Even today I can turn on almost any radio station and within 15 minutes some guy will tell you about an oil guaranteed to make you feel better in a few days. I laugh every time I here some CBD junkie say that. That's what Crack users say also.
Here's an idea, eat good food, exercise, and go outside. Let your kids have a dog, play in the…
Even today I can turn on almost any radio station and within 15 minutes some guy will tell you about an oil guaranteed to make you feel better in a few days. I laugh every time I here some CBD junkie say that. That's what Crack users say also.
Here's an idea, eat good food, exercise, and go outside. Let your kids have a dog, play in the dirt and have sleep overs.
Even today I can turn on almost any radio station and within 15 minutes some guy will tell you about an oil guaranteed to make you feel better in a few days. I laugh every time I here some CBD junkie say that. That's what Crack users say also.
Here's an idea, eat good food, exercise, and go outside. Let your kids have a dog, play in the dirt and have sleep overs.
Stop listening to the GOD DAMN PUSHER MAN!