"His return to the White House would be a disaster."

Apart from COVID policies, which Biden put on steroids, do you consider Trumps first term a "disaster"? Most of the things the Left accused him of were completely false or exaggerated.

I know a lot of people find his style offensive. I find him kind of funny, to be honest. He wouldn't be my first choice, but a "disaster"? I don't see it.

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Alex you say he would be a disaster and we already know why you say that. I really don’t know why you say that. Other than his presentation style and how he screwed up the Covid response with poor administrative and monetary decisions, I would like you to give a write about why he is so bad for America. He does not want wars, he wants the economy richer, he wants american jobs, he wants a border wall, he wants valuable immigrants coming into the country, he wants to stop the drug cartels from pushing drugs across the border, he was working with Tim Ballad on child trafficking before he lost the last election. Again tell us what you disagree with, not how he says it.

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I agree that he is strong as far as policy goes. But I do not feel he is good for the Country. He is extremely immature- petulant and bratty -like a kid born with a silver spoon in his mouth and was coddled most of the way to his success. He is 100 percent responsible for this BS vaccine, a total bullish rushed, faulty , and dangerous shot- that he probably is getting richer off of by the second, knowing him. And what that shows about him is a bad leader-that he just defers to others instead of having the brains and insight to actually make calculated and smart long term decisions. He reacts too quickly and most of the time without his own knowledge but by the knowledge of others. He makes really stupid decisions at "warp speed" and then ends up regretting them- as with all the " firings". Thats just a telltale sign of bad decision making. And don't even get me started on the riots... He is dangerously unwise - he killed million of innocent people with his BS warp speed dangerous and untested vaccine ( he also supported mandates) and if that says anything it says jhe is not what this Country needs.

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He was under threat of another impeachment. He was told by Many Advisors that Fauci had to be followed or the economy would never reopen. The 11Bil fund was approved by Congress. To have raised doubt about the jab games would have caused the fake and dead MSM to call for someone to shoot him dead. That is the facts. Trump was surrounded by RINO SCUM from the day he took the oath. Fact is his toughness is SOP for real men trying to find a kink or two in the DC wall. Look back at the speeches to the UN and the WEF alone. This child luster types were vowing he would never win again. They spend at least a Bil in 2020 to prepare the 81 Mil votes. That's 1/10 of their actual investment. We are a broke back nation, a limp wristing slime ball upper level military dictatorship incapable of doing anything against China or Russia. We are toast.

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I liked what you wrote, but I hope to God we're not toast. I'm doing nearly everything I can on the grassroots level. My county (Pamlico) in NC is 60% Republican.

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My family lives in North Carolina as far back as the Cherokee Trail of Tears. Watching the gradual annulment of moral-conservative family values, largely from the injection of the Research Triangle has been a distant memory these days as the election last minute manipulations of 2016 and 2020 reeked of interference from the leftist activist courts, allowing thousands of dead people to vote. Durham County coming in with 10,000 last minute vote drops and the current governor vetoing anything during his first 4 year term before they handed him 4 more glorious years of tearing down the culture to be replaced with indoctrinated voters was a reminder most of the soul winners have been lifted over to the other side of the veil. We have a duty to resist the devil and he will flee from us. That is our eternal hope. We ain't home yet.

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I agree with your assessment. He has a complete lack of discipline for a man who has apparently had such business success, and this characteristic alone makes him unfit. He's got an utter lack of humility, which is dangerous. He doesn't shy away from debt and spending large amounts of money (the national debt increased tremendously under Trump, and he gets at least some credit for the inflation we're experiencing). Yes, so do Bush, Obama, and Biden.

The problem is, Biden is even worse. Where does this leave us? I actually don't think Biden is going to make it to the nomination. He's problematic for a host of reasons and surely they'll dump him for someone like Newsom. Then, of course, they'll play the age card against Trump. What a mess.

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Biden is a whole other mess..

It’s terrifying that this is all we got

I bet there are teenagers more capable

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Oh, undoubtedly. Perhaps some toddlers.

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every problem contains its own solution.

trump arguably lacked focus & his re-election campaign was lackluster & stalling.

every decision biden makes is historically unpopular.

a real pickle.

<enter solution>

biden makes arguably the worst decision in the history of the nation - attempt to jail an opponent.

this hyper-focuses trump, gifts him an automatic win in the primary & a win in the general because everyone wants to see him smash stuff like king kong once re-elected for the entertainment value if nothing else.

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I like DJT for what he did for our country prior to Covid, but have to agree with all that you said about the shots. What if I'm forgetting, however, about what must've faced him at the time. I have the value of '20 / 20 hindsight.'

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I'd put his handling of the pandemic in the 'disaster' category. He put Fauci in Birx in charge of the country. I'll never totally get over that, though the last person I want for POTUS is anyone from Biden's team.

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Any other person you can think of who might have been president at the time Trump was president, would have put Fouci and Birx in charge in exactly the same way. Just think of anyone, going back to Reagan and coming forward to Clinton, Obama, Bush, Biden, etc.

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I often hear that argument, and I don't lack empathy for any sitting POTUS who is told that 2 million people will die on their watch if POTUS doesn't do what they suggest (demand?) should be done. That said, I watched my governor (DeSantis) pivot very quickly once he caught on to the game that was being played. He listened to a multitude of experts. He exercised judgment that you expect from an executive. It's just not sufficient to throw your hands in the air and say "well I'm not a doctor I can't make these decisions." I didn't vote for Debra Birx or Tony Fauci. The buck stops at the desk of POTUS ultimately. And guess what that goes for Biden too - except the Dems have greatly refined their whole operation to virtually guarantee his or his successor's win. Fetterman's election proved that on a smaller scale. It's sickening.

How do do we know, if by some miracle Donald Trump was re-elected - that he wouldn't fall for the next 'crisis' hook line and sinker? CBDC anyone? Do we imagine for a moment that if the the powers-that-be told President Trump the banks would fail, and we'd be sunk into Great Depression II - and the only way to salvage the nation is central bank digital currency - that he WOULDN'T agree to CBDCs to "save" us? I don't have a ton of confidence that he wouldn't. All that being said, I'd vote for him any day over Xiden. What a time to be alive lol.

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No doubt the scum in the white house were drooling for this pandemic game. I'd say about 20-30 Million people knew day one Covid was created in 1963 as early gain of function. We who study the abuse of stat prob by all PHS departments except perhaps NIH knew years ago the flu jab was 11-15 percent effective (and the smaller USB models gave placebo jabs close to the same efficacy numbers). We also learned that about 85% of the "Christian community" can be led to skip church, avoid contact with their loved ones and take a deadly mRNA jab on command. And lest we forget, Dr. Kary Mullis the rTPCR inventor died in 2019, just in time to be silenced for his disdain for Brix and Fauci. His message was an ignored warning about not trusting Fauci with you dead Beagle Puppy.

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I would be curious on the holdings of Trump and his family with Pfizer and or Moderna pre and post plandemic

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Same but it's rampant with Dem elites too, I'm sure. Probably much worse. The pharma tentacles are long, strong, and reach many directions I suspect.

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How many "officials" guiding the pandemic response made millions from the vaccine? I know a 53 year + bureaucrat, who pretends to be an epidemiologist, did.

Moderna, one of the pharmaceutical companies spearheading COVID-19 vaccination efforts in the United States, is not half owned by former president Donald Trump, as posts on social media claim. Jordan assured “the company is not aware of any significant holdings of Moderna stock at any point in its history by the former president or any of his known affiliates.” --- Reuters fact check team.

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True there were many officials in the process of implementing pre and post plandemic who held stock in either M or P...no doubt! Still interesting how Trump touts how great OWS and injections were to this day given what is known about the harm done

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No way.

And if you can't spell Fauci....

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No, he put VP Pence in charge

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Distinction without a difference. Pence deferred to Fauci/Birx.

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A President leads. Trump failed to lead.

DeSantis is far better. And not old.

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That statement is untrue. Trump led in so many things: economically, militarily, internationally, etc. etc. He failed at Covid because he trusted liars. Hard to ascribe a ton of blame to him for that. He failed at not sending Comey packing. Other than that, the man led this country into prosperity never before recorded AND all that with the wolves nipping at his heals for 'crimes' that were perpetrated by his opponent. You might not care for him. You might like DeSantis better, but to say Trump didn't lead is factually incorrect.

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Agree TSharp, and some people might forget that back when many people thought the vax might actually work, they delayed its release until Trump was out of office, hoping to dilute the credit they thought he'd get for Project Warp Speed, thinking Biden would get the credit for "bringing down deaths", as he falsely did after CNN et al quickly quit their bullshit L/3rd chyron "Covid Death Counts" and his masters started instituting the first ever EAU mandates in history, well after the hysterically exaggerated Covid mortality rates were becoming too obviously low to hide, which is when Biden started reading "This is a pandemic of the unvaccinated" off his teleprompter, telling people like me and my smart (for not getting jabbed) daughters "our patience is wearing thin" - and teenagers that they were, had to be talked off the ledge when Biden's ugly words made them momentarily doubt their wise and intuitive choice to not jab, even though many eventual anti-Covid vaxxers (including Dr. Malone) HAD taken the death shot. Trump funded Warp Speed but was gone from office (fraudulently defeated under cover of Covid) well before Fauci and his fellow travelers' crimes ramped up to warp speed, and spewing anti-Trump rhetoric with the best of them.

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Ron has a closet and he is sadly a JAG. Love his work. But the media until he announced left him alone.

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yeah, but desantis is short for a politician, which is worse than being old.

if i was gavin newsom, i would always pretend i couldn't see him when he was talking during a debate & then dramatically look down & pretend to listen.

if i was feeling really bold i would squeeze his love handles as i walked by.

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AM, While I do agree his handling of Covid was disastrous, I give him a pass but only because things like this normally are rare. I think he did so much good with such constant revolt that he deserves to be able to right that wrong. Energy and No War are his Strong suits. Anyone but Sleepy Crooked Joe, or Gavin IMO.

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I think President's Trump's best case is ENERGY. TURN IT BACK ON! And agree with you on the war issue too.

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I think what people miss is that while Trump and his team led on Warp Speed, he never mandated the vaccine and he clearly would not have. It was the federal mandate and the state mandates that were the problem. By the time DeSantis course corrected, Trump was out of office.

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think he but pence in charge, who did what all stage1 thinking bureaucrats do: put together a team of other bureaucrats (w/ decades) of "inexperience" to look like they're doing something. in the end they make everything worse.

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I kind of agree, and have long thought his style is what is so offensive to those that find him terrible. If you stack up what his administration did while in office, and then layer on the communication and actions from anyone else-- say the style and delivery of a Ronnie Reagan or honestly even a Bill Clinton-- everything changes. There would be a huge swath of the US "middle" who love him, and the disgust from the elite left and right would be minimized big-time.

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There was NOTHING Trump could have done to be loved by the left. The left dictate the "news", and the middle of America DID come for him in HUGE numbers.

When was the last time you saw a political rally in Los Angeles for ANY Republican or Democrat? I lived here for 32 years, and I have never seen anything like it.

I have seen ONE every WEEK for months on ends. In Beverly Hills, in the san Fernando Valley, in Simi Valley, in Moorpark, Camarillo, Ventura, the rallies were spontaneous not organized by the RNC or the LA GOP, it was all grassroots. Americans of all colors and religious beliefs came.

In those rallies, I met, Jews, Christians and Muslims. Israelis, Iranians, Mexicans, Cubans, Russians native Indians, and Indians from India alike. Gays, straight, and who cares. We all had one thing in common we loved America, and we loved and believed in Make America Great Again.

Many times, I would call on a friend to join and they would responded by saying they travelled to Orange county, or other places, seen a rally and just joined it.

People would meet people, see a hat or a shirt, or say something and join this group or another. Exchange phone numbers and get together.

The media did not report on it, Facebook live was blocking these users from sharing it. All apps blocked it, Citizen or next-door. They did promote the BLM rallies but would block anything else.

All people could see on TV would be small sound bites of Trump taken out of context, and still many came out for him, regardless.

It's one of those events that you had to see it to believe it, the energy was infectious.

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Agreed the corporate media and big tech platforms are a disgrace. Look no further than what Google and YouTube have done to RFK. Completely removed an episode he was on with Theo Von weeks ago and now doing the same with Jordan Peterson’s episode this week. It’s a complete disgrace! Section 230 must be examined. Free speech is become a joke because all content is censored using technology. The Internet promise in the mid 1990s was to empower connections and ideas without the need to go through corporate and government gatekeepers. Now its become the single largest propaganda and censorship tool every created. It needs to stop.

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The perceived "disaster" might be even more national polarization. But that's also going to happen if "Joe Biden" is re-elected.

A silver lining might be if the anti-Trumpers in all the Blue cities (not states) decide they've had enough and decide to secede from the union. That result might actually save half of the country - the part that still believes in corny notions like "freedom" and "liberty."

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Oh if only the blue cities would go like that.

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“His return to the White House would be a disaster. (Though I increasingly fear a second term for Joe Biden, whose decline is more obvious by the month, might be worse.)” Dementia…the lamest excuse to cover for the most (insert all of the worst attributes) of any political leader to sit in the Oval Office. Might be worse? What planet are you living on Alex? The only other former President that was worse was Obama. Unfortunately, our country could withstand more abuse back then, it can’t anymore.

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And look at how much has been uncovered??!! The USA (the world) is being ruled over by an evil, criminal syndicate. Many of us knew this a LONG, LONG time ago. We were called “conspiracy theorists” to hide TRUTH. What a complete joke!

It’s conspiracy FACT! And it’s much worse than anyone could ever imagine.

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Totally agree!!

Alex writes "....they (Dems) may do terrible damage to the rule of law in the United States."

Already have....

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It will NEVER be the same. But, that’s par for the course as far as history goes. Change is inevitable.

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The "disaster" is supported by the fact that almost every one of his signature "achievements" was achieved with a pen and an executive order; almost all of which were reversed/ended by President Potted Plant's pen the moment PPP set foot in the White House. So between the ephemeral "achievements" and Trump's awful COVID policies (led by the Deep State), I would say he could be a disaster. If he can't get the Congress to pass the laws that are needed (some of which he will need to crush the Deep State), his second term will be just as weak as his first.

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One of the biggest "disasters" of Trump's presidency was Paul Ryan. There's a whole different congress now and hopefully when he's elected. Trump 2024.

Robert Kennedy Jr. head of the CDC.

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His judicial appointments alone are an enduring achievement.

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Yes, but he needed the Congress (specifically, the Senate and the Federalist Society) for that. If I recall, the FS gave him the list of names and Mitch McConnell guided them through to confirmation. Now, he did not fall apart over the Kavanaugh nomination; a lesser President would have withdrawn that nomination after Ballsey Ford, so there is that

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Well, every president needs the Senate...

I love Reagan, but he gave us Kennedy. Bush gave us Roberts.

Because of Trump, Roe was overturned and affirmative action eliminated. If you asked me 10 years ago whether either were remotely possible, I'd have laughed.

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I very much agree with your last two sentences.

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Trump is OLD. Why is he the savior? What after him? He had 4 years, and even apart from COVID, he surrounded himself with idiots. Why do you think it will be different this time?

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I never called him a savior.

I never said it would be different this time.

I didn't even say he was my first choice.

I just said it's not obvious his presidency would be a 'disaster'.

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Thank you for what you wrote. I hope Mr. Berenson read it too.

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If he could remove his massive ego and ignore the sidelines distractions (Joe Scarborough’s personal life, by example), you might be right.

But he can’t, and he won’t. And it will just continue to tear the country apart.

He simply will not put the country, and us, before himself

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This is akin to a heckler's veto -- because the Left is so upset by him, HE will tear the country apart? No, it was and always has been the Left tearing the country apart.

We already saw what a Trump presidency was like. And, as I said, apart from COVID where he got rolled by the deep state it was not a disaster.

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The left said they were going to stop Trump from taking office after he won in 2016 and spent his whole presidency trying to run him out of town. OF COURSE they are using lawfare to prevent him from running - Joe Biden said that's exactly what they were going to do after last year's midterms.

This is late-stage empire type shit. Biden is on TV saying we need a new Congress and the Supreme Court has gone rouge. If you know history, you know what comes next -- executive orders from the president dissolving all other authority in the country. Think it can't happen here?

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“….If they insist on trying [to use the legal system in an unjust way], they may do terrible damage to the rule of law in the United States….” REALLY??? “MAY do?”

Commander is correct! Alex, it’s too late. They’ve destroyed what confidence people had in the Justice Department and the three letter agencies. Were you not paying attention to Crossfire Hurricane and all the other insanity the so called “law” was using to try to bring down his presidency - and to punish anyone who supported him? (Frog marching Peter Navarro though the airport? Unbelievable. Banana Republic stuff.) I Never thought I’d feel this disgusted about great swaths of the government but I do. I have no respect left. And I’m not alone.

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Spot on 🎯🎯🎯!!!!

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Absolutely…”late-stage empire”. Almost 250 years…not a bad run. It is a pity that our kids and grandkids will bear most of the pain from the collapse of the American Empire. Hope I have prepared them to persevere. It won’t be pretty.

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Yep, very late empire. I wonder what a less verbose and quicker style 21st century Edward Gibbon would think abut all this shit? He wouldn't have to sit among the ruins of Rome to contemplate it all, he could watch it in real time...

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it will happen 30 seconds into ww3 which is just another reason to avoid it

that, and all those plucky peasants being firebombed everyday

although, on the other hand - if russia does succeed, we will all have to buy new maps. i have like 2 maps + a nice globe & those are not cheap.

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Thank you.

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Dude- yeah, we need you on that wall but here’s the sad truth; when it came time to pull the trigger you chose Biden. Now you’d assert a clause asking us all to agree that Trump would be an unmitigated disaster.

Please spare us (especially subscribers) the bullshit.

Oh! Was I too harsh?

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For an intelligent person what happened during Trumps administration that makes you think a second term would be a disaster? You suffer from Trump derangement syndrome. The best economy and strongest position in the world since Regan.

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I’m not voting for Trump in the primaries because his Covid response was a disaster. That said, I wouldn’t vote for Biden (or Harris or Newsome) with a gun to my head as my fingernails get pried off my hands. Comparing Trump and Biden as disasters is like comparing an afternoon thunderstorm to a series of Cat 5 hurricanes. Hurricane Biden has stalled over the entire US for 2.5 years. Biden’s best 6 months thus far make Trump’s worst during Covid look like total bliss in comparison.

It Trump wins again he’ll say some funny dumb shit and we will all be annoyed with constant outrage porn. If any Democrat wins in 2024 it will make the disaster today look like Utopia compared to the America of 2026, and that’s on the off chance the United States hasn’t been nuked into oblivion by that time. Cluster bombs? Are you f***ing kidding me??? The combined IQ of this administration is 12 on a good day.

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How can anyone believe what this administration says any longer, as they constantly do exactly what they previously said they wouldn’t do in Ukraine. Total disaster. Tanks, F18s, now cluster bombs! $100B dollars that we simply do not have. Borrowing money to shovel to Ukraine for weapons in an un-winnable war that literally does nothing to make US citizens better off, in fact that very opposite. Awful.

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And those dollars are probably making its way into one of the dozen Biden bank accounts with the lack of accountability and amount of corruption.

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"Though I increasingly fear a second term for Joe Biden, whose decline is more obvious by the month, might be worse."

Joe Biden is, without question, the worst president in US History and that's up against some seriously strong opposition. Ignoring his continuing assault on the Rule of Law and the Constitution whenever it runs up against his agenda or his love of sanctions that has us on a path to losing our reserve currency status, he remains at the helm of a freight train on a path to World War III with both Russia and China and he blew out the brakes.

Even G. W. Bush is a sorry alternative for worst and Trump, as disgusting as he is, doesn't want WWIII.

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Competition, not opposition. Sorry.

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well, I wouldn't mind Bobby Kennedy, who I suspect you'd also vote for. My first choice. If Trump taps him for VP like Bannon wants him to, that wouldn't be bad at all. But Trump is hands down a better choice than Biden and you OUGHT to be able to see that. He's not BARELY better; he's hands down better. Trump didn't do ANY of this fascist bullshit and you know it. He just didn't ignore the HATERS,, the true LEFTIST haters coming at him nonstop in a way that is unprecedented even for leftists. But you do get a little more sane as time goes on. :)

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I like Bobby, too, but was disappointed when he blasted the SCOTUS decision outlawing affirmative action. (If he's in favor of "transitioning" minors, that would be a deal breaker.). Nevertheless, he'd be far better than Biden, IMHO, but that's a pretty low bar.

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I liked RFK as well until the affirmative action decision. I'm not ruling him out until I know who the candidates will be. I don't hear much talk about Vivek. Haven't done a ton of research, but for the most part, I like a lot of what he's saying.

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Yeah, not real happy about affirmative action, but he's got pretty much everything else pretty close. He's NOT in favor of transitioning minors. Heard him say so on Megyn Kelly's show or he was pretty much against it without major study. Haven't heard his health care plan in detail, but he's got most of the most important things down.

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I find it difficult to admit that I truly DO NOT CARE:

1. Whether Trump stole or mishandled classified documents

2. Whether he was a boorish creep in a department store fitting room.

3. Whether his demeanor is obnoxious.

None of this matters to me.

In next year's state primary I will--for the first time in my life as a Maskachusetts resident--take a Dem ballot and vote for RFKjr. I will do this simply b/c I won't avoid an opportunity to vote AGAINST the demented old man, his nitwit VP, as members of the grifting, tyrannical party they represent.

Then in November 2024, I will vote for whatever Republican is the nominee.

We will never know what Trump would've done it he held onto the White House in 2020. But we sure as hell know what the demented old man did--and not just with covid. There's the assault on the First Amendment and the insanity about "transgender," and the latest SCOTUS justice--the poster child for affirmative action. (She promises to be the gift that keeps on giving.

I'll vote for whatever Republican, even if he's sworn in from a jail cell.

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That’s my EXACT strategy here in AZ!

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The issue is simple: do we want a banana republic or not

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If America really was "the home of the brave" none of what's already happened would have happened. But show me the (recent) evidence that America IS the "home of the brave." Also, I want to see some of this evidence that we (still) live in the "land of the free."


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That is what we have now.

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Lol. True in many respects

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They don’t care one damn bit about what any of us want.

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I agree. Nor do they care about the constitution or the rule of law.

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Too late.

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I don't know what to make of this column, although as a lawyer I agree. It takes my DUI cases 12-18 months to come to trial.

I'm laughing at "Trump behaved like a childish, entitled imbecile." Well, it maybe true but he's OUR childish entitled imbecile. Almost all of the criticisms I have heard since 2015 turn on STYLE, not substance. So we disagree on this Alex, but I still admire your courage and fortitude. But Vegas Poker??? ha ha

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I still dont understand why you think President TRUMP is a "disaster" for this country. WOW..especially coming from you.

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I do feel like the America First Republicans have gained a huge local presence now to protect the elections all over the country. A number of career politicians in SC are being removed in droves in the R party.

That said if RFK Jr can find some common ground with Trump and bide his time as VP, that is the populist ticket I would love to support, and in turn would support a RFK Jr. presidency thereafter.

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Trump + RFK! OMG. Dream team 100%

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You hit it. This is the ticket because it is composed of the only 2 men who will dismantle the deep state/ police state we now live in which is what you get when you politicize the FBI, CIA and Justice Department. No sane person believes in governmental pronouncements anymore because our system has been totally corrupted. We don't need a broom to clean things up. We need a flame thrower. And the Trump-RFK,Jr. ticket is just what the doctor ordered. A sound economic and foreign policy to go with that will be gravy.

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I get that maybe you don't like Trumps personality and maybe his, to date, lack of back peddling on the vaccine. However, Trump was very early on recommending Ivermectin and Hydroxycloriquine which of course was demonized by the MSM, big pharma and Fauci. I got covid in February of 2022 and took Ivermectin and Hydroxycloriquine with zinc and vitamin C and was over it in 3 days with no further issues to date! I thank Trump for that early recommendation. I believe many, many people died because of the immediate demonization of those historically effective and innocuous drugs. I am retired as of 2015 but spent 35 years in the medical device industry working for a major device corporation then starting and selling a device company of my own. I spent years of involvement in studying and helping to facilitate many device trials. I'm very "evidence base" minded when it comes to drugs and devices and knew immediately that the vaccine was very premature with little to no evidence of effectiveness or safety, as a result I am not vaccinate and very grateful that I'm not. Thanks to you and many of the other thought leaders on the vaccine I know I've made the right decision.

Back to Trump, all I can say is stay focused on his policies while he was in office and the fact that the man has an uncanny ability to be right on just about everything he has said. Yes, he's a narcissist and somewhat unbridled but I believe it takes an individual like him to fight the literal evil we are up against. His wealth, ego and love for our country is what I believe we need to protect him and us from a total marxist takeover in our country. I'm not sure anyone else has the fortitude to withstand the forces against us and many of the other candidates are potentially deep stay dirty. I'll leave you with this: With Trump we had no new wars, peace in the middle east, a strong economy, low inflation, growing 401ks, market profits, low gas prices, energy independence, lower taxes, a strong dollar, less crime, a more secure border and international respect. All hard to do in 4 years but he did it. Forget the "cult of personality" and look for progress, freedom and security. Sometimes the most unusual individuals make the greatest contributions in unusual times....and if nothing else, these times are most unusual. Thanks for all you do Alex!

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The more his enemies persecute Trump, the more the people support him. No one believes these prosecutions are NOT politically motivated. Even amonst the historically illiterate, and the most rabid Trump haters, people realize this is a dangerous road for USA.

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Thanks Alex. Our country did better and will do better with Trump. But your graceful and inciteful look at the attack on him is appreciated.

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You're almost there Alex. Almost.

The fact that you seem only mildly disturbed that the current sitting president just charged his political opponent wit blatantly politically motivated criminal charges speaks volumes though. You seem to be more concerned with bidens cognitive decline than the fact that his DOJ is actively covering up his families crimes while creating process crimes for his opponent out of thin air. Bide's conduct is outrageous, unprecedented and dangerous.

You're close though. I feel like every day your Manhattan tinted sunglasses allow in just a little bit more of the truth. Hopefully you get all the way there will there is still time.

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As usual Alex, you offer a very well reasoned and logical argument for delay of trial - regardless of what one thinks of a Trump presidency-redux.

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