How much more evidence do we need to see? I’m not worried for those of us hanging tough, the truth will set us free. I’m more concerned for those, especially the young, who have been duped into taking these shots by Dr. Fraudci and his not so merry band of criminals. These shots need to be paused immediately worldwide.

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I'm at the gym the other day, and I see some people in their early 20's wearing masks on treadmills. That disturbs me greatly. Social media has turned our youth into mindless imbeciles is my only guess.

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I used to just shrug at the folks wearing masks alone in their car.

It's their life. I don't care what they do.

Now, they make me angry.

Those sheep are the reason we don't have the numbers to fight the government.

And, the younger they are, the more disturbing it is.

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Just realize, if they're masked alone in their car or on their bike, they're stupid. It's that simple.

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Its a great identifier though. We just sold our house in Seattle and are trying to decide where to live by taking a road trip. The more smiles and maskless faces we see, the better the score!

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If you are a Conservative who loves constitutional values, come to Texas. We closed for only a short period of time. No vaccine mandates, friendly people, beautiful country of all sorts - lots to choose from. Get off the Left Coast!

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Texas and Florida are the two main states taking a stand against the mandate. Florida’s governor is welcoming the shipping companies to start shipping to Florida and said they will have workers and truck waiting to pick up the goods from the ships. GO FLORIDA!

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Texas is top of our list!

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"Unfortunately, we now know the vaccines do not preclude infection or transmission. As a result, we are forcing people to choose between their livelihoods and a freedom-robbing vaccination mandate with no rationale. We are only beginning to see the dire consequences of these ill-advised mandates."

Author: U.S. Sen. Ron Johnson, a Republican from Wisconsin.

An Awakening? I hope more Politicians wake up !!!

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What area? I'm leaving Seattle too but I'm a California beach girl at ❤️. I would love to end up in a small cute beach town.

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We just moved to Texas from Michigan (close to Austin), and have been unpleasantly surprised by the voluntary number of mask wearers. In the gym, in the car, in the grocery store. Hard to believe.

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OMG! St Pete FL was so refreshing this past March. ALL restaraunts and patios filled with ppl enjoying life and the servers had NO WOKE attitudes, everyone was happy... it was as though Covid never existed. One night at dinner a hoard of idiot BLM protesters came through the high $ district we were dining at. I'm sure they were paid to come through nightly. Live and let live, when you try to micro-manage (control) others, you just ruin life for yourself. Follow Jesus.

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I’m in Lakewood Ranch! Florida. We are Free.

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My wife and I were in Key West, FL, for a week. Normal life

I just got back from 5 days in Russia. Mostly the same.

People can live normally eve

We might move either to FL or Russia. I know, weird...

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St Pete’s is a democratic haven, Mayor is a total idiot and tons of crime in St. Pete’s, but I suppose anything in Florida is refreshing is you’ve visited from a lockdowned, mask wearing dystopian Blue State.

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The first state to ban vaccine mandates was Montana

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That’s a great way to decide, however, if your road trips don’t leave WA, you haven’t gone far enough. You will never elect a Republican Governor in WA and things will never change.

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Oh agreed! Beautiful WA state is doomed. Very sad to leave here, but it feels like zombie land at this point.

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I’m a WA native happily settled in LA(lower Alabama). Come check us out!

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Vote Red please

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Sorry, but Washington state is way better than the Alabama swamp. Even most Republicans will admit to that.

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Knoxville TN is great. Mountains and climàte

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There's freedom abound in Missouri, as long as you don't live in the people's republics of St Louis or KC.

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I live in KC where we have a mask mandate most places. Recently I took a motorcycle trip to NC mountains and back. My entire trip, hotels-gas stations-restaurants etc, not a single place required a mask.

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Come to Iowa

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We are from Portland Oregon and are visiting Kentucky. Here if you want to wear a mask ok, if not ok. It's freeing.

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Come SOUTH!!!

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Florida, Baby, Just don't bring any Democrat, Wing, Marxist Ideology with you (if That is how you vote,)

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Texas or Florida. Avoid Austin though.

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Seems like Idaho would be a state where the majority has seen thru the propaganda. Close to Seattle too. But they do have real winters there.

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Iowa is a great place to live. I grew up in Hawaii, but wouldn’t go back if you paid me because of the mask nazis and the woke state it has become.

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I was just going to say that some of you people fleeing from terrible blue states should consider coming to small towns or rural areas in the midwest. We have freedom and a much lower cost of living. Your dollars would go farther to buy a bigger, nicer house, etc. I live in NE Kansas and life is pretty normal here. P.S. This part of the state is hilly, green and beautiful as opposed to the flat nothingness of the western part of the state.

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Go Steve King

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Inslee is an Idiot

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Florida or Texas hmm, away from a border though. Good luck on your Journey!

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“Man who wear a mask alone in car dumb enough to wear condom alone in bed” - Confucius

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also probably wearing seat belt in bedroom.

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Thanks for the best laugh of the day.

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LOL, I am stealing this, with attribution in tact.

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If they are masked period, they are stupid. I caught rona back in Feb at a ski resort which was mask nazi everywhere. The mask did absolutely nothing as I went into the changing room where there is zero air ventilation. The masks are a farce. You need a hazmat suit if you want legit protection, breaking bad style.

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No exaggeration. If the virus escaped from a level 4 biosafety lab, then you need level 4 biosafety measures to avoid it. Not a textile mask where the spaces between fibers are 1000x larger than the size of a virus particle - and the mask doesn't even fit right...

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Well the mask fit or material is mostly irrelevant anyway since most people take it off more than they have it on or they just wear it below their nose.

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You can get arrested for not wearing a mask in some countries - check out Australia for one. It's a fine line between "avoiding detention by police" and "stupid".

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However, if enough people disobeyed, it wouldn't matter if the police were instructed to arrest people or not.

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You didnt "catch" certificate of vaxx ID. Flu season is temp dependant. www.youcantcatchavirus.com

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There's a fine line between stupid and crazy.

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I think outside mask wearers are crazy. Inside wearers stupid or scared. Outside crazy.

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Those are the true Covidians, no

reasoning with them, at least easy to spot.

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No sheet! I’m here in north Texas and see people walking their dogs wearing masks. 🤦🏻‍♂️

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yes, walking alone! HEY!....use that damn mask to pick up ur dog crap you moron. They're the easiest to spot. So true.

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I saw many articles when they started about pets being possible spreaders? Are they going to start vaccinating pets, or was that another media covid hoax

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Covid is in a lot of mammalian species. Probably the only way to jolt people out of the Covid hysteria is suggest they euthanize their pet to avoid them catching or spreading C19, like what Australia did earlier this year.

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Covid is in the DEER population! I think that was part of the "spreading", intentional infection to ppl and nature. What a friggin mess ppl make when they hate themselves. Hitler is maybe the best example of 1 demon possessed person creating enormous genocide.

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I thought Texas was going ok? Are the inhabitants still brainwashed?

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Depends on where you are. Where I am, fewer sheep than lions.

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Stupid is as Stupid Does!!

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They are either frightened by constant Covid drumbeat, continually hydrate on the Fauxci Kook-aid, or both. It is sad the way the machine has propagandized our country.

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Not mine, but I enjoy the designation "Branch Covidians.

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Actually, Zane, they’re indoctrinated. There are many high IQ types that are masked and on their bikes.

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Wearing a mask alone in a car is very sensible. It stops you giving yourself Covid. Innit.

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Probably just trolling

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Don't get angry. Point and laugh.

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Exactly! Mockery is the best remedy for totalitarianism.

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Let's go Brandon!

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In Kores it's the whole country. I think the whole country has gone crazy.

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Young people's ignorance has been pathetic and consequential.


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I think part of the reason is young people have been vaccinated all their lives... against many different things. It's just part of life for them. Why would the anti-COVID vaccines be any different?

There's a myth, but a popular myth, that a vaccine is a vaccine is a vaccine. Simply not true.

And never mind the new technology of the "genetic" (or "host-vectored" vaccines. See


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While I have outwardly adopted the same sentiments, it has always angered me. Masks are not benign. Wearing them too long, touching them, which contaminates them with whatever is on your hands, and not immediately replacing them causes them to become incubators for bacteria, which the wearer then breaths in in increasing numbers. This can lead to bacterial infection with symptoms the same as Covid and misdiagnosis as Covid, which helps drive up the Covid case numbers. Treating a bacterial infection as a viral infection can lead to death, which is then misattributed to Covid, driving the Covid death numbers up and generating even more panic and mask use.

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Forgive me for sounding judgmental, but it really is natural selection at play here. Do the lib's not realize that they're killing their voting pools. It's what they do anyway with their dimwit ideas...they ruin the cities where they live and can't even see the cause and effect of their dumbass agendas. The truth will set you free. If you choose to remain dishonest and to thumb your nose at integrity, you will reap death to your soul.

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"Do the lib's not realize that they're killing their voting pools."

That's something I haven't been able to figure out. If the libs are so sure that Covid is deadly & that Repubs are the ones that are not taking the jab, why wouldn't they be happy about that & encourage the people who don't vote their way to remain unvaxxed? Seems like that would suit their purposes of reducing the population of wrong-thinkers.

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I keep struggling with that as well. I am of the mindset “if that’s what you wanna do, then knock yourself out”. I went to the grocery store and saw countless people by themselves in a car with a mask on it just makes me angry that our government and media has put them in that place and they don’t have the common sense to figure out what’s going on.

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I think there are millions of immigrants who came here for freedom and opportunity but have no idea they need fight to keep it, so they just do as they’re told. Also, many have very small worlds, and aren’t inclined to follow the news except for maybe local. That leaves it to the rest of us.

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So true. They come from countries that have one child policies and real sci for level gov overreach. They don’t know anything but blind obedience. It’s up to real Americans to show them.

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^^^THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! @John

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OMG...my thoughts exactly!! As the mother of a 19 y.o., I would often ask her: WHY are you and your peers so complacent about this? Do you understand that you are at no risk? How come no one is protesting like the youth of the 60s and 70s? Her apathy was so infuriating but I had to remain calm to keep the line of communication open . Right now, I'm doing my darnest to keep her from getting the clot-shot. These young people live for social media "likes" and the more, the better. Many have found this to be a source of extra income. I feel that indoctrination started with the global warming narrative. Many in her age group have become vegetarians in order to "save the planet". Their level of intolerance and judgement towards others (i.e. omnivores) that don't follow their lifestyle is quite troubling. My husband and I have become more conservative as we see the truth of this plandemic play out. Fortunately, we're slowly getting through to her with carefully and subtle sharing of data and information. A few weeks ago, I managed to convince her to cancel her appt at Walgreens. This has been an exhausting and heart-breaking journey for me. And I'm fighting for them because Brandon and his CDC-FDA mafia want to close all doors for my teenagers to the point where they will feel isolated if they don't get jabbed. My youngest (17) is an elite track athlete with Olympic aspirations but based on the Olympic trials in Eugene, OR, they're pushing all these young and super healthy people into getting vaxxed. AArgh!! These f*ng mandates have to go! I don't know how much longer I'll be able to protect them from the 24/7 propaganda.

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My 21 year old son is very aware about what is happening. He was recently required to Vax-or-Test for his college classes here in Illinois. He opted to test, as did lots of other young people in his classes. He’s a gym bro, very health conscious. He told me it will be hard but he’s going to move to a red state once he graduates, so he can work and live without the mandates. All hope is not lost. (Also, he won’t date vaccinated girls, hah!)

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My sentiments mirror yours especially with kids. Mine also an athlete and forced to get a vaccine at college. Developed pneumonia and now has chest pains. Fee powerless to help her.

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Maybe ask them how many kids do they know that died from Covid. I think it can’t be many if any. Then at least that would give them something to think about.

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the propaganda form the media and social networking have done an admirable job of herding the sheeple over the cliff.

We are now an oligarchy.

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What they are doing to kids is terrible. MSM and social media are making them fearful that they are going to die, if they get it, and that masks and vaccines are the only way to go. Depression, suicide and eating disorders among kids have greatly increased during the pandemic. My teen granddaughter, who lives in Australia, where lockdowns are extremely strict, has developed an eating disorder, which is due to her lack of control per the psychologists and the MD who are treating her.

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You won't be able to protect them. All you can do is arm them to be able to make informed decisions. That's what good parenting is and it sounds like you are good parents.

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I take notice every time I read a parent's anecdote about their child blowing them off when they express their concerns about this. Yes, children are by nature defiant, but I cannot wrap my mind around such a fundamental mismatch of minds between parent and child (and sometimes vice versa). I've read dozens of accounts, and in only one example did this father proclaim responsibility for their failure as a parent. I'm not saying this to pet you the wrong way, your children are effectively adults, but this disconnect has to be acknowledged. Has the State so thoroughly hijacked the parent's influence and authority? This seems to be the case, and it doesn't bode well for the future of our society. In other countries they have multiple generations under one roof, and family cohesion is a priority above all. In the West we've allowed the idea of adult children and parents living together to be ruthlessly stigmatized as a severe character flaw, and I don't believe this was an accident.

On a side note, I only rarely go out in public (PDX), and on my most recent trip to the grocery store, I was the only one not wearing a mask. It was the same last year, but now I'm not being harassed by employees. Is it the same in Eugene?

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The sociologist in me enjoyed this article. I WAS an older student (Class of 2013) mixed in with kids younger than my own (including a couple of teachers). The brainwashing I witnessed was amazing and a few of my professors and teachers didn't really like me because I'd bring up the other side of the argument. My Sociology professor REALLY didn't like me and he was a fraction of my age. He was also the Chair of the department so I couldn't go to him to complain about him. I sucked it up, said what he wanted to hear, and moved on. The others were far more mature about my alternate opinions and I was always civil. But I would have kids come up to me after classes asking more questions. They WERE hungry for both sides; they just didn't realize there WERE two sides. And I blame the parents for that. When you do everything for your kids, you put them at a disadvantage.

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Maybe the jabs, mask wearing, brainwashing, economic destruction is really about thinning the herd? Maybe the globalists really want the "strong" to survive? Aren't they all Darwinists anyhow? Will the un-jabbed be the last ones standing to take their rightfully earned place as peasants in the New World Order? Just pondering the endgame.

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You can’t help but wonder about all the intentional destruction? Giving a vaccine that causes so many adverse reactions, instead of pulling it, they mandate it? How dare the lessers threaten the Eutopia that was meant for their pleasure. Schwab has written a book about the NWO, they meet at Davos yearly, those in power use their motto “Build Back Better” and it's suppose to be in place by 2030. You will own nothing and you will be happy.

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Biden's text line for donations during the campaign was 30330. 2020/666 = 3.0330 Coincidence?

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It's all about Eugenics. Read "War On the Weak" by Edwin Black. He has written several other books about where we have gone wrong in our society,

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They always made me angry because my young children would see those morons out and about

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Under all anger is pain. Locate the pain, heal it and the anger dissolves. Use your anger energy in a constructive way that doesn't turn against you like anger does. The time is coming to stand up. Remember that half the country is against the vaccine. We have more that are against it than have taken it. Among those that have taken it, many are sorry they did. They have awakened a sleepy giant and if they go much further they will see it. And most of them are armed. This is the showdown!

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I know. I sure don’t want young kids to think this is normal, but some parents don’t seem to care about that. 😞

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I have feeling of nausea when I see that..

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Anger kills. Feel pity instead. We can only feel pity towards the (intellectually) disabled.

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I swerve them in the streets :-)

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I could not agree more!!!

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Those are the ones that will get Covid. They’re holding the virus in.

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It’s because they have literally been frightened to death. So many lies & misinformation no one really knows who to listen too. Mostly the fault of media not reporting the truth.

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Around here, it's the youth wearing masks, not us middle aged and older people. The youth's psyches have been majorly damaged.

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What’s completely nuts is they are the least susceptible to Convid!

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It’s mind boggling these college kids walking around wearing masks everywhere, even outside still. Parents walking around with there small kids masked up. These people are brain dead.

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They were indoctrinated while in school, sadly. Social media has forced them to always be "cool", be popular by not rocking the boat. Their society thrives on "accepting everyone" without offending. The woke are in a trance where questioning authority is seen as unacceptable and offensive. Every rally I've attended since May, has been full of people with gray hair (I was born in 64 - last of the boomers). All I see is mostly boomers plus a few young families with their little kiddos. Some young adults join us if their jobs are at stake. College kids are not being taught analytical skills. Period. Add to this the plandemic narrative pushed by Fraudci on a daily basis, and you see why they don't revolt. :'(

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They are bombarded with doom. Covid, climate change, and all the crap messaging on the internet.

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yes here too

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I am always amazed at the number of younger folks wearing masks in public, my 21 year old granddaughter and her bf included.

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Where are the rebels?!? I weep for the future.

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yes I am still one....an old one...but still here!!!

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Husband and I have local reputations for not backing down. Sometimes it's a lonely place but we are usually right.

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I am an outlier at age 73. No jab for me. I wish i could have prevented my 12 year old grandson from receiving the poison but they live in California and are brainwashed. I just pray doe his continued health and no booster.

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I've gotten into heated arguments with my 19 y.o. daughter about the uselessness of the masks. I NEVER wear one but she still gladly puts hers on before walking into stores or restaurant. She has called me anti-masker and anti-vaxxer. She's in the vulnerable college years where being ultra-progessive is cooler than being logical and listening to your mom's wisdom (backed by DATA). I've also shared lots of great articles and interviews by doctors but she won't even open the links.

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Are you vaccinated against other diseases? Then there you go- you are not an anti-vaxxer.

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Yup...LOL Every time they try to compare these leaky gene therapies to old-fashioned vaccines, I bring up the science of real immunity and sterilizing vaccines. I also had varicella (chicken pox) along with my 3 sisters and my then 40+ y.o. dad. Most people fail to realize that sanitation and nutrition played a bigger role in curbing these diseases than vaccines. Also my daughter suffered an adverse event at 3 months old. Super scary. Made me question everything from that point on. Have met many families with vax-injured kiddos. So, NO vax should be mandated. Period. Especially if you've already experienced SAEs with one of your kids.

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Instead, they're encouraging pregnant women to get these gene therapies. If anything should clue people in that the purpose can be nothing but sinister, it is this.

The proportion of pregnant women in society at any time is miniscule. They are at an age where they are almost completely safe from Covid. Their effect on Covid transmission is zero.

To encourage pregnant women to vaccinate means that the purpose is not just negligent, it is sinister. There is something in these vaccines that is much worse than that they simply do not work.

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I agree! It’s really sad and scary at how they’ve been brainwashed!

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I also think it's her way of rebelling against us. We tend to be conservative and being a new college graduate, she knows everything....

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My veterinarian now requests clients wait outside, and call to let them know they have arrived. A woman was sitting on one of the benches OUTSIDE, wearing a mask, while waiting to pick up her cat. I was unmasked, as usual, placed my carrier in the middle the bench, and sat down on the opposite end to get my phone out to make the call. The woman flew off the bench and quickly walked about 15 feet away. So crazy!

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It’s nuts! Imagine if you told them the masks don’t work!

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I should have told her that I was unvaccinated. She probably would have run faster and farther, and scheduled a Covid test.

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Let that airhead that cats (all animals) carry coronavirus. Which is one reason why rona will never be extinguished by vaccines, if we had vaccines that actually worked).

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JUST IN - Australia and New Zealand order all pet dogs and cats to be brought in for mandatory euthanasia to eliminate reservoirs of the virus.

Just kidding, but they would totally do it if their purpose was really zero Covid. (It is not - their purpose is 100% vaccination. Covid needs to stick around so they can do that.)

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I have family in AU, and the lockdowns are disgusting. Kids going back and forth from school to distance learning, back to school, back to distance learning, etc.

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The crazy thing is that, for a second, I thought you were serious and they were now killing the pets

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Just in, Biden to nuke Earth to get rid of Covid by destroying all life forms. Fauci supports the drastic but necessary measure.

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Well, it's a little white that as far as our economy and civilization. I hope it doesn't end up being case of, "The operation was a success but the patient died."

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Same thing at my vet, located in a nearby college town. My sister and I spent the afternoon walking around town, a time when the students are back, a sunny afternoon and the place *should* have been abuzz with activity. But it felt dead, and full of fear. Many students wearning masks, and my sister got a few shocked looks when she stepped into a restaurant to order (unmasked). We were asked by a bookstore we loved to put on masks before we entered, but they were charging 50 cents each. We declined. They lost a significant sale.

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My daughter practically waterboarded herself doing Pilates in a face mask. She won't be going back.

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That's got to be dangerous, surely? Breathing in your own CO2 at a rapid rate?

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Meh, I used to ride bikes outdoors all winter wearing balaclava over my face. Dndit't hrut my biran in the sghlitset.

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Yeah, me too…and I sitll tchoutpye lkie I used to!

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In a similar vein, I experimented with LSD and other mind-bending drugs in my teens and it hasn't effected me in the leased! 👽

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No drain bamage here!

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O nam tahts ynnuf

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True I have worn a scarf over my nose and mouth in winter and when I was a skiier my face was covered for hours. But wool and acrylic are breathable.

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They're probably giving themselves irreversible brain damage, sadly.

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I went with a friend to see her teenage granddaughter perform at a dance competition. I felt so sorry for them performing in masks and then huffing and puffing through masks to catch their breaths. This is wrong!

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Yeah, I don't know what the hell happened with this generation. They're so compliant and docile. No rebels in their ranks, or very few.

I heard someone say the other day that her kid doesn't want to wear a mask, but he'll get shamed by his friends if he doesn't. In the 80s if you were following the rules you were shamed by your peers.

Now all the peer pressure is about obeying the rules? What a weird world.

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I'm 72, and when I was in my teens in the 60's it was all about defying authority. "Never trust anyone over 30" was a mantra.

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Driving near my house in South Florida around 3 PM I saw a high school girl with a backpack walking on the sidewalk by herself wearing a mask. As I passed by I yelled to her, "Why are you wearing a mask?" Just after that I saw a guy on a bicycle wearing a mask. However, it may be Florida's bluest county, but it's the young people who are doing it the most it seems. Perhaps they were told mask wearing was equity for ugly people.

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must be broward county, i live there also. publix hasnt had a mask mandate for like a year, yet i still see almost everyone masked up inside, on ther own. Meanwhile im currently working in SE Lousiana, they still have mask mandates and signs on every business telling you to wear a mask, 90% or more of people dont wear a mask..Very odd

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In my day, it was "Never trust anyone over 30!" How in the world did our young ones become so obedient???

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I vaguely remember seeing the movie so many years ago, but reading the Wikipedia plot synopsis, "Never trust anyone over 30" was used to create a youth-oriented fascist state in the 1968 movie "Wild in the Streets". Also the British movie "Privilege" from the same year used used pop star hysteria to enforce conformity.

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Well, that wasn't good, either. A lot of the 1960s crazes were engineered by our 'letter agencies' wink wink. So the message came from them. Most of the musicians we adore(d) were creations of the CIA. People don't like to hear that, but I don't care. I've done the research. In any case, those 'shooting stars' who were famous 'overnight' all had messages that divided society - by age. We need older peoples' wisdom. What the message was, was that older people are useless. They most certainly are not. Sadly, it's only the psycho octegenarians who conned their way to the top that are delivering today's narratives, which divide our populace more every day. Mission accomplished.

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My research discovered that Susan Kerr Weld, better known as actress Tuesday Weld, was behind all the bedlam and turmoil of the 1960s. Being descended on her father side from the Welds of Massachusetts, who date back to the early 17th century, and go back to the 14th century in England, as a teenager she was groomed to become the Illuminati Priestess, and was behind the emergence of rock music and bands, and the political turmoil of the 60s. She was later replaced as the Iluminati Priestess by pop singer Tiffany. At least that's what my research shows, based on the writing of one crazy guy. However, aside from that, Tuesday Weld is my favorite actress.

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Yes, south fla is too blue and drinking kool aid by the liter.

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I think it’s their parents that have turned them into mindless imbeciles. That and the universities.

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Maybe the jabs, mask wearing, brainwashing, economic destruction is really about thinning the herd? Maybe the globalists really want the "strong" to survive? Aren't they all Darwinists anyhow? Will the un-jabbed be the last ones standing to take their rightfully earned place as peasants in the New World Order? Just pondering the endgame.

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I have seen where the powers that be who have planned this for decades, did lay it all out by saying they had to get people to do themselves in, without being forced. However, now that they are forcing the vaxx, I am guessing they thought more people would opt for it. Since we haven't, they are going full court press.

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Yes....this is exactly what I'm wondering too. What's the globalists plan for those of us who didn't take the jab? Take away meat and give us a climate friendly plant only diet (to make us even more unhealthy)? I personally think the jab is going to make us die younger and keep the young from pro-creating (ie: thinning the herd). I will NOT be a peasant (in their eyes anyway), that's for sure.

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Gates and Schwab are much into eugenics and actively decreasing population. Would not surprise me.

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We are winning! Let the sheep fall prey to natural selection. I’m ok with that.

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In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king.

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My thoughts exactly...

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I personally think it's more about control and creating compliance. If they can get enough people to comply with taking a vaccine for something that has a 99.9% survival rate, what else will they be able to get people to do?

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I try to remind myself that most are in the velvet haze, but there can be 1 or 2 that have an underlying condition that can make them vulnerable. They want to have a healthy lifestyle so go to the gym. No all are without chronic conditions, no matter what age.

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Well I'm in Denver CO and I'm starting to think pot legalization is having a lot to do with this woke stupidity around here.

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I once thought legalizing pot was a good thing. Now I believe it's all part of the planned pathway to our destruction, along with:

-Opioid epidemic.

-Electing local officials soft on crime.

-Defunding police.

-Open jails.

-Open borders.

-State sanctioned violence, destruction & generalized anarchy.

-etc etc etc...

And these are just markers from the last 10-15 years.

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Don't forget anthropogenic climate change hoax and destruction of U.S.energy independence.

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When we moved to Seattle in 2017 I was a pro-drug libertarian.

When we fled Seattle 6 days before CHAZ, I was completely 100% pro criminalization of even pot.

It’s so obvious to me after having lived amongst the dung heaps of homeless addicts.

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Fair point, however I think people should have the right to that type of dysfunction. All freedom is freedom to make mistakes.

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Pretty obvious when itemized. Dam

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Bingo! We all will loose.

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The libertarian in me agrees with legalization of weed, but the rest is definitely an agenda.

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I hope not. It's nice for medical needs.

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too funny!

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Laura A - that's a very good point and, I hope it brings a little patience and tolerance from "our side of the aisle" for those who persist in mask wearing. Unfortunately, the huge majority of them have bought the lies. I'm far less tolerant of any who try to shame others into wearing theirs. Thanks for your point.

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Thanks Randy very much. I have 2 friends with Diabetes, 1 with high blood pressure and one recovering from chemo. Sometimes appearances are not always what they seem. I wear a mask when I spend time with them. We all wear the N95's, they are the best we've got even though they are not foolproof.

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The neighbors on both sides of me are at a higher risk than I or at least have a family member living with them that is. I'm old and overweight, but am not afraid of this thing. I probably frighten them a bit when I'm mowing or picking up my mail, but I don't think I've shamed them yet.

However, I find it far too easy to compliment folks who chose to avoid the masks while in earshot of others who may be wearing them for valid reasons. I need more self control and your post helps! Thanks!

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So many are healthy and knowing this does my own heart good. But many, sadly, are not. I try to think of them. It is only a matter of time until most of us and those that are healthy now, will be diagnosed with something chronic or something that will immune suppress. I don't wear a mask most of the time but when I am around those compromised, I do.

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It's not just that the masks are "not foolproof", it's that they objectively worsen the medical situation of all participants. The only way they help is through the placebo effect, which means they help about as much as smoking and believing it is good for you.

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I have noticed at times when I put on the mask I start coughing a little or my nose starts running. Ironic because the mask is contributing to coughing and then people think you might be sick.

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Please remember there are still classes of people who do mask for medical reasons - for example, recent transplants and their caregivers, patients on chemo. These folks are taunted and ridiculed when their need to mask is critical. Please be kind. Our manners are slipping …. I’m a recently retired RN.

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Yes, Judy, indeed. 4 years before Covid, I was flying and I noted a young woman, mid 20's wearing an N95. I thought it odd bc I assumed she was healthy bc she was so young and looked healthy. Turns out, she had a heart transplant and with that a very good life lesson was learned.

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October 14, 2021
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I can't completely agree because of the crime problems. I would as many would if someone wearing a face covering walked into a bank or convenience store knowing a robbery was likely. We have given criminals a way to hide. Not good

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By design, government schools teach the opposite of critical thinking. Kids are so dumbed-down, they question nothing their screens tell them.

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Exactly. And may I give you my condolences for living in Albany (my husband's family is from there. Not what it used to be).

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does anyone else remember early on in 2020 when those 2 chinese boys died in gym class running outside in the heat with masks on??? WHAT ARE WE DOING? i love working out and then when i see these insta clowns showing their routines with masks on its an immediate unfollow. dog pound in NYC. amazing gym. they wear masks. and i am sure they are all jabbed too. can someone PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD check their O2 levels and their IQ levels. i think MAJOR brain degeneration has happened. there are synapses that have certainly stopped firing.

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flouride in the water. the school system. hollywood. these are things that created mindless humans. its heartbreaking to see. our oldest child is 19. he is in that age group. i literally send his friends info to save them from this insanity. my son is a competitive freestyle skier. imagine if you would compare the risk of that sport to covid lol. and here in canada you have to wear a mask over your face IN LINE AT THE SKI RESORT OUTSIDE. i dont. and i get chased like a fugitive by young men with no spines, no souls and no brains. after they tell me i will have to leave the premesis (and i even ran a local ski program there so they know who i am) i ask them "let me ask you something, do you think a ski buff saves you from a virus created in a P4 lab? would you walk into a P4 lab with your ski buff? do you think the virus is in the air everywhere out here in the frigid blowing cold? is this really what you think?" they say no but they have to do it for everyones health and safety. then we debate whose health. whose safety. it goes in circles. they are irrational. they are a lost generation many of them. they are slaves the narrative no matter what the narrative is. the same zombies will scream at you saying you are a racist even when your friends are of all different races and then scream at you and say put on your mask and then scream at you and say you are oppressive. its literally mind blowing. i have 4 kids. we discuss this every day. we are creating warriors for truth. this shit WILL end bc we WILL make sure it does.

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I'm wary of making this into a generation thing. The powers that be (whoever they are) are very good at causing divisions among us. I saw a protest march go down Flinders Street in Melbourne, about 20 000 people who face the riot squad for peaceful protest. I'd say the majority of them were young - under 30.

My husband is a highly cited researcher and academic who wears his face mask fully fitted when we're by ourselves on a deserted beach.

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So have him read the Danish Mask study. If it doesn't stop wearing a mask, then the mask is his religious fedish.

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I have referred to the Danish Mask study repeatedly but he insists I send him the link, just as he insisted I send him to the link to pfizer's dog's breakfast of a clinical trial that didn't even measure any of the effects you'd want from a vaccine. I told him that typing into google should make the link come up. I did actually have to send him the link to the 6 month follow up report with 15 deaths in the vaccine cohort and 14 in the placebo and he said, "Now that you've produced some facts, that makes me a little more sceptical". The scepticism last a couple of weeks, then the religious conviction was back.

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Agreed. I said from beginning of pandemic that about 1/4 of population is gone to us. They will ever give up their death grip on this virus. It is their religion. They believe this virus will kill everybody not vaccinated. If vaccinated it is the fault of the unvaccinated that vaccinated dying. No way to prove that and thus why a religion. Their fear of dying is huge. Irrational. So many today do not believe in a higher power. They are literally drowning in fear. It is awful to watch.

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Godless people are terrified of death, which may explain the insane reaction to something they will almost certainly not die from.

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Wouldn't you think that godless people would be more protective of their natural rights since this is the only life they think they have? Live it to its fullest rather than be constantly aware of preserving themselves. I suppose on the other hand they are thinking they have to protect the life they have any way they can including doing things that a reasonable person would consider strange - like wearing a mask alone in a car. People, go figure.

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Most people refusing God are the ones in a desperate panic to preserve the only life they will ever know. They claw at anything they can use as lifeline.

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It's even more awful to see them inflict this irrational fear on their children.

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Jools! It's so insidious! Saw a family of four, nobody around, all dressed the same, all MASKED outdoors in the sunshine. (Masks are rare around us.) I expressed disapproval, we were inside the car. My 11yo daughter defended this crap, said it's their choice. Yes and no.

I explained that we're not talking wardrobe choice here. The kids, 7 & 9 ish, are doing as they're told, and the parents should be ashamed of themselves muzzling them. Masks communicate fear in hopes to alarm others, widening the divide. I'm tired of neurotic nuts trying to normalize this shit.

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And right now they are trying to figure out how to transfer this unquestioning acceptance to global warming. This “emergency” is getting a bit long in the tooth so it’s about time for the fear mongers to move to another issue.

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Could be more than 1/4. Closer to 1/2 IMO. The mental damage this has done to people is real and way worse than the cold everyone is obsessed with.

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It says in the Bible that in the latter days, people will be given over to delusions. There is the explanation. not pretty to see though is it.

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yes its a cult. and the ultimate sacrifice to the cult of covid is the children. its how they can prove their allegiance.

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More insidiously yet, the targeting of our children.

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It’s horrific, using our children as human shields to satisfy their irrational paranoia. It sickens me.

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Well said! It's also, clearly, child abuse just as the shutdowns and forced isolation of our most aged population was elder abuse.

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Indeed it is so diabolic to do this to the children and to the elders.. they will not escape Jesus' judgment.

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Discepolo - that's a good reason for us to keep praying for ALL those involved in this horror show. It may not be too late to reach some on the "wrong side" of this to wake up and repent and, unless they do, their "horror show" will be far worse and will last far longer.

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"Discepolo - that's a good reason for us to keep praying for ALL those involved in this horror show."

How could i disagree? Every morning i pray for a road to Damascus conversion for all those except those who Jesus states are them who are vessels marked for destruction.

"It may not be too late to reach some on the "wrong side" of this to wake up and repent and, unless they do, their "horror show" will be far worse and will last far longer."

I agree w/ you and i know ultimately, prayer is most important to the Lord and so if what we pray for is according to His will, He shall answer them hence;

"Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O LORD, my strength, and my redeemer." Psalm 19:14

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Children of today will not have a strong immunity system if not developed naturally. Get in that sandbox, throw dirt bombs, etc.

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I agree with you Bob, hence any child born after around 1994... will never be as immune strong as those before this time frame and the reason why is because this is where the elite really stepped up GMO poisoning of us. So if one has children they must do all the can to get that child into a sandbox throw dirt bombs etc.

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We learned that from the Taliban !

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I think they're struggling to vaccinate younger children in the UK, since the government's advisory committee on vaccinations (the JCVI) said they couldn't recommend it on the balance of risks versus benefits.

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Exactly.. it's all by design, see Georgia Guidestones "commandment" number one to see a major reason why they are targeting the children.

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Big Pharma profits on Blood Thinner products is sky-rocketing the past 18 months. Clot Shots ,Anyone?

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Yes. They're called Heparin. As far as the increase in products; the patent on Heparin ran out many years ago so they have to continue to come up with profit making drugs that do the same thing. The elderly, Boomers especially, are a huge cohort so that's who they're targeting.

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Just a few months ago, the FDA approved the first oral anticoagulant for the pediatric population...Hmm, if I were a "conspiracy theorist" what might I think of this timing;)


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The excess cancer deaths could be explained by reduced early screening, from people avoiding or being kept from sick care facilities. The excess cardiological deaths could be explained by increased stress, anxiety and depression, and drug and alcohol abuse. Either way, big pharma and their mainstream media and government tyrant puppets are the disease.

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Or excess cancer deaths could be due to the vaccine causing cancer cells to proliferate. My good friend has stage 4 pancreatic cancer. Her doctor convinced her to get the shot. The following morning she had her blood tested and her tumor markers had shot “through the roof”. Scary.

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Yes the first dose destroys natural killer (NK) cells that fight cancer and other diseases. There are many reports of new, worsening, or reappearing cancers after the vaccines.

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Thank You Someone.

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Is there a Covid vaccine cancer link? Highwire with Pathologist Dr. Ryan Cole.

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One of my relatives has cancer and decided not to get the covid vaccine, looks like a good call.

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Although ongoing stress is a major factor, for sure, and vaccine injury is also likely.

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There is ongoing research out there that in regards to cancer the vaccine could affect Toll like receptors TLR. We shall see.

Narrowing our natural defense mechanisms is what these vaccines are doing They are rewriting into our bodies new functional programming which is unbelievably narrower than our natural immune systems. Everything is based in silico data than physical data therefore it is no surprise that the output of vaccine events are being ignored. Once it hits you that everything is data driven and that data is considered empirical proof, you cannot help but recognize how far afield reality is for these inventors.

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Unfortunately, the increase in cancer is probably not due to reduced screening. Friend of the family had a perfect mammogram with no signs of cancer, a few months later, suddenly had breast cancer. I also touched on the subject here, some oncologists are alarmed at what they are seeing: https://wholistic.substack.com/p/if-theres-one-thing-you-need-to-read

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Agreed but, we must all put in our effort as best as possible to warn the youth about this and give them quality factual documented info on it.

By the way, as for your quote of the truth will set us free, i kindly suggest you read like 10 lines before and after that part in the New Covenant to see what Jesus actually meant.

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He will set you free from being a slave to sin. Woe to his audience of self righteous "sons of Abraham". Remember another passage where Jesus said "I could make sons of Abraham from these stones if I choose."

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Discepolo Lazzaro - I appreciate your more thorough memory and knowledge of the scriptures than I possess. I suspect I'm much older, but your memory and knowledge surpasses mine.

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I appreciate your kind response, all glory to the Lord. Well when you read Scripture daily and often, it starts to stick a bit but one needs to actually intentionally memorise as much as possible because we might not have access to His Holy Writ one day, so memorise as much as you can in the meantime, which i need to do more of. So my possession of such is just more to do with knowing His Holy Writ is Spiritual Food and if we eat not, we are Spiritually dead. As for my knowledge you state surpasses yours, well, we both have knowledge and memory on various things so you know things and have good memory on things i do not etc and if you just spend more time reading the Scriptures regularly your memory will increase and knowledge also. :-]

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This would have been pulled like vaccines in the past that caused far fewer deaths and adverse reactions. There is so much more to this. Never, in the history of vaccines, has any been pushed on the American public to the extent this one has. Every American should ask why!!!

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Unfortunately there's nothing you or anyone can do for a very good size percentage of people, they are so demoralized and brainwashed they'll deny it even if puts them on their death bed. But I do worry about the elimination of the control group that is growing more KGB-like as the failings get more obvious to those who wish to see. My plan is tactical retreat to the reddest part of a red state (not political, just respectful of freedoms), invest in WiFi money, digital assets and friends/family and wait for the inevitable demise of the current system (and I mean everything) under its grotesque weight. I'd love to hear other thoughts.

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Just wonder when the truth will be known. Friends think I’m crazy.

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It is the survival of our society and our familes and our very lives. How do we stop this genocide??? We MUST!!

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The governments and media have convinced at least half the population that if you get virus you will DIE. The only chance of survival is the vaccine that may mitigate severity of virus. Just lies. Yes people will die of this virus just like the flu kills people as well only media never cared about flu deaths. Now the focus is to scare parents and jab our kids with vaccines we know little about long term.

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Yet FDA is doubling down, approving “boosters.” 🙄

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It's about Profits, and I'm sure Fauci cried a river to the FDA since he stands to benefit from a Moderna booster!

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Maybe the jabs, mask wearing, brainwashing, economic destruction is really about thinning the herd? Maybe the globalists really want the "strong" to survive? Aren't they all Darwinists anyhow? Will the un-jabbed be the last ones standing to take their rightfully earned place as peasants in the New World Order? Just pondering the endgame.

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Covid kills the sickly. They want the vaccines to kill the strong.

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VXX kills the morbid too....its a quick kill for someone, anti-fertility for the rest, hence the push for kids to get it.

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Yes I bet a lot of jabbed girls will grow up never getting a period.

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Pondering the same thing as you. Then I read here as a response that the vaccines will inevitably kill the control group (ie unvaccinated)? Peasant or death? Neither sound savoury to me!....

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It took 70 years for the truth to set the Soviet Union "free". It took thousands of years for the truth to set slaves free.

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When do you think the truth will finally come out? How many years?

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it will, but ppl will be onto their next iphone or next app or talking about their new netflix benge or whatever the mainstream media has pointed them toward.

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I am an hour in to listening to Gupta on Rogan. He obviously is a paid influencer. He pitched himself to be on. He is there to push for 5 year olds to be vaccinated and says the lie that the unvaccinated are spreading Covid more. Rogan called him out. Who is paying him? pharma? The White House? How can someone justify giving a shot to a child unless they gave a preexisting condition? Makes me sick.

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The good news is Joe wiped the floor with Gupta. It was awesome. I actually enjoyed it more than when alex was on. I love watching Joe in action. He is incredibly gifted at letting his guests hang themselves with any faulty logic or circular reasoning.

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Good to know. My fiance listened and said Gupta is pushing the vaccine. I wasn't going to listen but now I will.

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Gupta kept his kids out of school in 2020 because he was "afraid" of Covid. He is an extreme ideologue who would sacrifice his own children's well-being at the alter of Leftism.

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to borrow a phrase from someone on here, he is a "branch covidian"

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Keeping his kids out of school out of fear clearly shows that he is not one to "follow the science".

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Him being able to afford day care or have someone care for kids at home makes him pretty privileged and he thinks everyone can do that.

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Leftists don't much believe in God, so Leftism is their religion.

Gupta follows the political science, not the medical. It's a tenet of the religion.

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You've got to be kidding! It was Gupta's initiative and he pushed hard to get on? Then he refuses to apologize for the CNN slander that Rogan was taking horse dewormer, finally conceding that CNN was "wrong." He should have known Rogan would eat him alive, but no, his hubris prevented him from seeing that he's been benefiting from CNN softball questions.

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In the beginning of the show, Rogan says something like "thanks for reaching out to me," so it clearly sounds like Gupta wanted to come on -- paid influencer.

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Two hours in- listening while grocery shopping- I was cursing out loud in store. He is pushing the vaccine on ROGAN who just had COVID!!! Says Rogan should get! He knows nothing about the myocarditis. He says 95 percent of people in hospital are unvaxed- which ,may have been the case 4 months ago, not now. Look at Vermont, Mass, Haiwaii, Oregon, etc. It was just push push push vaccine- 5 years olds, people who have had Covid. Not calling out his network strongly enough over "horse dewormer" and dismissing ivermectin use in Uttar Pradesh in India. I need a drink and I still have one more hour to go! PAID INFLUENCER!

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And they are manipulating the definition of unvaccinated. That could mean someone who never received the vaccine, someone who only received one dose of two, someone who received the vaccine “too recently”. So we really have no idea what they mean by unvaccinated and they’re just using the term to vilify those of us who do not want to be lab rats.

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Yep, thanks for reminder!!!!

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Great point-

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Yes and the UK breaks it down so that partially vaccinated aren't included in the unvaccinated category. Not only does the US intentionally distort the data, I'm not even sure how the US determines someone's vaccination status. Is it based on a test or just asking the person if they are vaccinated or is there a national database? How does anyone verify that the correct status was recorded? (not that I'm questioning the integrity of the many doctors and nurses that are Branch Covidians...).

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Between 100 and 200 Congressional Reps & staff were treated with IVM and none went tothe hospital. And none spoke up to the American people, either. https://theconservativetreehouse.com/blog/2021/10/09/report-100-to-200-congressional-reps-and-staff-were-treated-with-ivermectin-protocol-from-front-line-covid-critical-care-doctors/

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Yes. I remember when Congressman Gohmert got Covid- he got HCQ and ivermectin as I recall from Hannity interview

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We need transparency on this. Who was paid by the government or technocrats to promote the vaccine? This truth will be extremely revealing.

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Those that knew Gupta and his family in Mi.not at all surprised by him. His brother is another piece of work as is their mother

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I thought Gupta needs to have a bright checked suit on...paid shill for Pharma and Media Corporations....He told a story about his 72 y/o Air Conditioning Repairman....Every Air Conditioning Repairmen I have had for 35 years is about 35 y/o. LIES!!!!

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Yes, and he shouldn't be giving medical advice without knowing his medical history! He isn't HIS doctor.

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in our center, aware of several patients who had macro clotting events - stroke, pulmonary embolism, and heart attack, far above what we normally see. All within 2-3 weeks of the shot - all dismissed by the hospital as being related to the vaccine.

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The hospitalist that took care of my husband, and the subsequent cardiologist, didn't dismiss it at all. They firmly believe his problems stemmed from the Moderna.

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That is good news that they did not drink the Kool Aid. Hoping your hubby is doing well.

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Under the care of said cardiologist. May be in line for a pacemaker because of it. Hey. That's ok but it didn't have to be.

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I am so saddened to hear this. This is unforgivable. And Moderna has no liability....unbelievable. You are correct, did not have to be. Sending you and your hubby waves of peace and healing. Adding your husband to my prayer list.

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From the linked article:

"We are grateful for the opportunity to present the clinical data package for our COVID-19 booster vaccine to the FDA's advisory committee today," Moderna officials said in a tweet. "We thank the committee for their review & for their unanimous vote in support of EUA of the 50 [microgram] booster dose."

Made me shudder with disgust. As if they weren't going to approve it, ha! Gotta keep those payoffs rolling.

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F - austian

D - evils

A - bound

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I agree with @Laura A... but also, these ones who know it was from Moderna shot, i presume they are not ready to lose their jobs for revealing the reality of this.

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The hospitalist said his comment was off the books. That's a sad state of affairs when a doctor has to be that careful. The cardiologist came right out and said it.

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Thank you for your reply. I'm glad they admitted it, but obviously they are not willing to go public.

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It would be career suicide if they do at this time.

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True but they have support with a growing parallel society. Truth/moral compass should outweigh fear and lose of work when there is a parallel society being built with all sorts of folks, look up "Andrew Torba" from "GAB" and "Parallel Society."

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FDA committee just greenlighted Moderna boosters.

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Day or so after Scandinavian countries outlawed them. Guess it is easy to see where the capitalist greed is. And I am a conservative and capitalist so I am not throwing stones, just pointing out the immense corruption in the United States of late.

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I see your position, but what you are describing is crony capitalism not capitalism.

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And gaslighted us

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Man are they evil.

F - austian

D - evils

A - bound

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Good! Maybe CDC chief Walensky will override them and forbid all boosters. 🤪

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If ppl have actual access to this info, it should be sent to Alex perhaps. Or Frontline Drs.

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Related or unrelated?

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Sadly, a member of my church family died this week. He was in fantastic health - an athletic fellow who exercised regularly. But in his early 60s, he found himself suddenly in the hospital with new heart problems. I have no evidence that it was causal, but he had the shot a few weeks before this occurred. I'm starting to get very angry.

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Yup. 3 weeks after my husband's second Moderna shot he started having problems he had never had before. I already reported it to VAERS, for what it's worth.

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Thank you for doing that. I am very sorry he's in this situation.

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A recurring theme with post-vax cardiovascular effects is the athleticism of the victims. This should be looked into statistically.

On October 22, 2020, before the first injection was administered in the US, the FDA had a meeting on potential side-effects to monitor. The list includes numerous clotting, inflammatory and autoimmune effects, appended below (refer to the link for slide deck).


This tells us the following:

1) The FDA anticipated COVID-like systemic effects but did not warn of both known and possible risk as required for informed consent under EUA

2) FDA anticipated that pike protein alone could produce such effects (as the vaccines do not expose you to virus, only spike.)

3) FDA had reason to believe the mRNA or the spike protein gene product would circulate to other sites either in the blood or the lymphatic system, as this would be necessary to manifest systemic organ effects away from the injection site (though auto-immune effects would not necessarily require systemic dissemination)

You can't sue the government or the manufacturers, as the vaccines provide immunity from liability, if nothing else. But other entities that force this one you without informed consent should be held liable.

See page 16 of slide deck for list

Guillain-Barré syndrome

Acute disseminated encephalomyelitis

Transverse myelitis

Encephalitis/myelitis/encephalomyelitis/ meningoencephalitis/meningitis/ encepholapathy

Other acute demyelinating diseases

Acute myocardial infarction



Disseminated intravascular coagulation

Venous thromboembolism



Narcolepsy and cataplexy


Autoimmune disease


Pregnancy and birth outcomes

Non-anaphylactic allergic reactions

Arthritis and arthralgia/joint pain

Kawasaki disease

Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome in Children

Vaccine enhanced disease

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Athleticism comment… heart is far more active then non athletic heart and the heart muscle takes in much more blood and deposits ( spike protein and surrounding inflammation ) then a regular heart. It could be the charge on the injection matter also (nano metals - graphine oxide from what I have read, surrounded by PEG ) since they go right to ovaries and bone marrow per the inventor Dr. Robert Malone and the Pfizer data/graphs. Almost like it was planned. It was. For obvious depopulation reasons. Catch up everybody if you don’t get this. It gets scarier unfortunately. Duck Duck go always for search engine, rumble.com even bitchute.com and a few others.

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I would also suggest Swiss Cows as a private, unbiased search engine. Works well on computer but very buggy on mobile. Try it for a controversial topic and compare results.


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I also had a good friend who died mysteriously in April at 62.

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So many stories like this - I'm tired of people saying "Oh it's just a coincidence.' NO MORE POISON DEATH SHOTS!

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Ignore the superficial anecdotes. People never realize they have heart problems until the symptoms become critical. Lots of autopsies of young, fit GIs in WWII and Korea showed all Americans had signs of heart disease. None of the Asian soldiers did. People eating western diets are committing slow suicide. An infection can push those on the edge over the edge.

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Also David when your average person knows of more anecdotes about vax reactions than they do of people that were hospitalized (let alone died) of COVID, clearly something is off.

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Aw, don't be so down on anecdotes. If it weren't for them, then we wouldn't know about our brother's best friend's son-in-law's gardener's niece's boyfriend's illness... 😺

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I’m personally following cardiologists who are sounding the warning bell like Dr Peter McCullough. Also, I fail to see how young men with a one in 5,000 chance of getting myocarditis should take it when they only have a one in 25,000 chance of hospitalization for COVID itself.

I agree ,though ,that if our CDC actually cared about our health, they would seek to ban substances like corn syrup from mass food production.


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He is an amazing Cardiologist and truth sayer.

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If you watch the video on www/AmericasFrontline called Monopoly (found under the News category), 1/3 of companies are owned by the Globalist Elite. They own all the packaged and junk food, soft drinks, in the world. Gives the impression Lots of money to make on ppl getting obese, sick.

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Or a vaccine

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Or a cheeseburger. Some are closer to the edge than others.

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That's right - we will never know. But I've heard so many of these stories, I can't help but be suspicious. By the way, aspirin is no longer recommended by U.S. "experts" now that an Israeli study said it might held in the fight against COVID.

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And when we have so many examples of our media hiding/ lying adverse reactions, it's entirely appropriate to put more faith in the anecdotes around us. It's certainly not ideal, but it's the position we've been put in.

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Literally said the same thing yesterday when I saw the change. I read their reasonings but still...

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The vaxxine is the spike factory. The vaxxine is generating the real pandemic. The vaxxine is the disease.

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True, but we must stop calling it a vaccine. It's a mRNA gene altering injection, or for short, GMO lethal injection.

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Exactly, at best it’s a therapeutic, and even that’s looking like a stretch. Much better treatment options available.

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:-] Yea it is a stretch to call it a therapeutic at this point. Agreed there are much better treatments available indeed.

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Austrian journalist Jane Burgermeister was onto the same kind of scheme back in 2009.


And of course the bad actors tried to smear her just as they trying to smear truth tellers today:


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I have cancer that has been temporarily stopped or slowed its growth. I am not changing my chances by introducing anything unproven into my body. I have suspected for about 6 months that someday we will tragically look back on many many unexplained deaths

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One of my friends has been in remission from cancer for 3 years. Was doing great and living healthy active life - then she got what Dr. Zelenko calls this : the'poison death shot', and cancer spread to almost every major organ and is now in hospice...truly tragic.

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I am so sorry to hear this about your friend. I have heard several stories just like this one. I wish there was a way for these stories to be reported.

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Not liking his situation. Just no sad face choice

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I have seen a couple news stories about Cancer remission after actually catching Covid Infection; Could a natural immune to Covid help cancer remission in some cases?

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They are now treating some cancers with measles and jave figured out that natural measles infection gives protection against cancer. Likely because it then strengthens the immune system

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*a natural immune response

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I should go catch it :)

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No measles wipes out your immune memory. All those bacteria and viruses fought throughout life will be forgotten by the immune system.


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Alex, this is a difficult post to "like." My like demonstrates my appreciation for your coverage and prolific posts. Please keep them coming.

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I believe deaths from the jab are also high in the United States but are not being reported as jab related deaths!

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You are right, look up VAERS system and outspoken doctors and nurses risking their careers to talk about it. That VAERS system apparently only records 1% of the reports which means many many more are dying than is being reported.

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Also, subjects are not considered fully vaxxed until 2 weeks after the shot, a convenient way to not get the vaxx linked with rapid deaths

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True Eric, thanks for reminding me. Remember though, it's not a vaccine, it's a form of mind control to get us to call it a vaccine when it's a GMO lethal injection.

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So I just caught a random few minutes of "Your World with Neil Cavuto” (10/14). He was discussing herd immunity and vaccinations with Dr. Robert Lahita, Director of St. Joseph’s Institute for Autoimmune and Rheumatic Diseases. There was a discussion of herd immunity that only focused on the percentage of vaccinations in the population, no mention of immunity from natural infection. As the conversation continued, discussing vaccinations….

The doctor said, “50,000 children under the age of 14 died in the USA since the beginning of the pandemic….and so children are really, really important to cover.”

Per the CDC, from 1/1/2020 to 10/13/2021 (https://data.cdc.gov/NCHS/Provisional-COVID-19-Deaths-by-Sex-and-Age/9bhg-hcku/data), for 0-14 year olds, there were 49,225 total deaths, but only 351 deaths from Covid (0.7%). The doctor didn’t say that 50,000 children under the age of 14 had actually died of Covid, but someone who wasn’t listening carefully could have easily heard it that way. He certainly didn't mention that the actual number of Covid deaths was 351. Was the doctor trying to frighten parents regarding the risk of Covid death in children? Seems possible and likely.

The doctor also said, “The vast majority of the cases are between the ages of 25 and 54, where most of the deaths occur.”

Per the CDC, from 1/1/2020 to 10/13/2021 (https://data.cdc.gov/NCHS/Provisional-COVID-19-Deaths-by-Sex-and-Age/9bhg-hcku/data), for 25-54 year olds, there were 68,650 Covid deaths of a total 712,930 Covid deaths. So the aforementioned age group comprises 9.6% of total Covid deaths. Not even close to 51%, i.e. “where most of the deaths occur.” Was the doctor trying to scare youngish adults into getting vaccinated? Also seems possible and likely.

But I can’t answer those questions, because Neil didn’t ask those questions or pushback at all. This is why media (left and right) and the medical establishment aren’t trusted anymore. And this is why your substack is so important, Alex.

Note: This segment irritated me so much that I recorded it and looked up the numbers. I am really tired of fact-checking the news media. At some point in my lifetime, I hope they start actually doing their jobs.

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"The doctor said, “50,000 children under the age of 14 died in the USA since the beginning of the pandemic….and so children are really, really important to cover.”"

Yes, very misleading statement. Not covid deaths. Well spotted.

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Cavuto is a low IQ corporate mouthpiece. Stop watching.

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haha. I can count on one hand the number of times I have watched. Not adding anymore times to the count either. But his segment was in line with what America's corporate overlords want.

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This is one of the better comments I’ve seen on Alex’s substack. Nicely done and spot on.

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Paid shill and yes he was lying by ommission

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I dont even listen to the news. Stopped about 5 years ago. Lies, distortions and pure propaganda. This is a great example. Attempting to manipulate ppl to falsely believe 50k kids have died from covid in order to put parents in a state of fear is pure evil! The 351 kids that died under 14 years old had co-morbidities and might have died anyhow. PURE and BLATANT EVIL! Its as if everything we were ever taught about honesty, integrity, principles, virtue has VANISHED suddenly.

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I told myself today that I need to stop watching the news as well. Time is too precious. Yes, it is awful to scare parents like that and based on my neighbors it appears to be working. It certainly is an upside down world we live in these days.

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Outrageous and deplorable. On par with the New York Times article last week stating that 900,000 children were hospitalized with covid since the beginning of the pandemic and that Sweden and Denmark recently began giving single doses, then publishing a correction the next day where ~ 63,000 were hospitalized and the countries had HALTED use of Moderna. Ramping up the child covid fear mongering, practically salivating for the pfizer approval in the younger group. I'm also tired and so angered by the blatant lies. Despicable. The debasement of a profession I still believe in breaks my heart. Thank you for calling them out. People out there who aren't suspicious really don't have a chance.


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I know, the NY Times piece was ridiculous. I think all retractions should have to be published on the front page, then maybe they would do a better, more honest job.

Neighbors are talking about potential LA-type mandates in my county and much of the reasoning is based on protecting kids. I normally don't engage because it is usually pointless, but I had to speak up. I provided CDC links and data. Regardless of the numbers, they still want to live in fear. And that's fine for them, but I don't want them putting their irrational fear on the rest of the county or on me.

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Most people spent more time picking out what color socks to wear, this morning, than finding out what they were injecting into their body.

Until that changes, authoritarians will continue to rule by mandate & those very same sheep will suffer the consequences.

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That is quite possibly the best way I’ve heard it described. If 2021 has taught me anything, and it’s taught me a lot, it’s that so many people are grossly uneducated!

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I only own black socks but I fear your comment still applies even if you change it to the time it spent me.

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Trust is a funny thing, no?

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I just do not believe ANY death figures I see for this or anything else now. I really would like to know how many people COVID killed who would be alive but for COVID. No flu last year. CDC somewhere said only 21000 actual COVID deaths. I am just SO tired of all the bullshit and so thankful for YOU at least trying to shovel out the barn.

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Always sounded suspicious to me that flu just DISAPPEARED!

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Also, a friend just got the booster in last few weeks. In the hospital with Pneumonia and RHINOVIRUS. He said he never has had pneumonia before. I do wonder if the Rhinovirus would have been named Covid were it not for he had just gotten the booster?

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Of course they would name it this, watch "Plandemic" part 1 and 2 to see the proof to what you are contemplating?

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Dr. Scott Jenson of Minnesota, 35+ year doctor surgeon, last year and this year made clear they are calling the flu, "covid."

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Yes. CDC admitted when they send out new directives to all the Labs and advised on new test coming out in Dec 2021 that may differentiate better between the reg flu and SARS 2

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Yes i remember this, what snakes eh?

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From the CARES Act Provider Relief Fund FAQ pdf:

"To be eligible for the General Distribution, a provider must have... provided after January 31, 2020 diagnoses, testing, or care for individuals with possible or actual cases of COVID-19. HHS broadly views every patient as a possible case of COVID-19." !!

Also: "A presumptive case of COVID-19 is a case where a patient’s medical record documentation supports a diagnosis of COVID-19, even if the patient does not have a positive in vitro diagnostic test result in his or her medical record."

Broadly views EVERY patient is a possible case of covid?! Wow. Make it rain.


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As a historical figure I have issues with Winston Churchill but he does have some perfect quotes & one of my long time favorites fits perfectly here. "The truth is incontrovertible. Malice may attack it, ignorance may deride it, but in the end, there it is."

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Read the accounts of the early days of the AIDS crisis before there were any real treatments. Once the immune system hit a low threshold, most people either died of pneumonia or some form of opportunistic cancer. I just have this feeling that many people have underlying cancers that are being held in check by a healthy immune system. But if massive amounts of spike protein from a "vaccine" enter the blood stream and settle in the lymph nodes, the immune system is suppressed and those cancers grow like a week.

People are literally giving themselves functional AIDS when they shoot up with these things.

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There is reports of “strange cancers” and reoccurrence of cancers after the vax. I wish there was more info on this. The PA whistleblower is one source I heard that from but there are other reports, just don’t recall exactly where. Surely, this info will be forthcoming soon.

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Agreed. My anecdotes include many sicknesses after vax in friends (not covid).

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Yes. Fauci’s specialty and expertise. It lowers T cell ability per Scripps research. Spot on you are. Guess who just bought a T cell measuring capability company. Yes, Bill Hates. Always one step ahead these Billionaires. I wish more people were educated in Science and understood this. They say he is doing a similar repeat from what Fraudci caused ( and then made a ton of money ) “ fixing “ years ago. Remember when the cheap AIDS meds disappeared, the non patented ( Fraudci intervention ) and the expensive patented was all that was left. Speaking of Patents, please watch Dr. David Martin MD on rumble.com , bitchute.com even YouTube ( may be available for an hour or so until they delete and someone reposts. Thank you to those incessant reposters ! ) After watching his presentations you will not need to look any further. It is amazing how it all comes together. Also pls watch Planet Lockdown to understand what is going on now. On rumble.com etc. Education is our best defense to know what is going to hit us, why, when and how. It is ALL spelled out here thanks to truly good people. It is all surmountable if we stand strong. God Bless.

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Here’s a thought to chew on; 83% of blood bank donors show immunity to covid in recent CDC study. We’re still seeing vacillations in new cases and are currently in the midst of a downturn as the Delta variant fades away.

If immunity at high rates doesn’t slow infections, does it make sense to continue the current mandates?

It’s getting hard to argue for more vaccinations.

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And think about our blood supply being polluted by the sheep that took the jab.

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We knew 20 months ago that roughly 80% already had natural immunity from the perfect closed lab experiment: Princess Cruise Ship.

Data was Totally ignored because it was always about control and profit !!!

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And that's why over and over around the world we saw the virus get to roughly 20 to 25% prevalence and then start falling.

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Of course it doesn't make sense - that's why the politicians will continue to push for it :)

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So upset! Myself and my husband, we are thinking of taking J&J vaccine to avoid quarantine, both personal trainers 35 and 40 years of age, we both suspect to have had Covid early in the year. I heard about so many side effects of this jab but still seems the best one out there.

We cannot understand what is happening, where are all the human rights lawyers and organisations, where is UNESCO? I cannot believe this is 2021 and I have to quarantine for 3 weeks all together if I go to visit my family for Christmas. I wish it would all be a bad dream!

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I don’t understand how anyone subscribed to Alex is still considering taking the clot shot. Postpone vacation for a year. This house of cards is inevitably going to collapse this winter. Deaths among vaxxed are going to be catastrophic.

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Hopefully the house of cards will collapse before CDC/FDA approve the Jab for children. There are many parents, paralyzed with Covid fear who are eager to get their children jibbyjabbed.

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I don’t think I deserve to be judged in any way. We have two little kids we haven’t traveled since August 2019 and haven’t been home for Christmas since 2018. We all need a break and to have family around! I have accepted to wait till early December and not happy to do it.

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I don't judge you - I implore you.

For your family's sake and for society's sake.

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I really don't think his comment was judgemental. He was just giving you advice. That's different than saying you're a bad person if you get the shot.

Many people will encourage you to get it. This forum won't tell you it will all be ok. We don't think it will be.

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You can't avoid these "never surrender"! types on these forums. I doubt many of them currently have families with young children.

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On the other hand, maybe they have young children and understand what kind of life those children will have if we fail.

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Also awareness of a lengthy list of vaccine failures in history. And approved drugs later recalled for safety.

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Yep, I have way too much to lose to roll over and give up now

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The stakes are literally life or death, with zero long term data. Coupled with the greatest propaganda push ever of ‘safe and effective’ - many are making horrible decisions. As Weinstein puts it - the fog machine of war is at full blast. Waiting this long, we know so much more than a few months ago. By the winter - we will understand a hell of a lot more than we do today.

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Covid Vaxxing Children will not lead to anything good. When the CDC's own data shows covid is a non-event for 99.9998% of the 0-17 age group there is no scientific justification period !! The CDC & FDA are not to be trusted because they ignore their own data ,and they facilitate Big Pharma profits at the expense of the People!!

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I do!

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People keep saying this. People really think the vaxxed are going to die in large numbers this winter? Seriously?

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Vaxxed are already dying, just being counted as covid......it will get worse.

Read about the last twenty years of failed trials trying to develop a coronavirus vaccine....all trials failed....all animal subjects became very ill or died when exposed to wild viruses of any type. This time the clinical trial is us, you and I and everyone else. I prefer to stay in the unvaxxed control group. The momentum for disaster is building week by week...it is not going to be pretty this winter!

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So the vax may have harmed a persons immune system and they’ll get say a cold or flu and not be able to fight it off. Something like that?

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its called ADE, research it please

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Wow. Scary

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Data from Israel and the UK and anywhere being honest with stats show an increasing signal something is wrong related to the vaccine - both with general excess deaths, and increasingly tied to covid cases. US data is worthless due to the political games being played. Add on the potential risk of ADE - a problem with previous corona vaccine attempts. I'm unaware of a big breakthrough to figure out how to guarantee ADE avoidance, but now there is no more liability - so let's see how it goes. Government and media stick to their propaganda campaign of safe and effective, so the true believers will be the most caught offguard. The health authorities are still doing everything they can to obstruct safe repurposed therapeutics. And to top it off - vax mandates are crippling the medical system right before winter season! Unvaxxed will pay the price for these horrible policies too, but at least without the risk of ADE or vascular events in the meantime.

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The only error I see is ADE. Strictly speaking, as I understand it, that would require a "real" (killed or attenuated virus) vaccine, not the pretend mRNA jab. There are other risks for the vaxxed due to the leaky or non-sterilizing attribute.

Gato Malo or maybe it's Berenson discuss this in better detail.

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I guess the history shows the ties of traditional approach to ADE, but with mRNA - I don’t think that’s solved, it’s just unknown. Related to the danger of ADE tied to the full viral particle - I wonder if this is going to be a huge problem for China and Russia since I think they went with the more traditional approach. As for the new tech, vaccine induced enhancement is another unknown. Has there been data that mRNA solved for the ADE problem?

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The vaccines make you express the full, cytotoxic spike protein, not just the part of it they use. It’s in the literature of the companies. I’ve seen it in the Moderna papers.

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ADE research it.

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I don't know any more than the next guy. I suspect that deaths will be higher this winter, by how much I can't say. The guess of higher deaths is nothing more sophisticated than observing this past summer's higher-than-year-before deaths in many countries. Longer term (2-10 years) I fear that non-COVID-19 side effects (such as was the topic of this article) will be a greater source of morbidity and mortality.

[2nd posting: I posted once, and it posted twice. Deleted once, and both gone! Fortuately I did a "copy" before delete.]

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I believe you're right

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If you are "awake" enough to read this blog, you would have to be insane to take ANY of the GMO inoculations at this point. NONE are safe (including J&J). ALL are ineffective (unless the goal is to destroy your immune system... then they ALL are very effective). Tell your family/job (whomever is imposing the "quarantine") that if these shots do their job then you are a threat to no one by not taking one (so long as they do). If the shots don't work, then that's all the more reason to refuse one. If your family/job won't be rational, then suck up the 3 week quarantine and count your blessings. 3 weeks is NOTHING in comparison to a lifetime of inoculation-induced permanent disability or DEATH.

Besides, at the rate this information is coming out, I'm guessing all bets are going to be off when it comes to the death shots by Christmas.

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Yeah this is the real point. The shots aren't even effective anymore. And they will certainly not be effective by next year, and with any escape variants they could make your life worse.

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I predict they will be pushing boosters but tailored , they will claim, to fight the latest variants. This is certainly technically possible. However, I see no reason that they would be any more successful than "version 1.0" except maybe in the short term. It would be logical to expect the risk profile would remain unchanged. Frankly, I'm surprised they are delaying the first booster as much as they have been. But to rapidly approve what would in honesty be a new product (expresses a different spike protein) will likely require discarding what pretenses remain of the various testing processes.

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Vaccine ouroboros. Perfect cash cow.

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Hold the line! I know it's horribly hard (I'm facing job loss) but it's something we can do to protest the curtain of tyranny.

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I took it. I'm all right for now though I do think some problems that have increased as I have aged -- heart flutter, worsening eyesight -- took a step up after the shot. I am now on the Mercola-Mikovits protocol for the forseeable future and hoping I didn't damage my heart in any long term way. Ask me if you have any questions.

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My good friend developed afib a month after full vaccination

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Yeah friend of the fam suddenly has "enlarged heart" and afib. I suspect they got the booster.

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Many thanks! I am still hoping for a miracle, but I believe it will get worse with the violence and protests before it gets better. They will not give up on power easily :(

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What we need is BLM and MAGA to unite against racist poison passports...massive peaceful rallies against these enemies! I think it can happen.

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Eliza: Research the Novavax - vaccine - yet to be approved but at least it is not a toxic spike producing mechanism - and it actually meets the legal definition of a “vaccine” -

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Also there is an attentuated virus vaccine out there, it is the Chinese Sinovax. Of course I just learned this from Berenson on Rogan :)

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Wait as long as you can. Are you trying to travel out of the US? Most “quarantines” are not enforced.

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Is that the protocol for after forced vaccination?I’m interested.

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Cupping (traditional Chinese medicine) is one. It have to be done within 30 minutes of the vaccine. Sucks it out. Article on thecovidblog.com

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Yes some of the resistance doctors have developed them, Mercola has one, I listened to him and Mikovitz discuss. I believe Simone Gold also has. Let me know if you want to know what I'm doing

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I’m interested, yes. I’m going to try to avoid the shots as long as possible.

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roughly: burn ketones, green tea & fresh veg, quercetin, berberine, cinnamon bark, ubiquinol, saunas, fresh air & sun, yoga

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FLCCC also says ivm helps against vaccine injury. It's safety profile is good enough I'd lean toward just taking it pre and post forced vaxx rather than trying to check for damage with tests like troponin or d-dimer. Dr. Briddle was saying the majority of vaxxed show increased d-dimer levels within a week or two after the shot (signs of clotting).

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Get the antibody test!!!!


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J&J is the most dangerous from my research

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I have some panel data showing it has a much lower initial side effect profile than the other two. Long term is what matters of course and no one knows.

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Adverse events as a percent of total vaccinated people are worse with JJ especially for males. But if you got other data, send a link and I will review

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I think they covered up the adverse events a bit less with JJ because they are willing to throw it under the bus. It wasn’t made for profit.

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I thought it was mostly young women who had more adverse events?

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But there’s just the one shot of jnj and then you don’t have the trauma of getting another.

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It's the highest dose, that's probably why.

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Russian flu? How culturally appropriating and raaacist of the BBC to refer to a flu based on the country of origin.

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I had the same thought but I did Ctrl + F before I posted and here you are. Great minds and all...

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I’m starting to think my husbands theory is correct; it’s a kill shot!

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Indeed it is.. been saying this for years about such shots.

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Yes. There are people on Twitter trying to solve the physiology of how it works. The spike protein is insidious. Most likely it causes iron loading causing radiation-like poisoning of the body using its own iron stores (also leads to hypoxia as iron is necessary for hemoglobin to bind oxygen).

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COVID-19 Vaccines, working as planned.

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True, but remember, they are not vaccines, let's stop repeating the mind control intense lies. They are lethal injections, or you can call them GAMLI (Gene Altering mRNA Lethal Injections) or GMO-shots. etc.

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Oh, I totally agree. Even more the reason to mock them!

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I get you ;-] For me i desire to expose their evil.

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JAB works too.

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Hey Sharon. But jab doesn't really reveal what it actually is, using "jab" makes it seem so harmless when the shots are so dangerous.

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My granddaughter was born with a hole in heart, only 1 kidney and her esophagus going into 1 of her lungs. She IS NOT having the clot shot. As my son says she has enough problems without putting her into an experiment and hoping for the best! They have early treatment packs to treat the whole house should one of them get sick.

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What do the early treatments packs consist of?

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Ours has Ivermectin, Quercetin, Vitamins C, Vitamin D, and Zinc. You can also add Melatonin which helps with sleep, Melatonin shouldn’t be taken during the day if you still need to function. You can find more details at www. FLCCC.net its full of useful information from front line doctors.

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Interestingly, bats have the highest amount of melatonin of any mammal. They also have the coronavirus but they do not get sick. This is also a reason for the melatonin. I think I heard this on Dr. Been.

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Poor kid. That's brutal.

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She survived the esophagus surgery and recovered much sooner than expected. It was probably more brutal on her parents and us grandparents truth be told. She is now a happy thriving 8 yr old and we intend to keep her that way.

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I carried a rabbit foot when I was in elementary school. I realized it didn't work when I was about 10. Vax fans seem to be intellectually a out 10 years old.

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And the rabbit foot works just as well against the Chinese flu as does the mask or the death shot.

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Maybe things would have been worse WITHOUT THE FOOT! Lol

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Some wise ass once opined: Why would anyone consider a rabbit's foot a good luck charm? It didn't bring the rabbit very good luck, did it? 🤡

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If the rabbit had a rifle and a sharp knife he would have had better luck.

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I just has an employee tell me that he was going to the ICU to visit his 59 year old fully vaccinated mother who is declining and expected to die from COVID. I got the impression she is a bigger woman, so at higher risk, which is why I assume she got the shots. They now say the shots keep you from being hospitalized and dying. Apparently not.

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It does more than clot... it's a killshot or slow kill shot.. silent weapons for quiet wars and quiet weapons for silent wars.

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World economic forum solution to global warming

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Walking with my wife in a deserted area of a national park. Young guy appears - totally masked - we are at least 50 away. He looks at me like I’m the nut case.

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It could be worse. Your wife could be fully masked walking beside you in a deserted area. That's what it's like with my husband.

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I feel your pain!

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Just saw this Video maybe the mask wearer needs to see this...https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CmC0h819OV8

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I’m from nsw, Australia, where the trance is deep. Currently halfway through Alex’s podcast with Joe Rogan, making my husband listen, to wake him up. I’m the only one in my family not vaxxed because I’m a stay at home mum. Everyone else had to, for work or in the case of my 17year old son, even though he can see there are risks, he caved because all of his friends are vaxxed and the lockdown here was only lifted for vaxxed so he was going to miss out on his life. It is beyond me, that anyone now cannot see that there is a global agenda that has hijacked the “pandemic”. Still dosing everyone daily with high vitaminC, zinc and D3. Looking into herbal remedies and others that folks are saying behave like antivirals, because I’m worried that when covid gets them, as it will all of us, ADE will put them in a worse position to fight it.

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Same, also NSW. 21 year old see straight through it all, won’t go near any vax, but her boyfriend went to hospital with chest pain 2 days after second Pfizer. 23 year old son holding out, but friends placing him under huge pressure. 19 year old In halls at ANU gave in last week and had a Pfizer shot. Husband not yet mandated at work so he’s holding out while he can.

I’ll be voting for Clive Palmer’s party at the next election. I’ve provided all the kids quercetin, NAC and melatonin for when they get covid, and we’re all taking daily vitamins. Very worried about ADE too.

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I have joined UAP. Will never vote for a major party again. Hopefully UAP get enough support to be able to block these maniacal moves. I’ve been saying we need an independent news source in Australia too. I’ve been trying to but quercetin but sold out. Apparently it’s very high in some foods like red onions. Someone in this thread the other day recommended wormwood which I have growing. Toxic if taken everyday but I’ll be brewing tea if anyone shows symptoms. Thanks for tip re NAC and melatonin. So glad we have Alex’s sub stack where we can talk freely and share ideas

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I did a video on anti-viral herbs and supplements...at minimum, andographis would be the one to get if you can get it in Australia. https://odysee.com/@kenosiswellness:1/anti-viral-herbs:9

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You sound very informed so I apologise in advance if you know this stuff but maybe some of it is helpful...

As you'll know, best to get it early. I think Tom Borody is in Sydney and he could possibly prescribe Ivermectin (It's GPs who no longer can) and he's got a long history of going against the establishment. I met him a decade ago when his work on fecal transplant in IBD was under vitriolic attack from the mainstream. Now RCTs have proved him right and the microbiome is the biggest thing for the immune system.

Worse case scenario is a severe case of Covid, so it might be possible to ask a company called Mesoblast (based in Melbourne) if their cells are available on compassionate grounds. You can look up their RCT in moderate/severe Covid that got stunning results in under 65s. The trial was screwed over by the NIH in the latter half because they referred heavily pre-treated patients and the cells respond to signals of peak inflammation. They have an amazing safety record.

The researchers for Joe Rogan seem to really know their stuff because JR pointedly said that monoclonal antibodies work well in unvaccinated people (because they don't have antibodies) That's what the CEO of the company said.

It's nice to know there are some awake people in this country. I'm in Melbourne. If you want to get in touch: jovitastanne@gmail.com

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Squarely in line with this September article "Mystery rise in heart attacks from blocked arteries" about highly vaccinated, poor-overall-heart-health West Scotland. Mystery my a$$ : https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/mystery-rise-in-heart-attacks-from-blocked-arteries-m253drrnf

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The article was also 'archived' here for safe keeping: https://archive.is/LQuXm

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Wish it was known how many had been Jabbed?

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kill shot

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Exactly. I've been also calling it that for some time.

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Same in the Netherlands. Rise in all cause mortality. Through all ages. For months now. Nothing to see here. Don't ask questions

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Looks like the vax is doing what the eugenicists want it to do.

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Let’s go Brandon?

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several very healthy young athletes in Canada have recently dropped dead, as compiled by MPP @randyhillier

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Nice of the UK to be part of a huge experiment. There's no going back now. Sickening and sad.

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A perfectly healthy Kyrie Irving can’t play in the NBA because he is not Jabbed but Magic Johnson played with HIV

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Thinning the herd! Just what they wanted. This is a nightmare.

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If this signals what it could, it might lead to a massive health crisis far exceeding the pandemic. They will be begging unvaxxed health professionals back on the job.

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The UNVAXXED will be needed to bury the Dead. I hope I am wrong !!

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The “vaccine” isn’t a cure for covid. It’s a cure to the Earth by ridding it of the disease called people.

This is the culling of the herd.

This is the psychotic left wiping out the filthy unwashed who just destroy the earth.

Think I’m wrong? Just wait and see what is about to happen.

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You are correct. This is a project of the Eugenics elites.

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A long Dark Winter is upon us with millions of people who have been primed for pathogenic enhancement of normal everyday colds and Flu. Think Hospitals are full now??

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I don't see many on the right doing a damn thing about it.

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Just the tip of Catastrophe...

ADRs, Deaths, Spread of Increasingly Deadly Variants are the BEGINNING of


Cancer, Autoimmune diseases, Prions, Antibody Dependent Enhancement & Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension will be the END


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For more on the excess death phenomenon in Europe, here’s a useful site to follow: https://www.rintrah.nl/too-many-people-are-dying-and-its-starting-to-worry-the-demographers/

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We are living in a nightmare. :-(

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And here it is from the Swiss today on strong vaccine resistance on the part of their nurses. Nurses and healthcare personal are seeing the injuries firsthand. It’s not a bunch of Trump nurses in the U.S. People around the world need to start speaking out: https://www.swissinfo.ch/eng/briefing/switzerland-today/47021326

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If the same happens in the US, what would be fatality number be? How will they attempt to hide it?

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They won't have to try too hard to hide it. All my friends have taken the shot and no matter what facts you present they are in complete denial. Never seen anything like it.

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Even so I tell them they should have ivermectin on hand for when, not if, they catch it

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I know in part how you feel. As per your last sentence, i strongly encourage to take the time to watch a YouTube video with a man named "Yuri Bezmenov" who was an ex-KGB agent who was interviewed by G. Edward Griffin (a notable seasoned author exposing Communism etc and the NWO) who provides a full dense answer to you about why no matter what you present them, they are in denial. Actually here is the link, i went to go get it for you;


You WILL find it quite enlightening and it will make you quite more knowledgeable of how to perceive with what we are witnessing, how to discern w/ sniper focus with Yuri's help, what you are seeing.

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Thank you. I'll look forward to watching it.

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No problem, thank you for considering it.

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Same here - I feel like I'm in the twilight zone!

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Research cognitive dissonance. It's too uncomfortable for them to hold the idea in their minds that they made a potentially very bad mistake as well as go against the opinion of almost everyone in their lives.

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I know, but the rants about Ivermectin are surreal. In '99 I was prescribed it prophylactically for a trip to rural Brazil, also the evil "H" drug that cheeto billionaire recommended I was given for malaria. They've been around for decades and given to billions of people and some scientists won a Nobel Prize for human applications. You can check all this in various places. Now they're evil and dangerous. A journalist friend posted a deranged rant about how they will kill you and how the Pfizer shot is safer than aspirin and essential oils. It's completely nuts.

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Easy, blame it on the unvaxxed.

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If overall deaths suddenly increase by 1/3, it'll be rather difficult to hide. As others allude, the mission would be to point the finger at anything but the vaxxes.

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Trot out another variant. I forget what we're up to.

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The Law of Physics makes clear we live in a reality of inescapable Universal Entropy which begets Genetic Entropy which means we started from order and are going to chaos. So every time DNA makes a copy of itself, there is a certain amount of mutations - what they are calling 'variants' instead of mutations, as a way to hide the real operational science from you that would wake you up to see how tremendously diabolical of medical science fraud they are pulling on us to justify our entry into a New World Order/The Great Reset - and so every time DNA makes a copy of itself, every copy introduces more mutations (mutations are a loss of information) on an exponential level, in essence we are dying off, it's a trade secret, here, watch this (give it a chance) interview with a former atheist, who is a population geneticist, who reveals quite a bit of trade secret of what we are not being told to mass public by design of course;

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eY98io7JH-c - Dr. John Sanford - Genetic Entropy and the Mystery of the Genome.

I think you might appreciate this powerful information.

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I'm sorry...but that was soooo depressing.

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Easy peasy. Blame covid.

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The Plandemic. Released by the Chinese and Dr. Feces to destroy the US economy and get rid of Trump. Now they are using to develop a global passport. The new world order wants to jab you. Track you. Carbon tax you. And then quite possible kill you. Good luck to all.

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Just yesterday the self-checkout said I had exceeded my sugar and fat ration credits for the month, and put the unhealthy foods surtax on my grocery purchase.

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Have a look at what's happening in New Zealand right now its insane, they are forcing us into vaccination. They are running huge campaigns. Crazy mandates, people are loosing jobs, and guess what we are having a huge spike right now after the big Vax push.

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They are beginning to panic in Ireland as well :


Quote: "The good news is that we have one of the highest vaccination rates in Europe with 91.8% of the adult population fully jabbed.

The bad news is that, despite the success of the vaccine roll-out, the number of people becoming infected here is on the rise."

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Funny, I just had a long conversation with a friend who said on his street where he lived for 23 years, no one had been very sick or hospitalized for covid.

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All the data in the world won’t convince the see no evil, hear no evil but speak all evil vaxx happy brigade. They are genuinely oblivious to common sense, critical thinking and - dare I say it - science. Ever tried speaking sense to someone that kneels to the Church of Fauci? You may as well be explaining the law of physics to your pet. They just don’t get it. My only recourse these days to stay calm and ask them, ‘why do think x is happening…’ and followed up with, ‘but does that make any sense?’ The powers that be are going further and further down the rabbit hole. And this data is just the tip of the iceberg and it cannot end well.

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Hi, Alex. Thank you for this information and for all your posts. Have you seen this article?

Israeli Data Favor Higher Estimates of Post-Vax Myocarditis

— Results echo the controversial VAERS study from September


It stratifies risk rates by age and by male/female and finds the risk of post-vax myocarditis much higher in males (very low in females) and much higher in teen boys and decreasing in successively older age groups.

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36-year-old stuntman, Cody Robinson, was required to get vaccinated for work. He developed deep vein thrombosis from the J&J jab — now stunts can kill him.


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Hope he sues someone

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On Cody's Facebook page:

After speaking to an attorney about my situation. No one can be held liable at the time for my vaccine side effects. I can apply for lost wages (and I will) through a government program…However that program has a 92% denial rate. Even then it only pays lost wages and medical. Nothing else.

So I had to get the vaccine or lose my job…. Also if the vaccine kills/ damages you, no one is held liable. I personally hold our federal administration liable for refusing to acknowledge the SCIENTIFIC FACT of natural immunity and the CDC for saying “you can get the vaccine the week after Covid infection”. I personally hold the #sagaftra Union liable for parroting the same political talking points instead of following science and keeping its members safe. I blame every person who made me and others feel like crazy people for asking about natural immunity. I blame myself for not holding my ground in the face of the finacial/social pressure.

This should not be political. I don’t give a damn about your political affiliation, but if you think that my death would have been “worth it” so that you can feel a little safer; when so many of you argued and called me and others conspiracy theorists for simply asking natural immunity to be CONSIDERED. No, you’re too busy posting memes and sick burns that you never even considered the damage you were doing. You self righteous, selfish, tribalized fools. My kids almost woke up to no dad because you had to drink your “tea.”

I still have numbness come and go in my arms, I still have shooting pains up my back, abdomen, arm and neck. I still get winded when walking briskly. I still am in danger of a blood clot breaking off and killing me.

My life is not political. I am not a number. I am a unique creation just as you are, and I know what is best for me and my body even if YOU and the government you blindly parrot say that I don’t .

Three months is going to be weird.

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"Safe and effective, safe and effective... but we've given ourselves immunity, just in case it's not."

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I’m unvaccinated. 50 years old. Great shape. Eat healthy. Workout 4-5 days a week, rarely drink alcohol. I’ve survived this pandemic for almost 2 years without the jab. Serious question, should I get vaccinated. Thoughts?

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Our basic emotional consideration in the decison making process is the fear of regret. Nobody can tell you for certain that if you don't get vacced you won't catch covid and/or get seriously ill from it. Likewise, you would probably regret taking it if you went on to develop adverse side effects.

For me personally (I'm late 30s so it's an easy answer for me) 50 is the point where I would begin to weigh up the risks and benefits, given my health status. I expect I would fall firmly on the unvacced side unless I was diabetic or obese. 65 or over, I would lean more towards getting it, but even then I'm not sure. If I was someone who took the annual flu jab, then I might see it as no different.

You have to weigh your personal risk-benefit ratio accordingly. I guess I just wanted to empathise that fear of regret either way makes it a difficult decision, especially in an emotionally charged/politicised debate.

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Make sure your vit D and C levels are good. and have some zinc and Quercitin on hand if you feel sick. I'm 57. Tested positive in April. Few symptoms. Not taking the shot.

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What about NAC?

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If you can still find it

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Yes Walmart. Just wondering if it’s good for covid

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NO !!!

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No way in hell. Even if your job depends on it.

I am wondering if this is a joke post or you are just new to learning the truth about the experimental depopulation shot.

I am trying to post here Alex’s email from “ the Unreported Truths “ series of emails I get

Scotland is 87% adult vaccinated; weekly deaths are now 30% above normal

Alex Berenson

Oct 14

Even excluding Covid deaths they were almost 20% above normal for the most recent week, and the trend is rising.

20 straight weeks of excess deaths.

Nothing to see here, folks. (Though even the BBC is now asking questions.)


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Bob, I personally would not. As Barbara said, vitamin d and c regularly, as well as quercetin (supplements or just eat more foods with it) and zinc. My dad is 68 and takes those all daily (please check with your Dr.). If you get sick follow the protocol by FLCCC. I can post the link if you don't know what I'm referring to. Obviously the decision is up to you but I'm just afraid the potential benefits of the vaxx are not worth the risks.

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Thank you! Me and my friends have always said there is no published treatment protocol for covid yet you can find it for every other disease. Remember in the beginning they said if you have covid quarantine until you are basically dying then come to the hospital. Then they put you on a ventilator and kill you. Sad.

Yes please post the link. Thank you!!!

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Here is the link. They have different protocols. I-MASK+ is the prevention and early treatment. They constantly update so I have the link bookmarked.


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Thank you!

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Bob, you asked a legitimate question and I gave you a sincere answer, recounting my recent experience with COVID. I've deleted my post, as it's clear to me that no one here is interested in a genuine conversation about this complicated and evolving subject. Truth matters to me. I'm a real person, with real feelings, and accusations about my character or intent just don't enrich my life. Good luck in your decision on what to do and I hope you find peace with your choices!

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Yes, read this first because the vaccine won't help you in the long run. https://wholistic.substack.com/p/if-theres-one-thing-you-need-to-read

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October 14, 2021
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Come on man!!! Maybe you have bad genetics. I’ll also add my dad who is 75 got covid. He weighs 360lbs, diabetes, heart failure, cancer got covid. He had a bad cold and cough for 3 days but recovered. Never went to the hospital.

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Bad genetics might very well be a cause! But how would we know? How would any adult know they have the potential to get very, very sick or die from COVID as a perfectly healthy person?

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Just as how would any adult know they have the potential to get very, very sick or die from the covid vaccines as a perfectly healthy person? Maybe the same predispositions would have you end up in a similar place with either choice? As with many things in life, gotta pick your poison I guess.

I do hope with a handle like Light Love and Truth that's what you're about...

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I think you nailed it when alluded to picking your poison. Honestly, there isn't a "choice" that I like or feel totally comfortable about. My whole point is simply that my experiences over the past few months have led me to question the choices I've made and the beliefs I held fast. It saddens me that so many people here are just as short sighted, angry, and unwilling to question their position as are those on the other side. I really thought this was a community open to finding the truth, whatever that might end up being. Sometimes, two things can be true at the same time. Life is messy like that.

Not one person has said they are glad I'm ok or that my sister is going to survive., not that it matters to me, but it's a sad observation of our times. When all of this is over, what kind of a community will we be left with?

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I think we're skeptical of your story because it sounds like something a marketer would write who is trying to get people to take the vaccine without directly saying "take the vaccine."

Anyone who has been reading Alex and related bloggers on the subject for a while should have a pretty good sense of the biggest problem with the vaccines - they at best kick the can down the road and at worst, can make covid actually worse if you do get it.

You think you and your sister almost died due to being unvaccinated? Maybe it's the reverse. You and your sister actually lived thanks to not being vaccinated (assuming your sister did not get vaxxed, you don't clarify this)...and you better not get the vaccine now as you will destroy all that great natural immunity you just built up.

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This could be a paid antagonist or someone who is truly ignorant to the bioweapon shot.

Hard to tell which …

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I agree. They are all over to refute the TRUTH! Like Hitler’s soldiers.

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Please feel free to go back and read all my old posts. You'll see that I've been a sincere and legitimate reader and follower of Alex from the very beginning. You'll read what I recommended, as a physician, to help prevent severe COVID. You will read how I struggled with the vaccine and was one of the last physicians in my community to hold out on the jab. And now you're reading a true, valid account of someone realizing maybe she was mistaken. I've been very humbled by COVID. Please don't underestimate this virus.

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Don't assume all of us are underestimating the virus; all many of are saying is: don't overestimate the ability of the vaccine to protect people from it.

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Yes! And may any potential side effects be worth any potential benefit? We are also worried about ADE and pathogenic priming, especially with the frequency that it seems they want people to take the vaccines.

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Im suspicious of your stories to say the least!

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I don't know why I'm spending so much time responding to all these comments, but as a person who truly cares and is committed to truth and honesty, especially in medicine, all I can say is that people will believe what they want and support their own bias. I know I've certainly been guilty of it.

(If you go back to the comments on many of Alex's early posts, you'll see lots of comments by me.)

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Plant based diets are not necessarily healthy. You can be deficient in fat soluble vitamins A (the great protector) and D ( the house keeper) which are partners and should be high normal. Animal sources are the best (synthetic vitamin A is not good) for both A and D.

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Also might eat more processed foods which are garbage.

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unless you eat liver, animal sources are a terrible source of vitamin A & D. And nobody eats liver anymore.

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I eat liver. I don't like it but grind it up and put it in stews. There's also cod liver oil and oily fish like sardines.

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Okay, I'll rephrase. Most people don't eat liver anymore. I used to eat it but eh...it's an acquired taste.

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Chicken liver appetizer at Ichiban’s Japanese Steak house. THAT’s how you eat liver :)

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Humans were never designed to ingest vitamin D in our diet. In its active form, it is a hormone, just like thyroid or testosterone or cortisol. For thousands of years humans made it through our skin, with the main exception being populations in northern latitudes whose diet consisted of high amounts of fatty fish, one of the few natural occurring forms of dietary vitamin D.

It's a fascinating hormone, and I should say neurohormone, because there are receptors all over our brain for it. Check out the work of Dr. Stasha Gominak, a neurologist who has conducted mind blowing research on vitamin D if you want to read more!

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Plant based refers to someone who bases most of their diet on fruits, veggies, and whole grains/legumes and eats very little processed foods. They still consume animal protein, typically high quality, and some dairy. It does not mean vegan or vegetarian--I would have specified that if she were a vegan or vegetarian, which she is not. Also, she and I both have excellent vitamin D levels, (above 50).

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I didn't think you meant vegan or vegetarian. Plant based diet sounds like the emphasis is on plants, not to the exclusion of animal products. I understood that. The diet sounds high carb from the fruits, veg and grains. Wolfgang Lutz MD has said we get little nutrition from plant sources and I've read research that a diet high in grain can lead to zinc deficiency. Perhaps that's why there are so many dandruff shampoos on the market.

When the media attack dogs were after Atkins, they were careful to avoid attacking Lutz (He explains where Atkins went wrong). Lutz treated many conditions with a low carb diet, published his work in 5 peer-reviewed journals and his scholarly work, "Dismantling a Myth" should be in most medical libraries. He studied the healthiest populations in Africa and his field work is supported by Weston Price's research, who travelled around the world and recorded what the healthiest populations ate. Lutz followed his own diet, suffering rarely from colds or flu and died at the age of 98.

I've done before and after blood work on a reasonably low carb diet for 4 members of the family and I question what 'normal' blood work is.

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The key is avoiding pro-inflammatory foods, which includes much of the modern American diet. There is a world of difference between, say, quinoa and white rice. Eating mostly plant matter is a good thing, and that doesn't mean a lot of carbs. Ensuring adequate protein from quality animal sources, essential fatty acids from good fats, naturally occurring minerals, all from our diet is supported by most functional physicians and longevity/aging experts. Add in a little intermittent fasting, and health will dramatically improve.

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Thanks for this post. I really think Alex's Substack groupies need to hear something outside of their echo chamber.

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Right I mean where else are people going to get the “get vaccinated” message?

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You are 100% correct. I was in this very mindset just a few months ago. I think I suffered from a selective bias and chose data that supported my ideas. I thought that my health and age and vitamin D and supplements would protect me. In the end, I lost sight of how dangerous and deadly COVID can be. Sometimes, it's hard to admit when we were mistaken--especially because I still believe the vaccine has concerns. Thank you for believing me and not dismissing my story.

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I don't think Alex has ever downplayed the virus. But the vaccines aren't really working as well as promised and many of us who are critical of the vaccines have been questioning why they haven't focused more on therapeutics from the get-go. Both vaccinated and unvaccinated people need them. See:

Fully vaccinated 21-year-old University of Georgia student dies of Covid


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Did you take Ivermectin?

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Hydroxychloroquine, azithromycin, in addition to my other big cocktail of supplements. My sister took ivermectin at very first onset of symptoms.

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You clearly haven't been reading this Substack for too long or you'd know the death rates of the vaccinated (in countries that do better tracking than the US) are pretty high. Never mind the double-vaxxed in the US who are also dying of covid...Alex just posted a story about one young 21-year-old vaccinated man who died earlier today!

I'm not one of those people who thinks covid is a cakewalk, but at best, with the vaccine, you are kicking the can down the road.

More on why that is here: https://wholistic.substack.com/p/if-theres-one-thing-you-need-to-read

If you must get any vaccine for covid, get an MMR (measles/mumps/rubella) vaccine, which provides some fairly decent cross-immunity and keeps you out of the hospital according to some studies...no vaccine is 100% safe and this one gave me arthritis in my hands but that's a cakewalk compared to many covid vaccine injuries.

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I've been following Alex faithfully from the beginning. I was one of his earliest paid subscribers and still support his efforts to bring truth and clarity to the insanity that has become COVID. I still have concerns about the vaccine, both safety and efficacy, but some numbers simply cannot be denied, specifically that the overwhelming number of young people dying in the US (50 or younger) are unvaccinated. Please know that I have followed VAERS and COVID vaccine deaths and injuries religiously from the very beginning, and am very well informed. As a physician, I've also diligently read the literature, on both sides, and I fully get the complexity of this matter.

Sometimes, however, two things can be true, and we are forced to make a decision that will not bring a sense of peace. It's true that COVID is deadly and no longer just killing the old and frail. It's also true that the efficacy of these vaccines may not be ideal and the safety limited. There is simply a lot we don't know.

The rules of the game have changed. My only point in sharing my story was to convey the uncertainty and unpredictability of COVID, and to caution against putting all your faith in your health or supplements or Frontline recommendations. You may just find yourself in a really, really horrible place.

I don't support mandates and believe each of us must make our own decisions for our own bodies, for better or worse. We also must be willing to live with the consequences of those choices, for better or worse. I, for one, am incredibly humbled and shaken by this virus. There is no place for arrogance on either side, whether you are Fauci or Mercola. We must always keep our eyes open and be willing to reconsider our positions as new information comes to light.

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Your statements: . “Please know that I have followed VAERS and COVID vaccine deaths and injuries religiously from the very beginning, and am very well informed. As a physician, I've also diligently read the literature, on both sides, and I fully get the complexity of this matter.” First of all, the Vaers program is extremely UNDERREPORTED and bears little truth of the magnitude of deaths and injuries from the vaccines. I knew 2 Drs. Who so crazily exercised that even though they did a good diet, their extreme and obsessive exercise was devastating to their health. You would prob not mention this if it is true. You are a paid shill. Don’t believe you!

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Sharon, I genuinely wish you the best and hope you stay healthy and well.

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If you have been following the data like you said, you'd know right off the bat that there is NOT an overwhelming number of young people dying of covid under 50. I will point you to this table:


As of today, the total deaths by covid for kids 0-17 in 2020/2021 is 513, and we know most of those kids are not vaccinated.


In October so far, that number is 1.

Statistics show kids are much more at risk from myocarditis from the vaccine than from covid itself.

So please don't spread this lie that suddenly kids are dropping dead from the delta variant like flies. It's BS.

Furthermore, the "unvaccinated" stats for everyone are skewed, because they often count the numbers from before people were getting vaccinated, or say that people who haven't had two shots aren't vaccinated, or people who haven't gone two weeks since their second shot are "unvaccinated."

You say you are a physician, but what type of doctor are you? No offense, but doctors aren't usually the type to call themselves new age usernames...and either way...

Saying you are a doctor doesn't make me think you know more or are smarter on this subject at this point since I (and a lot of other people here) have dealt with too many doctors who are flat out wrong about a bunch of stuff. In fact, one just misdiagnosed me with allergies when I apparently had a bacterial infection.

I'm only interested in people touting their physician credentials who have been directly treating covid patients with some success or have experience with the vaxx injured.

PS I was in the emergency room two weeks ago, it was completely empty, the staff there shrugged about covid when I asked and said "it comes and goes." So if it's true you have a sister who is sick with it, I'm sorry, but don't let your personal upset skew your opinion of what's really going on.

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Stephanie, I just don't think it's worth my time or effort today to address your points, especially your ad hominem attacks. Genuinely wishing you health, wellness, and good things to come!

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It's not ad hominem to question the validity of credentials when someone highlights them as a reason to believe them. And it's very hard to argue against the real data showing kids are simply not dying of covid in vast numbers.

You've now taken your original post down, which gives me much more reason to believe this was all made-up from the get-go...if it's not I'm sorry for your struggle...but if you want to get the word out, write up your story on your own Substack and share some photos of you and your sister so we know you're for real.

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Vaccines don’t work for Delta

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I just saw data that indicates the US has more excess death and covid deaths in 2021 vs. 2020.....obviously this should never have been the case if these actually were vaccines. Alex can you dive into this data in the future posts???

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Wow, watching sociopaths tell you, “do as we say, and if you die, I forgot the part we ever gave a F about your irrelevant inconsequential and disposable lives!”

And then over half the country says by behaviors and actions, “Thank you for crushing our hope and faith!!!”

America is dead, if it isn’t the 70 million sociopathic leftists who cluelessly think the inevitable Chinese invasion will embrace these betraying bastards inside the country, it equally is the hypocritical aconfrontational “conservatives” who will never take a responsible accountable stand for the basic foundations of this country.

Why in hell would I take on this hate, lust for power, and pervasively apathy and indifference by at least half the alleged legitimate citizens of this country, when in my day to day travels the average person can’t even acknowledge the simple appreciation for trite things like holding doors open, letting someone in front of you in line who has less items, waving someone ahead of you to turn in an intersection?

We as a basic majority truly are the living example of selfish shameless soulless s**tbags masquerading as human beings who have truly wasted the human existence, it’s only a matter of time before inevitable extinction catches up with everybody else.

Save this country… The left are basically the domestic violence perpetrators, and most on the right are the silent yet pathetic supporters of such criminality who can’t take a stand because they are either afraid of perpetrator retaliation, or, actually have to expend some energy and try to do something right for once in their cowardly lives…

Sleep well tonight…

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At 60, I have arrived where you are. I used to blame the Democrat party for everything. Then I blamed the useless GOP. But it is clear to me now that these two parties are a proper reflection of an intellectually and morally bankrupt American people, who were well-conditioned to accept tyranny when it came knocking in March 2020.

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Two Wings of The Same Bird....Voting for either does not change the direction of Flight to hell !

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Well said Jim! I reluctantly joined Dr Shiva’s (truthfreedomhealth.com) movement who makes a clear case of 2 party corruption, fake L vs R issues and the overall goal being virtual enslavement of working people. It’s seems more apparent daily.

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All you have to do is listen to how the economic health of our country is always described in terms of "worker productivity".

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Much earlier than that.

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I was at a mall in Houston Tx years ago and held the entrance door open for a woman as i was raised to do. She looked at the open door and jumped as if i said boo !

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I've lived in California for 35 years (reared in Kansas in the 50s and 60s so I appreciate good manners). What I've noticed over those decades is a drastic decline in men holding open doors for other people. Most will cut in front of me, go through the door, and make sure it closes behind them on my face. Really sad.

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Sounds like surrender.

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No, I get Switzerland, stay out of human ignorance, carelessness, and unaccountability…

And you interpret that as surrender because……

Oh, I don’t push you out of the way and take the bullet/ rushing car?!

Sometimes brief sentences speak volumes of the retort…

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Because... you said left are perps and right supports perps, silent and afraid. Maybe you didn't have time to finish the thought, but going to sleep won't fix those problems. If your only responses are sleep or whining, that's equivalent to surrender.

I follow a substack with more effective prescriptions, at thecampaign.substack.com.

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This is one time for history to record a majority of citizens hating their country and an equal if not greater amount not caring if hated, deserves to die an ignominious death.

Less than 20% of a society should not put itself at risk to be shot in the face and/ or stabbed in the back by ungrateful selfish shameless soulless scum masquerading as invested citizens.

May this country erode knowing that doing nothing gains nothing.

Maybe people as a quantifiable majority will surprise me for the better?


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If the 20% are prepared and competent, they'll win. The original American Revolution was won by a small minority of colonials. We're the same people.

As W said, you're either with us or against us.

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Last month, Steve Kirsch told the FDA that at least 150,000 Americans had died from the vaccines and no one cared and the Mainstream Media completely censored it. Now, Dr. Zelenko believes that millions of people in the world have died! I 100% agree with Dr. Mike Yeadon that COVID is a major effort to depopulate the world! All roads lead to the vaccine "slaughterhouse"....


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Simply stated. Mess with the immune system with the mRNA vaccines and the immune systems get messed up. Then if you have a co-morbidity with a messed up immune system, you die. Some nurses in OKC are calling the vaccines the "depop" shots for depopulation. Wonder why?

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