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I'm 67. I had Covid in August 2021. I took Vitamin D, Zinc, Quercetin, NAC, and other vitamins. I was pretty sick but no where near needing medical intervention. Proud to be in the 1%. No jab for me!

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I'm 71 and have been doing I-mectin, zinc, D, quercetin, melatonin for two years thanks to Docs Kory and Marik @FLCCC.net, and am starting with black seed oil and honey, and food grade hydrogen peroxide gargle/nebulizing.

Thanks, Fauci. NOT!!

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More people should be taking vitamins and taking care of themselves. Opposed to a simple solution of deadly shots that have long-term Ramifications.

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Thanks for the reminder--I'd forgotten to take my vitamins this morning.

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How about this great promise? "Because thou hast made the LORD, which is my refuge, even the most High, thy habitation; There shall no evil befall thee, neither shall any plague come nigh thy dwelling." Psalm 91:9-10

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Did you mean,Foulchi, David? DoesnтАЩt that spelling come closer to the reality of the man?

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"Feces" will do.

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how much ivermectin do you take every day.? once a week. What do you think is the best way to dose it.

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Go here: https://covid19criticalcare.com/

Go under the Ivermectin heading, then to How to Get Ivermectin. There is a list of doctors who prescribe it, either in person, by phone or online.

Go under the Protocols heading, to the I-MASK+ Prevention & Early Outpatient Treatment Protocol information - there you will find specific dose recommendations for IVM and other meds and supplements. There is also a protocol for severe illness in hospital, and one for recovery. It's very thorough information, written by doctors who have successfully used these treatment protocols.

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I have it and I actually took it when I was sick with covid. I gave it to my 17 yo son who also had covid . My wife ( who got both pfizer jabs) got covid also, but she didnt want to take the IVM. I just wondering what dose is rec as ongoing prophylaxis.

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This explains the protocol!

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What was the difference, if any, of COVID's impact on each family member? Interested if IVM helped you and your son and of your wife did ok with just the vaccinebl. Thank you.

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Your can do all this without IvermectinтАжwith the Quercetin, Zinc, Vitamin C & NAC protocols! As a prophylactic regimen to keep yourself healthyтАжalso a clean, sugar free, low carb, plant based diet with the occasional beef, chicken & fish as a protein source to strengthen your immune system. ItтАЩs all the processed & refined food diets that is what is killing people and causing the obesity crisis!

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I did this but the prescription was $170.00! I can't afford that so I am SOL!

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Look at my above postтАжthereтАЩs a way to handle it prophylactically with supplements!

Quercitin, Zinc, Vitamin C, Vitamin D3 & NAC.

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Thanks so much for this link, LissaKay! You rock!

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Thank you!

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FLCCC protocol (V.18 updated Oct 2021) I-Mask I/v/r (taken w/after food):

PREVENTION: 0.2 mg/kg/dose x2/week for as long as risk is elevated.

POST EXPOSURE: 0.4 mg/kg one dose today, repeat after 48 hrs.

EARLY TREATMENT: 0.4-0.6 mg/kg 1 dose/day x 5 days or till recovered.

It's not just I/v/r though. Staying or getting healthy requires a multipronged approach that includes supplements etc. FLCCC is also not opposed to vaccines but, as we all know here, vaccines do not prevent infection, spread, or death and for anyone at this point to think vaccines alone will control this is proof of the depth of their indoctrination, or their stupidity, or both. So go to their website, sign up for updates in case they get blocked, and check out the full protocol for prevention and treatment and when to take the lower or upper dose range etc.

I print out their protocol to have on hand and update my printout as they update their protocol. When you are sick you don't want to be figuring stuff out. Be prepared. Have everything on hand. Know in advance what you are going to do if you get sick and how to do it.

I got a nebulizer and food-grade hydrogen peroxide before the media got around to demonizing it and also got prescribed i/v/r when I had symptoms that a PCR "proved" wasn't cov.

After multiple tests showed symptoms were neg I stopped testing and would just nebulize at first symptom coz H2O2 is anti-microbial so the practical approach in my non-medical opinion is to just use my Covid protocol since none of it has any real risk and I just did not want to be sick or spread ANYTHING. The nebulizing really helped. With Covid, timing is critical: got to neb early to nip it in the viral-replication bud stage.

I also use colloidal silver, my go-to for years ag any viral/bacterial infection symptoms and it's always helped.

Latest symptoms that felt viral I decided to test run my stash of I/v/r @ 12mg/dose (I'm between 50 and 55 kg), 1 dose/day x 3 days. Wanted to ensure I did not have that rare negative reaction to it. The last thing you need if you actually have covid is a negative reaction to the med you're taking to treat the covid. Since whatever I had felt like the beginnings of a viral infection and I/V/R is antiviral chances are it was going to help regardless of the exact viral strain. If nothing else, I'll have fewer parasites. LOL. I'm happy to report zero negative reaction and an incredibly impressive neutralizing of all symptoms within HOURS! Best antiviral med I've ever taken!

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Excellent information, Maria! Thank you.

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So happy to pass on the info of the great docs at FLCCC! With the mad censorships going on we really rely on each other to share what works. Stay well, and if tested, recover well!

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Thanks again! Indeed, all we have is each other! IтАЩve been treating any minor symptoms with zinc and xtra vit DтАжwill not trust any testтАжas Kerry Mullis the inventor of the test said: they are not to be used for diagnostic purposes. All best to you Maria!

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Michael, so glad you successfully manage your symptoms. You sound like you have a robust immune system. Do you take your D3 with K2 and your zinc with the ionophore Quercetin? Worth looking into. Dosing matters, from all accounts.

If you don't know about it already, look into NAC and or glutathione. Always check for contraindications. I highly recommend you check out Zelenko's protocol and the FLCCC's protocol to expand your toolbox.

I don't have a med background but these challenges have prompted many of us to get educated to protect ourselves. I personally also bought a nebulizer for use with food-grade hydrogen peroxide which I use carefully, following safety protocols outlined by those in the med profession. In addition to my cabinet of supplements, I also have prescribed I/V/R/mec/tin and colloidal silver. The upside: my health is improving!

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Phytosome Quercetin is 20x more bioavailable then regular Quercetin. Keeps blood levels elevated for several hours.


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I'm unable to open the link due to a security issue on my computer right now but thank you very much for the tip, sdev67. Is ergo-log a brand name?

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No, thats just a link to the data and the study...

The brand I'm currently using is


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Maria! I am doing all I can to keep my immune system robust ЁЯШК I take 5000 IU D3 without K2 тАж IтАЩve heard that K2 assists with D3 absorption, and I do enjoy Natto from time to time, which I believe is a good source of K2. I take Quercetin per the FLCCC protocolтАжyou are ahead of me with the ionophore research. I will look into NAC and colloidal silver (more education!). I do have a nebulizer and food-grade hydrogen peroxide тАж and iodine тАж which Dr Brownstein recommends, but havenтАЩt needed to use them yetтАжI should probably use them in a trial run though so I know how they work. Have you read BrownsteinтАЩs protocols? I will also be getting some IVRM this week. Your self education on this is most impressiveтАжitтАЩs wonderful to know someone else has been building their toolbox tooтАжI do wish we could somehow share information in detail more easily than in this thread. Again, thanks so much for your information and all very best wishes to you.

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I'm impressed you eat natto. Unless you have some Japanese heritage it can require some getting used to but it has been shown to be a health powerhouse. I've read studies of its anti-cancer properties.

I learn from nutritionists, orthomolecular scientists, naturopathic docs. I've made a hobby of reading up. I believe quercetin is in all the anti-viral protocols shared by doctors trying to protect their patients. Zinc is not highly absorbable. The lozenges I checked out, which I'd prefer over caps or tabs, are in a form that is least absorbable, probably because it's the least awful flavor. So after doing some reading and getting advice from those who know better I now focus on picolinate and/or orotate zinc, around 30 mg. Healthline advises that 40 mg is the upper limit for daily consumption but doesn't address how that translates to the various supplemental forms. I prefer to err on the conservative side, knowing I'm consuming a form that yields higher elemental zinc and taking it synergistically with quercetin which helps zinc cross the cell membrane for better absorption (the ionophore function, to my understanding.) The very best way to get nutrition is food: oysters, red meat, pumpkin seeds... but I don't eat enough animal products regularly to rely on that and there are only so many pumpkin seeds one can consume in a day, even with delicious pumpkin seed pesto recipes. Beware of consuming too much zinc. I've read it can displace copper just as too much copper can create a zinc deficiency (more common than the other direction.)

More is not always better. Gotta find the sweet spot. Ideally, we'd all get tested regularly for levels so we'd know exactly what we needed.

From what I've read, K2 directs D3, telling it where to go. I've also read there's a widespread deficiency in k2. I encourage you to look up its far-reaching benefits. It is contraindicated if you are on blood thinners as it has the opposite effect, unlike natto which thins blood. In fact, nattokinase, the supplement formed from enzyme derived from natto is a powerful blood thinner and clot buster. You sure don't want to take hat before surgery!

I came across Dr. Brownstein's website in my many searches (and found out the Federal Trade Commission had sent him a warning letter detailing the offences of his unfounded claims which, to me, read like a testimonial of his good work, LOL.) But I learned about the hydrogen peroxide protocol from a different doctor. Lots of instructional vids out there. I use normal saline I buy from an online med supplier to dilute the HP down to just under 1% strength. It'll burn if too strong so be careful. I'm fairly good with sterile practices so keep my stuff clean enough to reduce the risk of cross contamination issues.

Learned about iodine salt inhalers from Dr. Myhill on youtube and fasioned my own inhaler with celtic salt and Lugols iodine but have only tried it once--not pleasant but so easy. What I really like is XLear, available on Amazon or at Walmart. The xylitol and grapefruit seed extract was shown in a university study to reduce the viral load of coronavirus significantly in vitro. Of course, the company received an FTC letter warning them to remove their claims, and it was the letter itself that lead me to the university study validating the claim, LOL. XLear is designed as a nasal spray. Very easy to use and not at all unpleasant. It targets where virus infection begins: those nasal passages. Great for flu season, in my opinion.

I've gone on way too long. You can tell I like this stuff. If you share your email I'll share what I do fr myself, wit the understanding I'm no doc and you have to check contraindications to make sure you do not have a condition that makes a protocol not work for you. In the end though, it's not what we know but what we do (and not do) that matters. Like, we all know exercise is good for us but actually doing it can be a challenge. I think I enjoy the education more than I do the daily practice coz I HATE taking supplements. But where I used to struggle with taking 3, now that I'mmsupposed to take 10, the 3 is easy, LOL.

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Maria, I love your exuberance and your wide-range of auto-didactic knowledge! Thank youтАФagain!тАФfor all of this wonderful information. I have uncovered a lot of it during my own research deep-dives, but I really appreciate the additional nuances you have found.

It just occurred to me that we can continue to communicate through this thread, since we each receive email notification when one of us posts a new comment. I think I would rather not include my email on this public forumтАжI wonder if there are any secure provisions for exchanging email addresses in this kind of venue, but I havenтАЩt found any.

Will it work for us to continue to leave any additional research findings or questions for each other here in this thread, and we can answer them as they come in over the transom?

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Why does FLCCC recommend use of Remdesivir (page 9 on the Guide to the Management of COVID-19)? But then mentions it being harmful in other sections. I thought it was bad, period.

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Good question! I had no idea they recommended Remdesevir since I have never paid attention to in-hospital treatments which are outside of my control. Could it be a failure to update their protocol, a misunderstanding, or an attempt to pick their battles? I think this is a good question to direct to the FLCCC.

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Awaiting David Otness' replay, as I have the same questions.

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Follow what LissaK wrote above; on the FLCCC website there are guidelines to calculate your weight-based dose, then recommendations for number of doses for prophylaxis, early exposure, and longer treatment/long covid

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FLCCC protocol (V.18 updated Oct 2021) I-Mask I/v/r (taken w/after food):

PREVENTION: 0.2 mg/kg/dose x2/week for as long as risk is elevated.

POST EXPOSURE: 0.4 mg/kg one dose today, repeat after 48 hrs.

EARLY TREATMENT: 0.4-0.6 mg/kg 1 dose/day x 5 days or till recovered.

It's not just I/v/r though. Staying or getting healthy requires a multipronged approach that includes supplements etc. FLCCC is also not opposed to vaccines but, as we all know here, vaccines do not prevent infection, spread, or death and for anyone at this point to think vaccines alone will control this is proof of the depth of their indoctrination, or their stupidity, or both. So go to their website, sign up for updates in case they get blocked, and check out the full protocol for prevention and treatment and when to take the lower or upper dose range etc.

I print out their protocol to have on hand and update my printout as they update their protocol. When you are sick you don't want to be figuring stuff out. Be prepared. Have everything on hand. Know in advance what you are going to do if you get sick and how to do it.

I got a nebulizer and food-grade hydrogen peroxide before the media got around to demonizing it and also got prescribed i/v/r when I had symptoms that a PCR "proved" wasn't cov.

After multiple tests showed symptoms were neg I stopped testing and would just nebulize at first symptom coz H2O2 is anti-microbial so the practical approach in my non-medical opinion is to just use my Covid protocol since none of it has any real risk and I just did not want to be sick or spread ANYTHING. The nebulizing really helped. With Covid, timing is critical: got to neb early to nip it in the viral-replication bud stage.

I also use colloidal silver, my go-to for years ag any viral/bacterial infection symptoms and it's always helped.

Latest symptoms that felt viral I decided to test run my stash of I/v/r @ 12mg/dose (I'm between 50 and 55 kg), 1 dose/day x 3 days. Wanted to ensure I did not have that rare negative reaction to it. The last thing you need if you actually have covid is a negative reaction to the med you're taking to treat the covid. Since whatever I had felt like the beginnings of a viral infection and I/V/R is antiviral chances are it was going to help regardless of the exact viral strain. If nothing else, I'll have fewer parasites. LOL. I'm happy to report zero negative reaction and an incredibly impressive neutralizing of all symptoms within HOURS! Best antiviral med I've ever taken!

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Thanks for this--and good for your results.

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Oh, sorry. I've been away. The amount taken is dependent on one's body weight, expressed in per kilogram of weight. Do follow Lissa and cmpalmer's directions.

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The nebulizing with the The saline/food grade hydrogen peroxide is very good as a prophylactic treatmentтАжespecially if your are prone to respiratory issues! Years ago my primary care doc prescribed that course of treatment when I had the beginnings of the fluтАжalso I did an IV Infusion of Vitamin C & the Hydrogen Peroxide at his officeтАжtwo of those treatments knocked out whatever I had in a couple If days! (I too am in your age demographic and take all the supplements you mentioned. I have not had a case of flu in over 14 years! Only a sniffle here and there and I blow that out pronto! I also have an auto immune disease of the thyroidтАжand am never sick!)

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I've heard only good outcomes for the HP nebulizing and the antioxidant IVs

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I can testify as to their efficacy and the outcomes they provide!

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I shared my positive experiences w it on my FB, friends only setting, unaware the media had already started their negative brandishing. A concerned friend warned me of its dangers with a link to a Pubmed article. I actually follow links to studies, wanting to know all sides, not being wedded to any position but the truth. Would you believe the pulmonologist authors concluded that their hypothesis that their asthmatic patient's lungs may have been damaged by 5 years of nebulizing H2O2 (which they discovered incidentally and wondered if THIS was the culprit) could not be validated by any other published cases of H2O2 causing damage via nebulizing? I believe there's been a century of use this way and they acknowledge they can find not another incidence of damage reported in a published study. I'm sure there are some: there's no accounting for the carelessness of irresponsible use or exceptions. But please, there's a ton of accounting of pharmaceutical harm that's never caused the kind of scaremongering headlines around nebulizing H2O2. So sick of the panic reflex that is so effective at eliminating access to useful protocols. Thanks for the positive share. That's been my experience. As my husband says, too much salt will kill you too.

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You go (keep on keepin' on!) grrrrl!

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My wife and I had it in Feb 2021 - mild symptoms each and she is Type 2 and some other issues. She did not need to call her doctor. Each of us lost both taste and smell (really strange) but all good now - both of us. Sorry, but this thing has an extremely high survivability rate and low incidence of hospital involvement. What is with the obscene drumbeat to vaccinate? And another little nugget - all of the big-3 "vaccines" only exist because cell-lines derived from abortions were utilized in the research. NO - not saying there are actual cells in the liquids (one of which has 24% of its volume as Not Listed), but that without the murder of babies - even decades ago - they could not have concocted this filth.

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Hey! IтАЩm 70, my moms 94тАж were doing fine- in the 1% !! Yayyy lol

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The JJ vax is brewed in big vats containing cells derived from dead babies. Before it's packaged and then shipped the cells are "removed". There have to be stray cells/human proteins in the finished product. The other two brands claim merely to use fetal cells in preliminary testing but that's enough for me to say NO.

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My take on your situation - and I intend you no offense in saying this! - is that if you were nowhere needing medical intervention, you were not all that sick. Why are so many Americans so absolutely terrified of being down and out for several days, or even perhaps a few weeks, with some sort of infection? It's natural, it's part of life, it's to be expected, that we will all be sick once in a while! There is indeed such a thing as being very sick, but having a respiratory virus, or even a really bad cold (with fever, malaise, achy muscles, weakness, etc.) generally doesn't qualify.

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I think itтАЩs because of the fear and lack of educationтАФall of the nonstop emphasis on deaths from Covid and ventilators, etc and no emphasis on the vast majority of people being тАЬsick with cold symptomsтАЭ and getting better. The narrative has always been skewed that most people are dying from Covid, because you never hear much about the people who are having mild cases. Or when you do hear of a mild case, itтАЩs presented as an outlier case and that person must have been тАЬluckyтАЭ to get a mild case because тАЬso many people are succumbing to this virusтАЭ. The media is unbelievably guilty of this skewed portrayal. Prior to Covid, how often, really, did anyone talk about their тАЬcoldтАЭ? And how sick they were? Well maybe a little , here and there how the cough lingered, etc. but now? Cold symptoms are assumed to be Covid unless you get a тАЬCovid testтАЭ thatтАЩs negative. But those Covid tests, theyтАЩre not accurate right? So I could still have Covid...? All of the other viral infections that are around us and have been around us, no longer have an identity...When you get ill now, people wonder and assume itтАЩs Covid. We never tested for routine viral infections before this...!? it helps emphasize how bad Covid must be...And donтАЩt forget the average person doesnтАЩt have a working knowledge of viruses, cross contamination, immunology, etc. So, illness=Covid=death, so everyone freaks out that their illness is a death sentence. It all makes perfect sense to me how we got here...ЁЯШЮ

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Very true. I was telling my co-worker, the one who thinks Ivermectin is "horse paste," about another co-worker we both knew who died of an "infection" after being in the hospital since March. She immediately assumed that co-worker died of Covid. I said no, that co-worker's brother posted on FB and said she died of "septic shock," and Covid does not cause "septic shock." Just because somebody is hospitalized for a lengthy period of time and dies does NOT equate to having Covid.

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They've been calling sepsis deaths 'covid19' also since the get-go.

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I had not heard that. Thank you for the clarification! I still don't think my other co-worker going into septic shock had anything to do with Covid in her particular case, however.

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Yeah that is my point. They are calling flu, sepsis, and other illnesses covid19.

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Part of the problem is that the media and the left, but I repeat myself, characterize getting covid as a moral failure. You didn't behave! You didn't do what we asked you to do! You're not caring about others! I think many more loud voices on the left HAVE had this, but they won't own up to it.

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I agree! It's the Western way-- the institutionalization of medicine and the pushing of doctors as gods who do no wrong (hopefully we have shed THAT belief) has resulted in take a pill " medicine. The lack of personal responsibility in our health and many other areas-- child care, education etc. corresponds to the corporatization of every aspect of our functioning in todays society. And we wonder why this Plandemic has been successful?

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I'm not American, 44yo, with a 9- and a 2-year-old little boy and feel equally panicky about getting sick. I had a stupid cold recently and was fretting about having covid and dying, leaving my kids motherless. It's ridiculous, especially considering I'm one of the more "awake" people but yet..

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Make sure to stock up on all the vitamins and supplements listed in the FLCCC website (vit D3-K2, C, Quercetin, Zinc, NAC, vit A, etc.) And make sure that your vit D level (blood lab) is between 60-80), and you'll be fine.

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I'm fretting about my family and friends who got the vaxx dying from it, though I tell myself no, that won't happen, I just read too many Substacks ... I worry about the elderly ones getting Covid as well, but the vax could be a ticking time bomb. No one knows anything, yet the push to boost and reboost.

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I'll tell you what I've concluded after two years of reading about covid: the very best thing you can do is stomp on it fast and don't let the virus get dug in. That's what the ivermectin is good for that first day of symptoms such as fever. Covid is survivable but still a filthy bioweapon engineered to hurt people. Nothing to play around with

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Dec 6, 2021
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I've read covid referred to as a white man's disease. Unfortunately, rates of comorbidities in developed countries tend to be high and it's those with comorbidities that are at greatest risk. I've been tuning in to long-covid/long-vax groups run by really smart orthomolecular people who are not-pro vax and attempting to help these poor people that docs are clueless to help. Some, to my surprise, were younger and athletic and seemed to get through covid fine only to then suffer derangements later. Been following several domestic and inernational docs treating covid successfully outpatient with zero to way below average hospital admissions. Key was always treating early during the viral replication stage.

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The truth is that we know a tremendous amount about SARS-CoV-2, COVID, (the disease that SARS-CoV-2 causes) the covid poison injections (aka "vaccines,") etc.!

Your post sounds as though you are captive to the overwhelming, all-pervasive government official narrative. Everything that you see and hear on the entire mainstream / corporate media (which includes NPR and PBS) regarding covid is nothing but blatant lies and propaganda. I realize that it's difficult to even begin to comprehend this, if you've been accustomed to accepting that what they say is true for your entire life.

I suggest you read Robert F. Kennedy Jr.'s recently published book: The Real Anthony Fauci.

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Did you read my post? I said I was worried about people dying from the vax and that we know nothing about the vax. I said I was also worried about my elderly relatives getting Covid (they are also obese--one is in her 90s--giving her a 94% chance of survival). But they are in a low-Covid area and don't go out much. I do not fall into what you describe at all, lol, quite the opposite, I'm sure we agree on all or most points. I'm already reading that book, thanks.

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I'm sorry to have offended you. (I'm serious.)

We do know a lot about the vax, though, and what we know is that everything about it is bad: i.e. it causes tremendous harm and it does no good. (I realize there are numerous, different covid vaccines, but as far as I can tell, they're all harmful, though probably some of them are more harmful than others.)

I, too, have an elderly relative (my father) - he's 94, soon to be 95 - but I don't worry about him dying of covid! He had covid in early 2020, and so did I. We both survived just fine. I do worry about him dying from one of the endless booster shots that will almost certainly be mandated, though.

I became extremely sick after receiving the 2nd dose of the Pfizer covid vax (April 19, 2021) and am now vehemently anti-vax. My father - as far as I'm aware - is still a member in good standing of the official Covid Cult. I suspect that even if he became extremely sick after getting one of the boosters, he'd still believe that they're "safe and effective."

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Thanks. No offense taken, I figured it was a misunderstanding so sorry if I seemed offended! My mom is 93 and boosted. Never had Covid nor has any of my family (that I know of).

So sorry about your sickness post-Pfizer. My brother is in his late 60s and was injured from Pfizer, he now has ongoing pain and fatigue almost a year later. My other brother is a Covidian, though has not gotten boosted. I met a woman who now can barely walk to to a reaction, I don't know the details--she said she had an underlying condition.

Most of my friends are brainwashed. I was at one point too but it all became clear after a while. I will never take the vaxx, no matter what. I've had Lyme disease and was gaslighted so much that I had no problem turning against the narrative. I've gone from being a lifelong Democrat to wanting them out at all costs. They are evil. Yes I think boosters will be mandated to participate in society, and QR codes and vax database are coming. Because Americans have guns. I don't see a European/Australian style martial-law thing happening here, but who knows.

As for our elderly parents, I suppose in one's 90s there is probably not all that much longer to live, so the risk-benefit may make sense to them.

Just signed up for your newsletter!

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Someone, I relate to your concerns. All my family are vaccinated. Ireland-Australia-Singapore. The pressures there were enormous, worse than here. I worry for them.

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Hope they will be OK.

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Wishing the same for your family members. I've never so much wanted to be wrong about my concerns as much as now, for the sake of loved ones.

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Exactly. People have gotten sick like this in the past, and all they have said when they got better was, "Hey, there's a really nasty flu bug going around this year, I had it and was in bed for several days." They don't act like, "Oh no, we're all gonna DIE!"

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Because the Fear Porn worked. Also why not take preventative safe meds and vitamins to improve natural immunity and hopefully prevent a serious illness? I hope we can at least agree that Civic can be serious, if not life threatening, to the elderly (me) and those with co-morbidities.

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Hey Buffy, I'm 67, unvaxxed, beat covid in September 2021! We must've caught the same wave of Delta. I used horse paste, Zpak, zinc, D3, C and quercetin. I think the horse paste and Zpak were very helpful. I'll never take those shots.

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How much?

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I take that stuff every day. And the horse paste once a week. Worked so far.

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How much?

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For the horse paste? I use the dosage recommendations on the flccc.net website. For my weight it works out to about six or seven doses per tube.

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Good for

You. I take the same regimen everyday. Had Covid once at age 54. Very mild

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WeтАЩve had it and survived but my daughters are still being required to take тАЬitтАЭ to keep their jobs at Nike.

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