Here we go sorry to hear about your case and it was resolved, thank God is right! How about Djokovic receiving a medical exemption after being thoroughly reviewed by two panelists in Australia for the Aussie Open. They give him an exemption on the shot but still are beating their citizens for God forbid they poke their head out their fro…
Here we go sorry to hear about your case and it was resolved, thank God is right! How about Djokovic receiving a medical exemption after being thoroughly reviewed by two panelists in Australia for the Aussie Open. They give him an exemption on the shot but still are beating their citizens for God forbid they poke their head out their front door! The world is twisted and this has to stop. Stay strong people the ride will get crazier.
Good for Djokovic! Its a brilliant strategy, he pulled out of the ATP saying he wouldn't be vexed (ie putting the Aussie's on the back foot. That is deal with me or I won't come and you won't make ANY money off me.😊 AND now this inspires/enrages other players who are quarantining and get shots saying" what the hell, why can't I get the medical exam he got" AND imagine if you are an Australian living through the current hell down there. WOW they have sold out totally-- the emperor is totally naked now.
As he clutches his chest and collapses on the court. But maybe he will be one the of lucky ones. Djokovic is a fanatic on his diet and all that other mother jazz, so good for him.
How is it a healthy young élite athlete gets a medical exemption and for what? AND those across the world with legitimate health issues cannot? How is this not wrong? Just sayin. Yes I get it...follow the $$$ or he is too valuable to Tennis, but doesn't make it RIGHT! Say this absolutely loving his game and achievements.
There a few tennis players none to happy. Benoit Pare is very upset he has tested over and over for the Wuflu. He said it has affected his mental health and cannot train properly because of multiple quarantines. Said it was a sham. When you don't have the number 1 or 2 there it lessens the tournament.
Djokovic had an opportunity to give a crushing blow to vaxx tyranny by sitting out the Australian Open and telling everyone why. From a personal perspective he is a young, healthy man who has next to zero risk from COVID but has watched other international athletes die from the vaccines. From a humanity perspective, there are Australians being held in quarantine camps simply for being near someone who had COVID.
'Give them bread and circuses and they will never revolt'
Tend to agree with this. Sat on multi-millions too. So maybe start a legal proceeding for discrimination at the same time. That would be true leadership.
Or even better host a tournament for vaccinated players only... pay per view. Get it sponsored by mypillow etc. ! hehe.
Yeah this is a time in life to pick a hill to die on for sure. The blatant corruption and crimes against humanity is likely not something we will ever witness again in our lifetime on this level. The absolute worst thing a person or organization can do is stay in denial or enable this evil
Don’t count on this being the worst they have already noted what they can get away with and how compliant people are we could see Holocaust II with people who won’t comply rounded up.
I agree with you, Djokovic could have done so much more with this. I'm (currently) disappointed in him, but will leave the door open to change my mind on that...
Totally agree go Novak. But you should read the vitriol against him. The media have created all this hate speech. If I could travel interstate to Melbourne I would be outside the arena supporting him. I hope someone does.
Djokovic had the Australian Open by the balls and could have made a difference if he took a principled stand against the vaxx tyranny. But he didn't. He is a wealthy man, so it wasn't for the money.
You, Jenny Dunn, can't travel interstate in your own country but a tennis player from another country can come to your home and do what he wants to because he has mass appeal to tennis fans. Opportunity lost.
I tripped over to a SIBO attack, called Gastro for a script, got hung up on numerous times, call blocked message, this is not a frequent infection, just sudden, in ongoing GI patients. Then the excuses, 'you've not been in in over a year,' BLAME MEDICARE/TRICARE, Unless it's time for the 3 yr Upper Endoscope for Barret's Esophagus Pre-Cancers, He won't see me, just a phone call to his nurse for a script refill. Since they took Nexium off the Formulary, I buy 2 boxes of 20 mg, they don't work as well as the Script. Won't use store brands, they are worse. 'you need to do a colon screen, be JABBED' Ah NO! 'We need a stool sample' how do you sample Liquid? So they got the liquid. Next opening after lab work 10 days, this is a urgent need, not a wait one. Infection gets worse with time, as does my PAIN, and Patience. Already lost nearly 7 lbs through dehydration. He is only doing colon screens as he is getting ready to retire. Leaving his patients hanging, this is a large stand a lone practice, multiple docs. Screw your 10 days to see a PA, just write the script send it to the Navy base only place Tricare allows it filled, records show I've had these attacks before.
There can be no true liberty without Christ and Christian morality in a nation and its laws. The U.S. has forsaken those ways and has lived for over a century off the blessings of our forefathers and their strong Christian ideals and laws enacted in government. We are under the judgment of God at this moment because we have forsaken God as a nation and allowed wicked men to rule over us and He has given us over to their wicked will and ways that we might learn: not to kill our unborn, indoctrinate our children into evil, and lift up the wicked and give them special rights, and worship false gods of the State, false religion and pseudo Christs. If we don't repent, the doom of our nation is certain and the death toll will be in the millions.
I remember years ago, like 10 or so people would say “I believe in science” as an excuse for not believing in God. This year I think we’ve seen the fruit of that idolatry. Your point is spot on. That’s my issue with the whole “if it saves one life”. If we want to save lives end abortion. If we don’t start there, we don’t truly care for life. Because that’s where life starts.
"And he saith unto them, Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men. And they straightway left their nets, and followed him." Matthew 4:18-22
"You did not choose me, but I chose you. I appointed you to go and produce fruit and that your fruit should remain, so that whatever you ask the Father in my name, he will give you." John 15:16
Jesus called me to follow him when I was 19, after he had led down the road of repentance by his Holy Spirit to give up the sins that controlled me. He forgave me and set me free and gave me the new birth, showing me His great love for me. It is certainly true that he gives men a sound mind and logic to use with God's wisdom. As it is written. "God has not given us the spirit of fear, but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind." All those things come from God and are greatly lacking today, as so many people have given in to fear, hate, lies, and illogic and corrupt thinking.
Sin and rebellion to God is the bottom line reason for all that is happening, but God is judging our nation (and many others) for turning away from THE TRUTH and His laws and righteousness. Men and women are being put in a place to choose whose side they are on. And he is exposing our leaders for who they really are, and is punishing many. The wicked are targeted for destruction.
My pastor told me years ago (2012) that God was bringing judgment to America for all our abominations: removing prayer and the Bible from our schools and forbidding children to learn of his Son and his ways; murdering millions of His babies (shedding of innocent blood); giving place to the homosexuals and transsexuals and legalizing their wicked behavior. He said, "Millions of Americans will die." It began in 2020 and continues. The wrath of God is upon our government and those that support the wickedness.
I just read the other day how abortion was the leading cause of death last year throughout the world; over 42 million in one year. However, this cannot be placed in the category of disease, but death by willful, deliberate murder. This is a war against humanity waged by wicked people who hate God and hate babies and children. The perpetrators persuade those meant to love and nourish their little ones, to murder them for selfish reasons.
To those who thought the days of the barbarians were worse than today and that man has somehow "evolved," let them hang their heads in shame and admit that God is right, and the most deceitful and desperately wicked thing on earth is the human heart.
"Except you repent, you shall all likewise perish." Jesus Christ
I remember well hearing and seeing Northam, the murderous doctor, talking about live birth abortion. It was horrific. Such an evil man. So glad he is going to be gone as gov within days.
Communists on the Supreme Court in 1973 gave us abortion on demand. It is the second holocaust, much worse than the first. It has spread world wide, so that last year 42.6 millions babies were slaughtered. In just two years of this continued atrocity, more human beings are butchered than were killed in the six years of WW2 without a hot war.
The callousness toward human life is appalling and evidence of a world turned from God to Satan, from righteousness and life, to wickedness and death. It is no wonder that God has begun judging the nations in our time with a world-wide pestilence. The progression of His judgments are generally pestilence, famine, war. I suspect all of these and more will happen. Many so-called "natural" disasters at this time are the judgment of God, yet most of the world is agnostic or deist, including many professing Christians.
Self-defense for the mother whose life was threatened by an ectopic pregnancy within the fallopian tube is perhaps one of the few reasons a woman might need an abortion. There are almost no other reasons for abortion, according to an obstetrician who at one time performed abortions. He said it is always safer for the mother to carry the child to term. Abortion is dangerous.
Doing it to simply kill the baby and end an inconvenient pregnancy is murder and will damn a soul to hell, except they repent some time after that and become a Christian. I think there are few that do. No murderer has any part in God's kingdom.
Any woman who is not broken over the loss of her baby for any reason is probably an evil person.
I think He's been incredibly patient. But the way His judgment usually works in the here and now is to let mankind rip ahead thinking we have it all figured out and don't need His advice. Now is the acceptable time for those who do trust Him. We may not survive this crash and burn but we can hope for true life with Him on the other side of time.
I am looking for a day after the smoke clears and millions of wicked Americans are dead by the judgments of God and other millions of God fearing Americans who have survived are turning to God in true repentance. Abortion will be outlawed, the Supreme Court put on trial as mass murderers and punished, and all the vax pushers in govt and industry put on trial for their genocide. Prayer and the Bible will return to our schools. Homosexuality will be outlawed again.
" A thousand shall fall at thy side, and ten thousand at thy right hand; but it shall not come nigh thee. Only with thine eyes shalt thou behold and see the reward of the wicked. Because thou hast made the LORD, which is my refuge, even the most High, thy habitation; There shall no evil befall thee, neither shall any plague come nigh thy dwelling." Psalm 91:7-10
Mid Terms will be a slaughter, it happens to most presidents, It is 1 of the reasons he turned it over to the states, blue ones will go to all mail in. Counting with the same Dominion machines with no GOP observers. They just lost another black Rep. Rush. That still leaves them a 5 more than majority. Redistricting will factor in. Usually just the House Flips, senate not as likely. GOP just needs 2 seats to majority, but you still have the dem voting Rino's.
I think that everyone missed the Point where President Brandon said Happy 2020 New Year to everyone. And don't understand we are in a Totalitarian state.
The American People Deserve to know who his PCP is the American people want to ask him many questions and how is a man who has no idea what Year we are in Stays as President of America 🇺🇸
I tried to comment on an article in The Australian that: "Djokovic had a well publicised Covid infection in 2020. Therefore he should have some level of natural immunity which is reported to be more effective and long lasting than the vaccines. If an antibody test demonstrated this, it would appear an entirely appropriate basis for a medical exemption". This rather obvious and polite comment does not appear to have made it past the moderators of a "center right" a newspaper! The censorship of different opinions is out of control.
Because Wikipedia is vilifying ANYONE who is unvaxxed or speaks out against vaccination, I looked up Djokovic. Funny, when someone is a media darling, they gloss over it. There was a brief little note about his vac status. But take Peter McCullough MD? Or Succharit Bhakdi, MD? Or Dr Luc Montagnier (Nobel Prize winner in HIV). They take them and shred their reputations and depict them as spreading tin foil hat stuff.
Here we go sorry to hear about your case and it was resolved, thank God is right! How about Djokovic receiving a medical exemption after being thoroughly reviewed by two panelists in Australia for the Aussie Open. They give him an exemption on the shot but still are beating their citizens for God forbid they poke their head out their front door! The world is twisted and this has to stop. Stay strong people the ride will get crazier.
Good for Djokovic! Its a brilliant strategy, he pulled out of the ATP saying he wouldn't be vexed (ie putting the Aussie's on the back foot. That is deal with me or I won't come and you won't make ANY money off me.😊 AND now this inspires/enrages other players who are quarantining and get shots saying" what the hell, why can't I get the medical exam he got" AND imagine if you are an Australian living through the current hell down there. WOW they have sold out totally-- the emperor is totally naked now.
Meanwhile Rafael Nadal: “not getting jabbed is selfish”. Go Djokovic! (From Spain)
As he clutches his chest and collapses on the court. But maybe he will be one the of lucky ones. Djokovic is a fanatic on his diet and all that other mother jazz, so good for him.
I bet Jeremy Chardy is pissed!
Damn...did Raf really say that?
Rafs a flog with no backbone and cries to mum 'I had to do it. make Djokovic do it too. Its not fair.'😢😢😢😢
Didn’t hear him directly. But it was a common subject of conversation here in Spain some weeks ago.
Thought Raf was a tad more informed on such an issue, but what do I know.
It was a surprise for me as well.
Good. We need more people with BALLS. Doug Ford lost his 2 years ago. Fuck that he hasn’t SEEN them in 2 years
The Scamdemic will magically end in 2022.
Its ending before the election
How is it a healthy young élite athlete gets a medical exemption and for what? AND those across the world with legitimate health issues cannot? How is this not wrong? Just sayin. Yes I get it...follow the $$$ or he is too valuable to Tennis, but doesn't make it RIGHT! Say this absolutely loving his game and achievements.
everyone should get an exemption on demand by uttering the simple phrase "no thank you"
should be as simple as that yes...
Welcome to the New World Order. Right is wrong, wrong is right.
Reckon so Bri...
Perhaps he argued that as he had already had Covid he didn’t need the vaccine.
As many other “regular” people have tried, and were ignored. Good for him, but then it should apply to all who want that.
There a few tennis players none to happy. Benoit Pare is very upset he has tested over and over for the Wuflu. He said it has affected his mental health and cannot train properly because of multiple quarantines. Said it was a sham. When you don't have the number 1 or 2 there it lessens the tournament.
Djokovic had an opportunity to give a crushing blow to vaxx tyranny by sitting out the Australian Open and telling everyone why. From a personal perspective he is a young, healthy man who has next to zero risk from COVID but has watched other international athletes die from the vaccines. From a humanity perspective, there are Australians being held in quarantine camps simply for being near someone who had COVID.
'Give them bread and circuses and they will never revolt'
Tend to agree with this. Sat on multi-millions too. So maybe start a legal proceeding for discrimination at the same time. That would be true leadership.
Or even better host a tournament for vaccinated players only... pay per view. Get it sponsored by mypillow etc. ! hehe.
Tournament would probably have like 6 entrants. Entire sports world has fallen for the jab. They also push it on the public with endless psa’s.
Yeah this is a time in life to pick a hill to die on for sure. The blatant corruption and crimes against humanity is likely not something we will ever witness again in our lifetime on this level. The absolute worst thing a person or organization can do is stay in denial or enable this evil
Don’t count on this being the worst they have already noted what they can get away with and how compliant people are we could see Holocaust II with people who won’t comply rounded up.
I agree with you, Djokovic could have done so much more with this. I'm (currently) disappointed in him, but will leave the door open to change my mind on that...
Totally agree go Novak. But you should read the vitriol against him. The media have created all this hate speech. If I could travel interstate to Melbourne I would be outside the arena supporting him. I hope someone does.
Djokovic had the Australian Open by the balls and could have made a difference if he took a principled stand against the vaxx tyranny. But he didn't. He is a wealthy man, so it wasn't for the money.
You, Jenny Dunn, can't travel interstate in your own country but a tennis player from another country can come to your home and do what he wants to because he has mass appeal to tennis fans. Opportunity lost.
Vexed is probably just as good.
I tripped over to a SIBO attack, called Gastro for a script, got hung up on numerous times, call blocked message, this is not a frequent infection, just sudden, in ongoing GI patients. Then the excuses, 'you've not been in in over a year,' BLAME MEDICARE/TRICARE, Unless it's time for the 3 yr Upper Endoscope for Barret's Esophagus Pre-Cancers, He won't see me, just a phone call to his nurse for a script refill. Since they took Nexium off the Formulary, I buy 2 boxes of 20 mg, they don't work as well as the Script. Won't use store brands, they are worse. 'you need to do a colon screen, be JABBED' Ah NO! 'We need a stool sample' how do you sample Liquid? So they got the liquid. Next opening after lab work 10 days, this is a urgent need, not a wait one. Infection gets worse with time, as does my PAIN, and Patience. Already lost nearly 7 lbs through dehydration. He is only doing colon screens as he is getting ready to retire. Leaving his patients hanging, this is a large stand a lone practice, multiple docs. Screw your 10 days to see a PA, just write the script send it to the Navy base only place Tricare allows it filled, records show I've had these attacks before.
I figured vexed was just you pronouncing the word with an Aussie accent. 😄
I can just imagine Crocodile Dundee saying. "That's not a needle, that's a needle."
can you hire him to go after the 'F-word' with that?
I like Vexed.
My A.I. likes vexed
"vexed" is one of those "beautiful typos" :)
They don't call him Novax Djokovic for nothing !
Excellent djoke!
That was so bad it was good…
The people of Sarajevo might disagree.
There can be no true liberty without Christ and Christian morality in a nation and its laws. The U.S. has forsaken those ways and has lived for over a century off the blessings of our forefathers and their strong Christian ideals and laws enacted in government. We are under the judgment of God at this moment because we have forsaken God as a nation and allowed wicked men to rule over us and He has given us over to their wicked will and ways that we might learn: not to kill our unborn, indoctrinate our children into evil, and lift up the wicked and give them special rights, and worship false gods of the State, false religion and pseudo Christs. If we don't repent, the doom of our nation is certain and the death toll will be in the millions.
I remember years ago, like 10 or so people would say “I believe in science” as an excuse for not believing in God. This year I think we’ve seen the fruit of that idolatry. Your point is spot on. That’s my issue with the whole “if it saves one life”. If we want to save lives end abortion. If we don’t start there, we don’t truly care for life. Because that’s where life starts.
If we wanted to save lives we would have used any repurposed drugs that at least helped. Instead now these drugs are banned.
because they want to distribute the new 'better' drugs that put money in their pockets (and kill you)
I believe in God. I think He has CALLED me to be rational, logical and to enjoy reasoned debate and to try to encourage true science and discovery.
I asked him many years ago what was truth. “I am the Way, the Truth and the Life, no man comes unto the Father except throughout me.” John 14:6.
"And he saith unto them, Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men. And they straightway left their nets, and followed him." Matthew 4:18-22
"You did not choose me, but I chose you. I appointed you to go and produce fruit and that your fruit should remain, so that whatever you ask the Father in my name, he will give you." John 15:16
Jesus called me to follow him when I was 19, after he had led down the road of repentance by his Holy Spirit to give up the sins that controlled me. He forgave me and set me free and gave me the new birth, showing me His great love for me. It is certainly true that he gives men a sound mind and logic to use with God's wisdom. As it is written. "God has not given us the spirit of fear, but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind." All those things come from God and are greatly lacking today, as so many people have given in to fear, hate, lies, and illogic and corrupt thinking.
Sin and rebellion to God is the bottom line reason for all that is happening, but God is judging our nation (and many others) for turning away from THE TRUTH and His laws and righteousness. Men and women are being put in a place to choose whose side they are on. And he is exposing our leaders for who they really are, and is punishing many. The wicked are targeted for destruction.
My pastor told me years ago (2012) that God was bringing judgment to America for all our abominations: removing prayer and the Bible from our schools and forbidding children to learn of his Son and his ways; murdering millions of His babies (shedding of innocent blood); giving place to the homosexuals and transsexuals and legalizing their wicked behavior. He said, "Millions of Americans will die." It began in 2020 and continues. The wrath of God is upon our government and those that support the wickedness.
I just read the other day how abortion was the leading cause of death last year throughout the world; over 42 million in one year. However, this cannot be placed in the category of disease, but death by willful, deliberate murder. This is a war against humanity waged by wicked people who hate God and hate babies and children. The perpetrators persuade those meant to love and nourish their little ones, to murder them for selfish reasons.
To those who thought the days of the barbarians were worse than today and that man has somehow "evolved," let them hang their heads in shame and admit that God is right, and the most deceitful and desperately wicked thing on earth is the human heart.
"Except you repent, you shall all likewise perish." Jesus Christ
Nah, they're all just "medical procedures" designed to improve the "health" of the mother.
I remember well hearing and seeing Northam, the murderous doctor, talking about live birth abortion. It was horrific. Such an evil man. So glad he is going to be gone as gov within days.
There are evil doctors everywhere today. They sell their souls for money.
Communists on the Supreme Court in 1973 gave us abortion on demand. It is the second holocaust, much worse than the first. It has spread world wide, so that last year 42.6 millions babies were slaughtered. In just two years of this continued atrocity, more human beings are butchered than were killed in the six years of WW2 without a hot war.
The callousness toward human life is appalling and evidence of a world turned from God to Satan, from righteousness and life, to wickedness and death. It is no wonder that God has begun judging the nations in our time with a world-wide pestilence. The progression of His judgments are generally pestilence, famine, war. I suspect all of these and more will happen. Many so-called "natural" disasters at this time are the judgment of God, yet most of the world is agnostic or deist, including many professing Christians.
You can support abortion and still view the fetus as a human being, but one that is permissible to kill on the grounds of self-defense.
Self-defense for the mother whose life was threatened by an ectopic pregnancy within the fallopian tube is perhaps one of the few reasons a woman might need an abortion. There are almost no other reasons for abortion, according to an obstetrician who at one time performed abortions. He said it is always safer for the mother to carry the child to term. Abortion is dangerous.
Doing it to simply kill the baby and end an inconvenient pregnancy is murder and will damn a soul to hell, except they repent some time after that and become a Christian. I think there are few that do. No murderer has any part in God's kingdom.
Any woman who is not broken over the loss of her baby for any reason is probably an evil person.
That’s basically infant exposure which was practiced by the Romans.
Well said.
U have said it!
I think He's been incredibly patient. But the way His judgment usually works in the here and now is to let mankind rip ahead thinking we have it all figured out and don't need His advice. Now is the acceptable time for those who do trust Him. We may not survive this crash and burn but we can hope for true life with Him on the other side of time.
I am looking for a day after the smoke clears and millions of wicked Americans are dead by the judgments of God and other millions of God fearing Americans who have survived are turning to God in true repentance. Abortion will be outlawed, the Supreme Court put on trial as mass murderers and punished, and all the vax pushers in govt and industry put on trial for their genocide. Prayer and the Bible will return to our schools. Homosexuality will be outlawed again.
" A thousand shall fall at thy side, and ten thousand at thy right hand; but it shall not come nigh thee. Only with thine eyes shalt thou behold and see the reward of the wicked. Because thou hast made the LORD, which is my refuge, even the most High, thy habitation; There shall no evil befall thee, neither shall any plague come nigh thy dwelling." Psalm 91:7-10
Agree , besides the 10 commandments, we also have 7 deadly sins. Thanks HopefulOne , you are the TruthfulOne.
Thanks. I follow Him who is the Truth.
I am warming up to Novax Djoko - I will root for him henceforth
The Scamdemic will magically end in 2022.
Good one, mark
Happy 2022
Only happy 2022 if the current administration doesn’t get re-elected!!! If they kill covid only to kill our country then I’m not sure it’s a good deal
Mid Terms will be a slaughter, it happens to most presidents, It is 1 of the reasons he turned it over to the states, blue ones will go to all mail in. Counting with the same Dominion machines with no GOP observers. They just lost another black Rep. Rush. That still leaves them a 5 more than majority. Redistricting will factor in. Usually just the House Flips, senate not as likely. GOP just needs 2 seats to majority, but you still have the dem voting Rino's.
I think that everyone missed the Point where President Brandon said Happy 2020 New Year to everyone. And don't understand we are in a Totalitarian state.
I understand Biden is an evil man whose mind is failing. He's a communist and hates God and all that is right and good.
The American People Deserve to know who his PCP is the American people want to ask him many questions and how is a man who has no idea what Year we are in Stays as President of America 🇺🇸
You mean who is his handler? He is indeed a puppet of a communist cabal. The election was stolen. That was part of God's judgment.
Yes we Americans are sick of Joe and his handlers.
Its about the $$. Who wants to watch a piss ass tournament without its main star?
I tried to comment on an article in The Australian that: "Djokovic had a well publicised Covid infection in 2020. Therefore he should have some level of natural immunity which is reported to be more effective and long lasting than the vaccines. If an antibody test demonstrated this, it would appear an entirely appropriate basis for a medical exemption". This rather obvious and polite comment does not appear to have made it past the moderators of a "center right" a newspaper! The censorship of different opinions is out of control.
There are no opinions. There is only the truth. The authorities will let you know the truth.
Because Wikipedia is vilifying ANYONE who is unvaxxed or speaks out against vaccination, I looked up Djokovic. Funny, when someone is a media darling, they gloss over it. There was a brief little note about his vac status. But take Peter McCullough MD? Or Succharit Bhakdi, MD? Or Dr Luc Montagnier (Nobel Prize winner in HIV). They take them and shred their reputations and depict them as spreading tin foil hat stuff.
Anyone with a brain knows Wikipedia sucks. Liars. My mom took it as gospel until I enlightened her. And then they have the audacity to ask for money….
wonder how much PHAARMA paid the US player to fake injury to not participate??
I mean - she was 99. People die you know? That’s not insensitive. That’s a fact.
My whole family thinks my 99 yr old had her first stole ever and died because of vax too. But who knows - but she never had a stroke before.
She must have been healthy otherwise she wouldn’t have planned such a big birthday bash.
I saw the screen shot before it was changed from where she said
"Eat healthy and get all your vaccines. I just got boosted today." 12/28 - dead a few days later.
if they changed it, that is suspicious (nothing new)
that may have cut her time short. very sad. she should have had the honor of her 100th birthday
Sorry about Betty. Wonder if her death was from the covey?
She was 99 almost 100 and died in her sleep. That is how I hope the Lord takes me, whatever the timetable He has for me.
17 days short of her 100th birthday. 😢
the VAXX
I actually predicted her death in the month before her birthday from getting boosted 😢💔
by the Grace of El Singular