss any evidence that the vax's don't work.

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The Italy thing was reported by a sceptical journalist, but I do not think that the government actually reduced the numbers, so ultimately that falls into misusing statistics, albeit, unwittingly.

The UK data shows a huge percentage of doubly vaccinated people falling ill and dying when compared to the unjabbed, BUT; when they then post the comparative rates per 100,000, the unjabbed somehow turn out to be the higher percentages of at risk. So the PHE data is more complete, but still as muddy and confusing.

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Well yes and this is kinda my whole point.

I also believe the data is wrong but that’s why I use THEIR incorrect data to prove the insanity of the assertions that they are making.

So yeah they come back with

“But more of them are vaccinated.”

That’s why you just come back at them with their own data and show that they are basically claiming Ebola death numbers for the unvaccinated IF Ebola was airborne AND more contagious than smallpox.

Always use their numbers.

I always play on their terms because that’s how you corner them.

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Obviously I have to use their numbers to debunk their claims in this case.

If they’re claiming it’s a pandemic of the unvaccinated and ALSO claiming that the deaths are coming from a highly vaccinated group, then they’re clearly lying.

If you think the ‘4700 deaths from COVID in 65+‘ number is fake then that’s a totally separate issue.

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The CDC makes the claim that it's a "pandemic of the unvaccinated" by using data all the way back from January...when most people were unvaccinated. Laura Ingraham has a clip of CDC director Walensky admitting it here: https://video.foxnews.com/v/video-embed.html?video_id=6266738894001&ref=twitter.com

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Sorry, 4700 deaths *per week*

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Read better. That was Mengelfaucis insinuation, not Imincognito

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Obviously the entire point of my original post was that it’s impossible for that many deaths to come from such a tiny group. So where are the misused stats?

He said “it’s important we don’t misuse stats in the same way…”

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Okay than where were the “misused stats”?

The comment makes no sense.

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That's the magic of Enron accounting standard that applies to Federal pricing and reporting models. Look for a *footnote buried somewhere explaining the gymnastics figures do to achieve the result and gove a hat tip to K Street's top buck lobbyists who devise these "innovative" methods for making straight counting into a kaleidoscope image.

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So it’s like mark-to-market accounting except this time time it’s for mortality data. Awesome.

Maybe they can find a way to bundle them together the make Collateralized Death Obligations and Morbid Backed Securities.


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smartest guys in the room

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B/c it's all total BS. You can thank the worthless corrupt american news media for this unmitigated disaster.

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The media and Fauci are but the puppets. Bill Gates is the puppeteer.

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One of them. Not the only one.

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Use Common Core Math to find the answer.

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Yup---1 + 3 = banana

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No, that's wrong. 1+3=You're a racist

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The real question is how many of these supposed deaths are truly caused by Covid? When Hospitals are getting reimbursed to declare a covid death, assume it is mostly profit driven BS that also drives the narrative and gives the wannabe dictators like Walensky, Fauxi and Jiden political

Capital to continue with the mandate and future lockdowns

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Only 6% of 800,000 people who died---died 'FROM' C19. Thats about 48,000 over almost 2 years. Not even as bad as most flu deaths per year. This is all about a Global elite Marxist reset to destroy Western Democracies. So far so good.

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all the more reason that I lost 15 lbs and am walking every day and quit drinking a bottle of wine every day(whole first yr of covid out of weariness), AND quit watching the news and dwelling on the "numbers". The number one message is take care of your health and stay as far from medical/pharma as possible. This fiasco has been a wakeup call to me that I am not a victim, I have control over my health and emotions. I am not at the mercy of the crazies around me.

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good for you!

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A person isn't considered vaccinated until 14 days after getting the shot so this is another "unvaccinated" death according to the CDC.

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Vaccine-related deaths are a pandemic of the unvaccinated

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“Yeah but 5-year-olds are always roughhousing and getting into trouble.”

-Jen Psaki probably

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(Another 1311 deaths were in the 55-64 age group which I’m sure is very highly vaccinated as well, but I got an extreme headache trying to find the percent vaccinated number for specific age groups. The over 65 number is being reported everywhere and I just saw CNN put it as 99.9% with at least one shot.)

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Dec 5, 2021
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I’m one of the .1. So are many of my friends.

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TL;DR (these posts are brilliant, but kind of dense for non-mathematicians) - the CDC statistically eliminates dangers/AE's associated with the vax's. FUN FACT - the CDC is a --- privately-held 501.3c charity --- (no joke, taken from their annual report), so is it any wonder that they employ really creative statisticians to keep their "donors" happy?

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Yeah, their a charity. That is why pharma contributs endlessly!

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Dec 5, 2021
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well...it's well written, but I had read it a couple of times...:>)

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You should see the math they use for the CBO score on their last "Help Nancy Through Retirement" Budget Bill.

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It’s really a pandemic of incompetent leadership, don’t you think, Kevin?

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Washington Post had an article yesterday....it is claimed OMICRON is more contagious because it's a "Common Cold" virus now.....WHAT? Is this the beginning of narrative change after they "VAX" another 30 million? Oops...it's just a cold now???

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a coronavirus is what the common cold always was. I read about this in early stages of this fraud. It was about how if you had just had the common cold you would probably fair better against the novel strain that turned the world into a tyrannical hellhole. It is a corona virus and as such will mutate to nothingness. Everyone pretty much will have some form of natural immunity to it. Obviously, like all virueses some will die from it. Its basically how its worked since the dawn of man.

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AND there is not a thing a doctor or all the doctors in the world can do about it. They can, those who are willing, help our bodies fight it off but our bodies must fight it off.

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That's right. Doctors should be helping us strengthen our bodies. That's why I like the naturapath style of medicine. Helping you be healthy, not just looking for and treating disease.

When your business is disease you're gonna find it, or (subconsciously or not) cause / promote it.

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That is so true, specially here in the US. In Europe there is just the doctor where you go, not a buzzing business with 3 nurses hovering over you, measuring all kinds of unnecessary things, by that time I am so nervous all my numbers are up. At least the doc kept his cool and told me not to worry about any of them. They search for anything at all but do not look at what you came for (I had a rash)

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The worst part is the nurse grilling you on the details about why you want to see the doctor. Me: none of your business you nosey b*tch!

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Belgian doctor has no nurses, just the doc and you. He asks questions and examines, usually knows you well and has been at your house, knows some about food etc. He also knows that I come to him as a last resort. Usually starts with the question, what all have you tried already? Very different.

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Some time before the panic I found a one pane comic that touched on this. There is a lab coated man facing the class of screen with na black board behind him. On the black board, the following is written. “A patient cured is a customer lost.” Has ha, thought I. Never imagined that that would/could actually become an operative philosophy of medical practice. Boy, was I naive!

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There has been a cure for cancer since the 30s but it is based on food and massage. That makes no money so this doc even though name 6 times for Nobel Prize was quickly put aside in favor of very expensive chemo. The method is still in use but in the USA has to be combined with chemo

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As the saying goes, a cold last 7 days when you let it be, and a week if you go to the doctor. Well to be honest, it might take a month if you do, as a friend of mine can prove!

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I've heard that maxim, but using 14, not 7, days. And the saying was it takes 14 days whether or not you treat it in some way, or simply wait for it to go away on its own (not whether you go to a doctor or not.) But I also think there are more and less virulent cold viruses - some are more severe, produce more significant illness, and take longer to get over. Maybe that's be not true for others, but it's true for me. I've had lots of colds during my lifetime, so I have a lot of experience to draw from. And I've never once gone to a doctor for a cold. The idea of doing so is ludicrous to me.

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The weird thing is that I almost never get colds. But, I do get severe flu infections. I've had three doozies as an adult. I'm 65 and haven't had any for a long time. Makes me wonder.

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My doctor father's favorite line. He was a surgeon, so mostly did no harm (except he did unnecessarily remove a lot of uteruses).

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My uterus was necessarily removed (I doubt by your father!). Never so happy to be rid of something in my life (endometriosis). I've actually had pretty good luck in my many adventures with Western medicine, but I've been dabbling in natural healing as well, for decades. After seeing what's become of our medical profession the last 18 months, I'm not sure how I'll proceed now that I'm at an age where things start to break at a faster pace. I really want nothing more to do with traditional MDs and am contemplating alternatives.

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My dear dad was a very good healer. He was old school - sat with his patients, looked them in the eyes, listened to them, checked their heart beats UNDER their shirt not OVER, and didn't rely on a ton of useless tests to give him a diagnosis. He was VERY skilled at getting to what was ailing a person. By the time of his death five years ago, he was completely disgusted with his beloved profession.

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I'm 50 and will never see a traditional doctor again, unless I'm very sick. They're pretty good at dealing with illness, but not so good at helping us stay healthy. I just read a lot about nutrition, listen to my body, exercise. I'll trust myself or maybe a naturopath from now on.

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That I feel is one of the greatest tragedies of all this. The medical profession has totally destroyed their creditability. How can anyone take those who tell us a piece of paper or cloth can stop any virus be taken seriously, not to mention the rest of the bunk they have forced upon us. I am to the point that if any doctor I do not know personally and know to be serious tells me that the weather is forecast to be sunny all day, I’ll grab an umbrella.

As far as what to do as we enter old age, I am there with you. My take is, when it is my time to go, it is my time to go. No need to aid in enriching quacks through my suffering. That has long been my position actually. Now I know that beyond just enriching them, many are likely to hasten my departure.

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Yes strengthening the immune system should be the goal of every family physician in their instruction to patients. Its the terrain (our "bodies"), NOT the environment (germs, viruses). If you are strong the environment doesn't impact you at the levels we are seeing in people who have been vaccinated (not just COVID) and have resultantly weaker immune systems.

Childrens Health Defense and other organizations (Weston Price) have for ever pointed out that studies comparing the health of children that have had no vaccinations (yes they are actually way more than you think) consistently outperforms in comparison to vaccinated children re: less ear aches, illnesses, chronic conditions (asthma, ADD etc). Check out RFK's Childrens Health Defense.

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That certainly seems to be true. I wonder what these contribute, breathing through the mouth and having the tonsils removed. I used to be a mouth breather until some time in grade school biology class when I learned the tasks the nose performs. I still have to force myself to breathy through my nose everyday as I have always varying degrees of obstruction and can rarely get a full breath through my nose. Only once have I been diagnosed as having flu as an adult. Got it from my wife….most likely. I do suffer from allergies, dust and dust mite and hay fever though. Long ago I read that removing the tonsils may not have been a good idea for most. Thankfully, I have not had my removed but from what I have read, many who have experience more frequent respiratory infections of different types.

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See if you had been Trumps health advisor, nothing of this mess would have happened! Instead we had holy Fauxi and the Pfizers x#$%&

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Exactly people forget that. Also hate to speak Science but coronaviruses mutate CONSTANTLY-- weekly at the least, hence why no flu vaccine has EVER been effective-- annual crappy flu vaccine (using what they saw in Australia coming through 6 months earlier) had a general efficacy of 20% if they were lucky. AND that is using Pharma's stats🙄 so you can imagine how "reliable" they were.

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Except that for this one, they're mass vaccinating. Which is not going to end well.

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Seems like everytime they mass vaxxed it ended in a disaster. Man is not meant to play god.

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Tell Pope Fauzi

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No it won’t.

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AMEN brother! This x1000. It never was anything to panic about.

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I saw that. Crazy. They're also claiming the variant is harmful to children under 5 and natural immunity no longer works based only on a preprint of a study.

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It's like any common cold virus , they mutate every year so we all get "common colds" from time to time. It's no threat to kids; the CLOTSHOTS are the real threat!!

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Dr Mercola takes us through the history of the Failure of pharma to devise a vaccine for the common coronavirus strains.

In animal studies, they can devise a vaccine that targets a specific strain, but once the vaccinated animal (ferret) is exposed to the wild virus, they all die.

Thus, Zero coronavirus vaccines have made it out of animal trials.

Hence the use of Fauci’s Emergency Use Authorization/Fear Porn to force the shots.

EUA can only be used if there are no therapeutics - hence the suppression of Ivermectin/HCQ.

This isn’t the first time FauXi has his hand in the deaths of tens, perhaps hundred of thousands of American deaths.

See Bobby Kennedy’s book on FauXi/AIDS.

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just bought it yesterday...the digital version

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Reminding me of the recent Fauci-reveals of the horrific animal testing he has been involved with - the little demon. And what's the thing I have heard - that maybe March of 2022 there may be some "unfortunate" news stories about vaccinated people and their ability to stay above room-temperature? I know - "false information" - yadda yadda.

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Trying to milk the cow when she is already dying ! This pandemic is over (if there ever was one). It is clear - here is now a Post Pandemic sickness that will absorb all the spilled 'milk' - read : the damage done by politicians and medical personnel - ruined economy, ruined social life, ruined health, ruined years.

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Post-Pandemic Stress Disorder is known to cause everything from heart attacks and blood clots, to still births, to rare aggressive cancers. It’s absolutely astounding just how many blood clots that pandemic stress can cause

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I am not medically schooled but can read the falsehood. Can any medically schooled person read this and not roll their eyes or shake their heads in disbelief?

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I thought he was trolling.

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i recently read that physicians have actually come out and claimed this. They say PPSD is expected to cause an increase in heart problems...im being 100% serious, they are already running cover for the failed jabs and whats to come.

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Exactly. A wonderful way out for all. Government. Doctors. Needle worshipers. Mom's and dad's who forced their children to jab. Only losers are the forced vaxxers.

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Yup TONS of stuff for corporations and predators to make huge money off of.

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This is such an obvious attempt to counter the two most powerful roadblocks to universal vaccinations: natural immunity and the fact that children were so immune to the original covid. Suddenly SA is on board to derail those two huge problems for Big Pharma. It's amusing at this point.

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It would be if not hundreds of thousands of children were at risk of being jabbed

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What's amusing is the transparency of their moves. Meanwhile I have prayed long and hard that my daughter would not vax my 8 yr old grandchild. A couple of weeks ago she said she decided against it. If this SA propaganda influences her, we may have a very uncomfortable conversation.

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I think lots of parents hesitate. There is little to no chance the child will get sick. There is more chance they will get sick from the jab. In their hearts most parents will weigh that risk I am sure. More prayer needed for losing that brainfog and stop parents to jab their children!

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Not seeing as much of that as I thought I would. I’m seeing parents begging for the shots to made available for their kids. My kids have been scared to death of covid at school and are begging for it. Their mother works for one of the drug makers. Gonna get ugly.

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I know someone who - over 20 years ago - who one day looked very distracted and grim. I asked the reason and they said that they had experienced a very unusual - and unusually realistic dream. In it, they were at a large shopping mall, There were decorations and music - clearly some kind of event was underway. They then told as to how they approached a central area, where there were balloons, many people - and a number of very creepy clown-attired "people" walking about. Note the clowns - the friend mentiond a couple of times that they were scary - that something about their movement and staring was "not right". So - then my friend noticed there were lines of children and their parents. The kids were being injected via syringe. It was all happy-happy, the kids getting ballons and toys afterwards. I have never forgotten the story - nor the look on the teller's face. Recently, when they started the lockstep march to "vaccinating" kids for something they simply do not get and very rarely even then have died from - that dream-story jumped right to the front of my mind.

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It is ironic-- recall how SA was vilified during the AIDS crisis for not getting on board for what Pharma wanted. As always mother Africa saves us. 💗

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It's old gound to revisit, but always worth it; with Natural Immunity, they do not bank billions of dollars and they do not get to control people.

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this is an outright lie and goes against basic epidimiology. You will always have some form of natural immunity once you contact a certain virus. As the strains change your t-cells remember the virus, you may still be ill, but your immunity will kick in. This is why as viruses evolve they are always weaker. The wild card we have now is the mass vaccination that just occured before the virus could naturally run its course. Id guess vaxxed people and people that have heeded the terrible advice if constant masking, washing hands and staying indoors will be in worse shape. There immune systems are weakened, and i would not want to be one of them.

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Agree. The best way for children to get their immune system up is play in the dirt. Wash hands after handling cash. Big carrier of germs.

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They are now moving on 6 month to 5 year olds

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Ooogidity booogity

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The maker of open of the main vaccines calls it a mild cold for most people in the literature it passed out to its employees and their family members who got that companies shot in their Japan headquarters. New Zealand says that it is “often mistaken for the common cold” in PSAs. It always was the common cold for most people.

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I think the first and foremost thing is 1. some big ones decided to make this into an enormous money situation 2. lots of people STILL trust the government, even when it comes to health questions 3. in the meantime some deranged people could eliminate useless eaters (Eugenists like Gates). As long as there is something to be had, scavengers are circling around.

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I have no doubt that that is the case along with many others who are enjoying their new found powers over the fellow human beings.

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We still have a long way to go on making decisions on your Pt. 2 and 3-- stay tuned. 😊

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But the MSM propaganda scared millions to test at a sign of sniffle; Stop the Testing and this Coviditis is over, done, finished!!

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Yep. Political “leaders” too. And hospitals and doctors and nurses.

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I thought Trump was nutty when he made the same statement, but time has proved him right.

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One doctor, Dr Houman Hemmati, said a highly infectious, but mild variant, maybe Omicron, could potentially end the “pandemic”, because if more people catch it, and they develop antibodies, then herd immunity would protect from us all future variants. Not what the coNvid creators want to hear. THEY are saying natural herd immunity won’t happen unless everyone is jabbed.

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Haha, they did not read their history books. Originally the term Herd immunity was ONLY used for natural immunity. Since vaccines are waning and don't cover completely, I think it is impossible to get herd immunity chemically. We saw that when bunches of kids got sick with measles and other diseases, most of them 'fully vaccinated'. Reading dr. Suzanne Humphries book and coming to the conclusion we were lied to for all of our lives! Nasty!

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Yes. I should have said they deny natural immunity outright… because natural immunity doesn’t sell their “vaccines”. Senator Rand Paul grilled HHS Sec who said anyone who believes natural immunity are flat earthers. https://www.realclearpolitics.com/video/2021/09/30/sen_rand_paul_grills_hhs_sec_becerra_quit_lying_to_people_about_natural_immunity.html

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Things would have been very different, if Trump had set through and made him lead the virus response. He tried but of course by then the millions were already flowing. What a pity.

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Yes. It’s unconscionable that Fauci et al maligned the careers of honest medical professionals. They all want him removed. It’s unconscionable that he weaponized the medical system for so long and still hold his position.

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He must have some of the holy Big watching over him

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“Natural immunity is how we’re going to get out of this endemic disease.” Dr Harvey Risch Yale School of Medicine.

“These drugs have been suppressed… for reasons that have nothing to do with the science and the medicine.”

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Some common colds are indeed corona viruses. So that is not a lie ! Wow how long has it been since we saw something in WP that was NOT a blatant lie?

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And yet......incredibly someone told me yesterday they got their 3rd shot PLUS the flu vaxx 'just in case'. These people are suicidal

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Yup-- their choice-- just everybody have their choice. The only test subjects I object to being involved are children--anyone over 18 (as deemed by society) can make that decision for themselves. If their parents are so inadequate as to get them to question authority then unfortunately they too will be affected.

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Remember, the common cold virus kills hundreds of thousands every year, mostly older people. They get a cold, it moves to their chest, they get pneumonia, and die.

If you did 40 cycle PCR tests (false positive-prone) the death count would be even higher.

So covid is a bad cold.

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Yep, just as many who were then ridiculed a/o silenced said very early on.

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But Advent Health still wants to record their employees vaccine status regardless even though it seems pointless and intrusive. Wondering why?

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The hospitals and health facilities will use the vaccine like an internal social credit. Want a promotion? Want a raise? What’s your jab status?

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This is why we need to be building a parallel society. People will flock to this free establishments, much like they are to FL, TX and TN

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They plan to abuse the unvaxxed.

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They will be too busy dealing with the economic fall out that will be coming in January-

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I wouldn’t do it. They could come hunt me down, but in Florida, they CANNOT ask me to show vax status. ILLEGAL

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Wow, GOOD for you!!!!! It cannot be easy to stand your ground. I agree with your stance and I admire your strength. I think we are all getting stronger now that we see so many other courageous Americans.

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I hope there's more courage. But I don't discount the level of FED UP that's occurring.

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Because Santa needs it. He’s replacing his ‘Naughty or Nice’ list with ‘Vaxxed or Unvaxxed’.

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Like that idiot NY governor, with her "vaxxed" necklace.

And "Vaccines are a gift from God."

She's a lunatic.

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Worse than a lunatic. Pure evil.

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AdventHealth continues to be delusional that the "Vaccine" aka CLOTSHOT is the best way to tackle Covid. Better pray the courts put a nail in this coffin soon !!

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I wonder if they feel obligated to say that to keep the healthcare police from coming after them. At least they did suspend the mandate.

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In case the mandates come back. The insidious “social credit score” is here, make no mistake.

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It is here to stay regardless what happens to the mandates.

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Maybe they get a kickback for all vaxxed

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Like the 39 thousand bucks per patient they pocketed for connecting them to a ventilator. Great point.

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Exactly....dollars over proper patient care.

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Oh wow - I just opined on the same issue! This thing has made a buttload of people a mountain of money. And it is giving the Control-Freaks their pervy jollies as well. Good thing the FLU basically disappeared, right? (wink wink as they say)

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Doctors get a kickback for EVERY vaccine, and a LOT for a child that gets all 72 of them

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Total shame....dollars over what's best for the patient

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Always been like that-- watch Dopesick on Hulu about the Opioid Crisis-- Sackler pieces of s$$t . It beautifully outlines the "business (uh?) model" of modern Pharma. They all do it this way. Makes you sick.

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Pharmacists too.

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Wow - you reminded me; a few months into 2020, there were stories that hospitals were getting money for every case they admitted to a room. I think it was like $15,000. Then if they tubed/respirator-treated a case - bam - a lot more money per head. I want to say that was supposedly $30,000 or so. I would like to know those details - and if it is still a thing.

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Yes....it's a total conflict of interest for proper patient care, in my opinion

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yes it is in Ontario Canada

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Look its just another way to get your data--

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This is normal practice for annual flu vaccines also. When I worked in healthcare, I had to fill out a form when I declined the annual flu vaccine. The form went to HR, my direct manager didn’t know if I took the vaccine or not.

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As a nurse we are required to be vaccinated for a number of diseases including Hepatitis B. Our employer holds those records. I have had to be vaccinated twice for Hepatitis B because antibodies didn't show up in a titer for employment.

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This is true, however we’re required to have tried and tested vaccines. Not vaccines that are new technology with no longterm data and extremely limited safety trials. I’ve always said I’m waiting for longterm data, but to be honest, I’m not impressed with the short term data.

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Much of the short term data is being suppressed. There is no longer a free flow of scientific data and discussion. Why? Why has scientific enquiry been suppressed and why has free speech from the public been suppressed? Fortunately new avenues of information and discussion have been percolating up. This subscription site is one place. There are other sites such as FoxNation where Tucker Carlson is getting the word out and EpochTV for cutting edge journalism and investigations. It is important to nourish these new places for information. I recently watch an interview with Dr. Risch on EpochTV's American Thought Leaders. This interview was staggering in the information Dr. Risch imparts. I will not be getting boosters because 1) the science in the boosters is already 13 months old and the boosters are the same "vaccines" of the orginal "vaccines" which, as we know, no longer work. (2) Dr. Risch says that each dose reduces our natural immunity function. He discusses the best ways to treat the virus, which the powers that be have suppressed or made almost impossible to accomplish. When the truth comes out how many media, hospitals, the CDC, NIH, FDC, etc. will have been shown to be complicit in thousands upon thousands of deaths by preventing known safe drug regimes from being used early.

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I will post and go away - this is like eating popcorn - hard to stop. Okay - so the authorities - FDA is it - are saying they need FIFTY-FIVE YEARS to disclose the information regarding their review/approval of the vaccines. Yet they approved them - as we knew they would - almost immediately after the media went after them for "dragging their feet". Just this single thing tells us all that we need to know - and to refuse. And there are by now hundreds of such "things".

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Absolutely! I agree with all of this. My favourite person to follow for information is Geert Vanden Boosche. I’ve been listening to his “warnings” since the vaccines first came out. It’s why I didn’t get a single dose. Trying to protect my innate immunity and I also take a lot of supplements. I encourage everyone to at least take an adequate dose of vitamin D. Here in Canada we certainly need it right know given the winter weather

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Ditto your comments -- am a medical professional in Toronto. Love that Vit D3

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And - are they all still exempt from lawsuits?

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Yes. Exempt from vaccine injuries for decades now. The Federal govt has a vaccine injury program, they’ll throw you a thousand dollar “nuisance claim” settlement. Big Pharma will pay you nothing!

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risk mitigation if things change - but it should be anonymous, to gauge #s, and not an individual's status!

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What has ever been anonymous at work?

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Just tell them you're fully vaxxed. It's not illegal to lie to a hospital, and they're not (presumably) asking for proof of status. They're just going to take your word for it.

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CDC definition of vaccine is something that alters our immune system so Vitamin D, Quercetin, zinc, etc. all qualify as vaccinated per the CDC definition.

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Hahaha...love it!!

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Same for Prisma Health in the Carolinas and University Health in Cleveland -- both large systems. What's scary is that if you read the propaganda from these institutions prior to vacating their mandates, it's obvious that is some sociopath at FDA or CDC told them to lop off their employees' left hands, they would blindly follow along. The lack of critical thinking skills & credibility among the leaderships of these institutions is less than zero.

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I don’t trust my primary care physician, my daughters’ pediatrician or my daughter’s pediatric neurosurgeon. ALL instructed me to get the shot and for my daughters to get it. And the neurosurgeon is especially egregious because she actually said “you shouldn’t worry about long term safety, the mRNA technology has been used in humans for 20 years”. Holy cow! As soon as she said that I thought, she is either lying to rough her teeth or woefully misinformed. Either way…. And it’s so sad because she saved my 15 year old daughter’s life. And now she is willing to risk her life.

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I've heard this exact line, "the mRNA technology has been used in humans for 20 years," from a relative who is a nurse. I, too, was shocked by that statement.

When I asked for a follow-up, it became clear big pharma has been testing in people for that long. But they needed a big scare to get people to accept because they were not liking the idea of mRNA vaccines.

Big Pharma got their big scare. Funny how that worked out.

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Here's how you respond:

"It's been TESTED for twenty years, but NONE of the mRNA drugs they were testing, NOT A SINGLE ONE, made it beyond clinical trials to market. I mean, name ONE mRNA drug that made it to market. Just one.

Why is that? Do you know? Have you researched what happened in the clinical trials?"

They of course won't have an answer. Then you can share this article from 2017.


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WOW! That link should be read by all readers and then shared on all social media. Moderna was in trouble, then out of the blue, comes a designed and likely planted coronavirus, and Moderna is saved. Not only saved but now has billions in profits. What luck!

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Its the game of words-- Pharma marketing

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Watch Dopesick --you will see the same pattern.

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Follow the money, it’s HUGE.

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Great news but the letter also states that employees must give their vaccination status. Is that where we really are now? Why can't we just be left alone with our own health choices.

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I just tell people who ask "My vaxx status is "I identify as vaccinated". Works for genders, has to work for vaccines. SCIENCE!!"

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When the "vaccinated" realize it's in their best interest to dissent and say "none of your business what my status is" then they'll leave us all alone.

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That might be soon enough. I wonder how long they can put pressure on people to get boosters when evidently there is no gain? These are medical people and their eyes will open sooner than later.

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Yes, many of them have sniffed this out. I think it's just a matter of who has the courage to speak out about it. There are professional and personal consequences for speaking out. We need to remove those consequences and make it commonplace to tell the truth again.

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I still don't trust these hospitals. Why didn't they say no to any mandates from the get-go?

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Money. Because they all take Medicare/Medicaid funds and CMS was mandating that every health system that took these funds must ensure their employees were vaccinated or had exemptions. And if exemptions were granted had testing protocols in place.

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and Fraud

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Although we believe the vaccine is the best thing ever invented and the only way to stay alive and we only say this for legal purposes or because of peer pressure, we actually need worker bees and believe in profit over people so we will be foregoing our belief in vaccines hoping you won’t catch the hypocrisy and that you will just go back to work and forget about all of this and allow our old normal treatment of worker bees.

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Wow. Exactly. They see their business go into the hole and realize all of a sudden that a queen bee does nothing and that the workers do the job.

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What I can’t wrap my head around is Nevada and companies like Delta Air Lines are CHARGING their employees a surcharge for not getting the jab!!! Why single them out?What about smokers, the overweight, or drinkers? They cost insurance companies MILLIONS!!!!

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The company my husband works for will start a surcharge every month for every dependent NOT vaxxed for health insurance. We’ve all had COVID and recovered without any medical help. Pretty sure the risks from the vaxxed would cost MORE with health insurance premiums. Make it make sense.

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My spouse and I used to really like the big companies we work for. We did and still do respect and enjoy our immediate teams. Now HR requires woke training, pronouns on emails and mandatory disclosure of vax status with proof. We’ve been around long enough to not trust employers, so suffice to say the honeymoon is over. Our colleagues *and bosses* (very senior mgmt) have expressed their disgust with these employers as well. Will be interesting to see how it works out for these companies…

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We are at peak woke--

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While I remain skeptical and pessimistic most of the time, I think we should take a moment to appreciate every win, no matter how small. Some of our folks on Team Reality can breathe a sigh of relief, even if just for a while. Also, let's all feel collective hope/relief in the fact that the courts in the USA still have reasonable judges that have not fallen under the spell of mass psychosis. Other countries, Austria, Germany, Australia, etc. are unable to experience that comfort.

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My thoughts exactly.

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As Far as Europe....will Take Longer to wake up but WAKE UP They Will...Europeans are not Lemmings. It is happening now....

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Canada is bad too. Proud to see the US step up more

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Agree-- our drama teacher Prime Minister is now doing PSA's talking directly to 5 years telling them " you must be excited about getting your shot" creepy pedo action.

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P.S. I'm 64 and my husband is 67. No shot for us. We both had covid symptoms but refused to get tested and tracked. It was absolutely absurd that they were telling my great grandchildren they were going to kill grandma and grandpa. I am so grateful we raised our kids to be critical thinkers and not trust the science but look at the data. They've all had covid. They are young and healthy. They never believed what we were being told. Thank God.

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No vax mandate: good.

Requiring vax status: bad.

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Dec 5, 2021
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Yes agreed. Stopping the medical vax mandate is good first step. :-)

I think there will be some kind of Nuremberg 2.0 trial for the hospital administrators and other staff who "just followed the rules" in forcing staff under duress to get the experimental jab.

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Nuremberg 2.0 is happening

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Nice! An accumulation of small battles won will lead us to victory. Beware the propaganda. Beware the changing language and definitions. They changed the definitions of Natural Immunity and Vaccines and now they're going for the final holdouts - skeptics and free thinkers. https://thegoodcitizen.substack.com/p/change-the-definitions-control-the/comments

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The war is won 1 battle a ta time.

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We would not be in this mess if employees refused to hand over their personal health information to their employers in the first place. My husband is still refusing to report his vaccine status to his large corporation and nothing has happened...

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I wonder how many they were able to manipulate under the threat of a mandate or firing anyway?

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I hope all these people found a job elsewhere. A CEO who betrays his people should not be trusted ever again.

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Mission accomplished

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Yep, that's how they do it... threaten knowing it will take some time to get shot down by a court but by then more people got the vaccine out of fear of firing and pressure

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To Those who Gave up their Jobs and were Fired to Preserved FREEDOM and FIGHT TYRANNY.......You are the TRUE HEROES....And as Much Courage as George Washington and Thomas Jefferson......You WON!!!!

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The Biden administration’s unscientific and likely unconstitutional blind charge to mandate vaccines will, in all likelihood, be their undoing. It was underhanded and despicable. Not only am angry bit worse, I’ll never vote for a democrat again as they supported it.

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Read a WaPo piece where they are really parsing the Biden clips where he said he would never mandate the vaccines. It was truly a gaslighting piece and reminded me of oily attorneys squeaking through loopholes. Everyone knows the intent and spirit of what Biden said in December 2020. He blatantly lied. Hope he pays a political price.

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If you read the hospital management’s memo, they are still requiring that employees state their vaccination status. This is disturbing and equally unethical and unconstitutional to the mandates themselves. Everyone needs to wrap their heads around this. The so-called pandemic has always been used as a pretext for implementing a western version of the CCP social credit system. Look at what’s happening around the world with the vaccine passports that permit citizens to participate in the economy—OR NOT. The same perverse logic that is used to restrict an individual’s freedom if they have no faux immunity (because they did not take the faux vaccine) can be used to restrict their freedoms if they otherwise refuse to disclose their personal, private medical information.

Once a critical mass of the population is deceived into accepting the underlying premise of the vaccine pushers—that your unalienable rights are not unalienable and can be confiscated by government without due process of law—then society will be unable to resist the road to serfdom.

The totalitarian movement has suffered some big legal defeats lately, at least here in the Land of the Free. Keep fighting against this neo-Marxism and do not let them grab any victories from the jaws of defeat.

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My company is requiring employees to declare their status by today. I refuse and will not comply. It’s none of their bloody business and is private medical information shared between me and my physician. Who collects that data? Who sees it? If a handful of people or more can see my status, can I view theirs? Is my company so confident in its security that its system will never be hacked? At least if my doctor’s office gets hacked I can likely sue under HIPAA but if my medical information is released through my company, I have no recourse. Yeah, that’s a hard “no” for me. Let them fire me and then figure out how to do the job that only I know how to do.

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Yes, couldn’t have said it better myself. Following it to its logical conclusion, are we also to disclose our birth control, whether one has had one or more abortions? How about those genital warts, are you receiving treatment for that? Wait, you suffer from depression, what are you taking to treat that, and if the answer is “nothing” then why not? You need to take Prozac or you’re fired. I could go on.

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Civil disobedience (threatened) wins the day

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Yes! Stand up to the bullies-- they back off.

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Advent Health was St. Vincent's in the Jacksonville, FL area (St. Vincent's Riverside (original), St. Vincent's Southside (old St. Luke's), and St. Vincent's Clay (newest). It is and has been a highly respected hospital system. They must have had severe nursing shortages. There is no reason for mandates on hospital staff, EMT, police and firemen. All these people worked their hearts out from the beginning of the pandemic, without complaint. They showed up, gowned up with PPE, and worked 12 hour shifts under grueling conditions. And, then NOW the Biden administration wants to force these people to vaccinate? Really? Most of them have had the virus over the previous 2 years. I suspect many have seen adverse reactions from the jabs that have not been reported. Thank you Advent Health for standing up and coming to your senses.

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Why declare your vaccine status? So you can be alienated, punished or outed in some other way?

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🎯, coming to sleeves of Joe Thanos Biden Dissenters soon

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There is no choice. There’s no option of “rather not disclose.” If not selected your boss gets contacted, then their boss and so on

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Now that so many people got the shot (it is not a vaccine) just out of fear of being fired, they have decided it is not really necessary?

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OMG when put like that, how many people will regret they gave in!

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HCA Healthcare just ended their vaccine mandate. I have the email sent out from Sam Hazen CEO if interested.

But to be fair, they only did the mandate because of the OSHA and CMS thing from Biden. They never planned to mandate the vaccine.

It’s easy to criticize hospitals during Covid, but for what it’s worth HCA has been a pretty good healthcare system to work for, I have to say.

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Good to see the mandates going away. But, why are they still entitled to know your jab status? None of their business and allowing this information to be transmitted just set the stage for control down the line.

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My thoughts exactly.

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It's interesting that they still REQUIRE YOU TO DECLARE YOUR VAXX STATUS! That is personal information and still open to wrongful use and mistreatment. They still don't get it! That THEY WERE WRONG ALL ALONG FOR ENFORCING SOMETHING THAT WASN'T EVEN LEGAL OR A LAW. IT WAS A CONCEPT, NEVER A REAL TRUTH. LET THE LAWSUITS BEGIN! Neighbors son Captain with United Airlines finally gave in from FORCE and got vaxx'd this month, I'll bet he'll have a big suit against them.

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That’s why people shouldn’t stop standing up to this. They should refuse to report their status, and if pushed by their organizations, fight it on personal privacy grounds. Keep kicking this tyranny while it’s down.

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I know Ron DeSantos has blocked vaccine passports in Florida, and my understanding was businesses can't ask what the vaccine status of customers is, and I thought, for example, Publix Super Markets wasn't asking their employees their vaccines status either, at least that's what an employee told me earlier in the year. What is law in Florida about requiring disclosure of that information to an employer?

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It is great they backed off on the “mandate” but it’s disgusting that they still require you report your confidential medical information to keep your job.

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Ben Madgen: Former Pro Basketball Player Diagnosed With Pericarditis After Receiving Second Dose Of Pfizer Vaccine


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Ben Madgen




Ended up in the emergency room on Wednesday night after taking the 2nd Pfizer shot. Diagnosed with Pericarditis. The Dr. said this is now common after the Pfizer shot, especially with teenage boys and young males

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And yet they remain silent….so much for “Do No Harm”.

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Glad this is happening! Fantastic

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My company is a federal contractor and pressing forward with their requirement. Employees must be fully vaxed by 12/31 or terminated. I would like to hear more about what's going on to overcome the federal mandate which is different from OSHA.

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Unpaid leave

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AdventHealth continues to be delusional that the "Vaccine" aka CLOTSHOT is the best way to tackle Covid. Better pray the courts put a nail in this coffin soon !!

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Here’s the thing, if their medical advice is so outstanding corrupted on covid, why would anyone seek their medical help with anything else?

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I work for Broward Health (in south Florida), they don’t require vaccine. Was fired by Memorial Healthcare System which does. I keep seeing more and more MHS people coming to work at Broward and it makes me so happy

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This is promising news but there are still too many entities, such as NYC and other very blue cities and states, that require personnel to be vaxxed or lose their jobs. DeCommio in NYC just mandated this past week that even parochial, private and other religious schools' personnel be vaxxed. This must end.

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I’m a realtor in FLORIDA I can help people relocate. Our Governor knows how to look after first responders and medics.

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Coming soon

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Excellent you will be more than welcome. If you need help with anything let me know.

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Brother just sold his place in port Charlotte

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Florida is top of my list currently but coming from communist Canada. Not even sure my family can get out anymore. I’m a RN and my husband is a firefighter

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Fly to Mexico and enter through the southern border. They let everyone in there. Seriously, good luck figuring how to get free.

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Not sure that will work. I was in Mexico City and Tecate at the end of Sept October and found that Canadians can not cross the border into the US from Mexico (we were thinking of flying back home from San Diego) . It may have changed though. If we drive to the US we have to be vaccinated to get over the US border. Again maybe that will change

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Or walk across the southern border…but too far out of the box that one.

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You are right there, no testing, no vax and no quarantine required!!! Yet #FraudFauci is still banging on about 💉💉💉.

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Isn’t it striking how many idiot geezers are running this country? There really needs to be a mandatory retirement age for federal employees. Fauci, Brandon, Pelosi…so many need to be “aged out” of government jobs. Fauci is a one trick pony now and he reads his own press releases wayyyy too often.

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There are whispers about religious exemptions which do not need to be institutional religions. If you are re-locating there may be exemptions as well. FYI here in Canukistan we can't get on a train or plane unless vaxxed.

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Is there not an airline that doesn’t require you to be vaxed. I’m thinking one that flies to Mexico, they have no vax mandates, no testing, no quarantine. If the airline don’t require it…..just trying to come up with something….

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Aeromexico-- worth a try (good airline!). However the Airports that they fly from in Canada are federally regulated and they may not allow us into the Airport-- I am serious-- Trudeau really wants his money from this corrupt deception. Evidence to come out about him having a 17% share in a Canadian company (based in BC and Manitoba) that facilitates the mRNA gene therapy to be inserted (ie the nano-lipid coating).

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Wait, what, they can stop you leaving? How about if you drive?

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If you’re unvaccinated there is no way to currently leave Canada

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WOW that’s horrendous. There must be a way…..thinking cap is on.

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There are private plane groups and a few deeper ways (see an immigration lawyer)

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Go find Jeremy Richard’s

Here is a US Immigration lawyer that can help your Canadian Clients. Jeremy Richards

Contact Info

Jeremy’s Profile



tnivsalawyerblog.com (Blog)

rjimmigrationlaw.com (Company Website)

arriveusimmigrationpodcast.podbean.com/ (RSS Feed)




February 18

Good luck, I’ll be thinking about you.

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Voted for trudeau

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Why? were you high like he is most of time?

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Trudeau another commie

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What area do you cover?

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I cover Central FLORIDA but I have colleagues all over the state. Happy to help.

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I’ve had it living in NYS it’s so f up it’s not funny

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Florida is open and currently has the lowest cases in the country! What does that tell you….

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Hey Alex, did you notice the third paragragh? So much for HIPAA. Seems to me they're trying to slip one past folks. What they're really saying is, "Here, we won't force you to take something the courts have said we can't force you to take. But we're still demanding you give up your rights to privacy, medical or otherwise."

These douches won't stop. They simply can't step away from the tyrannical table!

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My universal sample base is about 1200 persons 2 to 96. Granted this USB is small. But the number of people either dead or suffering AFTER they took the jabs is far higher than the 1 percent who could have been affected by another Asian flu with a different categorization. 9 dead and at least 24 known abstract responses from heart damage (2) to edemas, fever and chills, nervous disorders requiring medical treatment and several refusing to describe the exactness of their reactions to the jabs. Did I mention the 3 lost jobs or those who just quit working all together?

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Burning the Sunday morning oil I see Alex. I knew you were worth spending what limited funds I have. Maybe even the scumbags at Reliant will figure this out and stop calling people like me "unvaccinated assholes". But then again probably not. After all this is maskachusetts!

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Pfizer Permanente next please

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Good news. Waiting for the esteemed governor of NY and the corrupt media in this state to acknowledge the stupidity of her firings and personally creating the shortage.

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KB beat me to it. All reads well until that lil' caveat - "report your status". Why? Big red flag in my opinion. Way to ruin a good thing, bastards.

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Yesterday a friend noted Detroit Beaumont had to employ 13 or so National Guard reservist to cover desk work. The Detroit News tried to paint a picture of Covid overwhelming the hospital however, reading down you see 110 Covid beds occupied out of 550 with 80 blocked off not in use due to staff shortages. Wonder why they might be short of staff ... ?

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Good for Florida!! This is what a well run State looks like!

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So they suspend the mandate (which has already been suspended. But the hospital did not alter the requirement to disclose your vaccination status to your employer. So the vaccination registry continues.

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yep, if I was applying for a job, I would #1st thing determine their behavior during covid. If they acted like tyrants and put out vaxx mandates, that'd be a BIG RED FLAG that I would not respect nor enjoy working for that company down the line. I hope this squashes many arrogant businesses that are replaced with companies who earnestly care about their employees and HAVE SOME DAMN INTEGRITY.

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Awesome news ! I pray it Stands, and shame on Advent health for requiring disclosure of liquid injection aka liquidated status.

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I am still waiting to hear back from my employer about my religious exemption. It felt very wrong to me to have to answer so many intrusive questions but I went ahead with it because I need the job; however I will NOT get the jab. I know it won't stop with that. I've tried applying with competitoris but they're now asking even in the application about vax status! We really do need more people to wake up, some are getting fakes but that only helps temporarily.

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Notice that they require reporting vaccine status. That goes against HIPA doesn’t it. It seems like they still want to violate employees private health information

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I don't know why this misinformation keeps circulating - HIPAA does not prohibit employers from requesting vaccination status (although it should). See https://www.hhs.gov/hipaa/for-professionals/privacy/guidance/hipaa-covid-19-vaccination-workplace/index.html

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Yeah they have manipulated it. I used to work in healthcare IT. When it was passed, it was rock solid and violations were met with strict fines. Now it has been interpreted to favor the woke vaccine fear mongers.

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I'm not a HIPAA expert, but I wonder if there is a potential legal challenge to what clearly is an ethical abuse. Separate topic, but I wonder why someone with deep pockets hasn't challenged the premise of a company mandating the vax when the (AFAIK) the only available inventory of vaccines is the investigational EUA inventory.

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My wife and I were just discussing this. Apparently they are still using the EUA inventories and therefore cannot mandate the vaccine. I would love to hear the legal ramifications. Thank you for this comment.

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Oh they better get sued by their employees who already took it under duress. Better yet, bring on Nuremberg II. There’s no excuse for the evil they have perpetrated. “Just following orders” doesn’t cut it.

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What MUST happen now is for the courts to rule that no employer can require you to disclose any health information to them, especially vaccinations. At least for businesses outside of the health care industry.

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One solution is for like-minded people to get away from this madness. Join the movement here…let’s form a New-S-A: NewSA.substack.com

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I don’t think they are doing this out of the goodness of their heart. They are doing it for the bottom line.

Without the mandate, forcing a jab opens them up to liability for vaccine reactions.

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Ugh, but they still have to "declare" their status. To be used at a later time? I don't know. Not trying to rain the this excellent news (of course out of FL), but why do they still need to know their status? Reading other comments - yes, it will be for promotions, etc...

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It is very uncomfortable for your employer, who obviously has your address, to know you are unvaxxed. I seriously do not understand how the Jewish population as a whole is not screaming at the parallels here.

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Wonderful but this isn't happening fast enough. What about the colleges threatening to kick people out??? CA being the worst to my knowledge, the UC system has been horribly threatening.

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"must report current.. vaccine status" because we are worried af that we took the jab.

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Awesome news

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All fine and dandy, but what about people like perhaps myself that have a fear of AIDS? Does the hospital have such a screening process that MANDATES employees to report if they are currently receiving treatment or tested negative for HIV? A: NO. WFT is covid HIPPA exempt? Why aren't they protecting patients from TB? Yes, many health care facilities have mandatory TB testing, however, when was the last time you were asked by any medical professionals about your TB status? Just WTF do the executives think they're mandating an employee report one thing but not another thing that is just as or even more deadly? Bravo for not treating staff as mice, but screw you for mandating them to report their personal decision not to be a cheese eater.

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