When my daughter met her now boyfriend in 2022, he asked her if she had taken the vaccine for this very reason. He didn’t want to not be able to have a family one day. Wow! Smart kid! Luckily, God gave me the strength and peace to refuse the vaccine for my 5 children in 2021 even though I had previously regularly vaccinated them (big regrets on that as I educate myself now). I bet this becomes more and more a consideration among the younger generation. #purebloods

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Same! I take an immune suppressive drug which does works and am unaware of side effects. Due to this, doctors pushed flu shots for me and my whole family relentlessly. We did it to "protect my health." Oh- how I kick myself now with everything I have learned about the immune system and health and vaccine technology/policy!

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FWIW there are ways to tell if a person was infected before or after an mRNA shot. I wonder if there is a way to tell if they were ever injected or not. I suspect this will become more common to lie about. I have heard a few anecdotes.

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anecdotes? Ohhh! Do tell!

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Gates accomplished his goal of reducing the population by 15%.

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It's not a bug - it's a feature.

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It is not clear what point you are trying to make.

I did not identify anything as a "bug."

My comment was to point out that Gates had accomplished his TED talk stated goal of reducing the world population by 15%.

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The drop in fertility is intentional. So it's not an "oopsie" - it's "hooray" - The increased global all-cause mortality combined with a decrease in fertility is accomplishing Gates' goal.

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Well of course it was intentional. I said that population reduction was Gates' goal.

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And my reply was in agreement.

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We are all so accustomed to the toxicity of these comment forums that we can't even agree effectively anymore.

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she was just reaffirming your assertion

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Thanks. The message seemed rather cryptic to me and I honestly could not tell what exactly was being stated.

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Yes. It was clear it was a new expression to you.

I run into that a lot, myself

You'll find that most in this forum are a lot more give and take and supportive than in other social media.

your point was clear and concise

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Ha ha. Thanks. I always like to comment and answer questions as if I were in a deposition.

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He/She doesn't read Instapundit....

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In software, there are bugs and features.

Features are intentional. Bugs are mistakes.

Its an old ironic question in the industry to ask if something perplexing is a bug or a feature that was either poorly designed, or maybe designed with something other than user happiness in mind.

Eg, is the apparent tendency of the older generation iphones to get slower with new updates, especially around the time of a new launch, a bug or a feature (i.e., it sells more new phones).

Thus, is infertility an undesired side effect of the jabs, or a planned outcome for Gates.

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nicely explained

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Not to speak for Rebecca, who I do not know, but I suspect she was responding to the unstated objection others would make that the infertility caused by the shots was not an unintended consequence but the actual purpose of the shots. She expressed that by a now common phrase. We all agree with her here I think.

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You misunderstood the joke she made. Think about it. Think about Gates first career.

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It's an expression, meaning it's not a side effect but the actual purpose. in this case, infertility.

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Lack of interest in fertility parallels the lack of interest in excess mortality. And I wouldn't be so hasty to dismiss a connection between miscarriages and the Covid injections as I know of several young women who miscarried after allowing themselves to be injected.

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My cousin miscarried after getting a Pfizer shot - not sure if it was the first or the second. She was early in pregnancy (didn't know she was pregnant at the time).

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I am pretty sure there are studies that it DOES cause miscarriages as well...

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When I was having a scan at a local hospital and talking to the young woman tech about the jabs - which she didn’t want to take but did to keep her job - she mentioned her best friend (a nurse at the hospital) also took the jab to maintain her employment. Her friend was pregnant and had a miscarriage the week of her jab. This young woman’s husband went into AFIB the same day of his jab although is now okay. That’s just one miscarriage and there may not be “studies” but I’ll bet there are enough out there to make this a real side effect.

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It is all so crazy, and it becomes easy to forget how much hysteria they manufactured to make the population get jabbed in the first place; they knew darn well fairly early on that the mortality rate was low and almost nonexistent in the under 50 crowd, but a few well orchestrated moves by various cabals got the idea of "mandates" up and running. I'd like to know if the cabal leaders have competing or complimentary goals, what percentage of the cabals were planners and what percentage got fooled and swept up in the hysteria, and what percentage were coat tail riders, ie "Hey, while they're over there thinning the population, I'll be over here working to initiate new Covid voting procedures that circumvent state legislators' ban on voter drop-boxes". But whatever their schematic (of cooperation) was, it's become clear how easy

it is to fool a significant percentage of the population. Many are still fooled, but it's my hope they have an inkling. I used to be an optimist.

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You are so correct in your assessment. And the hysteria ramped up early on with Neil Ferguson from Imperial College in London. He hadn’t modeled anything correctly but since his numbers indicated covid was a danger to the entirety of mankind, the people who used covid for their own purposes seized on it. Combine the “threat to humanity” with the government not allowing physicians to do with treating covid what they have always done - try what they think is best for the patient and use meds off label if that’s what they think works - and it was a big, red flag. Humanity is at risk but docs can’t try various meds??? Curious.

I’m furious that the government and elites who think they know better than we do what is good for us have destroyed people’s lives, torn families apart and strained friendships. And as I have said before at this site, I have lost respect for so many really otherwise intelligent people who just did what they were told. Fear does awful things to people and one is that it can cause them to lose rational thought. I hated the emotion of it rather than thinking rationally about what was going on.

Yep, sadly, I have retired my rose colored glasses also.

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They don't talk about it anymore but a lot of the women I knew who took the jab had very extreme changes to their menstruation (various) after the jab.

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More than studies, a lot of women reported miscarriages after taking the mRNA shots. There is direct correlation between the two. The "authoritative studies" will be 10-years delayed.

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I believe the studies will never be done, at least not in the USA. Who will fund them? If there's no funding, there's no study. The entities with the money will steer clear of any inquiries into this topic.

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and it will blame Long Covid

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And we will not know for close to a couple of decades what the impact on fertility is for babies who were born from mothers who had taken the shot during pregnancy

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Not just during pregnancy, but forever. A woman's eggs are all in her ovaries when she's born. So even if she's not pregnant when taking the jab, what will the outcome be for any female children she conceives and brings to term later? Or male children, for that matter? Will we see an uptick in Downs syndrome? Other abnormalities? It's scary.

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Yes it is scary indeed! Shortly after Biden took office, I remember the surgeon general getting on TV and saying without a doubt in his mind the "vaccination" shots are perfectly safe for pregnant women. What a reckless and negligent statement to make. People like him and Dr Fauci and Dr Birx who pushed these vaccinations knowing there was no data to substantiate their statements need to be how to account and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. Of course we know that's not going to happen, just like the Biden's will never be prosecuted for their corruption.

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You say "large studies show their use in pregnancy does not cause miscarriages". That one study was fake and part of the pro-vaccine propaganda. There is a lot of data pointing the other way. Are you aware of the work by Naomi Wolf? You may want to talk to her.

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There was a small statistical issue with Naomi's analysis I was told, which while it does not invalidate the whole point of her work, it does make it impossible for people like Alex to reference it. Apparently it was something like how the number of unknowns or unreported cases in the Pfizer study was used by her. That the remaining statistical data set was too small or something.

We can all know this was set up by Pfizer so we cannot know what we needed to know when in casual conversation. But it cripples serious researchers.

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Despite all the domestic and international treaties banning biowarfare, all the StupidPowers openly continue the deadly R&D, without missing a beat. The Bible (Lev 19:19) and Mishnah forbid genetic mixing (like, say, a virus and a human). To date, no prominent Jewish or Christian leader has had the decency to speak out. Yesterday my wife yelled out to me, from the garden, 'Where's the Raid?', and, mere minutes later, for the first time ever, she began to get insecticide commercials on her computer. Get it? We're fighting against an invisible juggernaut. Fertility rates will not stop going down.

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100% they're "listening". I've had the same experience happen dozens of times. Without searching...simply talking about random stuff.

We're playing with fire....

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What has to happen for the United States to examine ANYTHING that could be considered negative concerning these vaccines?

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or any country pushing it.

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Curious indeed. What about behavior factors like the change in the dating scene during and after lockdowns, social preferences, general anxiety? Heck, now vaccination has become a dating checkbox.

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I was wondering the same. How do the lower birth rates compare to marriage rates? Are there other factors having an effect? For once I don’t honestly think the Aussie theory is that laughable. Perhaps the “pandemic” and anxiety it has created among our younger population has changed behavior? Are people putting off marriage? Are married couples putting off bringing children into what is being touted as a dying earth? I still see young adults clinging to masks and other idiocies. Who’s to say they aren’t still self locking down to flatten the curve? Heck, maybe now that everyone is gay or trans, less straight people are doing it? I think more behavioral stats need to be studied before the vaccines are blamed. And trust me, I am not a vaccine proponent by any stretch. This may be a case of correlation not equaling causation.

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You make excellent points. There is a malaise, at least in some parts of my country (America), more so the urban "educated" parts.

Relentless doomerism and wide spread forest arson as they tried to drive Trump out, riots, intentional supply chain disruptions,etc.

Also there is a lot of anti child messaging. The Treasury Secretary was on record as discussing abortion as a economic good.

Many young people think they are being responsible by deferring or declining childbirth.

Or they are just anxious and distracted.

Rampant secularism and non stop distraction is driving out real Hope.

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I also think there is a certain level of narcissism in some of the younger generations that the thought of having a child and committing for life to raise that child appropriately is beyond their comprehension.

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I have another theory for Dr Liz Allen, if I lived in a country like Australia and experienced a sudden police state, draconian lockdowns, closed borders and forced quarantine camps, I would think twice about bringing a baby into that world. Maybe these fears are also driving down birth rates.

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As an Australian, I don’t think that’s been a huge factor in people deciding to have kids or not. I know to Americans our rules seemed extreme, and they were in many ways, the truth is the majority of people accepted and supported them.

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The truth might be that the Australian people willingly gave up their guns.

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This is just one of many assaults on human reproduction.

So many contributing factors.

When you look at the sheer volume of people who are on psychoactive drugs, and the fact that many impede or prevent climax, you're not gonna spawn

much under those conditions.

And one of the essentials of sexual attraction is smell. They're called pheromones. The composition of

those compounds indicates to us on a whether or not we've got a good genetic match.

When you look at the scented pastes, powders, lotions and potions, deodorants, creams, and colognes that

people slather themselves in these days, how can those pheromones possibly do their job? And how

could we ever detect them? Could that be affecting all these couples over the years who've found it impossible to conceive?

Next up, the classic western lifestyle: from what we eat to the way we move, it's more suited to the cultivation of veal than a robust human being. Most Americans have at least one comorbidity if they're not riddled with them, and most of the rest of population is working to catch up like their lives depend on it.

"These are not the genes you're looking for."

Further, many kids I've spoken to over the last few years are shocked and dismayed at how stupid this culture and society is. They're not wrong- can you fathom bringing another human being into this mess?

And, how could they possibly afford it? At this stage, housing is completely out of control. Medical costs are skyrocketing. Education prices are felonious. The insurance cabal has basically found every way possible to shake us down as consumers while dodging claims and fitting wars of attrition with hapless individuals at every turn.

Thing is, most- for all their non-binary brainwashing- see economics as an either/or: capitalism vs communism. All the while failing to notice that this is nowhere near capitalism, and that communism will only accelerate our hurtling towards totalitarianism.

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Well stated Robert! So few truly consider these natural nuances of living a robust life of health in body and mind, as nature-GOD intended. Critical thought on such nuances has been lost on the many. I've often said nature trumps the EGO of man every time...

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Well, the medical elite has known for years that hormonal birth control increases depression and suicide, yet they still hand it out like candy to teen girls and young women - because *infertility is the point.* Nothing, absolutely nothing, makes a public health expert’s heart leap like news of a barren womb. If you’re right about this, they’ll give Pfizer a Nobel prize for the drop in fertility alone!

More here:


Or my article here:


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This is terrible news.

And IVF is morally, ethically and socially problematic. Inter alia, it entails embryonic selection and eugenics. Pick the "best" embryos, get the best product.

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And the results are often dismal, at HUGE personal cost to the female.

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I just recently RE-watched Children of Men. I had watched it when it came out and have thought about that movie for years. It haunts me. This data only supports that movies themes....

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Read the book! It is even better.

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The book is better. Unlike the movie, the book is strictly about the population crash and not a polemic for immigration.

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Yes but back to the miscarriage issue. I strongly recommend listening to a few experienced OBGYNs and other doctors who made clear observations about the number of live births Vs. the other kind. One of whom was sent to the psychiatric gulag in Vancouver for releasing hospital stats on that.

This fellow has managed to escape consequences so far and is a pretty experienced OBGYN and is a great place to start.


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I firmly believe my little great nephew whose birth at 27 weeks was caused by the jab.

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Thanks, Joe, for the JAB, I guess Pizer will have to develop a synthetic seaman in order to further the birth rate as it seems possible that men are to be excluded from the process as motility has waned and offspring cannot be fathered. Is this the final frontier, the demise of the "Human Race"? Alas poor Yoric, I knew him well, no more will I see his happy face to smile and play with his "Begats". (Sympathy for Shakespeare.}

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Trump touts the shots all the time.

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This is one reason I hope we have a better candidate.

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"Beyond Semen," groen in a lab, will contain substantial amounts of high fructose corn syrup.

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Just throwing this out there....has there been any data collected on those who have been adversely affected by the shot/s and the specific lot their shots were produced from? It's been on my mind for a long time.

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From just a couple of days ago - published on brownstone. org also: https://edv1694.substack.com/p/german-scientists-find-evidence-that

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