As so many here (and elsewhere) have noted, how many deaths and injuries is it going to take before people wake up? I’m 50, and I’ve never seen anything like this in my lifetime. Data aside, just on its face, it doesn’t pass the smell test. The govt has never been this adamant that I take ANYTHING. Ever. Why now, for a virus that has better than a 99% survival rate? I could understand if this were the bubonic plague, and one in three people were dying. But we’re not even close to being there. And if it were that lethal, you wouldn’t have to force anyone to take a vaccine, because they would jump at the chance to save themselves and their families from a disease with a 33% mortality rate. This is about control, plain and simple. God help us.

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Exactly and now they have asked for the data to be hidden until 2076. That in itself should be enough. Sadly I have two lovely friends who are going today to have their booster shots. My neighbor has had her 12 & 7 yr olds 💉💉I just don’t get it. I feel heartsick for them.

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I am so sorry that children are being vaccinated 5-18. It did not need to happen

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My hope is that parents know better. The study for 5-12 year olds was a joke: https://faybomb.substack.com/p/pfizers-5-12-vaccine-study-is-woefully

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Only 2,250 kids in the study??!! Sucks.

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On the other hand, who is going to offer up their children to be tested with this crap? I know some always will (for reasons that are beyond me), but hopefully not many. I'll never understand how parents can make guinea pigs out of their healthy kids like this. WFT?!

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Depends on where you live. The social pressure to vaccinate your kids is extreme here in the pacific northwest. I've got a friend who does not want to vaccinate her son, but her ex is threatening to take her to court, and every parent in her kid's class, every parent on her kid's soccer team is vaccinating. If she doesn't, her kid will not be invited to play dates, etc. He will be completely ostracized.

She's fighting hard, though, because she is strong and smart. However, most parents aren't.

I would imagine it's very different in other places.

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They’ve been brainwashed. That’s the only conclusion that makes sense to me

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Thousands and thousands. Whether they gave their kids to "science" as part of the original trial or the current EUA, it's all the same in the end.

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Its worse than the absolute number, they couldn't do any risk/benefit analysis at all. Why? Because nobody in the study jabbed or control ended up in hospital. No one died either. In an basic sense they are supposed to do a calculation where 1 is divided by the number of hospitalized. What is 1/0?. A basic calculation that is a part of a trial and approval process is undefined and was tossed out the window.

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They want to "vaccinate" younger kids as well, and as to those 5 and up: https://stevekirsch.substack.com/p/we-will-kill-117-kids-to-save-one

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Yeah, do not think that any GOP candidate (or any one person) is going to save the world. More like putting in the final nails in the coffin. We need to get everyone to see what's going on quickly, or all is lost.

Going to share your link/info far and wide... Thank you.

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Youngkin has already disappointed me. He has folded on who he is appointing to various positions in his admin

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How a parent can allow the injection of such a experiment on their kids leaves me at a loss for words.

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I'm surprised he is still here; puppy torture and next infant/toddler torture coming....

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The vaccinated and unvaccinated have at least one common ground. Neither will ever be fully vaccinated.

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Very late term abortion.

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Yes, perhaps Pfizer and Pfriends will start marketing the "vaccine" as a "retroactive abortion". Who knows--NOTHING would surprise me at this point.

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They should. It fits and is PC.

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A 20th trimester abortion. Perfectly normal.

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I’m sorry I don’t understand your comment?

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Part of the globalist agenda is eugenics and population control.

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She's saying that the kids are being aborted at 12 & 7.

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BTW, not a "she" (nor a car - Saab :).

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Horribly off-color (yet very funny) joke.

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My father still threatens me with 200th trimester abortion. He thinks he's funny.

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That is kinda funny, actually.

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She probably won't get prosecuted as she might if she staked them out on a cold mountain.

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You have a sick sense of humour. Keep it up.

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newborns, and toddlers

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My relative by marriage refuses to take her 3yo to Disneyland until she can be vaccinated .

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I know a young couple who are vaxxed, but won't go anywhere with their toddler as she isn't(??) I know a lot of young parents; two mothers are unhinged about Covid (grandmothers can't associate with anyone unvaxxed, etc). I find it ironic that both of these unhinged mommies have their children in 9-5 daycare everyday.

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The selfishness which takes the cake is grandparents celebrating that they will be able to *allow* their grandkids to visit now they can be vaccinated.

It is not love of any kind to subject kids to this extra risk for *your* safety!

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Those grandparents deserve a slow and painful death....

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I, too, have a niece and a nephew who are unhinged about it and were probably first in line with their sweet little ones for the jab. Heartbreaking.

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Childcare? That's rotavirus time. Not fun. And the rotatec vaccine is worse.

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Severe mass psychosis! Crimes against humanity on that level if nothing else. The FEAR PORN propaganda which is based on zero science created this psychosis and SHOULD be held to account the the severe mental damage they have propagated on society

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for the severe mental damage

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Yes, they care oh so much about their dear little ones, but they can't seem to find it in them to actually be mothers. That would infringe upon their "self-actualization", or other such tripe. God help us.

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Something I still can't wrap my head around - An older relative of mine, vaccinated and boosted, won't allow one of her husband's friends over until he is vaccinated. If the vaccine is so great, what is she worried about? If the vaccine is not so great, why the prerequisite to visit her house?

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Booster is another word for “this isn’t really a vaccine “

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what will the next booster word be after this 1st booster? "this seriously isn't a vaccine either"? :)

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Manipulated minds

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That right there is what tells you that this isn't about health, etc. It's a religious issue with many of them, and we're the unclean.

With others it may be that they don't really trust the "vaccine" to be effective, deep down. And remember, they're terrified of the Rona, 'cause it's an awful, super-deadly killer, don'tchaknow. So they can't take any chances.

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Technically, my wife is a relative by marriage.

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Legally, maybe. Technically you are related by children.

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Love that you clarify the gene pool possibility.

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Well, I was just trying to be more specific but I have dimwits in my gene pool too.

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I don't get it. Why can't your relative by marriage get vaccinated? Is she an illegal alien? Is her 3yo an anchor baby? If "she" refer to the 3yo, what's the plan, here? "Accidentally" drown her in Splash Mountain?

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Ha. My cousin in law is double vaxxed, probably triple vaxxed by now (I never asked) but anxiously awaiting availability of the jab for her toddler.

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Kids dont need it their immune systems are better than adults and they may never have symptoms its common sense and its been this way our entire lives

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I thought “relative by marriage” was husband (or wife)!! :)

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A relative by marriage can be a lot of different people.

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Nov 21, 2021
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And take nexium which increases pneumonia risk by 70%.

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Who requested data hidden till 2076? What did I miss?

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they asked to be given until 2076 to suppply data related to a freedom of information request. Seems pretty normal to me.

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Not hidden exactly but the data used for the FDA to authorize the pfizer 💉 is 329,000 pages and when the FDA were asked under a FOIA to produce the data they based their authorization on, they said they will release 500 pages per month! That will be 2076.

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Pfizer needs to get sued untill they go bankrupt as well as all the big pharma just follow the money they are getting rich on these poison jabs

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How many pages of JFK assassination material?

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Let’s stay on topic. This is about us all, our families, now!

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Though peripheral, it is. Information release delayed yet again. "National Security", doncha know. Do the FDA and Pfizer also use that lame excuse for withholding information related to why they think they can impose kill shots on everyone? And at taxpayer/national debt expense. Hey, as Nurse Wretched informed me, the shots are "free"!

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The gov't (CDC?) has requested Pfizer data beyond what's already released be withheld for 55 years.

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At the rate they are allowing the data to be released, it will be 55 years until we see it all.

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55 years? 99.9% will be dead by then so it won't matter.

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See how that works...

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They have no data. They simply surmise results based on past non-existent data. Recall that they jabbed the initial control group soon after the bioweapon shots were approved for ‘emergency use’.

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The fda requested the courts to release the data by 2076

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they think they are the census bureau

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They don't want anyone to to see the all the cancers that develop within a year or two of getting the shots.

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They are developing now, I listened to a doctor just the other day saying he had never seen so many people developing cancer as he has this last few months.

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Your post is being missed as the thread is so busy; probably one of the most pertinent posts anyone could have made. I would add that it is not only new cancers; but people like me in remission or so called "cured" are seeing things - just starting again, growing like the speed of light (relatively); taking over the bodies ... X times more than the original cancers..

I know I am boring and repetitive; but I ask 2 minutes of your time = https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1z7kjcwFqKo

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all this obvious corruption and crimes against humanity yet ZERO ACCOUNTABILITY. Why would any of this stop? Just sayin. Its just surreal to see how such "obvious" deception and corruption going on day after day after day with media goal post shifting to propagate a specific narrative without a care in the world. ZERO ACCOUNTABILITY!

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Don't buy the products and services advertised in conjunction with the top (or bottom) of the hour "news". For extra points, tell the advertising businesses why.

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Who ever buys off those ads to begin with? I never do

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Yi do not get it either. Astonishing at the gevleast. Madness at the the worst.

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Do we need any more proof these shots will cause a "circulatory failure" epidemic?


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The last sentence in this doc sums it up. ClotShots.

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Great find!

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My friends are dutifully going for their booster shots. This guy says if they do vaccinate the whole world will have a new black plague like in the 1400s because of amenities. This fella is pretty solid. Financial advisors subscribe to his Socrates


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Yeah, it's just blatantly obvious and has been for well over a year. These people have chosen not to see it. To admit it would be to admit to problems they are not equipped to tackle - the people I know who can't see the most are all not happy and not in control of their lives, not responsible for their lives, they are basically pushed around by others. The measures/superstitions give them a way to do inconsequential things like wearing a mask and sanitising the rail on the stairs and so on and feel important.

I see now what i never understood before, how the 1930s went. When you get people who feel aggrieved and need a scapegoat and need some easy virtue, then something will happen to satisfy this craving. If this is a minority, they will just be a nuisance. If it is a majority, they'll find a minority to persecute and scapegoat. And there are no shortage of leaders will to exercise this control and persecution for them.

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The people I know are responsible, educated and seem to enjoy their lives. I think they don’t want to think of unpleasant things, like communist take over They somehow can put it out of their minds and not deal with it until it actually directly. affects them.

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Father Niemoller's quote applies: First they came . . .

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There is a lot in this category for sure, but my experience is that the ones who will be playing violin while the water laps at their feet are the ones who have no agency in their lives, who _need_ these measures to give their life some meaning. The decent people who just want to enjoy life and have been fooled, some of them at least are coming around and more will surely - Steve Kirsch is the most obvious example.

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Nov 20, 2021
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These are the people on facebook that mock anyone who questions any of this and say things like “oh your a doctor now?”

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Yes, some of them are, I personally know some of them. But, some also just don’t want to discuss it at all. Maybe they’re afraid of how helpless acknowledging such a harsh reality would make them feel, so they just stick their heads in the sand, which is not helpful at all in ending this madness.

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The unjabbed will need to carry a bell and cry "unclean".

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That would have been a joke a few months ago - now it could be official policy.

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I want a big flashing yellow star for Christmas as well. Ever thought that Christmas = mass of Christ ?.

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Boycott Stetson. Yellow may not be the best color choice to show ungeimpft as it signifies cowardly. (Though can also indicate thought-bound, but blue, also suggesting sad as well as thoughtful, is better.)

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I like red. For the blood that will be spurting from your nose if you come near me with that needle.

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Concur, but has poor visibility unless DayGlo, and as you allude, is belligerent. We're not trying to get arrested. (Though "Jabs Kill!" bumper stickers on pro-jab billboards, like for https://thisisourshot.com/ might also elicit that result. One of the colors of those probably should be red.)

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Also the Merry equals- “Mary Christ Mass” awesome.

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Hoping if we get shipped off like the lepers that we get to go to a Hawaiian island like they did with Molokai.

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I lived there and it’s really difficult to grow much to eat in that soil besides the heat gets to you after awhile.

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Nope. Those taking nexium should since it increases pneumonia chances by 70%.

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I’ll be crying “Pure Blood”

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Exactly right and there's a word to describe it, it's called fascism and we are in the midst of a global resurgence of it in the name of "medical science"

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I’m a 66 y.o. physician and I’ve never seen anything like this.

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Can you speak your mind freely? Seems like any medical professionals questioning anything are being silenced, fired, cancelled etc

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I can because I’m in solo private practice. I’ve been attacked. I’ve lost some patients because I do speak my mind. That’s okay. We hope the door didn’t hit their bottoms on their way out. 😊

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You should post where you are I’m sure you will have lots of new clients in no time at all. You may want to help others about to be terminated as to how they setup a system like you have. I know I would sign up with such a caring doctor.

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Thank you Liz but I’m okay. It’s expensive to start a private practice and it takes time to become established. I think instead we need to go after the censors and those threatening physicians who choose to speak out and treat COVID with outpatient protocols.

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You should just expand and hire all the fired "anti-vaxxer" thinking doctors and nurses and start rivalling the big hospitals!

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We need to start pushing the wrong doers. I would go easy on them 3 or 4 years in Prison.

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Where were you in the 70s when there was a real viral pandemic and Fauci lied to everyone as millions of people died. These are the same people that gave us Gain of function AIDS! OH and it probably started in Tuskegee.

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My Mum , said then and even today them people with AIDS are God's Children regardless what you might think . Fauci, was pure evil then you can NOT change a Zebra's stripes Fauci, got away then and now. We have a spineless Bag of Bones in the White House. Most dont know Fauci true colors today. Or they are purposely ignoring the truth about him.

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Read RFK’s new book, “The Real Anthony Fauci”. A real eye opener!

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I just got mine yesterday. His interview on Tucker Carlson Today was a real eye opener for me.

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That includes Hitler, Dahmer,Gaci,Manson,Stalin and Obama.

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I did not want to come back to this thread as I have been here too much already; but your comment dragged me. Now maybe I sound terse, I do not mean to be so I apologise upfront; but you have no idea what you are talking about- you are spewing out what they want you believe.. which as usual is TOTAL BS.

Now like I have already stated; I cannot persuade you or others to believe something; if you are not willing to listen / understand; so I respectfully leave you this to do your own research.

But I can ask a few questions ...

Where did HIV then Aids originate ?

What sort of community is there in numbers (GAY <= YES)

What Chemical was being sprayed everywhere AT THE SAME TIME (DDT = keep up)

So how did the numbers of HIV patients fall or raise as DDT was banned ???..

Did you look at the patents of AIDS ?; maybe look at the date and the name on them ???

THERE ARE NO "viral pandemics" and as soon as you understand that and the World does, we will get somewhere.

We are being poisoned by:

BY the jabs.

By the Water

By the air.

By the Chemicals.

By our Food.

I know how it sounds, so one example. Our food; did you know they spread our own excrement on it - yes our own shit ... now at first you may say OK, but imagine how many tablets or bottles of medicine the modern person takes; well like it or not some of that is excreted .. yep, then spread and goes onto our food .. including antibiotics and that is why we are having problems now (US and UK are the worst) ... this then drains into the water system again ... and gets concentrated, more and more potent as each winter happens.

Please if you ban me, ignore me; just for 10 minutes of your time, look up "Germ Theory vs Terrain Theory"; if after that you want to ignore it - fine, but continue your search if you want and you will see. Look up "Rockefeller and modern medicine" .. right all the best.

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imo the attacks you list are real, but more targeted in use. but modern medicine (aside from ER / surgery etc) is a joke if you are looking for a cure! tough luck 90% of the time its a "treatment" - and worse yet, a treatment for the symptoms, not the disease lol. and IF you are lucky the treatment isnt a lifetime chronic $$ affair. sounds insane? how many short term medicines exist that CURE you ? aside from antibiotics lol...

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Well since you asked. I had the unfortunate experience of knowing "The Herb Shop " owner by the name of "Dr.Christopher" ! He would come to our home and peddle his remedies.

If it wasn't cured by cayenne pepper and a garlic poultice or enemas and a detoxification regimen you may just be a candidate for ..... drum role please!

"THE COLD SHEET TREATMENT!" Of which I am a survivor.

But I do have to say I have not had as much as a runny nose in 53 years.

My body wouldn't dare!

Here's my advice, stop eating crap, drinking alcohol and listening to superstitious Munchausen Moms.


It was the 60s and growing herbs that make you feel better was in vogue. My moms garden grew lobelia, comfrey and anything that could be tinctures.

So forgive me if I am shy of feminine fear fever.

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Even today I can turn on almost any radio station and within 15 minutes some guy will tell you about an oil guaranteed to make you feel better in a few days. I laugh every time I here some CBD junkie say that. That's what Crack users say also.

Here's an idea, eat good food, exercise, and go outside. Let your kids have a dog, play in the dirt and have sleep overs.

Stop listening to the GOD DAMN PUSHER MAN!

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I thought you said," you were 66 and never seen anything like this.

The AIDS event was very much like this. Just a smaller test groups.

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I was referring to vaccine adverse effects not viral pandemics.

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That's because it's not a vaccine. This is the test for the money hungry. But an attack on all those who are volunteering themselves as test subjects reminding me of the people getting on trains and quietly waiting there turns in Germany.

Amazing to watch history in the making.

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couple of vids just to shine a light on medicine's real history : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k-VPj0PK0pA

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AIDS came to the public arena in 1981, not the 70’s

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It was being treated and recognized in 81.I was being spread around much earlier.

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thats why we should be calling it the CovAids

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Does anyone know anyone who was paid either with cash or a gift card to take these Vaccine trials . And ended up in the hospital in an ICU or if anyone has died either from the injection with or without Covi-19. With one both or the booster shot.

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English subtitles. From Israel. New testimonies daily.

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there are a few clinical trial participants who were injured and went on tv. check past episodes of thehighwire.com

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err NOPE. Aids was the illness, the disease; HIV was the alleged pandemic and the alleged none existent virus. Aids as we know it, came from everything other than a virus. There is no point me or anyone else pushing our views onto you; you can only truly learn things, if you learn them, comprehend them yourself.

Where did HIV start ?, Which Community ?, WHAT else was being used then in said community ? ... why and when did it spread to Africa and elsewhere.



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You can’t be speaking about the AIDS epidemic in the seventies because we didn’t start seeing those patients until the mid-eighties. I took care of them as a third year medical student. So I’m confused at 16 was I supposed to be an activist for a virus that wasn’t known or was I supposed to be a virgin?

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I can now ! They knew about it as far back as the 30s. The first time they started dealing with it here was in 1981. So it was here in the 60s and 70s During the whole Boomer debauchery they nostalgicly refer to as the sexual revolution. During that time the numbers were estimated to be 300,000. Probably a low estimate. 1981 was the first reported full blown cats out of the bag in the San Francisco cesspool. You just started treating it in 81. We knew about it long before.

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If you’re talking to me I was in junior high in the 70s. I think that gives me a pass.

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That depends on how active you were and you were the target market at 16.

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You are definitely not alone.

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My friend just had her 9 year old vaxxed so they could go in a trip as vaxx is required. I just can’t understand how you risk your child’s health on a vaccine barely tested in kids. for a vacation. 😢

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I got a fake card. Idiots.

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They don’t think it’s risky or they’re priorities are horrible

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especially with all the observational data of adverse events and death. it doesn't have to be in a nice chart.

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Let us not forget many people have no idea that 1000s have been harmed & many have died! This is not reported on MSM! THEY DON’T KNOW! And if we tell our friends & family they do NOT believe us! If they knew, they would not do this to their children! 😩😫🥺

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They chose their information silos. Let them die in them.

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Yep. I'm the crazy uncle that married that crazy girl 31 years ago. We'll see who's crazy in two years when the vax101 IQ test results are released. No pity for adults with sound minds, ZERO.

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The fact that those "adults with sound minds," as you put it, are thrilled to get vaxed suggests their minds are not sound at all. They just think they are. They're totally brainwashed, but think they're "well-informed."

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The big Mistake they have done along with the Media. Is Pushed an agenda with Fear 😱 and many based their decision to get these vaccines trials on Fear 😱 Not science this is all based on a assumption.

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Fear is one powerful tool. By the time many Americans reach adulthood they already have a fear of death. This starts by not allowing children to wakes, funerals and parents completely ignoring that discussion. Now we have a overwhelmingly population that is unwilling to risk the ultimate sacrifice to preserve freedoms we were born with, hell conceived with. Math aptitudes have apparently vanished like a fart in the wind too.

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After all them Boosters Man can not still have a Baby 👶

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My parents were informed when I was born that I would never be able to give birth to a child.

They looked worried and asked if there was anything that could be done.

He sadly said no,he'll probably always leave the toilet seat up.

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If you truly been in a Hospital setting you truly know the harms these TV, Cable news pundits, Twitter, Facebook and many others have cause and continue to cause. They would know at least these 2 things lots of mental health issues, overdoses and a medical supply shortage from the manufacture of medical supplies and equipment.

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seriously, im also 50, this is the bizarro world. The sheer amount of PSA's being aired right now terrifies me. Every form of media inundates you with them. It seriously f-d up.

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I stopped watching TV and listening to radio many years ago.

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yeah turn off the commercials... avoid them at all costs. Stream only!

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Not control. They already have complete control. This is something much, much bigger and it involves Western oligarchs and the CCP. This is about the complete destruction of the West, depopulation and China becoming the next superpower.

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Hate to say it, but that's what it looks like. But why do Western oligarchs expect to thrive once CCP in charge? Don't they realize that their power depends on ordinary Westerners? Once we're decimated, the oligarchs will depend utterly on the good will of China.

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i grew up with them. Went to school with them. Once they "believe" something? They all "believe" that eventually. At polo, at cocktail parties, you basically meet the same people over and over...

So if they think overpopulation is an existential threat? They will act upon it.. Since they travel the planet meeting the other elites and only them, they are tone deaf to anything outside their bubble.

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https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Van_%27t_Wout ... My old time friend van het Wout still trading with the Castro regime.. They were the only ones who were allowed to buy the nickle and copper from Fidel. Thats what i am talking about..

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That is a fantastic question, and sadly I don't have the answer.

In terms of politicians, we have seen various coups, assassinations and mysterious deaths of world leaders who didn't go along with the lockdowns and other measures. I remember when Boris Johnson recovered from Covid - he didn't look like a guy who had just had a brush with death, he looked like a man who had just been told what the plan was.

A combination of bribes, death threats and I am sure, blackmail are forcing these "leaders" to do this. Even Putin, Lukashenko and Orbán are on board.

In terms of the oligarchs - I agree, the CCP will slaughter them. I think they are deluded enough to think that won't happen.

And it won't be a decimation. Take the vaxx % of any given country and you will be in the right ballpark. Funny how all the Western pharma companies used the spike genetic sequence China gave the world, the Chinese used a traditional technology.

I had been trying to come up with an explanation for all the insanity of the last 20 months and this is the only one that can explain every single thing.

What's worse is, I came to this hypothesis months ago myself and I have seen nothing that makes me think it isn't correct. It's just being confirmed more and more. Just found this tonight for example:


The CCP and PLA have openly stated this is their aim and have recently reconfirmed it as official ongoing policy.

The worst thing is, it may be far too late now to do anything about it.

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BoJo after hospitalization was completely different than before hospitalization. Wonder what happened to him in there

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A quote from Jennifer: "They have sold the country [UK] to the CCP".


This is a must-listen. I hate being right.

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Wow. Just checked out Delingpole and he covers this with Jennifer Arcuri, BoJo's ex.


If you don't want to listen to the whole thing start at 20 minutes.

Seems like we are onto something.

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I’ll bet my house they didn’t give him Remdesivir! We should all be asking for his treatment when he was in there as he wants everyone to reveal theirs!

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No it's not too late, not by a long way. The CCP is on the losing end of this one.

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Imagine a person that only lives for wealth; they have ripped the wealth, the commodities = everything; thye have f'cked our minds up, funded BLM and Antifa and hundreds of different groups = they have dividedus ... WHO ?= people like the shareholders of Vanguard and Blackrock; so they move on - see it as a game for them; they have nothing else to do ... now they will destroy us (yes they will) and move Eastwards ... and it will NOT STOP until we change it.

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Yes -- but despite their great treachery, our elites are in fact incredibly politically naive to imagine that a completely alien people & civilization, the Chinese, will submit to their rule. Much more likely, the Chinese elites will eradicate our erstwhile rulers. Again, however divorced our elites may imagine themselves from us, we are the basis of their power. In fact, the power of Western elites depends on a global scale in ruling over prosperous middle-class societies, otherwise they would be as feckless as the Latin American elite (with the caveat that many Latin American & Middle Eastern elites have been co-opted into the global oligarchy). Once we are decimated, they will discover themselves at the mercy of groups that still rule over intact societies.

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If you want to share videos, the better candidate is this week's Highwire interview with Geert Vanden Bossche, in particular for the extensive discussion of innate immunity versus naturally acquired immunity; the difference between a fast-mutating respiratory virus like Covid as against slow-mutating measles; and the difference between vaccinating infants against measles long after measles had peaked in the population as distinguished from mass vaccinating across all age groups in the midst of the ongoing Covid pandemic --->>> interview begins at 50 minute point ==>>> https://odysee.com/@The-Highwire-with-Del-Bigtree:a/Episode-242---The-Vanden-Bossche-Interview:7

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Not sure if that is true anymore; they want our minds and souls more than our property and other stuff; but something has happened to many of us = millions of us ... (I think the latest term is to have awakened... or whatever); their biggest weapons were fear and confusion.. and not many of us on sites like this, are any longer fearing or being confused; speaking personally now, I have no fear and I can for once see clearly - I can even predict what the swine will do next and I bet you can as well.

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It's certainly true that it could be Biblical. I'm spiritual, not religious per se, but it sure is interesting watching top scientists on "our side" talking in religious/Biblical terms.

I have to say, there does seem to be a lot of Revelations to all this. Just so we're clear, I hate the antichrist btw. :)

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Remember when the new York elitists proclaimed holy week of 2020 as hell week due to the supposedly high covid deaths. Then the media reported on Good Friday that some bodies needed to be buried in Potter's field. The Christ mocking was pretty thick.

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I forgot the word spiritual, thanks.

Personally I think this is the key and that is what many of us have found again.

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I agree. Having control of people is the ultimate in power. The Gates’ of the world have enough money. Now they are hungry to control humanity. The human trafficing coming to light via Gilaine Maxwell’s arrest is another, aspect of control of humans.

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I used to wonder "How much money do these people need? They already have more than they could spend in a lifetime." Then I realized that once you have so much money, it all shifts to something else. Perhaps it's a kind of God complex or something, and this involves amassing untold power, an obsession with controlling everyone and everything and having the absolute power to do that.

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Very good comment; do you think they get bored and they just want to play ?.

At the risk of sounding immature, have you noticed that everyone of them (man or women) is a nerd =a billy no mates ?.

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It's not the CCP's fault. They are simply following Napoleon's advice to his marshalls at Austerlitz:

“In that case,” said Napoleon, “let us wait twenty minutes; when the enemy is making a false movement we must take good care not to interrupt him.”

The corollary is, if your avowed and declared enemy requests assistance in doing self-harm, be accommodating. All the blame should be focused on Western elites.

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That sounds like a climate crisis.

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Xi and Putin will eventually be eliminated...they are just pawns for the real power structure in place. Globalist can't have nationalism is any form to achieve the NWO.

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Interesting take. Something to chew on. Thanks.

It could also be the case that Xi and Putin are 100% Globalists and are in the club. Unfortunately that's above my pay grade so we can only speculate.

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Speaking Truth in America 🇺🇸 in now a crime under Joe Barely Alive Biden, who is long overdue for another booster shot.

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Very well stated. I don’t understand why so many people can’t see this. Maybe they don’t want to.

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Precisely! You cannot wake up the one who is not asleep

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A native american saying is apparently "you can't wake someone who is pretending to be asleep".

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Assuming the government has access to way more stats than we do, they know these vaccines are killing people, both young and old, and now not even keeping vaccinated out of hospitals. We may never know if those imposing these vaccines really took vaccines or not. So what now is the motivation to insist on more vaccines? The worst possibility is that they want to significantly reduce the worldwide population. Gates plan? I always remember Al Gore insisting the planet would be in balance without humans.

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Gates plan? = NO; "Billy no mates" is a nothing, but a figurehead, it goes way "higher" than that pathetic, weak individual ..

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He was raised to continue to build the family wealth so that they could be in power and continue eugenics….

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Nov 20, 2021
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Not if you are Walensky, she has no long-term clinical studies. So she assumes they are safe to take for everyone no matter what. Another non-medical expert the people are falling for like the Bag of Bones in the White House.

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Totally agree - except it is also about $$$$$. The big pharma behind these vaccines are literally making Billions from these experimental drugs - they then in turn donate to the Democrats - it is that simple. Also, many own these stocks and have really benefited. You would think people would actually care about the lives of all these uninformed people and now their children, but sadly they do not! Truly tragic. As you may know 52 (could be lower going from memory but not higher ) people died from an earlier attempt at a SARS vaccine and FDA pulled it - stopped the trials! So what is going on now is unprecedented. Bill Gates is on record talking about the "over population" could this be part of the plan to reduce the population - you cannot rule it out - these people are insane.

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The true Democrats are to scared to speak up. The Party has been high Jacked by Joe Sanders.

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And the mortality rate of myocarditis is horrific.

This is from a tweet by Dr Anthony Hinton -

"Viral myocarditis results in 2 in 10 people dead after 2 years and 5 in 10 after 5 years. It’s not mild. It’s dead heart muscle. "

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It’s as if Myocarditis has become contagious, all of a sudden….

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It is. The medical tyranny is the vector.

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IF you read the warning ⚠ Label 🏷 on these Vaccines trials People Patients who have say High Blood pressure should not be taken advice from a cable News Pundit an equivalent to a Junior Professor aid at best Fauci and Collins and MSNBC CNN TWITTER Facebook that is what the level of expertise they are at.

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But there are doctors arguing that vaccine myocarditis is less severe than covid infection myocarditis .

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Cardiologist Dr Peter McCullough says it is just the opposite! https://brandnewtube.com/v/wZUGi4

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I am not even sure why I want to butt in and "correct" you, as you are / would have been spot on (so please just ignore me, if you want) .. but it is these 3 simple words that stirred me = "God help us." - NO, NO and another NO, he gave us choices, he gave us freedom = IT IS DOWN TO US, not him.. we must take this stance, we must resist and when and where - we must fight and many of us will die; but I am willing to do that, will you and others ?


I need more tin foil maybe; but something has clicked and I am listening to them anymore; THEY ARE DONE.

PS Jesus wept may be more appropriate from my view.

PPS Sorry, no offence intended.

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God never minds us asking Him for help but He expects us to do the job he gives us if we are able. Sometimes our only job is to pray. Sometimes it’s to storm the castle. Sometimes it’s to hold the bleeding warrior. We all have different jobs to do but all of us are supposed to pray. Prayer is basic to everything. God understands the word “help.” Don’t ever think He doesn’t. And don’t ever think it irks Him that we recognize we need Him to get the ball rolling.

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I think I need to print your text out and put it on my wall. Very thoughtful. Thanks for this.

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Correct. If there was no evil there could be no good. If there was no dark there could be no light. When my grandparent's family were being killed in camps by the Nazis, they fled to the UK with just the clothes on their backs. My grandfather joined the RAF and my grandmother worked in a munitions factory.

We may not win, but we can go down fighting.

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We will win - we are looking at the underside of a tapestry right now and it’s a jumble of threads with very little meaning because the image is not recognizable. But there is a picture being woven that has beauty and meaning on the flip side. I believe we will see it someday and comprehend all the trials, sorrows, as well as joys that we experienced. That tapestry by the way is each of us and the person each of us is becoming. In Colossians it is called the tapestry of love. God is working on this tapestry and we have our contributions - some of them He sees and then has to pull out the threads because we screwed it up. Other times we get a little portion done and He’s pleased and weaves around it. It becomes a marvel that we could not even imagine. Will it tell our story? I think it will. And it won’t just be the plot. It will be who we are.

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We may not win the battles, but we will win the war; just keep the faith and they can never take that (whatever faith, it matters not) - mock the b'stards and do not be scared. All the best, we shall have a drink together sometime = probably on a damn cloud knowing my luck (taht was a joke by the way) !.

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I hope truly hope that Joe Barely Alive Biden Build Back Better plan is going to rebuild all the Property that his Party destroying destroyed and the lives and livelihoods they have Personally taken and destroyed here in America 🇺🇸

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You do know that the "Joe Barely Alive Biden Build Back Better plan" - is here = https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2020/07/to-build-back-better-we-must-reinvent-capitalism-heres-how

IT HAS f'ck all with Biden, it is Global; just saying = this is what we warned people of .. THE NEW WORLD ORDER.

Look up "Yung Global Leaders".

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It'll never happen, like all the other socialist wet dreams, they run out of other people's money.

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This sounds like someone is having trouble to chose what bathroom to use.

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I'm right there in your age group. This is pure insanity. Or pure evil. Or all of the above.

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None of this passes the smell test. Then again COVID-19 does take ones sense of smell away. Seems too many didn’t get it back.

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But they are jumping at the chance to save themselves from a 0.33% fatality rate viral disease and that in lies the problem, People today do not know how to do risk assessment, they leave it to the MSM and local news reports and are scared into vaxxing. Thoughtless actions have grave consequences.

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The realization of your own mortality, in a way that many westerners have never had to face, exposed people's inner resolve. That risk assessment for some was unbearable, reaching for anything that could save them. That state was so easily manipulated. For me, I sensed bullshit right away.

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The average person won't do a risk assessment if they have falsely been told a thousand times that this is a "safe and effective" "vaccine".

I'm completely guilty of this - I have had vaccines as an adult for tropical diseases and done no research.

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True, I have done the same. But then the mortality rate for some of these diseases, eg. Yellow Fever, are very high so the benefit outweighs the risk.

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Of course you have sources for that don't you?

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listening to Jumping Joy Reid , is like listening to the leadership of the KKK from the 1940's.

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There's that 33 again.....

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Even if it WERE the bubonic plague or Ebola, the choice should be up to the individual whether to accept the vaccine or take his/her chances with the disease. The "lived experience" of individuals is essential to check authoritarian control of media. If the IFR were anywhere near 10%, let alone the 33% you suggest, there would be no holdouts, so no mandate necessary even then.

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A recent poll found that the average French person think the disease has a CFR of 16%. People have lost their minds and are now excluding me from socializing with them. It's really happening and I cannot believe it.

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Won’t be seeing my vaxxed relatives, including my dad snd sister, for the holidays for 2nd year in a row. Not because we are afraid. It’s because they are despite their vax snd booster.

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I'm very sorry to hear that.

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As long as individual freedom of choice is maintained, it doesn't matter what the average person thinks. They will eventually have to confront the reality that their friends who are not vaccinated are doing just fine. As long as we prevent them from ramming their narrative down our throats, sanity will prevail at the end. Medical workers fired for not vaccinating will eventually create their own practices and will thrive.

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Just how bad are French information silos?

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It's not just in France, they are finding similar results all over Europe.

My "favorite" poll showed that Democrat voters in the US thought that you had a 50% chance of being hospitalized, which would mean that a third of the country was hospitalized over the last 20 months and somehow the hospital system didn't collapse.

As I have said before, it's like we are living with these people in a parallel universe.

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As an aging male I am taking another look at this whole healthy young men dying thing. I mean I can't compete with these whipper snapping rapscalions for the girls.

But if they are driven to me out of desperation?

Hey, a windfall is a windfall.

I'll take it.


Get that kid a booster!

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great positive spin, Sherman!

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No doubt that's a part of the plan not admitted to that often.

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What if I told you there is no HIV, Bubonic plague, Ebola, cold, flu or SARS virus ?; remember the word virus there... would you think me mad ?; probably, but "THERE IS NO HIV, Bubonic plague, Ebola, cold, flu or SARS virus"; we have been scammed, played for greed and money for over a century and soon as people understand this, we can change the World. I understand what you must think; but I shall just leave with one question and two references, if you want; do some research; if not, dont!.#

Question; "you go to work with a cold of flu, an alleged virus and 30-50 % of your workmates get the virus and start sneezing; ever wondered why the other the other 50-70% don't ?....


Video hint 2 - Again, please look up "Germ Therapy vs Terrain Therapy" .

I cannot tell you what is right and wrong, only you can decide.

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There's truth to both germ and terrain theory. If you keep your terrain healthy with vit D, zinc, magnesium quercetin (an apple a day....), the respiratory viruses that are present even in summer will not infect you. The medical bureaucracy doesn't tell you that because Big Pharma doesn't make money on it.

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That's a bit like Intelligent Design when the Church incorporates a bit of atheist science in an attempt to stay relevant.

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So, you believe the earth was created 12,000 years ago in 7 days? Not gonna argue with you!

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Yeah I agree.

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Just read it out to my wife. She thought that I'd written it.

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valiant attempt, but explaining the concept of exxosomes, and how viruses are portrayed as this external pathogen (hell bent on infecting for no good reason - they say it want to replicate, but why would it replicate since they ALSO say a virus is not alive - lol) a lie. and these things are actually innate intra celluar messenger , produced by the body to carry rna messages from one cell to another. a shining example of this, is body being attacked, and one cell figures out how to kill the attacker, it immediately encodes a message (coded in rna) in a nice little protein blob and sends it off, where it enters every other cell it can and delivers the message) etc . i mean come on, they even had the balls to explain what the M in mrna is for. LOLS

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bonus : look up bacteriophages if that concept got you interested, but are having problems reconciling proven infectivity certain diseases (or more accurately should be named exxosome symptoms" between a human and another human. pretty much the exxosome hitches a ride on a bacteria that travels to another human.(usually through a sneeze, cough etc (explaining why respitory viruses appear to be contagious) and then the message gets delivered, and his cells execute the message and in doing so his body produces the same symptoms as the first guy. bear in mind not all exxosome can be translated by all humans. not all rna can be decoded or executed. and thats why not EVERYBODY/ can get sick. in germ theory they hide behind the super vague concept of people have better immune systems. lol

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Great 👍 video on OSHA Mandates a must watch.


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Only a partial victory. No ruling that businesses can not VOLUNTARILY institute their own private requirement.

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yup. only laws banning mandates are in florida and texas i thik so far(maybe more)?

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Oklahoma has also been a bit feisty trying to protect its National Guardsmen, and Nebraska's AG has acted to protect doctors rights to prescribe off-label. But I think you're right that most governors and legislatures are waiting to see what the courts do.

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Great comparison and I’ll take it a step further- ever meet someone who just bought a timeshare and they are timeshare evangelists for a while, until reality sets in….

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I would rather have a timeshare than the vaxx

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In Galveston, right?

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In free Florida

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there will be little time to share for the vaxxed.

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I like my timeshare, so far, no side effects !

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Time share, CCP scare, don't relax, don't get vaxxed. Vaxxx will boomerang on you, so stay One of the few.

Who knew

That the vaxxx cue

From the elites was always a scam

You knew who you am

Staying strong to the finish

Just eating your spinach

With 10000 U vitamin D3

Nullifies the Covid_CCP

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Vitamin D is chemically unstable. Thus, supplements are unreliable. We northerners need turtle lamps.

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loving this rap SJB!!! I was rapping your words in my head!

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While this is a good article, I need to point out discrepancies: 1. as someone who has to take a covid test weekly for employment, I have never been asked for my vax status by the testers, so no- there is no lenient test for the vaxxed, although they did decrease the cycle threshold for ALL PCR tests several months ago. 2. Ireland is cited as a clean data source, yet Ireland's media has reported other than the truth, Ireland is in a hysteric meltdown in advance of the winter/holidays. Other than those, I agree with the article. Especially "...Nineteen months of mass psychosis later...".

I choose Airbnb over timeshares in order to NOT BE LOCKED IN/DOWN. AND want to add that the jabs have a shelf life, EUA expires 12/31/21, pills and antibody treatments are arriving en masse in 2022, hence the push to jab the world population before that revenue stream dries up. and folks actually have an alternate option. Look at all the countries who locked into an expensive and restrictive deal with Pfizer . Africa has done remarkably well without jabs. Most 3rd world countries have done remarkably well without the jab. Because they could not afford the contract offered by Pfizer. Pandemic of the First World, people. Ask Austria, Germany, Ireland, USA, Australia, GB, France, Italy. Do not ask Africa, Nigeria, Uttar Pradesh, because they will not parrot the narrative.

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EUA for the mrna will expire, but it doesnt matter since pfizer can just stick a cominarty label on their stockpile ;-) . not sure about moderna.

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Geez this is a great comment...

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clapping hands!

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Oh no- clapping can be triggering. You must do jazz hands instead!

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you are right Rose, would not want to injure the snowflakes...!!!!

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And even if it doesn't explicitly say that he was vaxxed, you know that he was, because if he wasn't, we'd be hearing about it 24/7 as proof that "these things happen" to the unvaxxed too.

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When they don’t say they are unvaxxed you know they are vaxxed

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Nailed it!

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A reputable Spanish sports paper wrote that 99.9% of their "professional athletes" are vaccinated. Since they don't have 1000 players, this means 100%.

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He did a PSA for children to get vaxxed.

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F**k him then. Payback's a bitch.

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He got the shot himself, so he's a victim in it too.

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I was trying to find a totally unrelated story about a child here, and noticed they are elevating search results for sudden death stories about kids in sports dropping in prior years. It seems intentional as when looking for a local, recent story I have never gotten all results from prior years on different states and kids (and on the same 3 kids in multiple stories), and not one single relevant hit. It was weird. This is duck duck go and not Google….

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Ran across this the other day....Voltaire: Those who can make you believe absurdities, will make you commit atrocities.

We are living through this Now!!!

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That's why I intend on investing in flowers. I will throw up a larger garage and begin floral arrangements on one type, different messages, but only one shape; a syringe. Maybe folks will get the message after 20 or so wakes.

* don't take my idea unless you cut me in.

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A brilliant quote, thanks!

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I almost hate liking these posts, Alex. It does appear that the negative side effects of the vaccines seem to hit the extremely fit and athletic very hard.

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They hit many many people but those professional athletes notice the effects rather early because:

1. They push themselves to 100% on a regular basis and can notice that when they do they get rather 80% of their previous performance

2. They undergo regular medical screenings

For example Florian Dagoury, a freediver champion, noticed he went from 10min breath hold to 8min after the Pfizer-Biontech vaccine - miocarditis.


In a normal setting you want notice this immediately but it will haunt you for sure later on.

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I just "like" them to get posts to outreach more people. It's like saying, I read this

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I agree and do the same, but I take Lisa’s point.

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Same! My point is that I don't like what this shot is doing to people...but I do like that someone as bright as Alex continues to report on it.

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They push their hearts harder, so probably it’s more pronounced and they can’t compete anymore

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Perhaps it’s bc they are already exerting their heart more than the average person?

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I think that and maybe they are more in tune with their body function than others may be. Although I know of many anecdotal reports of people suffering heart events after vaxx.

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I can’t use actual quotes because I am paraphrasing…just heard a podcast where it was postulated the fit have *more heart to effect*. Seems to make sense?

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The vaccines are safe & effective. Nothing to see here.

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I am compelled to comment every time: in CT our vaxx’s are VERY safe & effective. Because we are CT. And we are very well-behaved and compliant. And per our guv with perpetual emergency powers, “I only want to keep you safe.” So get your booster even if the 3-letter agencies don’t recommend it yet. “I only want to keep you safe.” And your 5 year-olds. Bring them to the ballpark for balloons and vaxx. All-American fun to be had by all.

The world has gone insane.

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Psafe and Peffective.

Make sure you get the spelling right ;)

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Sure, perfectly safe for the manufacturer and effective in making people sick

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Apparently from an internal medicine doctor:

IM Doc

November 19, 2021 at 7:04 pm

I do not subscribe at all to “vaccines are making people sicker than they’d be if they’d gotten COVID”.

However – some very hard truths are beginning to emerge – this is an organic from the ground up kind of thing and will take months/years to sort out.

I was at a medical staff meeting at my own hospital in the past week. We all on the medical staff know that we have been very very busy in the early fall. Usually that time of year is very quiet around here. But we were all horrified to learn that the actual numbers of the patients in the hospital for non-covid non-OB non-peds related issues had literally gone up by double digits – many of the diagnoses had increased by upwards of 50%. These included all the bread and butter medical problems, like CVA, MI, CHF, PE, DVT, pneumonia and most prominently – a huge surge in type I diabetes and other diabetic complications. These numbers on all of these diagnoses were literally off the chart compared to 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017. The abstractor had even done a population based per capita study – and the numbers held. Very strange that all of these diagnoses would be astronomically increasing all at once in OCT 2021. That kind of across the board increase would be unique in my entire career at any hospital.

The cancer registry is also through the roof – interestingly we are having a major increase in malignant melanoma and renal cell carcinoma. Again – no obvious explanation. Breast cancers were also really elevated compared to their incidence in past Octobers.

There had been a slow gradual increase in all of these issues during the months of July August and September – but October blew it out of the water.

The abstractor herself noted that this increase could NOT be attributed to the old line of “people were just holding on to things and not going into the doctor because of the pandemic.” That is just not the case – that may have been true a year ago – but we can tell by office and ER visits that were completely normal since SEP of 2020 that this is no longer the case. People have resumed office and ER visits at a historically normal level more than a year ago. Any effort to blame this on pandemic fright is totally misplaced – and yet I have seen this parroted everywhere in the MSM when they are talking about these hospital surges. The national office visit numbers and Medicare numbers I have seen evaluated in the past 3 months tear this idea to shreds.

So, what is causing this? And mind you – I am in touch with colleagues all over this country. Similar things are going on everywhere. NPR NBC NYT and now this article have reported on this same phenom as well.

I have no idea if this is vaccine-related or not. I hope not. But to dismiss that prospect out of hand is not based in the scientific method. We must keep our own eyes open and attuned to data as it comes in. Things may change. Things may get better. But so far in November, if anything this trend at my hospital is getting worse. I have admitted just in the past week 2 young people with acute DKA to the ICU. That is the 4th and 5th DKA/new onset Type I DM I have admitted since July. For comparison – there were zero in the whole year of 2020 – and 1 in 2019.

I would not use the word undoubtedly to make hypothesis from these data. I would however use the word concerning.

I would like everyone to realize – it is exactly this same kind of population data that put the nail in the coffin of VIOXX. It became overwhelmingly obvious when looking at broad state or region or nation wide trends that the incidence of CAD and CVA had markedly gone up the years it was on the market and the correlation with VIOXX was tight.

That of course was back in the day when we had an actually half way functional FDA. The way they have treated myself and many many colleagues I know who have tried to report problems this year unfortunately means we may never know what is going on.

Way too early to know if this is the case here. I am just telling you it is just as equally unsound to blow it off as it is to hype it. We have no idea what the long-term effects of these vaccines are – and we all should be paying attention. Side effect monitoring used to be a critical thing that primary care docs did. I have noted with concern this year that function somehow seems to have been lost in the “perfectly safe and perfectly effective” mantra we have embraced with these vaccines. We need to wait until much more data is available. I pray that the data is being handled with care.


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This from a doc I follow on linkedin (yes, there are such unicorns on there, still not silenced):

"I am seeing after 2 Dose vaccine, Metabolic Disorder - High Cholesterol, High Tryglycerides, low or high TSH, high fasting blood sugar, high to very high HbA1c levels, plus high Lymphocytes and high Monocytes .. usually 60-90 days after the 2nd jab... and in some 60-90 days after the 1st jab."

Then also this of course https://www.thecardiologyadvisor.com/home/topics/acs/acute-coronary-syndrome-acs-biomarkers-mrna-covid19-vaccine/

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Steve Kirsch first alerted me to the diabetes problems, https://stevekirsch.substack.com/p/my-insulin-requirements-skyrocketed

Even in 2020, diabetic deaths were up significantly, could be from covid infections and associated spike exposure. https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jama/fullarticle/2778234

It looks like spike (especially the vaccines) can kill off part of the pancreas.

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NakedCapitalism's IM Doc has been a beacon since this darkness descended. His track record up til now has been amazing.

Ignore his insights at your own peril.

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Nice comment. But scary. That’s my concern: unproven long term affects.

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It is scary. We have no idea what the next 5 years will reveal in terms of all-cause death rate.

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Yeah, my step- son, a firefighter, robust and fit in his mid-thirties, forced to take the shot, and became really sick and now is considering retiring. Even though he was forced to take the shot, he feels ashamed of himself for doing so.

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human nature....once your taken advantage of (sexual assault, elderly getting duped on the phone for credit theft) you blame yourself and shame sets in where you keep questioning whether you did anything to cause it. If you don't admit to yourself that you GOT F'CKD OVER and tell someone else, you can be doomed to repeat it all over again. It's what happened to Eve in the garden, she got duped and what did she do?...she hid in shame. Plus she blamed in order to deflect responsibility, another stupid thing that keeps you perpetually victimized.

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Yeah totally - and one of the reason most of those who are jabbed will keep playing the violin while the water laps at their ankles. Admitting you were duped into an invasion of your body, this triggers some primal lizard-brain shit.

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I thought it was Adam who was ashamed. Eve told A. how groovy it was to be sentient and somehow got him to eat it. I may be mistaken, but I got the impression Eve was enthusiastic about self-improvement. (Does this dress make me look fat? She should have eaten more of the apple.)

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LOL, they both fell for it, I'm not choosing sides, as it is written she made the first move.

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Eve was the one who wanted the knowledge of good and evil. She overstepped. What was Adam off doing while Eve was having fun with the snake? Letting Eve do the thinking for both of them. Then it was all her fault when he got called to account.

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Nov 21, 2021
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What I really don't forget is that women are forever prone to the sin of Eve, and men to the sin of Adam, and that if there is no salvation in Christ then we are truly sunk.

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The term needle-rape fits here doesn’t it?

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100% appropriate, it's an assault not only on the psyche through all of the mental abuse from the Agenda Megaphone (toward both the V'd and UN V'd), it's physical assault. All abuse including subtle comments is satanic. We either encourage(seek the good for others) God. ... or discourage(create doubt, confusion, chaos, unrest, shame, try to control) Satan

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Ask him about gangstalking targeted individuals.

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Same phenomena, same solution. Trust God.

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15 years young. Rest In Peace Cheyenne.


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i live in barcelona. he is vaccinated. 99,9% of barça's players are. that number includes younger divisions and also other sports aside from soccer - https://www.sport.es/es/noticias/barca/barca-vacunado-99-9-deportistas-12070462

the country's biggest automaker is in the area: seat. they employ a lot of people and have just designated an area in the lunchroom for unvaccinated employees: https://www.elmundo.es/cataluna/2021/11/19/6197e89ee4d4d898748b45a7.html

90% of the population of spain is vaccinated (completely voluntary), yet many local governements are trying to impose covid passports and there's talk of mandating the vaccine as well. we're starting with boosters now.

catalonia's data, the autonomous community Barcelona belongs to, from oct 13 to nov 12 is as follows:


-65 unvaxxed

-85 vaxxed (2 doses)


-9 unvaxxed

-47 vaxxed (2 doses)

not sure any of this can be stopped. in the netherlands, the police fired with real fire today injuring two demonstrators. austria has announced fines and incarceration against those who still refuse to vaccinate by february of next year. even sweeden has decided to implement covid passes despite of what they announced a few weeks ago. it all feels way too orchestrated for things to change course *sigh*

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I have a strong sense that the only way this can ever be stopped is for very large numbers of people to be forced to 'retire' due to heart problems and such. For numbers to get so large to be impossible to ignore any longer.

But by then it will be too late, as most of us will be force vaccinated and incarcerated, at least here in Europe :(

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Just a few of those stricken by the Wuflu injections (list compiled by UCLA prof):

33 year old pro dancer Santo Giuliano suffers heart attack 5 days after vaccine

32 year old Olympic Tennis player Joachim Gerard collapses during match with heart problems

19 year old Football player Jalen Leavey dies at campus after the game

23 year old Baseball player Daniel Brito suffers stroke during game

19 year old Football player Tirrell Williams dies following on-field collapse

21 year old Football player Okafor Kelechi dies during training

29 year old Football player Lee Moses dies during training session

15 year old Footballer Stephen Sylvester collapsed and dies during conditioning practice

18 year old Football player Emmanual Antwi dies after collapsing on the field

13 year old Football player Cajetan Chinoyelum Nsofor dies during practice

15 year old Soccer player Moira Claire Arney died during practiceJunior High School Baseball Pitcher Andrew Roseman died suddenly and unexpectedly, no further information given

17 year old Footballer Nickolas Lawrinas died suddenly and unexpectedly, cause given by media, unclear

17 year old Footballer Miquel Lugo collapsed and died during practice

16 year old Football player Devon DuHart mysteriously died in July 2021

16 year old Footballer Ivan Hicks dies of Cardiovascular Disease during Scrimmage

19 year old Footballer Joe Bradshaw dies mysteriously off campus, not conclusion of death

16 year old Football player Drake Geiger collapses and dies during game

15 year old Football player Joshua Ivory collapses and dies during game

19 year old Football player Quandarius Wilburn collapses during practice and later dies

17 year old Football player Dimitri McKee passes out and dies after practice

28 year old Rugby play Tevita Bryce collapses during game from heart attack

29 year old Rugby player Dave Hyde collapses and dies after match

27 year old Baseball player Yusuke Kinoshita collapses and dies during practice

32 year old Champion Speed Skater Kjeld Nuis suffered Pericarditis after the vaccine

24 year old Olympic Cyclist Olivia Podmore dies suddenly and mysteriously in her room and during that week another athlete sprinter Cameron Burell also dies mysteriously

23 year old China Olympics Champion Gilbert Kwemoi collapsed in his home and died on the way to hospital

37-year-old former French professional footballer Franck Berrier dead

Germany goalkeeping coach of SV Niederpöring suffers heart attack

24 years Bordeaux pro Samuel Kalu suffers cardiac arrest

25 years old Belgian soccer player Jente Van Genechten suffers cardiac arrest

31 years old Fabrice N'Sakala Besiktas Istanbul collapses on the field

29 years old Pedro Obiang Italian first division after vaccination has myocarditis

30 year old Venezuelan National Marathon Champion Alexaida Guedez dead

29 years old José dos Reis (Luxembourg) collapses on the field and has to be resuscitated

Germany C-League Dillenburg a player from Hirzenhain collapses, the game is canceled

16 years old Diego Ferchaud from ASPTT Caen suffers a cardiac arrest

Austria player of ASV Baden collapses on the field and has to be revived

16-year-old unnamed football player in Bergamo suffers cardiac arrest

27 years old Belgian amateur soccer player Jens De Smet dead

13-year-old soccer player from the Janus Nova club collapses on the field with cardiac arrest

17 year old soccer player Dylan Rich dies of a double heart attack during a game

Player from Birati Club Münster suffers cardiac arrest

24 years old Lucas Surek from BFC Chemie Leipzig suffers from myocarditis

49 years old Ain / France: Frédéric Lartillot succumbs to a heart attack in locker room

45 years old Andrea Astolfi, sporting director of Calcio Orsago dead with no previous illness

22 years old Abou Ali collapses with cardiac arrest during a two-tier game in Denmark

19 years old ice hockey player Sebastiaan Bos dead. Passed away suddenly and unexpectedly

40 years old A half marathon runner collapsed during the race and died a little later

And there are thousands upon thousands of others. Their blood is on Fauxi's hands.

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Curious Man, THANKS for the info! Can you provide a link to the source for this?

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What is astounding is the AGES of these people you listed.

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Nov 20, 2021
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When has there ever been young people dying of heart attacks like this? Never. Why isn’t everyone asking questions? Why didn’t the parents demand an autopsy? Every parent needs do that. There are just too many of them now for it to be called rare.

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Is there any theory as to why there seems to be so many EU soccer players getting sidelined or dying (presumably from vax) compared to US athletes in NBA,NHL,NFL? All 3 are currently competing and I’ve only heard of a small number of cases. Maybe we’re just not being told?

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Some of reasons for soccer being listed below are true. But I think you might consider that America still has a fairly free flow of information, despite big techs best efforts, and that many Americans athletes simply didn’t get the shot. Aaron Rodgers famously passed on the vax. There’s word that another famous football player used a fake card. In fact, the way these doctors can be bought by famous athletes I wouldn’t be surprised if a very large percentage of the “vaxxed” had their personal doctor fill out the card sans the jab.

Just a theory.

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Yeah, I bet a lot of those dudes just paid off their doctor to say they were vaccinated. Like, 300K is nothing to them.

That's why Kyrie Irving is such a hero. He's been honest from the start and is putting his career at risk because of it. I wish Alex would do a piece on him and his message. He is a strong, principled man. Much respect.

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LIS, that's harder to pull off in "Zion".

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Great ploy. Hard to pull off in "Zion".

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Great theory!

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Rkck - my theory is that soccer players are particularly susceptible because of the intensity to which they push their heart muscle ordinarily. The tiniest damage from the vax pushes then over the edge.

They are like racehorses - their hearts can give out during extreme effort.

Also they have lower body fat than most other athletes and I think the body fat helps sequester spike (just an idea) from other organs.

Last - I DO think we are seeing effects in USA, but even more hidden here.

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Basketball players are pushing their hearts a lot too, running up and down the court. Same with lower body fat.

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My thinking is that the US is behind the EU in getting the shots. In a bit more time, we will see more here. However, let's see if we see it anywhere in media. Counting on folks like Alex B to keep us informed on this!!

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Yes, this would be important to help highlight the issue. A webpage which keeps a running tally of all elite athletes reported to have had cardiac events, together with whether they have made their vaccination status public, what vaccine (if known), and how soon afterwards it occurred. I mean, what else is it going to take to shake people out of this fear-induced, zombie stupor? Before they compound this with further forced injections on younger and younger kids.

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This is my thought also.

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Does the EU get more "bad lots"?

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That's a great question! I don't know. The EU started the jabs much earlier then we in the US including athletes. That is why I think they are having more problems now and the US will in the coming months. This is only my opinion. I would love to be wrong on all of this!! PS read and look for Alex's info on the UK and Israel. They started jabs before the US and the info from there is ugly.

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soccer is longer distance running for 90 mins. Bball and football is short bursts of speed and more breaks. Plus soccer is a world sport with more leagues.

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The AstraZeneca shot might be your answer

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But Pfizer is used in Europe also. I suspect though that AZ vax may be contributing.

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Anyone see the info from the great Eric Clapton? He got AZ and it was ugly! I thought EU stopped the AZ because of side effects.

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A great question!

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Can't wait for some of these athletes to get really MAD and start speaking loudly.

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That would be nice but I’m sure they were offered compensation for their silence.

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Aaron Rodgers (QB of Green Bay) did and was laughed at and heavily criticized!

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Yes. But he will laugh last.

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I KNOW this is merely anecdotal, however, talked to a man locally this morning who is attending his 3rd funeral in less than 2 mos of friends of his, all men 51 years old and up. They all died "unexpectedly". Recent 61 year old friend was in good health, according to him. Found dead in bed last week. All 3 had one thing in common. You guessed it, they were all recently vaccinated.

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I've become acutely aware of the wording in obituaries lately: Died suddenly, died unexpectedly. A lot of the decedents were shockingly young....20s, 30s, 40s in many cases. I haven't seen anything like this before.

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Nov 21, 2021
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Honestly, it wouldn't surprise me at this point!

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When the Genocide in Germany started, many could not fathom the Evil involved, they looked for all kind of explanations, oh it's a work camp, its re-educatio , its communiusts....etc...

I can see based on VAERS, People I know Dropping Dead of Heart Problems, Countless Autoimmune conditions, Cancers, Stories like this one from All Over World and EVERY Country and Background that the Gene Based "Vaccines" are a GENOCIDE OF THE HUMAN RACE and not a specific group. Many Find This shocking.....It must be just a bad drug with bad side effects.....NO IT IS NOT. IT IS DELUSIONAL to believe this is NOT DELIBERATE.

GO AHEAD....say I am crazy....etc.....that was they said about people who sounded alarm on the "Work" camps in 1930s of the Genocides in Germany.....keep being delusional! Methods and reasons and technologies is different but end Result is same. Death.

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The concept of Evil is one which seems to have been forgotten. Run in conflict with the idea that people are basically good and getting better. When one suggests that there are evil people who want to cause death my well educated colleagues look at me like I'm crazy. I remind them of Mao, Stalin, Lenin, Hitler, (I could go back before the 20th century) etc and ask why they think such evil would suddenly cease to exist in the 21st century.

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If Alex Berenson and countless Doctors and Statisticians see the OBVIOUS DEATH from the "Vaccines".....then you can 100% Certain the Distributors, Promoters, and Enforcers (Government) of getting the "Vaccines" ALSO KNOW...they are SMART, HAVE 100x More Data and Choose to continue this.....This is EVIL.

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At least in your examples there were guys at the top with names. All we have are 2nd/3rd tier enforcers.

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You are right, cheap 3rd stringers! Wait till we see real evil.

Fauci may go down in history....he is a double hitter with hurting people when he denied simple, old treatments for AIDs in his quest for an HIV vaccine.

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No. Fauci knows to much. He will be rewarded in Epstein fashion! ... wait and see.

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I'd seriously cheer if he was killed

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Quote Voltaire

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Could the fact that the non-gene therapy Novavax shot keeps getting "delayed" be an intentional effort to force more mrna/DNA shots into the western world - since we have no other option?

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The issue is this virus or Whatever it is (maybe bioweapon) creates inflammatory response with any part of virus. That and the fact that it changes (Mutates) see at @Geert Vanden Bossche makes ANY TYPE of Vaccine Dubious. The best way to Eradicate it is Natural Supplementation of our immune system until so much Natural Immunity happens to end it. That is what I concluded reading various scientific Research on it.

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Worse for RNA viruses (mutate much more). If any vaccines for them truly sterilize (the infectivity, not the recipient's reproductivity), please let me know.

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But the GENE BASED Vaccines are NOT Vaccines but Deadly Gene Therapy!!

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you are not crazy. I think you are completely correct.

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Totally safe. Totally effective. Effective that is at maiming and killing. It is going to be a brutal winter. How much longer until the real truth emerges and the normies wake up?

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From the NEW YORK TIMES, published 1976: ‘Swine flu program is halted in nine states as 3 die after shots.’ THREE.

Today? How many have died from this vaxx? Gov’t Response? MANDATE IT!! 🤦🏻‍♀️

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Neither the FDA or CDC have '"admitted" any deaths from Covid Shot, Have they?

45 years ago there was at least an attempt to get it right before Medicine for PROFIT took over in the 1980s. Then they became shills for Big Pharma!

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The media in the 70s was also a bit more pure. Journalist went after the government, they wanted to find out the truth, they wanted to make the world a better place (and also, get famous doing it).Now it's like they're lazy ... or scared. They just get the press release from the government/corporate powers that be and rewrite it. That's why so many stories from different publications around the world sound exactly the same.

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Like viruses themselves, the political class/elites mutate into ever increasing virulence.

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Unfortunately, we are going to see much more of this. Just wait until some well known American athlete ends up with cardiac issues that shorten their career-or they die due to an "unknown" heart ailment or an aneurysm.... Going to happen soon. Sad!!

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My husband and I are 83 and will not get the shot. I am a RN. I BELIEVE IN Vaccines. This is absolutely crazy its either de-population, profit making or a take over by control. God bless us!

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If you're single please take into account someone's liberal views. Don't anchor yourself with someone who believes in forced vaccinations and gun confiscations. You're going to regret it down the road, believe me.

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Married couples with kids where one parent is awake to what's happening and the other is a branch covidian - pure nightmare fuel.

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Aguero was on board with the vax. Wonder what's he feeling now?

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Are any of these guys really on board? I don't think so. They're fed a bunch of misinformation and given cash to promote it. Aguero promoted the shot, but at least he believed the lies enough that he took it. The real villains are the people that promote it but know enough not to take it themselves or give it to their kids (Newsom?).

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Now Newsom knows not to take it

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What's the update about Newsom? Did he have a vaccine injury?

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Apparently, not so good. I hope that contract he signed was guaranteed, because he won't be getting anything from the drug companies.

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The Covid blog is full of stories about people who shamed people who wouldn’t get the jab & then God’s sense of humor came along

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kindof like the garden of eden 2.0....go on Eve, it's really better than you think, "did God really say not to" you know, fauxi and brandon really know what is best for you, they promised just like I do to people, I guarantee that you'll be wildly happier and can get on living life if you do what I tell you" Once you take the bait!...Satan will mock, shame and drop you like a one night stand. Same with the VAX Zealots, use you like they do the children for propaganda campaigns to lure other children into the ice cream van. It's disgusting but TRUE what we see going on.

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Denial of a cause and effect. Safe and Effective will trump for while. But then the nagging doubts set in and an article or another anecdotal will find its way to him and the house of cards will start to fall.

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Like a dumb jock …. Maybe?

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Many athletes are very intelligent. For the ones that took the shot, same mistake as most people that took the shot - too trusting of broken and corrupt public health institutions.

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Yes there are dumb jocks just like there are dumb politicians

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Does anybody know if these heart issues happen more right after vaxx/booster or could vaxx have been given months ago? Worried about my young adult kids who got the vaxx, so mad at them.

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My son just told me he got his 2 weeks ago… because his place of employment told him he had to. I was devastated when he told me because I’ve been talking to them all along. His wife took it back in June she is in PT school and wasn’t going to get to do specific clinicals next year if she didn’t have it.

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I cried for weeks and then realized that all they wanted was FREEDOM. And getting the shot promised them that and so how can I be mad forever. We all yearn for freedom. But right now I am trying to figure out how to get that vaxx out of their system --- at least try and do something. Dr Grouf on twitter has posted some recommendations and also a local CRNP suggested Ivermectin. Ideas welcome.

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My Nurse Wretched sister invited me to Thanksgiving dinner, then the very next day said "vaccination" is free, required, and takes two weeks to take effect. This was 9 days ago. I presume just the first shot would have satisfied her. I offered to get an orange "vaccinated" and bring it. She said "That's silly." I'll never again eat food she's prepared or handled. Probably have arsenic. If she bring or send any leftovers, I'll offer them to the feral cats, skunks, raccoons, and magpies (and out of reach of the dogs. I'd spare the wild critters if I considered poisoning certain, perhaps leave for the rats at the park). She may feign ignorance and believe I act on "conspiracy theories", but people knowingly choose their information silos.

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Dr McCullough has sited studies that it takes 15 months to get the spike protein out of your system from covid or vax. Potentially less for young healthy people.

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Thanks, I have watched stuff from Dr McCullough but didn't see this, I will look further! It's hard to imagine worrying for their entire lives, I'm glad that Dr M is saying there is at least an end. I pray he is right!

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if it doesn't kill you first...

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This is from Dr. Mercola: "For those suffering from these shot-induced syndromes, FLCCC’s I-RECOVER20 protocol for long-haul COVID syndrome has been used to treat shot-induced symptoms with similar success. The protocol can be downloaded in full,21 giving you step-by-step instructions on how to treat long-haul COVID syndrome and/or reactions from COVID-19 injections."

Link to FLCCC Alliance. You can search to find treatment protocols.


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I love the FLCCC --- my husband and I are following their vitamin protocol plus have everything here at the house for when we test positive. And yes I have seen the long haul covid recommendations --- but I never saw a discussion about being proactive when there are no reactions to the vaxx. I don't want to just "hope" there are no reactions, but do something to lessen their chances. I will find Dr Mercola and dig in deeper! Thank you!

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I-MASK+ has Prophylaxis Protocol which is recommended before getting sick. I think this would apply to someone vaxxed and not sick. You will need to check. I wrote it on paper so I would have it and not need to search later. It includes Ivermectin, Vit.D3, Vit.C, Quercetin, Melatonin, Zinc. All these are also included in the treatment for if you do get Covid.

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The young people I've seen with myocarditis have had it express relatively quickly, first week or two post vaxx.

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Thank you, this is reassuring. I know it's still in there potentially messing with their immune system, but this does help.

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I've read about immediate issues but then also issues presenting up to a few months after the shots. The longer out it gets, seems to be better. But then they are required to get a booster, so back to square one :( I too am watching and praying for my youngsters.

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What we have here is a pandemic of coincidences....

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5 top soccer players have collapsed from cardiac problems on the pitch since 2000. 3 have occurred since the vax was released in 2021. A six month period. The Poisson distribution gives a .03% chance of this happening.

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Someone should sue him for spreading misinformation and destroying our young people. I have ZERO tolerance for people who do this to our future generation. I'm now ANGRY at these people.

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just NOW? and they are really just little pawns compared to Fxi, gates, big pharma, etc.

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The regime had this guy do a PSA for kids 12 and up to get vaxxed

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Guess he's gotta do another one...for what happens when you get the Jab.

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Could you imagine? Announce his retirement, and explain that he's still happy he got vaxxed since covid would have been worse.

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Fun fact: Covid would have been BETTER, since he'd never need a jab. I'm approaching 9 months post infection, and I live in former "hotspot" Florida. I've been to large events and concerts, been to NJ as well, and not a whiff of reinfection. T-cell active immunity is REALLY safe and effective!

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Without a doubt. He's most likely in the category of people that could have recovered without even realizing they had it - athletic and extremely social (probably had some natural cross immunity). Claiming covid would have been worse than these vax injuries is pure cope.

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like luring them to an ice cream van, pedophiles. astonishingly the same mentality behind it all.

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Elimination of the control group is absolutely the motivation behind this. If they can reduce the unvaxxed to a tiny fraction, they can always say our superior health and longevity are due to something besides our lack of vaccination (we're all "health nuts", or we all live low-stress lives, or whatever excuse they'll make up). This is what they do now with the Amish vs. the rest of America's children. The Amish children's lower rates of autism, behavior disorders, obesity, violence, allergies, autoimmune disease, etc. cannot be proven or disproven to be linked to lack of vaccination, because the group is too small and too "different."

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Wow! They are afraid of what they will discover. Hypocrites.

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I remember all sorts of useful/useless information. It’s that polymath thing. Athletes are suffering more because of higher testosterone. It never even crossed my mind until a reader emailed me with the question:

“Thanks Joyce. . Do you have any thoughts why it's mostly a high number of young men dying from vaxx, most of athletes to die suddenly have been young men x

Shit yes—I do know. High testosterone and they are completely aware that this happens. I didn't connect the dots until you asked the question.

I do know the answer and so do they. They had suggested aborting high testosterone babies in a study a very long time ago, because they were most likely to suffer vaccine-injury. I don't have the study handy.”

I do have an article which showcases an MD/PhD who discussed the testosterone problem in a video. I’m trying to find that video.

What Causes Gender Dysphoria? [A Closer Look-see] [first posted 7/30/2020]


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I heard on the radio yesterday the local news that a 24-year-old South Carolina baseball player was found dead. No cause was yet known and while it's true we don't know if it's related to the "vaccine", after hearing of so many of the young and healthy dying so suddenly, one cant help but wonder. And here the left is still pressing to inject this stuff in 5-11 year-olds!

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In Spain they are saying that this huge amount of cardiac issues is due to the pollution. Next step: global warming. People believe it and here we are…

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And the pollution just got worse these last 18 months. Yeah, right.

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People buy it…

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Exactly! Front page here in SC “bragging” about the 5-11 year olds getting jabbed. So sad. I’m sure we won’t hear about the young man unless they can pin a Co-Vid button on his gravestone.

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I'm just across the border in NC and while we have an excuse in out Dem governor, I don't understand SC's McMaster ignoring what's going on across his southern border.

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I hope he survives the vaccine injury and can go on to live a long and relatively healthy life.

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I am sadly waiting for the suicides of these younger people that are told their hearts are shot.

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Or their sad deaths within five years or less due to the scarred tissue in their hearts that can no longer pump blood effectively. It's a true tragedy!

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the VAX INJURED are already highly suicidal, the under 30.

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Its almost as if the shot targets our most in-shape, military-age men. Hey, so, I was just wondering - who benefits most if the military-aged men of the West are no longer is able to function - six boosters from now?

Thank heaven that President Grandpa's handlers have mandated that the entire US fighting force receive this shot.

10 held by H for the Big Guy!

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Can the militia be reorganized from the ousted and the refuseniks? Otherwise, better hope the CCP keep you on as a hired hand (Uighur/Falon Gong slave) for their Lebensraum.

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This is an example of the reason I'm convinced that in the States, the elite athletes from Div 1 sports and up (NFL, MLB, etc), plus the high profile celebs and politicians have, for the vast majority, been given saline. That subset of our population is too large for there not to have been far more serious adverse reactions.

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Seriously...how many of these do we have to see -- especially in young, vital, world class athletes before people wake up? It's like that SNL skit in the '80s or '90s with Tom Hanks, The Gross Out Family. First the milk's bad, but everyone at the table has to try it. Yep, it's bad. Then, the flounder and so on. We are the Global Gross Out Family. Great distinction.

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Between the "weed is causing young heart attacks" and "too many eggs and bacon over the lockdown is causing heart attacks" the cult of covid will never give up on their holy sacrament of the jab. It will also be something else that caused it.

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Or, my personal favorite, public buses in England with, "Young children have strokes, too. Know the signs." Alex, I'll take "Normalizing Atrocity for $500."

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It's on the sides of busses now.

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WHOSAIDWHAT " Normalizing Atrocity for $500." You gave me a much needed laugh!

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Gag, or did the "authorities" paste it there?

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Don’t forget climate change...

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Weed does. Perhaps not directly, but it contributes to psychosis, and the smoke is more mutagenic than tobacco smoke.

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Everyday another cardiac fatality and high profile people...just wondering what is happening to the rest of the vaccinated.

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Thank God my husband never went back for a booster. He got vaxed in March as he was 60 and it was recommended. Today, after having seen what we've all seen, he would NEVER have done it!

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55 and counting ?

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I am furious at my (former) best friend who in a conversation today with my 33 year old son (her godson, who is not vaccinated by choice), tried to persuade him to take the jab. After he told me about it, I read her the riot act. I also sent the Alex article about deaths in the UK (in the vaccinated versus unvaccinated).

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Now her devilson?

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To her, apparently. That was very clever.

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He was pushing it for kids. On his twitter in mid September he showed and add where he was telling kids to get it. He also used that satanic hand gesture a lot. I think he was mostly just dumb. People should warn their kids, that though they may admire the athletic ability and talent of someone, it doesn't mean they are wise in other areas of their life.

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Award him an endless supply of free booster shots.

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This is just so sad. This world is so perverted. Men are women! Fat is healthy! Yonng healthy people so that old sick fatties and maybe eek out another year!

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idk what happened here sorry I am on my second coffee today. Anyway A.Ber have you read the Real Anthony Fauci? It's nuts

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Besides this excellent substack, is there a website anyone is aware of actively tracking these high profile cases? It is hard to convince friends + family who are duped by MSM narrative, but I think these high profile cases in which exceptionally healthy young people are “retiring” is very jarring. We need to keep winning people over to the truth if the globalists are to be defeated.

Let’s go Brandon!

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check steve kirsch's substack. he has a running post with all the sports deaths and 'collapsed on field' stories.

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Suggest they reset their information silos. (Turn radio off from top of hour until 5 minutes later.) And please leave Brandon Brown and NASCAR alone.

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Alex, there are dozens of pro football players dead or permanently sidelined. https://thegoodcitizen.substack.com/p/elite-athletes-are-dropping-like

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"But just shut up you unvaxxed, unclean degenerates and stay in your homes" says the Austrian government!

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Here's five full minutes of athletes suffering heart attacks, cardiac arrest, and other heart issues during 2021. Some keeling over right on the field or the pitch. Triathletes, rugby players, footballers, basketball players, hockey players. What is different this year? Hmmm


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Ten bucks that as we speak, the CDC and NIH are trying to come up with something called MSDS. What is MSDS, you ask? Mysterious Sudden Death Syndrome, of course!

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They already have something on file called SADS

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Was that a reminder to buy more St. John's wort, to take AFTER turtle lamp use?

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I don't understand your comment. SADS is Sudden Adult Death Syndrome and it was an acronym even before covid

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SADS wasn't my comment, but rätselhafte Herzerkrankungen. (Enigmatic or puzzling heart diseases) From another comment; https://www-berliner--zeitung-de.translate.goog/news/raetselhafte-herzerkrankungen-im-fussball-li.193554?_x_tr_sl=de&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=ja&_x_tr_pto=nui

Turtle (sun) lamps are for vitamin D; not for seasonal affective disorder. Point being, hypericin photosensitizes, so ought not be present when exposed to lots of UV-B (nor UV-A).

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Should've figured!

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Please find another term. Already taken for Material Safety Data Sheet.

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We could have some fun with this. I’m sure the permutations are endless.

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This gets me thinking to SIDS. I wonder when that started? I know it was happening in the late 1950's. And is it still as prevalent as it once was? As a young mother in the 1970's I remember fearing it.

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We adopted a baby. The hospital had already given him a Hep-B shot the day he was born, then preceded to give him cow's milk formula. He developed a milk allergy (since outgrown), and nearly died of SIDS several times. He got soy, etc. formula thereafter. Were inoculations given newborns in the late 1950s? Just wait until they get COVID jabs! (Who needs SIDS when you can die of myocarditis?)

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And there will be a drug for that ...guaranteed. Like Aspirin, oops, did i just give away their profits. Sorry.

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How many athletes are being directed to stay silent about themselves or their peers? Or how much is media suppression?

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Average Age of death with/from Covid-19 is 80+ years.

The vaccines have been proven NOT to stop one catching/transmitting the virus.

Ergo: Only those who risk death should gamble with taking the vaccine. (Still being administered under politically motivated emergency licensing, prior to completing full clinical trials)

Healthy younger people are playing a dangerous game of Russian roulette by accepting the vaccine for an endemic illness which they have 99.8% chance of surviving.

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This is what happens when you have a political guy instead of a true medical expert for more than 40 years in charge.

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Fauci hack goes way back in barbaric bureaucratic bungling. Way back to AIDS, when he was in charge, or near the top of the bureaucrat pyramid. Read what Kary Mullis had to say about F back then. It is brutal and called F a useless hack. It is on the internet. Mullis invented the PCR test


Kary Mullis - Wikipedia


Kary Banks Mullis (December 28, 1944 – August 7, 2019) was an American biochemist. In recognition of his role in the invention of the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) technique,

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Dr. Scott Atlas said he doubts Fauci has treated a patient for 30 or 40 years. He characterized him as a long time entrenched bureaucrat posing as a doctor.

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From the horse's mouth... "The risk of developing acute coronary syndrome (ACS) significantly increased in patients after receiving mRNA COVID-19 vaccines, according to a report presented at the American Heart Association (AHA) Scientific Sessions 2021, held from November 13 to 15, 2021...."


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Wow... :-(

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This looks like something Alex might want to read

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This guy has 14.5 million followers on Twitter. One of the biggest sports stars in the world.

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The injuries keep accumulating and everyone keeps turning a blind eye.

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I have to say I'm somewhat torn. I've only *heard* of two people in my expanded social circle (which like all people, is tens of thousands of people once you're at even 2 degrees of separation) who have died of covid. One was a friend of a friend, and the other was a sibling of my mother's choir director. Otherwise, nada. However by the same token I've yet to hear of *anyone* complaining of vaccine injuries / side effects, despite probably 90% of the people I know being vaccinated. It seems like we tend to exaggerate in both directions, depending on our stance. I have no doubt that the vaccines maim and kill many people, just as I have no doubt covid has killed many people. But in both cases the numbers are *relatively* low to the point where it's questionable whether a normal, healthy person should be all that concerned either way. Will the vaccines result in some horrible outcome 5 years from now? Maybe. But frankly if I'm trying to be as rational as I can it seems pretty unlikely. I'm still vehemently anti-mandate, of course. To me that's the *real* evil here, rather than the vaccines themselves (about which I freely admit I could be wrong. They might yet depopulate the planet).

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Agreed. I said from the beginning of this thing: if covid is as bad as the media says I’ll know lots of people who got very sick, quite a few hospitalized and a few dead. I knew four people who got sick. One very mild, one moderate and two hospitalized one for observation bc doctors thought they’d get pneumonia (they didn’t), the other for a panic attack.

No deaths.

Coronavirus has been way overblown.

As for vaccines, half the people I know in my daily life got violently ill with the second shot. The other half only mildly ill. I know one confirmed death — friend of a friend with a blood clot after jj.

So ... in my experience it’s a wash. Neither is that deadly. But why in the hell tale my chances with the vaccine when Covid risk is so low?

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I can’t see how your description of your experiences equals a wash. You know four people that got sick with Covid with minimal issues. 100% of the people in your “daily life” either got violently ill, or mildly ill, from the vax. And a blood clot death, once removed. If that’s a wash to you, you need a new machine…

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Very true. I guess I’m in such a blue state it’s becoming difficult to see what’s right there. Which is why we’re in here! Thanks

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So all that being said, here is why I’m a lot more suspicious of the vaccines despite not knowing a lot of people who have died or been permanently injured:

1. Covid isn’t that deadly. The messaging should have been: this affects the old and ill. If you’re healthy go about your lives. If you’re vulnerable here’s what to do.

Instead we got:

Everyone is equally at danger and all must isolate indefinitely.

2. After the vaccines were available the messaging about that should have followed:

If you’re vulnerable take one please. If you’re healthy you don’t have to.

Instead we got: everyone must vax or you will be cast from society amd labeled a pariah.

Why? Why the lies? Why the threats? Why the guilt and shame and fear mongering? Something is going on don’t you think?

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Steve, is it rationally likely that influenza deaths all but disappeared in 2020 while Covid killed 600K in the US? Is it rationally likely that VAERS has seen more reports regarding this “vaccine” in 10 months than all others combined over the past 30 years?

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Once they kill everyone off, who will entertain them? Serve them? This is unbelievable!! SMH

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They have thousands of slaves underground. Mostly children sadly.

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The unvexed illegals

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