When I was having a scan at a local hospital and talking to the young woman tech about the jabs - which she didn’t want to take but did to keep her job - she mentioned her best friend (a nurse at the hospital) also took the jab to maintain her employment. Her friend was pregnant and had a miscarriage the week of her jab. This young woman’s husband went into AFIB the same day of his jab although is now okay. That’s just one miscarriage and there may not be “studies” but I’ll bet there are enough out there to make this a real side effect.
It is all so crazy, and it becomes easy to forget how much hysteria they manufactured to make the population get jabbed in the first place; they knew darn well fairly early on that the mortality rate was low and almost nonexistent in the under 50 crowd, but a few well orchestrated moves by various cabals got the idea of "mandates" up and running. I'd like to know if the cabal leaders have competing or complimentary goals, what percentage of the cabals were planners and what percentage got fooled and swept up in the hysteria, and what percentage were coat tail riders, ie "Hey, while they're over there thinning the population, I'll be over here working to initiate new Covid voting procedures that circumvent state legislators' ban on voter drop-boxes". But whatever their schematic (of cooperation) was, it's become clear how easy
it is to fool a significant percentage of the population. Many are still fooled, but it's my hope they have an inkling. I used to be an optimist.
You are so correct in your assessment. And the hysteria ramped up early on with Neil Ferguson from Imperial College in London. He hadn’t modeled anything correctly but since his numbers indicated covid was a danger to the entirety of mankind, the people who used covid for their own purposes seized on it. Combine the “threat to humanity” with the government not allowing physicians to do with treating covid what they have always done - try what they think is best for the patient and use meds off label if that’s what they think works - and it was a big, red flag. Humanity is at risk but docs can’t try various meds??? Curious.
I’m furious that the government and elites who think they know better than we do what is good for us have destroyed people’s lives, torn families apart and strained friendships. And as I have said before at this site, I have lost respect for so many really otherwise intelligent people who just did what they were told. Fear does awful things to people and one is that it can cause them to lose rational thought. I hated the emotion of it rather than thinking rationally about what was going on.
Yep, sadly, I have retired my rose colored glasses also.
They don't talk about it anymore but a lot of the women I knew who took the jab had very extreme changes to their menstruation (various) after the jab.
More than studies, a lot of women reported miscarriages after taking the mRNA shots. There is direct correlation between the two. The "authoritative studies" will be 10-years delayed.
I believe the studies will never be done, at least not in the USA. Who will fund them? If there's no funding, there's no study. The entities with the money will steer clear of any inquiries into this topic.
And we will not know for close to a couple of decades what the impact on fertility is for babies who were born from mothers who had taken the shot during pregnancy
Not just during pregnancy, but forever. A woman's eggs are all in her ovaries when she's born. So even if she's not pregnant when taking the jab, what will the outcome be for any female children she conceives and brings to term later? Or male children, for that matter? Will we see an uptick in Downs syndrome? Other abnormalities? It's scary.
Yes it is scary indeed! Shortly after Biden took office, I remember the surgeon general getting on TV and saying without a doubt in his mind the "vaccination" shots are perfectly safe for pregnant women. What a reckless and negligent statement to make. People like him and Dr Fauci and Dr Birx who pushed these vaccinations knowing there was no data to substantiate their statements need to be how to account and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. Of course we know that's not going to happen, just like the Biden's will never be prosecuted for their corruption.
I am pretty sure there are studies that it DOES cause miscarriages as well...
When I was having a scan at a local hospital and talking to the young woman tech about the jabs - which she didn’t want to take but did to keep her job - she mentioned her best friend (a nurse at the hospital) also took the jab to maintain her employment. Her friend was pregnant and had a miscarriage the week of her jab. This young woman’s husband went into AFIB the same day of his jab although is now okay. That’s just one miscarriage and there may not be “studies” but I’ll bet there are enough out there to make this a real side effect.
It is all so crazy, and it becomes easy to forget how much hysteria they manufactured to make the population get jabbed in the first place; they knew darn well fairly early on that the mortality rate was low and almost nonexistent in the under 50 crowd, but a few well orchestrated moves by various cabals got the idea of "mandates" up and running. I'd like to know if the cabal leaders have competing or complimentary goals, what percentage of the cabals were planners and what percentage got fooled and swept up in the hysteria, and what percentage were coat tail riders, ie "Hey, while they're over there thinning the population, I'll be over here working to initiate new Covid voting procedures that circumvent state legislators' ban on voter drop-boxes". But whatever their schematic (of cooperation) was, it's become clear how easy
it is to fool a significant percentage of the population. Many are still fooled, but it's my hope they have an inkling. I used to be an optimist.
You are so correct in your assessment. And the hysteria ramped up early on with Neil Ferguson from Imperial College in London. He hadn’t modeled anything correctly but since his numbers indicated covid was a danger to the entirety of mankind, the people who used covid for their own purposes seized on it. Combine the “threat to humanity” with the government not allowing physicians to do with treating covid what they have always done - try what they think is best for the patient and use meds off label if that’s what they think works - and it was a big, red flag. Humanity is at risk but docs can’t try various meds??? Curious.
I’m furious that the government and elites who think they know better than we do what is good for us have destroyed people’s lives, torn families apart and strained friendships. And as I have said before at this site, I have lost respect for so many really otherwise intelligent people who just did what they were told. Fear does awful things to people and one is that it can cause them to lose rational thought. I hated the emotion of it rather than thinking rationally about what was going on.
Yep, sadly, I have retired my rose colored glasses also.
They don't talk about it anymore but a lot of the women I knew who took the jab had very extreme changes to their menstruation (various) after the jab.
More than studies, a lot of women reported miscarriages after taking the mRNA shots. There is direct correlation between the two. The "authoritative studies" will be 10-years delayed.
I believe the studies will never be done, at least not in the USA. Who will fund them? If there's no funding, there's no study. The entities with the money will steer clear of any inquiries into this topic.
and it will blame Long Covid
And we will not know for close to a couple of decades what the impact on fertility is for babies who were born from mothers who had taken the shot during pregnancy
Not just during pregnancy, but forever. A woman's eggs are all in her ovaries when she's born. So even if she's not pregnant when taking the jab, what will the outcome be for any female children she conceives and brings to term later? Or male children, for that matter? Will we see an uptick in Downs syndrome? Other abnormalities? It's scary.
Yes it is scary indeed! Shortly after Biden took office, I remember the surgeon general getting on TV and saying without a doubt in his mind the "vaccination" shots are perfectly safe for pregnant women. What a reckless and negligent statement to make. People like him and Dr Fauci and Dr Birx who pushed these vaccinations knowing there was no data to substantiate their statements need to be how to account and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. Of course we know that's not going to happen, just like the Biden's will never be prosecuted for their corruption.