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My take on your situation - and I intend you no offense in saying this! - is that if you were nowhere needing medical intervention, you were not all that sick. Why are so many Americans so absolutely terrified of being down and out for several days, or even perhaps a few weeks, with some sort of infection? It's natural, it's part of life, it's to be expected, that we will all be sick once in a while! There is indeed such a thing as being very sick, but having a respiratory virus, or even a really bad cold (with fever, malaise, achy muscles, weakness, etc.) generally doesn't qualify.

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I think it’s because of the fear and lack of education—all of the nonstop emphasis on deaths from Covid and ventilators, etc and no emphasis on the vast majority of people being “sick with cold symptoms” and getting better. The narrative has always been skewed that most people are dying from Covid, because you never hear much about the people who are having mild cases. Or when you do hear of a mild case, it’s presented as an outlier case and that person must have been “lucky” to get a mild case because “so many people are succumbing to this virus”. The media is unbelievably guilty of this skewed portrayal. Prior to Covid, how often, really, did anyone talk about their “cold”? And how sick they were? Well maybe a little , here and there how the cough lingered, etc. but now? Cold symptoms are assumed to be Covid unless you get a “Covid test” that’s negative. But those Covid tests, they’re not accurate right? So I could still have Covid...? All of the other viral infections that are around us and have been around us, no longer have an identity...When you get ill now, people wonder and assume it’s Covid. We never tested for routine viral infections before this...!? it helps emphasize how bad Covid must be...And don’t forget the average person doesn’t have a working knowledge of viruses, cross contamination, immunology, etc. So, illness=Covid=death, so everyone freaks out that their illness is a death sentence. It all makes perfect sense to me how we got here...😞

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Very true. I was telling my co-worker, the one who thinks Ivermectin is "horse paste," about another co-worker we both knew who died of an "infection" after being in the hospital since March. She immediately assumed that co-worker died of Covid. I said no, that co-worker's brother posted on FB and said she died of "septic shock," and Covid does not cause "septic shock." Just because somebody is hospitalized for a lengthy period of time and dies does NOT equate to having Covid.

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They've been calling sepsis deaths 'covid19' also since the get-go.

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I had not heard that. Thank you for the clarification! I still don't think my other co-worker going into septic shock had anything to do with Covid in her particular case, however.

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Yeah that is my point. They are calling flu, sepsis, and other illnesses covid19.

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Part of the problem is that the media and the left, but I repeat myself, characterize getting covid as a moral failure. You didn't behave! You didn't do what we asked you to do! You're not caring about others! I think many more loud voices on the left HAVE had this, but they won't own up to it.

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I agree! It's the Western way-- the institutionalization of medicine and the pushing of doctors as gods who do no wrong (hopefully we have shed THAT belief) has resulted in take a pill " medicine. The lack of personal responsibility in our health and many other areas-- child care, education etc. corresponds to the corporatization of every aspect of our functioning in todays society. And we wonder why this Plandemic has been successful?

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I'm not American, 44yo, with a 9- and a 2-year-old little boy and feel equally panicky about getting sick. I had a stupid cold recently and was fretting about having covid and dying, leaving my kids motherless. It's ridiculous, especially considering I'm one of the more "awake" people but yet..

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Make sure to stock up on all the vitamins and supplements listed in the FLCCC website (vit D3-K2, C, Quercetin, Zinc, NAC, vit A, etc.) And make sure that your vit D level (blood lab) is between 60-80), and you'll be fine.

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I'm fretting about my family and friends who got the vaxx dying from it, though I tell myself no, that won't happen, I just read too many Substacks ... I worry about the elderly ones getting Covid as well, but the vax could be a ticking time bomb. No one knows anything, yet the push to boost and reboost.

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I'll tell you what I've concluded after two years of reading about covid: the very best thing you can do is stomp on it fast and don't let the virus get dug in. That's what the ivermectin is good for that first day of symptoms such as fever. Covid is survivable but still a filthy bioweapon engineered to hurt people. Nothing to play around with

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Dec 6, 2021
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I've read covid referred to as a white man's disease. Unfortunately, rates of comorbidities in developed countries tend to be high and it's those with comorbidities that are at greatest risk. I've been tuning in to long-covid/long-vax groups run by really smart orthomolecular people who are not-pro vax and attempting to help these poor people that docs are clueless to help. Some, to my surprise, were younger and athletic and seemed to get through covid fine only to then suffer derangements later. Been following several domestic and inernational docs treating covid successfully outpatient with zero to way below average hospital admissions. Key was always treating early during the viral replication stage.

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The truth is that we know a tremendous amount about SARS-CoV-2, COVID, (the disease that SARS-CoV-2 causes) the covid poison injections (aka "vaccines,") etc.!

Your post sounds as though you are captive to the overwhelming, all-pervasive government official narrative. Everything that you see and hear on the entire mainstream / corporate media (which includes NPR and PBS) regarding covid is nothing but blatant lies and propaganda. I realize that it's difficult to even begin to comprehend this, if you've been accustomed to accepting that what they say is true for your entire life.

I suggest you read Robert F. Kennedy Jr.'s recently published book: The Real Anthony Fauci.

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Did you read my post? I said I was worried about people dying from the vax and that we know nothing about the vax. I said I was also worried about my elderly relatives getting Covid (they are also obese--one is in her 90s--giving her a 94% chance of survival). But they are in a low-Covid area and don't go out much. I do not fall into what you describe at all, lol, quite the opposite, I'm sure we agree on all or most points. I'm already reading that book, thanks.

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I'm sorry to have offended you. (I'm serious.)

We do know a lot about the vax, though, and what we know is that everything about it is bad: i.e. it causes tremendous harm and it does no good. (I realize there are numerous, different covid vaccines, but as far as I can tell, they're all harmful, though probably some of them are more harmful than others.)

I, too, have an elderly relative (my father) - he's 94, soon to be 95 - but I don't worry about him dying of covid! He had covid in early 2020, and so did I. We both survived just fine. I do worry about him dying from one of the endless booster shots that will almost certainly be mandated, though.

I became extremely sick after receiving the 2nd dose of the Pfizer covid vax (April 19, 2021) and am now vehemently anti-vax. My father - as far as I'm aware - is still a member in good standing of the official Covid Cult. I suspect that even if he became extremely sick after getting one of the boosters, he'd still believe that they're "safe and effective."

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Thanks. No offense taken, I figured it was a misunderstanding so sorry if I seemed offended! My mom is 93 and boosted. Never had Covid nor has any of my family (that I know of).

So sorry about your sickness post-Pfizer. My brother is in his late 60s and was injured from Pfizer, he now has ongoing pain and fatigue almost a year later. My other brother is a Covidian, though has not gotten boosted. I met a woman who now can barely walk to to a reaction, I don't know the details--she said she had an underlying condition.

Most of my friends are brainwashed. I was at one point too but it all became clear after a while. I will never take the vaxx, no matter what. I've had Lyme disease and was gaslighted so much that I had no problem turning against the narrative. I've gone from being a lifelong Democrat to wanting them out at all costs. They are evil. Yes I think boosters will be mandated to participate in society, and QR codes and vax database are coming. Because Americans have guns. I don't see a European/Australian style martial-law thing happening here, but who knows.

As for our elderly parents, I suppose in one's 90s there is probably not all that much longer to live, so the risk-benefit may make sense to them.

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Someone, I relate to your concerns. All my family are vaccinated. Ireland-Australia-Singapore. The pressures there were enormous, worse than here. I worry for them.

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Hope they will be OK.

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Wishing the same for your family members. I've never so much wanted to be wrong about my concerns as much as now, for the sake of loved ones.

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Exactly. People have gotten sick like this in the past, and all they have said when they got better was, "Hey, there's a really nasty flu bug going around this year, I had it and was in bed for several days." They don't act like, "Oh no, we're all gonna DIE!"

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Because the Fear Porn worked. Also why not take preventative safe meds and vitamins to improve natural immunity and hopefully prevent a serious illness? I hope we can at least agree that Civic can be serious, if not life threatening, to the elderly (me) and those with co-morbidities.

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