How much more evidence do we need to see? I’m not worried for those of us hanging tough, the truth will set us free. I’m more concerned for those, especially the young, who have been duped into taking these shots by Dr. Fraudci and his not so merry band of criminals. These shots need to be paused immediately worldwide.
I'm at the gym the other day, and I see some people in their early 20's wearing masks on treadmills. That disturbs me greatly. Social media has turned our youth into mindless imbeciles is my only guess.
Its a great identifier though. We just sold our house in Seattle and are trying to decide where to live by taking a road trip. The more smiles and maskless faces we see, the better the score!
If you are a Conservative who loves constitutional values, come to Texas. We closed for only a short period of time. No vaccine mandates, friendly people, beautiful country of all sorts - lots to choose from. Get off the Left Coast!
Texas and Florida are the two main states taking a stand against the mandate. Florida’s governor is welcoming the shipping companies to start shipping to Florida and said they will have workers and truck waiting to pick up the goods from the ships. GO FLORIDA!
"Unfortunately, we now know the vaccines do not preclude infection or transmission. As a result, we are forcing people to choose between their livelihoods and a freedom-robbing vaccination mandate with no rationale. We are only beginning to see the dire consequences of these ill-advised mandates."
Author: U.S. Sen. Ron Johnson, a Republican from Wisconsin.
We just moved to Texas from Michigan (close to Austin), and have been unpleasantly surprised by the voluntary number of mask wearers. In the gym, in the car, in the grocery store. Hard to believe.
OMG! St Pete FL was so refreshing this past March. ALL restaraunts and patios filled with ppl enjoying life and the servers had NO WOKE attitudes, everyone was happy... it was as though Covid never existed. One night at dinner a hoard of idiot BLM protesters came through the high $ district we were dining at. I'm sure they were paid to come through nightly. Live and let live, when you try to micro-manage (control) others, you just ruin life for yourself. Follow Jesus.
St Pete’s is a democratic haven, Mayor is a total idiot and tons of crime in St. Pete’s, but I suppose anything in Florida is refreshing is you’ve visited from a lockdowned, mask wearing dystopian Blue State.
That’s a great way to decide, however, if your road trips don’t leave WA, you haven’t gone far enough. You will never elect a Republican Governor in WA and things will never change.
I live in KC where we have a mask mandate most places. Recently I took a motorcycle trip to NC mountains and back. My entire trip, hotels-gas stations-restaurants etc, not a single place required a mask.
I was just going to say that some of you people fleeing from terrible blue states should consider coming to small towns or rural areas in the midwest. We have freedom and a much lower cost of living. Your dollars would go farther to buy a bigger, nicer house, etc. I live in NE Kansas and life is pretty normal here. P.S. This part of the state is hilly, green and beautiful as opposed to the flat nothingness of the western part of the state.
If they are masked period, they are stupid. I caught rona back in Feb at a ski resort which was mask nazi everywhere. The mask did absolutely nothing as I went into the changing room where there is zero air ventilation. The masks are a farce. You need a hazmat suit if you want legit protection, breaking bad style.
No exaggeration. If the virus escaped from a level 4 biosafety lab, then you need level 4 biosafety measures to avoid it. Not a textile mask where the spaces between fibers are 1000x larger than the size of a virus particle - and the mask doesn't even fit right...
Well the mask fit or material is mostly irrelevant anyway since most people take it off more than they have it on or they just wear it below their nose.
You can get arrested for not wearing a mask in some countries - check out Australia for one. It's a fine line between "avoiding detention by police" and "stupid".
I saw many articles when they started about pets being possible spreaders? Are they going to start vaccinating pets, or was that another media covid hoax
Covid is in a lot of mammalian species. Probably the only way to jolt people out of the Covid hysteria is suggest they euthanize their pet to avoid them catching or spreading C19, like what Australia did earlier this year.
Covid is in the DEER population! I think that was part of the "spreading", intentional infection to ppl and nature. What a friggin mess ppl make when they hate themselves. Hitler is maybe the best example of 1 demon possessed person creating enormous genocide.
They are either frightened by constant Covid drumbeat, continually hydrate on the Fauxci Kook-aid, or both. It is sad the way the machine has propagandized our country.
I think part of the reason is young people have been vaccinated all their lives... against many different things. It's just part of life for them. Why would the anti-COVID vaccines be any different?
There's a myth, but a popular myth, that a vaccine is a vaccine is a vaccine. Simply not true.
And never mind the new technology of the "genetic" (or "host-vectored" vaccines. See
While I have outwardly adopted the same sentiments, it has always angered me. Masks are not benign. Wearing them too long, touching them, which contaminates them with whatever is on your hands, and not immediately replacing them causes them to become incubators for bacteria, which the wearer then breaths in in increasing numbers. This can lead to bacterial infection with symptoms the same as Covid and misdiagnosis as Covid, which helps drive up the Covid case numbers. Treating a bacterial infection as a viral infection can lead to death, which is then misattributed to Covid, driving the Covid death numbers up and generating even more panic and mask use.
Forgive me for sounding judgmental, but it really is natural selection at play here. Do the lib's not realize that they're killing their voting pools. It's what they do anyway with their dimwit ideas...they ruin the cities where they live and can't even see the cause and effect of their dumbass agendas. The truth will set you free. If you choose to remain dishonest and to thumb your nose at integrity, you will reap death to your soul.
"Do the lib's not realize that they're killing their voting pools."
That's something I haven't been able to figure out. If the libs are so sure that Covid is deadly & that Repubs are the ones that are not taking the jab, why wouldn't they be happy about that & encourage the people who don't vote their way to remain unvaxxed? Seems like that would suit their purposes of reducing the population of wrong-thinkers.
I keep struggling with that as well. I am of the mindset “if that’s what you wanna do, then knock yourself out”. I went to the grocery store and saw countless people by themselves in a car with a mask on it just makes me angry that our government and media has put them in that place and they don’t have the common sense to figure out what’s going on.
I think there are millions of immigrants who came here for freedom and opportunity but have no idea they need fight to keep it, so they just do as they’re told. Also, many have very small worlds, and aren’t inclined to follow the news except for maybe local. That leaves it to the rest of us.
So true. They come from countries that have one child policies and real sci for level gov overreach. They don’t know anything but blind obedience. It’s up to real Americans to show them. thoughts exactly!! As the mother of a 19 y.o., I would often ask her: WHY are you and your peers so complacent about this? Do you understand that you are at no risk? How come no one is protesting like the youth of the 60s and 70s? Her apathy was so infuriating but I had to remain calm to keep the line of communication open . Right now, I'm doing my darnest to keep her from getting the clot-shot. These young people live for social media "likes" and the more, the better. Many have found this to be a source of extra income. I feel that indoctrination started with the global warming narrative. Many in her age group have become vegetarians in order to "save the planet". Their level of intolerance and judgement towards others (i.e. omnivores) that don't follow their lifestyle is quite troubling. My husband and I have become more conservative as we see the truth of this plandemic play out. Fortunately, we're slowly getting through to her with carefully and subtle sharing of data and information. A few weeks ago, I managed to convince her to cancel her appt at Walgreens. This has been an exhausting and heart-breaking journey for me. And I'm fighting for them because Brandon and his CDC-FDA mafia want to close all doors for my teenagers to the point where they will feel isolated if they don't get jabbed. My youngest (17) is an elite track athlete with Olympic aspirations but based on the Olympic trials in Eugene, OR, they're pushing all these young and super healthy people into getting vaxxed. AArgh!! These f*ng mandates have to go! I don't know how much longer I'll be able to protect them from the 24/7 propaganda.
My 21 year old son is very aware about what is happening. He was recently required to Vax-or-Test for his college classes here in Illinois. He opted to test, as did lots of other young people in his classes. He’s a gym bro, very health conscious. He told me it will be hard but he’s going to move to a red state once he graduates, so he can work and live without the mandates. All hope is not lost. (Also, he won’t date vaccinated girls, hah!)
My sentiments mirror yours especially with kids. Mine also an athlete and forced to get a vaccine at college. Developed pneumonia and now has chest pains. Fee powerless to help her.
Maybe ask them how many kids do they know that died from Covid. I think it can’t be many if any. Then at least that would give them something to think about.
What they are doing to kids is terrible. MSM and social media are making them fearful that they are going to die, if they get it, and that masks and vaccines are the only way to go. Depression, suicide and eating disorders among kids have greatly increased during the pandemic. My teen granddaughter, who lives in Australia, where lockdowns are extremely strict, has developed an eating disorder, which is due to her lack of control per the psychologists and the MD who are treating her.
You won't be able to protect them. All you can do is arm them to be able to make informed decisions. That's what good parenting is and it sounds like you are good parents.
I take notice every time I read a parent's anecdote about their child blowing them off when they express their concerns about this. Yes, children are by nature defiant, but I cannot wrap my mind around such a fundamental mismatch of minds between parent and child (and sometimes vice versa). I've read dozens of accounts, and in only one example did this father proclaim responsibility for their failure as a parent. I'm not saying this to pet you the wrong way, your children are effectively adults, but this disconnect has to be acknowledged. Has the State so thoroughly hijacked the parent's influence and authority? This seems to be the case, and it doesn't bode well for the future of our society. In other countries they have multiple generations under one roof, and family cohesion is a priority above all. In the West we've allowed the idea of adult children and parents living together to be ruthlessly stigmatized as a severe character flaw, and I don't believe this was an accident.
On a side note, I only rarely go out in public (PDX), and on my most recent trip to the grocery store, I was the only one not wearing a mask. It was the same last year, but now I'm not being harassed by employees. Is it the same in Eugene?
The sociologist in me enjoyed this article. I WAS an older student (Class of 2013) mixed in with kids younger than my own (including a couple of teachers). The brainwashing I witnessed was amazing and a few of my professors and teachers didn't really like me because I'd bring up the other side of the argument. My Sociology professor REALLY didn't like me and he was a fraction of my age. He was also the Chair of the department so I couldn't go to him to complain about him. I sucked it up, said what he wanted to hear, and moved on. The others were far more mature about my alternate opinions and I was always civil. But I would have kids come up to me after classes asking more questions. They WERE hungry for both sides; they just didn't realize there WERE two sides. And I blame the parents for that. When you do everything for your kids, you put them at a disadvantage.
Maybe the jabs, mask wearing, brainwashing, economic destruction is really about thinning the herd? Maybe the globalists really want the "strong" to survive? Aren't they all Darwinists anyhow? Will the un-jabbed be the last ones standing to take their rightfully earned place as peasants in the New World Order? Just pondering the endgame.
You can’t help but wonder about all the intentional destruction? Giving a vaccine that causes so many adverse reactions, instead of pulling it, they mandate it? How dare the lessers threaten the Eutopia that was meant for their pleasure. Schwab has written a book about the NWO, they meet at Davos yearly, those in power use their motto “Build Back Better” and it's suppose to be in place by 2030. You will own nothing and you will be happy.
Under all anger is pain. Locate the pain, heal it and the anger dissolves. Use your anger energy in a constructive way that doesn't turn against you like anger does. The time is coming to stand up. Remember that half the country is against the vaccine. We have more that are against it than have taken it. Among those that have taken it, many are sorry they did. They have awakened a sleepy giant and if they go much further they will see it. And most of them are armed. This is the showdown!
It’s because they have literally been frightened to death. So many lies & misinformation no one really knows who to listen too. Mostly the fault of media not reporting the truth.
It’s mind boggling these college kids walking around wearing masks everywhere, even outside still. Parents walking around with there small kids masked up. These people are brain dead.
They were indoctrinated while in school, sadly. Social media has forced them to always be "cool", be popular by not rocking the boat. Their society thrives on "accepting everyone" without offending. The woke are in a trance where questioning authority is seen as unacceptable and offensive. Every rally I've attended since May, has been full of people with gray hair (I was born in 64 - last of the boomers). All I see is mostly boomers plus a few young families with their little kiddos. Some young adults join us if their jobs are at stake. College kids are not being taught analytical skills. Period. Add to this the plandemic narrative pushed by Fraudci on a daily basis, and you see why they don't revolt. :'(
I am an outlier at age 73. No jab for me. I wish i could have prevented my 12 year old grandson from receiving the poison but they live in California and are brainwashed. I just pray doe his continued health and no booster.
I've gotten into heated arguments with my 19 y.o. daughter about the uselessness of the masks. I NEVER wear one but she still gladly puts hers on before walking into stores or restaurant. She has called me anti-masker and anti-vaxxer. She's in the vulnerable college years where being ultra-progessive is cooler than being logical and listening to your mom's wisdom (backed by DATA). I've also shared lots of great articles and interviews by doctors but she won't even open the links.
Yup...LOL Every time they try to compare these leaky gene therapies to old-fashioned vaccines, I bring up the science of real immunity and sterilizing vaccines. I also had varicella (chicken pox) along with my 3 sisters and my then 40+ y.o. dad. Most people fail to realize that sanitation and nutrition played a bigger role in curbing these diseases than vaccines. Also my daughter suffered an adverse event at 3 months old. Super scary. Made me question everything from that point on. Have met many families with vax-injured kiddos. So, NO vax should be mandated. Period. Especially if you've already experienced SAEs with one of your kids.
Instead, they're encouraging pregnant women to get these gene therapies. If anything should clue people in that the purpose can be nothing but sinister, it is this.
The proportion of pregnant women in society at any time is miniscule. They are at an age where they are almost completely safe from Covid. Their effect on Covid transmission is zero.
To encourage pregnant women to vaccinate means that the purpose is not just negligent, it is sinister. There is something in these vaccines that is much worse than that they simply do not work.
My veterinarian now requests clients wait outside, and call to let them know they have arrived. A woman was sitting on one of the benches OUTSIDE, wearing a mask, while waiting to pick up her cat. I was unmasked, as usual, placed my carrier in the middle the bench, and sat down on the opposite end to get my phone out to make the call. The woman flew off the bench and quickly walked about 15 feet away. So crazy!
How much more evidence do we need to see? I’m not worried for those of us hanging tough, the truth will set us free. I’m more concerned for those, especially the young, who have been duped into taking these shots by Dr. Fraudci and his not so merry band of criminals. These shots need to be paused immediately worldwide.
I'm at the gym the other day, and I see some people in their early 20's wearing masks on treadmills. That disturbs me greatly. Social media has turned our youth into mindless imbeciles is my only guess.
I used to just shrug at the folks wearing masks alone in their car.
It's their life. I don't care what they do.
Now, they make me angry.
Those sheep are the reason we don't have the numbers to fight the government.
And, the younger they are, the more disturbing it is.
Just realize, if they're masked alone in their car or on their bike, they're stupid. It's that simple.
Its a great identifier though. We just sold our house in Seattle and are trying to decide where to live by taking a road trip. The more smiles and maskless faces we see, the better the score!
If you are a Conservative who loves constitutional values, come to Texas. We closed for only a short period of time. No vaccine mandates, friendly people, beautiful country of all sorts - lots to choose from. Get off the Left Coast!
Texas and Florida are the two main states taking a stand against the mandate. Florida’s governor is welcoming the shipping companies to start shipping to Florida and said they will have workers and truck waiting to pick up the goods from the ships. GO FLORIDA!
Texas is top of our list!
"Unfortunately, we now know the vaccines do not preclude infection or transmission. As a result, we are forcing people to choose between their livelihoods and a freedom-robbing vaccination mandate with no rationale. We are only beginning to see the dire consequences of these ill-advised mandates."
Author: U.S. Sen. Ron Johnson, a Republican from Wisconsin.
An Awakening? I hope more Politicians wake up !!!
What area? I'm leaving Seattle too but I'm a California beach girl at ❤️. I would love to end up in a small cute beach town.
We just moved to Texas from Michigan (close to Austin), and have been unpleasantly surprised by the voluntary number of mask wearers. In the gym, in the car, in the grocery store. Hard to believe.
OMG! St Pete FL was so refreshing this past March. ALL restaraunts and patios filled with ppl enjoying life and the servers had NO WOKE attitudes, everyone was happy... it was as though Covid never existed. One night at dinner a hoard of idiot BLM protesters came through the high $ district we were dining at. I'm sure they were paid to come through nightly. Live and let live, when you try to micro-manage (control) others, you just ruin life for yourself. Follow Jesus.
I’m in Lakewood Ranch! Florida. We are Free.
My wife and I were in Key West, FL, for a week. Normal life
I just got back from 5 days in Russia. Mostly the same.
People can live normally eve
We might move either to FL or Russia. I know, weird...
St Pete’s is a democratic haven, Mayor is a total idiot and tons of crime in St. Pete’s, but I suppose anything in Florida is refreshing is you’ve visited from a lockdowned, mask wearing dystopian Blue State.
The first state to ban vaccine mandates was Montana
That’s a great way to decide, however, if your road trips don’t leave WA, you haven’t gone far enough. You will never elect a Republican Governor in WA and things will never change.
Oh agreed! Beautiful WA state is doomed. Very sad to leave here, but it feels like zombie land at this point.
I’m a WA native happily settled in LA(lower Alabama). Come check us out!
Vote Red please
Sorry, but Washington state is way better than the Alabama swamp. Even most Republicans will admit to that.
Knoxville TN is great. Mountains and climàte
There's freedom abound in Missouri, as long as you don't live in the people's republics of St Louis or KC.
I live in KC where we have a mask mandate most places. Recently I took a motorcycle trip to NC mountains and back. My entire trip, hotels-gas stations-restaurants etc, not a single place required a mask.
Come to Iowa
We are from Portland Oregon and are visiting Kentucky. Here if you want to wear a mask ok, if not ok. It's freeing.
Come SOUTH!!!
Florida, Baby, Just don't bring any Democrat, Wing, Marxist Ideology with you (if That is how you vote,)
Texas or Florida. Avoid Austin though.
Seems like Idaho would be a state where the majority has seen thru the propaganda. Close to Seattle too. But they do have real winters there.
Iowa is a great place to live. I grew up in Hawaii, but wouldn’t go back if you paid me because of the mask nazis and the woke state it has become.
I was just going to say that some of you people fleeing from terrible blue states should consider coming to small towns or rural areas in the midwest. We have freedom and a much lower cost of living. Your dollars would go farther to buy a bigger, nicer house, etc. I live in NE Kansas and life is pretty normal here. P.S. This part of the state is hilly, green and beautiful as opposed to the flat nothingness of the western part of the state.
Go Steve King
Inslee is an Idiot
Florida or Texas hmm, away from a border though. Good luck on your Journey!
“Man who wear a mask alone in car dumb enough to wear condom alone in bed” - Confucius
also probably wearing seat belt in bedroom.
Thanks for the best laugh of the day.
LOL, I am stealing this, with attribution in tact.
If they are masked period, they are stupid. I caught rona back in Feb at a ski resort which was mask nazi everywhere. The mask did absolutely nothing as I went into the changing room where there is zero air ventilation. The masks are a farce. You need a hazmat suit if you want legit protection, breaking bad style.
No exaggeration. If the virus escaped from a level 4 biosafety lab, then you need level 4 biosafety measures to avoid it. Not a textile mask where the spaces between fibers are 1000x larger than the size of a virus particle - and the mask doesn't even fit right...
Well the mask fit or material is mostly irrelevant anyway since most people take it off more than they have it on or they just wear it below their nose.
You can get arrested for not wearing a mask in some countries - check out Australia for one. It's a fine line between "avoiding detention by police" and "stupid".
However, if enough people disobeyed, it wouldn't matter if the police were instructed to arrest people or not.
You didnt "catch" certificate of vaxx ID. Flu season is temp dependant.
There's a fine line between stupid and crazy.
I think outside mask wearers are crazy. Inside wearers stupid or scared. Outside crazy.
Those are the true Covidians, no
reasoning with them, at least easy to spot.
No sheet! I’m here in north Texas and see people walking their dogs wearing masks. 🤦🏻♂️
yes, walking alone! HEY!....use that damn mask to pick up ur dog crap you moron. They're the easiest to spot. So true.
I saw many articles when they started about pets being possible spreaders? Are they going to start vaccinating pets, or was that another media covid hoax
Covid is in a lot of mammalian species. Probably the only way to jolt people out of the Covid hysteria is suggest they euthanize their pet to avoid them catching or spreading C19, like what Australia did earlier this year.
Covid is in the DEER population! I think that was part of the "spreading", intentional infection to ppl and nature. What a friggin mess ppl make when they hate themselves. Hitler is maybe the best example of 1 demon possessed person creating enormous genocide.
I thought Texas was going ok? Are the inhabitants still brainwashed?
Depends on where you are. Where I am, fewer sheep than lions.
Stupid is as Stupid Does!!
They are either frightened by constant Covid drumbeat, continually hydrate on the Fauxci Kook-aid, or both. It is sad the way the machine has propagandized our country.
Not mine, but I enjoy the designation "Branch Covidians.
Actually, Zane, they’re indoctrinated. There are many high IQ types that are masked and on their bikes.
Wearing a mask alone in a car is very sensible. It stops you giving yourself Covid. Innit.
Probably just trolling
Don't get angry. Point and laugh.
Exactly! Mockery is the best remedy for totalitarianism.
Let's go Brandon!
In Kores it's the whole country. I think the whole country has gone crazy.
Young people's ignorance has been pathetic and consequential.
I think part of the reason is young people have been vaccinated all their lives... against many different things. It's just part of life for them. Why would the anti-COVID vaccines be any different?
There's a myth, but a popular myth, that a vaccine is a vaccine is a vaccine. Simply not true.
And never mind the new technology of the "genetic" (or "host-vectored" vaccines. See
While I have outwardly adopted the same sentiments, it has always angered me. Masks are not benign. Wearing them too long, touching them, which contaminates them with whatever is on your hands, and not immediately replacing them causes them to become incubators for bacteria, which the wearer then breaths in in increasing numbers. This can lead to bacterial infection with symptoms the same as Covid and misdiagnosis as Covid, which helps drive up the Covid case numbers. Treating a bacterial infection as a viral infection can lead to death, which is then misattributed to Covid, driving the Covid death numbers up and generating even more panic and mask use.
Forgive me for sounding judgmental, but it really is natural selection at play here. Do the lib's not realize that they're killing their voting pools. It's what they do anyway with their dimwit ideas...they ruin the cities where they live and can't even see the cause and effect of their dumbass agendas. The truth will set you free. If you choose to remain dishonest and to thumb your nose at integrity, you will reap death to your soul.
"Do the lib's not realize that they're killing their voting pools."
That's something I haven't been able to figure out. If the libs are so sure that Covid is deadly & that Repubs are the ones that are not taking the jab, why wouldn't they be happy about that & encourage the people who don't vote their way to remain unvaxxed? Seems like that would suit their purposes of reducing the population of wrong-thinkers.
I keep struggling with that as well. I am of the mindset “if that’s what you wanna do, then knock yourself out”. I went to the grocery store and saw countless people by themselves in a car with a mask on it just makes me angry that our government and media has put them in that place and they don’t have the common sense to figure out what’s going on.
I think there are millions of immigrants who came here for freedom and opportunity but have no idea they need fight to keep it, so they just do as they’re told. Also, many have very small worlds, and aren’t inclined to follow the news except for maybe local. That leaves it to the rest of us.
So true. They come from countries that have one child policies and real sci for level gov overreach. They don’t know anything but blind obedience. It’s up to real Americans to show them.
^^^THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! @John
This. thoughts exactly!! As the mother of a 19 y.o., I would often ask her: WHY are you and your peers so complacent about this? Do you understand that you are at no risk? How come no one is protesting like the youth of the 60s and 70s? Her apathy was so infuriating but I had to remain calm to keep the line of communication open . Right now, I'm doing my darnest to keep her from getting the clot-shot. These young people live for social media "likes" and the more, the better. Many have found this to be a source of extra income. I feel that indoctrination started with the global warming narrative. Many in her age group have become vegetarians in order to "save the planet". Their level of intolerance and judgement towards others (i.e. omnivores) that don't follow their lifestyle is quite troubling. My husband and I have become more conservative as we see the truth of this plandemic play out. Fortunately, we're slowly getting through to her with carefully and subtle sharing of data and information. A few weeks ago, I managed to convince her to cancel her appt at Walgreens. This has been an exhausting and heart-breaking journey for me. And I'm fighting for them because Brandon and his CDC-FDA mafia want to close all doors for my teenagers to the point where they will feel isolated if they don't get jabbed. My youngest (17) is an elite track athlete with Olympic aspirations but based on the Olympic trials in Eugene, OR, they're pushing all these young and super healthy people into getting vaxxed. AArgh!! These f*ng mandates have to go! I don't know how much longer I'll be able to protect them from the 24/7 propaganda.
My 21 year old son is very aware about what is happening. He was recently required to Vax-or-Test for his college classes here in Illinois. He opted to test, as did lots of other young people in his classes. He’s a gym bro, very health conscious. He told me it will be hard but he’s going to move to a red state once he graduates, so he can work and live without the mandates. All hope is not lost. (Also, he won’t date vaccinated girls, hah!)
My sentiments mirror yours especially with kids. Mine also an athlete and forced to get a vaccine at college. Developed pneumonia and now has chest pains. Fee powerless to help her.
Maybe ask them how many kids do they know that died from Covid. I think it can’t be many if any. Then at least that would give them something to think about.
the propaganda form the media and social networking have done an admirable job of herding the sheeple over the cliff.
We are now an oligarchy.
What they are doing to kids is terrible. MSM and social media are making them fearful that they are going to die, if they get it, and that masks and vaccines are the only way to go. Depression, suicide and eating disorders among kids have greatly increased during the pandemic. My teen granddaughter, who lives in Australia, where lockdowns are extremely strict, has developed an eating disorder, which is due to her lack of control per the psychologists and the MD who are treating her.
You won't be able to protect them. All you can do is arm them to be able to make informed decisions. That's what good parenting is and it sounds like you are good parents.
I take notice every time I read a parent's anecdote about their child blowing them off when they express their concerns about this. Yes, children are by nature defiant, but I cannot wrap my mind around such a fundamental mismatch of minds between parent and child (and sometimes vice versa). I've read dozens of accounts, and in only one example did this father proclaim responsibility for their failure as a parent. I'm not saying this to pet you the wrong way, your children are effectively adults, but this disconnect has to be acknowledged. Has the State so thoroughly hijacked the parent's influence and authority? This seems to be the case, and it doesn't bode well for the future of our society. In other countries they have multiple generations under one roof, and family cohesion is a priority above all. In the West we've allowed the idea of adult children and parents living together to be ruthlessly stigmatized as a severe character flaw, and I don't believe this was an accident.
On a side note, I only rarely go out in public (PDX), and on my most recent trip to the grocery store, I was the only one not wearing a mask. It was the same last year, but now I'm not being harassed by employees. Is it the same in Eugene?
The sociologist in me enjoyed this article. I WAS an older student (Class of 2013) mixed in with kids younger than my own (including a couple of teachers). The brainwashing I witnessed was amazing and a few of my professors and teachers didn't really like me because I'd bring up the other side of the argument. My Sociology professor REALLY didn't like me and he was a fraction of my age. He was also the Chair of the department so I couldn't go to him to complain about him. I sucked it up, said what he wanted to hear, and moved on. The others were far more mature about my alternate opinions and I was always civil. But I would have kids come up to me after classes asking more questions. They WERE hungry for both sides; they just didn't realize there WERE two sides. And I blame the parents for that. When you do everything for your kids, you put them at a disadvantage.
Maybe the jabs, mask wearing, brainwashing, economic destruction is really about thinning the herd? Maybe the globalists really want the "strong" to survive? Aren't they all Darwinists anyhow? Will the un-jabbed be the last ones standing to take their rightfully earned place as peasants in the New World Order? Just pondering the endgame.
You can’t help but wonder about all the intentional destruction? Giving a vaccine that causes so many adverse reactions, instead of pulling it, they mandate it? How dare the lessers threaten the Eutopia that was meant for their pleasure. Schwab has written a book about the NWO, they meet at Davos yearly, those in power use their motto “Build Back Better” and it's suppose to be in place by 2030. You will own nothing and you will be happy.
Biden's text line for donations during the campaign was 30330. 2020/666 = 3.0330 Coincidence?
It's all about Eugenics. Read "War On the Weak" by Edwin Black. He has written several other books about where we have gone wrong in our society,
They always made me angry because my young children would see those morons out and about
Under all anger is pain. Locate the pain, heal it and the anger dissolves. Use your anger energy in a constructive way that doesn't turn against you like anger does. The time is coming to stand up. Remember that half the country is against the vaccine. We have more that are against it than have taken it. Among those that have taken it, many are sorry they did. They have awakened a sleepy giant and if they go much further they will see it. And most of them are armed. This is the showdown!
I know. I sure don’t want young kids to think this is normal, but some parents don’t seem to care about that. 😞
I have feeling of nausea when I see that..
Anger kills. Feel pity instead. We can only feel pity towards the (intellectually) disabled.
I swerve them in the streets :-)
I could not agree more!!!
Those are the ones that will get Covid. They’re holding the virus in.
It’s because they have literally been frightened to death. So many lies & misinformation no one really knows who to listen too. Mostly the fault of media not reporting the truth.
Around here, it's the youth wearing masks, not us middle aged and older people. The youth's psyches have been majorly damaged.
What’s completely nuts is they are the least susceptible to Convid!
Sad they don't know that...
It’s mind boggling these college kids walking around wearing masks everywhere, even outside still. Parents walking around with there small kids masked up. These people are brain dead.
They were indoctrinated while in school, sadly. Social media has forced them to always be "cool", be popular by not rocking the boat. Their society thrives on "accepting everyone" without offending. The woke are in a trance where questioning authority is seen as unacceptable and offensive. Every rally I've attended since May, has been full of people with gray hair (I was born in 64 - last of the boomers). All I see is mostly boomers plus a few young families with their little kiddos. Some young adults join us if their jobs are at stake. College kids are not being taught analytical skills. Period. Add to this the plandemic narrative pushed by Fraudci on a daily basis, and you see why they don't revolt. :'(
Sad but true.
They are bombarded with doom. Covid, climate change, and all the crap messaging on the internet.
yes here too
I am always amazed at the number of younger folks wearing masks in public, my 21 year old granddaughter and her bf included.
Where are the rebels?!? I weep for the future.
yes I am still old one...but still here!!!
Husband and I have local reputations for not backing down. Sometimes it's a lonely place but we are usually right.
I am an outlier at age 73. No jab for me. I wish i could have prevented my 12 year old grandson from receiving the poison but they live in California and are brainwashed. I just pray doe his continued health and no booster.
or for the present....
I've gotten into heated arguments with my 19 y.o. daughter about the uselessness of the masks. I NEVER wear one but she still gladly puts hers on before walking into stores or restaurant. She has called me anti-masker and anti-vaxxer. She's in the vulnerable college years where being ultra-progessive is cooler than being logical and listening to your mom's wisdom (backed by DATA). I've also shared lots of great articles and interviews by doctors but she won't even open the links.
Are you vaccinated against other diseases? Then there you go- you are not an anti-vaxxer.
Yup...LOL Every time they try to compare these leaky gene therapies to old-fashioned vaccines, I bring up the science of real immunity and sterilizing vaccines. I also had varicella (chicken pox) along with my 3 sisters and my then 40+ y.o. dad. Most people fail to realize that sanitation and nutrition played a bigger role in curbing these diseases than vaccines. Also my daughter suffered an adverse event at 3 months old. Super scary. Made me question everything from that point on. Have met many families with vax-injured kiddos. So, NO vax should be mandated. Period. Especially if you've already experienced SAEs with one of your kids.
Instead, they're encouraging pregnant women to get these gene therapies. If anything should clue people in that the purpose can be nothing but sinister, it is this.
The proportion of pregnant women in society at any time is miniscule. They are at an age where they are almost completely safe from Covid. Their effect on Covid transmission is zero.
To encourage pregnant women to vaccinate means that the purpose is not just negligent, it is sinister. There is something in these vaccines that is much worse than that they simply do not work.
I agree! It’s really sad and scary at how they’ve been brainwashed!
I also think it's her way of rebelling against us. We tend to be conservative and being a new college graduate, she knows everything....
Yes, both.
My veterinarian now requests clients wait outside, and call to let them know they have arrived. A woman was sitting on one of the benches OUTSIDE, wearing a mask, while waiting to pick up her cat. I was unmasked, as usual, placed my carrier in the middle the bench, and sat down on the opposite end to get my phone out to make the call. The woman flew off the bench and quickly walked about 15 feet away. So crazy!
It’s nuts! Imagine if you told them the masks don’t work!