My universal sample base is about 1200 persons 2 to 96. Granted this USB is small. But the number of people either dead or suffering AFTER they took the jabs is far higher than the 1 percent who could have been affected by another Asian flu with a different categorization. 9 dead and at least 24 known abstract responses from heart damage…
My universal sample base is about 1200 persons 2 to 96. Granted this USB is small. But the number of people either dead or suffering AFTER they took the jabs is far higher than the 1 percent who could have been affected by another Asian flu with a different categorization. 9 dead and at least 24 known abstract responses from heart damage (2) to edemas, fever and chills, nervous disorders requiring medical treatment and several refusing to describe the exactness of their reactions to the jabs. Did I mention the 3 lost jobs or those who just quit working all together?
My universal sample base is about 1200 persons 2 to 96. Granted this USB is small. But the number of people either dead or suffering AFTER they took the jabs is far higher than the 1 percent who could have been affected by another Asian flu with a different categorization. 9 dead and at least 24 known abstract responses from heart damage (2) to edemas, fever and chills, nervous disorders requiring medical treatment and several refusing to describe the exactness of their reactions to the jabs. Did I mention the 3 lost jobs or those who just quit working all together?