I am furious at my (former) best friend who in a conversation today with my 33 year old son (her godson, who is not vaccinated by choice), tried to persuade him to take the jab. After he told me about it, I read her the riot act. I also sent the Alex article about deaths in the UK (in the vaccinated versus unvaccinated).
I am furious at my (former) best friend who in a conversation today with my 33 year old son (her godson, who is not vaccinated by choice), tried to persuade him to take the jab. After he told me about it, I read her the riot act. I also sent the Alex article about deaths in the UK (in the vaccinated versus unvaccinated).
I am furious at my (former) best friend who in a conversation today with my 33 year old son (her godson, who is not vaccinated by choice), tried to persuade him to take the jab. After he told me about it, I read her the riot act. I also sent the Alex article about deaths in the UK (in the vaccinated versus unvaccinated).
Now her devilson?
To her, apparently. That was very clever.