Alex you say he would be a disaster and we already know why you say that. I really don’t know why you say that. Other than his presentation style and how he screwed up the Covid response with poor administrative and monetary decisions, I would like you to give a write about why he is so bad for America. He does not want wars, he wants th…
Alex you say he would be a disaster and we already know why you say that. I really don’t know why you say that. Other than his presentation style and how he screwed up the Covid response with poor administrative and monetary decisions, I would like you to give a write about why he is so bad for America. He does not want wars, he wants the economy richer, he wants american jobs, he wants a border wall, he wants valuable immigrants coming into the country, he wants to stop the drug cartels from pushing drugs across the border, he was working with Tim Ballad on child trafficking before he lost the last election. Again tell us what you disagree with, not how he says it.
I agree that he is strong as far as policy goes. But I do not feel he is good for the Country. He is extremely immature- petulant and bratty -like a kid born with a silver spoon in his mouth and was coddled most of the way to his success. He is 100 percent responsible for this BS vaccine, a total bullish rushed, faulty , and dangerous shot- that he probably is getting richer off of by the second, knowing him. And what that shows about him is a bad leader-that he just defers to others instead of having the brains and insight to actually make calculated and smart long term decisions. He reacts too quickly and most of the time without his own knowledge but by the knowledge of others. He makes really stupid decisions at "warp speed" and then ends up regretting them- as with all the " firings". Thats just a telltale sign of bad decision making. And don't even get me started on the riots... He is dangerously unwise - he killed million of innocent people with his BS warp speed dangerous and untested vaccine ( he also supported mandates) and if that says anything it says jhe is not what this Country needs.
He was under threat of another impeachment. He was told by Many Advisors that Fauci had to be followed or the economy would never reopen. The 11Bil fund was approved by Congress. To have raised doubt about the jab games would have caused the fake and dead MSM to call for someone to shoot him dead. That is the facts. Trump was surrounded by RINO SCUM from the day he took the oath. Fact is his toughness is SOP for real men trying to find a kink or two in the DC wall. Look back at the speeches to the UN and the WEF alone. This child luster types were vowing he would never win again. They spend at least a Bil in 2020 to prepare the 81 Mil votes. That's 1/10 of their actual investment. We are a broke back nation, a limp wristing slime ball upper level military dictatorship incapable of doing anything against China or Russia. We are toast.
I liked what you wrote, but I hope to God we're not toast. I'm doing nearly everything I can on the grassroots level. My county (Pamlico) in NC is 60% Republican.
My family lives in North Carolina as far back as the Cherokee Trail of Tears. Watching the gradual annulment of moral-conservative family values, largely from the injection of the Research Triangle has been a distant memory these days as the election last minute manipulations of 2016 and 2020 reeked of interference from the leftist activist courts, allowing thousands of dead people to vote. Durham County coming in with 10,000 last minute vote drops and the current governor vetoing anything during his first 4 year term before they handed him 4 more glorious years of tearing down the culture to be replaced with indoctrinated voters was a reminder most of the soul winners have been lifted over to the other side of the veil. We have a duty to resist the devil and he will flee from us. That is our eternal hope. We ain't home yet.
I agree with your assessment. He has a complete lack of discipline for a man who has apparently had such business success, and this characteristic alone makes him unfit. He's got an utter lack of humility, which is dangerous. He doesn't shy away from debt and spending large amounts of money (the national debt increased tremendously under Trump, and he gets at least some credit for the inflation we're experiencing). Yes, so do Bush, Obama, and Biden.
The problem is, Biden is even worse. Where does this leave us? I actually don't think Biden is going to make it to the nomination. He's problematic for a host of reasons and surely they'll dump him for someone like Newsom. Then, of course, they'll play the age card against Trump. What a mess.
trump arguably lacked focus & his re-election campaign was lackluster & stalling.
every decision biden makes is historically unpopular.
a real pickle.
<enter solution>
biden makes arguably the worst decision in the history of the nation - attempt to jail an opponent.
this hyper-focuses trump, gifts him an automatic win in the primary & a win in the general because everyone wants to see him smash stuff like king kong once re-elected for the entertainment value if nothing else.
I like DJT for what he did for our country prior to Covid, but have to agree with all that you said about the shots. What if I'm forgetting, however, about what must've faced him at the time. I have the value of '20 / 20 hindsight.'
Alex you say he would be a disaster and we already know why you say that. I really don’t know why you say that. Other than his presentation style and how he screwed up the Covid response with poor administrative and monetary decisions, I would like you to give a write about why he is so bad for America. He does not want wars, he wants the economy richer, he wants american jobs, he wants a border wall, he wants valuable immigrants coming into the country, he wants to stop the drug cartels from pushing drugs across the border, he was working with Tim Ballad on child trafficking before he lost the last election. Again tell us what you disagree with, not how he says it.
I agree that he is strong as far as policy goes. But I do not feel he is good for the Country. He is extremely immature- petulant and bratty -like a kid born with a silver spoon in his mouth and was coddled most of the way to his success. He is 100 percent responsible for this BS vaccine, a total bullish rushed, faulty , and dangerous shot- that he probably is getting richer off of by the second, knowing him. And what that shows about him is a bad leader-that he just defers to others instead of having the brains and insight to actually make calculated and smart long term decisions. He reacts too quickly and most of the time without his own knowledge but by the knowledge of others. He makes really stupid decisions at "warp speed" and then ends up regretting them- as with all the " firings". Thats just a telltale sign of bad decision making. And don't even get me started on the riots... He is dangerously unwise - he killed million of innocent people with his BS warp speed dangerous and untested vaccine ( he also supported mandates) and if that says anything it says jhe is not what this Country needs.
He was under threat of another impeachment. He was told by Many Advisors that Fauci had to be followed or the economy would never reopen. The 11Bil fund was approved by Congress. To have raised doubt about the jab games would have caused the fake and dead MSM to call for someone to shoot him dead. That is the facts. Trump was surrounded by RINO SCUM from the day he took the oath. Fact is his toughness is SOP for real men trying to find a kink or two in the DC wall. Look back at the speeches to the UN and the WEF alone. This child luster types were vowing he would never win again. They spend at least a Bil in 2020 to prepare the 81 Mil votes. That's 1/10 of their actual investment. We are a broke back nation, a limp wristing slime ball upper level military dictatorship incapable of doing anything against China or Russia. We are toast.
I liked what you wrote, but I hope to God we're not toast. I'm doing nearly everything I can on the grassroots level. My county (Pamlico) in NC is 60% Republican.
My family lives in North Carolina as far back as the Cherokee Trail of Tears. Watching the gradual annulment of moral-conservative family values, largely from the injection of the Research Triangle has been a distant memory these days as the election last minute manipulations of 2016 and 2020 reeked of interference from the leftist activist courts, allowing thousands of dead people to vote. Durham County coming in with 10,000 last minute vote drops and the current governor vetoing anything during his first 4 year term before they handed him 4 more glorious years of tearing down the culture to be replaced with indoctrinated voters was a reminder most of the soul winners have been lifted over to the other side of the veil. We have a duty to resist the devil and he will flee from us. That is our eternal hope. We ain't home yet.
I agree with your assessment. He has a complete lack of discipline for a man who has apparently had such business success, and this characteristic alone makes him unfit. He's got an utter lack of humility, which is dangerous. He doesn't shy away from debt and spending large amounts of money (the national debt increased tremendously under Trump, and he gets at least some credit for the inflation we're experiencing). Yes, so do Bush, Obama, and Biden.
The problem is, Biden is even worse. Where does this leave us? I actually don't think Biden is going to make it to the nomination. He's problematic for a host of reasons and surely they'll dump him for someone like Newsom. Then, of course, they'll play the age card against Trump. What a mess.
Biden is a whole other mess..
It’s terrifying that this is all we got
I bet there are teenagers more capable
Oh, undoubtedly. Perhaps some toddlers.
every problem contains its own solution.
trump arguably lacked focus & his re-election campaign was lackluster & stalling.
every decision biden makes is historically unpopular.
a real pickle.
<enter solution>
biden makes arguably the worst decision in the history of the nation - attempt to jail an opponent.
this hyper-focuses trump, gifts him an automatic win in the primary & a win in the general because everyone wants to see him smash stuff like king kong once re-elected for the entertainment value if nothing else.
I like DJT for what he did for our country prior to Covid, but have to agree with all that you said about the shots. What if I'm forgetting, however, about what must've faced him at the time. I have the value of '20 / 20 hindsight.'